Tag: Barack Obama

  • Congress Launches 3 Separate Investigations Of Obama For Helping ISIS

    Congress Launches 3 Separate Investigations Of Obama For Helping ISIS

    Posted by Bob Amoroso /

    Why it has taken this long to begin a formal investigation into this president’s handling of Muslim extremists is beyond reasoning, in that there’s enough preponderance of evidence to file charges of criminal malfeasance that quite frankly borders on treason.

    And although it’s welcomed news that finally three committees in the House of Representatives have announced they were finally launching concurrent investigations into allegations that President Obama deliberately manipulated intelligence reports from Syria and Iraq helping ISIS to thrive.

    Anyone that actually follows events on “the war on terrorism” has known for at least the last 5-years of Obama’s presidency that he has been purposely giving “aid and comfort” to the enemy, everyone that is, except those on  the Armed Services Committee.

    It seems that Reps. Ken Calvert of California, Mike Pompeo of Kansas and Brad Wenstrup of Ohio have all awaken suddenly from their slumber to finally lead the investigations for the Armed Services Committee, Intelligence Committee and the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, respectively.

    “In addition to looking into the specific allegations, the Joint Task Force will examine whether these allegations reflect systemic problems across the intelligence enterprise in CENTCOM or any other pertinent intelligence organizations,” read a joint statement from Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry, R-Texas, Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., and Defense Appropriations Subcommittee Chairman Rodney Freylinghuysen, R-N.J.

    The report that 50 intelligence officials at CENTCOM had signed a letter claiming intelligence on the Islamic State group had been doctored apparently prompted these politicians to move.

    However most thinking Americans can sum up the reason the Intelligence Committee has not investigated sooner…a lack of backbone!

    Source: Washington Examiner

  • America’s Leading Soldier says “We have NOT Contained ISIS”

    America’s Leading Soldier says “We have NOT Contained ISIS”

    By Onan Coca /

    Hey! Remember this?

    I don’t think they’re gaining strength. What is true is that, from the start our goal has been first to contain, and we have contained them. They have not gained ground in Iraq. And in Syria it — they’ll come in, they’ll leave. But you don’t see this systematic march by ISIL across the terrain. What we have not yet been able to do is to completely decapitate their command and control structures. We’ve made some progress in trying to reduce the flow of foreign fighters and part of our goal has to be to recruit more effective Sunni partners in Iraq to really go on offense rather than simply engage in defense.

    Sadly for Democrats, on Tuesday the nation’s most important soldier, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford, absolutely destroyed President Obama’s ISIS narrative when he told Congress that “We have not contained ISIS…”!

    “We have NOT contained ISIL… Strategically they have spread since 2010…”

    Oh. My. Goodness. Here’s what we learned from General Dunford on Tuesday:

    1. ISIS is not contained.
    2. We are at war. No, we’re not.
    3. For much of our fight against ISIS we did not have a strategy to defeat them.
    4. The current military approved strategy is a recent development.
    5. We are in deep doo-doo.

    (That last one is my own personal summary of General Dunford’s answers.)

    Twitter was, of course, abuzz in the aftermath of Dunford’s damning testimony.

    Everything the Obama administration touches falls apart – so our failing efforts against ISIS shouldn’t surprise us. Whether it’s the economy, our healthcare or our foreign policy… Obama and the Democrats have a knack for screwing things up.

  • An Open Letter to President Barack Obama

    An Open Letter to President Barack Obama

    Mr.  Barrack H. Obama
    The President, USA

    His Excellency,

    While  we are  getting closer to 24 th of April  we have been  receiving  news   from the press that you are being  requested  to recognize  the so called  Armenian genocide  and  convince Turkish Government  to  recognize  as well.  Armenians’ claims are mostly based on rumours and not valid historical documents. This is the reason why they abstain from participating in a neutral commission or officially and legally apply to U.N.’s Judicial Authorities. In fact, genocide  claims must be scrutinized in the  context of UN  rules  and  regulations. UN so far recognized the 1945 holocaust and the Rwanda massacres as genocide, both resolved by International tribunals. I want to comment that  should our President and the Congress  accept  Armenians’ proposal will totally paradoxical to U.S. official documents, that prove the very opposite, such as the “Near East Relief report of Dec.31, 1921 voted unanimously by US Senate Congress and Senate. This report makes no reference to any atrocities, almost thanks Turks for taking care of orphans and protecting relief operations. It states that 1.414.000 Armenians are alive. Total Armenian Population in Turkey and Caucasus was under 2 million; this report evidences about 586.000 Armenians lost their lives. Russian Armenian historian and Soviet records attest that 195.000 Armenians died in Armenia during their 30 month Dashnakist Republic 1918-1920. Another Leage of Nations Official Gazette of Sept.21, 1929 officially evidences that 200.000 Armenian Revolutionaries sacrificed their lives when fighting for the Allied Powers (against their home country). US Official records (Captain Emory Niles in August 1919 and General Harbord’s Mission to Armenia, confirm that it was the Armenian revolutionaries who killed all Moslems with “refinements of cruelty”. Does today’s Administration have the right to reverse history or nullify official US documents?

    –       The   decision to blame a nation with genocide guilt is under the  authority of UN’s OSAPG office and UN procedures carried by special UN secretary for genocide affairs in an international court. US and world documents by thousands evidence the various revolutions of Armenian volunteers, gangs and troops and sabotaging the Turkish Army’s  logistic lines, who were fighting British at Dardanels and Russians in the Caucasus. This “military measure” was successful, when there were no homes to shelter  and feed them the Revolutionaries evacuated the area. Wrong doings during the war chaos and insufficient guarding of immigrants were punished in early 1916 over 1600 martial courts, whereby over some 1200 suspects were heavily penalized and 67 of them executed.

    –      The Blue Book was confirmed to be war propaganda and was not accepted by the Prosecutor in Malta trials 1920-1922. The information given by Ambassador Morgenthau in his “story book” is directly refuted and reversed with what he had written himself in his diary for the same incidents. These are all documented in books available at the Congress Library.

    –        When the WW I was over, Allied Armies occupied Istanbul and  they immediately  searched  all archives, including UK and US’ s.  Ottoman Government requested  five neutral European  states  to assign  judges to study hearsays produced  by  Armenians  and  their supporters.  While   the British government decided  to judge the  accused  144 Turkish dignitaries / commanders  in Malta, the  other allied members declined to participate .  More than  two years of search for valid  documents by the  British court ended  without  a  single  indictment  and they were forced to set the Turkish  dignitaries free.

     –       At any rate the following note verbale of Sir Eric Drummond, General Secretary of the League of Nations, dated March 1, 1920 is definite evidence that Turkish governments were not involved in any banditries or massacres.     < “Further, in Turkey, minorities were often oppressed and massacres carried out by irregular bands who were entirely outside the control of the central Turkish Government.” >

    –       US Senate  sent Major  General Harbord with a delegation to Turkey.  Gen. Harbord  after  an extensive   survey  reported  to the US  Senate  that  provocations were staged by the   British on Armenians  to encourage  them to join the  war against the Ottoman Empire.  In his report Gen. Harbord  mentioned moslem losses, too.

    –       The  first PM of  Armenia  Hovannes Katchaznouni says, in 1923 ; “The Sevres Treaty had blinded everyone’s eyes… We now see that if we had agreed on a settlement with the Turks directly (in spite of the Sevres Treaty) we might have gained a lot. But we could not see this point…It is also a reality, an unforgivable reality that we did not do anything to avoid war, but did just the opposite;  we created excuses for it.”

    –       Armenians,  referring to Hitler,  use  a clause as such; “ Who remembers Armenians” . That clause  was refused when presented to the Nuremberg trials.  U.S. Military archives lately  disclosed that there was no such statement in the speech of Hitler.

    –       Dec.17, 2013 The  European Court of  Human Rights decision states; “……Moreover, Court acknowledged the fact that it would be very difficult to identify a general consensus in the academic community concerning the legal characterization of the events of the time as genocide. “

    I  kindly request  you  not  to produce a decision  using  fabricated  documents.  I kindly request  once  again  you  not  to consider the  proposals  of Armenians,  but please  mention  the suffering of  both sides instead.

    Respectfully Yours,

    Orhan Tan

  • Fourteen important reasons why Obama Would not use the word “ Genocide” ;

    Fourteen important reasons why Obama Would not use the word “ Genocide” ;

    By Orhan Tan

    Presedent Obama knows;

    1.That, The Armenians’  claims are  mostly based on  rumours.

    2.That, The   decision to blame  a nation with genocide guilt is under the  authority of an international  court.  Therefore, if he would state the word genocide his saying would be illegal and would not suit for the USA Presedent.  

    3.That, The Armenians’ revolts started in 1890 s and occured more than 30  times.     

    4. That, The most reliable documents for Armenians are a. Ambassador Morgenthau’ s Memories  was  written by his  two Armenian  secretaries  using the  hearsays, b. Blue Book  which was prepared by Britain  as  a  WW I  propaganda  document ( i.e .  Psychological Warfare document , and Obama’ s military advisers know what it means)          

    5.That, the British government decided  to judge the  accused  144 dignitaries / commanders  in Malta.  More than  two years  (1919 -1921) trial the  British court   without  a  single  indictment  closed the court  and  set the  dignitaries free.

    6.That, US Senate  sent Major  General Harbord with a delegation to  Turkey.  Gen. Harbord  reported  to Senate  also  that  provacations  by British on Armenians  to induce them to fight.  In his report Gen. Harbord  mentioned moslem losses too.
    7.That, Mr. Fridthof Nansen, Secretary General,  League of  Nations,  Sep. 21, 1929 quotes; “Western Powers had said to Armenians “ If you figfht  with us against  the Turks we promise to give you a national home  and  independence!”   Armenians    fought, 200.000 volunteers sacrificed their lives,  but  when Peace  was signed  given promise  was  forgotten.

    8. That, the  first PM of  Armenia  Hovannes Katchaznouni says, in 1923 ; “The Sevres Treaty had blinded everyone’s eyes… We now see that if we had agreed on a settlement with the Turks directly (in spite of the Sevres Treaty) we might have gained a lot. But we could not see this point…It is also a reality, an unforgivable reality that we did not do anything to avoid war, but did just the opposite;  we created excuses for it.”
    9. That, Armenians,  referring to Hitler,  use  a clause as such; “ Who remembers Armenians” . That clause  was found as an unreal one during the Nuremberg trials..
    10. That, Dec.17, 2013 The  European Court of  Human Rights decision states; “……Moreover, Court acknowledged the fact that it would be very difficult to identify a general consensus in the academic community concerning the legal characterization of the events of the time as genocide.”                                                                                             

    11.That, the Turkish government proposed establishing a  commission  of international  historians  and judges  to study the 1915  events, but, Armenian side never accepted.     

    12.  That, genocide  claims must be scrutinized in the  context of UN  rules  and  regulations. 

    13. That, Turkey is a very credible, strong ally, and a globally strategic partner for the USA.  

                                                                                                                                    14.That, if he accepts Armenians’ proposal and recognize genocide  that decision  would not suit USA’s  moral values,  international law,  justice  and it would  establish a blemished  decision in American history. 



  • Ambassador ( R) Şükrü M.  Elekdağ’ s letter to    President Obama

    Ambassador ( R) Şükrü M. Elekdağ’ s letter to President Obama

    I am submitting herewith  Ambassador ( R) Şükrü M.  Elekdağ’ s letter to    President Obama for the information of Turkish Forum readers with my best regards.  Orhan Tan

    İstanbul, 9 April, 2015

    His Excellency

    Barack Obama

    President of the United States of America

    Washington D.C.


    Dear Mr. President,

    I would like first to applaud you for the exemplary leadership, seriousness of purpose and perseverance that you have displayed during the process of negotiations which led to the framework agreement with Iran. This is a diplomatic triumph of historic dimension. The final agreement, once achieved, promises to solidify the non-proliferation regime and significantly contribute to peace and stability in the Middle East and the world. The achievement of the framework agreement also gives hope that critical issues prevailing in the area may be solved with a constructive, unprejudiced and fair approach.

    Mr. President,

    May I suggest that you similarly approach your preparations for what seems to have become a traditional April 24th statement affecting Armenian-Turkish relations. This would almost assuredly be preferable to and have a far more constructive impact than your annual statements of the last seven years on this matter. These statements have in no way contributed to an authentic resolution of historical controversies, but have instead exacerbated Turkish-Armenian relations. Although your statements omitted the highly charged word “genocide”, you have employed the expression “metz yeghern” which is the exact translation of “genocide” in the Armenian language. As a matter of fact, your statement last year said “Today we commemorate Meds Yeghern and honor those who perished in one of the worst atrocities of the 20th century” and thereby, in effect, reprised the expression “Armenian genocide” that you used frequently during your first election campaign.

    Mr. President,

    In addition to being a world statesman of the first rank, you are also justifiably regarded as a distinguished scholar of law, having graduated from the world renown Harvard Law School and having instructed law as a senior lecturer at a prominent university. In light of these qualifications, we are particularly perplexed by your characterizations of historically controversial events that took place a century ago in terms that are incompatible with the universal principles of law as well as provisions of the U.S. Constitution and U.S. national law.

    “Genocide” is an international crime codified in an international legal instrument, the “Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide”. This was adopted unanimity by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948 and subsequently became the supreme law of the U.S., as stipulated by Article VI of the Constitution pursuant to its ratification by the U.S. Senate. Article II of the Genocide Convention delineates the crime of “genocide” and prescribes the objective/material and subjective/mental elements which should be proven for the existence of the crime. To incriminate a person with the crime of “genocide” or for state responsibility to arise, together with the existence of these two elements of the crime, the fact that the crime has been committed with specific intent must be proven and a competent court must ascertain that the crime has been perpetrated. The Convention’s Article VI specifies that the competent judicial authority is the competent court of the state in the territory of which the alleged act was committed, or an international penal tribunal, the jurisdiction of which has been accepted by the parties. Article IX of the Convention provides that the states can take disputes on matters relating to “genocide” which arise between them to the International Court of Justice.

    Mr. President,

    Consequently, unless the existence of the material and mental elements of the crime as well as its execution with the specific intent have been proven, and unless the perpetration of the crime has been determined by a competent court, a charge of “genocide” leveled against a person or a state has no legal value and only constitutes a defamation.

    Until today no accused has ever been incriminated with the crime of “genocide” or with the “crime against humanity”, which is a crime as odious as “genocide”, without a decision of a competent international criminal court. Indeed, the Nuremberg International Penal Military Tribunal, after a long trial process, found guilty the leaders of the German Nazis accused of “crimes against humanity” and sentenced 22 of them to death. Furthermore, those incriminated of “genocide” for the events which occurred during the Rwanda and Yugoslavia conflicts have been tried and convicted by the Rwanda and Yugoslavia international penal tribunals. As is known, both tribunals are ad hoc courts which had been set up by decisions of the UN Security Council. Saddam Hussein, who was charged with crimes against humanity, was tried and convicted in an Iraqi Special Court which was established in line with the principle of due process of law.

    Mr. President,

    I am certain that you hold dear the concept of the presumption of innocence whose roots go back to Magna Carta. Article 11 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which was adopted in 1948 by the United Nations General Assembly by unanimity, describes the principle of presumption of innocence as follows:

     “(1) Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defense. 

    “(2) No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed.”

    This principle is set forth in the European Human Rights Convention, Article 6 paragraph

    “(3) “Everyone charged with a criminal offence shall be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to law.”

    The principle of presumption of innocence is also guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution which prescribes that “No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime” unless tried fairly and indicted by a court.

    Therefore, Mr. President, wouldn’t it be a gross injustice and a grave violation of the principle of the presumption of innocence to heap accusations on Turkey for disputed events of the past?

    Mr. President,

    As you would agree, the principle of legality, which is as old as the concept of law itself, is a basic concept in both international and national justice. According to this principle, an act is not recognized as a crime unless it is legally defined before the act was committed. “Genocide”, as a word, as a concept, and as a codified international crime, did not exist in 1915. After being defined for the first time by the U.N. General Assembly document 96 (I) on 11 December 1946, it was codified by the U.N. Genocide Convention on December 9, 1948.

    Consequently Mr. President, by leveling accusations of the crime of “genocide” (directly during your campaign speeches and indirectly in your 2014 remembrance day statement) haven’t you contravened the two dimensions of this principle expressed by the maxims: nullum crimen sine lege, and nulla poena sine lege – there is no crime without a law, and no punishment without a law?

    Mr. President,

    The judgments made in your statement appear to us to violate the spirit of the U.S. Constitution which espouses the principle of legality in its Article I, Section 9 by forbidding the passage of ex post facto criminal laws and bans retrospective criminal sanction. We also must note that President Thomas Jefferson, in his August 13, 1821, letter to Isaac McPherson, asserted that “ex post facto laws are against natural right”. This shows that an abhorrence of retroactive application of laws in criminal justice has a deep-rooted legal history in the U.S.

    Moreover, the principle of legality is equally prescribed by Article 28 of the 1969 Vienna Convention of the Law of Treaties under the heading, “Non Retroactivity of the Treaties”.

    Mr. President,

    In light of the foregoing irrefutable points, certain concerns and questions inescapably arise.

    What are we to infer from the statement you might make this year regarding the disputed events of 1915, if this statement includes the word “genocide” or, echoing your 2014 statement, employs the word’s exact Armenian translation “metz yeghern” and alleges the massacre of the 1.5 million Armenians?

    Wouldn’t such a statement flagrantly violate and flout universal principles of law, international law and the U.S. Constitution? And, to what possible worthy end?

    Wouldn’t it constitute for the Turkish people and their forebears a judgment without trial?

    Wouldn’t the Turkish people consider this gross injustice inflicted on them as the outcome of narrow domestic political calculus, heedless of basic fairness and shared U.S. – Turkish interests?

    Wouldn’t the imputation of historical guilt upon the people of Turkey and upon their forebears, who themselves suffered enormous losses and were exposed to unbearable pains during those tragic times, be at utter odds with your stated proposal before our Parliament to build a model partnership between the United States and Turkey?

    Mr. President,

    Historian Arthur Ponsonby penetratingly discusses the terrible and enduring effects of war propaganda that persist for generations in “Falsehood in Wartime”:

    The injection of the poison of hatred into men’s minds by means of falsehood is a greater evil in wartime than the actual loss of life. The defilement of the human soul is worse than the destruction of the human body.”

    I think that Arthur Ponsonby’s cogent words are valid now and will remain valid in the future. What we need today, more than ever, is an international environment that we can hand over to our children and future generations – a world where peace, security, tolerance, friendship and good will reign, instead of prejudices, hatred and passions for revenge.

    For this reason, Mr. President, I must urge you to avoid being influenced by superficial stereotypes regarding the events of 1915 that are rooted in large part in the deliberate wartime propaganda efforts of the World War I Allies. I ask that you foster impartiality and avoid contributing to a deepening of the wounds suffered by the Turkish and Armenian nations in this enormous human tragedy.

    In this context, the best course for the U.S. should be, in line with an ethical and evenhanded approach, to encourage the parties to bring to light and to clarify the obscure and ambiguous aspects of the conflict between the Ottoman State and the Armenians.

    This, I respectfully submit, would best be accomplished by employing a common, scientifically disciplined research effort by Turks and Armenians regarding their mutual history and by completely opening their archives to examination by a Joint Historical Commission established for this purpose and composed of Turkish and Armenian scholars.

    In view of this, Mr. President, a truly constructive and historically valid commemoration of the events of 1915 would be for you to voice your support publicly for the formation of such a Joint Historical Commission and thus open the way of peace and reconciliation to the Turkish and Armenian peoples on the basis of goodwill and truth.

    I am submitting these views to your consideration trusting that you will examine them with objectivity and fairness.

    With my deepest respect,

    Dr. Şükrü M. Elekdağ

    Former Ambassador to the USA

    Former Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Former member of the Grand National Assembly of the Republic of Turkey

    Deputy from Istanbul





    7 January 2015

    Enough! No more Turkish experts. No more lying politicians. No more cheating and stealing. No more talk of the obscene palace wherein resides the source of all of it. No more rancid, pompous rhetoric from the president of this stinking country. No more television discussion panels. No more Turkish language for it has died from murderous abuse. Shame covers Turkey like gas from a swamp. Breathe! Breathe! Breathe, you Turks!

    You, the Turkish people, have so diligently supported your terrorist government. What didn’t you understand? What clouded your minds? Islam? Please be serious. What clouded your minds was money. Bribes. Jobs. Big construction contracts. Unnecessary bridges. Irrelevant airports. Polluting power plants. Coal in bags. You were cheated there, too. Coal and stones. Can you tell coal from stone? Shit from shoe polish? The government couldn’t even give you a “pure” bribe. Such is its cheating, thieving nature. Thefts. Nothing could prevent you from supporting a criminal for prime minister who grew to become a criminal as president. And nothing could prevent you from supporting the treasonous opposition parties who collaborate with the terrorist government and foreign powers intent on your destruction. Bow down, Turks! Stoop and bathe in the blood of innocents! Let it run up to the elbows! Stoop! Stoop! Bow to your boss!

    It was all in front of your noses, this stink. This rotten game played with Syria. This disgusting, double-faced game known as being-a-friend-of-Erdogan. And so the weapons and bestial volunteers flowed through Turkey. And so rose ISIS! And Hatay was destroyed. Erdogan, the big shot friend of America. Erdogan, the expert on the Middle East. Erdogan, a man whose venality defies description, indeed a scowling metaphor of venality. And the corruption continued to flow. Arms to terrorists under the cover name of Free Syrian Army. Moderate Islamic “folks” trying to overthrow a duly constituted, sovereign nation—Syria! He is the source of the evil, of the beheadings, the slaughters, the rapes, the genocide of the Syrian Diaspora. And all the thefts from the moderate Islamic killers flowed back into Turkey. How eager were these Turks to buy cheap gasoline, stolen whisky, stolen cars. Isn’t god great? What a bargain! Cheap gas for the lives of innocent Syrians. Good job!  Eat! Eat! Eat, you Turks!

    The blood of the innocents in Paris is on the Turkish government’s hands. Erdogan, this most unnatural creature, has already destroyed his own country. And 53% of the Turks think that this is a good idea, if they are thinking at all. This Erdogan was America’s main man. A hard guy who could make it all happen. America loves guys like this. They make movies about them. But this hard guy had another agenda, and it wasn’t moderate. His ego was as big as all outdoors. Look at his house. Can you understand, you 53% of the Turks who are the equivalent of war criminals?  You aiders and abettors of terrorism and murder! And you of the remainder, the 47% who think your ideas are the only important ideas and delay and discuss while the fascists prepare the end of Turkey as a nation. Talk! Talk! Talk! And then the back of your skull suddenly splinters like all the others.

    The weapons in Paris arose in Syria through Turkish hospitality. The road to hell leads through Turkey. And so does the road to Paris. And so do these others, these big shots who think they know something. These are the ones who have helped Erdogan’s Turkey become a terrorist state. Their guilt is vast. And is no mystery to normal, ordinary people. And a complaint was filed with the International Criminal Court on 6 October 2014.

    I have the honor to file with you and the International Criminal Court (ICC) this Criminal Complaint against

    U.S. citizens Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton, John Forbes Kerry,John Owen Brennan, Michael Joseph Morell, David Howell Petraeus, and Leon Edward Panetta;

    Turkish citizens Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Ahmet Davutoğlu and Hakan Fidan;

    Saudi Arabian citizens King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz and Prince Saud al-Faisal; 

    Qatari citizens Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa and Al Thani Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani;

    Jordanian citizens Abdullah II ibn al-Hussein and Abdullah Ensour;

    Croatian citizens Ivo Josipović and Zoran Milanović;

    Belgian citizen Elio Di Rupo;

    Bulgarian citizens Boyko Borisov, Marin Raykov Nikolov and Plamen Vasilev Oresharski;

    French citizen François Gérard Georges Nicolas Hollande;

    Great Britain citizen David William Donald Cameron;

    Romanian citizens Traian Băsescu and Victor-Viorel Ponta; 

    for their criminal policy planning, subsequent crimes against humanity and ongoing crime of aggression in Syria.

    I accuse the above listed individuals of planning, preparing, initiating and executing an act of criminal aggression resulting in the commission of grievous crimes against humanity. These crimes are both “widespread” and “systematic” within the meaning of Rome Statute article 7(1). Therefore the Accused have committed the “Crime of Aggression” by supporting and arming brutal and bestial mercenaries in violation of Rome Statute articles 8(2)(a), 8(2)(b), 8(2)(d), 8(2)f) and 8(2)(g). Furthermore, the Accused have committed numerous “Crimes against Humanity” in flagrant, repeated and longstanding violation of Rome Statute articles 5(1)(b), 7(1)(a), 7(1)(b), 7(1)(d), 7(1)(e), 7(1)(f), 7(1)(g), 7(1)(h), 7(1)(i), and 7(1)(k). Finally, the Accused’s Rome Statute Crimes Against Humanity as specified above constitutes ongoing criminal activity that continues today. 

    Read the details below. It won’t take long. These are the ones that should be arrested immediately.

    But first, Hollande! Then Erdogan!


    James (Cem) Ryan
    7 January 2015