Tag: Barack Obama

  • Improving U.S.-Turkish Economic Partnership

    Improving U.S.-Turkish Economic Partnership

    This year’s meeting of the EPC focused on exploring opportunities to promote innovation, increasing cooperation in specific sectors and enhancing business-to-business ties.

    Photo: ASSOCIATED PRESS  President Barack Obama, right, shakes hands during a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan. (file)
    Photo: ASSOCIATED PRESS President Barack Obama, right, shakes hands during a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan. (file)

    During a 2009 meeting between U.S. President Barack Obama and Turkish President Abdullah Gul, the two leaders agreed to establish the U.S.-Turkey Framework for Strategic Economic and Commercial Cooperation, or FSECC dialogue, in order to strengthen the existing economic partnership between the two countries.

    In early October 2011, representatives of both governments met in Ankara for the seventh meeting of the Turkey and United States Economic Partnership Commission, a key component of economic relations between the two countries, as outlined by the FSECC.

    This year’s meeting of the EPC focused on exploring opportunities to promote innovation, increasing cooperation in specific sectors and enhancing business-to-business ties. They discussed ways to promote entrepreneurship and encourage bilateral agricultural trade as well as the importance of protecting intellectual property rights.

    They reiterated the importance of cooperating in the energy sector, including promoting efficiency and renewable energy, and discussing the possibilities of commercial nuclear power. They agreed to promote economic development in third countries, particularly those in North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, and along the Silk Road.

    They also discussed progress on establishing Istanbul as an international financial center, which is a top priority of the Turkish government. Some Turkish private financial institutions have already relocated their headquarters to Istanbul.

    Turkey is a nation of 78.7 million people, and its population is young, promising rapid growth and an expanding market for U.S. goods. The U.S. also offers an enormous market for Turkish goods and opportunity for the many enterprising Turkish businessmen and women.

    Because Turkey straddles Europe and Asia, with flourishing economic ties to its neighbors, it is a valuable partner for exploring new business opportunities in the Middle East, Central Asia, and North Africa. Together, the United Sates and Turkey can make a significant contribution to rejuvenating the economies of developing and transitional economies, such as those in North Africa, through commercial collaboration.

    The United States recognizes the importance of strengthening the economic ties between the two long-time allies to match the strength of their political and military ties. As President Obama said in his 2009 speech to the Turkish Parliament, “Turkey is a critical ally. Turkey is an important part of Europe. And Turkey and the United States must stand together – and work together – to overcome the challenges of our time.”

    via Improving U.S.-Turkish Economic Partnership | Middle East | Editorial.



    Likudnic in the White House


    Ynet’s Washington reporter, Yitzhak Ben – Horin,  produced last night a clear and succinct reading of Obama’s recent UN General Assembly  address:

    “Likudnic in the White House.”

    “Netanyahu could not have written it better.”

    “Obama at this point, is in line with the Likud party.”

    “Obama is a pro-Israel president …Since January 2009, he provided Israel with all its needs both in diplomacy and in terms of security”

    Obama is not performing too well in the polls. He clearly needs the Jewish Lobby on his side. The American president ‘provided’ yesterday and the lobby was quick to react- “Israel has no better friend in the world today,” wrote the president of the National Council of Jewish Democrats, David Harris.

    According to Ynet,  hours before his UN General Assembly Address Obama sought to ensure that prospective Jewish voters pay close attention to his speech.

    “Three of Obama’s aides held a conference call with the president’s Jewish supporters and community leaders. The advisers, all Jewish themselves, asked the supporters to “spread the word” that Obama will give a pro-Israel speech which reflects his own genuine positions and implored them to pay close attention to the president’s UN address.”

    The three Jewish advisers  “stressed that the Republicans intentionally distort Obama’s statements to portray him as an anti-Israel president, when in fact their arguments are baseless.”

    If anyone was foolish enough to believe that America could ever be a broker for peace in the Middle East, the truth is now unavoidable. American political world is clearly hijacked by a foreign lobby that represents foreign interests. America cannot rescue itself. What we see in front of our eyes is basically a tragedy.

    Greek tragedy depicts the downfall of a noble hero, usually through some combination of hubris, fate, and the will of the gods. The American tragedy contains the same elements. America has regarded itself as a ‘noble hero’ since its creation, ‘hubris’ is also far from being foreign to American culture. Americas’ fate has been written on the wall for more than a while. And what about the Gods, can you guess who the Gods are? I think that Obama and his party knew very well whom they were trying to appease last night. They know very well who their Gods are because they shamelessly mix with them at least once a year at AIPAC annual gathering.

    However, Obama and his ‘advisers’ maybe mistaken here. Their ‘Gods’ are not stupid at all, they grasp what Obama is up to, Ben Horin wrote last night, they understand what ‘2nd term’ means in terms of Israeli politics. They remember, for instance, that during the election campaign in 2000, George Bush promised to move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, but once re-elected he was the man who pushed Sharon to withdraw from the Gaza Strip. They remember that the same George Bush was also the president who sided with Abu Mazen, and declared that negotiations with the Palestinians should be based on 49 armistice lines.

    If Obama thinks that the ‘Gods’ are now beside him, he is deluded.

    Obama made a grave personal mistake yesterday. But it is Americans, Israelis and Palestinians that will pay the price. What we see here is a classic tragedy, for America doesn’t posses the political power to save itself from itself.

    The only question you may want to ask yourself at this stage is how long will it take for America to emancipate itself from its ‘Gods’.

    www.gilad.co.uk, SEPTEMBER 22, 2011

  • Air Force General blows whistle on Obama, but media deaf

    Air Force General blows whistle on Obama, but media deaf

    General Shelton

    General Shelton told lawmakers that he was pressured to be less than honest by the White House when he gives testimony before Congress. Credits: DoD File Photo

    Jim Kouri, Law Enforcement Examiner

    “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?”

    “If an Air Force general blows the whistle on the Obama White House, does anyone in the media hear the corruption?”
    A United States Air Force general is blowing the whistle on another alleged White House scandal, but few in the news media seem to be listening.
    According to General William Shelton, the commanding officer of U.S. Air Force’s space command, he was told to alter his testimony before the House of Representatives’ Subcommittee on Strategic Forces regarding an Obama White House attempt to award a defense contract to the Lightsquared firm.
    Lightsquared is a high-tech company doing business in Virginia that’s owned by billionaire Philip Falcone, an Obama friend and campaign contributor.

    According to the National Legal and Policy Center, Phil Falcone had visited the White House and made large cash contributions to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. Soon after, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) granted his LightSquared a highly unusual waiver that allows the company to build out a national 4G wireless network on the cheap.
    Republican lawmakers say that after Falcon’s visit, the Obama White House allegedly tried to push through a Lightsquared’s proposed wireless network regardless of the objections emanating from military commanders who believed the project could disrupt key U.S. satellite systems.

    At a hearing on Thursday, lawmakers on strategic forces subcommittee, especially the Republican chairman, Michael Turner, requested that the House Oversight Committee investigate if Falcone’s company garnered any type of special treatment from the White House or from Obama appointees.

    The hearing came after a report by a blogger on a news and commentary web site alleged that the Obama White House pressed General Shelton to downplay his concerns about the proposed Lightsquared system.

    According to the National Legal and Policy Center, Phil Falcone had visited the White House and made large cash contributions to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. Soon after, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) granted his LightSquared a highly unusual waiver that allows the company to build out a national 4G wireless network on the cheap.
    “Under extremely unusual circumstances, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recently granted a company called LightSquared the right to use wireless spectrum to build out a national 4G wireless network. LightSquared will get the spectrum for a song, while its competitors have to spend billions,” according to NLPC’s Ken Boehm.

    President Obama’s underlings deny any wrongdoing, and officials at Lightsquared denied the charges that it is receiving preferential treatment from President Obama or his staff.

    Republican staff members on the subcommittee say that the decorated General Shelton told the lawmakers that Obama administration officials urged the general to describe Lightsquared’s system favorably during his congressional testimony.

    During the hearing, General Shelton told committee members that the wireless broadband network manufactured by Lightsquared would have a negative impact on the current Global Positioning System (GPS) relied on by both the U.S. military and private sector users of the GPS.

    General Shelton told the committee members: Tests with Defense Department experts, civilian agencies and others “indicate the LightSquared terrestrial network operating in the originally proposed manner poses significant challenges for almost all GPS users.”

    The general insisted through his spokesperson on Friday that he had not “watered down his testimony due to alleged White House pressure.”

    According to a source familiar with the Lightsquared probe, many officers at the Pentagon are highly suspicious of the President, the White House staff and even Obama’s appointees at the Defense Department.

    Another occurrence being probed is that the allegation that Lightsquared at first offered to sell satellite phones on its network, however the Federal Communications Commission allegedly issued a special waiver to the firm thus allowing sell terrestrial-based wireless service to other companies.

    Department of Defense officials. such as General Shelton, in the past have raised concerns about interference with GPS users, and the FCC would then promise to disallow a firm to begin operating their network until after intense testing is carried out to ensure there is no disruption to satellite navigation.

    The head of the FCC declined to appear before the committee on Thursday, which the chairman, Turner, called an “affront” to the panel.

    Meanwhile, Falcone and Lightsquared executives are taking the offensive by giving Obama-friendly journalists at Politico exclusive interviews.

    LightSquared CEO. Sanjiv Ahuja, and its billionaire backer, Phil Falcone, denied all allegations that the wireless company used its political pull with the Obama administration to secure approval of its business plans with the Defense Department.

    “It’s just very disappointing that people are not seeing the facts here, and [that] this has become a real political issue,” Falcone, a senior executive at the hedge fund firm Harbinger Capital, said during his Politico interview. “It’s not a function of being a Democrat or a Republican, it’s about trying to be an innovator. … It’s very disappointing and frustrating that we are getting stonewalled like this. … I kinda scratch my head every single day and say I can’t believe this is happening.”

    Falcone and Ahuja denied receiving special treatment from the White House or the FCC in their ongoing quest to become the nation’s first wholesale wireless broadband provider, according to Politico.

    But some observers see things differently. Mike Baker, a political strategist and a former military officer, believes that this investigation needs to be taken to wherever or whomever it leads. He’s like to see a special prosecutor appointed.

    “This is a very important national security issue, not some politically-motivated witch hunt like the Valerie Plame-CIA case. But we all know that with the news media protecting this president, the chances of anything being done are slim or none,” he quipped.

    “First of all, we know what motivates politicians and big business. In the middle you have a career officer who is a four-star general. Whom would you believe? What’s in it for General Shelton to make up stories?” Baker asks.

    “Let’s hope General Shelton sticks to his guns and that more Pentagon and Justice Department officials decide enough is enough from this administration,” Baker added.

    www.examiner.com, September 17, 2011

  • Obama to discuss Israel with Turkey’s Erdogan

    Obama to discuss Israel with Turkey’s Erdogan

    WASHINGTON | Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:40pm EDT

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. President Barack Obama will meet Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan at the U.N. General Assembly in New York next week and urge him to repair relations with Israel to mend a damaging split between two key U.S. allies in the region.

    White House National Security Council spokesman Ben Rhodes told reporters that Obama also anticipated a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during the president’s three-day U.N. visit which starts late Monday.

    “We have encouraged Israel and Turkey, two close friends of the United States, to work to bridge their differences, so we’ll have an opportunity to discuss those issues,” Rhodes told a news briefing.

    Washington has watched with concern as Turkey’s relations with Israel began to unravel in late 2008, after Erdogan voiced outrage at an Israeli offensive against the Gaza Strip, ruled by the Palestinian Islamist Hamas group.

    Turkey reacted angrily this month to Netanyahu’s refusal to apologize for an Israeli raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla that killed nine Turkish citizens in May 2010.

    After the release of a U.N. report on the flotilla, which aimed to break Israel’s naval blockade of Gaza, Erdogan’s government expelled Israel’s envoy, froze military cooperation and warned that the Turkish navy could escort future aid flotillas — raising the prospect of confrontation between NATO-member Turkey and the Jewish state.

    Erdogan kept up a stream of harsh rhetoric on Israel, using a tour of Arab states this week to support a Palestinian bid for statehood at the United Nations and dismissing Israel as a spoiled client of the West.

    The two countries previously had worked closely together on military cooperation and intelligence sharing, as both had sought reliable partners in a volatile neighborhood.

    The meeting on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly is expected to give Obama and Erdogan the chance to compare notes on Israel as well as the broader political turmoil across the Arab world and especially in Syria, Turkey’s immediate neighbor.

    “Turkey has been a close partner of ours on issues related to the Arab spring and I anticipate the two leaders will talk about events in Syria, where we share great concerns with the Turks about the actions of (Syrian) President (Bashar al-) Assad,” Rhodes said.

    (Reporting by Alister Bull; Writing by Andrew Quinn; Editing by Vicki Allen)

    via Obama to discuss Israel with Turkey’s Erdogan | Reuters.

  • Obama’s Success Hinges on Turkey’s Upcoming Election

    Obama’s Success Hinges on Turkey’s Upcoming Election

    What the June 12 Turkish elections mean for the Middle East and global finance

    Anthony Randazzo | May 25, 2011

    Istanbul—President Barack Obama outlined a number of goals for rebranding America to the Muslim world in his recent State Department speech, including the completion of Arab Spring democratic reforms and a bold position supporting a two-state solution in Israel-Palestine based on pre-1967 borders.

    But if Washington is going to be successful, it is going to need Ankara on its side, as Turkey—and especially its Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan—is increasing looked to as a leader in the Muslim world. And much of that depends on the outcome of next month’s Turkish parliamentary elections on June 12.

    Turkey is a hive of buzzing political activity these days. Banners are strung across nearly every street blazing the logos of Turkey’s leading parties—the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), the opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP), and the Nationalist Action Party (MHP).

    Large busses roll up and down the streets and highways blasting propaganda and patriotic music and displaying the smiling faces of candidates. And pictures of party leaders Erdoğan (AKP) and Kemal Kılıcdaroğlu (CHP) staring solemnly into the distance adorn billboards, old palace walls, and signs along busy roads.

    All and all, the swarm of political literature and advertising makes U.S. presidential elections look like a race for county treasurer. And this is despite the fact that there is little question as to who will win the election.

    via Obama’s Success Hinges on Turkey’s Upcoming Election – Reason Magazine.

  • Pew Poll Finds Muslim World Unsure of Obama

    Pew Poll Finds Muslim World Unsure of Obama

    Muslim World Is Unsure of Obama, Poll Finds


    A new survey by the Pew Research Center suggests that President Obama’s scheduled speech on the Middle East this week will be greeted by skeptical audiences in several predominantly Muslim countries.

    The poll, conducted in Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Indonesia and the Palestinian territories from late March to April (before the killing of Osama bin Laden), finds negative views of the United States and a lack of confidence in Mr. Obama persisting from last year, and in some cases even worsening. The survey, released Tuesday, is part of the Global Attitudes Project.

    Broad majorities in Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, and the Palestinian territories expressed unfavorable views of the United States. Opinion was divided in Lebanon, and only in Indonesia did the United States receive positive marks. Similarly, except for Indonesia — where Mr. Obama lived for four years as a child, a fact that is well-known there — most said they did not have confidence in Mr. Obama to do the right thing in world affairs, ranging from 57 percent who said so in Lebanon to 84 percent in the Palestinian territories.

    With the exception of Indonesia, majorities elsewhere also said they opposed the United States campaign against terrorism and disapproved of the way Mr. Obama was handling the calls for political change in the Arab world.

    Regarding the political demonstrations that have taken place in several Arab countries, large majorities in Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and the Palestinian territories said they followed the news about them, and most expressed excitement about the movements. Moreover, more than 7 in 10 respondents in Jordan, Lebanon and the Palestinian territories said they thought the protests would lead to more democracy in the Middle East. Those in Turkey and Indonesia were less convinced.

    Surveys were conducted face-to-face and each has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.

    via Pew Poll Finds Muslim World Unsure of Obama – NYTimes.com.