Tag: Barack Obama



     “I have seen wicked men and fools, a great many of both;

    and I believe they both get paid in the end; but the fools first.”

    Robert Louis Stevenson, Kidnapped

    Hüseyin Aygün, a member of the Turkish parliament, was kidnapped two days ago by the PKK. They took him into the mountains. Everyone expected the worst. After all, the PKK is listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the United States, the European Union and NATO. And they should know the danger, being terror organizations themselves. 

    But the “terrorists” surprised everyone. They called him “brother.” They talked together. Then they released Aygün, who is a member of the opposition leftist party, the CHP. He was not abused. 

    But he became abused soon after gaining his freedom by the gasbag experts that abound in Turkish politics and the lamentable, toady media.

    “He should not have expressed sympathy towards a terrorist organization,” said an armchair hero of the CHP, Aygün’s own party, one Metin Feyzioğlu. What sympathy? He was kidnapped and he talked to his captors. The Turkish government has been talking to the PKK for years…and denying it! America has been championing the PKK for years…and denying it! And what is “sympathy” anyway? By the way, there is still no international legal consensus regarding a definition of “terrorism.”  Like obscenity, one knows it when one sees it. And one sees clearly the obscene US-induced carnage in Syria. 

    How about sympathy towards the Turkish and US governments, both flagrantly flouting international law, the United Nations Charter and the Geneva Conventions in their destruction of Syria. Their abominable behavior and violent public discourse reeks of the blood of innocents, my wife’s uncle murdered in Damascus by the criminal gangs sponsored by the US and Turkey being a case in point.

    Should sympathy and support be given to the perpetrators of death, namely, Barack Hussein Obama, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Ahmet Davutoğlu? Or should war crime charges be rendered?

    Hüseyin Aygün said he was treated with respect. So what should he have done? Spit at his captors? Perhaps that is the heroic way of the Turkish politicians, ensconced in their plush, red parliamentary chairs. But like Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Aygün saw the opportunity and seized the moment.

    He learned that his PKK abductors “wanted to solve the problem.” A problem now running for over thirty years, thirty years of death and destruction. He heard the kidnappers speak of their “meaningless” struggle. Aygün later said that he wished his young captors had gone to the university instead of going to the mountains.

    When it comes to power politics and war, morality and honor disappear. Lies abound. Anything is possible because war is a criminal act. War is murder. And there are murderers among us. And they are not only in the mountains in eastern Turkey.

    Oh, and let’s not forget two other “terrorist” organizations, Al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood, now gainfully employed in Syria courtesy of the United States, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. 

    One more lunacy remains. General İlker Başbuğ, former Commander of the Turkish Armed Forces, remains in Silivri Prison. The charge? He led a “terrorist” organization, that is, the Turkish Armed Forces. 

    Oh what a tangled web we weave,

    When first we practise to deceive.

    Sir Walter Scott, Marmion

    James C. Ryan


    17 August 2012

    Founder, West Point Graduates Against the War

    bbc huseyin aygun sasirtici hedef 3859761 9317 300
    Hüseyin Aygün
  • Some Turks call foul over Obama-Erdogan bat photo

    Some Turks call foul over Obama-Erdogan bat photo

    ISTANBUL, Aug 04 (bdnews24.com/Reuters) – A photograph of US President Barack Obama holding a baseball bat while talking on the phone to Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan was intended to show their close relationship, a White House spokeswoman said, after the photo caused a stir in Turkey.

    2012 08 04 14 41 44 11The two leaders spoke on Monday to discuss the crisis in Syria, after which the photograph of Obama seated at his desk, talking on the phone while holding a bat autographed by black-American baseball great Hank Aaron, was released by the White House.

    “The photo reveals from whom our Prime Minister receives orders to rule the country,” Metin Lutfi Baydar, a lawmaker with Turkey’s main opposition party the Republican People’s Party (CHP), said in a statement.

    CHP vice president Umut Oran asked through parliament if Erdogan had seen the picture and if he would take action against “an implicit insult to Turkey and its citizens”.

    Some newspapers took a more lighthearted view, with columnist Ahmet Hakan of Hurriyet writing: “We need to do something – retaliation seems to be the most reasonable method.”

    “Our prime minister needs to hold something in his hand as he’s calling Obama,” he added, suggesting as possible candidates a slipper, a belt or a rolling pin.

    White House spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden said in a written statement on Friday that her department had seen the commentary and speculation about the photo in the Turkish media.

    “We released the photo with only one purpose in mind, to highlight the President’s continuing close relationship with Prime Minister Erdogan and draw attention to the important conversation they had about the worsening situation in Syria,” she said.

    “The President values his friendship and close partnership with Prime Minister Erdogan on a range of important issues on which the United States cooperates with Turkey,” she added.

    bdnews24.com/cr/1423 h.

    via Some Turks call foul over Obama-Erdogan bat photo | World | bdnews24.com.



    t1larg obama bat

    OBAMABALL: an open letter the President of the United States

    2 August 2012

    The Honorable Barack H. Obama
    President of the United States
    The White House
    1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
    Washington, DC 20500

    Dear Mr. President:

    Just what do you think you are doing posing with a baseball bat while speaking to the Turkish prime minister? Who do you think you are? Al Capone (or Robert De Niro) at a mafia dinner? A gangster of the so-called Free Syrian Army, a terrorist operation that you and Erdoğan fund, support and arm? Who do you think you are, Mr. President? Who?

    I know, I know… I have been telling you about the situation in Turkey for almost four years. Review again my first letter sent on the day of your inauguration. . And I also understand that such a murderous, macho gesture is well understood by the Turkish prime minister. But even though you are speaking with this Turkish prime minister, remember that he still represents the democratic, secular Republic of Turkey founded by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. And all appropriate attention and respect should be paid to that fact. Your baseball bat gimmick is shameful and disrespectful to the Republic of Turkey. And it is shameful to the United States of America, too.

    You made much publicity about your first visit to Turkey in May 2009. You visited Anıtkabir where the earthly remains of Atatürk repose. But his spiritual essence, which is still alive throughout this suffering nation, is there as well. So you should act accordingly, as you did there and then. Do not resort to such cheap tricks to get the attention of Turkey. We completely understand your motive. And we completely know our enemies, both foreign and domestic. Act as you would act in front of Atatürk when addressing a representative of his secular nation.

    Sincerely yours,

    James C. Ryan
    Istanbul, Turkey
    2 August 2012



    obama erd

    The Commander of the VI Division Reported: Novograd-Volynsk was taken at dawn today.  The Staff had left Krapivno, and our baggage train was spread out in a noisy rearguard over
    the highroad from Brest to Warsaw built by Nicholas I upon the bones of peasants.

    Issac Babel, Red Cavalry

    You know it. It’s a familiar story. Create a threat, then demonize, then destroy. And you also know about ALLAH’S BOYS, the so-called freedom fighters from all over the Arab world organized by that bastion of freedom and human rights, Turkey. These war whores, who do America’s sordid bidding clearly are war criminals. See their rampage throughout North Africa. See how the elegant, enlightened Hatay region of southern Turkey has been transformed into a thieves market overrun by these unsavory characters in the employ of lily-white America.

    These criminals are run out of a command and control bordello in Adana, probably inside Incirlik Air Base, itself an imperialist payback squeezed out of Turkey for failing to enter World War II. (See Wikpedia regarding the Second Cairo Conference in December 1943 for details.) The manager of this international catastrophe seems to be the head of the US Consulate in Adana, one Daria Darnell, a woman with little apparent experience in such bloody matters. But then Hillary Clinton had little experience in such matters and look at her.

    If, as Babel wrote, the road between Brest and Warsaw was built upon the bones of peasants, then it’s equally ironic that Incirlik Air Force Base arose on land stolen from “removed” Armenians by the then Ottoman government, abetted by subsequent Turkish governments. Court cases are currently being heard in the United States for ancestors of dispossessed Armenian landowners. If one wants to learn more about this original expropriation, i.e. theft, one can: (1) consult the references given at the end of this piece, (2) read Yaşar Kemal, particularly Ince Memet, and Kimsecik, and (3) read Karl Marx, Capital, Chapter 26, “The Secret of Primitive Accumulation.”

    Regarding the war crimes of the following parties and their agents, to wit: The United States of America, The Republic of Turkey, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and The State of Qatar, note the following applicable references:

    United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3314
    Defines the crime of aggression as “… the use of armed force by a State against the sovereignty, territorial integrity or political independence of another State…or in any other manner inconsistent with the Charter of the United Nations…”

    Nuremberg Tribunal Charter
    Principle VI: “The crimes hereinafter set out are punishable as crimes under international law:

    (a) Crimes against peace:
    Planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression or a war in violation of international treaties;

    (b) War crimes: …murder, ill-treatment…of civilian population of or in occupied territory; murder orill-t eatment of prisoners of war,…plunder of public or private property, wanton destruction of cities, towns, or villages…

    (c) Crimes against humanity: Murder, extermination…and other inhuman acts done against any civilian population…when such acts are done…in execution of or in connection with any crime against peace or any war crime.”

    Geneva Conventions
    A) Protocol I, Article 75: “(1)…persons who are in the power of a Party to the conflict…shall be treated humanely in all circumstances…(2) The following acts are and shall remain prohibited…whether committed by civilian or by military agents: (a) violence to the life, health, or physical or mental well-being of persons…(b) outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment, enforced prostitution and any form of indecent assault…and threats to commit any of the foregoing acts.”

    B) Protocol I, Art. 51: “The civilian population…shall not be the object of attack. Acts or threats of violence the primary purpose of which is to spread terror among the civilian population are prohibited.” Art. 57: (parties shall) “do everything feasible to verify that the objectives to be attacked are neither civilians nor civilian objects…an attack shall be cancelled or suspended if it becomes apparent that the objective is not a military one…”

    The Nuremberg Principles, which define as a crime against peace, the “planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression, or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements, or assurances, or participation in a common plan or conspiracy for accomplishment of any of the forgoing.”

    To read these treaties and protocols consult the Yale Avalon project at: www.yale.edu/lawweb/avalon/imt/imt.htm


    That America is financing and managing a massive campaign to destroy Syria is no secret. That the Turkish government is helping this criminal cause is no secret. That the current Turkish government’s unparalleled expertise in destruction (see my earlier writings) is being used to, first, destroy the economy of southern Turkey (probably out of stupid inadvertence), and second, to slavishly cater to any and all so-called American strategic interests is well and widely known. It is Hitlerian in its murderous scope and shamelessness. Seig heil, Obama! Seig heil, Erdoğan! The garbage being spewed that Saudi Arabia, that bastion of women’s rights, is bringing freedom to Syria are the ravings of lunatics, more particularly, shameless propagandists. And Qatar, a filthy rich Arab de facto protectorate of the United States, cowering under the US military presence, is desperate to protect its oil and gas.

    But more disgusting is that these gangsters are widely proclaimed as oh-so-pious Muslims. So they are no doubt well aware of their Koranic verses, in particular that “it is unlawful for a believer to kill another believer” (4:92). Of course they are doing just that, such is their shameless hypocrisy. Literally “whited sepulchres” (Jesus’ phrase for hypocrites (Matthew 23:27) in another holy book) they are all the political war whores of America who, if you believe the Koran, “shall burn in Hell forever. He shall incur the wrath of God, who will lay his curse upon him and prepare for him a mighty scourge (4:93).

    If there is any justice in this world may these gangsters hasten to it, so we may live long and peacefully.

    Cem Ryan, Ph.D.

    West Point Graduates Against the War

    Service Academy Graduates Against the War


    Armenian Lands Issue


    Exclusive – Secret Turkish nerve centre leads aid to Syria rebels

    America’s War-Horse Harlots

  • Readout of the President’s Call with Prime Minister Erdogan of Turkey

    Readout of the President’s Call with Prime Minister Erdogan of Turkey

    Posted on July 30, 2012 by The White House

    President Obama and Prime Minister Erdogan spoke by telephone today to coordinate efforts to accelerate a political transition in Syria, which would include the departure of Bashar al-Assad and be responsive to the legitimate demands of the Syrian people. The two leaders shared their growing concerns about the Syrian regime’s ruthless attacks against its own people, most recently in Aleppo, and the deteriorating humanitarian conditions throughout Syria as a result of the regime’s atrocities. The two pledged to coordinate efforts to assist the growing numbers of displaced Syrians, not only within Syria, but in Turkey and the broader region. The President acknowledged the generosity of the Turkish people in hosting so many Syrians who have fled their homes in search of safety in Turkey. They agreed that U.S. and Turkish teams would remain in close contact on ways that Turkey and the United States can work together to promote a democratic transition in Syria. The Prime Minister also conveyed his personal condolences for the tragedy in Colorado.

    via Readout of the President’s Call with Prime Minister Erdogan of Turkey | EU Political Press Service.




     My wife’s uncle, Adil, was shot and killed in cold blood in a Damascus street. He had no blackmail money. He was poor. So he was shot. He was shot by killers financed and organized by the USA and Turkey, in particular by Barack Obama and Turkey’s prime minister and prime collaborator, and their equally murderous emissaries, agents, and covert collaborators, along with their overt collaborators like the Turkish and American armed forces and the CIA.  I hold both so-called leaders responsible for this murder as I hold all their criminal henchmen and henchwomen.  Last year there was no more peaceful border in the world than that between Turkey and Syria. Then David Petraeus and Hillary Clinton came to Turkey. They met the Turkish prime minister, the president, the foreign minister and others exactly like them. And thereafter all hell followed.  Peace! they cried. Democracy! Freedom, they yelled! And Syria and Assad suddenly became the hated ones. People!  This is an old American game. But there is more. Much more.

    I hold all those Americans and all those Turks, both Americanized or Turkified, all of them I hold responsible.  You cannot escape this death, this murder, committed under the pretense of fighting for freedom.  To the extent that you all fill the air, Facebook and otherwise,  with the magnificence of your vacations to exotic places, your shared recipes, your automobiles, your tastes in music, the wondrous feats of your children, the thrilling pictures of beloved household pets, your dashing profiles, your adored restaurants, your beloved sports idols, singers, actors, actresses, celebrities and other household plants…to the extent that this is all you have to offer this bleeding world, then you too are responsible.

    Adil went to work four days ago. Adil, a  name meaning “just” in Arabic, a simple, honest man went to work four days ago and met freedom full in the face,  American and Turkish style. And now his family knows what happened.  In their grief they speak of “kadar” and “kismet” and other words meaning fate. But it was not his fate to die in the street. It was his misfortune to meet gunmen hired by America and Turkey and us. It was his misfortune to be born under a star that would allow this American president and this Turkish prime minister to pollute Adil’s world with their violence. People!  Adil was one of us, an innocent caught in a disgusting political game that we enable.

    Know that the bullets that killed Adil were financed by all of us. Without the taxpayers of Turkey and America these gangsters in political garb would not exist. They only have power to the extent that stupid people like us fund them. Yes, people, we are financing terrorist states. So tell someone! Tell the world! Speak out! March! Adil died because he, like many of you, went to work one morning.  And now, his family knows that he will never come back. Four days he was lost. His brothers searched. They found him among the piles of corpses in a hospital morgue. And now his family knows.  But what do we know? Anything?


    James Cem Ryan


    18 July 2012

    jim stern