
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the Turkish Republic and itsfirst President, stands as a towering figure of the 20th Century. Among the great leadersof history, few have achieved so much in so short period, transformed the life of a nationas decisively, and given such profound inspiration to the world at large. The Greatest Leader of ALL Time: ATATURK Soldier, Diplomat, Statesman, Orator, Teacher, Scholar, Genius Proactive Ataturk Community

  • Are The University Presidents Next?

    Are The University Presidents Next?

    Are The University Presidents Next? This time the radical Islamist Turkish daily Vakit targeted the secular university rectors [presidents] in today’s issue, with a front […]

  • Detaining Ataturk

    Detaining Ataturk

    Turkish Cartoon: Secret Police At Ataturk’s Mausoleum Agent: “Yes boss, we are waiting… We will detain him the moment he comes out!” © Zafer Temoçin, […]

  • Dismantling The Secular State Set Up By Ataturk

    Dismantling The Secular State Set Up By Ataturk

    3rd Jul 2008 . .July 1 (Bloomberg) — Turkish police detained more than 20 people suspected of ties to a group of alleged coup plotters, […]

  • The Fight for Turkey

    The Fight for Turkey

    The New York Times article June 23, 2008 Op-Ed Columnist By ROGER COHEN ISTANBUL Let’s talk Turkey. A war is on for the country’s soul […]