Tag: Ataturk

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the Turkish Republic and itsfirst President, stands as a towering figure of the 20th Century. Among the great leadersof history, few have achieved so much in so short period, transformed the life of a nationas decisively, and given such profound inspiration to the world at large. The Greatest Leader of ALL Time: ATATURK Soldier, Diplomat, Statesman, Orator, Teacher, Scholar, Genius Proactive Ataturk Community

  • Turkey’s presence in EU as an armed invader in Christian lands

    Turkey’s presence in EU as an armed invader in Christian lands

    Unless we admit Turkey, says Mr Erdogan, the EU will “end up a Christian club”. Well, is that so very bad? Didn’t Christians invent just about everything for the last 400 years? And how would Europe remain recognisably European (or even Christian) after a mass-movement of Anatolian Muslims into our cities?

    For one thing that Ryanair has taught us is the overnight mobility of populations. And Turkish immigration will probably not consist of cosmopolitan elites but of peasants and their imams from Anatolia, accompanied by their burkas, naquibs and madrasas.

    And if you wonder about the outcome, wonder no more: simply go to Bradford and Blackburn and ask them about the boundless delights of mass-Islamic immigration. Go on. Ask them.


    myers hakkinda bilgi

  • Armenian Nazi Battalion during World War II

    Armenian Nazi Battalion during World War II

    “Armenian Nazi General Dro commanded the 20,000
    strong Armenian-Nazi 812th Battalion during World War II”


    Samuel A. Weems – There was a funeral a few weeks ago in Vienna, Austria. Two small black urns were buried containing the brains and a few remains of 4-year old Annemarie Danner and 18-month old Gerhard Zeketner. During World War II these were two of the more than 600 children the Nazis proclaimed “worthless lives.” These children were taken to Vienna’s Am Stein Hospital to be murdered and their bodies used for medical research.

    Between 1935 and 1945, in the name of medical science and research, the Nazis murdered more than 75,000 individuals, including 5,000 children across Europe, in their quest to create a racial/ethnic pure state. These acts of terror and cruelty were in addition to what the Nazis did at their many death camps were Jews were exterminated.

    The term “genocide” was invented and created in 1944 to describe all the many different acts of murder the Nazis used in their attempt to exterminate the entire Jewish race. Annemarie Danner and Gerhard Zeketner are but two of the individual lives the Nazis stamped out.

    Armenians today are attempting to “steal” the term genocide by making the fake claim that the Turks massacred 1.5 million of their people in 1915. The undisputed hard evidence is that this tall tale was nothing more than the figment of the imagination of a high priest of the one and only state Armenian church. The priest’s motive for making up and telling this horrible lie was his attempt to get a foreign government to come and help the Armenians obtain someone else’s homes and land for free. This great lie is the foundation upon which the Armenian government has established its multi billion dollar fake “genocide industry.” The Armenians have been operating on this great lie since 1918. Armenia operates their “genocide industry” with great success in today’s world even if they do operate on fraud and deceit.

    The truth is the Ottoman Turks did only one thing which had good cause for doing so, but gave the Armenians a chance to claim that there was a massacre going on. That single act was to ask the Armenian Church to help them stop their congregations’ nightly terrorist acts against the Ottoman military supply lines. The Russians had invaded the Ottoman Empire and the Armenians in the eastern part of the country had joined the Russians. The Armenian Church refused to help the Ottoman government and state officials responded by saying they would themselves have to remove all Armenians from behind their army lines.

    Thereafter, the Ottoman government did remove all the Armenians who were doing such harm to their military forces. The United States of America has done exactly

    the same thing during World War II. Several Americans are known to have seen Armenians being alive and leaving the combat zone even though the Armenian church claims they were all murdered.

    At no time did the Ottoman Turks exterminate children for medical research as the Nazis did between 1935–1945. What makes such acts of Nazi terrorism worse is the fact they did not act alone in their attempts to create an ethnic/racial pure state. Consider the fact that more than 100,000 Armenians volunteered for Nazi military service and took an active part in the Nazi ethnic/racial cleansing campaigns. For ten long years Armenians took part in exterminating not only Jews but also children such as Annemarie Danner and Gerhard Zeketner.

    During World War II Armenians learned well the art of racial/ethnic cleansing from their Nazi partners in crime. Today. Armenia has ethnically/racially cleansed their tiny state so successfully that 94.8% of their population is now ethnically pure Armenian. The Armenians have ethnically/racially cleansed their tiny state of what they consider their “undesirables” much like they helped the Nazis do between 1935/1945. Jews, Muslims, and Christians of other faiths other than the state owned and approved church have either been murdered or forced out of Armenia.

    Consider the fact of how Armenia today continues to honor the Nazis. The Armenian Nazi General Dro commanded the 20,000 strong Armenian-Nazi 812th Battalion during World War II. After the war, even though serving the Nazis, Armenian Dro talked his way into the United States of America where he remained until his death. Just last year Armenians dug him up and took his body back to Armenia where he was reburied with full military and state honors. The Armenian American colony raised several hundred thousand dollars to help fund a youth leadership institute to honor this Armenian Nazi general. Just what specific leadership is Armenian children being taught today in the General Dro leadership institute–hate, ethnic purity of the Armenian race, racial superiority?

    And to think the Armenians, still running their “genocide industry” scam are building their very own genocide memorial two blocks from the American White House. There are less than one million Armenians even in the United States. Why should they spend $75 million dollars on a false claim to something that is disputed that happened 6000 miles away more than 85 years ago. The answer is simple. The Armenian American colony will use this self-invented, fake memorial to deceive and fleece even more American taxpayer dollars for their less than 200 year old homeland the Russians gave them after taking these lands from the Muslim owners. This Armenian genocide memorial will become one of the greatest and largest frauds ever attempted in the history of the entire world. Can anyone believe that Armenians, who took a very active role in the Jewish genocide of World War II, can build such a fake memorial to themselves today for the sole purpose of deceiving and fleecing American Christian taxpayers out of more and more foreign aid money that over the past ten years alone amounts to almost $1.5 billion dollars!

    It is fair to ask since the Armenians were ten year partners in crime with the Nazis during the World War II years–will they have a memorial to Annemarie and Gerhard and all the other poor souls the Armenians helped the Nazis murder and exterminate?

    Samuel A. Weems is a retired U.S. judge from Arkansas and is the author of ARMENIA: Secrets of A ‘Christian’ Terrorist State, The Armenian Great Deception Series – Volume 1, St. John Press. […]


  • Köker Presents Armenians in Turkey 100 Years Ago

    Köker Presents Armenians in Turkey 100 Years Ago

    By Editor on Mar 10, 2010

    WATERTOWN, Mass. — Turkish journalist and historian Osman Köker will present his book, Armenians in Turkey 100 Years Ago, at the Armenian Library and Museum of America (ALMA) on Wednesday, March 24 at 7:30 p.m.
    The event, which marks Köker’s first public appearance on the East Coast of the United States, is co-sponsored by ALMA, the Friends of Hrant Dink, the National Association For Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR) and Project SAVE Armenian Photograph Archives. The event is free and open to the public. A reception will follow.
    Köker first came to international attention in 2005 when he organized the unprecedented exhibition “Sireli Yeghpayrs (My Dear Brother),” in Istanbul. Eventually seen by thousands of people, it presented photographs of Armenian life in pre-Genocide Ottoman Turkey, drawn from a large collection of postcards owned by the collector Orlando Calumeno. In the five years since then, the exhibition has also been mounted in Paris, Munich, Koln, Frankfurt and last year in Yerevan.
    Köker originally intended to write a book about Armenian life in the Ottoman Empire, but with the discovery of the postcard collection the scope of the project changed. Following the exhibition he published the massive and beautifully-produced volume 100 Yil Önce Türkiye’de Ermeniler, subsequently published in English as Armenians in Turkey 100 Years Ago, featuring hundreds of images showing where and how Armenians in the Ottoman Empire lived.
    Köker was also involved in the creation in 1996 of the Istanbul Turkish-Armenian daily Agos and Aras Publishing House, the only publishing house which publishes books in Armenian and books translated into Turkish from the Armenian.

  • US Congress panel ‘Armenian genocide’ vote wrong

    US Congress panel ‘Armenian genocide’ vote wrong

    Baroness Sarah Ludford Ingiliz Liberal Party Avrupa Milletvekili – soyledikleri cok guzelkendisine tesekkur edelim assagidaki yazisi icin (emaili var)

    Turkish Forum, Ingiltere


    —–Original Message——————————————————————————————
    From: Sarah Ludford MEP (Lon) <[email protected]>
    To: [email protected]; [email protected]

    Sent: Mon, 8 Mar 2010 10:02
    Subject: US Congress panel ‘Armenian genocide’ vote wrong
    liberal democrats



    MEP Liberal Democrat MEP for London


    Date: Monday 8 March 2010


    Sarah Ludford or Sonia Dunlop +44 (0)20 7288 2526 or Mobile +44 (0)7970 795 278

    Email: [email protected]

    US Congress panel ‘Armenian genocide’ vote wrong

    London Liberal Democrat MEP Sarah Ludford, the party’s European justice & human rights spokeswoman and vice-chair of the European Parliament delegation to the United States, has strongly criticised the vote by the Foreign Affairs Committee of the US House of Representatives to label the treatment of Armenians in 1915 as ‘genocide’.

    She said:   “Both the US and the EU have backed the welcome moves to set up a joint commission of historians from Turkey and Armenia to try and establish the truth about the tragic and large-scale wartime deaths almost a century ago. It makes no sense for outsiders in Europe or America to wade in with hobnail boots and prejudge the outcome of that sensitive exercise.”

    “That there were deportations which entailed atrocities and deaths of many Christian Armenians is not in doubt. But the precise actions, the 1915 war context, and the extent of reciprocal killings of Muslim Turks all need to be better understood.”

    “The term genocide has a very narrow meaning under the 1948 Convention: the deliberate intent to destroy an ethnic, national, racial or religious group. It is deeply irresponsible to use that term without establishing the full facts about the Armenian case and to leave the suspicion that politics or even religious prejudice is a motive.

    That is why as an MEP I have always refused to define the events of 1915 and preferred to await the conclusion of honest and objective research. That is not a cop-out, it is acting with integrity.”

    “The Congressional vote was won by the narrowest of margins, 23 to 22. I hope that in those circumstances wisdom will prevail, with Congressmen heeding the call of President Obama and Secretary Clinton not to progress this to a vote of the full House.”



    The Right Honourable
    Sarah, Lady Ludford
    225px Sarah Ludford MEP at Bournemouth

    Member of the European Parliament
    for London
    Assumed office

    Born 14 March 1951 (1951-03-14) (age 58)
    Nationality British
    Political party Liberal Democrat
    Spouse(s) Steve Hitchins
    Alma mater London School of Economics

    Sarah Ann Ludford, Baroness Ludford (born 14 March 1951) is a Liberal Democrat Member of the European Parliament and a nonvoting member of the House of Lords (where her voting membership is suspended during her MEP tenure).

    She was made a Life peer as Baroness Ludford, of Clerkenwell in the London Borough of Islington in 1997.

    A former councillor in the London Borough of Islington, and married to the former leader of the council, Steve Hitchins, she was elected as a Member of the European Parliament in the European Parliament election, 1999 and re-elected in 2004 and in 2009 representing London.

    Because of the change in the rules of the European Parliament, she is not entitled to sit in the Lords due to her re-election to the European Parliament in the 2009 election. In October 2008, Parliament’s rules were changed so that if a member of the Lords were elected as an MEP, their right to sit and vote in the Lords would be suspended. This satisfies the new European Parliament rules and hence, Lady Ludford, the only person to whom this applies, is not allowed to vote in the Lords while an MEP.

    She is a member of the Liberal Democrat groups Friends of Israel and Friends of Turkey.

    [edit] External links

    • Sarah Ludford MEP official site
    • Sarah Ludford profile at the European Parliament
    • Sarah Ludford profile at the site of the Liberal Democrats

    Ludford: Senatonun Kararı ‘Korkunç’

    Avrupa Parlamentosu Üyesi İngiliz Milletvekili Sarah Ludford, ABD Temsilciler Meclisi Dış İlişkiler Komisyonu’nun Aldığı Kararı Eleştirdi. Kararın Yanlış Olduğunu Söyleyen Sarah Ludford, “Türkiye Ve Ermenistan Bu Olayın Araştırılması Için Bir Tarih Komisyonunun Kurulması Konusunda Anlaşmışken, Soykırım Iddialarını Yargılamak Ne ABD Ne De AB’nin Işi Olmalı.” Dedi.

    1915 Yıllarında Büyük Toplulukların Göçe Zorlandığı Bir Sırada Acı Ölümlerin Yaşandığını Belirten Ludford, “Bu Sırada Çok Sayıda Hıristiyan Ermeni’nin Öldüğünden Hiç Kimsenin Şüphesi Yok. Ancak 1915 Olayları Daha İyi Analiz Edildiğinde Müslüman Türklerin Öldürülmesi Olayının Da Anlaşılması Gerekiyor.” Ifadesini Kullandı.

    Soykırım Sözünün 1948 Konvansiyonu’na Göre Çok Net Bir Anlamı Olduğunu Sözlerine Ekleyen Ludford, Bir Milleti, Irkı Ya Da Dini Bir Grubu Kasten Ve Sistematik Bir Şekilde Ortadan Kaldırma Durumunda Ancak Soykırımdan Bahsedilebileceğini Söyledi. 1915 Yılındaki Ermeni Iddialarını Araştırmadan Ve Konuyu Bilmeden Bu Sözcüğü Kullanmanın Tam Bir ‘Sorumsuzluk’ Olduğunu Vurgulayan Ludford, “Bir Milletvekili Olarak Ben Bu Yüzden Her Zaman 1915 Olaylarını ‘Soykırım’ Olarak Adlandırmaktan Kaçındım Ve Bu Konudaki Bağımsız Araştırmaların Sonucunu Bekledim. Bu Sorumluluktan Kaçma Ya Da Bir Uydurma Değil. Bu Dürüst Olmak Demektir.” Diye Konuştu.

    Dış İlişkiler Komisyonu’nun Bir Oy Farkla Bu Kararı Aldığını Hatırlatan Ludford, Sağ Duyunun Galip Gelmesini, Kongre Üyelerinin ABD Başkanı Barack Obama Ve Dışişleri Bakanı Hillary Clinton Ile Birlikte Bu Tasarıyı Temsilciler Meclisi’ne Gelmesini Engellemeyi Umduğunu Dile Getirdi.

  • 1864 Russification in the Caucasus

    1864 Russification in the Caucasus

    1830s+Shamil2+Kaziev+Imam(right Shamil during 1830’s)

    Mavi Boncuk | 1864 Russification in the Caucasus [1]

    As part of a prolonged ‘russification’ campaign (‘ethnic cleansing’) Russian troops defeat the Circassions, the earliest indigenous people of North Caucasus (where Russia borders Asia). 90% of the population (1.5 million) are murdered or deported, making it the largest genocide of the century.

    [1] The Avars rebelled again in 1834 under Imam Shamil [2], protesting against the immigration of state-supported Russian settlers. Independence for Dagestan was declared and the Koran was introduced as the law of the land. Thus, the Shamil regime fought both the Russian Orthodox Church and the older animistic beliefs. The Shamil Revolt collapsed in 1858, but the Avars already hated everything Russian. In 1864, the Russians changed the Avar Khanate into the Avar District.

    In the beginning of the 19th c., the Laks fought to resist the increasing Russian influence, but to no avail. In 1865, Russia abolished the Shamkhalat and brought Lak territory under direct Russian administrative control. Russian settlers started pouring into Dagestan already from around 1800-1810, and this influx triggered the Shamil rebellion in 1834. The rebellion, which was crushed in 1858, strengthened the ethnic identities of the various peoples, radicalized and strengthened Islam in the area, and produced a deep hatred for everything Russian.

    The Lezgins did not form their own country. Some were part of the Kuba Khanate in Azerbaijan, some were under control of the Derbent Khanate. The Lak Kazi Kumukh Khanate contrtolled the Lezgins for a time in the 18th c., but from 1812 onwards, the Russians took over. They created the Kiurin Khanate, later to become the Kiurin district.

    From the 16th through the 18th c., the Rutuls constituted a powerful political confederation known as Rutul Mahal. Ethnic Russian settlers started pouring into the area already in the beginning of the 19th c., and the Rutuls resisted the Russian expansion. In 1838, during the widespread Shamil rebellion, the Rutul Aga-Bek led an uprising against Russia. They were no real match for the Russians, though, and the latter crushed the movement and formally annexed the Rutul Mahal in 1844. Fundamentalist Muslim tendencies are strong among the Rutuls, together with a profound anti-Russian sentiment.

    When the Shamil Revolt reached the Tsakhurs in in 1844, Sultan Daniel-Bek supported the rebels against the Russians. The Russians’ answer was to deport the entire Tsakhur population to Azerbaijan in 1852. They were not allowed to return until 1860, by which time some had decided to stay in Azerbaijan. During the 1860s, when significant Russian expansion into Nogay territory began, many Nogay emigrated to Turkey, Crimea and the Balkans.

    1866+Shamil+Kaziev+ImamWhen Peter the Great occupied Derbent in 1722 and defeated the Safavid dynasty, it was the beginning of the end for Kumuk independence. Some autonomy was retained until 1859, when the Russians finally crushed the Shamil rebellion, and permanently brought the various ethnic groups of Dagestan under Russian sovereignty. The Kumuk Shamkhalat was formally ended in 1867. The Shamil rebellion also produced a division among the Kumuks, as the northern Kumuks fought against the Russians, the central Kumuks sided with the Russians, while the southern Kumuks remained neutral.

    (left, Shamil after he was captured 1866)

    Source: Norwegian Institute of International Affairs [NUPI] – Centre for Russian Studies

    [2] Shamil (c.1798–1871) Leader of Muslim resistance to the Russian occupation of the Caucasus from 1834 to 1859. He became Imam of a branch of the Sufi Naqshbandi order known as Muridism which recommended strict adherence to Islamic law and preached jihad (holy war) against Russia. After the Crimean War Russia employed some 200,000 troops in the Caucasus to encircle and subdue Shamil and his followers. He was captured (1859), and imprisoned, but allowed to go on a pilgrimage to Mecca (1870), where he died.
    See also:
    Russification: Word and Practice 1863-1914by Theodore R. Weeks
    Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. 148, No. 4 (Dec., 2004), pp. 471-489 (article consists of 19 pages) | Published by: American Philosophical Society

    Posted by M.A.M at 12:44 AM 0 comments Links to this post
    Labels: Asian roots, Russia

    The Yildiz Incident | July 21, 1905

    The French report “Enquitê sur l’attendant commis dans la jounée de 21 Juillet 1905 à l’issue la cérémonie de Selamlik,” Travail de la Commission Speciale. From “The Armenians in History and the Armenian Question,” Esat Uras, 1988, pp. 780-87.

    Mavi Boncuk |

    The attempt on Sultan Abdul Hamid’s life comprised “The Yildiz Incident” (July 21, 1905), resulting from a decision by the Dashnak committee to extend their activities to Istanbul; Krisdapor Mikayelian proposed doing so at the Sofia Congress (Jan. 1904), where the idea was accepted. Mikayelian first went to Greece, getting in touch with Zaruhi, previously sent there. Zaruhi was a woman.

    Another Dashnak (Sapho Torkom, a.k.a. Constantine Kabulian or Torosian) arrived afterwards in Greece with a 35-year-old from Tiflis, Marie Anchkova, a woman. The group was joined by two Armenian women, one named Robina, 65 years old. Her “code name” was “Robina Fein,” as it said on her forged passport, where she posed as a Russian Jew. (Mikayelian’s alter ego was “Samuel Fein.”)

    In Istanbul, preparations were being made for the assassination attempt. Apart from Mikayelian (who would be killed in Bulgaria with another Dashnak while testing the bombs), one of the other major conspirators was Joris from Belgium, and his wife. Another was Marie Zein, a woman.

    The plot was a failure, and some of the conspirators, including Sapho Torkom, were expelled from the Dashnak Committee on account of inefficiency, for abandoning their associates in Istanbul, and for being concerned with their own safety alone.

    The summary of the report in French prepared by the Investigation Committee (under the leadership of Nedjib Melhame) contained information about the plotters, and among the women:

    3) Robina Fein, also known as Nadejda Datalian, daughter of Wolf, an Armenian girl from the Caucasus, her real name is unknown. She participated in the plans and activities of the Committee in Istanbul and played an active role in the explosion of the bomb in the carriage.

    4) Marie Zein, Sophi Arecho (fugitive), born of a German father in the Caucasus, wife of the murderer Rips, participated in the activities of the Committee and the assassination attempt of July 21, under the name of Sophi Rips. She selected Robina Fein for the above purpose and brought her to Istanbul.

    Anna Nellens (fugitive), wife of Joris. Collaborated with the members of the Committee in preparing the assassination.

    14) Marie Anshanev or Terez Askova, of Tiflis, her real name is unknown. Helped the Committee and assisted in the assassination attempt.

    (Joris was condemned to capital punishment but was later pardoned by the sultan, given five hundred liras, and sent to Europe as a secret agent against the Armenians.)



    From: ALI CINAR


    To Les Moonves, President & CEO, CBS Corp.  [email protected]

    From: Robert McKay, PhD., P. O. Box 126, Eastford, CT 06242 860-974-0392

    Regarding:  Reply to the Bob Simon/Peter Balakian Story titled “Battle over History”

    Date:  February 28, 2010

    Bob Simon’s story being aired Sunday, February 28, 2010, on 60 Minutes with Peter Balakian is causing concerns about CBS by the Turkish community…concerns that I, too, share.

    50 Years ago my wife and I traveled to Turkey.  We lived there for 5 years as teachers at the Tarsus American College, Tarsus, Turkey.  Finding artifacts going back to 2500 B.C. opened our eyes to aspects of history that never seemed real in a sterile classroom on the rolling hills of eastern Connecticut, University of Connecticut.

    One of the many issues that interested me were the events of 1915 and the actions that surrounded them.

    However if we take 1915 out of context we do not see the relentless, persistent and predictable deaths that the Armenians have inflicted on their neighbors:  Jews, Kurds, Turks, Azeries, and all others who might disagree with them.

    A flow of history which shows a uniform and consistent pattern of atrocities by the Armenians would be the 3 periods listed:

    1.      1915 through WWI Armenian Russian conspiracy

    2.      1980’s Armenians begin worldwide assassinations:  Ambassadors and politicians

    they didn’t like.  The FBI credited Armenia with 25% of international terrorism in the USA.

    3.      1992—In the Nagorno=Karabakh region of Azerbaijan Armenian and Russian

    forces kill 400,000 Azaries leaving 1,000,000 (IDP’s) International Displaced

    Persons in Azerbaijan.

    Period I

    Let’s talk about 1915 through WWI.  It is well documented that Russia wished the demise of Ottoman Turkey and wanted access to oceans.  During this period Armenians living in the Ottoman Empire flocked to join Russian forces attacking the Ottomans from their eastern flank.  The Armenian Russian forces and guerilla forces with the Ottoman Empire blow up post offices, cut lines of communication and caused the Ottomans to move up to 400,000 troops from the southern flank to protect the Armenian Russian threat.  There were massacres and atrocities of equal magnitude on both sides.  Bones found in Turkish soil are both ethnically Turkic and Armenian.  However, today after all these years people like Peter Balakian, who never had first hand knowledge of the situation, claim that the Ottoman’s committed a genocide:  as a side note the term genocide was never used until it had political importance long after WWII.

    In brief your concern with the topic is appreciated, but telling only the pro-western/Christian side of the story is not appreciated.  In the minds of many scholars, writers and politicians, the Armenian perspective is wrong!  There are, in fact, two sides.

    Please note that a preponderance of scholars and politicians do not accept the genocide concept.  Interestingly the highest ranking Armenian, Hovhannes Katchaznouni, the first Prime Minister of the new independent Armenian Republic in 1923 did not accept the concept of genocide.

    a)      Dr. Katchaznouni in his report to the Dashnaq Party’s 1923 Congress clearly accepts Armenian responsibility for the tragedy that befell his country.  “We (Armenians) caused this tragedy.  Turks knew what they were doing (and) the (Ottoman Turkish) deportation (of Armenians) was right and necessary”

    This report has been hidden from researchers for years, however since being uncovered it has been published in a brief 125 page book titled “Dashnagtzoutiun Has Nothing to Do Anymore”, Kaynak Yayinlari (Kaynak Press)  pps. 125.

    b) The Malta Tribunal, held by England, immediately after WWI and initiated by the Armenian interest could not convict a single Ottoman military officer or politician of

    genocide and/or war crimes.

    c) U.S. Admiral Bristol, commander of the Sixth Fleet and later first Ambassador to the new Republic of Turkey (post WWI) traveled the country extensively and reported no genocide.

    d) Ambassador Elekdar went to England to intensively study a document produced by the English called the “Blue Book”.  The Ambassador has shown that most of the the documents were either fraudulently written or slanted so as to draw England into WWI.

    Ambassador Elekdar subjected himself to scholars from around the world on his findings. He has not been refuted.

    For brevity it is fair to say that the key scholars and leaders of the early 1900’s did not attribute a genocide to the Ottoman Turks.

    Period II

    During the 1980’s Armenians, who never at any time in the history of the Ottoman Empire had never had sovereignty over even a single square inch of the Anatolian peninsula were beginning to push for land claims and reparation based upon a made up genocide claim.

    During this time the Turkish archives were open to scholars.  No one has ever found a single note or sentence regarding a government policy of eliminating or getting rid of Armenians.

    Armenia would never open its archives.  In order to prevent conflicting view the Armenians began a worldwide campaign of assassinating ambassadors and others who disagreed with them.  In fact at one point during this period the FBI identified Armenia as being responsible for 25% of international terror casualties in the U.S.A.

    Period III

    In 1992 interest in oil drive an Armenian Russian genocide of Azeris.  As in Period I (1915) Armenians are pawns of Russia.

    However since the early 1800’s those people of the Transcaucuses:  Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan have been under the control of Russia.  The Armenians more that the others, have been willing to be the pawns of Russian geo-political interests.

    In the 1990’s Russia had decided that the oil rich region of Nagorno-Karabakh would be an autonomous section of Azerbaijan even though it had a high % of Armenians living there.

    The Armenians living in this Nagorno Karabkh region of Azerbaijan began killing any Azari that lived there.  In the village of Khojaly (about 7000 people) the Armenians killed every man, woman and child.  The Russian 366th Regiment participated.

    The result was that by 1992 Armenians were responsible for killing 400,000 people and leaving over 1,000,000 International Displaced Persons (IDP’s) in Azerbaijan.  Where is the popular media outrage?  Where is the political outrage?  These events are contemporary.

    As background information let’s remember that Armenia today is about the same population as Connecticut, slightly over 3 million.  Ten years ago the Armenian population was almost double that of today.  For economic reasons, Armenians are relocating around the world, a large percentage to Turkey.

    In Conclusion

    1. The long term actions of Armenia as an aggressor pawn of Russia lends credibility to the Turkish claims that there was no genocide.
    1. There is no doubt that more ethnic Turks died than ethnic Armenians,

    (International Red Cross figures state that more than 25% of all ethnic Turks died

    as a result of war, massacres, diseases and starvation.)

    1. There never was an Ottoman policy to exterminate Armenians.
    1. Ottoman Turks failed in World War I in large part because Armenian/Russian

    forces diverted their capabilities to the eastern part of the empire.

    1. At the beginning of the century Armenians were pawns of Russian attempts to

    gain seaports.  Armenia thought part of the Ottoman Empire would be given to


    1. Later in the century (1992) Armenia was a pawn of Russian oil interests.

    Again Russia gets oil, Armenia expands its borders into Azerbaijan.

    1. Armenian Russian killings in Azerbaijan are 400,000 dead and 1,000,000 IDP’s.

    Where is the outrage by the media and U.S. politicians.

    Personally I was very unhappy to see any program with Peter Balakian associated with it.  He is an Armenian nationalist who, as a “historian” has never attempted to see the truth of both sides.

    I could bring a wide range of resources to CBS that would acknowledge the suffering of Armenians and Turks and would like to do so if CBS has any interest in a broader look at history.

    Your 60 Minute piece either by plan or coincidence came at a very bad time:  the U.S. Congress is considering H. Res. 252 which agrees with the “non historical based claims of Armenia.”

    This resolution will harm U. S. Turkish relations and the Armenian-Turkish normalization process for years to come.  It will also harm Islam Christian trust for centuries around the world.  Alliances between Muslim and Christian countries will be less likely.  Certainly Turkish treaties with American backed Israel will be much

    less enthusiastically viewed.


    Robert McKay