Turkish investigative journalist Uzay Bulut published on the Gatestone Institute’s website an article titled, “Turkish Textbooks: Turning History on Its Head.”
Bulut wrote: “Turkish government authorities have targeted their own indigenous peoples of Anatolia, namely the Pontic Greeks and Armenians. In the twentieth century, Ottoman Turkey largely exterminated these peoples through a genocide.”
Bulut explained: “The government of Turkey, however, refers to the genocide as the ‘unfounded claims’ of Greeks and Armenians. The titles in the Turkish history textbooks were previously called the ‘Pontus Issue’ and the ‘Armenian Question.’ They are now changed to the ‘Unfounded Pontus Claims’ and the ‘Unfounded Armenian Claims.’”
Turkey also denies that Armenians, Assyrians and Greeks are indigenous peoples of the land where Turks settled centuries later, occupied the land and exterminated those already living there.
“Muslim Turks from Central Asia arrived in the Armenian highlands and Anatolia, which was the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire at the time, only during the 11th century. Through military invasions, Muslim Turks seized the towns and cities where indigenous Christians had lived for centuries. Ottoman Turks finally invaded Constantinople (today’s Istanbul) in the fifteenth century, bringing the destruction of the Byzantine Empire. After that, abuses against Christian religious and cultural heritage became widespread,” Bulut wrote.
The sad part is that young Turkish schoolchildren, who have no idea about the real history of their country, are brainwashed with falsehoods about their country’s origin, and fed hatred about the remnants of the minorities. Consequently, these children become adults parroting the lies taught to them in their schools by denying that the Ottoman government committed genocide against indigenous Armenians, Assyrians and Greeks. These Turkish children have no fault for not knowing the true history of their country nor the facts about the genocide committed against the minorities. They are fed the lies that the minorities lived happily in the Ottoman Empire for centuries until European powers instigated them to rebel against their government. On the contrary, minorities living in the Ottoman Empire were always oppressed, enslaved, attacked, robbed, kidnapped, raped, and massacred, culminating in the genocide of 1915. These minorities were not even considered to be second class citizens. They had no rights whatsoever and were at the mercy of their brutal rulers. Bulut correctly described the education of the Turkish schoolchildren as “misinformation, willful distortion, and historic revisionism.”
This is not just a dispute between Armenians and Turks. The Turkish government knows better than anyone that the accusations of genocide are factual, since the Ottoman archives in its possession reveal the truth, even after being selectively cleansed of any incriminating evidence.
In 2007, the International Association of Genocide Scholars issued a resolution, which said, in part: “It is the conviction of the International Association of Genocide Scholars that the Ottoman campaign against Christian minorities of the Empire between 1914 and 1923 constituted a genocide against Armenians, Assyrians, and Pontian and Anatolian Greeks.”
According to Dr. Gregory H. Stanton, President of Genocide Watch, denial is the last stage of genocide: “Denial is a continuation of a genocide because it is a continuing attempt to destroy the victim group psychologically and culturally, to deny its members even the memory of the murders of their relatives.”
More importantly, I suggest that the proud citizens of Turkey listen carefully to the truthful admission of the founder of the modern Republic of Turkey, Kemal Ataturk, who told the Los Angeles Examiner newspaper in an interview published on August 1, 1926: “These leftovers from the former Young Turk Party, who should have been made to account for the lives of millions of our Christian subjects who were ruthlessly driven en masse from their homes and massacred.” I hope no Turkish citizen would be foolish enough to call Ataturk a liar, otherwise they will be jailed immediately if they live in Turkey and if they are currently outside the country, they will be promptly arrested upon returning home.
The Turkish government, at long last, should face the truth and teach the innocent Turkish students the tragic facts of history about the massacres and genocide for which neither today’s young generation nor the current Turkish government were responsible for since they did not even exist during these murders. All nations have dark stains in their history, but instead of hiding them, they come clean and face their true history, including both the tragic and glorious episodes. Only then nations can overcome their shadowy pasts and move forward. Look at the example of Germany which accepted its guilt for the Holocaust and made amends. Otherwise, future generations of Turks will grow up trying to deny and lie about their ignominious past and will always have a guilty conscience for something they played no part in. However, their lies and denials make them accomplices of these crimes after the fact.
“The fact that there had ben massacres ( of Armenians) is obvious and clear. Everyone agrees on this. Essentially, nobody denies this fact. The important issue here is to define it ( as a genocide or not ). We will discuss this issue at meetings within our party to reach a decision jointly at the end of these discussions and will declare our decision openly ” said the newly appointed Minister of European Affairs Ali Haydar Konca of the HDP Party, of the newly established government which will rule until the Nov. 1st, 2015 elections, at the press meeting on his first day as Minister of European Affairs.
Prof. Dr. S. Rıdvan Karluk Turgut Özal Üniversitesi
Translated by: Şadi Dinlenç, New York 21 October 2015
According to some sources, The Armenian Genocide Appeals (the so-called Armenian Genocide or the Unfounded Armenian Claims) indicate that the Armenian deportation, which was carried out by the Ottoman State in Eastern Anatolia for internal security reasons from May to November 1915, was aimed at destroying the Armenian community in the region, Millions of Armenians are alleged to have been killed by this reason. In the early years of the First World War, the Ottoman State while fighting in many fronts with Allied Powers, the Armenians attacked the Ottoman army jointly with the Russian army in the region up to Central Anatolia in the East, and rebelled in many cities. In order to overcome these rebellions, the Ottoman State held a joint meeting with the Armenian Patriarchs, especially the Armenian Members of the Tanzimat Parliament, and the leaders of the Armenian community, and informed them that the Ottoman State would take countermeasures if the Armenians continued to kill local Muslim people in Eastern Anatolia. On the basis of this notion, the Ottoman State in April 24, 1915 arrested 235 people who had organized the rebellions and closed down all the Armenian Committees and local organizations that supported and organized the rebellions. The Ottoman State promulgatiated the Temporary Law of Deportation, in 27 May 1915. Accordingly, it was decided some of the Armenians in Eastern Anatolia would be displaced to Syria, Lebanon and Iraq.
According to the Armenians’ claims, massacre and genocide were carried out under the deportation title and 1.5 million Armenians were killed.
This article is about the mass graves of 1.5 million Armenians which would form the basis of the massacre allegations, the size, how and by whom they were dug, how the massacred Armenians buried and how the mass graves covered with soil. The paper is written to investigate whether there are mass graves or not.
Copy of message sent to [email protected] on Nov. 5, 2023 in connection with the airing of Aurora’s Sunrise, a supposed documentary film, by PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) on October 23, 2023. Recipient confirmed receipt of the message, but provided no commentary.
Oh, Mama mia, here we go again! “Aurora’s Sunrise,” with all those phantasies and fabrications. My dear Aurora Mardiganian, My sweet heart, where are those crucified 16 young girls tormented by Ottoman soldiers? Mama mia, My my, how can I resist you, tell me more lies.
Aurora’s Sunrise is a 1 hr. 23 min. film re-telling the story of Arshaluys (Aurora) Mardiganian, the Armenian girl who survived “Armenian genocide” at age 14 and moved to America at age 16. Her supposed memories, published in 1917 when she was 17, were turned into a book, Ravished Armenia in 1918, and later into a Hollywood movie Auction of Souls in 1919. Aurora’s Sunrise is a re-making of Auction of Souls in animated form, where she re-tells her original story. The film had its world premiere in France in June 2022, and aired by PBS, a supposedly respectable organization serving as America’s largest public media enterprise, on October 23, 2023. It was made possible – not surprisingly – with the “academic contribution” (notice the word “academic”) of the Zoryan Institute, which, together with other Armenian sources, contributed to the production of the film.
Shamefully, Aurora’s Sunrise is peddled as a documentary film. In reality, it is a despicable mockery of history and international law, aimed at vilifying Turks as heartless barbarians. The film goes one more step than the original Auction of Souls in throwing dirt and slime on Turks. According to Aurora, crucifixion of the girls depicted in the original movie was inaccurate. The reality was far too grim, she says. “The Armenian girls were actually ordered to bend down, then raped, then they made them sit on the “kazık”(pointed wood), through the vagina. That’s the way they killed.” Crucifixion was “too civilized,” she comments. The movie contains many horrific and sickening scenes of tortured humans splattered across the countryside. The villain is the cruel, heartless Turk. At one point, she brings up the fictitious “Hitler’s Armenian quote” to support the “Armenian genocide” allegation, even though the document bearing this quote was denied as evidence during the Nuremberg trials. She says, “If Turks were punished after WW-I, Jews wouldn’t have been massacred.” Such outrageous comment, and attempting to defraud the audience!
And at the end of the movie she maligns Kemal Atatürk, the legendary Turkish leader praised by many world leaders and honored by the United Nations and UNESCO. Atatürk is blamed for building a new Türkiye “by massacring his way across Armenian land.” She concludes that “Turks should not be really killed with guns or swords; they must be brought down to the chair,” implying death by hanging!
Such repulsive language, not to mention grotesque distortion of truth, is almost unheard of in today’s America. The exception, of course, is the hatred-filled campaign directed against Türkiye and Turks coming from the Armenian lobby, e.g., ANCA and ARF. The Armenian lobby is not only contributing to, but also riding high on the enduring prejudice born of history and Islamophobia in America, i.e., the “Terrible Turk” versus the good, Christian Armenians. Certainly echoes of Ambassador Henry Morgenthau, who called Turks “primitive,” possessing “poisonous blood,” and President Woodrow Wilson characterizing them as “Mohammedan Apaches.” The prejudice is the result of distorted missionary reports combined with British propaganda (Wellington House) before and during First World-I. Native Americans and black Africans brough as slaves to America know such bigotry and derision too well.
And imagine only half of such calumny is brought onto the Jews in America. The Jewish organization ADL (Anti-Defamation League) would scream in protest, and PBS would be in deep trouble. Where are the Turks and the diplomatic representatives of Türkiye to protest such hate speech and character assassination?
The only shred of truth in Aurora’s Sunrise is that Armenians in the Ottoman Empire were a privileged group, in fact a “loyal nation,” and could afford sending their children abroad for education. Even the Foreign Minister in the Ottoman cabinet in 1913 was an Armenian named Gabriel Noradukian. But such privilege was not enough, and during World War-I the Armenians joined the invading enemy armies and attacked and sabotaged the Ottoman Army from behind, all for the glory of the Allies, chiefly the Russians. It was an armed uprising against their government. The insurrection and attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 was a measly child’s play by comparison. The Ottoman government had no choice but relocate Armenians to the south toward Syria. Only those in Eastern Anatola were subjected to Relocation orders. Armenian militants burned the city of Van, and handed the city to the advancing Russian army. Their aim was to carve out an independent Armenia in Eastern Anatolia, where the Armenian population was at most 22%. Even the Dashnak luminary Hovhannes Katchaznouni called attention to the misjudgment and blunder of the Armenian militants, and Boghos Nubar Pasha of the Paris Peace Conference fame admitted the treasonous act of the Armenian militants.
The claimed death of 1.5 million of Armenian refugees during Relocation is a preposterous exaggeration; Turkish archives put the Armenian deaths at 56,600, 10,000 of which were killings due to lawlessness. Those that intentionally harmed Armenian refugees were punished by the Ottoman courts. Some of the punishments were death-by-hanging.
Commander Andranik, recalled in glowing terms by Aurora, was an Ottoman traitor and mass murderer. In 1915 he was named commander of all Armenian volunteer units within the Russian army. Both Andranik and “Dro” Drastamat Kanayan, another Armenian general who later served in Nazi Germany as commander of the Armenian battalion, were war criminals, being responsible for the killing of tens of thousands of helpless and innocent Turkish and Muslim civilians. Both Andranik and “Dro” are considered patriots by Armenia and the Armenian lobby. Between 1914 and 1921 renegade Armenian bands killed 518,000 civilians in cold-blood in Anatolia. There were also 413,000 losses in the Transcaucasian region – not to mention the 1 million that perished during forced migration. Armenian atrocities were witnessed and documented by, among others, Captain E. Niles and A. Sutherland of Near East Relief and Rear Admiral Marc L. Bristol, the successor of Ambassador Henry Morgenthau as the U.S. High Commissioner to Türkiye between 1919 and 1927. The atrocities are also reported in Russian, British and French archives.
The calamity brought upon Muslims – in particular Turkish civilians – by Armenian militias is a story untold in Europe and America, and certainly not in a fictional story championed by PBS.
In 1985, 69 U.S. historians and researchers passed a unanimous resolution, addressed to members of the U.S. House of Representatives and published in New York Times and The Washington Post, refuting Armenian allegations. In 2011, 124 Turkish academicians signed a statement supporting the 1985 declaration.
As for international law, suffice it say that the recognition of “Armenian genocide” clearly violates the 1948 UNConvention on Genocide, ratified or acceded to by 152 states. The U.S. ratified the Convention in 1948, Türkiye acceded, or effectively ratified, in 1950, and likewise Armenia acceded in 1993. The Convention requires (Art. 6) that “Persons charged with genocide”… shall be tried by a competent tribunal … of the State where the act was committed … or by an international penal tribunal that has the proper jurisdiction. The main takeaways from the Convention are: 1: The crime of genocide is committed by persons, not by states. 2: To recognize genocide, determination by a competent court is a must.
Yet, with respect to the so-called “Armenian genocide,” there exists no such court determination; repeat, NONE. This contrasts with the Rwandan, Bosnian and Cambodian genocides, all of which were established and ratified by ad hoc tribunals.
There is, of course, the claim from some Armenian sources that the Ottoman courts martial of 1919-20 issued death sentences to the leaders of the “Committee of Unity and Progress” that gave the Relocation orders, and hence responsible for Armenian deaths. But these courts, operating under the leadership of Nemrut Mustafa Pasha, were “kangaroo courts” established at the instigation of the victorious Allied Powers. They issued death sentences also to the leaders of the Nationalist Movement,“ including Mustafa Kemal. With no due process, no witnesses, no cross-examination, etc., the courts lacked credibility, and certainly did not qualify as “competent courts” referred to in the Convention. The Allies considered these courts a travesty of justice, with British High Commissioner Admiral Somerset Arthur Gough-Calthorpe writing to London on August 1, 1919, that these courts were “proving to be a farce and injurious to our own prestige.”
The “Armenian genocide” narrative, not having the requisite determination by a competent court, raises the obvious question: Given that Türkiye does not recognize “Armenian genocide,” why Armenia, after it gained its sovereignty from the Soviet Russia in 1991, has not to date appealed to the International Court of Justice to prove its “genocide” allegations against its adversary? Same question applies to the Armenian lobby, which could have pursued a similar course by appealing to the UN for establishment of an ad hoc tribunal. Certainly, for both Armenia and the Armenian lobby the day-in, day-out propaganda, riding on the anti-Turk prejudice and Christian sensibilities, and fed by generous political campaign contributions, was far more preferrable.
In 2003 the European Union’s Court of First Instance ruled that the “Armenian genocide” resolution passed by the European Parliament in 1987 was purely a political act – devoid of any legal validity. The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) ruled, in 2013, ratified in 2015, that “Armenian genocide,” apart from the fact that it is a controversial issue among scholars, remains unproven. It also made a distinction between the court-proven Holocaust and the 1915 events in Ottoman Turkey. In 2016 France’s Constitutional Council, while also making a distinction between the 1915 events and Holocaust, underlined that governments and parliaments have no authority to judge genocide. Repeat: parliaments and governments have no authority. All these facts, on top of the fact that the Malta Tribunal held by the British in 1919-21 resulted in the conviction of not a single high Ottoman government official charged with killing of Armenians; all 144 detainees were released. And the UN, on three separate occasions in 2000, 2007 and 2015, stated unequivocally that it has not taken a position on “Armenian genocide,” i.e., it does not recognize such “genocide.” As late as April 22, 2021, Stephane Dujarric, spokesman for the UN Secretary-General, issued a statement that the crime of genocide must be decided by a relevant court, i.e., determinaton by a relevent (competent) court is a must, not an option.
So, what do we say about the “Armenian genocide” resolution passed by the U.S. Congress in 2019, plus President Biden’s recognition of the “genocide” since 2021? They are simply worthless declarations, or opinions, but carrying much political garbage against Türkiye. Forget about seeking the views of the opposing Turkish side; the law-abiding Congressmen and women didn’t even bother to question the authenticity of “Armenian genocide” or consider the international legal ramifications of the resolution they voted on. They simply rubber-stamped what was put in fronth of them by the Armenian lobby. The passage of the resolution by both the House and Senate in 2019 was driven by a mob mentality charged with political undercurrents and a sense of recrimination against an unfavored, barely tolerable, NATO ally. In the Senate, the all-time-high Türkiye critic Robert Menendez, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, now indicted on a number federal charges, even shed tears when the resolutıon passed. Oh, Mama mia, all these tears, how sad! Likewise, Biden couldn’t resist saying “genocide.” Bigotry comes cheap. There were also generous campaign contributions from the Armenian side to consider.
As for PBS, this is not the first time it succumbed to Armenian lobby’s pressure to besmirch Türkiye and Turks. There were at least four previous productions aired by PBS that brought up the prejudicial “Armenian genocide” issue. The last one, aired on April 17, in 2006, titled Armenian Genocide, pulled out all the stops to demonize Turks and please Armenians. Playing the religion card, it mocked not only history and international law, at the beginning it showed a macabre image of a pyramid of human skulls, to make the audience think that these were the remains of Armenian victims killed by murderous Turks. In reality, it was “The Apotheosis of War,” a mid-19th century painting by Russian war artist Vasily Vereshchagin. The scheme to fool the audience obviously did not bother the producer. Not surprisingly, the film was bankrolled by more than 30 largely Armenian foundations in America. Despite appeals from the Turkish side, PBS also declined to air, as a balancing act, another film, The Armenian Revolt, that gives a balanced presentation of the Turkish-Armenian conflict. Because it refuted “Armenian genocide,” PBS wouldn’t air it. So much about being “open minded” by America’s largest public media enterprise!
Mama mia, Mama mia, Aurora Mardiganian, the virtuous Christian girl; tell me more lies, tell me more about those “gavur” (infidel) Turks … History, international law, decency and humanity have gone berserk; hatred and dishonesty have taken over. Ethnic harmony in America is at stake. America, where LAW is the king, and “due process” for the accused is a right. When the Congress and Biden recognized “Armenian genocide,” not a single soul sought the opinion of the accused side. Obviously, politically motivated accusations don’t have to comply with such legal niceties! Armenian fabrications, and Türkiye and-Turk-bashing in America started more than a century ago, and are still continuing today almost unabated. Between 1973 and 1987 the Armenian ASALA and JCAG terrorist groups committed 239 acts of terrorism that resulted in the massacre of at least 70 and the wounding of 524 innocent people. Some of the terrorism took place on U.S. soil. Of the dead, 58 were Turkish, of which 31 were diplomats. These were hate crimes motivated by hate-mongering propaganda from the Armenian side; a propaganda that is disgracefully supported by PBS – a supposedly educational media that “helps prepare children for success in school.” What a hypocrisy!
From the Foundational Crime to the Making of a New State (and Nation): The End of the Ottoman Empire and the Creation of the Turkish Republic
Attend in person or on Zoom at https://myumi.ch/967mE
To mark the centennial year of the founding of the Turkish republic, WATS (the Workshop on Armenian and Turkish Scholarship) has decided to organize an eleventh workshop at the University of Michigan in the fall of 2023 under the auspices of the Center for Armenian Studies.
Marking the centenary of the founding of the Republic of Turkey, our conference aims to bring a critical perspective on the process of making states that involved ethnic cleansing or genocide. Few modern states are free of dark histories of exclusion, forced assimilation, or more sanguinary solutions to the remnants of imperial diversity. Investigating states that were founded on dispossession of indigenous peoples, we examine the Turkish past and the histories of the United States, Israel, and Australia, among others. Turkey is not unique, but its achievement in ridding Anatolia of Armenians and Assyrians, like the removal of Native Americans from continental United States, was admired by and positively referred to by Adolph Hitler as he planned his own genocidal policies in the lands to the east of Germany.
Our conference examines the ideological and strategic choices made by Ottoman and Turkish nationalist leaders as they attempted to “modernize” their states through coercive demographic policies and the deployment of violence, which became enshrined as part of the repertoire of governance in the Kemalist state. Having eliminated the bulk of Christians, the heirs of the Ottomans repressed their former allies, the Kurds, turning what they conceived as a homogeneous ethnic nation-state into a mini-imperial state colonizing its non-Turkish subjects.
Just as the controversial 1619 Project in the United States has contested the origins of the American republic by seeking its beginnings with the first importation of African slaves, rather than the revolutionary events of 1776, so shall this workshop explore the formative events and processes from the initiation of systemic reforms in the Ottoman Empire in 1789, through the Tanzimat reforms of 1839 and 1876, the coup d’état of 1908 and the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1916, to the 1918 fall of the empire, the 1919-1922 rise of the Kemalist nationalist movement, and the 1923 founding of the Republic of Turkey.
– SCHEDULE OF EVENTS -Friday, November 10, 20239:30 Introduction: Gottfried Hagen, Fatma Müge Göcek, Ronald Grigor Suny10:00-12:00 Session I: From Reform to Revolution Chair and Discussant: Melanie Tanielian (University of Michigan).Fatma Müge Göçek (University of Michigan) and Murat Özyüksel (University of British Columbia) Origins of the Republic of Turkey: Unionists and Local Congresses, 1918-1920Keith Watenpaugh (University of California, Davis) – Kill the Armenian/Indian; Save the Turk/Man: Carceral Humanitarianism, the Transfer of Children and a Comparative History of Indigenous GenocideArmen Manuk-Khaloyan (Georgetown University) – Intriguing Opportunities: International Finance, Great Power Diplomacy, and the Armenian National Banks Saga, 1912–1914Umit Kurt (University of Newcastle, Australia) – Republic of Perpetrators: Talat Pasha’s Genocide Technocrat Mustafa Reşat Mimaroğlu2:00-4:00 Session II: Revolution, War, Genocide and Their Afterlives Chair and Discussant: Ronald Grigor Suny (University of Michigan)Merisa Şahin (University of Michigan) – The Early Young Turks and International Law: Carving an Ottoman CosmopolitanismSamuel Dolbee (Vanderbilt University) – Germs of Nationalism and Intercommunal Microbes in the Late Ottoman EmpireSahika Karatepe (State University of New York, Binghamton) – Gendered Labor History of the Armenian Genocide: Slave Labor, Social Reproduction and Sexual Violence in the Late Ottoman EmpireMehmet Polatel (Hrant Dink Foundation) – Restitution Under Occupation: Property Disputes in the Post-War Ottoman EmpireSaturday, November 11, 202310:00-12:00 Session III: The Fate of a Nascent Civil Society Chair and Discussant: Gottfried Hagen (University of Michigan)Heghnar Watenpaugh (University of California, Davis) – Captive Sites and Survivor Objects: Theorizing the Cultural Heritage of Armenians in and out of TurkeyCeren Verbowski (York University) – Ernst Diez as an “Enemy of the Turks”: A Historical Debate on the Purity of Turkish Art in the Face of Armenian and Byzantine RemainsAram Ghoogasian (Princeton University) – Swords and Pens: Forging a Turkish CanonElif Shannon-Chastain (University of California, Irvine) – The Mother of the Turkish Theater: Knar Svajian and the Transformation and: Turkification of the Ottoman-Armenian Theater, 1908-19262:00-4:00 Session IV: Occupation, War of Liberation, and the Establishment of Violence as a Tool of Rule Chair and Discussant: Hakem Al-Rustom (University of Michigan).David Gaunt (Södertörn University) – Expulsion, Submission or Survival: Assyrian Christians in the Early Republic of TurkeyAri Şekeryan (Independent Scholar) – The ‘Armistice Complex’ and the Foundation of the Republic of Turkey: Revisiting the Precarious Situation of the Armenian CommunityCevat Dargin (University of Michigan) – Roadlessness: Ottoman Modernity Navigating Uncharted DersimVahram Ter-Matevosyan (American University of Armenia) – Armenian Interpretations of Kemalism in the 1920-40s: Rethinking Intellectual Debates on Turkey’s Ideological Foundations4:30-6:00 Session V: Roundtable: The Fatal Impossibility of Democracy: 100 Years of False Starts and FailuresFatma Müge Göçek (University of Michigan) Ronald Grigor Suny (University of Michigan Emeritus)
— If there is anything we can do to make this event accessible to you, please contact us at [email protected]. Please be aware that advance notice is necessary as some accommodations may require more time for the university to arrange.
Weiser Hall
Event Type:
Conference / Symposium
armenia, Turkey
Happening @ Michigan from Center for Armenian Studies, International Institute
Upcoming Dates:
Friday, November 10, 2023 9:30 AM-4:00 PMSaturday, November 11, 2023 10:00 AM-6:00 PM (Last)
What would USA do if Hispanics betray in a collabration with Russia to establish a NEW MEXICAN STATE to unify with Mexico,When USA army were fighting with United allies,Russia & Mexico in the fictious 3 WW?
What would USA do if American Hispanic USA citizens suddenly start to ware Mexican /French /Russian uniforms and kill women,old,children and handicapped Americans in their own homes in Texas and New Mexico when all men of the USA army were fighting in 14 fronts against the all the leading powers/Allies of the world…
Tell me what would USA do?
USA bombed Hirosima and Nagazaki killed 250.000Japanese people after a finished war for the revenge of PearlHarbour’s 2300 lost Americans.
They kept a million Japanese/Americans in consantration camps all 2.WW long.
But,Turks only deported Liar-menian(armenians are LIARS) traitor betrayers to another Ottoman Turks province from Van Bitlis and Mus Cities only to another Ottoman Province in today’s Syria,Der Zor…
Liar-menians have been insulting,spreading lies and slanders about “my People”” for 100years with a great inferiorty complex of beeing a traitor betrayer nation to their own state,Ottoman Empire in the beginning of the 20th Century with the provocations of Russians and British & French governments..
They have collaborated with the enemies(Russians in 1878-79/1914-15-French army in 1914-15),and wore their military uniforms and killed their own neighbors who have been living with them for at least 13 centuries in Anatolia.
What should Turks do after those hostilities.?
–Armenian Riots”in their own state Ottoman Empire Clutha Leader – 11 Oct 1895-
-“Turkish Armenians In Armed Revolt Ready To Join Russian Invaders, Having Drilled & Collected …” NY Times 13 Nov 1914
-Gen Spiridowitch Organizing Armenians In NewYork For A Revolt In Turkey” NY Times 20-May-1907
-NYT “Armenians in Ottoöman Emp.Responsible For Premeditated Riots” NY Times 25-Oct-1895
“Armenian Revolt to Ottomans With The Help & Encouragement From Trans-Caspian Armenians in Russia” NY Times 13-Oct -1903
-“5000 Armenian Revolters in Adana Preparing For Aggressive Action” NY Times 15 Nov 1895
-“Armenians Armed With Revolvers & Spiked Staves, Dragged Armenian Patriarch From Pulpit” NY Times 29-July-1890
February 13 (31 January) 1908 Russian Word (From “St. Petersburg Telegraph Agency”) VIENNA, 30, I. In «Korrespondenz Bureau» reported from Istanbul: . . “From bathtub telegraphed that the local Armenian church showed a significant number of boxes of rifles, ammunition and dynamite. When the soldiers carried off the boxes, they were attacked by Armenian revolutionaries. There was a fierce battle, during which the soldiers are reported to the dynamite was detonated. The blast destroyed the whole Armenian quarter. Produced devastation around. The number of deaths rumored to be very significant.
-Boxes Of Rifles, Ammunition & Dynamite in Armenian Church” Feb13-31Jan1908-St.Petersburg Telegraph Agency
-Armenian Students Join Russian Army In Caucasus : Evening Post 4 Nov 1914
-Armenian Priests Acted As Guides For Russian Army To Get To Van: Evening Post 9 Dec 1914
-Turks Were Defeated By The Armenian Army: NYT 29 Jun 1918
-Armenian Rebellion:to their Own State Ottoman Emp. Feilding Star, 5 Sep 1905
-Armenians Kill Azeri Turks (Tartars)” La Crosse Tribune, 1906-09-19
-Armenians Go To Europe To Fight For The Allies” Racine Journal-News 1917-08-31
-Armenians Fight For Russia” Reno Evening Gazette London 1915 Jan 7
-Russians Take Turks’ Fort Near Erzerum, In Pursuit of Turkish Cavalry Armenian Students Enthusiastic Volunteers in Petrograd” NYT, 1914 November
-Armenians Join Russians and Scatter Turks Near Feitun” Washington Post, 1914 November 13
-Four Villages Reduced To Ashes by Armenians” Lima Times Democrat 1906 Sep 19
-“Threatening Letters From Armenian Revolutionionary Committee” Liverpool Courier, 1897 08-23
-Bomb Outrage in Constantinople Eight Armenians Arrested” Liverpool Courier, 1897 08-21
-150 000 Armenian Volunteers in Russian Army Were The Only Forces Against Turks: Boghos Nubar, Paris” Times of London , 1919 Jan 30
-Armenians Accused of Massacre. Tartar Complaints” The Times London, 19 Mar 1920 Page 15
-“Armenian Volunteers in Victory Over Turks” Nevada State Journal, 1918, 10 05
-Armenian Bands Preparing To Invade Ottoman Territory” Oakland Tribune, 1905, May 10
-Istanbul Robert College Educated General Mesrob Azgapetian Titled For His War Services Against Turkey,” Republican And Times, 1922 02 0
-8.000+ Armenian Volunteers fighting for the Russians in Turkey” Armenian Red Cross To The Times Editor : The Times London 12 Jan 1915 Page 7
-Welcomed Russians in Armenia Entered Turkey” Atlanta Constitution, 1914 11 07
-Druse Tribe Revolt Spreads” Indiana Evening Gazette, 1925, August 13
-Mosque, School and Bazaar : Armenians Set Fire ” New York Times, 15 Dec 1891
-Armenian Insurgent Bands Attack Kurds Near Erzeroum, Daily Gazette, 17 Nov 1899
-Armenian Insurgent Bands Attack Kurds Near Erzeroum, Daily Gazette, 17 Nov 1899
-Armenians Attack Turks, Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, 15 Jul 1920
-Armenians Attack Tartar Village” Monitoba Free Press, 15 Nov 1905
-Armenians Bands Attack Turks in Mush” Fort Wayne Sentinel, 22 Jan 1902
-Armenians Destroy Seventeen Villages, Insurgents Are Active In Sassun Area” Post Standard, 19 May 1904, Syracuse, New York
-French Attempt To Invest Asia Minor Frustrated By Turks” Armenian Volunteers Make Landing Possible Are Wiped Out, San Antonio Light 19 Apr 1920
-“Armenians Burn Turks, Constantinople” Tyrone Herald, Pennsylvania, Dec 20, 1905
-Sassoun Massacre:Proof Of Assertion that Armenian Revolutionists Caused It” NewYorkTimes Aug 23, 1895
-America And The Armenians” Reno Evening Gazette, Nov 14, 1915
-Armenians Begin Religious Assault:Attack Turks” ProgressReview, Nov 02 1895, Iowa
-Armenians Destroy Village Massacre 400 Tartars” NewYorkTimes Nov 15, 1905
-Armenians Attack Turks And Tartars” Daily Dorthwestern Oct 12, 1920
-Armenians Attack Turkish Villagers” Newport Daily Oct 25 1895
-Armenians, Not Turks Set Smyrna Ablaze” Relief Worker Declares: San Antonio Express, 1923-01-22
-“Armenian Army Approaching Erzerum” Bismark Daily Tribune, 13 Nov 1914
-Armenians Ready To Side With Russians” Elyria Evening Telegram, 13 Nov 1914
-General Antranik Ozanian, Famous Armenian General, Engaged In Many Battles Against the Turks, Dies ” Fresno Bee, 31 Aug 1927
-Armenians Aiding Russians Besiege Turkish Town Van ” Manitoba Free Press, 7 Nov 1914
-“Erzerum Taken From Turks By Armenian Corps, Aided By Detachment Of Armenian Volunteers” Oakland Tribune, 4 Apr 1918
-Armenian Insurgents, Uprising in Van” Post Standard Syracuse, 6 Sep 1904
-Fresno Armenian Weekly Editor Welcomes Gen Antranik, Headed Armenian Volunteers Against Turks” Van Nuys News, 14 may 1920
-Russian Troops Linked with Greek and Armenian Civillians As The Perpetrators” New York Times, 22 Oct 1915
-Armenian Rebels Advance” New York Times, 6 Sep 1904
-5 Armenian Revolutionary Societies To Bring About The Ruin of The Ottoman Empire” New York Times, 24 Sep 1896
-170 Armenian Bombs Exhibited” New York Times, 23 Sep 1896
-Armenian Bomb Factory was Discovered Near Kassim Pasha Cemetery” New York Times, 12 Sep 1896
-Armenians Are pardoned : Turkish Amnesty To Zeitoun” New York Times, 14 Feb 1896
-Armenians Insurgents Massacred All The Turkish Soldiers at Zeitoun” New York Times, 21 Dec 1895
-Armenians landed with Arms and Bombs” New York Times, 15 Dec 1895
-Aggression Of Armenians” New York Times, 2 Nov 1895
-Armenian Raiders From Turkish Territory on Turco-Persian Frontiers” Bristol Times And Mirror, 1897-09-29
-Reported Armenian Aggression – Terrible Barbarities” Liverpool Courier, 1897-08-10
-Armenians Aid Russians Against Turks” Tyro Herald, 1914 12-10
-Four Hundred Cleveland Armenians Waiting to Call Back to Armenia To Fight Turkey” Lima Daily News, 1914 11-02
-“Mahommedans Plan To Aid Co-Religionists – Barbarities By Armenians” NYT, 1905 June 26
-NYT: 15 Dec 1903 : “Armenian Revolt to their own state Ottoman Turks,Likely”
NYT: 4 Aug 1940 “Armenian Military Hero, General Sebooh Arshak Nersesian, Who Fought Against The Turks In 1920, Died At 66
NYT: 8 Jan 1915 “Armenians From America, Arrived In Tiflis, To Serve With The Russian Army Against Turkey”
NYT: 22 Jun 1935 “Armenian Patriot Miran Sevasly Dead: He Helped Raising 10.000 Armenians To Fight Against Turkish Front In Armenian Legion “
-NYT: 9 Oct 1915 “Why We Aid Armenians: It’s Because We’re Bought by Anglo-French Gold”
-NYT 13 May 1947 “James Chankalian, Won Honors, in Organising 300 Armenian Volunteers To Fight Against Turkey”
-NYT 29 Sep 1915: “Armenians Brought Reprisals on Themselves by Trying to Stir Up Rebellion Against Turkey” “ARMENIANS’ OWN FAULT-Bernstorff”
-“Turkish Garrisons Attacked by Armenian Rebels” The Washington Post, 1904 Aug 10
-“Armenian Rebels Killed 20, Wounded 23, in Turkey” The News, 1904 May 2
-Armenia Wants US Against Hun” -Miami Metropolis 27-Mar-1919
-“Hentchakist Bands Invade Turkish Territory” NY Times 10-Nov-1903
-Tacitly Encouraged by Russia, Armenians Cross Turkish Frontier” NY Times 17-May-1903
November 11 (29 October) 1903 Moscow Paper
<…> Can not be the slightest doubt the political nature of the Tiflis assassination. It stands in connection with an irresistible contemporary Armenian movement. Restore the old Armenian kingdom – this was a confused idea, which overtake . . the head and the heart of the Armenian politicians. Rise in Turkish Armenia, accompanied by riot and bloodshed, sent precisely to the political objective, and therefore met with a warm public sympathy in London, raduyuschemsya anything that might serve as a Russian threat to peace and a hindrance to development in Russia.
Future glorious Armenia should not be limited to the Turkish land, but must cover themselves and the Russian land, where now live and is dominated by Armenians. All assets and income of the Armenian Church are designed to promote the idea to restore the old Armenian Kingdom and to prepare for revolutionary action. This provoked by the Russian state statute on the subordination of all church property management and routine of Russian state power. Daring resistance and solemn curse of the law met in Armenians: he did not hide and do not hide their anger. The attempt on the life of Prince Golitsyn has bad breath the same Armenian impotent rage.
-“Future Glorious Armenia Should Not Be Limited To Turkish Land, But Must Cover Themselves & Russian Land” Nov11-29Oct-1903-Moscow-Paper
-“Armenians Prefer Sultan’s Rule Not Emperor Nicholas” NY Daily Tribune 25-Aug-1907
-NYT”Sassoun Massacre -Proof – Armenian Revolitionists Caused It” don’t blame TURKS NY Times 23 Aug 1895
-“Armenian Bands Formed To Attack & Kill Turks or Kurds” NY Times 18 Jan 1894
-NYT Armenians Have Plotted To Arouse Sympathy” NY Times 4 Oct 1895
-Turks Hang Kemal Bey For Armenian Massacres” NYT 14 Apr 1919
-Turkish Garrisons Attacked By Armenian Rebels” Washington Post, 10th Aug 1904
-“Fighting In Sasun -Armenian Rebels” The News, May 2 1904
-False Info Circulated By The Armenian Agitators” NYT, Nov 3 1895
-Armenian Question: England And America Cannot Afford To Throw Stones” NYT, 23rd Sep 1895
-Armenian Rebels Taken In Hand” -Evening Bulletin, Hawaii, USA, May 16, 1903