Tag: Announcements



    Please call 202.456.1414 between 9:00am and 5:00pm, ETS, and ask to leave a message for the President of the United States. Please encourage your friends to do the same.

    Following President Obama’s tremendously successful visit to Istanbul and Ankara, Turkey, WE CAN take this opportunity to thank him for his positive outreach and to commend to him our full support as a key heritage community.

    And, WE CAN voice the critical importance we give to a Presidential Proclamation which does not prejudice the Turks and Muslims or their Turkish and Ottoman heritage with a criminal conviction of any kind, let alone genocide, and which recognizes the mutual tragedy that befell all Ottomans equally, including over 1.1 million Muslims that perished in eastern Anatolia during the Armenian Revolt.


    Please call 202.456.1414 between 9:00am and 5:00pm, ETS, and ask to leave a message for the President of the United States. Please encourage your friends to do the same.

    Message from TAD



    International Symposium in Two Acts

    The Time of Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)

    From Sultan Mahmud I to Mahmud II (r.1730-1839)
    Organized by
    Don Juan Archiv Wien
    In cooperation with
    The UNESCO International Theatre Institute in Vienna
    The Austrian Cultural Forum in Istanbul

    Vienna / Istanbul

    Dates: April 24 – 25, 2009 
    Venue: UNESCO – ITI 
    Palais Khevenhüller
    Türkenstraße 19
    A-1090 Wien 

    Dates: June 4 – 5, 2009
    Venue: Austrian Cultural Forum 
    Palais Yeniköy
    Köybaşı Cadesi 44, Yeniköy
    TR-34464 Istanbul 


    Attached please find the symposium program with details, also including the abstracts and the short biographies of the speakers.

  • Rally “End to Armenian Lies” to be held in New York

    Rally “End to Armenian Lies” to be held in New York

    Baku – APA. A rally “End to Armenian Lies” will take place in New York on April 25, APA reports quoting Haberturk.

    The rally is intended to inform Americans that Armenian allegations on the incidents of 1915 are groundless and false.

    The rally, which will be held in Times square, is sponsored by the Young Turks Association under the umbrella of the Federation of Turkish-American Associations.

    The rally is a reply to the demonstration on “genocide” claims that will be held by Armenian Diaspora in the same square on April 26.

    The Azerbaijanis living in the US will also participate in the rally.



    Dear Members
    Your responses to published TurkishForum articles would lead us the formation of the following Think-Tanks. Membership of these Think tanks first requires being member in good standing for the year 2009. Any member in good standing can join the Think Tanks. Additional the rules to join the Turkish Forum Think Tanks were given below
    We as Turkish Forum expect summaries of Think Thank guidance on periodic intervals of Think Tanks choice.
    Please follow the given rules to join the think tanks. Think Tank Moderators’ were assigned temporarily

    1- What Should Be Direction Of Turkish-Israeli Relations After Davos? And Why?
    2- How Do You Visualize The Present Turkey-Armenia Relations? And What Would Like To See In The Future On State Level.
    3- What Is Your Expectancy Of President Obama On World Politics?  , And Why?

    General: A Fee is not  Requires To Join Forums, However moderator approval is reguired. Forums are To Join members Who   Really Would Like To Iron Out / Discuss Issues Relevant To Each Forums Topic
    Language: Only Turkish or English Can Be Used
    Password: Request Permission To Join The Discussion Group. Generally ,The Permission Will Be Good For One E-Mail Address And For One Forum Only.
    Free Forum Membership: Persons Who Are Working (Or Once Worked) In State Department of Any Country For Foreign Policy and Writers with Distinguished Publications on the On the Forums Subject, Please Let Yourselves Known to Us by Going through [email protected] Address And Request Permission to Join the Discussion Group. Free Forum Membership Can Also be Extended By Invitation.
    Posting Policies: Turkishforum Posting Policies Will Be Enforced
    Postings: Any Write ups Covered By Above Subjects Are Open for Posting. Postings Are Personal Views Of The Forum Members. Turkish Forum Is Here To Provide An Environment For Moderated and Free Discussion Only.
    Participants: Their Real Names or If They Choose To Use Their Nicknames Will Be Known By the Forum Members Only
    Communications: Postings of each member will be displayed on the special forum section of TF’s web page. This write ups will only be open to approved group members and members of the Topkapı Club who paid their 2009 Topkapı Club Membership Dues and/or who made contribution 5 years on the row to Turkish Forum.
    Değerli Üyelerimiz
    Sizlerden gelen yorumları dikkatle incelediğimizde büyük bir kısmının aşağıda verilen 3 ana başlık etrafında odaklandığını gördük. Bu durumu dikkate alarak katılımı sınırlı olan 3 adet TARTIŞMA-THINK TANK Gurubu açıyoruz bu guruplara katılmak için üye olmak ve üyelık aıdatlarında güncel olmak ön şartdır. Bu sartın dışında katılımlar ise aşağıdaki maddelerde KURALLAR ILE BİRLİKDE  belirtilmişdir.
    Gruplardan kendi seçecekleri periodlarda, ara sonuç bildirgeleri beklemekteyiz. Herhangi bir  Grupda post edilen / asılan yazıları sadece gruba katılmaları onaylanmış üyeler  görebilir. Grup üyeleri isim veya rumuz kullanabilirler.
    Guruplara kayıt olmak için lütfen aşağıda verilen yolu takip ediniz. Gurup modaratörleri geçici olarak atanmışdır.

    1- Davos sonrası Türk-İsrael İlişkileri Hangi Yöne Dogru Olmali Ve Sebebleri ?
    2- Türkiye-Ermenistan İlişkileri Bugün Nedir? Ve Yarin Ne Olmalidir ?
    3- Obama Abd Ve Dünya Yönetiminde Hangi Doğruda Yürümeli ?

    Genel: Rastgele Katılıma sebep olmamak ve bu konuda tartışmak isteyen tarafları uygun bir ortamda birleştirmek için her bir Foruma katılım onay’a bağlıdır.
    Lisan : Sadece İngilizce veya Türkçe  kullanılabilinir
    Katılım: Katılım sadece onaylanmış, aidat ödemiş ,üyelerimize  açıkdır. Katılım Ücreti yoktur.
    * Herhangi bir ülkenin Hariciye Bakanlığında çalışanlar veya çalışmış olanlar. Ve konu hakkında Makale veya Kitabı olan yazarlar. (Lütfen [email protected] Adresine Kendinizi Belirterek Katılım Müsaadesi isteyiniz.) . Davetiye  Gönderilebilinir.
    Yayın Kuralları : Turkish Forum Yayın Kuralları Geçerlidir.
    Yazı Kuralları: Yukarıdaki Başlıklar Dahilinde Her Bir Konu Eleştirmeye Açıkdır, Moderatör Vardır. Yayınlanan Yazılar Kişilerin Kendi Görüşleridir. Turkish Forum Sadece Bir Ortamı Sağlamaktadır.
    Katılımcılar: İsimleri Veya Tercih Ettikleri Rumuzları Sadece Ilgili Forum Üyelerine Açık Olacakdır.
    Yazışmalar: Turkish Forum Sayfalarında Açılan Forum Köşesine Yazılar Asılabilecekdir Bu yazıları gorme müsadesi gurup üyelerine ve Turkish forum’a 2009 yılında Topkapı kulübü seviyesinde bağışda bulunmuş Topkapı Kulübü üyelerimize ve/veya 5 sene üst üste bagiş yapmıs üyelerimize verilecekdir.
  • Turkish Films at SCI-FI-LONDON 8

    Turkish Films at SCI-FI-LONDON 8

    On Sunday 3rdMay we screen the 2004 comedy G.O.R.A in a double bill with the 2008 sequel A.R.O.G. But more than that, we have confirmation that the films writer and star CEM YILMAZ will be presenting the screening along with Ali Baltici his co-director. The evening starts at 5.45pm and takes place at London’s most luxurious cinema, the Apollo Piccadilly Circus on Lower Regent Street. This gala event is open to all and tickets for the double bill are just £12.00

    Tickets are on sale now from the Apollo ticket office on 0207451 9944 and more details can be found at www.sci-fi-london.com

  • Return from Turkey

    Return from Turkey

    The Southeast Europe Project invites you to a forum


    Return from Turkey:

    Obstacles and Opportunities in Obama’s Agenda


    Asla Aydintasbas, Forbes columnist/analyst and former Ankara bureau chief, Sabah newspaper (Turkey)

    Thrusday, April 16, 2009

    10:00 – 11:30 a.m.

    5th Floor Conference Room

    RSVP acceptances only [email protected]

    For directions visit www.wilsoncenter.org/directions

    All events, unless otherwise noted, are held at the:

    Woodrow Wilson Center

    1300 Pennsylvania Ave., NW

    Washington, DC 20004