Tag: Al-Quds

  • Rabbi Yisroel Feldman speaking in New York City at International Al-Quds Day rally

    Rabbi Yisroel Feldman speaking in New York City at International Al-Quds Day rally

    free jerusalem

    Rabbi Yisroel Feldman speaking in New York City at International Al-Quds Day rally

    August 2, 2013

    With the help of AlMighty

    A Saloom Aliekoom

    Greetings to all those gathered here today – welcome in the name of the Almighty. We are here to join the honorable people who have come together to express their pain at the injustice of the Zionist occupation of Al Quds.

    Just because the other side is stronger and they are in power now, does not mean that they are in the right. The injustice remains an injustice, and it cries out to the world. The truth will always run after the lie and call out, “You are a lie!”

    We are here to express our pain in regard to the Zionist occupation: we declare that it is wrong, false and unjust.

    Yes, it has existed for several decades, but that still doesn’t make it right and justified. Neither does it mean that it will continue to exist forever. No, falsehood has its limits.

    We must note that the Zionist occupation of Al Quds is not only a crime in the case of Al Quds. The entire Zionist occupation, their settlement in the Holy Land with the plan to take it over and expel the Palestinian people and oppress them, is a crime that cries out to the heavens. It is murder, theft and cruelty that cannot be tolerated. It is a double crime – against the Jewish Torah and against the standards of morality by which mankind lives.

    If one robs another, resulting in a fight between them, and the fight continues for a long time, with the robber prevailing, and then, in order to end the fight, it is agreed that the robber will keep only part of the stolen property (as in the “Two State Solution”) this does not rectify the injustice.

    The Zionist occupation of Palestine cannot be justified, even in one inch of the Holy Land.

    Jews did come to live in the Holy Land over the generations, but not with the intention of ruling the land. The Jewish immigrants were welcomed by the Palestinian residents of the land with honor and respect, and the Jews lived side by side with the Palestinians and their leaders in mutual respect and peace.

    The problems began when the Zionists came, with their plan to rule over the Palestinian people.

    We would be more than happy to return to the old state of affairs, living peacefully together, but it must be under a Palestinian government so that the rights of every last Palestinian is not compromised in any way.

    We must also make it clear that Zionism is not only a crime in terms of human morality; it is also strictly forbidden according to the Jewish faith and Torah. The very idea that the Jewish people should gather together and build themselves up in an independent country – that idea constitutes a breach of our faith. These are things that only the Almighty will do, without any human help. In the Torah and Prophets it is clearly written that there will come a time when the Almighty Himself will reveal His kingship on earth. He will change the minds of all people in the world, and all will worship Him together. He alone will gather all the Jews from around the world with great miracles, and, with the agreement of all peoples of the world, He will bring us to the Holy Land. People of all nationalities and of all races will live peacefully and serve the Creator together.

    All Jews believe in this; whoever does not believe in this, excludes himself from the Jewish people. The Zionist ideal that the Jewish people should arise on their own and build their own country is thus against our faith. Such an ideal could only have been born in the minds of outspoken non-believers in Judaism. And therefore, when the Zionist plan became known, all the rabbis of the world launched a battle against it.

    This ideal only became widely accepted through the Zionists’ tricks and deceptions – but true rabbis were not fooled. The Orthodox Jewish battle against Zionism will never cease; even if a day comes when the entire world makes peace with the facts as they are presently, the true Jews will not make peace with these facts.

    We will always continue to proclaim that the Zionist “fact” is a lie, a deception; it is against our true faith, and it must come to an end. It must collapse on its own; the Almighty’s patience will not last forever. This falsehood cannot have the smallest connection with the truth that the Almighty will one day reveal to the world.

    This is what we are looking forward to; we believe in it and we wait for it.

    A Saloom Aliekoom

  • Al-Quds is indispensible for the Palestinians

    Al-Quds is indispensible for the Palestinians

    Jerusalem 1






    Gulnara Inandzh, Director of Information and Analytical Center Etnoglobus (ethnoglobus.az), editor of Russian section of Turkishnews American-Turkish Resource website www.turkishnews.com  , [email protected]



    The saint city Guds (Jerusalem ) stay in the epicenter of conflict between Israel and Palestine. Embassy of the State of Palestine in Azerbaijan Nasser Abdel Kareem commented Palestinian position regarding The Guds and status of city solution in  Israel-Palestine conflict within international law.



    -What does Guds mean for Palestinian?


    -Jerusalem(Al-Quds), through history has been the hub and the nerve center of the Palestinian religious, cultural, social, economic and political life. The indigenous Palestinian people have been residing in the city since millennia. So as you could imagine, Al-Quds is indispensible for the Palestinians.


    -What official status does Ramallah accept for Guds?


    – The Palestinian people by all their persuasions alongside the Palestinian leadership consider East-Jerusalem (Al-Quds) as their rightly eternal Capital, in accordance with international law and UN resolutions.


    -Is  factor regarding status of Guds intended in independence issue of Palestine by UN?


    – All UN resolutions regard East-Jerusalem as an occupied Palestinian territory, occupied byIsraelin1967 with the rest of the Palestinian territories (West Bank andGaza). Al-Quds is an integral part ofPalestine’s organic fabric; hence there can be no real independence ofPalestinewithout it, just like you can’t have a functioning body without its head.





    -The Guds subject and celebration of the `Quds Day` is used by Islamic countries for politically tool.


    – We welcome any activity that highlights the importance of Al-Quds whether for the 1.5 billion Muslims and the followers of all the monotheistic religions, but above all the challenges the indigenous Palestinian inhabitants of the city have to endure facing the capriciously unlawful measures thrown at them constantly by the Israeli occupation authorities, and to encourage providing support to the Palestinian civil foundations and industry as means of propping the steadfastness of our people in the holy city. As well as underlining the importance of its deliverance from this occupation for peace in our region and world peace.

    Do Azerbaijan and Palestine support each-other in their own conflicts?


    -PalestineandAzerbaijansupport each other calls for the resolution of their own conflicts by peaceful means through the implementation of the pertinent UN resolutions and international law, and by applying the provisions of these resolutions fairly and transparently, devoid of any prejudice and double standards. The World body has to stop dissecting and reassembling UN resolutions case by case,   there has to be one law and one standard that fit all.

     Baku Post