Category: Regions

  • Armenian “Settled History Syndrome”: An affliction that runs deep in the media

    Armenian “Settled History Syndrome”: An affliction that runs deep in the media

    By Ferruh Demirmen

    Anyone who tries to see or instill a measure of balance or open mindedness in the Western media on the question of Armenian “genocide” will soon discover he/she is out of luck. For the phenomenon, which I call the “Settled History Syndrome,” is not only palpable, but also widespread. It runs deep in the media across Europe and America. It is not new, but deserves special recognition under a name of its own – hence the term coined here. It is the product of year-in, year-out incessant propaganda perpetrated by the Armenian lobby on the so-called “Armenian genocide.”

    The syndrome explains how a group of certain historians or scholars, supposedly open minded, gather to discuss Armenian “genocide,” but colleagues who disagree are kept away as misguided renegades.

    It explains why anyone who challenges the Armenian version of history is labeled “Genocide denier,” often citing a self-appointed group called ”The International Association of Genocide Scholars“ as the infallible arbiter.

    It explains how minds are frozen, debate is stifled, and freedom of opinion is trampled upon – truth being the ultimate casualty.

    It explains how money and influence, fed by prejudice, create a cadre of ill-informed politicians and general public. The media, itself thrown into deep freeze, commonly plays the role of the facilitator.

    Turks who want to fight unfounded accusations from the Armenian side must first deal with this mindset affecting the media.

    Examples are myriad. I will first relay an anecdote, then continue with a recent example, both from America. No doubt, what goes on in America also goes on in Europe, with some mutations.

    The PBS Episode

    Time is early 2006. PBS, the national Public Broadcasting Service in America, is planning to air on April 17 a supposed TV documentary called “Armenian Genocide.” The film, directed by Andrew Goldberg and bankrolled by more than 30 largely Armenian foundations in America, will surely be an anti-Turkish diatribe based on distorted history. I and a small group of Turks and Turkish Americans contact the PBS headquarters in Alexandria , Virginia, to protest the screening of a one-sided story. (As it turned out, the film shamelessly started with a macabre scene of human skulls taken from a 1871 painting by a Russian artist. For a fuller account, see F. Demirmen, Turkish Daily News, April 24, 2006). We argued that, if PBS decides to go ahead with the screening, it should also show, as a balancing act, “The Armenian Revolt,” a newly released documentary directed by Marty Callaghan.

    The PBS headquarters did not change its mind. And the screening of “The Armenian Revolt” was out of consideration.

    I then took my case to the affiliate of PBS in Houston Texas, which was also planning to air “Armenian genocide.” Commenting on the film, the channel’s website carried the statement: “The International Association of Genocide Scholars affirms that the number of Armenian deaths at the hands of Ottoman Turks …” It was a reminder to the viewers that the “genocide” was a shut case.

    Nonetheless, I thought I should still try to educate the Houston channel, that what they would be airing was a prejudiced and distorted story. To that end, I contacted the programming director and sent him some archival material. After back-and-forth correspondence, I had my fingers crossed. At the end, the channel didn’t change its plans, but the programming director made an admission, which was revealing. He remarked that until I contacted him, they had assumed that “genocide” was a “settled history.”

    It was a Lilliputian victory. But it showed what the Turkish side is against: a mindset more or less frozen on its track.

    Pasadena Star Episode

    Fast forward 9 years. On January 15, 2015, the Pasadena Star in California published a news article titled: “Ground broken on Pasadena Armenian Genocide Memorial.” It was an announcement that the monument would be completed on April 18, ahead of the “100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide on April 24.” Pasadena happens to be next door to Los Angeles, a hotbed of Diaspora activism.

    As the Star put it, the monument would take “the form of a 16-foot-tall tripod … with water drops dripping … to represent each of the 1.5 million lives cut short by the Ottoman Turks in the Armenian Genocide of 1915 to 1923.” The droplets would “fall every 21 seconds, so that 1.5 million drops will fall annually.” The tripod would represent “similarly shaped structures which Armenian leaders were hanged from during the Armenian Genocide.” Surrounding the tripod and stonework would be “12 pomegranate trees, representing each of the 12 lost provinces of Armenia.”

    Pictures of Armenian clerics solemnly praying at the ground breaking ceremony and an artist’s rendition of the tripod-shaped monument were included in the news.

    The description and symbolism were chilling; but infused in all was a prejudiced and distorted history. Particularly notable in the article was the absolutist tone in the language. “Genocide” was treated as a fact, with no hint as to its disputable character.

    Considering their mindset, I hesitated contacting the Star to express my disagreement that Armenian “genocide” is a fact. But the invitation at the end of the article, for readers to engage in “insightful conversations,“ was too good to resist. I also thought that, instead of sending a short blog, I should lay out my arguments in a full article so as to enlighten them. I informed the Star of my intention to submit a dissenting view, and proposed that they publish it as a stand-alone contribution by a guest writer. Their initial reaction was encouraging. They asked me to send in my article.

    In the article I took special care to acknowledge Armenian sufferings and losses, but also mentioned sufferings and losses on the Muslim side. I pointed to certain facts, and made corrections to some of the allegations in the article. I also tried to strike a conciliatory note, referring to the calls of Armenian religious leaders in Turkey, and pointed to the poisoning effect such a monument would have on the Armenian-Turkish relations in America. It was an appeal for “peace.” While I did not expect they would agree with my views, my expectations were high that the Star would publish my article – if for no reason than journalistic curiosity and respect for dissenting views.

    The response from the Star was an eye opener:

    “Yes. We don’t print op-eds by Holocaust deniers, nor articles denying the settled history of the Armenian genocide, recognized now by 23 countries and by the vast majority of scholars and historians not in the pay of the Turkish government.”

    So, I was a “Genocide denier,” and Armenian “genocide” was a settled history, the arbiter presumably being the all-knowing International Association of Genocide Scholars. Case shut. Opinions and facts brought forward by others will not change anything.

    The response was the embodiment of a frozen mind. Frozen in time, frozen in space. Here was another example of the “Settled History Syndrome.”

  • International outcry after Isis burns Jordanian pilot alive

    International outcry after Isis burns Jordanian pilot alive

    10:47 AM Wednesday Feb 4, 2015

    The Isis (Islamic State) group released a video purportedly showing a Jordanian pilot being burned alive in a cage, in the jihadists’ most brutal execution yet of a foreign hostage.

    The highly choreographed 22-minute video released online showed images of a man purported to be First Lieutenant Maaz al-Kassasbeh, captured in December, engulfed in flames.

    Read more: The role Britain wants NZ to take in fight against Isis
    Isis throws ‘gay’ man off building

    King Abdullah II cut short a visit to Washington to fly home, state television said, as Amman confirmed the death of the 26-year-old fighter pilot and vowed an “earth-shattering response”.

    The video, whose authenticity was not immediately verified, enraged officials and the army in Jordan vowed to avenge the murder of the 26-year-old pilot.

    Anwar al-Tarawneh, centre, the wife of Jordanian pilot, Lt. Muath al-Kaseasbeh, who is held by Islamic State group militants, holds a poster of him. Photo / AP
    Anwar al-Tarawneh, centre, the wife of Jordanian pilot, Lt. Muath al-Kaseasbeh, who is held by Islamic State group militants, holds a poster of him. Photo / AP

    A security official said an Iraqi would-be suicide bomber on death row, Sajida al-Rishawi, and other jihadists will be executed at dawn on Wednesday local time.

    “The death sentence will be carried out on a group of jihadists, starting with Rishawi, as well as Iraqi Al-Qaeda operative Ziad Karbuli and others who attacked Jordan’s interests,” said the official.

    State television said Kassasbeh had already been killed on January 3, before Isis offered to spare his life and free a Japanese journalist in return for Rishawi’s release.

    US President Barack Obama denounced the apparent killing as “just one more indication of the viciousness (and) barbarity” of Isis.

    The United States will “redouble the vigilance and determination on the part of the global coalition to make sure” the group is “ultimately defeated”, he added.

    The White House said US intelligence was working to confirm the video’s authenticity.

    ‘Barbaric enemy’

    The chief of the US-led war on IS, General Lloyd Austin, condemned the pilot’s murder as “savage” and vowed to “fight this barbaric enemy until it is defeated”.

    British Prime Minister David Cameron said the “sickening murder will only strengthen our resolve to defeat ISIL”, another acronym for Isis.

    Members of Al-Kaseasbeh, the tribe of Jordanian pilot, Lt. Muath al-Kaseasbeh, captured by Isis, light candles by posters with his picture. Photo / AP
    Members of Al-Kaseasbeh, the tribe of Jordanian pilot, Lt. Muath al-Kaseasbeh, captured by Isis, light candles by posters with his picture. Photo / AP

    Kassasbeh was captured on December 24 after his F-16 jet crashed during a mission over northern Syria as part of the US-led campaign against the jihadists.

    The video released today shows footage of him at a table recounting coalition operations against Isis, with flags from the various Western and Arab countries in the alliance projected in the background.

    It then shows Kassasbeh dressed in an orange jumpsuit and surrounded by armed and masked Isis fighters in camouflage.

    It cuts to him standing inside the cage and apparently soaked in petrol before a masked jihadist uses a torch to light a trail of flame that runs to the cage and burns him alive.

    The video also offered rewards for the killing of other “crusader” pilots.

    The release of the video of Kassasbeh’s purported murder came after Isis beheaded two Japanese hostages within a week.

    ‘Horrific, disgusting’ footage

    The Isis (Islamic State) group had vowed to kill the second Japanese, Kenji Goto, and Kassasbeh by sunset on January 29 unless Amman handed over Rishawi.

    Kassasbeh’s plane was the first loss of an aircraft since the US-led coalition launched strikes against Isis last year.

    Along with Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain are taking part in the air strikes in Syria.

    Australia, Belgium, Britain, Canada, Denmark, France and the Netherlands are participating in Iraq.

    Isis seized swathes of territory in Iraq and Syria last year, declaring an Islamic “caliphate” and committing a wave of atrocities.

    The extremist group claimed in a video released at the weekend that it had killed 47-year-old Goto, after previously murdering another Japanese hostage, Haruna Yukawa.

    It had initially demanded a $200 million ransom for the Japanese hostages — the same amount Tokyo had promised in non-military aid to countries affected by Isis.

    Isis had previously beheaded two US journalists, an American aid worker and two British aid workers in similar videos.

    Shiraz Maher, from the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation at King’s College London, described the footage as “simply the most horrific, disgusting thing I have seen from Islamic State in the last two years”.

    “They clearly want to make a real point. This is the first individual whom they have captured who has been directly involved with the Western coalition in fighting IS. It is different from the aid workers… This is an act of belligerence.

    “Every time you think they cannot commit anything worse — they open up another trapdoor.”

    Jordan had vowed to do everything it could to save the pilot but had demanded proof he was still alive before handing over Rishawi.

    Isis had previously published what it said was an interview with the pilot in which he said his plane was hit by a heat-seeking missile.

    It claimed to have shot down his plane but both Jordan and the United States said it had crashed.

    Kassasbeh’s family had urged Isis to release the recently married pilot, with his father Safi asking the jihadist group to show “mercy”.

    – AFP

  • CYPRUS: Greek Cypriot Politicians need to leave their fantasy world

    CYPRUS: Greek Cypriot Politicians need to leave their fantasy world


    Our View: Our politicians need to leave their fantasy world

    DELUSIONS and myths have always been the currency of Cyprus political life, which took a divorce from reality from the day the Republic was established. Ever since, our politicians have been operating in a fantasy world of their own making, a world in which a tiny and powerless country (now also bankrupt) with the population of a mid-size town is a major political player, capable of imposing its own agenda on the world stage.

    This may sound like the script for a political satire or a comedy show but in Cyprus it is for real and despite the catastrophes it has brought upon the country over the decades the delusions of grandeur and lack of a sense of perspective still reigns supreme. The politicians, urged on by a media suffering from the same delusions, make all types of pronouncements that are based on a series of irrational assumptions the main one being that all states are equal irrespective of their military and economic power.

    No matter how many times this assumption has been as a fallacy by hard facts the politicians still adhere to it, as if the world had to operate in the way they imagine rather than in the way it does. Archbishop Makarios set the agenda when at the height of the Cold War he believed he could punish lack of US support for his brinkmanship, by strengthening relations with the Soviet Union and taking Cyprus into the Soviet-controlled Non-Aligned Movement, instead of NATO to which all guarantor countries belonged. Events of 1974 were the direct result of Makarios’ folly and his delusions of grandeur.

    But nothing was learned and Cypriot leaders continued to grossly overestimate their power and ability to influence events. For instance, there was the fiasco of the S300 missiles, which cost the taxpayer in excess of 200 million pounds, when then President Clerides thought he would redress the imbalance of power with Turkey by deploying ballistic missiles. They were never deployed because the Turks had threatened to take them out if they had been. The Papadopoulos presidency believed it could achieve with diplomatic means what Clerides had failed to with military means. After deceiving our EU partners over the Annan plan, he tried to use membership of the Union to put pressure on Turkey, but achieved nothing.

    There are countless examples of this folly and no matter how many times we were cut down to size, politicians still labour under the illusion that they can play international power games and impose their wishes on Turkey, the EU and rest of the international community. How many times in the last year have we heard Papadopoulos junior, Omirou and Lillikas calling for a new strategy in the national problem because the talks were futile? But would a new strategy make Cyprus a bigger and more powerful country that would be able to achieve the objectives of deluded politicians?

    Whatever strategy we adopt Turkey would continue to have overwhelming military, economic and diplomatic superiority which are what count. It would carry on violating our EEZ, because we have no practical way of stopping its ships, and continue its military occupation of the north because we have no practical way kicking her troops out. This is the harsh reality – however unjust and unfair – that we should accept.

    Nor will any third country help Cyprus defend its sovereign rights as the politicians have been claiming. In the last few months the above-mentioned party leaders have been arguing that we should strengthen relations with Russia as if this would make any difference to our extremely weak position. The latest folly is the proposal to offer Russia military facilities at a time when there is a major stand-off between Moscow and the West which included our EU partners. The idea that Russia would jeopardise its trade relations with Turkey, worth tens of billions of dollars per year and the potential of selling it vast quantities of natural gas, for the sake of helping Cyprus, is as unreal as the talk of the new strategy.

    Our politicians need to leave the fantasy world they have been residing and in before they cause even more harm to the country. The only way of avoiding future instability and cashing in on what hydrocarbon deposits we may have is by returning to the talks and reaching an agreement with the Turks. The settlement might not be as just and fair as we would like, because in the world of reality and hard facts we are in a very weak position, which we do not have the power to change either now or in the foreseeable future.

      Kufi Seydali

    Comment by John Mavro

    An excellent CM view which perfectly describes the absolutely tragic, depressing and catastrophic state of affairs we find ourselves in.

    With one major exception: the writer is being extremely charitable, almost naive, to refer to the protagonists of these disasters as “politicians”. Since this term implies some degree of intelligence and thinking ability.
    A better description for these corrupt idiots would that of a “curse”.
    Successive curses, not imposed upon us by anyone, but brought upon by our immaturity, moral bankruptcy and ultimately infinite stupidity.
    Since we never learn from our mistakes, from the 1950’s onward, and keep electing these stupid, anachronistic and narrow minded nationalistic peasants into power. Who then dutifully perpetuate the disasters of their predecessors as if this is our only way forward.
    And perhaps there maybe a hidden agenda in their muddled, delusional and non-visionary thinking. Lunacy in reality.
    Which is nothing more than to bring about a two state solution. To establish an ethnically cleansed, church approved “Hellenistic” nation which is totally isolated from our perceived perpetual enemies, the Turks- be it TCs or mainland Turks.
    And given their inherent dishonesty, cowardice and aversion to taking responsibility for their actions, they wish to “achieve” this final destruction not thrugh their direct actions but by having it imposed upon them by the international community. Thus achieving their goal without “political cost” to themselves.
    There cannot be any other explanation for their irrational, delusional and dishonest behavior.
    And most tragic of all is that they are very close to achieving their goal. De jure partition.
    Without any land adjustments, concessions from the other side or compensation. And to hell with the 200,000 or so refugees created by these same “politicians” and their cowardly actions.
    Some simple advice to our alleged “president”. Acknowledge reality, accept we are in an extremely weak position and unconditionally return to these “negotiations”. And negotiate a loose federation in exchange for land adjustments. We may then gain something.
    For if he does not, in 2018 little Nicholas, as the latest addition to this long list of curses will achieve his “vision”.
    When the international community recognizes two states- without any land adjustments or gains for our side.
    It is as obvious and clear as that to all thinking individuals with some common sense.
    Which given his “performance” so far, clearly excludes the idiot that passes as our “president” who much prefers to travel the world and stay away as much as he can from this dysfunctional, cursed banana republic to avoid confronting the numerous problems facing us.
    We do have the ” leaders” we deserve. Since we always put them into these positions where they have brought us untold destruction and even death.


    Comment by Ozay Mehmet

    Delighted to see this as Op-Ed article…summarizing comments and views of some of us in these pages, in exact words…Fantasy-world, myths….It shows that, at least the editors, are reading our comments.
    The important point, of course, is your call for Mr. A to return to the negotiating table, unconditionally, soonest and make the best deal possible with the Turks…About the only thing I disagree in the article is your implication that it will be a “bad” or “humiliating” deal because of the weakness of GC side.
    On the contrary I believe it will be honorable and fair deal because the Turks, especially Ankara, is driven by realism…not vengeance. Both sides, Turks and Greeks, have never before needed each other more….owing to regional and global conflicts…
    Lets hope your wise words will be heeded…without delay.

    The essence of a GC-TC deal, brokered thru Eide, must be Land-for-Peace….TCs to return 5%+ [ including Varosha/Maras] in return for 50-50 ownership of a brand new United Cuprus…or Agreed Loose Confederation, legitimizing the existing two-states, both within EU, with an agreed border adjustment.

  • 1st International Youth Forum of Cultural Heritage and Tourism 1-2 February 2015 Baku, Azerbaijan

    1st International Youth Forum of Cultural Heritage and Tourism 1-2 February 2015 Baku, Azerbaijan



    MIRAS Social Organization in Support of Studying of Cultural Heritage announces 1st International Youth Forum of Cultural Heritage and Tourism.

    Information. Forum will be held under slogan “Explore, Protect and Promote!”. Youth of the age till 35 from different countries will forward new ideas in the line of study, protection and promotion of cultural heritage. In the end speakers and participants will be granted certificates.

    Purpose. The Forum aims at maintaining collaboration perspectives in the direction of protection and study of cultural heritage, tourism and new fields of tourism by gathering youth among the countries, achieving wide application of exchange of new ideas and successful practices.

    For this purpose:
    – brings together young people from different countries; helps widening of cultural and tourism relations among those countries;
    – displays the role of youth in exploration, protection and promotion of cultural heritage;
    – tries to study culture, tourism, traditions of different countries;
    – promotes traditions, rich history, culture and tourism of our country among youth of various world countries;
    – gives “peace and unity” message to the world;
    – listens to the youth’s ideas and initiatives and on its basis adoption of Declaration.

    Terms of participation: Youth of 16-35 ages having cultural heritage and tourism activities, wishing to have new relations are invited to participate as presenters of forum and share ideas and practices. Along with Azerbaijan, youth from Turkey, Iran, Georgia, Russia, Italy, Macedonia, India, France, Germany, Spain, Egypt and other countries will participate there. The papers covered new ideas, methods and conception, understandings and the analysis of successes and failures in the field of cultural heritage and tourism will be preferred. Take into consideration the following when sending the abstract:
    1. Abstracts must be in Azerbaijani or English languages.
    2. Abstracts must be short (maximum 300 words) and should cover main purpose and results. Basic measurements for the forum: quality, originality, comprehensiveness. Abstract covers: (a) title ( abstract topic); (b) entrance with the forum purposes; (c) short description of relevant practice processes; (d) new and non-published information base (d) result.

    Authors are accountable for any ideas, as well as writing and grammar rules or mistakes in scientific facts indicated in the abstract. The participant should fill in this application form on ‘’ web-site to register and then send an abstract.

    Deadline: 8th January, 2015
    The accepted will be notified till 22nd January, 2015.

    E-mail: [email protected]
    Web page:

    There is no limit for participants of the forum. Fill in the application form on web-site and register.

    Presenters – 60 AZN (publications, 2-day coffee breaks and lunch);
    Participants – 30 AZN (2-day coffee breaks and lunch).

    Venue and date:
    1-2 February, 2015
    Modern Hotel, Baku, Azerbaijan


    Advisory Board:
    Veli Aliyev, ANAS Associate member
    Jafar Giyasi, ANAS Associate member
    Prof.Dr. Gafar Jabiyev
    Prof.Dr. Luigi Scrinzi (Italy)
    Prof.Dr. Kubra Aliyeva
    Prof.Dr. Minakhanim Tekleli-Nuriyeva
    Prof.Dr. Shikar Gasimov
    Prof.Dr. Abbas Seyidov
    Prof.Dr. Kamil Ibrahimov
    Dr. Fariz Khalilli
    Dr. Juanjo Pulido (Spain)
    Dr. Irina Gusac (Russia)
    Ahmet Aytaç (Turkey)
    Emil Safarov
    Maleyka Huseynova
    Arzu Soltan
    Gulshan Huseynova
    Teymur Najafzade
    Mammad Rahimov


    Organization Committee:
    Jafar Mansimi
    Shola Bayramova
    Aida Malikova
    Valeh Jafarov
    Elnur Aliyev (Georgia)
    Chinara Aliyeva
    Ilgar Babayev (Turkey)
    Karim Musazade (Iran)
    Enrico Greco (Italy)
    Zeyneb Gasimova



    1 February, 2015
    10.00-11.00-Registration of participants
    11.00-12.30-Opening ceremony of the Forum
    12.30-14.00- Lunch
    14.00-18.00-The session “Explore”

    2 February, 2015
    09.00-13.00-Session “Protect”
    14.00-18.00- Session “Promote”
    18.00-19.00-Discussions (cultural heritage and tourism studies), adoption of Declaration
    19.00-19.30-Granting of certificates

    ingilisce meruzeciler ucun(1) Qeydiyyat INGILISCE(1)

    ingilisce meruzeciler ucun(1)


    SOURCE: Jafar Mansimi







    2-3 April 2015


    Baku, Azerbaijan


    MIRAS Social Organization in Support of Studying of Cultural Heritage will hold 1st International Symposium on Genocides of History in Baku city of Azerbaijan.
    Information. In the history there are rather many people claiming to be exposed to genocide and demanding their rights. What is genocide? Which tragedies and massacres can be considered as genocides? In the Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide: “genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; forcibly transferring children of the group to another group”. It is recognized in the preamble of the Convention that “all periods of history genocide has inflicted great losses on humanity”.
    Goal. The symposium aims at bringing together historians and researchers from the various world countries who write articles, study and discuss crime of genocide. Many reasonable and groundless claims on the issue exist over the history. Views of the scientific community will be learnt on methods of researches of these claims, the done analyses and the results obtained and to be printed. It is expected to publish materials of new studies and archives within the symposium. Symposium is intended to be held as range of events to follow new researches in the future.
    Main topics:
    – What is genocide? Juridical solution of the problem;
    – Methods of research of genocide history;
    – Genocides of pre-20th century;
    – Genocide acts on eve of 1st World War;
    – Genocide acts on eve of 2nd World War;
    – Political systems and genocides committed;
    – Genocides in Azerbaijani history.
    Deadline of call for abstracts: 10 March, 2015
    Notifications of acceptance of abstracts: 15 March, 2015.
    E-mail: [email protected]

    SOURCE: Jafar Mansimi

  • 1st International Youth Forum of Cultural Heritage and Tourism 1-2 February 2015 Baku, Azerbaijan

    1st International Youth Forum of Cultural Heritage and Tourism 1-2 February 2015 Baku, Azerbaijan



    MIRAS Social Organization in Support of Studying of Cultural Heritage announces 1st International Youth Forum of Cultural Heritage and Tourism.

    Information. Forum will be held under slogan “Explore, Protect and Promote!”. Youth of the age till 35 from different countries will forward new ideas in the line of study, protection and promotion of cultural heritage. In the end speakers and participants will be granted certificates.

    Purpose. The Forum aims at maintaining collaboration perspectives in the direction of protection and study of cultural heritage, tourism and new fields of tourism by gathering youth among the countries, achieving wide application of exchange of new ideas and successful practices.

    For this purpose:
    – brings together young people from different countries; helps widening of cultural and tourism relations among those countries;
    – displays the role of youth in exploration, protection and promotion of cultural heritage;
    – tries to study culture, tourism, traditions of different countries;
    – promotes traditions, rich history, culture and tourism of our country among youth of various world countries;
    – gives “peace and unity” message to the world;
    – listens to the youth’s ideas and initiatives and on its basis adoption of Declaration.

    Terms of participation: Youth of 16-35 ages having cultural heritage and tourism activities, wishing to have new relations are invited to participate as presenters of forum and share ideas and practices. Along with Azerbaijan, youth from Turkey, Iran, Georgia, Russia, Italy, Macedonia, India, France, Germany, Spain, Egypt and other countries will participate there. The papers covered new ideas, methods and conception, understandings and the analysis of successes and failures in the field of cultural heritage and tourism will be preferred. Take into consideration the following when sending the abstract:
    1. Abstracts must be in Azerbaijani or English languages.
    2. Abstracts must be short (maximum 300 words) and should cover main purpose and results. Basic measurements for the forum: quality, originality, comprehensiveness. Abstract covers: (a) title ( abstract topic); (b) entrance with the forum purposes; (c) short description of relevant practice processes; (d) new and non-published information base (d) result.

    Authors are accountable for any ideas, as well as writing and grammar rules or mistakes in scientific facts indicated in the abstract. The participant should fill in this application form on ‘’ web-site to register and then send an abstract.

    Deadline: 8th January, 2015
    The accepted will be notified till 22nd January, 2015.

    E-mail: [email protected]
    Web page:

    There is no limit for participants of the forum. Fill in the application form on web-site and register.

    Presenters – 60 AZN (publications, 2-day coffee breaks and lunch);
    Participants – 30 AZN (2-day coffee breaks and lunch).

    Venue and date:
    1-2 February, 2015
    Modern Hotel, Baku, Azerbaijan


    Advisory Board:
    Veli Aliyev, ANAS Associate member
    Jafar Giyasi, ANAS Associate member
    Prof.Dr. Gafar Jabiyev
    Prof.Dr. Luigi Scrinzi (Italy)
    Prof.Dr. Kubra Aliyeva
    Prof.Dr. Minakhanim Tekleli-Nuriyeva
    Prof.Dr. Shikar Gasimov
    Prof.Dr. Abbas Seyidov
    Prof.Dr. Kamil Ibrahimov
    Dr. Fariz Khalilli
    Dr. Juanjo Pulido (Spain)
    Dr. Irina Gusac (Russia)
    Ahmet Aytaç (Turkey)
    Emil Safarov
    Maleyka Huseynova
    Arzu Soltan
    Gulshan Huseynova
    Teymur Najafzade
    Mammad Rahimov


    Organization Committee:
    Jafar Mansimi
    Shola Bayramova
    Aida Malikova
    Valeh Jafarov
    Elnur Aliyev (Georgia)
    Chinara Aliyeva
    Ilgar Babayev (Turkey)
    Karim Musazade (Iran)
    Enrico Greco (Italy)
    Zeyneb Gasimova



    1 February, 2015
    10.00-11.00-Registration of participants
    11.00-12.30-Opening ceremony of the Forum
    12.30-14.00- Lunch
    14.00-18.00-The session “Explore”

    2 February, 2015
    09.00-13.00-Session “Protect”
    14.00-18.00- Session “Promote”
    18.00-19.00-Discussions (cultural heritage and tourism studies), adoption of Declaration
    19.00-19.30-Granting of certificates

    ingilisce meruzeciler ucun(1) Qeydiyyat INGILISCE(1)

    ingilisce meruzeciler ucun(1)