Category: Regions

  • CYPRUS: Russia trip highlighted Anastasiades’ failings

    CYPRUS: Russia trip highlighted Anastasiades’ failings


    Anastasiades and Russian President Putin at their joint press conference

    ALL THE SHORTCOMINGS of President Anastasiades as a politician and head of state were displayed during his heralded official visit to Russia. His failure to exercise restraint when speaking publicly, his inclination to allow his emotions to rule his head, his poor judgement and inadequate diplomatic skills, his obsession with his domestic popularity ratings and his inability to see any difference between speaking at a Sunday memorial service in a Cyprus village and in front of an international audience were all evident on his Russia trip.

    The more he spoke – and he was given plenty of opportunities to do so – the more he showed himself up, oblivious to the harm he was causing himself and more importantly the country. Anastasiades went out of his way to cause offence to his EU partners whose policies towards Russia he openly criticised while absolving President Putin of any responsibility for the crisis in the Ukraine. Even if he believed that to be true there was no good reason for repeating it in public – worse still, on a visit to the country that has been behind the dispute – as it would not win him any friends in Brussels.

    Anastasiades appeared to be on a mission to antagonise the EU and the US during this badly-timed visit. He boasted that he was the first leader of an EU member-state to visit the Russian Federation during “this critical period”, informing journalists the two countries supported each other on all issues, but primarily, on the Cyprus problem, the economy and the Ukraine crisis. He did not openly say whether his government supported the invasion and annexation of Crimea as the matter was not raised, but he felt the EU was wrong to impose sanctions on Russia “on the suspicion Russia encouraged the separatists”.

    The Europeans had shown their double standards in this case he said because Russia had not invaded the eastern Ukraine whereas Turkey invaded Cyprus’ EEZ and the EU did not impose sanctions. This simplistic argument may have earned him applause back home – this is the audience he was targeting – but it was insensitive and foolish considering some 5,000 people have been killed and the separatists, using heavy weapons provided by Putin, have reduced eastern Ukraine to rubble forcing more than a million people to flee their homes.

    Believing Russian involvement in the Ukraine crisis was just a figment of the imagination of EU leaders, Anastasiades took a stand, with some other countries, against tough sanctions being imposed by the EU. If he had not, sanctions would have been tougher he claimed. “Cyprus is the most trustworthy voice for Russia within the EU,” he declared in a joint news conference with Putin. Again, it seems rather unwise to advertise such a dubious role, even if it sounds good to your hosts. In effect Anastasiades was warning his EU partners and Brussels not to trust him because he was promoting Russia’s interests in the Union.

    All these utterances went down very well in Cyprus where the anti-Western demagogues welcomed the supposed restoration of good relations with Moscow and hoped they would be strengthened. But apart from winning the plaudits of his fellow politicians in Cyprus, Anastasiades gained nothing meaningful or practical from his visit to Russia that would benefit Cyprus. Putin, despite his allegedly principled stand on international matters, did not even mention Turkey’s invasion of Cypriot EEZ, let alone issue a mild rebuke of the Turks; he would continue offering support on the Cyprus problem – it was reported – but this would be conditional on not upsetting Turkey.

    There was one big negative to the theatre staged in Russia by Putin and in which Anastasiades took a starring role. He will now be regarded a Putin pawn, with ample justification, that none of his fellow-leaders in the EU would trust or take seriously. He paid an official visit at a time when the EU was supposedly united against the Russian role in the Ukraine crisis, giving Putin the opportunity to embarrass Brussels, at least publicity-wise. And worse still, he openly sided with Russia against the EU over the Ukraine when there was no need to do so.

    All this, from a president, whose supposed foreign policy objective until a few months ago was to place Cyprus in the Western sphere of influence and try to join NATO. It is now clear that Anastasiades has no long-term goals and foreign policy is shaped by his whims and whatever he believes might improve his popularity rating.



     Küfi Seydali


  • Pedophile Cover-up: Did Hampstead Police, Social Services, Courts brainwash whistleblower kids?

    Pedophile Cover-up: Did Hampstead Police, Social Services, Courts brainwash whistleblower kids?

    Child_abusePedophile Cover-up: Hampstead  Police, Social Services, Courts brainwash whistleblower kids, send mother & legal helper into exile, protect Satanist abuser father

    Here is the video:


    VANCOUVER, BC – According to news inside out, in an interview from Germany with Sabine Kurjo McNeil, the “McKenzie Friend”[1] or legal helper to Ella, the mother of two Whistleblower children, Gabriel an 8 year old boy and Alisa his 9 year old sister, whose video documenting a sustained pedophile ritual sexual abuse abuse at the hands of their father and at the Christ Church Primary School they attended in Hampstead UK, has learned the following developments, evidence of a deep and powerful cover-up of sexual crimes toward children from deep within the UK Police and Social Services structure. NZ Justice Lowell Goddard, newly in charge of the UK Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, has been notified of this case and has not responded as of this writing.[2]

    • Gabriel and Alisa, the Whistleblower children have been placed in State Social Services care two hours away from London in Kent, UK and after a number of days of sustained brainwashing by representatives of Social Services have been forced to renounce their allegations of ritual sexual abuse by their father and by staff of the Christ Church Primary School they attended in Hampstead UK;
    • Ella, the children’s mother suffered an illegal home invasion by 10 police without a warrant. Fortunately, the mother’s barrister was present who demanded a warrant and the illegal home invasion could not proceed. Under threat of immediate arrest by UK police intent on continuing a cover-up of child sexual abuse networks of the father and of widespread sexual abuse at the school, the child’s mother fled into exile in Europe.
    • McKenzie Friend legal helper Sabine Kurjo McNeil was forced into exile in Germany after being threatened with malicious prosecution for posting the videos of the Whistleblower children online. It was as a result of the posting of the children’s whistleblowing videos that the attempts by all UK police, social services, school staff and courts to date to cover this matter up have failed, as an international outcry on the Internet and social media has arisen.
    • No criminal investigation has been launched against the children’s father, despite the clear testimony of the children and the children’s mother. The father is a reported member of a ritual child abuse and perhaps child sacrifice network.
    • No criminal investigation has been launched against the Christ Church Primary School in Hampstead UK despite the children’s clear testimony, and the testimony of other parents, such as the following report from a parent at the school: “everything is completely true i am from the local Hampstead area and my children used to attend christ church primary, they would often come home telling me about weird encounters such as specific kids getting taken out of class by the head mistress katy forsdyke for no apparent, and how the staff touch the kids and manipulate them, I was first approached to join the cult in an after school meeting and when declined I was subtly told that if I told anyone about it then there would be severe consequences on my behalf.
    • Vicar: Revd Paul Conrad,10 Cannon Place, London, NW3 1EJ. Tel: 020 7435 6784. Email [email protected], he seems like a lovely guy when you meet him, would never of guessed he holds several secret rooms in the church to carry out untold practices.
    • 47 Hollycroft avenue nw3 is the current address of these kids father, i know him personally, he is a very successful and very wealthy man, hence why he has allot of higher member of authorities working with him to brush under the carpet
    • Details of school: Christchurch Hill, London NW3 1JH 020 7435 1361, there are several teachers with heavy involvement, but the headteacher is the main instigator of these horrendous acts in school.  my child has also told me the school are often setting up any sort of pointless after school class and extra curriculum activity as an excuse to get their hands and do awfull things to these poor children, its only a selected amount of kids undergoing it, because he parents have to be in on it too and the parents who decline get threatened if they tell.


  • Poor Richard- Greece can be Saved

    Poor Richard- Greece can be Saved

    Poor Richards Report

    Greece can be saved and so can the rest of world.
    If we forgive the interest rates and just ask that they repay. Wouldn’t it be more beneficial to regain the principal of a loan rather than losing everything?
    The major banks would be the losers because they lose the benefit of compound interest or even simple interest. It is those interest payments that add up fast.
    Another plus is that it would rein in the major banks as well. The loss of income for them means that they will be more careful making loans in the future, because many bankers would face salary pay cuts rather than living off government guarantees of deposits as they do now.

  • Support the Victims of Police Brutality in Armenia

    Support the Victims of Police Brutality in Armenia

    According to İndigogo Men beaten, women & children attacked, cars destroyed, cameras & phones seized ….in Armenia. Why?


    Appeal for Financial Support to Compensate Armenian Victims of State-Sponsored Terror Committed on January 31, 2015

    Dear Friends,

    The regime in Armenia and its subordinates in Stepanakert committed a large-scale state-sponsored terrorist act on January 31, 2015.  The police, including Special Forces units armed with sniper rifles and automatic weapons, brutally attacked the motorcade of “The Centennial Without this Regime”.  The participants of the motorcade, which included entire families, were completely peaceful.  Their point was only to distribute information and yet, the police who were supposed to protect them attacked them.

    The police blockaded the peaceful motorcade on the Syunik to Artsakh highway. Despite the fact that the participants obeyed the demand of the police that the motorcade should turn around, the police attacked them as they were trying to turn around and leave.  Several, among them Artsakh war heroes and an independent journalist, were brutally beaten and required hospitalization.  Others, including women and children, were assaulted; all the while the vehicles themselves were being attacked and severely damaged.

    As a result of this violent attack, organized by the regime, 20 vehicles were damaged, 3 professional cameras were seized from the journalists, numerous smart phones, which were being used to record the mayhem, were violently taken from the participants.  The total amount of the damages is around $40,000.00.

    Most of the individuals who have suffered monetary damages have modest economic means, which makes it very difficult for them to replace or repair their material losses.  We must help them compensate their damages.  We must do it not just because they need and deserve it, but because whatever our beliefs we must keep Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Movement safe in Armenia.  The way to do that is to lend a helping hand to the innocent people who suffered only because they exercised what should be their right in their own country.

    In whatever way you can, take this small but incredibly valuable moment to help, and share this story with your friends and family!

    For those who can not make a donation with a Credit Card or PayPal through Indiegogo, you may contribute directly to Founding Parliament by other means provided at

    Below is the full video, clearly showing the despicable nature of the attack.

  • Book Prospectus

    Book Prospectus

    (May 28, 2005)

    The Nazis’ Gifts to Turkish Higher Education and Inadvertently to Us All: Modernization of Turkish universities (1933-1945) and its impact on present science and culture.


    Arnold Reisman

    <[email protected]>

    In 1933



    Reichstag  burning!


                                                                          In 1933


    Gates to Istanbul University


    Some 15 years later

    This is a tale of individuals caught at the crossroads and in the cross-fires of history. Their native lands were in the throes of discarding them. Their lives were saved because an alien country was discarding a societal culture inherited from the Ottomans. Turkey recognized the need to modernize its society while Germany and Austria were literally throwing babies and much more, out with the bath water. The Nazis came to power.  Many of these intellectuals were Jewish.

    The book documents a bit of history that is dimly lit and largely unknown. In the 1930s the new republic of Turkey badly needed western intellectual know-how to create a modern system of higher education and to modernize practice in various professions. In the west Fascism was rising. Much of the intellectual capital in German speaking countries involved individuals unacceptable to the new ideology and those for whom the ideology was unacceptable. Most had no other emigration options. For those who did, professional employment was not guaranteed. Turkey extended invitations to these desperate souls.  For certain chits, the German Reich allowed the emigrations to take place.  Germany needed Turkey’s neutrality to keep the Bosporus and Dardanelles open to its navy and shipping at all times – including war times. Throughout WWII the pressure was high to have these expatriates returned to the Reich along with all Turkish Jews. Turkey never caved in.


    The system of higher education inherited by the Republic of Turkey in 1923, consisted of a few hundred Ottoman vintage (Islamic) madrasas, a fledgling university called the Dar-ül Fünun, and three military academies, one of which was expanded into a civil engineering school around 1909. With secularization enshrined in its constitution, the new government recognized a need for modernization/westernization throughout Turkish society and established a number of policies to bring this about. Indigenous personnel to do this were not to be had. Starting in 1933 and running through WWII, Turkey provided safe-haven for many intellectuals and professionals for whom the Nazis had other plans.


    This book discusses the impact of these émigré professors, on Turkey’s higher education in the sciences, professions, and humanities, and also on its public health, library, legal, engineering, and administrative practices. The multi-faceted legacy of this impact on present Turkish society with all its richness is documented if but in part. Some of the socio-economic reasons for Turkey’s not taking full advantage of the second and third generation progenies of its modern higher educational system, and the ensuing “brain drain,” are analyzed. Lastly, the book briefly addresses the impact on American science and higher education of the Turkish-saved professors, many of whom subsequently re-emigrated to the US.

    Acknowledgments:  The author is grateful to an old and dear friend Aysu Oral, for her knowledge of Turkish history, language, and culture, which greatly contributed to finding, abstracting, and translating  much text from Turkish language documents;  to graduate students, Ismail Capar and Emel Aktas who provided some of the Turkish material; the troika of  Eugen Merzbacher, distinguished physics Professor Emeritus, University of North Carolina, Matthias Neumark of Charlottesville, VA, and Andrew Schwartz of Acton Mass., both retired businessmen who provided many insights because they were there at the time, were not too young to understand events nor too old to recall and retell their stories; to Rita and Marek Glaser of Tel Aviv, Israel, also old and dear friends, for searching archival information and contacting Holocaust survivors for personal experiences that are relevant. Clearly, a number of scholars, archivists, and institutions have provided much of the information contained herein. Among these are Anthony Tedeschi and Becky Cape, Head of Reference and Public Services, The Lilly Library, Indiana University; Samira Teuteberg, AHRB Resource Officer, Centre for German-Jewish Studies; University of Sussex; Dr Norman H. Reid, Head of Special Collections, University of St Andrews Library, Scotland and to J. J. O’Connor and E. F. Robertson , Department of Mathematics and Statistics of the same university; Andrea B. Goldstein, Reference Archivist, Harvard; Viola Voss, Archivist, Leo Baeck Institute, New York; Ralph Jaeckel and staff of the von Grunebaum Center for Near East Studies, UCLA; Chris Petersen, the Ava Helen and Linus Pauling Papers, Valley Library, Oregon State University; Stephen Feinstein, University of Minnesota; Rainer Marutzky, Braunschweig Institute for Wood Research; Dr. Klaus Kallmann, New York Natural History Museum (Ret); Prof. Dr. Johannes Horst Schröder, Institut fur Biologie, Munich (Ret); Meg Rich, Archivist and Daniel J. Linke, University Archivist and Curator of Public Policy Papers, Seeley G. Mudd, Manuscript Library, Princeton University; Marcia Tucker, Historical Studies-Social Science Library, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton; Ken Rose, Assistant Director, Rockefeller Archive Center; Paul G. Anderson, Archivist, Becker Medical Library, Washington University in St. Louis; Julia Gardner, Reference/Instruction Librarian, Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library; Virginia G. Saha, Director, Cleveland Health Sciences Library;  Nejat Akar MD, Professor of Pediatric Molecular Genetics, Ankara University, Faculty of Medicine; Professor Arin Namal, University Istanbul Medical Faculty Department of Medical Ethics and Medical History; Kyna Hamill, Tisch Library Archives, and  Amy E. Lavertu, Information Services Librarian, Hirsh Health Sciences Library at Tufts University; Historian Tuvia Friling of Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel, an expert on Jewish issues in the Balkans and Turkey during the relevant period; Daniel Rooney, Archivist, National [US] Archives and Records Administration; and especially to Ron Coleman, Reference Librarian, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, who went beyond the call of duty in providing references and did so in a most timely fashion.
    Key words: Turkey; History; History of science and technology; Development; Technology Transfer; Educational Policy; Government Policy; Higher education; Nazi persecution; Nazism; Holocaust; Shoah; Migration; Diaspora; Exile.



    Arnold Reisman received his BS, MS, and Ph.D. degrees in engineering from UCLA.  He is a registered Professional Engineer in California, Wisconsin, and Ohio and has published over 200 refereed papers and 14 books.  After 27 years as Professor of Operations Research at Case Western Reserve University, he chose early retirement in 1994.  During 1999-2003 he was Visiting Scholar in Turkey at both Sabanci University, and the Istanbul Technical University.  His current research interests are; technology transfer; epistemology of knowledge generation; meta research; and most recently, the history of German speaking exiled professors starting 1933 and their impact on science in general and Turkish universities in particular.  He is also actively pursuing his life long interest in sculpting.  He is listed in Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in the World, American Men and Women of Science, and Two Thousand Notable Americans and is a Fellow of the American Association for Advancement of Science.

    Book Length

    Text length and number of visuals are negotiable. Manuscript delivered in nine (9) months or less of contract signing.



    1. Introduction
    2. The Builders

             Architecture and City Planning

    1. The Preservators


    Library Science and librarianship


    Botany and zoology

    1. The Creators

    Performing arts

    Visual arts

    1. The Social Reformers



    1. The Healers



    1. The Scientists


    Biology, Chemistry, and Biochemistry

    Mathematics and Engineering Science

    Philosophy and Science




    • University histories


    Ankara University

    Istanbul Technical University

    Istanbul  University


      1. Problems the emigres encountered


    • Correspondence and memoirs


    1. Legacy left behind

    Selected biographies of first-generation Turkish elite educated by the émigré professors.

    Selected biographies of second-generation Turkish elite educated by the émigré professors.

    Oral histories

    First generation: Turkish elite educated by the émigré professors.

    Surviving spouses

    1. Turkey’s post-war policies and practices: Effects limiting the legacy’s    

    impact potential.

    1. After their re-emigration, Turkey-saved professors’ impact on:

             American science and higher education

    German science and higher education




    Sample chapters available on request.

  • Letter to Harut Sassounian (California Courier)

    Letter to Harut Sassounian (California Courier)

    Dear Mr. Sassounian!

    Re: Prof. Auron Blasts Israel’s President For Calling ‘Armenian Genocide’ a Massacre, dtd. 10. February 2015

    I really am sorry for you that you have to live through these rather frustrating times. Your terrorism (ASALA) didn’t work. Supporting the PKK lead to nothing.Your propaganda since 1958 seems to have failed miserably too. Depression is a fruit of frustration, and hopefully it doensn’t kill you.You might think that what doesn’t kill you, makes you strong! But don’t you worry, those who die early are dead longer.

    Why do I think you must be frustrated? After the official refusal by the governments of Australia, Germany and the UK, you now have the State of Israel refusing to acknowledge your historical myth. Considering all your futile efforts in the so called centennial, it must not only be frustrating but hurtful and agonizing. Such bad luck! Yes, hard luck old chap.

    If there was a grain of decency in you Sir, you would at least acknowledge and show sadnes about the indescriminate atrocities committed by Armenian armed forces in the 20th century
    on innocent civilians in Kochali and other parts of Karabag.

    You, Sir, have made a habit of labelling everyone who do not agree with your version of history as “Genocide Deniers”. Interesting also how you misuse the position of an Israeli academic who works for an Armenian University in Yerevan. I can imagine what could happen to him should he dare disagree with the Armenian version of the story! Even poor Hasan Cemal got his portion of Armenian fanaticism during a recent lecture in Armenia.

    Mr. Sassounian; you are not the youngest anymore, do yourself a favour and get rid of your evil thoughts, because your thoughts become actions, your actions then become a habit, and your habits determine your character. What sort of heritage are you going to leave behind for future Armenian generations? At your age, I would think of that intensively and sincerely.

    Kufi Seydali