Category: USA

Turkey could be America’s most important regional ally, above Iraq, even above Israel, if both sides manage the relationship correctly.

  • The Funniest Protest Signs From Trump’s Visit To The UK

    The Funniest Protest Signs From Trump’s Visit To The UK

    As you’ve probably noticed, we love reporting posting about Trump’s adventures on this site. Currently he’s visiting UK, so here are the funniest protest signs made by some brilliant UK citizens…


    If you enjoyed this gallery, you will probably also like Trump With an Extremely Long Tie, Trump Toilet Paper, and Frog-Chinned Trump.



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     Add your comment

    1. Anonymous June 3, 2019Love these. Gonna save this as inspiration for 2020 signs!
    2. Frann June 3, 2019This made my morning so much brighter,Thanks!
    3. cecile June 3, 2019ha ha ha….
    4. Dense Pence June 3, 2019He’s a “Looney Tune” that ISN’T funny!
    5. MC/DC June 3, 2019Just Brilliant!
    6. Mike P. June 3, 2019Shoot him and I’ll be president!
    7. Roger Collins June 3, 2019Brilliant- our sense of humour is one of the last good things in the UK?
    8. Anonymous June 3, 2019This made my morning
    9. Jeanne June 3, 2019Well done, you Brits!!
    10. Anonymous June 3, 2019Useful idiots gonna useful idiot…
    11. DP June 3, 2019Love it UK 🇬🇧. Thanks for the laugh, we need it here in the US 🇺🇸. It’s embarrassing to admit I’m from here these dark days. 😪
    12. Patti June 3, 2019Thanks for all the giggles, UK! These are wonderfully amusing. I needed a laugh today.
    13. Antoinette June 3, 2019Love your signs and your enthusiasm. We hate him in the United States as much as you do. Your cousin across the pond,
    14. maura June 3, 2019These are just great! Speaking as a U.S. citizen!
    15. Anonymous June 3, 2019From this Californian….THANK YOU!These are absolutely golden!
    16. Anonymous June 3, 2019These are great! Gave me smiles and giggles and we’ve had few of those since Trump was elected.
    17. Jenny June 3, 2019LOVE IT!!! And I’m glad that the comments I’ve read here aren’t from any trumper humpers. I pray and pray that there are enough of us that will stop a revolution if it happens. These people really do scare me even more than rump because they give him the power, lie for him by passing around HIS fake news, feed his ego and ones that I’ve talked to (which I avoid at all costs) are downright hostile He really is doing almost exactly what adolph hitler did in Germany,
    18. Harvey June 3, 2019Most of the people here in the U.S. can’t believe he hasn’t been impeached ! I can’t gut him , he makes me sick to my stomach !
    20. Cherilyn June 3, 2019Sooooo awesome! So glad someone can do this! Please continue!
    21. Patriot June 3, 2019Ignorant brainwashed leftys.. Traitorus propaganda media… If you understand anything about politics and the world stage then you would not be slandering this man you would be showering him with respect and thankfulness.
    22. Tootie June 3, 2019I almost spewed my coffee across the room when a friend shared and I saw the cover photo. Thank you Brit’s, you didn’t let us down AND your cleverness will appear on our signs on this side of the pond. Come visit Montana and will show you around
    23. Anonymous June 3, 2019These are great. And they made my day. I wish we could do this. I’d be first in line.
    24. Rose M. June 3, 2019This made my day also. The right is crying. 😁
    25. Glenn June 3, 2019No Respect for the US president. These people would be speaking German if it weren’t for the US
    26. rseimone June 3, 2019Bless the Brits, we can always count on them! This made my morning 100% better!
    27. Anonymous June 3, 2019Love all the signs. I don’t understand why the Queen even invited him- lost respect for her! Sad
    28. Anonymous June 3, 2019No Glenn, in case you didn’t know, the Brits held their own in WW2 and the Canadians{ also the UK} helped defeat the enemy. Heck, even the Russians did their share.Typically American to think anybody owes you anything.
    29. Anonymous June 3, 2019Glenn – many Brits are very grateful to the US for their part (along with many others, and slow as it was in coming) in WWII. Remind again how Trump contributed to that? Or anything about his honorable military service…?


    Janet June 3, 2019

    Love the signs Hate TRUMP too

    Anonymous June 3, 2019

    Thank you Brits for making my day!! So hilarious and enlightening. Most of my friends can’t stand him either! 😀

    Anonymous June 3, 2019

    The signs were AWESOME!! The UK rocks!!! Btw, if the orange infant gets re-elected (God forbid) can I come back (2 lines were English who came to the US way back)? PLEASE???????????

    iamcart June 3, 2019

    FANTASTIC! Thanks England!

    Pam June 3, 2019

    Wow! I was hoping my blood was not that stupid. Thankful my branch of the family left your island, worked hard and created a country that would elect President Trump. And you have Khan. LMAO!

    Anonymous June 3, 2019

    Let him have it! Thank you UK from your friends in San Francisco!

    Dorcas Smith June 3, 2019

    Love these signs! Go Brits!

    Faith June 3, 2019

    Thanks so much made my day… We promise to get rid of him, trying hard. Maybe since he doesn’t read he can sell the first edition and buy gum in jail. jus sayin….

    Tony June 3, 2019

    And of course our illustrious British prime minister (not) and her boy’s club are so much better than Trump? More honest, caring when it comes to the electorate, really listen to the people, fulfil their promises and give the people what they vote for!!! I don’t think so! I’ll take a leader with guts over the yellow bellied lot here any day.

    OgburnMobileOgburn June 3, 2019

    From Alabama, Bless you all! Brilliant!

  • The Western Assault on Innocent Life

    The Western Assault on Innocent Life

    Walt Garlington

    President Trump got a lot of cheers when he said the following during his State of the Union address:

    There could be no greater contrast to the beautiful image of a mother holding her infant child than the chilling displays our nation saw in recent days. Lawmakers in New York cheered with delight upon the passage of legislation that would allow a baby to be ripped from the mother’s womb moments before birth.

    These are living, feeling, beautiful babies who will never get the chance to share their love and dreams with the world. And then, we had the case of the governor of Virginia where he stated he would execute a baby after birth. To defend the dignity of every person, I am asking the Congress to pass legislation to prohibit the late-term abortion of children who can feel pain in the mother’s womb. Let us work together to build a culture that cherishes innocent life.

    And let us reaffirm a fundamental truth — all children — born and unborn — are made in the holy image of God.

    —Nicole Fallert,

    But are the sentiments expressed here about protecting innocent life, about affirming the truth that man is made in the image of God, consistent with the aspirations and history of the American project, or with non-Orthodox Western civilization in general?  Unfortunately, they are not.

    Charles in Charge of the West

    No, not that Charles:

    This one:

    Since Western Europe first began to conceive of herself in the eighth century as an entity apart from the worldwide Orthodox Christian Empire, the innocent have suffered greatly.  This process began when Charlemagne (742-814) set up his heretical version of the Christian Empire in Aachen, heretical because he denied the validity of the Seventh Ecumenical Council’s teachings on the necessity to venerate the holy icons of the Lord Jesus Christ, His Most Pure Mother, and the other saints and angels; and because of his addition of the Filioque to the Nicene Creed.  Given this auspicious beginning, it is unsurprising to find in the history of his reign that he caused much blood to flow in the expansion of his ‘Holy Roman Empire’, including the 4,500 Saxons slaughtered at Verden:


    Yet this is the same Charlemagne whom Pope Benedict XIV saw fit to beatify in the 18th century.  The Roman Catholic faithful are to address him as ‘Blessed Charlemagne’:


    Roman Catholic West

    That beatification by the Pope is quite fitting, however.  For with Charlemagne’s death in 814, his false empire collapsed, and the next attempt at Western self-exaltation, at setting up a false Christian Empire in opposition to the Orthodox Empire, came from the bishops of Rome themselves, beginning officially in 1054 and lasting to this very day.  Following this sundering came, predictably, more needless bloodshed.  The Roman Catholic Norman Invasion of the Orthodox kingdom of England took place in short order (1066) with the blessing of Pope Alexander II.  William the Conqueror’s own words tell how grisly this early attempt at papal conquest was:

    I have persecuted the natives of England beyond all reason. Whether gentle or simple  I  have  cruelly  oppressed  them;  many  I  unjustly  disinherited; innumerable  multitudes  perished  through  me  by  famine  or  the  sword  …  I fell on the English of the northern shires like a ravening lion. I commanded their  houses  and  corn,  with  all  their  implements  and  chattels,  to  be  burnt without  distinction,  and  great  herds  of  cattle  and beasts  of  burden  to  be butchered   wherever   they  are  found.  In  this  way   I  took  revenge   on multitudes  of  both  sexes  by  subjecting  them  to  the calamity  of  a  cruel famine,  and  so  became  the  barbarous  murderer  of  many  thousands,  both young and old, of that fine race of people.

    William’s death-bed confession, according to Ordericus Vitalis, c. AD 1130

    —Quoted in Fr Andrew Phillips, Orthodox Christianity and the Old English Church, p. 23 of PDF,

    Fr Andrew continues,

    It has been estimated that during William I’s reign up to one in five of the English population died by the sword or in famineslxii. This does not include the deaths of the non-English population in Wales or Scotland, nor the civil war deaths in the reign of Stephen, nor the deaths resulting from the Papally-sponsored Norman invasion of Ireland, nor those of the One Hundred Years War which was provoked by the territorial claims to France of the Anglo-Norman kings. Even if the figure of one in five is exaggerated and it can be halved, one in ten is equivalent today to over five million deaths – fifteen times the number of British deaths resulting from the Second World War. The account of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle is unambiguous: ‘And they built castles far and wide throughout the land, oppressing the unhappy people, and things went ever from bad to worse’. ‘Only amongst the monks, where they lived virtuously was righteousness to be found in the land.’ Of William ‘the Bastard’, the Chronicle says the following: ‘Assuredly in his time men suffered grievous oppression and manifold injuries … he was sunk in greed and utterly given up to avarice. He was too relentless to care even though all might hate him … Alas! That any man should bear himself so proudly and deem himself exalted above all other men.lxiii’ Of the tortures inflicted on captives and the gruesome account of William’s funeral, when his stomach burst open in stinking putrefaction, one can read elsewhere (pgs. 25-6).

    Not too long after the Norman Invasion, the Crusades were launched by Pope Urban II in 1095.  Bernard of Clairvaux (d. 1153) justified the killing this way in his work In Praise of the New Knighthood:

    To be sure, precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of his holy ones, whether they die in battle or in bed, but death in battle is more precious as it is the more glorious (Ch. I, section 2).  . . .

    BUT THE KNIGHTS OF CHRIST may safely fight the battles of their Lord, fearing neither sin if they smite the enemy, nor danger at their own death; since to inflict death or to die for Christ is no sin, but rather, an abundant claim to glory. In the first case one gains for Christ, and in the second one gains Christ himself. The Lord freely accepts the death of the foe who has offended him, and yet more freely gives himself for the consolation of his fallen knight.

    The knight of Christ, I say, may strike with confidence and die yet more confidently, for he serves Christ when he strikes, and serves himself when he falls. Neither does he bear the sword in vain, for he is God’s minister, for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of the good. If he kills an evildoer, he is not a mankiller, but, if I may so put it, a killer of evil. He is evidently the avenger of Christ towards evildoers and he is rightly considered a defender of Christians. Should he be killed himself, we know that he has not perished, but has come safely into port. When he inflicts death it is to Christ’s profit, and when he suffers death, it is for his own gain. The Christian glories in the death of the pagan, because Christ is glorified; while the death of the Christian gives occasion for the King to show his liberality in the rewarding of his knight. In the one case the just shall rejoice when he sees justice done, and in the other man shall say, truly there is a reward for the just; truly it is God who judges the earth.

    I do not mean to say that the pagans are to be slaughtered when there is any other way to prevent them from harassing and persecuting the faithful, but only that it now seems better to destroy them than that the rod of sinners be lifted over the lot of the just, and the righteous perhaps put forth their hands unto iniquity (Ch. 3).  . . .


    Note the utter dehumanization by Bernard of the Muslims.  They are no longer men but simply ‘evil’ itself, confounding person and attribute.  No wonder that upwards of 1,000,000 are estimated to have died in the Crusades ).  This sort of mindset has remained typical of the post-Schism West in her wars of righteousness against those she believes to be ‘evildoers’.  And let us also recall that Bernard has been not simply beatified like Charlemagne but fully canonized as a saint of the Roman Catholic congregation.


    Protestant West

    When the peoples of Western Europe democratized the papist principle (that one man, instead of a council of bishops guided by the Holy Ghost, can determine what is and is not the True Faith), applying it to themselves one and all, then the Protestant Reformation was born, and the shadow which lay across that part of the Eurasian land grew darker.  Delusional apocalyptic fervor grew, and along with it the flow of blood.  A couple of ensamples will suffice.

    The actions of Martin Luther, who began the Reformation in earnest in 1517, during the Peasants’ War in Germany is the first.  He wrote,

    I will not oppose a ruler who, even though he does not tolerate the gospel, will smite and punish these peasants without first offering to submit the case to judgment (quoted in Archpriest Josiah Trenham, Rock and Sand, Newrome Press, 2015, p. 98).

    Fr Josiah goes on to relate the consequences of such statements:

    On May 15, Müntzer’s forces were slaughtered by the nobility at Frankenhausen.  Some 6000 peasants were killed, with only some six casualties on the side of the princes.  Müntzer was captured and beheaded twelve days later.  In upper Germany alone, it is estimated that some 130,000 peasants were slaughtered.  . . .  Luther was sharply criticized by many for his position, and was called “the hammer of the poor” by Hermann Mühlpfort, the mayor of Zwickau (Ibid.).

    The next, which would decisively cripple what was left of Christianity in Western Europe, is the Thirty Years’ War (1618-48), which was fought between various Roman Catholic and Protestant countries for the supremacy of their creeds over Western Europe.  There were upwards of 8,000,000 casualties due to the fighting of these ‘Christian nations’, which included death by hunger and disease of many civilians ).

    During the Thirty Years’ War, many of the contending armies were mercenaries, many of whom could not collect their pay. This threw them on the countryside for their supplies, and thus began the “wolf-strategy” that typified this war. The armies of both sides plundered as they marched, leaving cities, towns, villages, and farms ravaged.


    Enlightenment West

    From here onwards, Western Europe and her children became the breeding ground for all manner of utopian (i.e., demonic) ideologies meant to replace the simulacrums of Christianity they had experienced, but sometimes still masquerading in the costume of Christianity.  But this would not end the bloodletting in the West, but only increase it exponentially.  From the French Revolution to the Russian Revolution, from the War of Northern Aggression against Dixie to the War on Terror, Western wars of ideology have resulted in the deaths of tens of millions, with millions more suffering besides.

    Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright’s famous quote about sanctions on Iraq from 1996 show that the Western soul hasn’t much changed since Bernard’s propaganda of the 12th century:

    Correspondent Leslie Stahl said to Albright, “We have heard that a half-million children have died. I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima. And — and, you know, is the price worth it?”

    Madeleine Albright replied, “I think this is a very hard choice, but the price — we think the price is worth it.”


    The U.S./NATO bombing of Serbia during the holy seasons of Easter and Pentecost in 1999 shows the same:

    According to the estimates of the government of Serbia, at least 2,500 people, of whom 89 children, were killed during the attacks (according to some sources, the total death toll was nearly 4,000), while more than 12,500 people were wounded and injured.

    . . .

    Almost every town in Serbia had been targeted during the 11 weeks of the air strikes.

    The bombing destroyed and damaged 25,000 housing units, 470 km of roads and 595 kilometers of railways.

    The attacks also damaged 14 airports, 19 hospitals, 20 health centers, 18 kindergartens, 69 schools, 176 cultural monuments and 44 bridges, while 38 were destroyed.

    During the aggression NATO carried out a total of 2,300 airs trikes on 995 facilities across the country, while 1,150 combat aircraft launched nearly 420,000 missiles.

    NATO also launched 1,300 cruise missiles, dropped over 37,000 cluster bombs, which killed some 200 people and wounded hundreds, and used prohibited ammunition with depleted uranium.

    A third of the electrical power capacity of the country was destroyed, two oil refineries, in Pancevo and Novi Sad bombed, while NATO forces used the opportunity to for the first time deploy the so-called graphite bombs to disable the power system.

    . . .


    This same grisly barbarity is still on display by the Most Christian Country, The Holy Republic of America, the greatest country that ever was, is, or is to come.  Venezuela is a telling example:

    This is unprecedented—Bolton publicly announcing a military coup (usually with hundreds if not thousands of deaths). He deliberately showed off his notebook with scribbled invasion plans, so there would be no question about the agenda.

    But that’s how the neocons operate. Lies, falsifications, grandiose claims, and invasions to forcibly install “democracy,” which is nothing of the sort.

    Bolton’s “democracy” is doublespeak in action. It’s a thinly disguised euphemism used to obscure the actual objective—the destruction of entire nations, cultures, and societies at the cost of hundreds of thousands if not millions of lives. Untold millions of lives have been destroyed by the sort of “democracy” Bolton is talking about.  It was put into action when Bolton was a toddler.

    Let’s get real. Bolton doesn’t care about the people of Venezuela. If he did the US would not be imposing harsh sanctions that are resulting in malnutrition and starvation. Bolton is using the age-old technique of starving and depriving people so they will overthrow the government (this tactic rarely works—leading me to believe it is inflicted out of pure sadism—leading to the exact opposite reaction).

    —Kurt Nimmo,

    One could substitute ‘Iran’ or ‘Yemen’ for ‘Venezuela’ and have largely the same essay.

    All of this seems to sit just fine with the Evangelicals in the States (just listen to Frank Gaffney sometime, ; Thomas DiLorenzo offers this description of them, together with some of their backstory:

    These are the people whose churches are littered with gigantic American flags that dwarf any Christian icons; who routinely ask anyone who owns a military uniform to wear it to church; who sing the state’s war anthems at their services; who divert their Sunday offerings away from the poor and needy in their communities so that the money can be sent to grossly-overpaid military bureaucrats; and who can never stop thanking, thanking, thanking, and thanking “soldiers” for their “service” in murdering foreigners and bombing and destroying their cities – if not their entire societies – in the state’s aggressive, non-defensive, foreign wars.

    Where did this very un-Christian “religion” of violence come from?  The answer to this question is that it first developed as a part of New England’s neo-Puritanical “Yankees” in the early and mid-nineteenth century.  It reached its zenith in the 1860s when, finally in control of the entire federal government, the New England Yankees waged total war on the civilian population of a large part of their own country, mass murdering fellow Americans by the hundreds of thousands, and then singing a “religious” song that described it all as “the glory of the coming of the Lord.”

    As Murray Rothbard described them in his essay, “Just War”:

    The North’s driving force, the ‘Yankees’ – that ethnocultural group who either lived in New England or migrated from there to upstate New York, northern and eastern Ohio, northern Indiana, and northern Illinois – had been swept by . . . a fanatical and emotional neo-Puritanism driven by a fervent ‘postmillenialism’ which held that as a precondition of the Second Advent of Jesus Christ, man must set up a thousand-year-Kingdom of God on Earth.  The Kingdom is to be a perfect society.  In order to be perfect, of course, this Kingdom must be free of sin . . . .  If you didn’t stamp out sin by force you yourself would not be saved.

    This is why “the Northern war against slavery partook of a fanatical millenialist fervor, of a cheerful willingness to uproot institutions, to commit mayhem and mass murder, to plunder and loot and destroy, all in the name of high moral principle,” wrote Rothbard.  They were “humanitarians with the guillotine,” the “Jacobins, the Bolsheviks of their era.”

    Clyde Wilson described these neo-Puritanical zealots in a similar manner in his essay, “The Yankee Problem in America”:

    Abolitionism, despite what has been said later, was not based on sympathy for the black people nor on an ideal of natural rights.  It was based on the hysterical conviction that Southern slaveholders were evil sinners who stood in the way of fulfillment of America’s driving mission to establish Heaven on Earth . . . .  [M]any abolitionists expected that evil Southern whites and Blacks would disappear and the land repopulated by virtuous Yankees” (emphasis added).


    And here we are, awaiting still the final grand unveiling of the Yankee/Western Millennium.

    The Genocide of the Saints

    As horrendous as the foregoing has been, there is still a crime of the apostate post-Schism West that we have not yet spoken of which we consider more hideous than all of that:  the desecration of the saints, whether their bodily relics, representations, or shrines.  More depraved than the slaughter of innocent children?  Yes.  A little child does indeed bear the image of God and is innocent of any purposeful wrongdoing, has not yet known the fall into the knowledge of evil.  The saint, on the other hand, while retaining the image of God, has nevertheless cooperated with the Grace of God to such a degree that he has attained the likeness of God as well (see Gen. 1:26), overcoming his fallen, sinful nature and uniting with the Holy Ghost.  Therefore, the saints are the most innocent, the most guileless, moreso than even children.

    But this did not matter to the West.  In her self-righteous zeal she sought to brutalize the saints as well.  We have already mentioned very briefly Charlemagne’s effort at this.  His rejection of the Seventh Ecumenical Council’s command to venerate images of the saints is already a rejection by the West of the Holy Ghost, Who resides in the images and shrines of the saints, and also especially in their incorrupt relics, with which He remains united as a foretelling to man of the Resurrection to come.

    The Roman Catholic Normans who invaded Orthodox England in 1066 went further.  Fr Andrew Phillips writes,

    The record of the losses of Old English art and architecture is heart-rending. Today we have little more than fragments of Old English architecture. Of course much was built of wood and could not have lasted, but nevertheless the story of the Norman destruction of Old English church buildings is too much like barbarian vandalism to be excused. When they came to demolish the Cathedral in Worcester in 1086, the saintly Bishop Wulfstan remarked: ‘The men of old may not have had stately edifices, but they were themselves a sacrifice to God, whereas now they pile up stones, but forget the soul’lxiv. It is more distressing to read of the destruction of the European treasurehouse of church art which Old England was. If the churches were razed, leaving us with a pitiful idea of what the former architecture was really like, then, what can we say of Old English Art?

    ‘Nowhere in Europe, even in Byzantium itself, was there a more advanced conception of manuscript illustration and decoration than in Britain. Nowhere, even in Persia, were finer textiles embroidered; nowhere was finer sculpture in stone executed nowhere were finer ivories carved … they are all quite easy to distinguish as English. They stand out, moreover, by virtue of their quality.’ So speaks the art historian, Talbot-Ricelxv. Indeed the English were renowned for the quality of their embroidery and we know of a school of embroidery at Ely, though doubtless there were many others. The Winchester School of manuscript illumination was widely known and represented the spiritual and artistic flowering of the tenth century English Renaissance.

    The destruction of nearly all of this heritage makes lugubrious reading. ‘In the spring of the year (1070), the King had all the monasteries in England plunderedlxvi’. In the eleventh and twelfth centuries there are unending lists of gold crucifixes, vestments of woven gold, silver and gold sacred vessels and censers, chalices and patens, shrines and altars with their embroidered hangings, silver and gilt ewers of Byzantine work, Gospel-books adorned with precious stones, gold reliquaries and the holy relics contained within, silks and precious hangings, ornaments which in the words of William of Poitiers, ‘Byzantium would hold very dear.’ In the twelfth century he wrote: ‘A Greek or Arab visitor would have been carried away by delight’ at the sight of the treasures melted down or sent to France by William. From one church alone he stole treasures worth £6,000, a colossal sum in modern termslxvii.

    All this was pillaged; the Old English Church was raped and ravaged. The depths of blasphemy and sacrilege were reached when the Norman clergy began burning the relics of the Old English saints to see if they were authentic; their doubts sometimes seem to have been founded merely on the Norman inability to pronounce the Old English names. Such barbarian acts were not to be seen again until the sack of Christian Constantinople during the Fourth Crusade in 1204. Later we shall see the Old English connection even here. The accounts of the sack of Old English art are among the most shameful in Western history. After William and his descendants, then the fires of the Middle Ages, followed by the syphilitic frenzy of greed of Henry VIII and the outbursts of the Puritans, then the vandalism of the Victorians, it comes as no surprise when we realise that what we possess of a half-millennium of Old English Art and Architecture is nothing but a single crumb from a huge but ever lost royal banquet. It is an immensely sobering but nonetheless true fact that there is a part of human nature that delights in the destruction of everything beautiful, be it the creation of God or of man.

    Orthodox Christianity and the Old English Church, pgs. 26-7

    As Fr Andrew indicates, the Protestants too would take part in this genocide against the holy saints and their memory.

    Motadel writes that,

    “The prototype of all modern forms of iconoclasm [Noyes] found in Calvin’s Geneva and Ibn Abd al-Wahhab’s Mecca. Sixteenth-century Geneva witnessed one of the most devastating waves of religious image-breaking in history. Incited by a group of charismatic theologians – among them John Calvin himself – mobs raged against objects associated with miracles, magic and the supernatural, destroying some of the city’s most precious pieces of Christian art. Invoking the Second Commandment, they denounced these works as idols, and as remnants of a rural, feudal and superstitious world, a world corrupted by Satan.” The Western Assault on Innocent Life  

    Nor was Geneva unusual. In Basel in 1529, widespread iconoclastic riots destroyed virtually all the material tokens of traditional Catholic worship and devotion in the cathedral and the city’s leading churches. Even these German and Swiss manifestations were dwarfed by the devastating Storm of Images (Beeldenstorm) that swept over the Netherlands in 1566.

    This movement was directed against any and all Catholic material symbols — against stained glass windows, statues of the Virgin and saints, holy medals and tokens.

    Such stories of image-breaking (iconoclasm) are familiar enough to anyone who knows about the Reformation, and there are plenty of scholarly studies.

    Recent works, though, highlight two features of the movement that often get underplayed:

    1. Iconoclasm was central to the Reformation experience, not marginal, and not just a regrettable extravagance.

    Historians of the Reformation tend to be bookish people interested in books, so they focus on aspects of literacy and translation, with the spread of the vernacular Bible as the centerpiece of the story. The idea of the Reformation as a “media revolution” is common enough.

    Yes, we do read of outbreaks of destructive violence and iconoclasm, but these are usually presented as marginal excesses, or understandable instances of popular fury against church abuses. Once we get those unfortunate riots out of the way, we can get back to the main story of tracing the process of Bible translation.

    That’s very misleading. For anyone living at the time, including educated elites, the iconoclasm was not just an incidental breakdown of law and order, it was the core of the whole movement, the necessary other side of the coin to the growth of literacy. Those visual and symbolic representations of the Christian story had to decrease, in order for the world of the published Bible to increase. The Western Assault on Innocent Life  

    In terms of the lived experience of people at the time, the image-breaking is the key component of the Reformation. In the rioting and mayhem, a millennium-old religious order was visibly and comprehensively smashed.

    In words adapted from the Vulgate version of Job, the Calvinist motto proclaimed, Post Tenebras Lux: After darkness, Light. (And that is still Geneva’s motto).

    . . .

    —Philip Jenkins,

    One would think such crimes as these might cause Protestants to have some hesitation about judging the sins of others, but it has not.  Regarding China, for example, they say,

    WASHINGTON — The Chinese government is supervising a five-year plan to make Christianity more compatible with socialism in which there will be a “rewrite” of the Bible, a prominent religious freedom activist has told Congress.

    The Rev. Bob Fu, a former Chinese house church leader who immigrated to the United States in 1997 and founded the persecution watchdog organization China Aid, provided great detail during a House hearing Thursday about a plan enacted by leading state-sanctioned denominations in China to “Sincize” Christianity.

    As China’s crackdown on religion has seen many house churches demolished and thousands of crosses removed from churches nationwide, Fu warned upfront that what is happening right now in China represents the highest degree of persecution for independent faith groups the country has seen in decades.

    —Samuel Smith,

    Yet in all three areas they raise in criticism of China – rewriting the Bible, tearing down churches, and destroying Crosses – Protestants are guilty themselves.  The Protestants removed several books from the Old Testament canon of the Bible, and Martin Luther himself added ‘alone’ to his translation of Romans 3:28 (‘man is justified by faith alone’) and also wanted to throw out the Book of James because it contradicted the theological system he created.  See, e. g.,

    Of the other two, it is enough to recall Mr Jenkins’s article just above as well as the quote of Bishop Joseph Hall shown in the linked section of this article:

    This in no way excuses China’s repressive measures, but the Protestant hypocrisy is extraordinary.  For these children of the Chinese Communist revolutionaries (and their forebears in France, Russia, etc.) are, in the end, only carrying on the legacy of the Protestants (and the Roman Catholic popes) by overturning the received traditions and replacing them with new, self-created ones.

    The Future of the West

    How does one even begin to close an essay like this, cataloguing such inhuman evil in the West?  Only one word seems appropriate:  Repent.

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  • Top Aide to Kim Jong-un Is Bound for U.S., Trump Says

    Top Aide to Kim Jong-un Is Bound for U.S., Trump Says

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    North Korea’s top nuclear weapons negotiator was headed for New York on Tuesday and expected to meet with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo as officials race to settle on an agenda for a June 12 summit meeting between the North’s leader, Kim Jong-un, and President Trump in Singapore.

    Mr. Trump said on Twitter that Kim Yong-chol, one of the most trusted aides to the North’s leader and a former intelligence chief, was “heading now to New York.” In a reference to the moves made since he canceled the on-again-off-again summit meeting, the president added, “Solid response to my letter, thank you!”

    The former intelligence chief, who is 72, has been at the side of the North Korean leader, 34, during a recent whirl of diplomacy, meeting with South Koreans in the Demilitarized Zone dividing the peninsula and with the Chinese.

    Mr. Kim’s trip to the United States starts the most important negotiating track leading up to the summit meeting. Over the weekend, a team of American diplomats met with North Korean officials in the Demilitarized Zone, and White House logistics experts have been talking with North Koreans in Singapore about arrangements for the leaders’ meeting there.

    But a trip to the United States by Kim Yong-chol — who has served the three leaders of the Kim dynasty that has ruled the North since 1945 — signaled that negotiations were reaching a critical point.

    Mr. Kim would be the highest-ranking North Korean official to visit the United States since 2000, when Vice Marshal Jo Myong-rok invited President Bill Clinton to Pyongyang, with the prospect of sealing an agreement on curbing the North’s missiles. It never came to fruition.

    A diplomat in Beijing, where Mr. Kim stopped overnight Tuesday, said it was not immediately clear whether the negotiator would meet with the Chinese again before going on to New York, where he is expected to arrive on Wednesday.

    China’s Foreign Ministry would not confirm the former spymaster’s presence in Beijing, even though video footage showed him at the airport after his arrival from the North Korean capital, Pyongyang.

    In recent weeks, China and the United States have been vying for the attention of Kim Jong-un, with Mr. Trump accusing China of contributing to a toughened North Korean stance on denuclearization after the North Korean and Chinese leaders met this month.

    If the former spy chief met with senior Chinese officials in Beijing, he might risk angering Mr. Trump again, diplomats said. His stop in Beijing could also be related to his presence on a sanctions list that bars him from entering the United States.

    An American diplomat said a waiver would have to be granted for such an individual to enter the United States, although it was likely one would automatically be given under extraordinary circumstances like these.

    Mr. Kim was probably headed to New York, where North Korea has a mission to the United Nations, rather than to Washington because it was easier for him to get a visa there, another American diplomat said. North Korean diplomats and officials are not allowed to travel more than a few miles outside New York City.

    Kim Yong-chol has already met Mr. Pompeo twice in Pyongyang. On the second visit, Mr. Pompeo expected to come away with a set of details for the Singapore summit meeting relating to the denuclearization of the North, but failed to do so. After the second meeting this month, Mr. Pompeo returned to Washington with three Americans who had been detained in North Korea.

    In his most recent meeting with Mr. Pompeo, Mr. Kim struck a defiant tone, saying at a luncheon that North Korea’s willingness to enter into talks was “not a result of sanctions that have been imposed from the outside.” But he reminded the visiting Americans that North Korea intended to focus “all efforts into economic progress in our country.”

    Mr. Kim has served as a senior manager of the North’s intelligence operations for nearly 30 years, according to the website North Korea Leadership Watch.

    Mr. Kim’s rare combination of senior positions in the North’s highly stratified political and military apparatus makes him “one of the most powerful figures in North Korea,” it said.

    He is also one of the longest serving senior officials of the Kim dynasty. Mr. Kim was involved in the 1990s in one of the earliest efforts to limit the North’s nuclear weapons. According to an account in “The Two Koreas,” by Don Oberdorfer and Robert Carlin, Mr. Kim was the toughest of negotiators on an accord that eventually failed in 1992.

    At the time, Mr. Kim accused a South Korean diplomat of composing 90 percent of the language in the accord, it says, quoting him as saying, “This is your agreement, not our agreement.”

    In the mid-2000s, he was assigned as head of the Reconnaissance General Bureau, the North’s spy agency, and paid particular attention to operations against South Korea. When he was chief of the North’s intelligence service in 2010, South Korea accused him of being responsible for blowing up a South Korean Navy vessel, killing 46 sailors. Five months later, the United States Treasury put Mr. Kim on the sanctions list.

    In February, Mr. Kim was sent to the closing ceremony of the Winter Olympics in South Korea. He appeared in photographs seated behind Ivanka Trump, a stern expression on his face.

    Over the past few months, the United States and North Korea have come closer than ever to holding the first summit meeting of the countries’ leaders. In March, Mr. Trump surprised many people when he accepted Kim Jong-un’s invitation to meet, which was relayed through South Korean envoys. But last Thursday in a letter to the North Korean leader, Mr. Trump abruptly canceled the meeting.

    He then changed course again on Friday, saying that the meeting might take place as scheduled. Officials from the United States and North Korea have since started a whirlwind of working-level diplomacy to try to narrow a gap over how to denuclearize the North and salvage the planned meeting.

  • Supreme Court Won’t Hear Challenge to Restrictive Arkansas Abortion Law

    Supreme Court Won’t Hear Challenge to Restrictive Arkansas Abortion Law

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    The Supreme Court refused on Monday to hear a challenge to an Arkansas law that could force two of the state’s three abortion clinics to close.

    The law concerns medication abortions, which use pills to induce abortions in the first nine weeks of pregnancy. The law, enacted in 2015, requires providers of the procedure to have contracts with doctors who have admitting privileges at a hospital in the state.

    The law is quite similar to one in Texas that was struck down by the Supreme Court in 2016.

    Writing for the majority in the 5-3 decision, Justice Stephen G. Breyer said the Texas law, which required doctors performing abortions to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital, placed “a substantial obstacle” in the path of women seeking abortions and amounted to an “undue burden on abortion access” in violation of the Constitution.

    Judges considering laws restricting access to abortion, Justice Breyer added, must make a cost-benefit calculation, weighing the burdens a law imposes on abortion access against the benefits it confers.

    Judge Kristine G. Baker, of the Federal District Court in Little Rock, blocked the Arkansas law, saying its medical benefits were few at best and outweighed by the burdens it imposed. The law, she wrote, quoting an earlier decision, was “a solution in search of a problem.”

    But a unanimous three-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit, in St. Louis, vacated that decision, saying that Judge Baker had not specified how many women would be affected.

    Arkansas has three abortion clinics. One, in Little Rock, offers both medication and surgical abortions. The others, in Little Rock and Fayetteville, offer only medication abortions.

    In its appeal to the Supreme Court, the local Planned Parenthood affiliate said it contacted every qualified doctor it could identify. No one of them, the group said, was willing to enter into the contract required by the law. This was unsurprising, Judge Baker found, as doctors in Arkansas who perform abortions “risk being ostracized from their communities and face harassment and violence toward themselves, their family, and their private practices.”

    Arkansas officials told the Supreme Court that Planned Parenthood had not tried hard enough or told the doctors how much it was willing to pay.

    If the law were to go into effect, Planned Parenthood said, only surgical abortions would be available in Arkansas. “This will particularly affect women who strongly prefer medication abortion,” the group told the Supreme Court, “including those who find it traumatic to have instruments placed in their vaginas because they are victims of rape, incest, or domestic violence, as well as women for whom medication abortion is medically indicated and safer than surgical abortion.”

    In their Supreme Court brief in the case, Planned Parenthood of Arkansas & Eastern Oklahoma v. Jegley, No. 17-935, Arkansas officials responded that “there is no right to choose medication abortion.”

    They added that their state’s law was not as onerous as the one from Texas, which required abortion providers to have admitting privileges. “Arkansas law only requires medication abortion providers to have a contractual relationship (to ensure follow-up treatment if needed) with a physician that has admitting privileges,” the officials’ brief said.

    The law would effectively require women to travel long distances to obtain even the abortion procedure that remained available, Planned Parenthood told the justices. Women in Fayetteville, for instance, would have to make a 380-mile round-trip journey, twice, as Arkansas law also requires an in-person counseling session 48 hours before an abortion.

    “Inability to travel to the sole remaining clinic in the state will lead some women to take desperate measures, such as attempting to self-abort or seeking care from unsafe providers,” Judge Baker wrote.

    Medication abortions are considered quite safe. One study found that six of every 10,000 women who used the procedure experienced complications requiring hospitalization.

    Since women typically take the second drug in the two-pill regimen at home, which may not be near the clinic, it is not clear that having a doctor on contract would make them safer than simply visiting an emergency room, Judge Baker wrote.

    “Emergency room physicians are well qualified to evaluate and treat most complications that can arise after a medication abortion,” she wrote, adding that the relevant medical issues are “identical to those suffered by women experiencing miscarriage, who receive treatments in hospitals every day through emergency physicians.”

  • Once Hated by U.S. and Tied to Iran, Is Sadr Now ‘Face of Reform’ in Iraq?

    Once Hated by U.S. and Tied to Iran, Is Sadr Now ‘Face of Reform’ in Iraq?

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    BAGHDAD — Iraqis are still haunted by memories of black-clad death squads roaming Baghdad neighborhoods a decade ago, cleansing them of Sunnis as the country was convulsed by sectarian violence.

    Many of the mass killings in the capital were done in the name of Moktada al-Sadr, a cleric best remembered by Americans for fiery sermons declaring it a holy duty among his Shiite faithful to attack United States forces.

    The militia he led was armed with Iranian-supplied weapons, and Mr. Sadr cultivated a strong alliance with leaders in Tehran, who were eager to supplant the American presence in Iraq and play the dominant role in shaping the country’s future.

    Now, the man once demonized by the United States as one of the greatest threats to peace and stability in Iraq has come out as the surprise winner of this month’s tight elections, after a startling reinvention into a populist, anticorruption campaigner whose “Iraq First” message appealed to voters across sectarian divides.

    The results have Washington — and Tehran — on edge, as officials in both countries seek to influence what is expected to be a complex and drawn-out battle behind the scenes to build a coalition government. Mr. Sadr’s bloc won 54 seats — the most of any group, but still far short of a majority in Iraq’s 329-seat Parliament.

    Even before final results were announced early Saturday, Mr. Sadr — who did not run as a candidate and has ruled himself out as prime minister — had made clear whom he considers natural political allies. At the top of his list is Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, the moderate Shiite leader who has been America’s partner in the fight against the Islamic State and whose political bloc finished third in the vote.

    Pointedly absent from Mr. Sadr’s list of potential partners: pro-Iranian blocs, as he has insistently distanced himself from his former patrons in Iran, whose meddling he has come to see as a destabilizing force in Iraq’s politics.

    Early Sunday morning, the prime minister met with Mr. Sadr in Baghdad. They discussed forming a government, and aides from both sides said the men saw eye to eye on prioritizing the fight against corruption.

    While Mr. Sadr has all the momentum going into negotiations over the governing coalition, there is no guarantee his bloc will be in power. And it is too early to tell what the election may mean for Iraqi stability or American national security goals.

    But the upset has clearly weakened the sectarian foundation of Iraq’s political system — and helped transform Mr. Sadr’s image from the paragon of a militant Shiite into an unexpected symbol of reform and Iraqi nationalism.

    As the head of the Sairoon Alliance for Reform, Mr. Sadr presides over an unlikely alliance that pairs his pious, largely working-class Shiite base with Sunni business leaders, liberals and Iraqis looking for relief from the country’s long-simmering economic crisis.

    For those joining the alliance, it was important to be convinced that Mr. Sadr’s shift from Shiite firebrand to Iraqi patriot was sincere, and likely to last.

    Late last year, the cleric began reaching out to groups outside his base with an offer to form a new political movement, and the country’s embattled leftists and secularists — once his staunch enemies — faced a moment of reckoning.

    They remembered how a rogue Shariah court he had established passed sentences on fellow Shiites deemed too submissive toward the American occupation of Iraq. And they recalled the countless Iraqis killed in battles between the country’s security forces and Mr. Sadr’s militia.

    But a ragtag group of communists, social democrats and anarchists have come to embrace Mr. Sadr as a symbol of the reform they have championed for years — an image that the cleric has burnished, seeing it as the best path to political power.

    “Let me be honest: We had a lot of apprehensions, a lot of suspicions,” said Raad Fahmi, a leader of Iraq’s Communist Party, which is part of Mr. Sadr’s alliance. “But actions speak louder than words. He’s not the same Moktada al-Sadr.”/NyTimes



    Washington soykırım müzesi Hitler'in sözü
    Washington soykırım müzesi Hitler’e ait olduğu iddia edilen söz

    By: Cengiz Özakinci – History Writer, Researcher and Editor

    (Translated from Turkish “Bütün Dünya” March 2018 , Monthly Magazine of Baskent University)


    The Second World War began on September 1, 1939, with the invasion of Poland by the German Military. Hitler, in fact, gave his invasion orders ten days before this date in a secret meeting he held on August 22, 1939 where he addressed his top generals with a lengthy speech. The world war that started with Hitler Germany’s invasion of Poland would last six years, claiming millions of lives and causing significant tangible and intangible destruction.
    In 1945, US, England and Russia had already beaten Germany and had started the process of gathering any and all available evidence to try German officers in Nuremberg International Tribunals. Among the evidential documents seized by the US Military in Saalfelden, Austria, in 1945, there were notes taken on the day of August 22, 1939 at the meeting where Hitler ordered the invasion of Poland.
    Later in 1942, Louis P. Lochner, the Berlin Correspondent of Associated Press, published a book titled “What About Germany”. In that book, Lochner included a text of this speech of Hitler’s, attributing it to “a source”. However, there were significant differences between the speech version Lochner quoted and those seized in Saafelden, in 1945. For instance, Lochner claimed in his book that Hitler said:
    “Our strength lies in our quickness and in our brutality; Genghis Khan has sent millions of women and children into death knowingly and with a light heart. History sees in him only the great founder of States. It’s a matter of indifference to me what a weak western European civilization will say about me. I have issued the command – and I’ll have anybody who utters but one word of criticism executed by a firing squad – that our war aim does not consist in reaching certain lines, but in the physical destruction of the enemy. Accordingly, I have placed my death-head formations on readiness – for the present time only in the East – with orders to them to send to death mercilessly and without compassion, men, women, and children of Polish derivation and language. Only thus, shall we gain the living space (Lebensraum) which we need. Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?”

    Hitler, with Generals of the German Army
    However, the other versions of Hitler’s speech that were found among the Nazi archival documents or in other documents presented by the defense, there was not a single line of speech that spoke of the Armenians.

    The words attributed to Hitler in Lochner’s book, published in 1942.
    The Military Prosecution found that the text offered in Lochner’s book was based on a dubious source and therefore did not use this text as evidence in the trial process. Interpreter Carlos Porter later reviewed the three pages of speech text that Lochner claimed to have “received from a source and immediately forwarded a copy to the US Embassy in 1939”. Porter determined that not only this text was typed with a typewriter that did not have a German keyboard but also that the text was written with a bad German.
    Some 30 years following the Nuremberg Trials, there has been an effort to establish a Holocaust Memorial Museum in The United States to commemorate the victims of the Holocaust. In those years where Turkish diplomats were being assassinated by ASALA terror organization, an Armenian-American man named Set Momjian who made his way to the Museum administration promised a donation of $1,000,000 in exchange for the Museum to provide a display to remember the events of 1915. When the news reached to Turkey that Holocaust Memorial Museum would provide a space for Armenian genocide propaganda, it was met with disappointment; The Ministry of Foreign Affairs have made attempts to prevent this move while our press began to mold a public opinion against the Armenian propaganda.
    In the beginning of 1980s, prominent Armenian scholars in The United States proposed the Museum to display the quote “Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?”According to these folks, the first genocide of the century was perpetrated against the Armenians in 1915. Not only that, they claimed that in planning his genocide against Jews, Hitler was inspired by the fact that what has been done to Armenians had been forgotten and had gone unpunished. For that matter, it was important to them that Hitler’s Armenian quote to be displayed at the Holocaust Memorial Museum.

    Propaganda Posters claiming that the Holocaust was based on 1915 Armenian relocation.
    As all this propaganda continued in The United States, in a booklet he prepared in two languages (English and French) titled: “Hitler and the Armenian Question / Hitler et la Question Armenienne”, Prof. Turkkaya Ataov showed us that this forged Hitler quote was used by many US Senators and Congressmen in their addresses to the House and Senate and proved based on the Nuremberg trial documents, that this quote did not belong to Hitler. A year after Ataov’s revelation, in 1985, Prof. Heath W. Lowry wrote an article titled: “The U.S. Congress and Adolf Hitler on the Armenians” in which he proved that this so-called Hitler quote that was being intended to be displayed at the Museum was forged or “spurious”.
    Armenian propagandists did not take even one step backwards on their intent to display this Hitler quote at the Holocaust Museum despite all the evidence to suggest that the quote was a forgery. Jews who lived in The United States got divided into two camps: A majority with a Pro-Israel stance saying “The Jewish Holocaust is an unprecedented event and it may not be marginalized by getting mixed up with other genocide claims” and a minority thinking that it is unwise to oppose the opinions of US Presidents (such as Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton) who favored providing a space in the Holocaust Museum for Armenians as a continuation of the formal US policy.
    The Memorial Museum Council declared in December of 1987 that the “Armenian genocide will be included in all of the Museum’s current studies for being the first genocide of the 20th century” and Museum Council’s President Harvey Meyerhoff declared later at the Museum’s Foundation Laying Ceremony – which was attended by Ronald Reagan himself- that the decision to include Armenian genocide claims in the Museum was final.

    Taking five years to build, the Museum was opened to public on April 26, 1993 following an opening ceremony held on April 22, 1993. However, due to strong diplomatic reaction from Turkey, Museum administration decided not to display the Armenian genocide propaganda and the forged Hitler quote.
    However, from a picture taken during Armenian President Serge Sarkisian’s visit on May 6, 2015, we found out that the forgery Hitler quote that has long been used as an Armenian propaganda tool was being displayed at the Museum despite the decision made in the 1993 opening.

    Armenian President Serge Sarkisian, Armenian Patriarch and CatholicosKarekin II, Foreign Minister of Armenia and Minister of Diaspora, Archbishop KhajagBarsamian, The Metropolite of Diocese of Armenian Church of America (Eastern) and others, under guidance of Arthur Berger, Senior Advisor, standing in front of the forged Hitler quote at The US Holocaust Memorial Museum (May 6, 2015 – Photo: US Holocaust Memorial Museum)
    Researcher Sukru Server Aya, who literally took every Armenian claim one by one and repudiated them in his books with solid evidences, has also proven that this quote attributed to Hitler was indeed a forgery. (For reference, see “Genocide of Truth”, Istanbul University of Commerce, 2008, p.366, “Genocide Traders”, Derin Publishing, Jan. 2009, pgs. 205-206, “Genocide of Truth Continues”, Derin Publishing, Dec 2010, pgs 249-270)

    A few books of Sukru Server Aya (pic. above), proving the falsehood of the Armenian propaganda lies.
    In response to this forged Hitler quote appearing on The Wall Street Journal, in an article penned by Robert M. Morgenthau on January 25, 2018, S.S. Aya wrote the following to the Editors of The Wall Street Journal, The Administrators of The Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington and the Office of the Presidency (the Museum Administrators report to):
    “Esteemed Gentlemen,
    As private researchers and writers on the WW-1 and WW-2 History and events related to the “mythomania of genocide” (Erich Feigl) we are profoundly disturbed by the domineering tone of the author and feel compelled to refute the contents of this article from A to Z, since almost everything written by former New York District Attorney Robert M. Morgenthau is untrue, not evidenced, and flawed with colossal deficiency of knowledge on past and present history. The “alleged Hitler Quote” still standing on the wall of the Museum is a complete forgery, which undoubtedly has been known to the Museum from the very early days for more than twenty years. Regrettably, despite written applications and provided documentary as evidence, the Museum preferred, or was probably told to, “remain quiet, hide and falsify history” to the public. The Museum has become instrumental in propagating the “genocide palaver”, despite all judicial requirements and verdicts of various authorized courts in Europe. (…)
    The US archives are full of official documents bearing references of the US Congress and Senate contradicting his article and yet, Mr. Morgenthau, a celebrity in law and justice, has either ignored or defied by “acting as a persecutor, without hearing any defense, no evidence, and no obedience to nor respect for the laws of this land and as a judge or deity for eternity”.
    We submit that this cannot be accepted, and we respectfully request a statement from Wall Street Journal whether or not it subscribes to Mr. Robert M. Morgenthau’s claims of Armenian Genocide.”
    “A lie travels around the globe while the truth is putting on its shoes”, says Mark Twain. However, the propaganda lies of powerful lobbies seem to be capable of traveling one thousand times around the globe.
    In my previous article, I have exposed and repudiated the popular propaganda idea claiming: “Hitler and the Nazi Party were inspired by Kemalism, Ataturk and the Turkish War of Independence”. In this article, we repudiated with proof, the idea that “Hitler’s genocide on Jews was inspired by 1915 relocation of the Armenians”.
    It would appear that The West tries hard to prove that the ideology behind Hitler’s fascism and genocidal behavior -which stained their history- emanated from Turks, and not from them. I submit that it is important that we see such lies and slanders being mounted against us as a ground work, preparatory to future invasions and attacks on Turkish soil. Thus, combating such lies and slanderous allegations is a prerequisite for “peace at home, peace in the world”. A world that is dominated by lies will only lead to more wars. *
    < By: Cengiz Özakinci – History Writer, Researcher and Editor>
    (Translated by Emre Serbest)

    “The Wall Street Journal” dated 25.1.2018 had published a letter written by the retired New York District Attorney, Robert Morgenthau, who was Jew and the grandson of Henry Morgenthau Sr. USA’s Istanbul Ambassador in the 1915s. Robert Morgenthau was asking President Trump, to declare April 24, the day of “Armenian genocide”, the same way he had declared Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel. As evidence he referred to the quote on the walls of the Washington Holocaust Museum, a sentence that Hitler (allegedly) said in 1939. The inscription on the wall was wrong and was a lie and the Museum was aware of this fact from the very early years but they kept it there likely to comply with the wishes  f Presidents Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama  as the high authority of the Museum Administration. The complaints of some Turks (Melih Berk, Turkkaya Ataov, Sevgin Oktay, Sukru S. Aya…) were all from “individuals and not from an official”. None of them were replied to, despite additional documentary evidences.

    On 13.2.2018 a Research Paper and Cover letter co-signed by Sukru S. Aya, Ata Atun and Yurdagül Atun was e-mailed to the Washington Holocaust Museum, the White House and about a hundred senators and congress members. These document which were previously shared, can be sent again on request.  These original documents in English were translated into Turkish for Turkish offices and sent by express cargo to the Office of Prime minister, President and Foreign Affairs office, by adding a Turkish informative page, having included as document my book “Buyuk Yalan”.  Another package was sent to the US Embassy Press Attaché in Ankara.  Furthermore, Mr. Arslan Bulut in his column on “Yenicag” Newspaper dated 15.2.2018 wrote a descriptive article explaining the importance of this subject under the heading: “USA opens the third front”.  I did not expect any reply from the USA since (the lie is clear and cannot be denied).  But more sorrowful is the fact that none of our administrators could see the “importance of this chance” and there was no response whatsoever.

    Mr. Cengiz Özakinci, as writer of several books and being reputed for his meticulous researches, is also the editor of “Bütün Dünya” (The Whole World) monthly Cultural Publication of the Baskent University.
    In the March 2018 issue of the magazine,  Ozakıncı goes into the details with evidential documents of this “Hitler Lie” and relation to the State Administered Holocaust Museum and he shows that this cannot be denied by official historical documents and presents all this to the knowledge of READERS and THOSE WHO SHOULD BE INTERESTED.  The Turkish photocopy of the article is attached along with the English translation. I do pray with my exhausted patience, that a responsive reader will finally see and understand the documentary value of this Armenian-USA lie and the inexplicable bigotry, which otherwise lead to a new slander from President Trump,.

    Sukru Server Aya