Category: USA

Turkey could be America’s most important regional ally, above Iraq, even above Israel, if both sides manage the relationship correctly.

  • Kurds ask for US bases to be built near Iran border

    Kurds ask for US bases to be built near Iran border

    As part of a long-term security agreement with Iraq, US forces could be stationed in Kurdistan. [sic.]

    The Iraqi government and the head of northern Iraq’s regional Kurdish administration, Massoud Barzani, have suggested to military officials that US forces be permanently based in Kurdistan. [sic.]

    Mr Barzani has said a permanent US military presence in the Kurdistan region would defend Iraq from internal and external risks.

    On hearing the request, US Democratic Presidential candidate Barack Obama said it would be appropriate to redeploy US troops there in the future.

    Mr Obama is known to believe troops stationed in the Kurdistan [sic.] area are not in any great danger.

    There are currently no US airbases in Kurdistan, [sic.] although there are two Air Force facilities in neighbouring provinces.

    The US military has denied any intention of building a US air base, but Kurdish sources have said if the US military decides to establish a permanent presence it will be closer to the Iraqi-Iranian border.

    Source:, 22nd July, 2008

  • Armenians for Obama”

    Armenians for Obama”

    Armenians for Obama” isimli kampanya çerçevesinde Colorado, Washington, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Texas, California, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Washington DC ve New York eyaletlerinde düzenlenmesi öngörülen „grassroots” toplantılarına ilişkin olarak 17 Temmuz tarihinde  „Asbarez”de yayımlanan „Armenians For Obama to Host Nationwide Platform Meetings” başlıklı haberin metni :
     „LOS ANGELES, CA – Armenians for Obama announced this week that it has organized grassroots platform meetings throughout the country aimed at including domestic and international issues of interest to the Armenian American community within the Democratic Party’s platform to be approved at the Democratic National Convention in August.
    The meetings will take place in Lakewood, CO; Seattle, WA; Gallup, NM; Las Vegas, NV; Portland, OR; Houston, TX; Austin, TX; and Glendale, CA in the Western United States, and in Dearborn, MI; Philadelphia, PA; Washington, DC; and New York, NY on the Eastern part of the country. For more information on the platform hearings, Armenians for Obama, or getting involved, please email: [email protected].
    Those attending the platform meetings will discuss the possible inclusion of US recognition for the Armenian Genocide, the right to self-determination of the people of Nagorno-Karabakh and lifting the Turkish blockade of Armenia. Participants will also address the war in Iraq, the troubled U.S. economy, and rising cost of healthcare.
    “The Bush Administration has failed the Armenian-American community on a wide range of issues, especially its continued complicity in the denial of the Armenian Genocide, but also its opposition to a broad array of foreign policy and domestic issues of concern to Americans of Armenian heritage,” said Areen Ibranossian, Chairman of Armenians for Obama.
    “Including issues of special concern to Armenian Americans in the Democratic Party Platform, such as the need to end the cycle of genocide, will play a vital role in energizing this highly motivated and networked community to tip the scales for Barack Obama this November in battleground states such as Nevada, Virginia, Colorado, and Michigan”, added Ibranossian.
    “In the upcoming election, we have an historic opportunity to elect a President who offers a fundamental change from the failed policies of the last seven year,” explained Ibranossian.
    In January, Sen. Obama issued a strong statement to the Armenian American community calling for passage of Armenian Genocide legislation and pledging to end U.S. complicity in Turkey’s denial of that crime against humanity.  “The facts are undeniable,” stated Sen. Obama in his January 19 statement. “An official policy that calls on diplomats to distort the historical facts is an untenable policy. As a senator, I strongly support passage of the Armenian Genocide Resolution (H.Res.106 and S.Res.106), and as President I will recognize the Armenian Genocide.”
    He has made subsequent statements in support of US recognition of the Armenian Genocide both publicly and privately during meetings with Armenian-American community representatives.
    Last month, Obama submitted questions on the Armenian Genocide to Marie Yovanovitch, President Bush’s nominee to be U.S. Ambassador to Armenia. The Senator serves on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which must confirm Yovanovitch before she can assume her post in Yerevan.
    While on a fact-finding mission to Azerbaijan, Sen. Obama openly criticized the Turkish and Azeri blockades of Armenia and urged the two nations to open their borders with the land-locked country.
    Armenians for Obama is a nationwide voter registration, education, and mobilization effort dedicated to electing Barack Obama President. Based in Los Angeles, and with chapters and affiliates in all 50 States, Armenians for Obama will harness the energy and enthusiasm for Barack Obama’s candidacy to ensure record high Armenian American turnout in critical battleground states. „
  • Turkish déjà vu

    Turkish déjà vu

    Friday, July 18, 2008

    If Washington were to pursue a military solution in its efforts to halt the Iranian nuclear program, Turkey – the only NATO country bordering Iran – must be a part of its planning. Likewise, if the United States and its European allies were to implement tighter economic sanctions against Iran, Ankara would have to play a key role because much of Iran’s trade with Europe goes through Turkey.

    On the surface, Turkey seems to be on board with the West regarding Iran. But the Turkish position on Iran today looks much like the Turkish position regarding the buildup to the Iraq war in 2003. The specific factors that led to Ankara’s decision to oppose the war are re-emerging, building opposition to American plans to deal with Iran’s nuclear program, either through sanctions or military measures.

    In 2003, the Turkish public had little awareness about the approaching Iraq war. At that time, the United States was using Turkey’s Incirlik air base to bomb Saddam Hussein’s air defenses. At the same time, Ankara was paralyzed by its internal struggle to preserve secularism within the government. If you read Turkish papers published back then, you would not guess that the United States was about to occupy one of Turkey’s neighbors and forever change their neighborhood.

    Five years later – déjà vu. Turkey is once again stricken with political paralysis over the battle between secularists and the governing Justice and Development Party, or AKP. As a result, there is almost no coverage in the Turkish media on foreign policy issues, including Iran’s nuclear ambitions. Domestic tensions make it impossible for that issue to penetrate the debate. Perhaps Turks won’t even notice until Iran actually detonates a bomb.

    Another similarity between today and the events of 2003 is that the AKP government is playing both sides to get away with doing nothing. As it negotiated with U.S. diplomats in 2003 about a joint front against Saddam, the AKP voiced antiwar rhetoric at home. Moreover, days before the war began, the AKP’s trade minister went to Baghdad to sign a multibillion-dollar trade deal with Saddam. In the end, the AKP-dominated Turkish Parliament voted to keep Turkey out of the war.

    Now, once again, the AKP is playing both sides to shirk responsibility. While opposing U.S. military action, the party continues to spout its official line: “Turkey wants a nuclear-free Middle East.” Albeit a good start, this policy implies that Israel’s nukes are as much a problem as Iran’s would be – a stance that absolves Ankara from any real political obligations toward Europe and the United States on Iran. Moreover, at a time when the West is imposing sanctions, the AKP has signed a memorandum of understanding to invest $3.5 billion in Iran’s South Pars gas field – a move eerily similar to 2003.

    Another similarity is America’s failure to communicate with the Turks. In 2003, Turkish officials expected, in vain, that Secretary of State Colin Powell would come to Ankara to promise that the war against Saddam would not break up Iraq and create an independent Kurdish state.

    Today, seasoned diplomats in the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs cannot tell from one day to the next how America is planning on dealing with Iran. And like in 2003, Ankara is waiting with crossed fingers for a high-level American statesman to explain Washington’s plans.

    There is, however, one difference between 2003 and 2008: the role of the Turkish military. In the run-up to the Iraq war, bickering between the Turkish government and the military complicated matters for the United States. Neither the AKP nor the military wanted to be responsible for making the decision for their country to go to war. This thinking proved to be a fatal mistake for the military, rendering it irrelevant in Washington and powerless in Turkey.

    After dropping out of the foreign policy debate in 2003, the military lost popularity, as was seen in the July, 2007 elections. Today it is in disarray.

    This leaves the AKP in charge of major decisions regarding Iran. The AKP opposes both a military solution to Iran’s nuclear ambitions, as well as non-military measures like strong economic sanctions. As a result of the AKP’s rapprochement with Tehran since 2003, the official line in Ankara is that “Turkey’s economic interests in Iran are too important to sacrifice.”

    The latest American overture to Ankara, supporting Turkish efforts against the Kurdistan Workers Party, has not sufficed to change the government’s attitude. While Washington has allowed Turkey to target PKK terrorist camps in northern Iraq, Tehran, as a favor to Turkey, has upped the ante with Washington by actually bombing such camps.

    If the United States was betting on Turkish cooperation against Iran, it might as well plan to navigate around the looming iceberg. It might already be too little too late for Washington to count on Turkey on Iran.

    Soner Cagaptay, a senior fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, is the author of “Islam, Secularism and Nationalism in Modern Turkey: Who is a Turk?”

  • FETULLAH GULEN ; Court orders US to reverse immigration decision for prominent Turkish religious leader

    FETULLAH GULEN ; Court orders US to reverse immigration decision for prominent Turkish religious leader

    Court orders US to reverse immigration decision for prominent Turkish religious leader

    The Associated Press

    Friday, July 18, 2008

    WASHINGTON: A U.S. court has ruled that the Bush administration improperly rejected a prominent Turkish religious leader’s application toward permanent residence in the United States and ordered the government to reverse the decision.
    Fethullah Gulen, a Sufi scholar and educator with millions of followers across Turkey and parts of Central Asia, has been living in the United States since 1999. U.S. immigration authorities rejected his application to be classified as “an alien of extraordinary ability,” a step that would have facilitated his permanent residence.
    A federal court ruled Wednesday that the decision was improper, according to court documents obtained by The Associated Press that have not yet been made public. Immigration officials had argued that Gulen did not meet the qualification of extraordinary ability in his field “demonstrated by sustained national or international acclaim and whose achievements have been recognized in the field through extensive documentation.”
    Gulen is one of Turkey’s most influential intellectuals, a scholar and preacher of Sufism, a mystical form of Islam. His followers run schools in dozens of countries. In Turkey, they administer hundreds of schools, as well as six universities and a various media organizations. His media network reaches millions daily.
    Gulen is revered by many but viewed with suspicion by somein the 99 percent Muslim country where secularism is enshrined in the constitution and religion has traditionally been firmly excluded from politics.
    In 2006, a Turkish court acquitted him of trying to overturn Turkey’s secular regime. Prosecutors had accused him of trying to create an Islamic groundswell and of “brainwashing” school children.
    Gulen’s lawyer, H. Ronald Klasko, said he did not understand the U.S. government’s argument that he did not meet the requirements.
    “For whatever reason, the government has decided to fight his application,” he said. “Their arguments were very strange to me.”
    The U.S. court’s decision means that Gulen can now apply for permanent residence under a more favorable category. The judge scheduled another hearing for next month and could order the government to decide on Gulen’s residency application. The government could also appeal Wednesday’s ruling.
    U.S. officials declined to comment on the decision Thursday.
    “We have just received the judgment and have forwarded it to the appropriate Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security officials for their review,” said Patty Hartman, a spokeswoman for federal prosecutors in Philadelphia, where the case was heard.




    From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]

    Subject: American court records show one thing clearly: Fethullah Gulen is a fraud!


    Please read and weep! 


    These are unbiased records of an American court!


    This relates to Gulen’s visa application which was first denied and then overturned  on appeal.  What is interesting is how Gulen’s  empire was dissected (see below) by THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA based on evidence submitted by Gulen to the court in support of his application and which evidence was shown by the court to be a fraud and sham.  He is nothing but a charismatic leader fawned over and supported by wealthy donors in an never ending cycle of empty Gulen worship and promotion.  He has “Armenianized” his accomplishments!  This proper court analysis of Gulen’s empire shows Gulen’s true colors – a fraud! 


    Here are telling comment from the court:


    “The record further shows that much of the “acclaim” that plaintiff claims to have achieved has been sponsored and financed by plaintiff’s own movement.” 


    “A number of the letters submitted in support of plaintiff’s petition reference schools established or founded by plaintiff.  These references appear to be mistaken; there is no evidence that plaintiff played any direct role in establishing any schools.”


    “The evidence submitted by plaintiff, when carefully examined, reveals that he is not a scholar and his work is not the subject of serious scholarship. He is a religious and political figure attempting to buy academic prestige by paying people to write papers about him.”


    “Plaintiff goes on to state that w[a]cademics at major universities focus on his work in religious tolerance and education and have made Mr. Gulen’s work the subject of entire courses.” PI. Mem., at 56. This statement is completely unsupported by any evidence. Plaintiff can point to no entire courses devoted to his work; nor has he identified any “major universities” where his work is the subject of entire courses.”


    “…but it should be noted that his statement, at page 47 of his memorandum, that his receipt of the UNESCO award “was another occasion in which Mr. Gulen met with his Holiness Pope John Paul II,” is patently untrue. The award was given in October 2005. Pope John Paul II died April 2, 2005.”


     “Plaintiff has never performed scholarly research in the field of education. He has never advised other academics in the field of education. And consulting on conferences about his own work is essentially continuing to promote himself and his movement by paying academics to write papers about him.”


    These comments are not by Gulen’s opponents or critics but by a disinterested party – the US District Court!


    Ergun Kirlikovali







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    No. 07-CV-2148


    V. !


    Judge Dalzell










    Plaintiff Fetullah Gulen asks this Court to find that


    the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services’


    final action on his application for a preference visa as an


    alien of extraordinary ability in the field of education was


    arbitrary and capricious and not supported by substantial


    evidence. Because the evidence of record, all supplied by


    plaintiff, makes it very clear that plaintiff does not meet


    the statutory requirements, his motion for summary judgment


    should be denied.




    As explained in Defendants’ Memorandum in Support of


    Motion for Partial Summary Judgment (Deft. Mem.), summary


    judgment is appropriate where the moving party, through


    affidavits, depositions, admissions, and answers to


    interrogatories, demonstrates that there is no genuine issue


    Case 2:07-cv-02148-SD Document 31 Filed 06/18/2008 Page 1 of 26


    as to any material fact and the moving party is entitled to


    judgment as a matter of law. Jalil v. Advel Corp., 873 F.2d


    701, 706 (3d Cir. 1989); Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(c). Because


    this case arises under the Administrative Procedures Act,


    plaintiff must show that there is no issue of material fact


    and that the agency action was arbitrary, capricious, an


    abuse of discretion, contrary to law, or unsupported by


    substantial evidence. 5 U.S.C. § 706; Camphill Soltane v.


    U.S. Department of Justice, 381 F.3d 143, 148 {3d Cir.


    2004). Substantial evidence in this context is “more than a


    mere scintilla” but “something less than the weight of the


    evidence, and the possibility of drawing two inconsistent


    conclusions from the evidence does not prevent an


    administrative agency’s findings from being supported by


    substantial evidence.” Port Norris Express Co.. Inc. v.


    Interstate Commerce Commission, et al., 697 F.2d 497, 502


    (3d Cir. 1982). The nonmoving party (here, the government)


    can defeat summary judgment by identifying substantial


    evidence of record which supports the agency’s decision.


    As set forth in Defendants’ Memorandum, the term


    “extraordinary ability” means a level of expertise


    indicating that the individual is one of the small


    Case 2:07-cv-02148-SD Document 31 Filed 06/18/2008 Page 2 of 26


    percentage who have risen to the very top of the field of


    endeavor. 8 C.F.R. § 204.5(h)(2); Yasar v. DHS. 2006 WL


    778623, *1 (S.D.Tex.) (“This type of visa … is the most


    preferential classification available for immigrants who are


    considered ‘priority workers,’ and so it is reserved for


    aliens whose credentials and accomplishments place them at


    the very top of their field.”) To establish that he is an


    alien of extraordinary ability in one of the designated


    fields, a petitioner must show that he has achieved


    sustained national or international acclaim at the very top


    level. 8 C.F.R. § 204.5(h)(3). To prevail on his motion


    for summary judgment, then, plaintiff must show that the


    undisputed facts of record establish that he has achieved a


    level of expertise in the field of education which places


    him at the very top of the field of education, and that the


    agency’s decision to the contrary was arbitrary, capricious,


    unsupported by substantial evidence, or contrary to law.


    In this case, the record contains facts which suggest


    that plaintiff has made contributions to the field of


    education by advocating the establishment of schools in


    Turkey and elsewhere, and the agency has acknowledged that.


    See A.R. 00010-00011 (AAO decision). However, the record


    Case 2:07-cv-02148-SD Document 31 Filed 06/18/2008 Page 3 of 26


    also contains overwhelming evidence that plaintiff is not an


    expert in the field of education, is not an educator, and is


    certainly not one of a small percentage of experts in the


    field of education who have risen to the very top of that


    field. Further, the record contains overwhelming evidence


    that plaintiff is primarily the leader of a large and


    influential religious and political movement with immense


    commercial holdings. The record further shows that much of


    the “acclaim” that plaintiff claims to have achieved has


    been sponsored and financed by plaintiff’s own movement. It


    is the government’s position that the evidence of record


    permits only one conclusion: that plaintiff has failed to


    meet the requirements of an alien of extraordinary ability


    in the field of education.


    In his Memorandum of Law in Support of Plaintiff’s


    Motion for Summary Judgment (Pi. Mem.), plaintiff has


    attempted to reframe the issue for this Court as whether


    plaintiff is involved in education, and whether he has


    achieved sustained international acclaim. The difficulty


    for plaintiff is that the statute requires that he show that


    he has achieved sustained national or international acclaim


    in the field of education and that he has attained a level


    Case 2:07-cv-02148-SD Document 31 Filed 06/18/2008 Page 4 of 26


    of expertise that places him at the very top of the field of


    education. His attainment of international acclaim in the


    field of religious tolerance and interfaith dialogue is


    irrelevant. Similarly, whether religious scholars recognize


    him as a leader in the field of religious tolerance and


    interfaith dialogue is irrelevant. Religious tolerance and


    interfaith dialogue are not fields for which Congress has


    granted visa preferences.


    Two analogies illustrate the difference. The


    industrialist Andrew Carnegie gave millions of dollars to


    establish libraries and colleges all over the United States.


    This would not make Andrew Carnegie a person of


    extraordinary ability in the field of education if he were


    alive today; he would still be an industrialist. Scholars


    all over the world study the work of Albert Einstein and


    recognize him as a leader in the field of physics. If he


    were alive today he would certainly be a person of


    extraordinary ability in the field of science, but he would


    not be a person of extraordinary ability in the field of


    education. Plaintiff is a leader in the fields of religious


    tolerance and interfaith dialogue; the fact that he supports


    education and his work is studied by educators does not


    Case 2:07-cv-02148-SD Document 31 Filed 06/18/2008 Page 5 of 26


    convert him into a leader in the field of education.


    At page 39 of his Memorandum, plaintiff argues that


    because most universities “show subject matter disciplines


    organized as departments, such as … theology …. the


    field of education is broad and encompasses many fields of


    studies, including theology.” This argument makes the


    statutory limitation of aliens of extraordinary ability to


    the fields of science, arts, education, business and


    athletics meaningless. If every discipline taught in


    universities were encompassed in the field of education,


    there would be no reason for Congress to have singled out


    science, arts, business and athletics, since most


    universities have departments in all those fields. It could


    have simply provided visa preferences for aliens of


    extraordinary ability in education. It did not do so,


    however; it set forth specific fields to which the visa


    preference applies. The fact that theology is a legitimate


    field of study at the university level does not make


    theologians into experts in the field of education.


    In his Memorandum, plaintiff sets up various straw


    arguments and shoots them down. First, he states that


    “Defendants’ arbitrary decision that Plaintiff can have only


    Case 2:07-cv-02148-SD Document 31 Filed 06/18/2008 Page 6 of 26


    one occupation, either clergy or education, is contrary to


    established binding precedent.” PI. Mem., at 37. Defendants


    made no such decision. Defendants found first that


    plaintiff applied for the visa preference as a clergyman.


    A.R. 00002; see also A.R. 00243-245 (plaintiff’s 1-140


    petition, which identifies plaintiff as a clergyman and


    makes no mention of education). Defendants did not


    foreclose the possibility that religious leaders could be


    persons of extraordinary ability in the field of education:


    We do not contest that certain religious figures,


    such as the Pope, have previously engaged in


    educational activities or, as noted by Professor


    Esposito, that religious organizations have


    operated institutions of learning. These examples


    of religious leaders or institutions promoting or


    providing education do not establish that


    religious occupations fall within the field of




    A.R. at 00005. The AAO concluded that plaintiff had not


    established that his field of expertise fell within the


    sciences, arts, education, business or athletics. The AAO


    did not conclude that no religious figure could so qualify.


    Similarly, plaintiff asserts that defendants


    “arbitrarily concluded that Plaintiff can have only one


    occupation or area of expertise.” PI. Mem., at 38. This is


    not an accurate characterization of the AAO’s decision.


    Case 2:07-cv-02148-SD Document 31 Filed 06/18/2008 Page 7 of 26


    Defendants examined the evidence submitted by plaintiff in


    depth, including both evidence of his religious activities


    and evidence of his role in educational activities, and


    concluded that he had not established that he is an alien of


    extraordinary ability in the field of education or that he


    intends to continue working in the field of education.


    A.R. 00014.


    Plaintiff asserts that he has produced substantial


    evidence of his alleged expertise in the field of education,


    but he points to very little actual evidence. He states


    that he has expertise in the field of education “because he


    has developed methods of teaching that incorporate religious


    tolerance into educational institutions” (PI. Mem., at 40),


    but he nowhere identifies those methods. He claims he


    “focuses on teaching religious tolerance to children at a


    young age as part of their education” (id.), but he presents


    no evidence to support this claim. None of his writings set


    forth curricula or teaching methodology; none of his


    writings are addressed to children; he has presented no


    evidence that he himself teaches children, or teaches people


    who teach children. He claims his work is used by “hundreds


    of schools based on Plaintiff’s methodologies” (.id.), but he




    Case 2:07-cv-02148-SD Document 31 Filed 06/18/2008 Page 8 of 26


    nowhere identifies or describes those methodologies.1


    Plaintiff argues that “entire conferences have been


    held focusing on his scholarly work, including his work in


    the field of education.” Pi. Mem., at 43. As an example,


    he cites a conference which he claims “was organized by the


    British government (House of Lords),” among others. See PI


    Mem., at 43, 51, 62. The evidence does not support this


    assertion. The Proceedings of that conference were


    submitted by plaintiff in support of his application, and


    copies of relevant portions are attached hereto as Exhibit


    A. The House of Lords is listed under the somewhat


    misleading heading “Organisers & Venues,” and the materials


    indicate that one of the sessions was held at the House of


    Lords, but there is nothing whatsoever to suggest that


    either the British government or the House of Lords in any


    way endorsed, sponsored or organized this conference.


    Ex. A, at 00001-00002.2


    1 “Methodology” is defined as “[t]he system of


    principles, procedures, and practices applied to a


    particular branch of knowledge,” or “[t]he branch of logic


    dealing with the general principles of the formation of


    knowledge.” Webster’s II New Riverside University


    Dictionary. Houghton Mifflin Co. 1988, at 747.


    2 The conference web site,


    (accessed June 12, 2008), lists Parliament under the heading


    “Venues,” but lists no governmental entity under the heading


    Case 2:07-cv-02148-SD Document 31 Filed 06/18/2008 Page 9 of 26


    An examination of the Proceedings reveals that none of


    the presenters is an expert in the field of education. Ex.


    A, at 00003-00051. Most of the presenters are students or


    professors of religion or political science; several of them


    are associated with the Gulen movement.3


    The papers presented at the conference reveal that the


    Gulen movement is primarily religious and political, not


    educational. For example, Mustafa Akyol, in his paper “What


    Made the Gulen Movement Possible,” states:


    The line of reasoning that Gulen articulates – the


    argument for an Islam which demands a liberal


    democratic, not Islamic, state – also explains the


    remarkable alliance in today’s Turkey between


    Muslim conservatives, and especially the Gulen


    movement, and the secular liberals. Their


    coalition is in favour of the EU bid and


    democratization, whereas the nationalist front –


    which includes die-hard secular Kemalists, ultraright


    wing Turkish nationalists, and hardliner


    Islamists – abhors both of those objectives. It


    is no accident the daily Zaman and its English


    language sister publication, Today’s Zaman – which


    both belong to the Gulen movement – hosts [sic]


    many liberal columnists.




    3 For example, Y. Alp Aslandogan is editor of The


    Fountain magazine and vice-president of the Institute of


    Interfaith Dialog, both Gulen movement associated


    organizations. Ex. A at 00022, 00050. Muharamed Cetin is


    president of the movement’s Institute of Interfaith Dialog


    and co-founder and former editor of The Fountain. Ex. A at


    00026. Dogan Koc is co-founder and secretary of the


    Institute of Interfaith Dialog. Ex. A at 00040.




    Case 2:07-cv-02148-SD Document 31 Filed 06/18/2008 Page 10 of 26


    Ex. A at 00053.


    In his paper “The Fethullah Gulen Movement as a


    Transnational Phenomenon,” Bill Park describes the


    movement’s use of education as a way to “Islamize” society:


    Gulen propagates a kind of ‘educational Islamism’


    as opposed to a ‘political Islamism’ ….


    Through the internalized spiritual transformation


    of individuals will come a wider social


    transformation and, at least in Islamic societies


    (including Turkey) in which Gulen institutions


    operate, a (re-) ‘Islamisation’ of modernity.


    Thus, politics in Turkey and perhaps in other


    Islamic societies in which the movement operates


    should be ‘Islamized’ only via a bottom-up process


    and indirectly, in which people and state are


    reunited in a kind of organic way, through a


    shared attachment to and internalization of faith.


    In this sense, the Gulen movement’s mission in the


    Islamic societies in which it operates can be said


    to be a political project, but one that aspires to


    achieve its goals indirectly.


    Ex. A at 00055 (citation omitted).


    The Conference Proceedings also reveal that the Gulen


    movement involves a great deal more than inspiring followers


    to establish schools. In “Funding Gulen-Inspired Good


    Works: Demonstrating and Generating Commitment to the


    Movement,” Helen Rose Ebaugh and Dogan Koc state:


    The projects sponsored by Gulen-inspired followers


    today number in the thousands, span international


    borders and are costly in terms of human and


    financial capital. These initiatives include over


    2000 schools and seven universities in more than


    ninety countries in five continents, two modern




    Case 2:07-cv-02148-SD Document 31 Filed 06/18/2008 Page 11 of 26


    hospitals, the Zaman newspaper (now in both a


    Turkish and English edition), a television channel


    (Samanyolu), a radio channel (Burc FM), CHA (a


    major Turkish news agency), Aksiyon (a leading


    weekly news magazine), national and international


    Gulen conferences, Ramadan interfaith dinners,


    interfaith dialog trips to Turkey from countries


    around the globe and the many programs sponsored


    by the Journalists and Writers Foundation. In


    addition, the Isik insurance company and Bank


    Asya, an Islamic bank, are affiliated with the


    Gulen community.


    Ex. A at 00057 (citations omitted).


    There are several interesting aspects to the abovequoted


    passage. First, it is important to note that the


    authors refer to schools “sponsored by Gulen-inspired


    followers,” not established or sponsored by plaintiff.4 Of


    equal importance, the passage refers to the movement’s


    sponsorship of “national and international Gulen


    conferences.” This evidence is consistent with the contents


    of the radio interview quoted at length in defendants’


    memorandum in support of their motion for summary judgment,


    and suggests that the academic conferences plaintiff relies


    on to support his claim that he is recognized as a scholar


    4 A number of the letters submitted in support of


    plaintiff’s petition reference schools established or


    founded by plaintiff. See A.R. 00031-00037, 01082-01165.


    These references appear to be mistaken; there is no evidence


    that plaintiff played any direct role in establishing any






    Case 2:07-cv-02148-SD Document 31 Filed 06/18/2008 Page 12 of 26


    are in fact organized and paid for by the Gulen movement,


    rather than by independent academics. The above passage


    also describes various financial and insurance companies and


    media outlets as inspired by or affiliated with the Gulen




    The Ebaugh-Koc paper also purports to explore the


    sources of funding for the Gulen movement’s projects, but in


    fact it merely presents a series of unattributed anecdotes.


    The authors explain the need for examining the issue of




    Questions regarding the financing of these


    numerous and expensive projects are periodically


    raised by both critics of the Gulen Movement and


    newcomers to the movement who are invited to Gulen


    related events. Because of the large amounts of


    money involved in these projects, on occasion


    people have raised the possibility of a collusion


    between the movement and various governments,


    especially Saudi Arabia and/or Iran, and including


    the Turkish government. There have even been


    suspicions that the American CIA may be a


    financial partner behind the projects.


    Ex. A 00057 (citation omitted). Despite this explanation of


    their purpose, the authors made no systematic study of the


    5 The assertion that the Gulen movement has sponsored


    or inspired over 2000 schools and seven universities is not


    supported by any facts of record and does not appear


    consistent with plaintiff’s claim that his followers have


    established more than 600 educational institutions.


    PI.Mem., at 36.




    Case 2:07-cv-02148-SD Document 31 Filed 06/18/2008 Page 13 of 26


    sources, or even amounts, of Gulen movement funding.


    The authors claim to have interviewed twelve


    businessmen in Ankara who contribute “from 10%-70% of their


    annual income, ranging from $20,000-$300,000 per year.” Ex.


    A at 00062. Another “very successful businessman in


    Istanbul” contributes “20% of his 4-5 million dollar yearly


    income to movement-related projects.” Id. Finally, the


    authors assert that many “graduate students, many of them on


    small stipends from Turkey or from their American


    universities, pledge $2,000-$5,000 every year even though


    such pledges means [sic] great sacrifice on the students’


    part.” Ex. A at 00064. The authors provide no source for


    these alleged facts, other than their claim to have asked


    twelve unidentified businessmen how much they contributed.


    This is not scholarship; it is not even respectable


    journalism. The evidence submitted by plaintiff, when


    carefully examined, reveals that he is not a scholar and his


    work is not the subject of serious scholarship. He is a


    religious and political figure attempting to buy academic


    prestige by paying people to write papers about him.6


    6 The American Political Science Association web site


    lists dozens of upcoming conferences, including one focused


    on plaintiff scheduled for November 2008. That is the only




    Case 2:07-cv-02148-SD Document 31 Filed 06/18/2008 Page 14 of 26


    Plaintiff emphasizes the many highly complimentary


    letters of support he submitted to the agency. It is


    noteworthy, however, that only one of these letters is from


    an expert in the field of education.7 See A.R. 00182


    (letter from Dr. Sheryl L. Santos, Dean and Professor,


    College of Education, Texas Tech University). Dr. Santos


    says nothing about plaintiff’s educational methods or


    contributions. She describes plaintiff as “a friend, a


    peacemaker, an educated promoter of interfaith,


    intercultural dialogue whose presence and message is [sic]


    sorely needed in the world today.” Id. None of the other


    twenty-eight supporting letters is from a person with any


    connection to the field of education.


    Plaintiff claims he has received several awards as


    evidence of national and international acclaim in the field


    of education. However, he presents no evidence that any of


    conference listed that offers honoraria, plus travel and


    accommodations grants, for presenters. See

  (accessed June 16, 2008).


    See also (accessed June 18, 2008),


    which describes the same conference but does not claim any


    connection to the APSA.


    7 As plaintiff points out, the field of education is a


    discipline which is concerned with methods of teaching and


    learning in schools. Pi. Mem., at 39. Put another way, it


    is w[t]he field of study concerned with teaching and


    learning pedagogy.” Webster’s II. at 418.




    Case 2:07-cv-02148-SD Document 31 Filed 06/18/2008 Page 15 of 26


    these awards recognize his accomplishments in the field of


    education. See A.R. 00041 (“Contribution to Tolerance and


    Dialogue”) .8 Further, it is not even clear that they were


    all awards. The only evidence that plaintiff was an


    “Honoree of the Peaceful Heroes Symposium” is a newsletter


    stating that on April 16, 2005, the Student Association for


    Islamic Dialogue at UTSA (presumably University of Texas at


    San Antonio) presented a program about peaceful heroes at


    which professors discussed “the Dalai Lama, Mohandas Gandhi,


    Mother Teresa, Fethullah Gulen and M.L. King.” A.R. 01043.


    The only evidence supporting plaintiff’s claim to be an


    “Honoree of the Peace Heroes Award” by religious leaders in


    Leeds, United Kingdom, is an advertisement for a forum


    called “Heroes for Peace” containing the following


    description: “Many people see religions as being the cause


    of troubles and wars. This event aims to show how people


    from all faiths work for peace – heroes such as Dadi Janki,


    the Dalai Lama, Martin Luther King, King Ashok, Yitzhak


    Rabin, Fethulla Gulen, Starhawk and Guru Nank.” A.R. 01047.


    The only evidence to support plaintiff’s claim that he


    8 The translations of news articles about this award


    mention education, but the award itself does not. See A.R.


    at 00041, 00045, 00047.




    Case 2:07-cv-02148-SD Document 31 Filed 06/18/2008 Page 16 of 26


    received the Intersociety Adaptation and Contribution to


    Peace Award from the Kyrgzstan Spirituality Foundation is a


    reference in an article in The Muslim World which is sourced


    to an article in Zaman Daily, the Turkish newspaper


    affiliated with the Gulen movement. A.R. 01049-01051. The


    AAO properly found that plaintiff had not produced evidence


    to support his claim either that he was the recipient of a


    major, internationally recognized award in the field of


    education, or that he was the recipient of lesser nationally


    or internationally recognized awards in the field of




    Plaintiff claims that the 40 books he has authored are


    scholarly publications meeting the criterion set forth in 8


    C.F.R. § 204.5(h)(3)(vi). Pi. Mem., at 49. He claims that


    these works focus on religious tolerance and education and


    are considered “scholarly work” by others in the field. Pi.


    Mem., at 50. This assertion is not supported by evidence of


    9 It is not clear whether plaintiff is relying on his


    supposed meetings with Pope John Paul II as evidence of his


    expertise in the field of education, but it should be noted


    that his statement, at page 47 of his memorandum, that his


    receipt of the UNESCO award “was another occasion in which


    Mr. Gulen met with his Holiness Pope John Paul II,” is


    patently untrue. The award was given in October 2005. A.R.


    00041, 00162. Pope John Paul II died April 2, 2005.




    Case 2:07-cv-02148-SD Document 31 Filed 06/18/2008 Page 17 of 26




    First, it should be noted that all of the books


    authored by plaintiff which were submitted to the agency in


    English were published not by university presses or


    scholarly publishing houses, but by plaintiff’s own


    publishing company, The Light Publishing Co., Inc.10 See


    Exhibit B hereto (title pages and reverses of books


    submitted by plaintiff). Some of the books list both The


    Light and The Gulen Institute, and include the Gulen


    Institute’s web site,


    Second, none of these books are books about education,


    teaching methods or pedagogy. They are all religious works.


    Third, plaintiff presents no evidence that any of these


    books are considered “scholarly work” by others in the field


    of education. He asserts that he has submitted evidence


    that his “methodologies have been widely cited or adopted by


    the professional community at large,” PI. Mem., at 50, but


    he does not identify either the methodologies or the


    “professional community at large.” He claims he has created


    10 According to its web site, The Light has now changed


    its name to Tughra Books. See


    (accessed June 16, 2008). The web site indicates the


    company publishes approximately sixty titles, all religious.




    Case 2:07-cv-02148-SD Document 31 Filed 06/18/2008 Page 18 of 26


    a “model of education that uses a traditional secular


    education to create interfaith tolerance,” PI.Mem., at 51,


    but does not explain what is new, innovative or different


    about “traditional secular education.” Traditional secular


    education has been the norm in the United States since the


    founding of the Republic. In any case, plaintiff points to


    no evidence of what his “methodologies” are and no evidence


    that anyone outside his movement has adopted them.


    Plaintiff claims that “major national and international


    conferences focus on Mr. Gulen’s work in the field of


    religious tolerance and education.” PI. Mem., at 54.


    Plaintiff has presented no evidence that any of the


    conferences which focused on his work were major; indeed, at


    least some of them appear to have been sponsored by groups


    associated with him. Further, none of the conferences cited


    focused on plaintiff’s work in the field of education.


    Plaintiff bootstraps from his claims that major


    conferences focused on his work in the field of education to


    the conclusion that ” [a]s his articles and books were the


    subject of this major international conference where his


    theories were presented and debated, there is substantial


    evidence in the record that his books and articles can be




    Case 2:07-cv-02148-SD Document 31 Filed 06/18/2008 Page 19 of 26


    considered ‘scholarly’ in and of themselves.” PI. Mem., at


    52. This is a logical fallacy. Scholars study the work of


    medieval guilds; that does not make the artisans’ work in


    carpentry or masonry “scholarly.” Scientists study the work


    of the honey bee; that does not make honeycombs “scholarly.”


    Plaintiff argues that his work must be scholarly


    because it is the subject of “coursework” (as opposed to


    courses) at universities. Pi. Mem., at 55. All of the


    courses cited, however, (none of which focus on plaintiff


    exclusively) are courses on religion or political science.


    None of these address the subject of education. Even if


    plaintiff were correct in his assumption that study of one’s


    work at the university level suggests that one’s work is


    scholarly, that would still not make plaintiff an expert in


    education. At most it would make him an expert in religion


    or political science.


    Plaintiff goes on to state that w[a]cademics at major


    universities focus on his work in religious tolerance and


    education and have made Mr. Gulen’s work the subject of


    entire courses.” PI. Mem., at 56. This statement is


    completely unsupported by any evidence. Plaintiff can point


    to no entire courses devoted to his work; nor has he




    Case 2:07-cv-02148-SD Document 31 Filed 06/18/2008 Page 20 of 26


    identified any “major universities” where his work is the


    subject of entire courses.


    Plaintiff insists that he “has submitted substantial


    evidence that he has authored scholarly articles in the


    field of religious tolerance and education.” Pi. Mem., at


    60. It is important to bear in mind that plaintiff is not


    seeking a preferential visa based on his expertise in


    religious tolerance; he is seeking preferential treatment


    because he claims to be an alien of unusual ability in the


    field of education. And despite his repeated, conclusory


    assertions to the contrary, he has not submitted any


    evidence that he has authored scholarly articles in the


    field of education. He has not identified one single book


    or article authored by himself (scholarly or not) in the


    field of education. The evidence of record amply supports


    the agency’s determination that plaintiff did not meet the


    criterion set forth in 8 C.F.R. § 204(h) (3) (vi) (authorship


    of scholarly articles in the field).


    Plaintiff argues that his speeches constitute evidence


    of display of his work in the field of education at artistic


    exhibitions or showcases. Pi. Mem., at 61; 8 C.F.R.


    § 204(h)(3)(vii). Congress obviously intended this section




    Case 2:07-cv-02148-SD Document 31 Filed 06/18/2008 Page 21 of 26


    to apply to artwork; simply calling speech venues


    “showcases” does not make his speeches into works displayed


    at artistic exhibitions and showcases.


    More importantly, the record contains absolutely no


    evidence relating to plaintiff’s speeches. There are no


    transcripts of speeches, no audio or video recordings of his


    speeches; there are not even any first-hand accounts of his


    speeches. Even if a speech venue were a “showcase” as


    contemplated by the regulation, the agency could not


    favorably evaluate plaintiff’s claim to have showcased his


    work by making speeches without some evidence that he made


    any speeches and some evidence of the content of those




    Plaintiff also tries to fit the conferences at which


    his work was discussed into the “artistic exhibitions and


    showcases” category. Defendants believe the language of the


    regulation unambiguously refers to displays of artwork.


    Nevertheless, even if the term “showcase” could be tortured


    into meaning “conference,” plaintiff would not meet this


    criterion, because his work was not displayed at any of the


    cited conferences. Other people’s work, not plaintiff’s,


    was presented. Plaintiff’s work was discussed. Showcase




    Case 2:07-cv-02148-SD Document 31 Filed 06/18/2008 Page 22 of 26


    does not mean conference; display does not mean discuss.


    The agency properly found plaintiff did not meet the


    requirements under subsection (vii).


    Plaintiff argues that he meets the criterion set forth


    in subsection (viii) because he is “the leader of the Gulen


    Movement,” a founder of the Institute for Interfaith Dialog,


    the founder of the Journalists and Writers Foundation and


    the honorary president of the Niagara Forum and the Rumi


    Forum. PI. Mem., at 64, 67. First, the evidence submitted


    by plaintiff indicates that the Gulen movement is not an


    organization, but a loose network of projects inspired by


    Gulen. See, e.g.. Ex. A at 00057. The Gulen movement, the


    Institute for Interfaith Dialog, and the Journalists and


    Writers Foundation were all created by plaintiff. Plaintiff


    plays no “organic” role in the Rumi Forum or the Niagara


    Forum A.R. 00192, 00196. Because plaintiff has not provided


    evidence that he meets the requirements of 8 C.F.R.


    § 204(h)(3)(viii), the AAO’s decision with respect to this


    criterion was not arbitrary or capricious.


    Finally, plaintiff has failed to provide any evidence


    that he will continue to work in the field of education


    prospectively, as required under Section 203(b)(1)(A)(ii) of




    Case 2:07-cv-02148-SD Document 31 Filed 06/18/2008 Page 23 of 26


    the INA. Plaintiff did not bother to fill in the section on


    his petition relating to prospective plans. A.R. 00243-


    00245. He thereafter submitted an affidavit to rectify the


    omission. The following passage is the only information


    relating to plaintiff’s prospective plans in the entire




    Should my permanent residency be granted, it is my


    intention to continue performing scholarly


    research, advising other academics, and consulting


    on conferences about my work. My presence in the


    United States [] will allow me to continue to


    advocate and promote interfaith dialogue and


    harmony between members of different faiths and




    A.R. 01053.


    This is not the detailed plan required by the


    regulations. Equally importantly, it has nothing whatever


    to do with education. Plaintiff has never performed


    scholarly research in the field of education. He has never


    advised other academics in the field of education. And


    consulting on conferences about his own work is essentially


    continuing to promote himself and his movement by paying


    academics to write papers about him. None of this can be


    considered continuing to perform outstanding work in the


    field of education.




    Case 2:07-cv-02148-SD Document 31 Filed 06/18/2008 Page 24 of 26




    The evidence of record discloses that plaintiff failed


    to carry his burden of providing evidence that he is a


    person of extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts,


    education, business, or athletics. He also failed to meet


    his burden of providing evidence that he seeks to continue


    work in the area of extraordinary ability while in the


    United States. As a result, the agency’s denial of his visa


    application was neither arbitrary, nor capricious, nor


    contrary to law. Further, the decision was supported by


    substantial evidence, and should be affirmed.


    Respectfully submitted,




    United States Attorney




    Chief, Civil Division




    Assistant U.S. Attorne;


    615 Chestnut Street


    Philadelphia, PA 19106


    (215) 861-8323


    (215) 861-8349 (fax)


    [email protected]


    Dated: June 18, 2008




    Case 2:07-cv-02148-SD Document 31 Filed 06/18/2008 Page 25 of 26




    I hereby certify that on this date I caused a true and


    correct copy of the foregoing Response to Plaintiff’s Motion


    for Summary Judgment to be served by first class United


    States mail, postage prepaid, upon the following:


    H. Ronald Klasko, Esquire


    Theodore Murphy, Esquire


    Klasko, Rulon, Stock & Seltzer, LLP


    1800 J.F. Kennedy Blvd.


    Suite 1700


    Philadelphia, PA 19103




    Assistant U.S. Attorney


    Dated: June 18, 2008


    Case 2:07-cv-02148-SD Document 31 Filed 06/18/2008 Page 26 of 26


  • Will Israel and / or the U.S. Attack Iran?

    Will Israel and / or the U.S. Attack Iran?


    IF YOU want to understand the policy of a country, look at the map – as Napoleon recommended.

    Anyone who wants to guess whether Israel and/or the United States are going to attack Iran should look at the map of the Strait of Hormuz between Iran and the Arabian Peninsula.

    Through this narrow waterway, only 34 km wide, pass the ships that carry between a fifth and a third of the world’s oil, including that from Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and Bahrain.

    * * *

    MOST OF the commentators who talk about the inevitable American and Israeli attack on Iran do not take account of this map.

    There is talk about a “sterile”, a “surgical” air strike. The mighty air fleet of the United States will take off from the aircraft carriers already stationed in the Persian Gulf and the American air bases dispersed throughout the region and bomb all the nuclear sites of Iran – and on this happy occasion also bomb government institutions, army installations, industrial centers and anything else they might fancy. They will use bombs that can penetrate deep into the ground.

    Simple, quick and elegant – one blow and bye-bye Iran, bye-bye ayatollahs, bye-bye Ahmadinejad.

    If Israel attacks alone, the blow will be more modest. The most the attackers can hope for is the destruction of the main nuclear sites and a safe return.

    I have a modest request: before you start, please look at the map once more, at the Strait named (probably) after the god of Zarathustra.

    * * *

    THE INEVITABLE reaction to the bombing of Iran will be the blocking of this Strait. That should have been self-evident even without the explicit declaration by one of Iran’s highest ranking generals a few days ago.

    Iran dominates the whole length of the Strait. They can seal it hermetically with their missiles and artillery, both land based and naval.

    If that happens, the price of oil will skyrocket – far beyond the 200 dollars-per-barrel that pessimists dread now. That will cause a chain reaction: a world-wide depression, the collapse of whole industries and a catastrophic rise in unemployment in America, Europe and Japan.

    In order to avert this danger, the Americans would need to conquer parts of Iran – perhaps the whole of this large country. The US does not have at its disposal even a small part of the forces they would need. Practically all their land forces are tied down in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    The mighty American navy is menacing Iran – but the moment the Strait is closed, it will itself resemble those model ships in bottles. Perhaps it is this danger that made the navy chiefs extricate the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln from the Persian Gulf this week, ostensibly because of the situation in Pakistan.

    This leaves the possibility that the US will act by proxy. Israel will attack, and this will not officially involve the US, which will deny any responsibility.

    Indeed? Iran has already announced that it would consider an Israeli attack as an American operation, and act as if it had been directly attacked by the US. That is logical.

    * * *

    NO ISRAELI government would ever consider the possibility of starting such an operation without the explicit and unreserved agreement of the US. Such a confirmation will not be forthcoming.

    So what are all these exercises, which generate such dramatic headlines in the international media?

    The Israeli Air Force has held exercises at a distance of 1500 km from our shores. The Iranians have responded with test firings of their Shihab missiles, which have a similar range. Once, such activities were called “saber rattling”, nowadays the preferred term is “psychological warfare”. They are good for failed politicians with domestic needs, to divert attention, to scare citizens. They also make excellent television. But simple common sense tells us that whoever plans a surprise strike does not proclaim this from the rooftops. Menachem Begin did not stage public exercises before sending the bombers to destroy the Iraqi reactor, and even Ehud Olmert did not make a speech about his intention to bomb a mysterious building in Syria.

    * * *

    SINCE KING Cyrus the Great, the founder of the Persian Empire some 2500 years ago, who allowed the Israelite exiles in Babylon to return to Jerusalem and build a temple there, Israeli-Persian relations have their ups and downs.

    Until the Khomeini revolution, there was a close alliance between them. Israel trained the Shah’s dreaded secret police (“Savak”). The Shah was a partner in the Eilat-Ashkelon oil pipeline which was designed to bypass the Suez Canal. (Iran is still trying to enforce payment for the oil it supplied then.)

    The Shah helped to infiltrate Israeli army officers into the Kurdish part of Iraq, where they assisted Mustafa Barzani’s revolt against Saddam Hussein. That operation came to an end when the Shah betrayed the Iraqi Kurds and made a deal with Saddam. But Israeli-Iranian cooperation was almost restored after Saddam attacked Iran. In the course of that long and cruel war (1980-1988), Israel secretly supported the Iran of the ayatollahs. The Irangate affair was only a small part of that story.

    That did not prevent Ariel Sharon from planning to conquer Iran, as I have already disclosed in the past. When I was writing an in-depth article about him in 1981, after his appointment as Minister of Defense, he told me in confidence about this daring idea: after the death of Khomeini, Israel would forestall the Soviet Union in the race to Iran. The Israeli army would occupy Iran in a few days and turn the country over to the much slower Americans, who would have supplied Israel well in advance with large quantities of sophisticated arms for this express purpose.

    He also showed me the maps he intended to take with him to the annual strategic consultations in Washington. They looked very impressive. It seems, however, that the Americans were not so impressed.

    All this indicates that by itself, the idea of an Israeli military intervention in Iran is not so revolutionary. But a prior condition is close cooperation with the US. This will not be forthcoming, because the US would be the primary victim of the consequences.

    * * *

    IRAN IS now a regional power. It makes no sense to deny that.

    The irony of the matter is that for this they must thank their foremost benefactor in recent times: George W. Bush. If they had even a modicum of gratitude, they would erect a statue to him in Tehran’s central square.

    For many generations, Iraq was the gatekeeper of the Arab region. It was the wall of the Arab world against the Persian Shiites. It should be remembered that during the Iraqi-Iranian war, Arab Shiite Iraqis fought with great enthusiasm against Persian Shiite Iranians.

    When President Bush invaded Iraq and destroyed it, he opened the whole region to the growing might of Iran. In future generations, historians will wonder about this action, which deserves a chapter to itself in “The March of Folly”.

    Today it is already clear that the real American aim (as I have asserted in this column right from the beginning) was to take possession of the Caspian Sea/Persian Gulf oil region and station a permanent American garrison at its center. This aim was indeed achieved – the Americans are now talking about their forces remaining in Iraq “for a hundred years”, and they are now busily engaged in dividing Iraq’s huge oil reserves among the four or five giant American oil companies.

    But this war was started without wider strategic thinking and without looking at the geopolitical map. It was not decided who is the main enemy of the US in the region, neither was it clear where the main effort should be. The advantage of dominating Iraq may well be outweighed by the rise of Iran as a nuclear, military and political power that will overshadow America’s allies in the Arab world.

    * * *

    WHERE DO we Israelis stand in this game?

    For years now, we have been bombarded by a propaganda campaign that depicts the Iranian nuclear effort as an existential threat to Israel. Forget the Palestinians, forget Hamas and Hizbullah, forget Syria – the sole danger that threatens the very existence of the State of Israel is the Iranian nuclear bomb.

    I repeat what I have said before: I am not prey to this existential Angst. True, life is more pleasant without an Iranian nuclear bomb, and Ahmadinejad is not very nice either. But if the worst comes to the worst, we will have a “balance of terror” between the two nations, much like the American-Soviet balance of terror that saved mankind from World War III, or the Indian-Pakistani balance of terror that provides a framework for a rapprochement between those two countries that hate each other’s guts.

    * * *

    ON THE basis of all these considerations, I dare to predict that there will be no military attack on Iran this year – not by the Americans, not by the Israelis.

    As I write these lines, a little red light turns on in my head. It is related to a memory: in my youth I was an avid reader of Vladimir Jabotinsky’s weekly articles, which impressed me with their cold logic and clear style. In August 1939, Jabotinsky wrote an article in which he asserted categorically that no war would break out, in spite of all the rumors to the contrary. His reasoning: modern weapons are so terrible, that no country would dare to start a war.

    A few days later Germany invaded Poland, starting the most terrible war in human history (until now), which ended with the Americans dropping atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Since then, for 63 years, nobody has used nuclear weapons in a war.

    President Bush is about to end his career in disgrace. The same fate is waiting impatiently for Ehud Olmert. For politicians of this kind, it is easy to be tempted by a last adventure, a last chance for a decent place in history after all.

    All the same, I stick to my prognosis: it will not happen.

    Uri Avnery is an Israeli journalist, member of Gush Shalom and contributor to The Politics of Anti-Semitism (AK / CounterPunch).

    Source:, July 14, 2008

  • ‘Iran is friends with Israeli people’: Ahmadinejad aide

    ‘Iran is friends with Israeli people’: Ahmadinejad aide

    TEHRAN (AFP) — Iran is “friends with the Israeli people”, a deputy of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said, in stark contrast to Tehran’s usual verbal assaults against the Jewish state, local media reported on Sunday.

    Esfandiar Rahim Mashaie, vice president in charge of tourism and one of Ahmadinejad’s closest confidants, also described the people of Iran’s arch-enemy the United States as “one of the best nations in the world”.

    “Today, Iran is friends with the American and Israeli people. No nation in the world is our enemy, this is an honour,” Rahim Mashaie said, according to the Fars news agency and Etemad newspaper.

    “Of course we have enemies and the most unfair hostilities are committed against the Iranian people,” he said on the sidelines of a tourism congress in Tehran.

    “We regard the American people as one of the best nations in the world.”

    Ahmadinejad has earned international notoriety for his frequent verbal assaults against Israel, which he has described as a “stinking corpse” and predicted is doomed to disappear.

    Rahim Mashaie is one of the figures closest to the president in the Iranian government. This was emphasised earlier this year when his daughter married Ahmadinejad’s son.

    Ahmadinejad has repeatedly said that Iran is ready to talk to all countries except the “Zionist regime”, Tehran’s usual description for Israel.

    “An unexpected statement: Mashaie talks about friendship with the people of Israel?!” was the headline on the conservative Tabnak news website.

    The website said it was all the more surprising he had made the comment when much of Ahmadinejad’s popularity in the Arab world stems from his hostility towards Israel and the United States.

    This is not the first time Rahim Mashaie has been involved in controversy. He was sharply criticised by MPs for allegedly watching a Turkish woman dance while at a tourism congress in Turkey.

    The Islamic republic has repeatedly vowed never to recognise Israel, which was an ally of pro-US shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi ousted by the 1979 Islamic revolution.

    Source: AFP, 20 July 2008