Category: USA

Turkey could be America’s most important regional ally, above Iraq, even above Israel, if both sides manage the relationship correctly.



    Harp Okulu Öğrencisi, Mustafa Kemal. (1899-1902)

    17 March 2014

    Today, the Black Sea rages red.
    Today, the missiles of the west tremble in anticipation.
    And today, the Turkish navy sends a task force on a three-month circumnavigation around Africa.
    How nice.
    In the face of great strategic uncertainty and dangerous border vulnerability, such is what passes for a strategic maneuver.
    Such is the condition of military thinking in the demolished Turkish military.
    How sad.
    The Turkish military, the true founder of modern Turkey.
    It had hurled the western occupying imperialist powers into the sea.
    The Turkish military, the pride of Atatürk.
    But that was then. And today is today. And the general staff now bow their collective heads to the politicians. Bow their heads!

    “Don’t fall into the temptation of trying to please pea-brains,” said Mustafa Kemal to his fellow officer, Ahmet Cemal, in 1910. “If you condescend to gain strength from the favor of this or that man, you may get it at present, but you’ll have a rotten future.”

    Today, Turkey is already experiencing such a rotten future. And we already know the pea-brains.

    Today, I learned that one of the pea-brains decreed that Turkish military cadets may no longer apply to West Point. Extremely competitive, acceptance there requires sponsorship by the government. Instead they will be applying to the Chinese and Korean academies. This is a major shift in Turkish foreign policy. This is a de-westernization of its best and brightest youth.
    And then I thought of my first meeting with Mustafa Kemal.

    My senior year at West Point, the winter of 1962.
    I am fully absorbed in a course entitled The History of the Military Art.
    We are now studying World War I. Except for its first few weeks of brilliant German maneuvers, it’s a blood-ridden, boring stalemate, a slaughterhouse in the trenches.

    One day after class, I visit the Cadet Bookstore.

    I see Gallipoli, by Alan Moorehead, an Australian by birth.
    I purchase it, outside reading never hurts.
    Moorehead introduces Kemal to me on page nine:

    “There was one name, more important than all the rest, that is missing from the list of guests at Harold Nicholson’s dinner party.” (Nicholson was junior secretary in the British Embassy)

    “He waited in resentful claustrophobia for the opportunity that never came.”

    “Through all these chaotic years it was Kemal’s galling fate to take orders from this man.” (Enver)

    “No one in his wildest dreams would have imagined that half a century later Kemal’s name would be reverenced all over Turkey, that every child at school would know by heart the gaunt lines of his face, the grim mouth and the washed eyes, while his spectacular rival would be all but forgotten.”

    Who was this Kemal?  My professors had never mentioned him, nor had our textbooks. We had studied Napoleon and Lee and Stonewall Jackson and Grant and Eisenhower and Guderian and Rommel and MacArthur. But about this Kemal, not a word.

    I could not stop reading my new book, Page 129: “It was at this point that Mustafa Kemal arrived.” (It was at Chanuk Bair.)
    “Kemal’s astonishing career as a commanding officer dates from this moment.”
    And from this point, the book “belongs” to Mustafa Kemal.

    His “air of inspired desperation.”

    His “fanatical attack on the Anzac beachhead all afternoon.”

    His  reconnaissance during the cease fire: “It was even said that Kemal had disguised himself as a sergeant and had spent the whole nine hours with various burial parties close to the Anzac trenches.”

    His detailed journal: “He always sees the battle from a fresh point of view.”

    His prophecy of the landing at Suvla: “From the 6th August onwards the enemy’s plans turned out just as I expected. I could not imagine the feelings of those who, two months before, had insisted on not accepting my explanations….They had allowed the whole situation to become critical and the nation to be exposed to very great danger.”  

    Mustafa Kemal, the savior, the father, the inspiration of the Turkish people, or at least those who are able to comprehend his genius.

    And so I graduated from West Point and did my duty.
    And so went the years and the decades and by a quirk of fate I came to Turkey.
    And then I read another book: Atatürk: The Biography of the Founder of Modern Turkey by Andrew Mango.

    And after that I read more and more books about this splendid man and I read his writings too. And I realized how my earlier education at West Point had been severely flawed.
    Because Atatürk was the exemplar of the soldier-statesman we all should have studied and emulated. My god, he had won and built a nation. He had defeated the dark-minded forces that had enslaved the minds of Turkish men and women for centuries. He was a liberator beyond compare. Military, political, social, economical, educational, philosophical, cultural…he had mastered and implemented all the arts of modernization. He had given to all an explosive burst of genuine freedom. Indeed, he had set the way to an incomparable secular, democratic, republic of Turkey. And we, in the greatest military academy in the world, failed to know anything about him!

    How I wish now that sixty years ago I had a Turkish cadet classmate at West Point. How he could have inspired us all with the full story of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. And how enlightening it would have been for West Point and the “West.”

    One night soon after I had arrived in Turkey, I went to a concert at the AKM.  AKM stands for the Atatürk Cultural Center. It was a splendid concert auditorium with a vast stage for theater and ballet. It has since been left to ruin by the abominable government that now rules this fast-fading country. Outside were parked numerous buses. Inside was a contingent of cadets from a local military high school. I struck up a conversation. They all spoke perfect English.

    “So what’s next for you guys?” I asked.
    “I’m going to West Point next year,” one answered with a confident pride.
    “Really?” I said, “I went there.”
    He was as surprised as I was.
    He was a solid kid, like all of them, facing an uncertain future. And I thought of myself, so unknowing, so long ago.
    “You will have a great advantage at West Point, you know, with your military preparation,” I said.
    He shrugged his shoulders. “I hope so, sir.”
    “You will,” I said, “More than any of them there now.”
    “Why is that, sir?”
    “You have Atatürk,” I said. “And make sure you tell all of them all you know about him. Share him!”
    And then the bell sounded softly three times. Last call. We said goodbye and scattered to our seats.

    I wonder now about those splendid boys… By now they are officers. Army? Navy? Air Force? Are any in jail due to the ongoing criminal and nonsensical conspiracy of the CIA, Fethullah Gülen, and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to destroy the Turkish military and Mustafa Kemal?

    The decision to abandon West Point training, made by someone somewhere in the Turkish chain of command, is a particularly harmful one. It insults the wise heritage of Mustafa Kemal. It severs the alliance of American and Turkish military academy-trained officers. And it stinks of political opportunism and ignorance. But those details can be debated some other day, hopefully by the young Turkish cadets who will easily see the profoundly catastrophic effects of a military turning its back on the world’s preeminent military institution. It’s a decision that penalizes both West Point and the Turkish Military Academy. It’s a decision made by those pea-brains, domestic and foreign, who today cause such havoc in Turkey.

    If we don’t wise up now, when will we?

    James (Cem) Ryan
    17 March 2014

    Brightening Glance,



    usma 3








    15 March 2014

    The ides of March, beware the ides of March!

    Whence is that knocking?
    How is’t with me, when every noise appalls me?
    What hands are here? ha! they pluck out mine eyes.
    Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood
    Clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather
    The multitudinous seas incarnadine,

    Making the green one red.

     MACBETH, William Shakespeare

    In your repetition, in your ranting, you bore me immensely and to tears.
    Yet in your supernatural excess, you never fail to astonish.
    Now a hunted man, who curses stars for giving light to darkness,
    you cannot control your rotting tongue.
    There must surely be some divine disgust coming.
    You should be pitied, such an inhuman piece of wreckage.
    But in your deceit you transcend pity.
    The condition of your end surpasses words, except perhaps one–

    Nine months ago you murdered a fifteen year-old boy.
    It took Berkin Elvan nine months to be born.
    And nine months to die by your hand.
    Nine months in a coma, tubed and hosed, draining away in a hospital.
    A hospital where, the day he died, you gassed and beat his mourners.
    And that night, you gassed and beat his mourners all over the nation.
    And that night I wrote about rage and outrage.
    “HEY YOU!” I shouted… “HEY ERDOĞAN!”

    That night I asked you, “Tomorrow, will you attack the boy’s corpse?”
    I felt so strange asking that question. Who would do such blasphemy?
    But true to your deceitful form, you would.
    And did.
    And without qualms, so cool, so cold, so devastating your style.
    Every religion, one way or another says, never speak ill of the dead.
    But you…unspeakable you…What in hell is your religion?
    And the next day you continued to defile the boy’s corpse.
    You went to Siirt.

    Your wife’s hometown.
    And how courageous you were imitating the home-grown liar and thief Jet Fadil whose parliamentary seat you occupy in historically perfect irony.

    Imposter! Charlatan! Infidel!

    The boy was a “terrorist, you yelled to your mob of bootlickers in the plaza at Siirt.
    Clap-clap-clap went your mob.
    He was carrying a slingshot, steel marbles and wearing a scarf, you lied.
    Clap-clap-clap went your mob.

    Yes,true to your form, you lied.
    The picture was photoshopped by one of your corrupt cops.
    Everyone knows this.
    Everyone except your Allah-dazzled mobs.
    Clap-clappity-clap went your bedazzled bootlickers.

    Then you insulted the boy’s mother.
    “I couldn’t understand why you threw steel marbles and carnations into your son’s grave,” you yelled.
    Booooooooo! yelled your mob in avid, oblivious agreement. Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

    Who? What? When? Where? Why? …..
    I mean words fail…a head of state talking such abominable trash, such profanity…
    Booing a dead child’s mother?
    Your mob, your perverted followers.
    Your mobs in plazas where no light ever shines. YOUR “people.”

    What idiot advises you to say and do such things?
    The guy with the pig-greased hair?
    That peddler of slime and subterfuge?
    The one who is ready to die for you?
    Lead by example!
    Do the right thing!

    Or do you advise yourself?

    Or was it Egemen Bağış, your thieving ex-minister?
    The pervert who called Berkin’s mourners “necrophiles.”

    Or was it Mehmet Ali Şahin, Turkey’s greatest verbal defecator.
    In Ergenekon, as he had so vividly explained,
    Turkey is defecating. Turkey will continue cleansing its intestines.”
    About Berkin, he was even less sensitive.
    If Berkin had died after the election, he blathered, the funeral crowd would not have been so large.

    And for all this, and for so much more, you will all soon go forever.

    The door is knocking.
    Can you hear it?
    Your advisors won’t tell.
    Only the knock tells.
    The knock that appalls.
    A knock, and you disappear.
    Somewhere, beyond the sun, beyond the touch of humanity,
    Beyond the light. Beyond thought.
    And all that remains, all those “things” of yours,
    will be razed, destroyed, plowed over.
    And the land will be calm.
    And your hands?
    Your bloody, thieving, deceiving, murderous hands?
    They too will be food for worms.

    Listen well, for it has already been written:

    Your worm is your only emperor for diet.
    We fat all creatures else to fat us, and 
    we fat ourselves for maggots. 

    HAMLET, William Shakespeare


    James (Cem) Ryan
    15 March 2014

    yigit bulut   bagis   sahin



    “Hegel observes somewhere that all great incidents and individuals of world history occur, as it were, twice.  He forgot to add: the first time as tragedy, the second as farce.”

    Karl Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte (1851)

    harpogrpucho chico


    Oh fabulous farce, the art of the improbable, the exaggerated, the ludicrous, the bizarre, the brazen and often the stupid, the essence of what Turks once called democracy, a word they dare not now pronounce. Still, aren’t we all so lucky to be living in Turkey? Sure we are. Turkey, the land of politicians that plunder while they pray, ludicrously lie without blushing and murder and maim the nation’s youth. Turkey, once brimming with hope, now the land of hopelessness. Still…aren’t we happy, happy, happy? Of course we are. Therefore aren’t we stupid? Of course we…. next question, please.

    Forget your troubles! Get happy! Allah, Yahweh and Jesus all love you! Why the other night the commanding general of the world’s largest, best trained and best armed terrorist group was released from jail. He was lucky. Hundreds of his fellow officers, jailed years before him, are still inside. Strange isn’t to have a nation’s army called a terrorist group? Who would dare call it so? The name, their name, is treason. Their names are the names of founders of the ruling religious fascist party. Meet Abdullah Gül, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Bülent Arınç, the three stars of that fast fading, soon to close farce called Ergenekon. And this dynamic trio, this merry band, the Harpo Marx, Groucho Marx and Chico Marx of their shameless Turkish times, they cooked up this entire treacherous deal. Really, these guys are too much, a real riot of laughs. So get this, after the general was released, all three sent him congratulations messages. So funny they are… HA-HA-HA. They couldn’t be any funnier if they had hit him in the face with cream pies. These three comics canned the general for 26 months and then they celebrate his release. HA-HA-HA! Then they sent for the real clown and in comes the major opposition party leader to join in the celebration. HA-HA-HA!  Too much, wouldn’t you agree? Don’t you love farce?

    Well, Ergenekon has been legally stinking for years. It’s all based on fabricated evidence and secret, false witnesses. Who wrote this joke? Well start with the CIA and assorted traitorous dopes in Turkey. Who produced it? Harpo, Groucho and Chico, with a supporting cast of sold-out journalists, police, prosecutors and judges. Who’s the evil genius? Every farce needs an evil genius. Why he’s an old friend of Harpo, Groucho, and Chico. His name? Feto. Who’s he? He’s an under-educated imam who peddles a line of religious snake-oil blather that appeals to people who are too busy to read and think. But not too busy to be sneaky, violent and suborn treason. He has a big following in Turkey. He makes loads of money so bankrolling the Ergenekon farce was not even a slight problem. And, of course, to further darken the melodrama enter the CIA. Color me green as in a green card for Feto. Color me green as in an Islamic green tie for Groucho. Color me green as in massive bribes and kickbacks and secret bank accounts in the Alps. So far, so bad. Yes, Uncle Feto has been very good to these destroyers of Turkey. And he has been true to his word. He promised to destroy democracy years ago before he escaped into the welcoming arms of the CIA in America, Pennsylvania to be precise. But now pity poor Feto. His old subversive comrades have turned on him. It seems they need a patsy, like Lee Harvey Oswald was fifty years ago. Why? Well, it seems that Groucho and his bit-player ministers and assorted cronies have been stealing everything. Hoses are everywhere sucking, sucking, sucking. Their houses are collapsing from the zillions of shoeboxes stuffed with dollars and euros and whatever else flies in. So Groucho needs a cover, something to take him from being a pious thief to a savior of the nation. Hmmm….

    So what does he do? He blames Feto for the whole disaster. The new game is called Fingering Feto. And that’s why the Turkish Marx brothers, now little angels, are congratulating the general. I wonder if they will send congratulations to all the hundreds of soon-to-be-released prisoners whose lives they have stolen? Do they really think that the Turkish people will believe that they are clean, that they too have been made patsies by the patsy, Feto? Remember, farces are brazen and bizarre.

    Groucho says he’s saving the nation from Feto’s horrible assault on privacy and the military and everything else. Groucho is, as usual, lying, since he said he was the lead prosecutor in all these cases. Farces are ludicrous too. And so the leading opposition has made an alliance of sorts with Feto. The result? Voters in the coming election can vote for the treasonous ruling party or the treasonous major opposition party. This is pretty funny isn’t it? HA-HA-HA.

    Or is this the stupid part? HA-HA-HA!

    James (Cem) Ryan
    8 March 2014

    Brightening Glance, 


    The General Leaves Jail


  • ISTANBUL: US naval destroyer heading to Black Sea

    ISTANBUL: US naval destroyer heading to Black Sea

    ISTANBUL — A U.S. Navy destroyer is passing through Istanbul’s Bosporus straits on its way to the Black Sea for exercises near the fraught Crimean peninsula.

    The Navy destroyer USS Truxtun is participating in exercises with Romania and Bulgaria and is expected to be in the Black Sea for several days amid a stand-off over Russia’s military incursion into Ukraine.

    The exercises come as the U.S. and other Western nations are preparing sanctions against Russia for its recent move to send military troops into Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula.

    via ISTANBUL: US naval destroyer heading to Black Sea | World | The Sun Herald.

  • Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States

    Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States

    On the left,  Ambassador Y. Halit Çevik, Permanent Representative of Turkey to the United Nations
    On the left, Ambassador Y. Halit Çevik, Permanent Representative of Turkey to the United Nations

    Statement by Ambassador Y. Halit Çevik, Permanent Representative of Turkey to the United Nations during the Meeting of the Preparatory Committee for the Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States

    Mr. Chairman,

    Today we are faced with pressing global challenges. World population is expected to go over 9 billion by 2050 creating unprecedented pressure on our resources, especially on water, food and energy. Almost one billion human-beings are still undernourished. Environment is getting polluted. Biodiversity has deteriorated like never before and environmental degradation is unfortunately not getting enoughattention. Climate change is posing threat to our wellbeing, even to human existence in some parts of the World.

    While the climate threat to the entire planet goes on virtually unchecked, sea level is rising at an alarming rate due to the negative effects of increasing carbondioxide (CO2)concentration in the atmosphere, thereby posing an immediate and real threat to the survival of those peoples and communities who live on small land either by the sea or surrounded by immense ocean masses. The magnitude of the social and humanitarian threat posed by sea level rise far surpasses any economic consideration; loss of homeland and related identity, relocation, changes in ways of life are its real and potentially devastating consequences.

    In the first place, Small Island Developing States are confronted with all the adverse effects of the above, not to mention gravely detrimental consequences of the rising sea levels of unprecedented magnitude. If urgent action is not taken, living conditions in these places will get worse eventually leading to disastrous consequences.

    We regard the Declaration of Barbados and theProgramme of Action for the Sustainable Development of SIDS, the Mauritius Declaration and the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of SIDS as UN landmark documents and cornerstones for global action.

    The outcome document of the Rio+20 UN Conference constitutes a breakthrough development regarding the need to fully address all issues pertaining to the SIDS.

    Turkey welcomes the declaration of 2014 as the International Year of Small Island Developing States. We are confident that Samoa will host the Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in a very successful and able manner in September 2014. We attach great importance to the success of this conference. To that effect, Turkey is pleased to extend its financial support to the host country. We would also like to underline the importance of contributions by the interested member states to the SIDS Third International Conference Trust Fund.

    Turkey completely shares all the concerns expressed by the SIDS expressed in international fora. We believe that the post-2015 development agenda should properly address the concerns of the SIDS, and the entire UN membership should approach this process with a pragmatic, constructive and forward-looking perspective. Therefore, no effort should be spared during this Conference in order to produce a new development framework for the SIDS which will also be in line with the post-2015 development agenda.

    Turkey is committed to assisting and supporting developing countries in their efforts towards sustainable growth and development. Our interest in the vulnerabilities of SIDS should be seen within the broader context of our foreign policy agenda, as a medium-to-long-term and high-priority objective.

    Turkey has become increasingly active in sharing its own development experiences and in contributing to international development cooperation efforts as a whole, especially in the SIDS as well as Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs).

    With this understanding, we hosted the 4th UN Conference on Least Developed Countries in Istanbul in May 2011, which brought together Governments, parliamentarians, academics, as well as representatives of civil society organizations and the private sector. We also have offered to host the Mid-Term Review Conference of the 4th UN LDC Conference.

    Being a developing nation itself, Turkey perceives a special responsibility that our unique location, history and humanitarian tradition bestow upon us to share our development with other nations worldwide.  This understanding will guide our continuous engagement with the preparations of the 3rd   International Conference on SIDS.

    We stand ready to make available the expertise accumulated throughout these processes for the success of development agenda to be designed for the SIDS as well.

    In this regard, we also fully support the well-founded request of the SIDS to determine a stand-alone sustainable development goal for oceans in the post-2015 agenda.

    Thank you.

    Kucuk Ada Devletleri

    In Turkish

    New York’taki Türkevi’nde ”Küçük Ada Devletleri Uluslararası Yılı” resepsiyonu

    Türkiye’nin BM Daimi Temsilcisi Halit Çevik’in ev sahipliğini yaptığı resepsiyona, Nauru Cumhurbaşkanı Baron Waqa’nın yanı sıra çok sayıda ada devletinin temsilcisi ve üst düzey diplomat katıldı.

    NEW YORK (AA) – Gelişmekte olan ”Küçük Ada Devletleri Uluslararası Yılı”nın ilanı nedeniyle New York’taki Türkevi’nde bir resepsiyon verildi.

    Ev sahipliğini Türkiye’nin BM Daimi Temsilcisi Büyükelçi Halit Çevik, ada devleti Nauru Daimi Temsilcisi Marlene Moses ve BM Ekonomik ve Sosyal İşler Genel Sekreter Yardımcısı Wu Hongbo’nun yaptığı resepsiyona Nauru Cumhurbaşkanı Baron Waqa’nın yanı sıra Samoa Başbakanı, Barbados ve Morityus Dışişleri Bakanları katıldı.

    Resepsiyonda bir konuşma yapan Büyükelçi Halit Çevik, insan hayatı için çevre ve su kaynaklarının önemine değinerek, iklim değişikliğinin tüm insanlığı tehdit ettiğini söyledi.  Küresel sorunlara hiç kimsenin gözünü kapatamayacağını vurgulayan Çevik, Türkiye olarak ada devletlerinin gelişmesi için her türlü desteği vermeye hazır olduklarını söyledi.

    Çevik, 1-4 Eylül tarihleri arasında Samoa’nın Apia kentinde yapılacak 3. Uluslararası Küçük Ada Devletleri Konferansı Hazırlık Komitesi toplantısının bugün başladığını belirterek, toplantının başarılı geçmesi için çalışmaya devam edeceklerini söyledi.

    Nauru Cumhurbaşkanı Baron Waqa ise konuşmasında küresel ısınma ve iklim değişikliği ile mücadelede birlikte hareket etmenin önemine vurgu yaparak, Türkiye’nin ada devletlerine gösterdiği yakın ilgiye teşekkür etti.

    Resepsiyonda Türk mutfağından çeşitli örnekler misafirlere ikram edilirken, ada devletlerinden gelen müzik gruplarının sergilediği performanla bazı misafirler dans etti.

  • Turkish Origin  Special Forces Martial Arts Trainer Will Be Training FBI

    Turkish Origin Special Forces Martial Arts Trainer Will Be Training FBI

    avciSalih Avci is one of the chief trainers of the SEK (Spezialeinsatzkommandos, the special response units of the German state police forces), MEK, ZUZ (the SWAT unit of the German Customs Service, and GSG 9 (the elite counter-terrorism and special operations unit of the German Federal Police) in Germany as well as various other special forces ranging from the American Rapid Response Teams to the special police of one of China’s biggest provinces.

    He started training in Wing Tsun in 1980 in the European Wing Tsun Organization (EWTO). In 1986, he attained the 1st technician degree. In 1997, he left EWTO to found WTEO (Wing Tsun-Escrima Organization).

    Avci is still the world chief trainer of the organization. Today, WTEO has more than 15000 students, excluding law enforcement forces. There are more than 70 schools of WTEO alone in Germany and several others in Holland, Turkey, France, Austria, Spain, Jordan, Italy, Sudan, Greece and La Reunion.

    Salih Avci will be training FBI agents with his own techniques which is a mixed between Chinese origin ‘Wing Tsun’ and Philippians origin ‘Escrima’

    Salih Avci’s unique approach to the combat art lies in the practical application of his techniques to disarm and arrest without the use of excessive force or weapons, even in life-threatening situations. Salih Avci does not focus solely on unarmed techniques. He has developed traditional short and long stick techniques to be used efficiently and practically without causing unnecessary harm to the person being arrested. A general-purpose tool for protection, disarming and arresting was the result of Salih Avci’s practical modification of the “tonfa”, which is used by the police.

    Apart from the realistic application and professional use of self-defence and arresting techniques for civilians and officials, Salih Avci trains actors and fight choreographers for film and television.

    Salih Avci married in 1993 and he and Mrs. Bilgi now have four sons and two daughters.

    Sources: Amerikali Turk, Wikipedia and Contributed by Tolga Cakir