Category: America

  • Pentagon plans US-backed war against Syria

    Pentagon plans US-backed war against Syria

    By Chris Marsden
    10 February 2012

    The Pentagon has drawn up plans for military intervention in Syria.

    A military strike would be coordinated with Turkey, the Gulf States and the NATO powers, according to reports that acknowledge such plans officially for the first time. The plan is described as an “internal review” by Pentagon Central Command, to allow President Barack Obama to maintain the pretense that the White House is still seeking a diplomatic solution.

    This is considered vital, as military intervention would most likely be conducted through various Middle East proxies, which the US and NATO could then back with airpower. Turkey and the Arab League states, led by Saudi Arabia and Qatar, do not want to be seen for what they are: stooges of the US. Deniability for them therefore requires the US to conceal the full extent of its involvement.

    In the February 6 Financial Times, Anne-Marie Slaughter, a former director of policy planning for the US State Department, argued for “A little time… for continued diplomatic efforts aimed at shifting the allegiances of the Sunni merchant class in Damascus and Aleppo.”

    As with the war against Libya last year, military intervention would again be justified citing the “responsibility to protect” civilians. But its real aim is regime change to install a Sunni government beholden to Washington, allied with the Gulf States, and hostile to Iran.

    A State Department official told the UK’s Daily Telegraph that “the international community may be forced to ‘militarise’ the crisis in Syria” and that “the debate in Washington has shifted away from diplomacy.”

    Jay Carney, the White House press secretary, said, “We are, of course, looking at humanitarian assistance to the Syrian people, and we have for some time.”

    The Telegraph noted, “Any plan to supply aid or set up a buffer zone would involve a military dimension to protect aid convoys or vulnerable civilians.”

    Leading US political figures have also been calling publicly for the arming of the Free Syrian Army, an exclusively Sunni force stationed in Turkey and backed and funded by Ankara, Riyadh and Doha. They include Joe Lieberman, John McCain and Lindsey Graham.

    The issue was discussed this week in Washington directly with the FSA, whose logistical coordinator, Sheikh Zuheir Abassi, took part in a video conference call Wednesday with a US national security think tank.

    The US, France, Britain and Arab League are already operating outside the framework of the United Nations as a “Friends of Syria” coalition, in order to bypass the opposition of Russia and China to a Libya-style intervention.

    Qatar and Saudi Arabia are known to be arming the FSA and to have their own brigades and advisers on the ground, as they did in Libya.

    According to the Israeli intelligence website Debka-File, both British and Qatari special operations units are already “operating with rebel forces under cover in the Syrian city of Homs just 162 kilometers from Damascus… Our sources report the two foreign contingents have set up four centers of operation—in the northern Homs district of Khaldiya, Bab Amro in the east, and Bab Derib and Rastan in the north. Each district is home to about a quarter of a million people.”

    But the Gulf States do not have the firepower required to overthrow the Assad regime. For that Turkey is the key player. Debka-File notes in the report that the presence of the British and Qatari troops “was seized on by Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan for the new plan he unveiled to parliament in Ankara Tuesday, Feb. 7. Treating the British-Qatari contingents as the first foreign foot wedged through the Syrian door, his plan hinges on consigning a new Turkish-Arab force to Homs through that door and under the protection of those contingents. Later, they would go to additional flashpoint cities.”

    Turkey is publicly debating military intervention based on establishing “safe havens” and “humanitarian aid corridors,” with Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu visiting Washington this week after stating that Turkey’s doors are open to Syrian refugees.

    Writing in the February 9 New Republic, Soner Cagaptay argues, “Washington’s reluctance to lead an operation may prove a blessing, leaving space for Turkey to take the reins… Turkey would support an air-based intervention to protect UN designated safe havens—as long as the mission is led by a ‘regional force,’ composed of both Turkish and Arab militaries. Qatar and Saudi Arabia, who are funding the opposition, should be happy to work with their new ally in Ankara to protect the safe havens; Washington and European powers could then remotely back the operation, facilitating its success.”

    The aim of isolating Iran has become the stated aim of US and Israeli officials, backed by a media campaign prominently involving the liberal press, mixing anti-Iranian sentiment with humanitarian hyperbole professing concern with the fate of Syria’s people.

    Efraim Halevy, a former Israeli national security adviser and director of the security service Mossad from 1998 to 2002, wrote in the February 7 New York Times describing Syria as “Iran’s Achilles’ Heel.”

    He writes, “Iran’s foothold in Syria enables the mullahs in Tehran to pursue their reckless and violent regional policies—and its presence there must be ended … Once this is achieved, the entire balance of forces in the region would undergo a sea change.”

    The New York Times’ British counterpart, The Guardian, entrusts Simon Tisdall with the task of endorsing such anti-Iranian sentiment. He cites favourably Hillary Clinton’s ridiculing of Assad’s claims of foreign intervention in support of the opposition as being “Sadly… fully justified.” Rather, he insists, “The foreign power most actively involved inside Syria is not the US or Britain, France or Turkey. Neither is it Russia, Saudi Arabia nor its Gulf allies. It is Iran—and it is fighting fiercely to maintain the status quo.”

    The appalling consequences of an American war against Syria would dwarf those of its Libyan adventure. Syria is only the ante-chamber of a campaign for regime change in Iran and its targeting poses ever more clearly conflict with Russia and possibly China.

    Moscow last month sent three warships, including an aircraft carrier, to its only Mediterranean naval base, the Syrian port of Tartus. This followed its blocking of the US, France and UK-backed Arab-League resolution, meant to pave the way for intervention, with the dispatch of Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to Damascus for talks with Assad, Tuesday, in a further show of solidarity. Lavrov was accompanied by Mikhail Fradkov, the head of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Office.

    Of greater significance still were comments made the following day by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, linking efforts to overthrow Assad with a direct Western threat to the stability of Russia through its support for opposition protests there. “A cult of violence has been coming to the fore in international affairs in the past decade,” he said. “This cannot fail to cause concern… and we must not allow anything like this in our country.”

  • Lebanese security officials seize suspicious cargo from US, Brazil

    Lebanese security officials seize suspicious cargo from US, Brazil

    shamsaraLebanon’s security officials say suspicious cargo from the US and Brazil containing huge amounts of US dollars, guns, special passports and credit cards have been seized upon arrival in the Lebanese capital, Beirut.

    The items, packed in a number of chests and delivered via airmail, were discovered at Beirut’s airport, the Lebanese security officials said.

    The chests also contained a list of both well-known and ordinary Lebanese citizens including a figure related to Salafi extremist groups. The security officials have summoned a number of the individuals, whose names were on the list, arresting some of them.

    Beirut has redoubled security surveillance across the country following remarks by some Lebanese factions as well as widespread rumors about the presence of al-Qaeda in Lebanon.

    Meanwhile, the Lebanese defense minister earlier confirmed that members of the al-Qaeda terrorist group, fighting against the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, have entered Syria through Lebanon.

    Over the past few months, reports have circulated that caches of weapons have been smuggled to armed gangs in Syria through the Lebanese border.

  • Jihad Jane Was A CIA Actor Working For The FBI To Generate Internet Terror Fear

    Jihad Jane Was A CIA Actor Working For The FBI To Generate Internet Terror Fear

    In the guise of fighting a foreign enemy

    An arab foreigner CIA agent made dual citizen with a fraudulent white citizen personality created by the FBI staging false flag terror attacks against America with a full media circus to hype it.

    Jihad Jane was given a deal by Eric Holder to stage a fake terror threat on the internet so Eric Holder and Obama could look like good terrorism fighters and create a diversion from the trillions in wealth being given away free to insiders.

    I covered this story well on one of my older suspended accounts. It was an obvious fake FBI job from the start, they admitted she worked for almost a year with them before her “arrest”. They forgot to tell us she was Nada. I have videos of her mental patient FBI patsy fake mom actor. Her fake boyfriend said she just disappeared. It was all an act, fake. Fake with fake media lies on top of it. She was in an FBI office getting va paycheck for months before we heard of it all over CBS and ABC as a real deal. We were conned and the news never said a word. I would not trust this CIA FBI actor trying to sell a book after stabbing her country in the back with a fake false flag terrorism scare that was used to steal real taxdollars. The FBI stages fake terrorism and the fake is used as a real attack for political and financial gain. Its extortion, Eric Holder runs Al-Qaeda in America, planning the next fake FBI attack to scare you into giving up your rights and wealth. Obama ran this whole operation, he is Al-Qaeda, literally. They dont exist without him running fake Mohammed cartoon, underwear, and Portland Christmas tree attacks on you. This was timed with the MUmbai David Headley trial in Chicago, both accused of fake cartoonist scares. They staged a fake Mohammed scare trial to protect Headley from a real trial in India and summary execution for the attacks he planned. Eric and Obama protected the Mumbai mastermind in a fake show trial tied to Jihad Janes fake cartoon internet scare. All timed coinciding with policy or budget needs in DC. Fake terrorism against Americans is planned in the White House. Did I say fake enough times? Obama is staging terror attacks against America, period. He is using the fear from the attacks for political gain, a terrorist by the purest definition of the word.

    Uploaded [Youtube] by IranContraScumDid911 on 14 Nov 2011

  • How the Banking Elite screw the people

    How the Banking Elite screw the people

    Issue and control of moneyZionists are less than 2% of the population and yet hold all 11 chairs on the Federal Reserve Board

  • Time for President Obama, MSM, To Tell the Truth About the Armenian Genocide

    Time for President Obama, MSM, To Tell the Truth About the Armenian Genocide

    Pamela Geller

    Pamela Geller is the editor and publisher of the Atlas Shrugs website and is former associate publisher of the New York Observer. She is a regular columnist at Newsmax and her Op-Eds appear in the Washington Times, Human Events, the American Thinker, Israel National News, and other publications.


    Another stunning rebuke to Barack Obama: Armenian American groups have for decades sought Congressional recognition as genocide of the murder of just under two million Armenian Christians by the Islamic Ottoman Empire. Last week, they cleared an important hurdle in getting this recognition: the House Foreign Affairs Committee, over Obama’s opposition, approved a resolution calling the Turkish mass murder of the Armenians a genocide.

    The Islamic supremacists haven’t infiltrated as deeply as they thought. As long as Turkey was secular, we pretended it wasn’t genocide. And now Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who once said that “there is no moderate or immoderate Islam, Islam is Islam and that’s it,” is taking on the secular military in Turkey. Traditionally, the secular army kept Turkey a “moderate” secular Muslim country, but with the election of the devout Muslim Erdogan, Turkish secularism is on the ropes. And now that Turkey is returning to the dark side, we don’t have to lie for jihadis anymore.

    The Turks were furious over the Foreign Affairs Committee vote, and withdrew their ambassador to the U.S. Turkish President Abdullah Gul issued a veiled threat: “Turkey will not be responsible for the negative results that this event may lead to.”

    Turkey threatens…what? Another genocide?


    This should be interesting. Obviously the Muslim world thinks it can bully the U.S. President. Let’s watch and see if Obama heeds the decent and humane call from the American people, or heeds Islam.

    Unfortunately, the answer is already clear. The committee’s vote is difficult for the Islamophilic Obama. He campaigned on the promise that he would officially recognize the Turkish mass murders of Armenians as a genocide. As with so many of his other promises, Obama lied and has backtracked since he became President, as Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton admitted Thursday: “Circumstances have changed in very significant ways,” she said. And she said that the Obama Administration would oppose the resolution as it goes to Congress:

    We do not believe that the full Congress will or should act upon that resolution and we have made that clear to all the parties involved.

    Change you can’t believe in.

    And my, isn’t Turkey very thin-skinned and sensitive, considering its propensity for genocide? The Turks should be busying themselves apologizing and making amends, as Germany did after World War II. But no. Instead the non-Muslim world is still stepping and fetching and covering up for over a millennium of jihad wars, land expropriations, enslavements, and humiliations of the conquered non-Muslim populations on three continents — and genocide.

    Abdullah Gul also said:

    We are determined to normalise Turkish-Armenian ties but we are against this being secured through the intervention of third parties and through pressure.

    This is rich. How can you normalize relations when you mass murdered close to two million of the Armenian people and won’t admit it, or express regret and apologize? It was a genocide, and the covering up of Islamic genocides must end.

    Let us not forget the other Christian minorities who were massacred in the same way and for the same reason. Approximately 250,000 Assyrian-Chaldeans were massacred, as well as 250,000 Greeks. Countless others were forced to convert to Islam, especially young girls. Another thing we should remember about this period is that Greece itself was occupied by the Ottoman empire for centuries, as well as Bulgaria and so on, and the non-Muslim populations in all those countries were terrorized for centuries. These nations were only freed because of World War I and the collapse of the Ottoman empire.

    This is a history we must not forget.

    Above all, we must not forget that the Nazis were inspired by the Armenian genocide.

    The Turks used primitive gas chambers and developed other murderous templates that were later adopted by the Nazis. Hitler was inspired by the Mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj Amin al-Husseini, who was an officer of the Ottoman empire who participated in the Armenian genocide, and who during World War II met with Hitler and frequently with high Nazi officials. During the Nuremberg Trials in July 1946, Adolf Eichmann’s assistant, Dieter Wisliczeny, testified that Mufti was a central figure in the planning of the genocide of the Jews:

    The Grand Mufti has repeatedly suggested to the Nazi authorities – including Hitler, von Ribbentrop and Himmler – the extermination of European Jewry. … The Mufti was one of the initiators of the systematic extermination of European Jewry and had been a collaborator and adviser of Eichmann and Himmler in the execution of this plan… He was one of Eichmann’s best friends and had constantly incited him to accelerate the extermination measures.

    Covering for Islam’s acts of genocide encourages more Islamic genocide. Think Sudan. Congress should recognize the Armenian genocide for what it was, and call on the Turks to stop covering up and take responsibility for what they did. Barack Obama should do the same thing.

    And the media should finally tell the truth.

  • Motorcyclist killed in crash on Hollywood Blvd.

    Motorcyclist killed in crash on Hollywood Blvd.

    By City News Service, on January 29, 2012, at 10:56 am

    A 25-year-old man riding a motorcycle was killed today in a crash with a van on the southbound Hollywood (101) Freeway just south of the Cahuenga Pass, the California Highway Patrol said.

    The wreck, approaching Hollywood Boulevard, was reported at 1:23 a.m., prompting the CHP to temporarily close the freeway to accommodate their investigation, CHP Officer Anthony Martin said.

    The man driving a 2008 Ford E-350 van was not cited or arrested, according to the CHP. He was identified only as a 48-year-old man from Istanbul, Turkey.

    Both he and his passenger, a 16-year-old girl also from Istanbul, suffered minor injuries.

    The name of the motorcyclist, who was a resident of Ontario, will be released after his family is notified, according to the Coroner’s Office.

    The motorcyclist was riding a 2012 Kawasaki.

    via Motorcyclist killed in crash on Hollywood Blvd..