Category: America

  • Islamist Turkey Using Indian Tribes to Infiltrate the US

    Islamist Turkey Using Indian Tribes to Infiltrate the US

    Islamists. If they can’t get in the front door, they’ll try the back door. If they can’t get through the back door, they’ll try the kitchen window, the doggie door or the chimney.

    welcome to Oklahoma Native America

    AINA has the strange and troubling story of Turkey’s infiltration of Native American tribes where they can get access to semi-autonomous territories at low cost. Turkey is ruled by AKP Islamists who are linked to all sorts of Islamic terrorist groups from Al Qaeda to Hamas.

    The bill was the culmination of a curious multi-year effort by Turkey to ingratiate itself with Native American tribes: tribal students now study in Turkey with full scholarships; Turkish high officials regularly appear at Native American economic summits; and dozens of tribal leaders have gone to Turkey on lavish all-expense paid trips.

    Is it really in America’s national security interests to have thousands of Turkish contractors and their families flooding into America’s heartland and settling in semi-autonomous zones out of the reach of American authorities? Especially if their intent is to form intimate business and social ties with a long-aggrieved minority group?

    In the original version of H.R. 2362, the stated purpose was to “encourage increased levels of commerce and economic investment [with Native American tribes] by private entities incorporated in or emanating from the Republic of Turkey.” It allowed for select Native American tribes to lease land held in trust by the United States for “a project or activity … in furtherance of a commercial partnership involving one or more private entities incorporated in or emanating from the Republic of Turkey.”

    The bill, in both its forms, severely limits federal oversight of the investment projects, and does not even require the Department of the Interior to approve the leases. The term of the leases could stretch 75 years, effectively tying the hands of future Administrations.

    Islamists see American minorities, whether Blacks, Latinos or Indians, as weak links who can be exploited as fifth columns. They’re not alone in that assessment.

    Imperial Japan fantasized about an African America army acting as a fifth column to help the Emperor conquer America. That fantasy never came to pass, but the Japanese missions did invent sizable amounts of money into transporting black leaders to Japan.

    The Islamists have already gotten a man in the White House who was elected on the strength of his minority identity, and who has served the interests, not of the black community, but that of the Islamist agenda.

    The Native American angle isn’t Turkey’s only angle, but it’s one of them, and they have invested some serious prestige into pushing it.

    In November 2010, the TCA organized and led the first Native American Business Cooperation Trip to Turkey, attracting 20 leaders from 17 Native American tribes. The tribal leaders met with Turkish high officials, including Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu. “The meeting in Turkey marked the tribal leaders’ first significant overseas trade meeting,” reported the Associated Press.

    In March 2011, the TCA engineered the appearance of the Turkish Deputy Minister for Foreign Trade at the Reservation Economic Summit (RES) and American Indian Business Trade Fair in Las Vegas. The Turkish Minister was the “first foreign government official to ever deliver remarks” in the event’s history.

    In February 2012, the Turkish Deputy Economy Minister and the Turkish Ambassador to Washington joined the TCA at the RES.

    And does this come with attempts to implant Islam into Native American tribes? You might as well ask whether a Muslim bear uses his lota in the woods.

    via Islamist Turkey Using Indian Tribes to Infiltrate the US.

  • U.S. nuclear weapons in Turkey threatening regional peace

    U.S. nuclear weapons in Turkey threatening regional peace

    The United States currently has a stockpile of 90 B61 nuclear weapons in Turkey, all deployed at the Incirlik Air Force Base, according to a report recently published in the Turkish newspaper Hurriyet.

    Hurriyet said 50 of the nuclear weapons are kept in a state of readiness to be immediately loaded onto U.S. bombers.

    It will be difficult for Turkey to explain why it has allowed the U.S. to store nuclear weapons at Incirlik to its Muslim and Arab neighbors, especially in light of current developments in the region.

    The U.S. State Department and the Pentagon have not made any comments on the issue, and U.S. media outlets are occupied with the presidential election campaign.

    However, the fact that the U.S. has a stockpile of nuclear weapons in the country is a very big deal in Turkey, and MP Sukru Elekdag, who formerly served as the country’s ambassador to the United States, recently questioned the government about the issue, saying it has created a great threat to the peace and security of the region.

    Everyone knows that the deployment of nuclear weapons is a very costly procedure. It requires a huge budget and vast technological capabilities.

    It appears that U.S. officials are trying to implement their malevolent plans in the Middle East at a time when the general public’s attention is focused on the U.S. presidential election.

    Meanwhile, the Turkish government is facing increasing public pressure over its controversial policy toward the political crisis in Syria, and the revelation about the deployment of U.S. nuclear weapons in the country will surely create more problems for Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

    The Muslim people of Turkey are already dissatisfied with the policy adopted by Ankara toward Syria, and if there are any new acts of adventurism by Turkish officials, popular resentment will boil over.

    Hassan Lasjerdi is a political analyst and an expert on Turkish politics based in Tehran.

    via U.S. nuclear weapons in Turkey threatening regional peace – Tehran Times.

  • “There Have Been Times When We’ve Sent Teams To Turkey”

    “There Have Been Times When We’ve Sent Teams To Turkey”

    U.S. Chairman of The Joint Chiefs of Staff said Turkey and US having intelligence sharing for last five years.

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    Martin Dempsey, U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said that there had been times when U.S. sent teams over to do some planning with Turkey; notably on humanitarian zones, ballistic missile defense and also some of Turkey’s counter terror concerns related to an unstable northeastern Syria and the PKK.

    In a press conference, Dempsey said, “Admiral Winnefeld, my vice chairman, just returned back from Turkey and had conversations with his counterpart about those things. We’ve been having an intelligence sharing regime with Turkey for about the last five years, and one of the things we’re looking to do now is learn lessons from the last five years, recognize a different situation on Turkey’s southeastern border and see if there’s other things we could do to assist them, as well as to reduce the threat of ballistic missile attack inside Turkey. So it’s a work in progress, and we go and come as we need to have those consultations.”

    Turkey is not only a close bilateral partner, they’re part of our NATO alliance, we offer them to share our expertise and also to learn from their experiences, and sometimes they take our offer and sometimes they don’t, he said.


  • Rasmussen Poll: Obama, Romney Tied in Wisconsin 49-49

    Rasmussen Poll: Obama, Romney Tied in Wisconsin 49-49

    Friday, 26 Oct 2012 12:54 PM

    By Stephen Feller

    President Barack Obama and Gov. Mitt Romney are now tied in the increasingly important battleground state of Wisconsin, according to a new poll.

    Rasmussen Reports’ survey of likely voters shows each candidate receiving 49 percent of the vote with 10 days left before election day.

    During the last two months, Obama has maintained a steady two-point lead in Wisconsin, with the gap now being eliminated in Thursday’s poll. Rasmussen continues to call the state a toss-up.

    Ninety percent of those who participated in the survey said they had already made up their mind and, of those, Romney holds a three-point lead over Obama, 51-to-48. Additionally, 96 percent said they “are sure to vote in this election,” with Romney holding a four-point lead over the incumbent president, 51-to-47.

    Romney also is six points ahead when voters are asked who they trust more to handle the economy, though Obama has a one-point lead on who they prefer for foreign affairs. Rasmussen said this shows no change from the results of its poll last week.

    © 2012 Newsmax. All rights reserved.

  • In Turkey, Is Obama Losing the Baklava Vote?

    In Turkey, Is Obama Losing the Baklava Vote?

    Though a decades-old Istanbul institution, the Gulluoglu baklava shop in the city’s Karakoy neighborhood is not afraid to try out new things. Case in point: the store’s “Baracklava,” a tray of the syrupy, flaky confection that has for a top layer a portrait of American President Barack Obama. Gullugolu first created the “Baracklava” in 2009, ahead of a trip the newly-elected Obama made to Turkey, where he was received with great excitement by Turks.

    baracklava 540 d74abd60d9093de7a39591ab7ea6848b558c453c

    Checking in at Gulluoglu four years down the road, Matthew Brunwasser of PRI’s “The World” radio show, finds that while the “Baracklava” is still on display, the excitement has dissipated. From his report:

    What is the size of a large cookie pan, made out of baklava, and looks like a lumpy version of the famous Hope portrait of Barack Obama? The “Baracklava”.

    The idea was cooked up in the Gulloglu baklava shop in Istanbul. In the shop’s six decades in business, only three other historical figures, all Turks, have been so honored. Owner Nadir Gullu says the portraits require enormous craftsmanship.

    “Under the command of one chef with five assistants, it takes 10 days to make one,” Gullu says. “In each piece of baklava there are 55 layers of pastry. It’s all handmade and is very hard. Obama’s big ears made it very difficult, but we managed.”

    Gullu doesn’t like politics. But he says he and other Turks had high expectations of Obama and they were dashed.

    “As a master Turkish chef, I made this baklava to show the newly elected leader of the world that if you eat sweet you will talk sweet. I was hoping for peace because when someone eats baklava, their level of serotonin increases and that increases happiness. But he misunderstood. And he brought war instead of peace,” Gullu says.

    For Obama, meanwhile, this is not the first time that politics and baklava have gotten mixed together

    via In Turkey, Is Obama Losing the Baklava Vote? |

  • There are nearly 70 American nuclear bombs in Turkey

    There are nearly 70 American nuclear bombs in Turkey B61

    © Hill Air Force Base,

    There are nearly 70 American B61 nuclear bombs in Turkey. All of them are deployed on the Turkish Incirlik Air Base, Adana.

    Despite the factual presence of the US air bombs, the possibilities of using them are limited, the Haberturk Agency reported.

    The greater part of these bombs is the property of the U.S. army, and Washington reserves the right to use them in case of need. Until 1995 from 10 to 20 B61 bombs were deployed on the two other air bases in the country but later all of them were transferred to the Incirlik Air Base.

    Voice of Russia, TASS

    via There are nearly 70 American nuclear bombs in Turkey: Voice of Russia.