Category: America

  • Putin Is Not Hitler

    Putin Is Not Hitler

    Washington Post

    By Michael Dobbs ([email protected])
    Michael Dobbs covered the collapse of the Soviet
    Union for the Washington Post. His latest book is
    “One Minute to Midnight: Kennedy, Khrushchev, and
    Castro on the Brink of Nuclear War.”

    It did not take long for the “Putin is Hitler”
    analogies to start, following the eruption of the
    ugly little war between Russia and Georgia over
    the breakaway Georgian province of South Ossetia.
    A neo-conservative commentator, Robert Kagan,
    compared the Russian attack on Georgia with the
    Nazi grab of the Sudetenland in 1938. President
    Jimmy Carter’s former national security adviser
    Zbigniew Brzezinski said that the Russian leader
    was following a course “that is horrifyingly
    similar to that taken by Stalin and Hitler in the 1930s.”

    Others invoked the infamous Brezhnev doctrine of
    limited sovereignty, under which Soviet leaders
    claimed the right to intervene militarily in
    Eastern Europe, in order to prop up their
    crumbling imperium. “We’ve seen this movie before
    in Prague and Budapest,” said presumptive
    Republican nominee John McCain, referring to the
    Soviet invasions of Czecholovakia in 1968 and Hungary in 1956.

    Actually, the events of the past week in Georgia
    have little in common either with Hitler’s
    dismemberment of Czechoslovakia on the eve of
    World War II or Soviet policies in Eastern
    Europe. They are better understood against the
    background of the complicated ethnic politics of
    the Caucasus, a part of the world where
    historical grudges run deep, and the oppressed
    can become oppressors in the bat of an eye.

    Unlike most of the armchair generals now posing
    as experts on the Caucasus, I have actually
    visited Tskhinvali, a sleepy provincial town in
    the shadow of the mountains that rise up along
    Russia’s southern border. I was there in March
    1991, shortly after the city was occupied by
    Georgian militia units loyal to Zviad
    Gamsakhurdia, the first freely elected leader of
    Georgia in seven decades. One of Gamsakhurdia’s
    first acts as Georgian president was to cancel
    the political autonomy that had been granted to
    the republic’s 90,000-strong Ossetian minority
    under the Stalinist constitution.

    After negotiating safe passage with Soviet
    interior ministry troops who had stationed
    themselves between the Georgians and the
    Ossetians, I discovered the town had been
    ransacked by Gamsakhurdia’s militia. The
    Georgians had trashed the Ossetian national
    theater, decapitated the statue of an Ossetian
    poet, and pulled down monuments to Ossetians who
    fought with Soviet troops in World War II. The
    Ossetians were responding in kind, firing on
    Georgian villages and forcing Georgian residents
    of Tskhinvali to flee their homes.

    It soon became clear to me that the Ossetians
    viewed Georgians much the same way Georgians view
    Russians: as aggressive bullies bent on taking
    away their independence. “We are much more
    worried by Georgian imperialism than Russian
    imperialism,” an Ossetian leader, Gerasim
    Khugaev, told me. “It is closer to us, and we feel its pressure all the time.”

    When it comes to apportioning blame for the
    latest flareup in the Caucasus, there is plenty
    to go around. The Russians were clearly itching
    for a fight, but the behavior of Georgian
    president Mikheil Saakashvili has been erratic
    and provocative. The United States may have
    stoked the conflict by encouraging Saakashvili to
    believe he enjoyed American protection, when the
    West’s ability to impose its will in this part of
    the world is actually quite limited.

    Let us examine the role played by the three main parties one by one.

    Georgia. Saakashvili’s image in the West, and
    particularly in America, is that of the great
    “democrat,” the leader of the “Rose revolution”
    who spearheaded a popular uprising against former
    American favorite Eduard Shevardnadze in November
    2003. It is true that he has won two, reasonably
    free, elections, but he has also displayed some
    autocratic tendencies; he sent riot police to
    crush an opposition protest in Tbilisi last
    November and shuttered an opposition television station.

    While the U.S. views Saakashvili as a pro-Western
    modernizer, a large part of his political appeal
    in Georgia has stemmed from his promise to
    re-unify Georgia by bringing the secessionist
    provinces of South Ossetia and Abkhazia under
    central control. He has presented himself as the
    successor to the medieval Georgian king, David
    the Builder, and promised that the country will
    regain its lost territories by the time he leaves
    office, by one means or another. American
    commentators tend to overlook the fact that
    Georgian democracy is inextricably intertwined with Georgian nationalism.

    The restoration of Georgia’s traditional borders
    is an understandable goal for a Georgian leader,
    but is a much lower priority for the West,
    particularly if it involves armed conflict with
    Russia. Based on their previous experience with
    Georgian rule, Ossetians and Abhazians have
    perfectly valid reasons to be opposed to
    reunification with Georgia, even if it means
    throwing in their lot with the Russians.

    It is unclear how the simmering tensions between
    Georgia and South Ossetia came to the boil last
    week. The Georgians say they were provoked by the
    shelling of Georgian villages from
    Ossetian-controlled territory. While this may be
    well be the case, the Georgian response was
    disproportionate. On the night of Aug. 7-8,
    Saakashvili ordered an artillery barrage against
    Tskhinvali, and sent an armored column to occupy
    the town. He apparently hoped that Western
    support would protect Georgia from major Russian
    retaliation, even though Russian “peacekeepers”
    were almost certainly killed or wounded in the Georgian assault.

    It was a huge miscalculation. Russian Prime
    Minister Vladimir Putin (and let there be no
    doubt that he is calling the shots in Moscow
    despite handing over the presidency to his
    protege, Dmitri Medvedev) now had the ideal
    pretext for settling scores with the uppity
    Georgians. Rather than simply restoring the
    status quo ante, Russian troops moved into
    Georgia proper, cutting the main east-west
    highway at Gori and attacking various military bases.

    Saakashvili’s decision to gamble everything on a
    lightning grab for Tskhinvali brings to mind the
    comment of the 19th century French statesman
    Maurice de Talleyrand: “it was worse than a crime, it was a mistake.”

    Russia. Putin and Medvedev have defended their
    incursion into Georgia as motivated by a desire
    to stop the “genocide” of Ossetians by Georgians.
    It is difficult to take their moral outrage very
    seriously. There is a striking contrast between
    Russian support for the right of Ossetian
    self-determination in Georgia and the brutal
    suppression of Chechens who were trying to
    exercise that very same right within the boundaries of Russia.

    Playing one ethnic group off against another in
    the Caucasus has been standard Russian policy
    ever since tzarist times. It is the ideal wedge
    issue for the Kremlin, particularly in the case
    of a state like Georgia, which is made up of
    several different nationalities. It would be
    virtually impossible for South Ossetia to survive
    as an autonomous entity without Russian support.
    Over the last few months, Putin’s government has
    issued passports to Ossetians and secured the
    appointment of Russians to key positions in Tskhinvali.

    The Russian incursion into Georgia proper has
    been even more “disproportionate” — in
    President’s Bush phrase — than the Georgian
    assault on Tskhinvali. The Russians have made no
    secret of their wish to replace Saakashvili with
    a more compliant leader. Targets for Russian
    shelling included the Black Sea port of Poti —
    more than 100 miles from South Ossetia.

    The real goal of Kremlin strategy is to reassert
    Russian influence in a part of the world that has
    been regarded, by tzars and commissars alike, as
    Russia’s backyard. Russian leaders bitterly
    resented the eastward expansion of NATO to
    include Poland and the Baltic states — with
    Ukraine and Georgia next on the list — but were
    unable to do very much about it as long as
    America was strong and Russia was weak. Now the
    tables are turning for the first time since the
    collapse of Communism in 1991, and Putin is seizing the moment.

    If Putin is smart, he will refrain from occupying
    Georgia proper, a step that would further alarm
    the West and unite Georgians against Russia. A
    better tactic would be to wait for Georgians
    themselves to turn against Saakashvili. The
    precedent here is what happened to Gamsakhurdia,
    who was overthrown by the same militia forces he
    had sent into to South Ossetia a year later, in January 1992.

    The United States. The Bush administration has
    been sending mixed messages to its Georgian
    clients. U.S. officials insist that they did not
    give the green light to Saakashvili for his
    attack on South Ossetia. At the same time,
    however, the U.S. has championed NATO membership
    for Georgia, sent military advisers to bolster
    the Georgian army, and demanded the restoration
    of Georgian territorial integrity. American
    support might well have emboldened Saakashvili as
    he was considering how to respond to the “provocations” from South Ossetia.

    Now the United States has ended up in a situation
    in the Caucasus where the Georgian tail is
    wagging the NATO dog. We were unable to control
    Saakashvili or to lend him effective assistance
    when his country was invaded. One lesson is that
    we need to be very careful in extending NATO
    membership, or even the promise of membership, to
    countries we have neither the will nor the ability to defend.

    In the meantime, American leaders have paid
    little attention to Russian diplomatic concerns,
    both inside the former borders of the Soviet
    Union and farther abroad. The Bush administration
    unilaterally abrogated the 1972 anti-missile
    defense treaty and ignored Putin when he objected
    to Kosovo independence on the grounds that it
    would set a dangerous precedent. It is difficult
    to explain why Kosovo should have the right to
    unilaterally declare its independence from
    Serbia, while the same right should be denied to
    places like South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

    The bottom line is that the United States is
    overextended militarily, diplomatically, and
    economically. Even hawks like Vice President
    Cheney, who have been vociferously denouncing
    Putin’s actions in Georgia, have no stomach for a
    military conflict with Moscow. The United States
    is bogged down in Iraq and Afghanistan, and needs
    Russian support in the coming trial of strength
    with Iran over its nuclear ambitions.

    Instead of speaking softly and wielding a big
    stick, as Teddy Roosevelt recommended, the
    American policeman has been loudly lecturing the
    rest of the world while waving an increasingly
    unimpressive baton. The events of the past few
    days serve as a reminder that our ideological
    ambitions have greatly exceeded our military
    reach, particularly in areas like the Caucasus,
    which is of only peripheral importance to the
    United States but is of vital interest to Russia.



    From: Rifat for County Board <[email protected]>
    Sent: TUE, 13 Aug 2008 9:36 pm

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    Citizens for Sivisoglu








    Team-Rifat is a group of ordinary people like you concerned with electing to the DuPage County Board, Rifat Sivisoglu – a candidate who is highly qualified, financially responsible, and independent. Rifat is running from District #1 (northeastern part of DuPage County).
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    Huseyin Simsek, Campaign Treasurer

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  • Head of US Jewish Committee: “We are Azerbaijan’s friends”

    Head of US Jewish Committee: “We are Azerbaijan’s friends”

    Interview with David Harris, chief executive of the US Jewish committee.

    – What is your visit to Azerbaijan related to?

    – First of all, we have come here to observe the state of affairs in present-day Azerbaijan. It should be noted that this is my first visit to the country. Upon arrival to the United States, we will tell about everything, we have seen here. We are Azerbaijan’s friends.

    – Azerbaijan is closely cooperating with the US Jews lobby. Which role can the Jewish committee play in the due presentation of Azerbaijan in the United States, including in the US congress? (more…)

  • How I Made It: Mehmet Mustafoglu

    How I Made It: Mehmet Mustafoglu

    Coming from Cyprus, he rose through the oil industry to become a professional investor and advisor.
    By Utku Cakirozer, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
    August 3, 2008
    The gig: Chairman of TransGlobal Financial Corp., a private equity firm investing in and advising clients on emerging growth companies in such areas as healthcare, waste management and energy. Chairman, Vortex Resources Corp., an energy company.

    Background: He grew up in Nicosia, Cyprus, during a civil war between Greek and Turkish Cypriots. His family was poor and lived in “miserable” conditions, he recalled. “It was like living in a big refugee camp.”

    Personal: Mustafoglu, 58, lives in Beverly Hills. His wife, Demetra George, is of Greek and Italian heritage and a former Miss Oklahoma, competing under the name Debbie Giannopoulos. They have two daughters, Devran and Deniz.

    Education: Attending Wichita State University on a Fulbright scholarship, Mustafoglu earned a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering. Later, he received a master’s in finance from USC.

    Culture shock: In 1966, Mustafoglu won a scholarship to study in the U.S., and he set off for what he hoped might be a dazzling spot such as Manhattan. Instead, off he went to Alhambra — Illinois, that is, a farm town of 550. “You can imagine my disappointment,” Mustafoglu recalled. “We drove five hours from Chicago, and here I was, coming from a small island, dreaming of coming to a big city. And here I was in the middle of cornfields and cows.” But he found opportunity in rural Illinois, where he learned to embrace the “core values of the American heartland.”

    Early jobs: Waiter, guard, lab assistant, disc jockey.

    Big break: He was hired by Shell Oil Co. when the recruiter found out that Mustafoglu was married to a onetime beauty queen representing his home state. He went on to become finance vice president of Getty Oil’s Canadian operation. Later, he moved to Oxbow Group to head its petroleum companies.

    Big mistake: Failing to foresee the collapse of the dot-com boom in 2000. “If any businessman says he always makes money, he’s lying. You know how some people make lots of money? They learn from their mistakes.”

    Investment ideas: “If I were in real estate, I would start buying in the inner cities. We will have to learn how to produce more, using less energy.” He sees a future for natural gas as a fuel for redesigned cars. He is interested in a natural gas field in west Texas, making diesel from low-cost animal fat and investing in distressed debt.

    Giving back: Mustafoglu and his wife organized a benefit concert for victims of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. He helped found an umbrella group of Turkish-American organizations and chaired the American Turkish Assn. of Southern California. Mustafoglu, who co-chairs the American Friends of Israel and Turkey and is the honorary representative for Turkish Cypriots in L.A., helps support youths from his native land as they study in America. He also works with Latino groups and is the first person of Turkish heritage to be awarded the Ellis Island Medal of Honor, in 2002, which he calls “the crown of my 40 years in America.”

    Advice: “The reason I was able to get ahead was education. If you have an education, you can be almost anything in this country.”

    [email protected]

    Source: Los Angeles Times, 3 August 2008
  • Iraq Demands “Clear Timeline” for US Withdrawal

    Iraq Demands “Clear Timeline” for US Withdrawal

    by: Robert H. Reid, The Associated Press

        Iraq’s foreign minister insisted Sunday that any security deal with the United States must contain a “very clear timeline” for the departure of U.S. troops. A suicide bomber struck north of Baghdad, killing at least five people including an American soldier.

        Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari told reporters that American and Iraqi negotiators were “very close” to reaching a long-term security agreement that will set the rules for U.S. troops in Iraq after the U.N. mandate expires at the end of the year.

        Zebari said the Iraqis were insisting that the agreement include a “very clear timeline” for the withdrawal of U.S.-led forces, but he refused to talk about specific dates.

        “We have said that this is a condition-driven process,” he added, suggesting that the departure schedule could be modified if the security situation changed.

        But Zebari made clear that the Iraqis would not accept a deal that lacks a timeline for the end of the U.S. military presence.

        “No, no definitely there has to be a very clear timeline,” Zebari replied when asked if the Iraqis would accept an agreement that did not mention dates.

        Differences over a withdrawal timetable have become one of the most contentious issues remaining in the talks, which began early this year. U.S. and Iraqi negotiators missed a July 31 target date for completing the deal, which must be approved by Iraq’s parliament.

        President Bush has steadfastly refused to accept any timetable for bringing U.S. troops home. Last month, however, Bush and Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki agreed to set a “general time horizon” for a U.S. departure.

        Last week, two senior Iraqi officials told The Associated Press that American negotiators had agreement to a formula which would remove U.S. forces from Iraqi cities by June 30, 2009, with all combat troops out of the country by October 2010.

        The last American support troops would leave about three years later, the Iraqis said.

        But U.S. officials insist there is no agreement on specific dates. Both the American and Iraqi officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the talks are ongoing. Iraq’s Shiite-led government believes a withdrawal schedule is essential to win parliamentary approval.

        American officials have been less optimistic because of major differences on key issues including who can authorize U.S. military operations and immunity for U.S. troops from prosecution under Iraqi law.

        The White House said discussions continued on a bilateral agreement and said any timeframe discussed was due to major improvements in security over the past year.

        “We are only now able to discuss conditions-based time horizons because security has improved so much. This would not have been possible 18 months ago,” White House spokesman Gordon Johndroe said Sunday. “We all look forward to the day when Iraqi security forces take the lead on more combat missions, allowing U.S. troops to serve in an overwatch role, and more importantly return home.”

        Iraq’s position in the U.S. talks hardened after a series of Iraqi military successes against Shiite and Sunni extremists in Basra, Baghdad, Mosul and other major cities.

        Violence in Iraq has declined sharply over the past year following a U.S. troop buildup, a Sunni revolt against al-Qaida in Iraq and a Shiite militia cease-fire.

        But attacks continue, raising concern that the militants are trying to regroup.

        The suicide bomber struck Sunday afternoon as U.S. and Iraqi troops were responding to a roadside bombing that wounded an Iraqi in Tarmiyah, 30 miles (50 kilometers) north of Baghdad, the U.S. military said.

        Four Iraqi civilians were killed along with the American soldier, military spokesman Lt. Col. Steve Stover said. Two American soldiers and an Iraqi interpreter were among 24 people wounded.

        No group claimed responsibility for the blast but suicide bombings are the signature attack of al-Qaida in Iraq.

        “This was a heinous attack by al-Qaida in Iraq against an Iraqi family, followed by a cowardly attack against innocent civilians, their security forces and U.S. soldiers,” Stover said.

        Elsewhere, a car bomb exploded outside the Kurdish security department in Khanaqin, 90 miles northeast of Baghdad. At least two people were killed and 25 wounded, including the commander of local Kurdish forces, Lt. Col. Majid Ahmed, police said.

        First reports indicated it was a suicide attack. But the U.S. military later said the bomb was in a white truck filled with watermelons and that witnesses saw the occupants leave the vehicle just before the blast.

        Ethnic tensions have been rising in northern Iraq amid disputes between Kurds, Turkomen and mostly Sunni Arabs over Kurdish demands to annex the oil-rich city of Kirkuk into their self-ruled region.

        Sawarah Ghalib, 25, who was wounded in the blast, said he believed military operations under way south of the city in Diyala province had pushed insurgents into the Khanaqin area.

        “I did not expect that a terrorist attack to take place in our secure town,” Ghalib said from his bed in the Khanaqin hospital. “Al-Qaida is to blame for this attack. Operations in Diyala have pushed them here.”

        In Baghdad, six people were killed in a series of bombings on the first day of the Iraqi work week.

        The deadliest blast occurred about 8:15 a.m. in a crowded area where people wait for buses in the capital’s mainly Shiite southeastern district of Kamaliya. Four people were killed, including a woman and her brother, and 11 others wounded, according to police.

        A car bomb later exploded as an Iraqi army patrol transporting money to a state-run bank passed by in Baghdad’s central Khillani square, killing two people including an Iraqi soldier and wounding nine other people, a police officer said.

        Another Iraqi soldier was killed and five were wounded by a car bomb in Salman Pak, about 15 miles south of Baghdad, police said.


        Associated Press writers Hamza Hendawi, Kim Gamel and Sameer N. Yacoub in Baghdad and Yahya Barzanji in Sulaimaniyah contributed to this report.

  • Turkey walks tightrope over Iran ties

    Turkey walks tightrope over Iran ties

    By Paul de Bendern
    Tuesday, August 12, 2008; 9:13 AM


    ISTANBUL (Reuters) – A visit by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Turkey on Thursday reflects a desire by the NATO member to remain on good terms with an unpredictable neighbor and secure future energy needs.

    President Abdullah Gul and Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan have come under criticism at home and abroad for inviting Ahmadinejad, a visit that marks a diplomatic coup for the firebrand leader who has been shunned by European countries.

    Ankara has said his visit was necessary given the standoff between Iran and the West over Tehran’s disputed nuclear enrichment program, and offered to help resolve the dispute.

    But analysts said the trip was more about ensuring centuries-old ties during a period of global tensions.

    “Although Turkey doesn’t like the present regime it has always tried to keep Iranians both at bay and collaborate with them. It is an extremely delicate balancing act and it will continue to be so,” said Cengiz Aktar, a political scientist at Istanbul’s Bahcesehir University.

    “The visit is all about controlled risks and the most important aspect is a gas deal with Iran, not the nuclear program because Turkey has little influence on that,” he said.

    Turkey and Iran share a border dating to a 1639 peace treaty.

    Ahmadinejad has been courting Turkey in the past few years as the United States has stepped up efforts to isolate Iran for failing to halt its disputed nuclear enrichment program. Washington sees the president’s visit as undermining such moves. Israel, another ally of Turkey, has also criticized the visit.

    Gul and Erdogan — both founders of the Islamist-rooted ruling AK Party — have pushed to boost Turkey’s position in the Middle East region, building greater ties with neighboring countries than previous governments.


    Though Iran and Turkey are close geographically, historically and culturally, they have remained distant in policy and direction since the Iranian revolution in 1979.

    Turkey, which is seeking European Union membership, is also concerned at the repercussions were the United States or Israel to strike the Islamic Republic.

    “Ankara definitely does not sympathize with the ‘theodemocracy’ (theocracy-partial democracy) of Iran. … But not having a hostile attitude against Iran is important for Turkey’s domestic stability as well as its energy needs,” said Sahin Alpay, a columnist for conservative daily Zaman.

    Turkey is entirely dependent on energy imports to quench its increasing thirst for oil and gas as its industry expands. Iran is currently its second biggest supplier of gas after Russia.

    Bilateral trade reached $5 billion in the first half of 2008 and Turkey has pledged to invest $3.5 billion in Iranian gas production. Ankara and Tehran signed a memorandum of understanding but are yet to sign a comprehensive agreement to invest in Iran’s South Pars gas field project.

    Part of that deal agreement may be signed on Thursday.

    Turkey is also a major transit route for goods between the European Union and Iran.

    Turkey, an officially secular but predominantly Sunni Muslim country, has long been wary over Shi’ite Tehran’s effort to export its style of Islamic Republic, its meddling in the region and its true intentions regarding its nuclear program.

    Iran has on the other hand resented Turkey’s Western orientation and reluctance to back Tehran against U.S. and EU pressure, now in the form of economic sanctions.

    News reports that Ahmadinejad did not wish to visit the tomb of Turkey’s revered founder Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in Ankara have caused a stir. Protocol requires foreign leaders to visit the mausoleum and Turkish media said Gul had subsequently moved the trip to Istanbul to avoid a potential embarrassing moment.

    While tensions have simmered from time to time each country clearly recognizes they have mutual interests.

    Tehran’s help in tackling Kurdish separatists based in northern Iraq has also boosted bilateral ties with Turkey, to the dismay of Washington, which until recently offered little help in moving against Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) bases.

    “Will the visit really help Turkey? I doubt it. It’s more beneficial for Ahmadinejad. He’ll get another 15 minutes in the spotlight when he unleashes his trademark attacks against Israel and the United States,” said a senior EU diplomat.

    (Editing by Mary Gabriel)