Our First French President?
by Jed Babbin
iF he’s elected next week, Barack Obama won’t be our first black president: Toni Morrison labeled Bill Clinton our “first black president” in October 1998. (We have seen no reports that she retracted that label as a result of the South Carolina primary campaign).
And never mind all the nonsense floating around the internet. Barack Obama wasn’t born in Indonesia, or Kenya or wherever. He was born in Hawaii.
Race isn’t an issue for conservatives, but cultural indentity is. And that’s a problem because if he’s elected, Barack Obama will be our first French president.
The man who would lead the most productive, hard-working, achievement-oriented society in history told on his campaign website to take the day off to vote at our ease and make sure all our relatives and friends do the same. He tells students to ask their professors to let them out of class to canvass neighborhoods and drive people to the polls.
Take the day off to vote? Us? We’re the American workaholics: we thrive in the can’t-wait-to-dial-push-to-talk society. People in Washington get carpal tunnel syndrome from thumbing their Blackberrys. Stakhanovites all, we dedicate ourselves to our work, identify ourselves by our jobs, and compete with everyone within range. That’s how we succeed.
In America’s heartland, many families have a mom and a dad who each work two jobs to put the kids through college. Lots of people work Saturdays or Sundays or both. We take Christmas and Thanksgiving and July 4th off and — if we’re lucky — we save up to take a week’s trip somewhere in driving distance.
And this guy wants to stop the world just to make sure he gets elected?
Just think about this: if every American voter took the day off on Tuesday, it would cost our economy a big chunk of cash. How much?
In 2004, there were about 123 million voters. The best estimate says there are about 181 million registered voters today. One economist did a computation for me, using that probable voter base. If they all work for the average wage and all take an unpaid day off, the cost would be about $22.3 billion in lost wages for the first Obamaday.
How much would the stock market fall just because the earth stood so that we could elect Obama?
In France, they care little about such things. That’s why they have — by law — a 35-hour workweek that’s interrupted by strikes and five-week vacations.
Last summer, the French made a half-hearted attempt to repeal the 35-hour work week, but only managed to succeed in reducing the minimum number of vacation days. Unless a President Obama wants to limit our workweek, we’ll stay ahead of France in economic power.
All over America, we go to work, we go to school and some time during the day — before we go to work or after we get home, on a long break from school or when classes are over that day — we manage to vote. We accomplish our duties, meet our responsibilities, and manage to perform our patriotic duty to vote all on the same day.
Much of this happens in the suburbs and this is the candidate who’s not interested in how that works. Remember? He said, “I’m not interested in the suburbs. The suburbs bore me.” Of course they do: that’s where all those gun-and-bible-clinging people live.
This election is the most important in living memory, and the Democrats’ candidate is proving that — underneath the trim American exterior — a Frenchman lurks.
We have, as others have noted, been learning more about Obama in the past two weeks than we have in the past two years. As a hyperliberal politician, Obama has been doing his best to conceal his liberalism and the press has been all too eager to leave the “progressive” cloak in place. But we are, in the last weeks of the campaign, getting a better view.
It started with Joe the Plumber asking a better question than all the reporters and debate moderators who preceded him. And the answer Mr. Wurzelberger got — that Obama wants to spread the wealth around — revealed Obama’s cultural commonality with European socialists.
“I think when you spread the wealth around it’s good for everybody.” Spread the wealth like Robin Hood? No, like robbing you. And if you read the Obama economic plans — including about $800 billion more in spending on health care, college subsidies and climate controls — his methods for spreading the wealth are the same ones the European redistributionists use.
Think about their primary redistribution program, the agricultural subsidy. As Dr. John Hulsman memorably told me a few years ago, the European Union’s agricultural subsidy is “really a sop from Germany to pay French farmers to sit around, play boule, and do nothing.” Apply that to health care and college tuition and, et voila, you’ve got Obama’s plan.
As Michelle Malkin reported on her blog, in a 2001interview with Chicago Public Radio, Obama was talking about the Warren Court which, in the 1970s, was the source of great social and legal change. Obama said it wasn’t really radical:
It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution, at least as it’s been interpreted and Warren Court interpreted in the same way, that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. Says what the states can’t do to you. Says what the Federal government can’t do to you, but doesn’t say what the Federal government or State government must do on your behalf, and that hasn’t shifted and one of the, I think, tragedies of the civil rights movement was, um, because the civil rights movement became so court focused I think there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalition of powers through which you bring about redistributive change. In some ways we still suffer from that.
There’s no need to parse these words with Clintonian exactitude: Obama is saying that he disagrees with the most basic theory of the Founders in crafting the Constitution: that it is written as the preserver of liberties from government intrusion, not to make the government the source of those liberties. In Obama’s mind, a more perfect union would be the provider of rights and entitlements, not the guarantor of freedoms.
This is the key to Barack Obama’s legal knowledge and judgment. The purpose of our Constitution is not to provide rights: Americans’ rights are endowed by the Creator, not the Government.
A Constitution written to describe what the government and subordinate governments must do for citizens does not recognize rights that already exist: it would be one that grants rights that exist only as long as the government wishes them to. And, of course, with every right comes the cost which the government would be obligated to tax to pay for.
The French Constitution is probably more to Obama’s liking. Thanks to a recent amendment, the French peoples’ constitutional rights now include “the right to access information about the environment” and an obligation of the government to “promote sustainable development” that doesn’t damage the atmosphere, the wine, or the cheese.
Anyone who still doubts Obama is culturally (and probably genetically) French should consider this statement by the Illinois naïf: “This was the moment – this was the time – when we came together to remake this great nation so that it may always reflect our very best selves, and our highest ideals.” Or, if he made himself clearer, he might have said, “My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you’ll join me as we try to change it.”
Either way, who but a Frenchman could have uttered those words?
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Many Americans are getting ready to throw McCain – a good, honest, genuine American hero overboard back into the rice paddy and do to him politically what his Vietnamese captors tried to do to McCain physically.
Before you vote ask yourself – How Could a Community Organizer Afford to Buy a Mansion in Chicago. And read below:
1. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are the causes of this financial disaster. In order to ensure that they were not regulated these corrupt companies bought off congressmen. This is corruption. In just 3 years, these corrupt companies gave Obama $123,000 to buy him off. $123,000. Obama was the second largest recipient of Fannie and Freddie corrupt donations. This is the corruption McCain has fought against his whole life. $123,000 is corruption.
2. Earmark projects are corruption incarnate. Obama had 1 billion dollars worth of earmarks. 1 billion dollars. This is CORRUPTION RUN AMUCK. This money goes to political cronies in return for support and donations, relatives, family members. We are in this financial mess because of this kind of corruption. It created a culture of corruption that lead to the wall street debacle. Barrack Obama is at the very center of this CULTURE OF CORRUPTION. He is the WASHINGTON ESTABLISHMENT CANDIDATE. 1 billion dollars of hard earned tax payer money FLUSHED DOWN THE TOILET BOWL OF POLITICAL CORRUPTION.
3. Barrack Obama gave his First Cousin $70,000 of tax payer money. $70,000 of hard earned tax payer money to his first cousin. We elect representatives to Congress to serve the people. Not to ENRICH themselves. Not to enrich their family members. Not to enrich their political supporters. THIS IS TRULY CORRUPTION.
4. Obama wants to raise taxes on corporations, small businesses, capital gains. If you raise taxes in this economic crisis YOU WILL CAUSE A GREAT DEPRESSION. Business won’t create jobs. People will not invest. The 401 ks of seniors and all Americans won’t be worth anything. The DOW WILL COLLAPSE TO to 4000/5000. The US will become another failed state like Venezuela. It’s that simple. If you want a SECOND GREAT DEPRESSION BARACK OBAMA IS YOUR MAN.
5. Obama wants our troops out of Iraq in 16 months. As General Petraeus has warned such a withdrawal will lead to the collapse of the Iraqi government. Iraq is not Afghanistan. IT IS AT THE VERY CENTER OF THE OIL PRODUCING UNIVERSE. If the Iraqi government collapses, OIL PRICES WILL SOAR TO $200.00/barrel and $10.00/gallon/gas. If you want to pay $10.00/gallon/gas vote Barrack Obama.
6. Barrack Obama called our troops fighting in Afghanistan WAR CRIMINALS. He said that they were air raiding villages and killing innocent civilians. WAR CRIMES. You cannot be commander in chief of our great armed forces and call them WAR CRIMINALS. Not only that but these statements put THE LIVES OF OUR TROOPS AT RISK.
7. When Move On. org – a large money Barrack Obama supporter called General Petraeus – one of the greatest American generals – GENERAL BETRAYUS – Barrack Obama refused to vote on a senate motion defending this great general. You cannot be President of the United States and stand by while one of your generals is being viciously maligned. Obama did this because he didn’t want to lose the money from Move On. Barrack Obama is A COWARD.
8. Barrack Obama gave $800.000 to a organization called Acorn. Acorn is trying to steal this election by fraudulently registering thousands and thousands of voters throughout this country �” registering everything from dead people to cats, dogs. THIS IS CORRUPTION. Obama has a long and illustrious relationship with Acorn. Incredibility – ACORN leader Wade Rathke was in the Weather Underground along with Bill Ayers.
Ladies and gentlemen of America in the rescue package of 700 billion just passed by Congress the Democrats tried to include $500,000,000 for ACORN. DO YOU HEAR WHAT I JUST SAID – 500 MILLION FOR ACORN. THATS ONE OF THE REASONS MCCAIN RUSHED BACK TO WASHINGTON TO KILL THIS FRAUDULENT FUNDING. In Chicago, Obama was involved in training Acorn activists to go to the HOMES OF BANK PRESIDENTS AND THREATEN THEM IF THEY DID NOT GIVE OUT FRAUDELENT LOANS THAT COULD NEVER BE REPAID. $500 million to Acorn by the democrats in Congress and $800,000 from Obama. Can you imagine what will happen with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Obama in charge. Acorn will get the 500 million. 100%. Every vote is precious. It is the very essence of our democracy.
9. Bill Ayers was a terrorist who bombed the Pentagon, police stations and homes of people trying to capture him. Obama has a long and illustrious relationship with this arch criminal and hater of the US. Obama received $50 million dollars from Ayers to indoctrinate children in Chicago in revolutionary ideology. NOT READING AND WRITING AND SCIENCE BUT REVOLUTIONARY IDEOLOGY like Chavez teaches in Venezuela . Obama says – he was just a guy living in my neighborhood. Obama doesn’t understand that as President one of your most important obligations is NOT TO LIE TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.
10. Obama called the people of this country when he thought nobody was tape recording his great genius – Bitter people clinging to their bibles and their guns. You cannot denigrate the great people of this country and be their president.
11. In order to create a PERMANENT DEMOCRATIC PARTY MAJORITY – Obama and the Democrats FAST TRACK CITZENSHIP FOR ALL 12 to 20 million illegal immigrants. And all those who will pour into the US to share in the new STATE WELFARE STATE. This will happen immediately.
Corruption is what this election is all about. McCain must demand justice. Jail the bastards. Jail them all. MUST BE THE BATTLE CRY