Category: America

  • Rise of the Warrior Cop

    Rise of the Warrior Cop

    Is it time to reconsider the militarization of American policing?


    WARRIOR COPOn Jan. 4 of last year, a local narcotics strike force conducted a raid on the Ogden, Utah, home of Matthew David Stewart at 8:40 p.m. The 12 officers were acting on a tip from Mr. Stewart’s former girlfriend, who said that he was growing marijuana in his basement. Mr. Stewart awoke, naked, to the sound of a battering ram taking down his door. Thinking that he was being invaded by criminals, as he later claimed, he grabbed his 9-millimeter Beretta pistol.

    The police say that they knocked and identified themselves, though Mr. Stewart and his neighbors said they heard no such announcement. Mr. Stewart fired 31 rounds, the police more than 250. Six of the officers were wounded, and Officer Jared Francom was killed. Mr. Stewart himself was shot twice before he was arrested. He was charged with several crimes, including the murder of Officer Francom.

    The police found 16 small marijuana plants in Mr. Stewart’s basement. There was no evidence that Mr. Stewart, a U.S. military veteran with no prior criminal record, was selling marijuana. Mr. Stewart’s father said that his son suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder and may have smoked the marijuana to self-medicate.

    Early this year, the Ogden city council heard complaints from dozens of citizens about the way drug warrants are served in the city. As for Mr. Stewart, his trial was scheduled for next April, and prosecutors were seeking the death penalty. But after losing a hearing last May on the legality of the search warrant, Mr. Stewart hanged himself in his jail cell.

    The police tactics at issue in the Stewart case are no anomaly. Since the 1960s, in response to a range of perceived threats, law-enforcement agencies across the U.S., at every level of government, have been blurring the line between police officer and soldier. Driven by martial rhetoric and the availability of military-style equipment—from bayonets and M-16 rifles to armored personnel carriers—American police forces have often adopted a mind-set previously reserved for the battlefield. The war on drugs and, more recently, post-9/11 antiterrorism efforts have created a new figure on the U.S. scene: the warrior cop—armed to the teeth, ready to deal harshly with targeted wrongdoers, and a growing threat to familiar American liberties.

    The acronym SWAT stands for Special Weapons and Tactics. Such police units are trained in methods similar to those used by the special forces in the military. They learn to break into homes with battering rams and to use incendiary devices called flashbang grenades, which are designed to blind and deafen anyone nearby. Their usual aim is to “clear” a building—that is, to remove any threats and distractions (including pets) and to subdue the occupants as quickly as possible.

    its. Today, there are thousands. According to surveys conducted by the criminologist Peter Kraska of Eastern Kentucky University, just 13% of towns between 25,000 and 50,000 people had a SWAT team in 1983. By 2005, the figure was up to 80%.

    The number of raids conducted by SWAT-like police units has grown accordingly. In the 1970s, there were just a few hundred a year; by the early 1980s, there were some 3,000 a year. In 2005 (the last year for which Dr. Kraska collected data), there were approximately 50,000 raids.

    A number of federal agencies also now have their own SWAT teams, including the Fish & Wildlife Service, NASA, the Consumer Products Safety Commission and the Department of the Interior. In 2011, the Department of Education’s SWAT team bungled a raid on a woman who was initially reported to be under investigation for not paying her student loans, though the agency later said she was suspected of defrauding the federal student loan program.

    The details of the case aside, the story generated headlines because of the revelation that the Department of Education had such a unit. None of these federal departments has responded to my requests for information about why they consider such high-powered military-style teams necessary.

    Americans have long been wary of using the military for domestic policing. Concerns about potential abuse date back to the creation of the Constitution, when the founders worried about standing armies and the intimidation of the people at large by an overzealous executive, who might choose to follow the unhappy precedents set by Europe’s emperors and monarchs.

    The idea for the first SWAT team in Los Angeles arose during the domestic strife and civil unrest of the mid-1960s. Daryl Gates, then an inspector with the Los Angeles Police Department, had grown frustrated with his department’s inability to respond effectively to incidents like the 1965 Watts riots. So his thoughts turned to the military. He was drawn in particular to Marine Special Forces and began to envision an elite group of police officers who could respond in a similar manner to dangerous domestic disturbances.

    Mr. Gates initially had difficulty getting his idea accepted. Los Angeles Police Chief William Parker thought the concept risked a breach in the divide between the military and law enforcement. But with the arrival of a new chief, Thomas Reddin, in 1966, Mr. Gates got the green light to start training a unit. By 1969, his SWAT team was ready for its maiden raid against a holdout cell of the Black Panthers.

    At about the same time, President Richard Nixon was declaring war on drugs. Among the new, tough-minded law-enforcement measures included in this campaign was the no-knock raid—a policy that allowed drug cops to break into homes without the traditional knock and announcement. After fierce debate, Congress passed a bill authorizing no-knock raids for federal narcotics agents in 1970.

    Over the next several years, stories emerged of federal agents breaking down the doors of private homes (often without a warrant) and terrorizing innocent citizens and families. Congress repealed the no-knock law in 1974, but the policy would soon make a comeback (without congressional authorization).

    During the Reagan administration, SWAT-team methods converged with the drug war. By the end of the 1980s, joint task forces brought together police officers and soldiers for drug interdiction. National Guard helicopters and U-2 spy planes flew the California skies in search of marijuana plants. When suspects were identified, battle-clad troops from the National Guard, the DEA and other federal and local law enforcement agencies would swoop in to eradicate the plants and capture the people growing them.

    Advocates of these tactics said that drug dealers were acquiring ever bigger weapons and the police needed to stay a step ahead in the arms race. There were indeed a few high-profile incidents in which police were outgunned, but no data exist suggesting that it was a widespread problem. A study done in 1991 by the libertarian-leaning Independence Institute found that less than one-eighth of 1% of homicides in the U.S. were committed with a military-grade weapon. Subsequent studies by the Justice Department in 1995 and the National Institute for Justice in 2004 came to similar conclusions: The overwhelming majority of serious crimes are committed with handguns, and not particularly powerful ones.

    The new century brought the war on terror and, with it, new rationales and new resources for militarizing police forces. According to the Center for Investigative Reporting, the Department of Homeland Security has handed out $35 billion in grants since its creation in 2002, with much of the money going to purchase military gear such as armored personnel carriers. In 2011 alone, a Pentagon program for bolstering the capabilities of local law enforcement gave away $500 million of equipment, an all-time high.

    The past decade also has seen an alarming degree of mission creep for U.S. SWAT teams. When the craze for poker kicked into high gear, a number of police departments responded by deploying SWAT teams to raid games in garages, basements and VFW halls where illegal gambling was suspected. According to news reports and conversations with poker organizations, there have been dozens of these raids, in cities such as Baltimore, Charleston, S.C., and Dallas.

    In 2006, 38-year-old optometrist Sal Culosi was shot and killed by a Fairfax County, Va., SWAT officer. The investigation began when an undercover detective overheard Mr. Culosi wagering on college football games with some buddies at a bar. The department sent a SWAT team after Mr. Culosi, who had no prior criminal record or any history of violence. As the SWAT team descended, one officer fired a single bullet that pierced Mr. Culosi’s heart. The police say that the shot was an accident. Mr. Culosi’s family suspects the officer saw Mr. Culosi reaching for his cellphone and thought he had a gun.

    Assault-style raids have even been used in recent years to enforce regulatory law. Armed federal agents from the Fish & Wildlife Service raided the floor of the Gibson Guitar factory in Nashville in 2009, on suspicion of using hardwoods that had been illegally harvested in Madagascar. Gibson settled in 2012, paying a $300,000 fine and admitting to violating the Lacey Act. In 2010, the police department in New Haven, Conn., sent its SWAT team to raid a bar where police believed there was underage drinking. For sheer absurdity, it is hard to beat the 2006 story about the Tibetan monks who had overstayed their visas while visiting America on a peace mission. In Iowa, the hapless holy men were apprehended by a SWAT team in full gear.

    Unfortunately, the activities of aggressive, heavily armed SWAT units often result in needless bloodshed: Innocent bystanders have lost their lives and so, too, have police officers who were thought to be assailants and were fired on, as (allegedly) in the case of Matthew David Stewart.

    In my own research, I have collected over 50 examples in which innocent people were killed in raids to enforce warrants for crimes that are either nonviolent or consensual (that is, crimes such as drug use or gambling, in which all parties participate voluntarily). These victims were bystanders, or the police later found no evidence of the crime for which the victim was being investigated. They include Katherine Johnston, a 92-year-old woman killed by an Atlanta narcotics team acting on a bad tip from an informant in 2006; Alberto Sepulveda, an 11-year-old accidentally shot by a California SWAT officer during a 2000 drug raid; and Eurie Stamps, killed in a 2011 raid on his home in Framingham, Mass., when an officer says his gun mistakenly discharged. Mr. Stamps wasn’t a suspect in the investigation.

    What would it take to dial back such excessive police measures? The obvious place to start would be ending the federal grants that encourage police forces to acquire gear that is more appropriate for the battlefield. Beyond that, it is crucial to change the culture of militarization in American law enforcement.

    Consider today’s police recruitment videos (widely available on YouTube), which often feature cops rappelling from helicopters, shooting big guns, kicking down doors and tackling suspects. Such campaigns embody an American policing culture that has become too isolated, confrontational and militaristic, and they tend to attract recruits for the wrong reasons.

    If you browse online police discussion boards, or chat with younger cops today, you will often encounter some version of the phrase, “Whatever I need to do to get home safe.” It is a sentiment that suggests that every interaction with a citizen may be the officer’s last. Nor does it help when political leaders lend support to this militaristic self-image, as New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg did in 2011 by declaring, “I have my own army in the NYPD—the seventh largest army in the world.”

    The motivation of the average American cop should not focus on just making it to the end of his shift. The LAPD may have given us the first SWAT team, but its motto is still exactly the right ideal for American police officers: To protect and serve.

    SWAT teams have their place, of course, but they should be saved for those relatively rare situations when police-initiated violence is the only hope to prevent the loss of life. They certainly have no place as modern-day vice squads.

    Many longtime and retired law-enforcement officers have told me of their worry that the trend toward militarization is too far gone. Those who think there is still a chance at reform tend to embrace the idea of community policing, an approach that depends more on civil society than on brute force.

    In this very different view of policing, cops walk beats, interact with citizens and consider themselves part of the neighborhoods they patrol—and therefore have a stake in those communities. It’s all about a baton-twirling “Officer Friendly” rather than a Taser-toting RoboCop.

    Mr. Balko is the author of “Rise of the Warrior Cop,” published this month by PublicAffairs.

    A version of this article appeared July 19, 2013, on page C1 in the U.S. edition of The Wall Street Journal, with the headline: rise ofthe warrior cop.,



    erd and gun

         They are singing that old sweet song in Turkey again, the big, black lie song. Play it again, Tayyip. Except no one listens to you anymore. You, the nation’s prime prevaricator, cannot fool any of the people any more of the time with your nonsensical flights of fancy. The last one did you in, the vintage Jewish-conspiracy alibi last played by your fellow fascist-moustache up north in Turkish Diaspora-land. You have nothing left. Your thugs have taken over. None of us can escape our past. And you cannot escape your future.    
         Now your primary objective seems to be maiming, and, if appropriate, killing the nation’s youth. It is no secret. We see the cops whose inhuman behavior seems to be from another planet, perhaps Pennsylvania. We see the street gangs that dress like you. These are your thug-people, presumably doing their bloody work in the name of your bizarre hallucination of what Allah would like. Hitler had his Sturmabteilung, the SA Brownshirts, who also specialized  in street violence. And they didn’t like Jews either. You and yours are definitely of their ilk.
         You call it self-defense—against terrorists, or against foreign powers, or against alcoholics, or against Europe, or against doctors, or against the European Union, or against the Divan Hotel or against, why not?, the Jewish Diaspora. But your nose is much too long now, growing and getting bloodier by the day. It is all so unsightly. Your idiot puppets like the so-called media, and outright jerks Mutlu, Guler, and Atalay and assorted other boobs you’ve  scraped up from obscurity still chirp in your choir. You might be so deluded to call it loyalty. But they are nitwits—you know it, we know it, the world knows it. And that’s what nitwits do, chirp nonsense, your nonsense. This is some poor excuse of a government. 
         Lies, beatings, gassings, shootings, stabbings, slashings, ooof, it’s disgusting and it’s enough! Isn’t it enough? Yet you and your goons persist. For hoodlums like your thugs, even funeral processions are targets. Surely you are joking about being a prime minister. Crime minister maybe, but leading a nation’s people, never. In the great tradition of tragic figures, you will end alone. And you will become comic. That is inevitable. It’s already happening. America is laughing at you on evening TV. Don’t worry, your reaction is normal. Bullies hate humor. Laughs threaten them. So it’s quite alright that you might feel oddly out of sorts. When someone laughs at a bully, the game is over. Turkey is alone too, at least your Turkey. Thanks to you and yours Turkey is a rogue state. Inhuman, conscienceless police violence. A craven army that allows the government to destroy it every time it beats a kid in the street. Rampaging violence on the order of Pinochet. Mayhem in the streets on a Hitlerian scale. Mass arrests to intimidate. It’s all part of the endgame. The increasing chaos only hastens your end. History says so. Your government is drowning in blood while grasping at straws.
         And it’s all coming  home to roost on your well-protected roof top. The world has seen the pictures of the machine gunners dressed in black that protect you. You will need ten million more of them. The end is nearing. You will begin to hear helicopters in the night. This is how you will leave. Under cover of darkness. And no one will care. You will vanish like the night.
    “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
    But in ourselves, that we are underlings.”
    Shakespeare, Julius Caesar
    Cem Ryan
    12 July 2013

     The Fall of Saigon, 29 April 1975.

    Evacuation of CIA station personnel from roof of US embassy.




    Fethullah Gulen, allegedly “the most dangerous Islamist on planet earth,” is alive, well, and living in Pennsylvania with over $25 billion in financial assets.

    From Pennsylvania, he has toppled the secular government of Turkey, established over 3,000 schools throughout Central Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and the United States, created a new country called East Turkistan, and formed a movement that seeks to create a New Islamic World Order.

    This reporter made a recent visit to Gulen’s 28-acre mountain complex at 1857 Mt. Eaton Road in Saylorsburg, PA – – the very heart of the Pocono Mountains.

    The complex consists of a massive chalet that is surrounded by numerous out buildings, including recreational centers, dormitories, and cabins for visiting foreign dignitaries. The property also contains a large pond, a helicopter pad, and, reportedly, firing ranges.

    The first floor of the chalet contains a dining hall capable of serving a small army. The second floor is an open area with a library, computer station, and open areas with divans where disciples pour over Turkish newspapers, Islamic texts, and the collected wisdom of their Hocaefendi (“religious master”). Gulen himself resides on the third floor and rarely emerges to meet with his followers, let alone inquisitive reporters.

    The road leading into the complex is blocked by a metal gate and a sentry hut.Inside the Gulen Compound
    A visit to the Pennsylvania fortress of “The World’s most Dangerous Islamist”
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    – Dr. Paul L. Williams Monday, April 4, 2011

    imageFethullah Gulen, allegedly “the most dangerous Islamist on planet earth,” is alive, well, and living in Pennsylvania with over $25 billion in financial assets.

    From Pennsylvania, he has toppled the secular government of Turkey, established over 3,000 schools throughout Central Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and the United States, created a new country called East Turkistan, and formed a movement that seeks to create a New Islamic World Order.

    This reporter made a recent visit to Gulen’s 28-acre mountain complex at 1857 Mt. Eaton Road in Saylorsburg, PA – – the very heart of the Pocono Mountains.

    The complex consists of a massive chalet that is surrounded by numerous out buildings, including recreational centers, dormitories, and cabins for visiting foreign dignitaries. The property also contains a large pond, a helicopter pad, and, reportedly, firing ranges.

    The first floor of the chalet contains a dining hall capable of serving a small army. The second floor is an open area with a library, computer station, and open areas with divans where disciples pour over Turkish newspapers, Islamic texts, and the collected wisdom of their Hocaefendi (“religious master”). Gulen himself resides on the third floor and rarely emerges to meet with his followers, let alone inquisitive reporters.

    The road leading into the complex is blocked by a metal gate and a sentry hut.

    imageWithin the hut are high definition televisions that flash images from the security cameras that have been strategically placed throughout the complex. The post is manned day and night by Turkish guards, who speak little or no English.

    Before the hut is a sign that reads “Golden Generation Worship and Retreat Center.” No visitor in his or her right mind could believe that the tiny, one room building serves as a house of worship, let alone a place for a weekend retreat. The building contains only a metal desk, two straight chairs, the monitors, and the sentries who, upon the occasion of this reporter’s visit, offered no word of welcome but instead called upon other members of the complex to escort this reporter and his photographer sidekick from the premises.

    The neighbors complained to this reporter of gunfire from fully automatic weapons coming from the complex and the presence of a surveillance helicopter that combs the property in search of unwanted intruders.

    They maintain that an army of approximately 100 Turkish guards stand watch over the property in order to protect their reclusive leader.

    Combing the parameters of the property, one can easily spot the guards. They wear suits, white shirts, and ties and do not look like traditional Islamists in cloaks and turbans.

    According to a source within the compound, the guards and other members of the compound follow their Hocaefendi’s orders without question and refrain from marrying until age fifty per his instructions. When they do marry, the spouses are expected to dress in the Islamic manner, as dictated by Gülen himself.

    The women do not live within the complex but rather in modest houses along Mt. Eton Road.

    Little about Gulen, as U.S. Attorney Patrick Meehan discovered, is known – – not even his date of birth. Some of his followers maintain that he was born in 1934; others 1938; and still others 1942.
    How dangerous is Gulen?

    In his public statements, Gulen espouses a liberal version of Sunni/Hanafi Islam and promotes the Muslim notion of hizmet – – altruistic service to the common good.

    Despite the presence of the armed guards at his Pocono fortress, Gulen has condemned terrorism and called for interfaith dialogue. He claims to have met with Pope John Paul II, the Greek Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomeos, and Israeli Sephardic Head Rabbi Eliyahu Bakshi-Doron.

    Whether these meetings with Christian and Jewish leaders actually occurred is questionable. On his website, Gulen says that he has a UNECO award from Pope John Paul II in October, 2005. John Paul II died on April 2, 2005.

    In private, Gulen has stated that “in order to reach the ideal Muslim society every method and path is acceptable, [including] lying to people.”

    In a sermon that was aired on Turkish television, Gulen said:

    You must move in the arteries of the system without anyone noticing your existence until you reach all the power centers … until the conditions are ripe, they [the followers] must continue like this. If they do something prematurely, the world will crush our heads, and Muslims will suffer everywhere, like in the tragedies in Algeria, like in 1982 [in] Syria … like in the yearly disasters and tragedies in Egypt. The time is not yet right. You must wait for the time when you are complete and conditions are ripe, until we can shoulder the entire world and carry it … You must wait until such time as you have gotten all the state power, until you have brought to your side all the power of the constitutional institutions in Turkey … Until that time, any step taken would be too early—like breaking an egg without waiting the full forty days for it to hatch. It would be like killing the chick inside. The work to be done is [in] confronting the world. Now, I have expressed my feelings and thoughts to you all—in confidence … trusting your loyalty and secrecy. I know that when you leave here—[just] as you discard your empty juice boxes, you must discard the thoughts and the feelings that I expressed here.

    Under the AKP, Turkey has become a militant Islamic state, transferring its alliance from Europe and the United States to Russia and Iran

    Anyone doubting the incredible power wielded by Gulen need only take note of the achievements of the Justice and Development Party (Adalet ve Kalkinma, AKP)- – a party Gulen formed this party as soon as he arrived in Pennsylvania. By 2003, the AKP became the governing party in Turkey and a powerful force throughout the Muslim world. Abdullah Gul, Turkey’s first Islamist President, is a Gulen disciple, along with Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Yusuf Ziya Ozcan, the head of Turkey’s Council of Higher Education.

    Under the AKP, Turkey has become a militant Islamic state, transferring its alliance from Europe and the United States to Russia and Iran. It has moved toward friendship with Hamas, Hezbollah, and Syria and created a pervasive anti-Christian, anti-Jewish, and anti-America animus throughout the populace.

    Speaking at the inauguration ceremony of “TRT al Turkiye”, the new channel of the state run TV station TRT, Prime Minister Erdogan said Turkey will always be on the side of Muslims wherever they are.

    Within Turkey, Gulen also formed a vast conglomerate called Kaynak Holding, which today includes some 15 companies involved in the retail, I.T., construction, and food industries. The main division, Kaynak Publishing, maintains 28 publishing labels. It produces hundreds of books per year on and by Gülen, in addition to books on the glories of the Ottoman Empire and the achievements of militant Islam.

    Gulen also owns Feza Media Group, which publishes the Today’s Zaman (Turkey’s leading daily newspaper) and the magazine Aksiyon. A subsidiary of Feza is Samanyolu Broadcasting, which operates most of Turkey’s TV stations. Gulen and his followers also control Bank Asya, now Turkey’s largest Islamic bank, with billions of dollars in assets, and TUSKON, a Turkish businessmen’s association, with 50,000 companies as members.

    With his vast resources, Gulen established thousands of schools throughout Central Asia – – – Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, and Azerbaijan – – in order to create a massive pan-Islamic state. Noted whistleblower Sibel Edmonds explains: “Turkey shares the same heritage/race as the entire population of Central Asia, the same language (Turkic), the same religion (Sunni Islam), and of course, the strategic location and proximity.”
    According to Bayram Balci, a Turkish scholar, the Gulen schools seek to expand “the Islamization of Turkish nationality and the Turification of Islam” in order to bring about a universal caliphate ruled by Islamic law.

    Because of the subversive nature of these institutions, these schools have been outlawed in Russia and Uzbekistan.

    Even the Netherlands, a nation that embraces pluralism and tolerance, has opted to cut funding to the Gulen schools because of their imminent threat to the social order.

    But Gulen’s 150-plus charter schools in the United States, which advance Gulen’s international agenda have received little national attention.

    All of these charter schools – – which advance the New Islamic World Order – – are fully funded by American taxpayers.

    A partial listing of the Gulen schools throughout the U.S.A.

    Schools Operated by Daisy Education Corporation

    * Sonorant Science Academy-Tucson Middle-High School 2325 W Sunset Rd., Tucson
    * Sonorant Science Academy-Tucson Elementary School 2325 W Sunset Rd., Tucson
    * Sonorant Science Academy-Broadway Kindergarten – Grade 8, 6880 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson
    * Sonoran Science Academy-Phoenix Kindergarten – Grade 10 4837 E McDowell Rd., Phoenix
    * Daisy Early Learning Academy, 2325 W Sunset Rd., Tucson, AZ
    * Davis Monthan Air Force Base


    * Lisa Academy 21 Corporate Hill Dr., Little Rock
    * Lisa Academy-North 5410 Landers Rd, Sherwood


    * Magnolia Science Academy 1, 18238 Sherman Way, Reseda
    * Magnolia Science Academy 2, 18425 Kittridge St., Reseda
    * Magnolia Science Academy 3, 1444 W Rosecrans Ave., Gardena
    * Magnolia Science Academy 4, 1010 Abbot Kinney Blvd, Venice, CA
    * Magnolia Science Academy 5, 1530 N Wilton Place, Hollywood
    * Magnolia Science Academy 6, San Carlos
    * Momentum Middle School, 6365 Lake Atlin, San Diego
    * Bay Area Technology School (Bay Tech) 4521 Webster St., Oakland
    * Pacific Technology School-San Juan
    * Pacific Technology School-Santa Ana


    * Lotus School for Excellence, Aurora


    * Orlando Science Middle School, 2427 Lynx Lane, Orlando
    * River City Science Academy, 3266 Southside Blvd., Jacksonville
    * Sweet water Branch Academy 1000 NE 16th Ave, Building C, Gainesville
    * Stars Middle School 1234 Blountstown Highway, Tallahassee


    * Fulton Science Academy Middle School, 1675 Hembree Road, Alpharetta
    * Technology Enriched Accelerated Charter High School, 4100 Old Milton Pkwy, Alpharetta


    * Science Academy of Chicago, Grade 1-Grade 8, 8350 N. Greenwood Ave, Niles
    * Chicago Math and Science Academy Secondary School, 1705 West Lunt Ave, Chicago

    Operated by Concept Schools, Inc.

    * Indiana Math and Science Academy, Grade 6-Grade 12, 4575 W 38th Street, Indianapolis


    * Abramson Science and Technology 5552 Read Blvd., New Orleans


    * Chesapeake Science Point Secondary School 1321 Mercedes Drive, Hanover


    * Pioneer Charter School of Science Grade 7- Grade 10, 51-59 Summer Street, Everett


    * Broadside-Frontier Math and Science School Secondary School, 5605 Troost, Kansas City
    * Broadside Charter and Day School Elementary School, 5220 Troost Ave., Kansas City


    * Coral Academy of Science-Las Vegas, 8185 Tamarus St., Las Vegas
    * Coral Academy of Science-Reno Secondary School, 1350 East Ninth Street, Reno
    * Coral Academy of Science- Reno Elementary School, 1701 Valley Road, Reno

    New Jersey

    * Bergen Arts and Science Charter School, K-8, 200 MacArthur Ave, Garfield
    * Paterson Charter School for Science and Technology, 276 Wabash Ave., Paterson
    * Tuition Schools
    * Pioneer Academy of Science, K-12, 366 Clifton Avenue, Clifton

    Operated by Concept Schools, Inc.

    * Horizon Science Academy-Cincinnati Middle School-High School, 1055 Laidlaw Avenue, Cincinnati
    * Horizon Science Academy-Cleveland High School, 6000 South Marginal Rd., Cleveland
    * Horizon Science Academy-Cleveland Middle School, 6100 South Marginal Rd. Cleveland
    * Horizon Science Academy-Cleveland Elementary School, 6150 South Marginal Rd. Cleveland
    * Horizon Science Academy-Columbus High School 1070 Morse Rd. Columbus
    * Horizon Science Academy-Columbus Middle School 1341 Bethele Road, Columbus
    * Horizon Science Academy-Columbus Elementary School, 2835 Morse Rd., Columbus
    * Horizon Science Academy-Dayton, 545 Odlin Ave., Dayton
    * Horizon Science Academy – Denison, K-1, Grades 4 – 8, 1700 Denison Avenue, Cleveland
    * Horizon Science Academy – Springfield, Grades 5- 8 630 South Reynolds Road, Toledo, OH 43615-6314
    * Horizon Science Academy – Toledo, Toledo High School, 425 Jefferson Avenue, Toledo
    * Noble Academy-Columbus, K-Grade 8, 1329 Bethel Road, Columbus
    * Noble Academy-Cleveland 1200 E. 200th Street, Euclid

    Schools operated under the Cosmos Foundation, TX.

    * Dove Science Academy-OKC Secondary School, 919 NW 23rd St., Oklahoma City
    * Dove Science Academy-OKC Elementary School, 4901 N Lincoln Blvd., Oklahoma City
    * Dove Science Academy-Tulsa, 280 S Memorial Dr, Tulsa

    Tuition school affiliated with Raindrop Turkish House

    * Bluebonnet Learning Center of Tulsa Nursery, Pre-School and Pre-Kinder Education, 280 S Memorial Dr., Tulsa


    * Truebright Science Academy Secondary School, 926 West Sedgley Avenue, Philadelphia
    * Snowdrop Science Academy Pre-School – Grade 7, 233 Seaman Lane, Monroeville

    Operated by The Cosmos Foundation

    * Harmony Science Academy-Austin Secondary School, 930 East Rundberg Lane, Austin
    * Harmony School of Science-Austin Kindergarten- Grade 8, 11800 Stonehollow Drive, Suite 100, Austin
    * Harmony Science Academy-North Austin, Grades 6- 10, 1421 Wells Branch Parkway, W Suite 200, Pflugerville
    * Harmony Science Academy-Beaumont, Kindergarten- Grade 10, 4055 Calder Ave, Beaumont
    * Harmony Science Academy-Brownsville
    * Harmony Science Academy-Bryan/ College Station
    * Harmony Science Academy-Dallas Secondary School, 11995 Forestgate Dr., Dallas
    * Harmony Science Academy-Dallas Elementary School, 11995 Forestgate Dr., Dallas
    * Harmony Science Academy- El Paso, 9405 Betel Dr., El Paso
    * Harmony Science Academy-Fort Worth
    * Harmony Science Academy-Grand Prairie, 1102 NW 7th St, Grand Prairie
    * Harmony Science Academy-Houston Secondary School, 5435 S. Braeswood, Houston
    * Harmony School of Excellence-Houston, Elementary and Secondary School, 7340 North Gessner Rd, Houston
    * Harmony School of Innovation-Houston, 9421 West Sam Houston Parkway, South Houston
    * Harmony School of Science-Houston, 13415 W Belford Ave., Sugar Land
    * Harmony Science Academy-Northwest, Kindergarten- Grade 10, 16200 Tomball Parkway, Houston
    * Harmony Science Academy-Laredo, 4401 San Francisco Avenue, Laredo
    * Harmony Science Academy-Lubbock, 1516 53rd Street, Lubbock
    * Harmony Science Academy-San Antonio, 8505 Lakeside Parkway, San Antonio
    * Harmony Science Academy-Waco, 1900 N. Valley Mills Dr., Waco
    * Texas Gulf Institute Career Center Adult Education, 9431 W Sam Houston Pkwy., S #203, Houston

    Operated by Riverwalk Education Foundation, Inc

    * School of Science and Technology Discovery, K-12, 5707 Bandera Road, Leon Valley
    * School of Science and Technology-San Antonio Secondary School, 1450 NE Loop 410, San Antonio
    * School of Science and Technology-Corpus Christi

    Tuition schools affiliated with Raindrop Turkish House

    * Bluebonnet Learning Center of Houston Nursery, Pre-School and Pre-Kinder
    * Education, 9303 W Sam Houston Parkway South, Suite 200, Houston
    * Bluebonnet Learning Center of Dallas Nursery, Pre-School and Pre-Kinder Education, 1416 E Collins Blvd., Richardson
    * Bluebonnet Learning Center of El Paso Nursery, Pre-School and Pre-Kinder Education 9405 Betel Dr., El Paso


    * Beehive Science and Technology Academy, Secondary School, 1011 Murray Holiday Rd., Salt Lake City


    * Wisconsin Career Academy Middle-High School, 4801 S 2nd Street, Milwaukee

  • Israeli Firms in Middle of NSA Spy Scandal

    Israeli Firms in Middle of NSA Spy Scandal

    pacTwo Israeli companies, including one exposed by EIR in 2001-02 as under investigation in the U.S. for being part of a massive Israeli espionage network (see EIR, Feb. 1, 2002), have been identified as playing a central role in handling the NSA’s acquisition of call information from major telecommunications companies.

    * VERINT Systems, formerly known as Comverse Systems, a U.S.-based subsidiary of the Israeli Comverse Technologies, was reported by author and NSA expert James Bamford to have been designated by the NSA to process all the call information (metadata) obtained from Verizon. By the time it got the NSA contract, Comverse was already well-known as a leading firm in wiretapping, or what it called the “lawful interception market” for law-enforcement agencies. In 2002, about the time NSA launched its Stellar Wind operation, tapping into the major telecoms, former NSA Director Lt. Gen. Kenneth Minihan joined the Board of Directors of Comverse-Verint.

    * NARUS, another Israeli company, similarly processes all the information obtained from AT&T for the NSA. Narus was founded in Israel in 1997, and in 2010 was acquired by Boeing. Narus’s NarusInsight supercomputer system, which was installed in AT&T’s San Francisco Internet facility and identified by AT&T whistleblower Mark Klein, gave rise to a famous 2006 class action lawsuit filed by the Electronic Frontier Foundation against AT&T, Hepting v. AT&T.

    Additionally, AMDOCS, another Israeli telecommunications firm profiled by EIR in 2001-02, specializes in analyzing (i.e. data-mining) customer billing records for major U.S. telecoms; this data is similar to the “metadata” collected by the NSA on all phone calls in the U.S. Some investigators believe Amdocs is also involved in the NSA Stellar Wind program; indeed, it would be surprising if they were not.

    Ha’aretz reported on June 8 that both Verint and Narus have ties to both the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad, and the Israel Defense Forces intelligence-gathering unit 8200. Ha’aretz also raises the question of whether Mossad is a party to the intelligence-sharing arrangement between the U.S.’s NSA and Britain’s GCHQ, Britain’s Cheltenham-based signals-intelligence agency., June 12, 2013




    It is a tale
    Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
    Signifying nothing.

     MACBETH, William Shakespeare


    A month ago I wrote that Turkey’s relentless prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, was either heading for a psychotic break or an incident or statement so damaging to the nation that he would be forced to resign. If incessant lying in the face of overwhelming, documented truth, if using incredibly inflammatory, divisive  language in public discourse, if impugning the motives of all who disagree with his bestial domestic policy towards peaceful protesters including nations, international organizations, NATO, the European Union, and non-governmental organizations to name but a few, if repeated gassing and beating of unarmed, peaceful protesters, if sanctioning and encouraging police (and personal private thug) violence on the level of Pinochet’s Chile and Hitler’s Third Reich, if state-supported murder is glorified as self-defense, if he, the nominal leader of Turkey, stands shamed and defamed before the eyes of the world (except for America) then he (or even a relatively normal egomaniac) would have left long ago. But he’s still here. And for the right reasons, I was wrong. My excuse? This prime minister is not a normal egomaniac, nor is he a normal or even abnormal megalomaniac. He’s a dead man talking. And talking. And talking. And talking. Gibbering nonsense allegations and conspiracy rubbish. Sex and beer in the mosques. Foreign meddlers. Interest rate lobby. Drunks. Looters. Coup-plotters. Vandals. Plunderers. The Jews did it. His language, his thoughts, like a cancer consume him. His reality? Zero.

    He and his stooges still target people in the government-controlled media; public defaming is a specialty of this government. Erdoğan’s strong-arm street goons, in the worst tradition of Adolph Hitler, now assist his uniformed cop-goons in attacking peaceful protesters. And he is still talking. But that is all. He has lost control of the nation. Even the Kurds have joined the resistance. The very thought of Tayyip is lustily booed everywhere, from graduation ceremonies to race tracks. Athletic teams celebrate victories with Atatürk flags. Actors act out. Singers sing out. There is a frenzy of resistance music, art and caricatures. Agitprop Turkish-style fills the air and it is wonderful to behold. The brilliance of these kids is blinding. Normally rabidly partisan football fans have united in one team. Call it RESISTANCE fired by their joint rabid disgust with Erdoğan. Slogans are everywhere: “Everywhere Taksim, everywhere resistance,” “We are Mustafa Kemal’s soldiers.” They carry Turkish flags emblazoned with his image. “Tayyip resign!” they shout. But Tayyip resists, too. But nothing works for Erdoğan anymore. He cannot move about in public. His appearance at a public arena requires the government to purchase all tickets to redistribute to staunch party members. No booing of Tayyip is allowed! Verboten! Yasak!

    Dead Man Talking must deeply believe that he and the shameless American ambassador, one Francis Ricciardone, indeed share “democratic values.” That, and last week’s express air delivery from the ever-generous America of 43 tons of pepper gas put a little pep in his step. FORTY-THREE TONS! The more to gas and blind you with my dear Turkish children. And the American ambassador calls this “having a conversation within your Turkish family.” Yes, a conversation, like this perhaps…Would you like to catch a gas canister in your eye socket today, my dear? No? Well how about a little brain damage instead courtesy of that model of democratic values, the USA? No?  Well then, how about some lunch? A few rubber bullets to chew on, perhaps? Or a friendly whack on the ear by a cop’s made-in-the-West club? Or a police boot in your mouth to aid digestion? Still no? Goodness, gracious, you protesters are sure hard to please.

    Such is the twisted mind of the American ambassador, a man who lives by spewing honeyed words and putrid thoughts. He is America’s talking marionette. He is the source, the taproot of Dead Man Talking. He feeds him. An earlier not-so-nice American ambassador, Eric Edelman, blew the whistle on the prime minister and his eight Swiss bank accounts. Dead Man Walking brushed it off as nonsense saying he got his wealth from gifts at his son’s wedding. Nice son. Nice father. Isn’t love grand?

    Dead Man Talking. His delusions consume him. They will not leave him. Nor can he leave us. Nor can he tell the truth, to himself, to anyone. His delusions and the darkness, the sneaky darkness are his best friends. For him, everything is at stake. He thought he had it made, this prime minister. His friends, toadies all, never told him bad news. But it is in them, these flatterers, that he will begin to see his end. He will see it in their eyes. One evening he will see the streets again crowded with Turkish youth. He knows them well. They’re the “drunks and plunders” who laughingly embrace his  slanderous words. They are the future. And the prime minister’s toadies know it. And the prime minister should ask them this simple question: Am I still the future? And then watch their eyelids flutter and their eyeballs search for the door.

    The prime minister’s private police force has too many targets in too many cities. Too many peacefully assembled targets that he can now attack only at great peril to his already vanishing prestige. Anyway, America and Brazil and Israel cannot manufacture enough gas to stay the flood of people willing to die for a new future. They, the people of Turkey, are disgusted by the hijacked, exploited Islam that suppresses human freedom and replaces true spirituality with money, money, and more money. The young people that the prime minister so recklessly defames, these kids that appear on the television screens, are saying that they want a real democracy. Not this Turkish one that ruthlessly plunders the environment and enriches an equally ruthless business-political oligarchy. They want a new system, one yet unknown. One that Dead Man Walking and his ilk all over the world have not one iota of awareness.

    The kids want one that cedes REAL power to the REAL people, all of them. One that controls the overwhelming greed inherent in this dying capitalistic system. One that remedies the materialistic and intellectual corruption that  propels nations to kill and plunder. One that destroys forever imperialism in all its formulations that has always ravaged the planet. One that truly emancipates the people from the yoke of the religious mongering tyrants and their effete, cunning western backers. One that enables all people to clearly distinguish (and separate) their spiritual beliefs from their politics. No more conniving CIA Factbooks disclosing country-by-country religious breakdowns. No more religious markers on identification cards or any official or governmental form. Spirituality is from the heart, not from a piece of paper.

    It’s Hitler-time in the Berlin bunker. And the dimensions of the full horror visited upon long-suffering Turkey over the past ten years will soon be revealed. What will Dead Man Talking shout about then?  Will anyone listen? His toadies? His media? His police? His army? His rich wedding guests? What kind of a tale will he tell? What is the sound of no hands clapping? What is the fury?

    Cem Ryan, Ph.D.
    1 July 2013



  • NSA spied on EU diplomats in Washington, NY and Brussels – report

    NSA spied on EU diplomats in Washington, NY and Brussels – report


    Not only European citizens, but also employees of the EU diplomatic missions in Washington and the UN were under electronic surveillance from the NSA, Der Spiegel magazine reports citing a document obtained by whistleblower Edward Snowden.

    The German magazine claims to have taken a glance at parts of a “top secret” document, which reveals that US National Security Agency has placed bugs in EU offices in Washington and at the New York‘s United Nations headquarters in order to listen to conversations and phone calls.

    The internal computer networks in the buildings were also under surveillance, which granted NSA access to documents and emails of the European officials.

    The document, which categorically labels the European Union as a “target”, was dated September 2010, Der Spiegel says.

    The magazine reports that the NSA also targeted communications at the European Council headquarters at the Justus Lipsius building in Brussels, Belgium by calling a remote maintenance unit.

    According to Der Spiegel, more than five years ago EU security officers had noticed and traced several missed calls to an area of the NATO facility in Brussels, which was used by NSA experts.

    The US previously acknowledged that they were collecting data on European citizens under the PRISM program, but not on large scale, only in cases of strong suspicion of individual or group being involved in terrorism, cybercrime or nuclear proliferation.

    Former NSA contractor and CIA employee, Snowden, is believed to be currently staying in the transit zone of Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport where he arrived from Hong Kong on June 23.

    The 30-year-old, who leaked details of top-secret American government mass surveillance programs to the media, is waiting for Ecuador to decide on giving him political asylum as he’s being charged with espionage in the US.