Category: America

  • Amerika’nin degismeyen plani:

    Amerika’nin degismeyen plani:

    [email protected]

    150px USPresidentialSeal
    Kuzey Irak ile Guneydogu Anadolu’yu “ortak bir ekonomik bolge”de birle$tirmek.
    Boylece “Buyuk Kurdistan”In, yani BOP Merkez Ussu’nun altyapIsInI kurmak.

    Guneydogu Anadolu ile Kuzey Irak’I kapsayacak
    “Nitelikli Sanayi Bolgesi” Projesi

    ABD’nin Turkiye analistlerinden kIdemli istahbaratcI Prof. Henry Barkey, Wall Street Journal’da, Obama’nIn Turkiye’deki Kurt sorununun cozulmesi icin devreye girmesini istedi.

    Barkey, ABD’nin ekonomik i$birliginin geli$tirilmesi amacIyla da “Kurtlerin ya$adIgI Guneydogu ve Kuzey Irak’I kapsayacak bir Nitelikli Sanayi Bolgesi’nin kurulmasInI” onerdi. (Wall Street Journal, 22 Haziran 2009)

    ABD’nin eski Ankara Buyukelcisi Robert Pearson, “Turkiye’nin Dogu ve Guneydogusu ile Kuzey Irak’In tek bir ekonomik bolge haline getirilmesi gerektigini” soylemi$ti.

    Pearson’In da, Barkey’in de acIkca dile getirdikleri aslInda ABD’nin “Turkiye himayesinde Kurdistan” planIdIr.

    Bu planIn uygulanabilmesi icin bugune kadar AKP eliyle cIkarIlan yasalardan en onemli ucu $unlardIr:

    1-Ikiz sozle$meler TBMM’den gecirildi.
    BM’nin ikiz sozle$meleri diye bilinen “Ekonomik, Sosyal ve Kulturel Haklar Sozle$mesi” ve “Medeni ve Siyasi Haklar Sozle$mesi” ba$lIklI uluslararasI sozle$meler, 4 Haziran 2003 gunu TBMM’de onaylandI.

    Bu sozle$meler, Turkiye’yi etnik ve ekonomik parcalama yasalarI olarak degerlendiriliyor.
    a) DiyarbakIr Buyuk$ehir Belediye Ba$kanI Osman Baydemir, “bolgenin su ve enerji kaynaklarInI bize bIrakIn” derken, arkasInI AKP’nin TBMM’den gecirdigi bu ikiz sozle$melere dayIyordu!

    b) Ba$bakan Erdogan’In Bush’la goru$mesinin ardIndan ekranlardan verdigi $u mesaj da yine ikiz sozle$melerin eseridir: “$u anda Amerika’nIn da Buyuk Ortadogu Projesi var ya, Geni$letilmi$ Ortadogu, yani bu proje icerisinde DiyarbakIr bir merkez, bir yIldIz olabilir. Bunu ba$armamIz lazIm”.

    2-AKP, Kamu Yonetimi Temel Kanunu’nu 15 Temmuz 2004 tarihinde TBMM’den gecirdi. Bu yasa da, bolgelerdeki iktidar odaklarIna yerel hukumetler kurma zemini olu$turuyor.

    3-KalkInma AjanslarI yasasI TBMM’den gecirildi.

    AKP Turkiye’yi 12 “eyalet”e bolen yasayI, 25 Ocak 2006 tarihinde TBMM’den gecirdi. ABD ve AB’nin cIkmasI icin yogun baskI uyguladIgI yasa,  Turkiye’yi etnik ve ekonomik temelde bolgelere ayIrIyor.

    ABD’nin “Turkiye himayesinde Kurdistan” planI tum boyutlarIyla yururlukte…

    Once AKP iktidara getirildi. Yasalarla zemin olu$turuldu. Irak i$galiyle cografya duruma hazIr hale getirdi. Cuval operasyonuyla TSK’ya silah gosterildi. Ergenekon tertibiyle direnecek kuvvetler oyun dI$I bIrakIldI… $imdi sIra Irak’In kuzeyindeki yonetimi resmi olarak tanImakta… Yani Kukla Devleti kabul etmekte…

    Cumhurba$kanI Gul aracIlIgIyla ba$latIlan “acIlIm” i$te bu a$amanIn enstrumanIydI

  • Father’s doubts over Jackson death

    Father’s doubts over Jackson death

    a1Michael Jackson’s father said he had a “lot of concerns” over the events that led up to his son’s death, as details began to emerge of the post-mortem examination.

    Jackson’s body weighed just 8st 1oz – and his stomach only contained partially-dissolved pills when he died, it was reported.

    The findings, reported in The Sun, state the singer had four injection marks near his heart, apparently from attempts to pump adrenaline into the organ in a bid to restart it.

    Speaking on the Black Entertainment Television Awards’ red carpet in Los Angeles, Joe Jackson said he couldn’t go into detail about what his concerns were.

    But he added the singer’s children were the family’s “first priority” and that he and Michael’s mother, Katherine, have “authority for our son and his children”.

    Asked about funeral arrangements, Mr Jackson said: “We haven’t got to that yet, we are working on that.”

    In an unexpected move, Janet Jackson chose the Black Entertainment Television Awards ceremony to make her first public appearance since the death of her brother.

    Taking to the stage, the tearful singer said: “On behalf of my family and myself, thank you for all your love.

    “To you Michael is an icon. To us, Michael is family and he will forever live in all of our hearts.”

    Earlier, Joe Jackson had said he did not believe stress over the intense series of London concerts the King of Pop planned for his comeback had led to his death. He also said he believed his son would be larger in death than he was in life.

    Press Association

  • The Jackson family requested a second independent post-mortem examination

    The Jackson family requested a second independent post-mortem examination

    michael jackson1The Jackson family is understood to have requested a second independent post-mortem examination on Michael Jackson’s body, a coroners officer has said.

    Brian Elias, lieutenant at Los Angeles County Department of Coroner, said: “My understanding is that they have requested a second autopsy. But we have no way of confirming that.

    “The body is in a mortuary and if they want to proceed with a separate autopsy, it is up to them.”

    The first official examination was completed on Friday and the body released to the family.

    The Rev Jesse Jackson, a family friend, was reported to have encouraged the family lawyer to press for the Jacksons to order their own tests.

    The Jackson family have gathered at their home in Encino, Los Angeles, to discuss funeral arrangements and care for his three children.

    They are reported to be searching for answers about the singer’s last days amid reports that he received a shot of the powerful painkiller Demerol shortly before his death and claims he was regularly taking a cocktail of prescription drugs.

    A family friend said the Jacksons wanted to know more about the role AEG, the promoters of the singer’s planned UK concerts at London’s O2 Arena, was playing in his life before his death.

    The family are also waiting for answers from Dr Conrad Murray, Jackson’s personal physician who was with him when he died.

    Police are still waiting to question the doctor further and have seized his car from outside Jackson’s house in case it contained drugs or other evidence.

    Press Association

  • Michael Jackson was injected with a narcotic painkiller shortly before collapsing

    Michael Jackson was injected with a narcotic painkiller shortly before collapsing

    Doctors have completed an autopsy on the body of Michael Jackson but say they cannot immediately determine what killed the singer.

    michael jacksonSpeculation is now focusing on the 50-year-old’s use of prescription drugs, amid reports he was injected with a narcotic painkiller shortly before collapsing.

    Officials have confirmed the post mortem revealed no obvious signs of foul play but say further tests will be required, which could take several weeks.

    “The cause of death has been deferred, which means that the medical examiner has ordered additional testing such as toxicology and other studies,” said Los Angeles County Coroner’s spokesman Craig Harvey.

    “Those tests we anticipate will take an additional four to six weeks. There was no indication of any external trauma or indication of foul play to the body of Mr Jackson.”

    The superstar’s body has now been released to his family and was taken to an undisclosed location in a single, unescorted vehicle.

    Jackson was in full cardiac arrest when paramedics arrived at his rented $100,000-a-month mansion in Los Angeles on Thursday, with his personal physician trying desperately to revive him.

    The pop superstar was rushed to the nearby UCLA Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead without regaining consciousness.

    Police say they want to question Jackson’s personal physician, identified in local media reports as Houston-based cardiologist Dr Conrad Murray.

    Jackson’s body will be released to family members after they choose a mortuary for funeral arrangements, Harvey said. There was no immediate word on when he would be laid to rest.

    Celebrity website, which broke the news of the singer’s death, has cited an interview with an unidentified “close member” of the Jackson family, reporting the entertainer was injected with Demerol about half an hour before he went into cardiac arrest.

    The website said the family believed Jackson’s death was caused by an overdose of the drug, a narcotic painkiller.

    Detectives have searched Jackson’s home and impounded Murray’s Mercedes from the driveway, believing it may contain evidence.

    Meanwhile, authorities have released a recording of a 911 call to emergency services from the mansion at 12.21pm local time on Thursday, saying Jackson was unconscious and not breathing.

    The unidentified caller said the physician was the only other person present and was frantically performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the unconscious Jackson – without results.

    “He’s pumping, he’s pumping his chest but he’s not responding to anything, sir, please,” the man said.


  • Sarkozy and Obama continue to disagree over Turkey

    Sarkozy and Obama continue to disagree over Turkey


    US president Barack Obama’s visit to France on Saturday (6 June) to commemorate the 65th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy saw a convergence of opinion with his French counterpart Nicolas Sarkozy on several international policy issues, except Turkey’s EU aspirations.

    Following a private talk on the margins of the ceremony, both politicians said they agreed on opening a dialogue with Iran, but were strongly critical of Tehran’s refusal to suspend its nuclear programme. They also judged North Korea’s recent tests in that respect “extraordinarily provocative.”

    They expressed similar sentiment on the Middle East as well, saying that a two-state solution was needed in the Israel-Palestine conflict.

    “Perhaps never in the history of our countries have the United States and France been that close on the big dossiers and on the big topics,” Mr Sarkozy said at a joint press conference after the meeting.

    But when it comes to Turkey’s EU membership bid, Washington and Paris remained poles apart. While Mr Obama believes Ankara should join the EU, Mr Sarkozy remains firmly against the idea.

    “I’ve said publicly that I think Turkish membership of the EU would be important,” Mr Obama said.

    “What the US wants to do is just to encourage talks and discussions where Turkey can feel confident that it has a friendship with France, with the United States, with all of Europe and to the extent that it defines itself that it has an opportunity to be a part of that,” he added.

    For his part, Mr Sarkozy said he agreed on the general principle of having strong and friendly relations with Turkey, as well as of having the country as “a bridge between East and West.” But he reiterated his opposition to letting Ankara enter the EU as a full member.

    “I told President Obama that it’s very important for Europe to have borders. For me Europe is a stabilising element in the world that I cannot allow to be destroyed,” the French president said.

    EU candidate Turkey opened membership talks with the bloc four years ago, but they have been progressing only slowly, with just 10 of the 35 chapters of its negotiations package having been opened so far.

    ‘A tight schedule’

    While Mr Sarkozy has been preparing for the meeting for months, French media pointed out that it turned out to be much shorter than he hoped, with Mr Obama preferring to spend time in Paris with his family and at the American ambassador’s residence, rather than accepting an invitation for a meeting with Mr Sarkozy at the Elysee presidential palace.

    “Can one stay in the capital of an allied country without saying hello to your neighbour?” daily Le Figaro asked Saturday, referring to the fact that the American ambassador’s residence is just metres away from the Elysee.

    Mr Obama, who was visiting the Notre-Dame Cathedral with his wife and two daughters on Saturday evening, did “the minimum service” with regards to meeting Mr Sarkozy, writes Le Parisien.

    The paper adds that on top of that, Mr Obama’s team had tried to arrange a meeting with Jacques Chirac, Mr Sarkozy’s predecessor. Mr Sarkozy and Mr Chirac’ dislike for one other is well-known.

    Asked at Saturday’s press conference why he had made his visit that short, Mr Obama said he had only allocated four hours to Mr Sarkozy because he had “a tight schedule.”

    “I think it’s important to understand that good friends don’t worry about the symbols and the conventions and the protocols,” he said.

    “I would love nothing more than to have a leisurely week in Paris, stroll down the Seine, take my wife out to a nice meal, have a picnic. Those days are over, for the moment,” he added.

    For his part, Mr Sarkozy denied being frustrated by the affair.

    “We’re not here, watch in hand, saying, ‘How much time did you spend with so-and-so?’ ” he said at the press conference.

    “I understand that you should put the question, but frankly, do you think people are just waiting to see us hand-in-hand sitting here looking into one another’s eyes? Of course not.”

    Mr Obama will leave France on Sunday, but his wife Michelle and his daughters, who will be staying a day longer, will have lunch with Mr Sarkozy and his wife Carla in the Elysee palace.


  • Los Angeles Police investigating Jackson’s death

    Los Angeles Police investigating Jackson’s death


    Pop star Michael Jackson has died in Los Angeles, aged 50.


    Video Link

    Paramedics were called to the singer’s Beverly Hills home at about midday on Thursday after he stopped breathing.

    He was pronounced dead two hours later at the UCLA medical centre. Jackson’s brother, Jermaine, said he was believed to have suffered a cardiac arrest.

    Jackson, who had a history of health problems, had been due to stage a series of comeback concerts in the UK, beginning on 13 July.

    Speaking on behalf of the Jackson family, Jermaine said doctors had tried to resuscitate the star for more than an hour without success.

    added: “The family request that the media please respect our privacy during this tough time.”

    “And Allah be with you Michael always. I love you.”

    TV footage showed the star’s body flown from UCLA to the LA County Coroner’s office where a post-mortem is expected to take place on Friday.

    Concerns were raised last month when four of Jackson’s planned comeback concerts were postponed, but organisers insisted the dates had been moved due to the complexity of staging the show.

    A spokeswoman for The Outside Organisation, which was organising the publicity for the shows, said she had no comment at this time.

    Broadcaster Paul Gambaccini said: “I always doubted that he would have been able to go through that schedule, those concerts. It seemed to be too much of a demand on the unhealthy body of a 50 year old.

    “I’m wondering that, as we find out details of his death, if perhaps the stress of preparing for those dates was a factor in his collapse.

    “It was wishful thinking that at this stage of his life he could be Michael Jackson again.”

    Uri Geller, a close friend of the star, told BBC News it was “very, very sad”.

    Speaking outside New York’s historic Apollo theatre, civil rights activist Rev Al Sharpton paid tribute to his friend.

    “I knew him 35 years. When he had problems he would call me,” he said.

    “I feel like he was not treated fairly. I hope history will be more kind to him than some of the contemporary media.”

    Melanie Bromley, west coast bureau chief of Us Weekly magazine, told the BBC the scene in Los Angeles was one of “pandemonium”.

    “At the moment there is a period of disbelief. He was buying a home in the Holmby Hills area of Los Angeles and the scene outside the house is one of fans, reporters and TV cameras – it’s absolute craziness.

    “I feel this is the biggest celebrity story in a long time and has the potential to be the Princess Diana of popular culture.”

    Musical icon

    Tributes from the world of music and film have already flooded in from celebrities including Madonna, Arnold Schwarzenegger and ex-wife Lisa Marie Presley.

    Large numbers of fans have also gathered outside Jackson’s home and at the UCLA medical centre with lit candles to mourn the star while playing his greatest hits. Facebook groups have also been set up for fans to share their memories.

    The singer’s albums are occupying the top 15 slots of online music retailer’s current best-seller chart, led by his 1982 smash hit Thriller.

    Paramedics were called to the singer’s house in Bel Air at 1221 (1921GMT) following an emergency phone call.

    They performed CPR on Jackson and rushed him to the UCLA medical centre.

    A spokesman for the Los Angeles Police Department said the robbery and homicide team was investigating Jackson’s death because of its “high profile”, but there was no suggestion of foul play.

    Jackson began his career as a child in family group The Jackson 5.

    He then went on to achieve global fame as a solo artist with smash hits such as Billie Jean and Bad.

    Thriller, released in 1982, is the biggest-selling album of all time, shifting 65m copies, according to the Guinness Book of World Records.

    He scored seven UK number ones as a solo artist and won a total of 13 Grammy awards.

    “For Michael to be taken away from us so suddenly at such a young age, I just don’t have the words,” said Quincy Jones, who produced Thriller, Bad and Off The Wall.

    “He was the consummate entertainer and his contributions and legacy will be felt upon the world forever. I’ve lost my little brother today, and part of my soul has gone with him.”

    The singer had been dogged by controversy and money trouble in recent years, becoming a virtual recluse.
