Category: America

  • Biden: US Not Stand in Israel’s Way on Iran

    Biden: US Not Stand in Israel’s Way on Iran

    Published: July 5, 2009

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice President Joe Biden seemed to give Israel a green light for military action to eliminate Iran’s nuclear threat, saying the U.S. ”cannot dictate to another sovereign nation what they can and cannot do.”

    Israel considers Iran its most dangerous adversary and is wary of hard-line Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who just won a disputed re-election. He repeatedly has called for Israel to be wiped off the map and contends the Holocaust is a ”myth.”

    Israel and the U.S. accuse Iran of seeking to develop weapons under the cover of a nuclear power program. Iran denies that.

    ”Israel can determine for itself — it’s a sovereign nation — what’s in their interest and what they decide to do relative to Iran and anyone else,” Biden told ABC’s ”This Week” in an interview broadcast Sunday.

    ”Whether we agree or not. They’re entitled to do that. Any sovereign nation is entitled to do that. But there is no pressure from any nation that’s going to alter our behavior as to how to proceed,” Biden said.

    The government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says it prefers to see Iran’s nuclear program stopped through diplomacy but has not ruled out a military strike.

    ”If the Netanyahu government decides to take a course of action different than the one being pursued now, that is their sovereign right to do that. That is not our choice,” Biden said.

    Asked about Biden’s comments, Adm. Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Sunday that the U.S. position on Iran and a military strike involves a ”political decision.”

    ”I have been, for some time, concerned about any strike on Iran. I worry about it being very destabilizing, not just in and of itself but unintended consequences of a strike like that,” Mullen said on CBS’ ”Face the Nation.”

    ”At the same time, I’m one that thinks Iran should not have nuclear weapons. I think that is very destabilizing,” he said.

    While most experts are in agreement that there’s a good chance Iran could have a usable nuclear bomb sometime during his presidency, President Barack Obama told The Associated Press in an interview Thursday, ”I’m not reconciled with that.”

    A nuclear-armed Iran, Obama said, probably would lead to an arms race in the volatile Mideast and that would be ”a recipe for potential disaster.” He said opposing a nuclear weapons capacity for Iran was more than just ”a U.S. position” and that ”the biggest concern is not simply that Iran can threaten us or our allies, like Israel or its neighbors.”

    Israel is also concerned about Iran’s close support for two of its most committed enemies, Hezbollah guerrillas in Lebanon and Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip.

    Obama said in May, after his first meeting with Netanyahu at the White House, that the Iranians had until year’s end to get serious about international talks on curbing their nuclear ambitions. ”We’re not going to have talks forever,” he said.

    But Obama sees movement on Israeli-Palestinian peace as key to building a moderate Arab coalition against Iran, while Netanyahu says dealing with the Iranian threat must take precedence over peacemaking with the Palestinians.

    Most experts believe that wiping out the Iranian nuclear program is beyond the ability of Israel’s military. In 1982 the Israeli air force destroyed Iraq’s nuclear reactor in a lightning strike. But Iran’s facilities are scattered around the country, some of them underground.

    Biden was asked in the interview that if the Israelis decide they need to try to take out Iran’s nuclear program, would the U.S. stand in the way militarily?

    ”We cannot dictate to another sovereign nation what they can and cannot do,” the vice president replied. ”Israel has a right to determine what’s in its interests, and we have a right and we will determine what’s in our interests.”

  • Swine Flu as Biological Warfare Weapon?

    Swine Flu as Biological Warfare Weapon?



    Swine Flu as Biological Warfare Weapon?

    Do you think that the H1N1 strain of swine flu is likely to be a CREATED weapon of mass infection? Consider the logistics involved in order for this virus to have combined itself the way it has. From an article on NAtural News….

    (NaturalNews) Perhaps due to the genetic makeup of the fast-spreading H1N1 strain of influenza — which includes genetic elements from bird flu, swine flu and human flu spanning three continents — there is considerable speculation that the origins of this virus are man-made……..

    Is there any hard evidence of laboratory origins?

    As of this moment, I have not personally seen any conclusive evidence of laboratory origins for this H1N1 swine flu. I am open to the possibility that new evidence may emerge in this direction, however, and I am suspicious of the genetic makeup of the virus as one possible indicator of its origins.

    I am not a medical specialist in the area of infectious disease, but I have studied microbiology, genetics and a considerable amount of material on pandemics. What seems suspicious to me is the hybrid origin of the viral fragments found in H1N1 influenza. According to reports in the mainstream media (which has no reason to lie about this particular detail), this strain of influenza contains viral code fragments from:

    • Human influenza
    • Bird Flu from North America
    • Swine flu from Europe
    • Swine flu from Asia

    This is rather astonishing to realize, because for this to have been a natural combination of viral fragments, it means an infected bird from North America would have had to infect pigs in Europe, then be re-infected by those some pigs with an unlikely cross-species mutation that allowed the bird to carry it again, then that bird would have had to fly to Asia and infected pigs there, and those Asian pigs then mutated the virus once again (while preserving the European swine and bird flu elements) to become human transmittable, and then a human would have had to catch that virus from the Asian pigs — in Mexico! — and spread it to others. (This isn’t the only explanation of how it could have happened, but it is one scenario that gives you an idea of the complexity of such a thing happening).

    A news report on the alternative media website “InfoWars” says the following…

    During the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) Summit in Montebello, Canada in 2005, the “three amigos” (Bush, Harper and Calderon) released “North American Plan for Avian and Pandemic Influenza,” described as a “collaborative North American approach that recognizes that controlling the spread of avian influenza or a novel strain of human influenza, with minimal economic disruption, is in the best interest of all three countries.” The plan outlines how “Canada, Mexico and the United States intend to work together to prepare for and manage avian and pandemic influenza.”….

    On Monday, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon stoked the fear of a global flu pandemic. He said the Mexican flu outbreak is the “first test” of the “pandemic preparedness work undertaken by the international community over the past three years.” Ban Ki-moon said if “we are indeed facing a pandemic, we need to demonstrate global solidarity. In our interconnected world, no nation can deal with threats of such dimension on its own.”

    For Ki-moon and the global elite, “global solidarity” in “our interconnected world” translates into yet another push for world government. Ki-moon’s dire warning falls on the heels of the G20 summit where plans were announced for implementing the creation of a new global currency to replace the U.S. dollar’s role as the world reserve currency. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and others repeatedly called for “global governance” and a “New World Order.”


    If this is your first introduction to the idea that our governements could be so devious, take a deep breath, and just consider that all is NEVER what it seems. Granted InfoWars reporting tends to be a little on the outside of extreme sometimes, but I do believe that there is a distinct probability that away from the option of one world government control (and all that) … that this is just a simple biological warfare weapons test. Well not all that simple, however, it is a fairly well known fact that governments the world over are testing out new strains of viruses and bacterium.

    I am also going to encourage you to compare how this virus is behaving when held up to typical flu pandemics.

    If you don’t think that governments would intentionally spray or test anything on humans then think again. You really need to watch this YouTube video on ChemTrails – It may not convince you but it should get you thinking. OK I know only wierdos talk about chem trails but this is a news story with real laboratory confirmed testing of what falls. It’s a very short clip worth watching.

    What do you think? Have you considered the possibility that certain world governments are using Mexico (and the world) as their own personal petri dish for the swine flu?

  • Hydrogen land speed record broken – 199 mph

    Hydrogen land speed record broken – 199 mph

    jesse jamesHydrogen land speed record broken – 199 mph
    Transportation, June  22  2009 (The Hydrogen Journal)

    The hydrogen land speed record has been broken by Jesse James, driving a modified 1960s era streamliner vehicle to drive on hydrogen, reaching a speed of 199 mph, according to an article in Wired magazine.

    Liquid hydrogen fuel “is way easier to make a motor run on but it will never be practical for everyday cars,” Mr James told Wired magazine.


    “The engine produces 780 horsepower and 900 foot-pounds of torque.”


    The record was broken on June 8th, for Mr James’ TV show “Jesse James is a dead man.”

    [ He fell just short of his goal of 200 mph, but it was enough to top the 186.52 mph record BMW held] 1

    1) Wired magazine article

    The Hydrogen Journal



    We need more emails sent please!

    Kindly circulate this message as widely as possible!

    Thank you.




    To:  All Turkish-Americans and Friends

    Step 1 – Please select one of the 17 sample letters below (or create your own wording)

    Step 2-  Add your name, address, and day phone

    Step 3-  E-mail the Assembly Members below today!

    California State Assembly / Committee on Education / Phone

    (916) 319-2087

    Committee Members


    Phone / Fax


    Julia Brownley – Chair


    (916) 319-2041

    Fax: (916) 319-2141

    [email protected]

    Brian Nestande – Vice Chair


    (916) 319-2064

    Fax: 916-319-2164

    [email protected]

    Tom Ammiano


    (916) 319-2013

    Fax: (916) 319-2113

    [email protected]

    Juan Arambula


    (916) 319-2031

    Fax: (916) 319-2131

    [email protected]

    Joan Buchanan


    (916) 319-2015

    Fax: (916) 319-2115

    [email protected]

    Wilmer Amina Carter


    (916) 319-2062

    Fax: (916) 319-2162

    [email protected]

    Mike Eng


    (916) 319-2049

    Fax: (916) 319-2149

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    Martin Garrick


    (916) 319-2074

    Fax: 916-319-2174

    [email protected]

    Jeff Miller


    (916) 319-2071

    Fax: 916-319-2171

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    Jose Solorio


    (916) 319-2069

    Fax: (916) 319-2169

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    Tom Torlakson


    (916) 319-2011

    Fax: (916) 319-2111

    [email protected]


    Letter 1

    No to  SB 234

    Dear Assembly Member,

    Senate Bill No. 234 will cause division, polarization, and isolation among our children simply because it attempts to teach scholarly contested political controversies and views as routine, settled history.

    Case in point:  Rwanda was declared “genocide” by the International Court of Justice under the rules of the UN Genocide Convention, but, Darfur/Sudan was not; the latter was charged with crimes against humanity and other war crimes.  If you cannot see the difference, that SB 234 deceives you, too.

    Another case in point:  The Jewish Holocaust is a court-tested verdict (Nuremberg, 1945), whereas Armenian allegations of genocide have not yet seen the inside of a “competent tribunal” because of fears that Armenian hearsay and forgeries may not stand the scrutiny.

    If we choose to declare any event in history anything we want, just by the number of votes cast by legislators, what kind of message are really sending our children about scholarship in history or other social sciences?  Forget education, think legislation?

    Dear Assembly Member, whatever happened to the time honored dictum:  “Teach the children well?”

    I urge you to vote NO on SB 234 !


    (name, address, day phone)

    Letter 2

    Please  vote  No on SB 234 !

    Dear Assembly Member

    In these economic hard times, California is paying huge sums to Armenians who have been brought here on false documentations as “relatives” just to campaign and act against Turkish Americans and Azeris.

    This, in addition to these representatives of Armenian origin debasing the properly court-recognized genocide victims and wasting our public state resources in time, money and energy year after year for hate campaigns.

    Proof?  Simple:  Just take out the reference to Armenian mythical genocide and let’s see if they still are sponsoring these bills.

    Please do not be a party to advancing Armenian interests which run against the American interests.

    California first !

    I urge you to vote No on SB 234 !


    (Name, address, day phone)

    Letter 3

    No on SB 234 !

    Dear Assembly Member

    Make no mistake: this is an Armenian bill against Turkey and Turks, thinly camouflaged by other, more proper human tragedies.   We live in California, America, not Armenia.

    Turkey and Armenia should be allowed to settle their differences over sensitive historical subjects via appropriate local and international research institutions, as Turkey offered in 2005 and Armenia refused.

    If the allegations of crimes against humanity were to withstand the cross examinations and scrutiny of the court room, as described in the 1948 UN Genocide Convention, then it is declared a genocide.  Without such impartial investigation followed by judicial proceedings, like Nuremberg Trial, it is inappropriate for the California legislature to label the massive suffering of multiethnic society in Eastern Anatolia in the course of World War I as a solely “Armenian genocide”, totally ignoring the Muslim (mostly Turkish) victims of Armenian revolutionaries and irregulars, Armenian rebellions, treason, and territorial demands.  Senate is not the place to sort historical debates.

    Please do not be a party to advancing Armenian interests which run against the American interests.

    California first !

    I urge you to vote No on SB 234 !


    (Name, address, day phone)

    Letter 4

    No on SB 234 !

    Dear Assembly Member

    This is a bill by the Armenian lobby against Turkey and Turks. We live in California, America, not Armenia.

    Teaching students such a one-sided, politically-loaded and unprofessionally-legislated version of history is inappropriate for the State of California, which is committed to ethnic diversity.

    If the learning objective of oral histories is to give students a glimpse of past, we should not uphold only one interpretation of history falling prey to political interest groups. Thousands of Turkish-Americans in California have a family history connecting to sad events of World War I, and it would be absolutely un-American for our education system to isolate and discriminate against them by imposing a legislated interpretation of history.

    Please do not be a party to advancing Armenian interests which run against the American interests.

    California first !

    I urge you to vote No on SB 234 !


    (Name, address, day phone)

    Letter 5

    No on SB 234 !

    Dear Assembly Member

    I respectfully oppose this bill, basically by the Armenian lobby against Turkey and Turks, and agree with the sentiments voiced by the Turkish-American Legal Defense Fund on it:

    “ An act to… (require) oral history indoctrination of public school students in a single, disputed thesis of an historical controversy …”

    This bill would result in the further indoctrination of California’s public school students in the Armenian genocide thesis of World War I, despite the genuine historical dispute over how to properly characterize these events.

    This bill is both educationally wrongheaded and unconstitutional under the First Amendment and

    the exclusive foreign relations power of the federal government.  Any Member who votes for SB 234 would be flouting his or her oath or affirmation to support the Constitution.

    I urge you to vote No on SB 234 !


    (Name, address, day phone)

    Letter 6

    No on SB 234 !

    Dear Assembly Member

    I respectfully oppose this bill, which attempts to teach a hotly debated controversy as settled history, at taxpayer’s expense.

    The Turkish-Armenian conflict is a genuine historic controversy because the human tragedy and its characterization singly as Armenian genocide are disputed among reputable scholars of the era and region.  SB 234’s advocacy of a single viewpoint constitutes nothing less than educational malpractice.

    Reputable experts either take issue with the genocide characterization, or provide an historical narrative which clashes with the California model curriculum on human rights and genocide. A recently launched website lists these scholars and excerpts of their works.   They include: Arend Jan Boekestijn, Youssef Courbage, Bertil Duner, Gwynne Dyer, Edward J. Erickson, Philippe Fargues, Michael M. Gunter, Eberhard Jäckel, Yitzchak Kerem, Bernard Lewis, Guenter Lewy, Heath W. Lowry, Andrew Mango, Michael E. Meeker, Justin Mccarthy, Stephen Pope, Michael Radu, Jeremy Salt, Stanford Shaw, Norman Stone, Hew Strachan, Elizabeth-Anne Wheal, Brian G. Williams, Gilles Veinstein, And Malcolm Yapp. please visit:

    Please, let’s all strive to teach the children well.

    I urge you to vote No on SB 234 !


    (Name, address, day phone)

    Letter 7

    No on SB 234 !

    Dear Assembly Member

    I respectfully oppose this bill, which attempts to teach a hotly debated controversy as settled history, at taxpayer’s expense.

    Contrary to popular belief in California, the genocide thesis for the Armenian tragedy does not command a consensus in the community of Middle East and Ottoman scholars.

    The United Nations has refused to endorse it. And both the governments of Great Britain and Sweden have in recent years chosen not to endorse Armenian genocide resolutions after careful consideration.

    Consider for example a central figure routinely summoned in favor of the Armenian thesis: United States Ambassador Henry Morgenthau. His reports were based on hearsay, not personal eyewitness evidence. He never strayed beyond Istanbul during his 26 months as U.S. Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire. He never visited the regions where he said great crimes were committed. He could not speak Turkish, Greek, French or Armenian, the four languages used in the Ottoman capital. He reported events selectively for political impact. On November 26, 1917, Morgenthau confessed in a letter to President Wilson that he intended to write a book vilifying Turks and Germans to, “win a victory for the war policy of the government.”  Moreover, he admitted that his works were edited and sometimes changed by his Armenian assistants: Arshag K. Schmavonian and Hagop S. Andonian, neither of which, the historical record has shown, visited the areas in rebellion.

    Please, let’s not stray from the truth.  Let’s all strive to teach the children well.

    I urge you to vote No on SB 234 !


    (Name, address, day phone)

    Letter 8

    No on SB 234 !

    Dear Assembly Member

    I respectfully oppose this bill, which attempts to teach a hotly debated controversy as settled history, at taxpayer’s expense.

    The genocide claim for the Armenian tragedy does not command a consensus in the community of Middle East and Ottoman scholars. The United Nations has also refused to endorse it. Governments of Great Britain and Sweden have in recent years chosen not to endorse Armenian genocide resolutions after careful consideration. No countries in Asia or Africa have recognized it.  Only a handful of countries where Armenian Diaspora exerted political pressure recogniexd Armenian claims.

    Moreover,  while the Ottoman Archives are fully open, key Armenian archives remain closed.  All of the relevant evidence is has not yet been made available. There has never been an impartial, independent tribunal or commission that has evaluated the Armenian genocide thesis, in contrast to judicial affirmations of the Holocaust or the Rwandan genocide. That glaring omission is not for the absence of an available judicial forum. The International Court of Justice enjoys jurisdiction to determine genocide accusations under the United Nations Genocide Convention of 1948. The ICJ recently adjudicated Bosnia’s claim of genocide against Serbia and Montenegro (February 26, 2007).

    I urge you to vote No on SB 234 !


    (Name, address, day phone)

    Letter 9

    No on SB 234 !

    Dear Assembly Member

    I respectfully oppose this bill, which attempts to teach a hotly debated controversy as settled history, at California taxpayer’s expense and at a time of financial crisis.

    The Ottoman Armenian tragedy is matched by the Ottoman Muslim tragedy that left 2.4 million corpses in Anatolia alone, yet the former is exhaustively taught in California while the latter is completely ignored. To teach the mutual tragedies and sorrows as an episode the precursor of Holocaust-like wickedness is educationally preposterous.

    Indeed, SB 234 betrays a Christian bigotry that traces back to the Crusades and it dishonors President George Washington’s celebration of the United States as  “giving to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance.”

    I urge you to vote No on SB 234 !


    (Name, address, day phone)

    Letter 10

    No on SB 234 !

    Dear Assembly Member

    I respectfully oppose this bill, which attempts to teach a hotly debated controversy as settled history, at California taxpayer’s expense and at a time of financial crisis.

    I note for the Committee’s reference that the Republic of Turkey has proposed to the Republic of Armenia an international commission of experts to determine the facts and characterizations relevant to the Armenian thesis and to accept its findings as authoritative and conclusive.  The Armenian government appears to have now endorsed at least some sort of historical reckoning with Turkey in the recently announced rapprochement roadmap unveiled on April 23. Many U.S. Armenians have criticized this approach, preferring history to be written by politicians, swayed by voting clout, rather than by truth.

    I  would respectfully suggest that most Assembly Members are poorly equipped by scholarship or otherwise to make an educated assessment of the Armenian thesis. Accordingly, to vote in support of SB 234 would be more an act of religious faith than of secular knowledge.

    I urge you to vote No on SB 234 !


    (Name, address, day phone)

    Letter 11

    No on SB 234 !

    Dear Assembly Member

    The First Amendment prohibits government from compelling its citizens to endorse or promote speech that they dispute.  Justice Robert Jackson, chief prosecutor before the Nuremberg Tribunal, wrote that the First Amendment prohibits government from stipulating what is orthodox in politics or otherwise by majority vote.

    The Supreme Court has strictly policed the public school environment where the need for freedom of inquiry and thought to develop citizens fit for self-government are at their zenith. Thus, school authorities were prohibited from removing books from school libraries because of antagonism towards their viewpoints.  The Court elaborated on the importance of academic freedom in teaching  social studies.

    “…No one should underestimate the vital role in a democracy that is played by those who guide and train our youth… No field of education is so thoroughly comprehended by man that new discoveries cannot yet be made. Particularly is that true in the social sciences, where few, if any, principles are accepted as absolutes. Scholarship cannot flourish in an atmosphere of suspicion and distrust. Teachers

    and students must always remain free to inquire, to study and to evaluate, to gain new maturity and understanding; otherwise our civilization will stagnate and die.”

    I urge you to vote No on SB 234 !


    (Name, address, day phone)

    Letter 12

    No on SB 234 !

    Dear Assembly Member

    The Supreme Court rejected state to impose ideological conformity on teachers through loyalty oaths or

    otherwise.  Justice William Brennan explained:

    “Our Nation is deeply committed to safeguarding academic freedom, which is of transcendent value to all of us and not merely to the teachers concerned. That freedom is therefore a special concern of the First Amendment, which does not tolerate laws that cast a pall of orthodoxy over the classroom. “

    And then there is this:   “ …The classroom is peculiarly the ‘marketplace of ideas.’ The Nation’s future depends upon leaders trained through wide exposure to that robust exchange of ideas which discovers truth ‘out of a multitude of tongues, [rather] than through any kind of authoritative selection’….”

    I urge you to vote No on SB 234 !


    (Name, address, day phone)

    Letter 14

    No on SB 234 !

    Dear Assembly Member

    Honorable Assembly Member,

    I  respectfully oppose SB 234, which facially concerns a new oral history component in the teaching of social studies in California.  While oral histories are an important educational tool in engaging young people to have a better understanding of our past, SB 234 is inappropriate because we believe oral histories should not be a mandated component of this curriculum and we are concerned about the required expenditures assumed by this bill.

    SB 234 is classic pork barrel politics, adding a new requirement to a subject that is already required to be taught in order to graduate and adding a new cost to California taxpayers, all to please a particular constituency.  I am also concerned that the potential costs of this bill are poorly defined.  California is facing unprecedented budgetary pressures and making cuts to basic educational programs and services.

    No on SB 234 !


    (Name, address, day phone)

    Letter 15

    No on SB 234 !

    Dear Assembly Member,

    I note that the California Model Curriculum on Human Rights and Genocide asks that students be taught critical thinking especially on controversial subjects.  The Armenian case cries out for a multiplicity of viewpoints to be heard so that students can judge for themselves and draw their own lessons from the events.  I recommend that if an oral history component is to be mandated, that it not be limited to victims of just one side of the Turkish Armenian controversy, but also to Muslim victims as well.

    SB 234 has no clear measurement or accountability tools. It does not provide sufficiently clear guidelines to ensure that history is accurately represented in all cases.  Case in point:   the use of the term Armenian genocide is simply disrespectful of the widespread suffering and loss felt by all communities during WWI at the fall of the Ottoman Empire. During that time Muslims and Christians suffered alike from a variety of causes, tragedy was mutual, and Armenian complicity was wide and deep.

    No on SB 234 !


    (Name, address, day phone)

    Letter 16

    No on SB 234 !

    Dear Assembly Member,

    The desired educational outcome of this mandate is unclear. If it is to help students to understand past transgressions in international politics and societies, then there is ample support in the existing curriculum, which, though I disagree on its one-sidedness in addressing the Armenian-Turkish conflict, is certainly substantial.  Then the terms of this bill need to be broadened to include oral histories from various wartime victims. California is too diverse to allow such an important issue as oral histories to be provided by  only five communities.  The scope of voices heard by students should include other key historical events such as the Iraq War, El Salvador, Guatemala, Vietnam and Korean history as well as many others.

    No on SB 234 !


    (Name, address, day phone)

    Letter 17

    No on SB 234 !

    Dear Assembly Member,

    Turkey and Armenia should be allowed to settle their history in the judicial arena and diplomatically; not by California legislation.  We ask you to remove the explicit focus on the “Armenian genocide”. Unlike the Jewish Holocaust, which was a horrific event, documented and proven at court (Nuremburg Trial), the large scale suffering of the Armenian people during a time of war has not been adjudged to have constituted the crime of genocide.

    Furthermore, to teach it, labeled as such, creates a bias in the curricula and will not allow for a honest dialogue to take place.  If the learning objective of oral histories is to give students a glimpse into the past, let’s give them the chance to see all sides of this past. Turkish Americans should also be encouraged to explain how their grandparents’ villages were razed and their relatives were put on a train, alone, to Istanbul to be raised in an orphanage or by other family members.

    No on SB 234 !


    (Name, address, day phone)


    Dear _____________:

    I am deeply concerned by the recent possibility of consideration and passage of  State Resolution No. SB-234, which seals a one-sided approach to a genuine historical controversy to which the United States is not a party.

    The resolution in question is based on a spurious historical allegation that has not been historically or legally substantiated to this date. As such, it is not only without foundation, it is also inconsiderate, to the extent that it defames Turkish people as genocide perpetrators.

    Numerous American scholars, all experts in the history of the Ottoman Empire, dispute the majority of the findings in the resolution, leading to the conclusion that although Armenian civilian losses during World War I were tragic, the events of 1915 were not tantamount to genocide. Armenians did not suffer alone and that millions of Turks also lost their lives during the same period from similar causes, including massacres by Armenian rebel bands.

    I note that the resolution highlights the need to eliminate hatred. Yet I must question why this resolution, which embodies a festering enmity by certain extremist Armenian Americans toward Turks should be put to the vote. I cannot imagine how the passage of the said resolution, promoted by the same ethnic constituency, fosters peace, tolerance and dialogue among the many ethnic communities represented in California or in the USA.

    The above notwithstanding, Turkey has no fear of its past and is willing to examine it, wherever that may lead.  On April 10, 2005, Turkey ’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan invited Armenian President Robert Kocharian and the people of Armenia to establish a Joint Historical Commission to study the events of 1915 and share its findings with the general public.   Turkey ’s Foreign Minister at the time Abdullah Gül added that historians from other countries, including the United States , would be welcome to take part.

    Our past President Bush has acknowledged the wisdom of this approach, stating, “We look to a future of freedom, peace, and prosperity in Armenia and Turkey and hope that Prime Minister Erdogan’s recent proposal for a joint Turkish-Armenian commission can help advance these processes.”  Our last  Secretary of States Ms.Rice  has also urged Turkey and Armenia to study their past together, saying, “These historical circumstances require a very detailed and sober look from historians. And what we’ve encouraged the Turks and the Armenians to do is to have joint historical commissions that can look at this, to have efforts to examine their past and, in examining their past, to get over their past.”

    SB Res 252 will jeopardize American national interests and security, as it will damage US-Turkish relations. Turkey is a key ally of the United
    States . In 2007, the last time such a Resolution in US Congress was introduced, former Secretaries of State Alexander Haig, Henry Kissinger, George Shultz, James Baker, Lawrence Eagleburger, Warren Christopher, Madeleine Albright and Colin Powell stated: “We must recognize the important contributions Turkey is making to U.S. national security, including security and stability in the Middle East and Europe. The United States continues to rely on Turkey for its geo-strategic importance. Turkey is an indispensable partner to our efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan , helping U.S. troops to combat terrorism and build security.”
    And, the leader of the Armenian Church in Turkey , Archbishop Mesrob II has unequivocally stated, “Our children should grow up in friendship and brotherhood and not be poisoned by the seeds of hatred. … The proper platform to discuss this subject could only be a forum composed of Turkish and Armenian historians, and under conditions of equality and freedom.”

    Ultimately, the message is clear: history ought not to be legislated. Only through genuine dialogue can Turks and Armenians reconcile their diametrically opposed narratives in a mutually acceptable manner.

    In light of the above, I  would respectfully urge you not to support this resolution SB-234, which not only defeats the goal of ethnic harmony but also runs counter to the policy of the current and pasted US-Administration.

  • Armenian, Azeri Presidents Set For Another Meeting

    Armenian, Azeri Presidents Set For Another Meeting

    1CB5A6EB 4550 4DF7 81A8 08225B3194F9 w393 s

    Armenia — The foreign ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan meet in Paris on June 26, 2009.

    Emil Danielyan

    The presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan look set to hold soon yet another round of face-to-face negotiations which international mediators hope will remove the remaining obstacles to a framework peace agreement on Nagorno-Karabakh.

    The foreign ministers of the two warring nations discussed the possibility of such a meeting during six-hour talks in Paris on Friday. The U.S., Russian and French diplomats co-chairing the OSCE were also in attendance.

    “The meeting of the foreign ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan held in Paris was useful and took place in a constructive atmosphere,” the Armenian Foreign Ministry said in a statement. It was decided that the Minsk Group co-chairs will again visit the conflict zone “in the first half of July,” said the statement.

    “We coordinated our approaches to resolving the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and continued to prepare the next meeting of [Presidents] Ilham Aliev and Serzh Sarkisian,” the Azerbaijani Trend news agency quoted the U.S. co-chair, Matthew Bryza, as saying after the talks. He said that meeting could take place in Moscow in July.

    In an interview with the Reuters news agency last week, Bryza said the mediators hope that Aliev and Sarkisian will bridge their remaining differences over the basic principles of a Karabakh settlement proposed by the mediators. “We hope that if they meet in the middle of July, they will have agreed conceptually on all the elements of these basic principles,” he said.

    He said the parties would then go line by line through the three-and-a-half pages of text to agree the details. “Once that happens, which we the co-chairs are shooting for by the end of the year, then we could say, it would be true, that a framework agreement has been reached,” added Bryza.

    In a joint statement issued earlier this month, the co-chairs said Aliev and Sarkisian “narrowed the differences between the two countries on a number of the Basic Principles” at their last meeting held in Saint Petersburg, Russia on June 4. They did not give any details, sticking to the confidentiality of the protracted peace process.




    Saturday, 13 June 2009
    APA’s US bureau reports that the US-based law office of Geragos & Geragos owned by famous lawyer of Armenian descent Mark Geragosian addressed heirs of Ethnic Greek New York Life Policy Holders who “were murdered” in the Genocide perpetrated by the Ottoman Turks between 1915 and 1921.

    “Prior to 1915, New York Life sold life insurance policies to thousands of Greeks living in the Ottoman Empire. Countless Greek policyholders were among the hundreds of thousands of Greeks who perished in the first Genocide of the twentieth century. In the ensuing chaos, many of the rightful heirs were unable to produce the documentation required to claim the insurance proceeds while others were unaware that they were entitled to any insurance benefits. In 2004, a class action settlement of $20 million which involved 2,300 Armenian New York Life policyholders with unpaid claims was awarded to the descendents of the victims massacred in the Armenian Genocide of 1915,” Geragos & Geragos noted in the special webpage launched for this purpose.

    This is not the first campaign launched by the US Armenian community to damage Turkey”s image. Earlier, California State Assembly member of Armenian descent Paul Krekorian presented a bill “Justice for Genocide Victims” and wanted prohibition of investments in Turkey and other states that committed “genocide.”