Category: America

  • United States Pressed Turkey To Host Missile Defense Radar

    United States Pressed Turkey To Host Missile Defense Radar

    By Turner Brinton

    WASHINGTON — The latest U.S. plan for a European missile shield features a radar system that would be deployed next year, possibly in Turkey, to cue interceptors that initially would be based at sea, with upgraded variants to be installed on the ground in Romania and later in Poland, according to leaked U.S. government documents and congressional testimony by senior Pentagon officials.

    U.S. President Barack Obama’s plan for defending Europe against ballistic missiles gained a new level of legitimacy Nov. 19 when the 28-member NATO alliance agreed to a new strategic concept that for the first time includes defending its territories from ballistic missile attacks. Details of that plan have begun to emerge following the Nov. 28 disclosure of thousands of classified U.S. diplomatic cables by the whistleblower website WikiLeaks and a Dec. 1 hearing held by the House Armed Services strategic forces subcommittee.

    Obama’s Phased Adaptive Approach (PAA) to European missile defense would be the centerpiece of the new NATO mission. Announced in late 2009, the PAA replaced the previous administration’s plan to place 10 long-range interceptor missiles in Poland and a radar site in the Czech Republic. That concept drew sharp criticism from Russia, which viewed the system as a threat to its nuclear deterrent. The PAA is expected to be deployed several years sooner to address the most pressing threats: large numbers of small- and medium-range ballistic missiles being deployed by Iran, U.S. officials say.

    The first of four PAA phases would begin in early 2011 when a U.S. Navy Aegis ship equipped with Standard Missile (SM)-3 Block 1A interceptors is deployed to the Eastern Mediterranean, Jim Miller, principal undersecretary of defense for policy, said during the hearing.

    In addition, the first phase calls for deployment of an Army Navy/Transportable Radar Surveillance system to Southern Europe. Miller said the Pentagon expects to meet its 2011 deployment goal but that no decision has been made on a host nation.

    During a January trip to Ankara, Turkey, however, U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates pressed Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on an agreement to host the radar, according to a Jan. 26 U.S. State Department cable posted on WikiLeaks. WikiLeaks has started to release what it says are more than 250,000 State Department communications, many of which are classified “Secret.”

    The United States has told Turkey that a decision not to host the radar is essentially a decision to opt out of missile defense coverage, based on the physics and geometry of the missile defense shield, the cable said. Turkey’s primary concern is damaging its relationship with Iran, which the United States has often singled out as a “rogue state” that could threaten the entire region with ballistic missiles. Erdogan, in an earlier meeting with Obama, said the missile defense system would have to be implemented in a NATO context in order to minimize the political cost Turkey would bear, the cable said.

    During another trip to Ankara Feb. 10, Gates told Turkish Minister of National Defense Mehmet Vecdi Gonul that other countries in Southeast Europe might be interested in hosting the radar, but Turkey is the optimal site. Gonul said he considered the PAA to be better than the previous plan because it could cover Turkey, and discussions about hosting the radar were ongoing within the Turkish government, according to a Feb. 16 cable.

    Also disclosed in the leaked State Department cables:

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov rejected a U.S. offer to drop its European missile defense plans entirely in exchange for Russia’s help in pressuring Iran to end its nuclear weapons program during an April 2009 meeting with a congressional delegation led by U.S. Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.).

    Then-French Defense Minister Hervé Morin expressed skepticism about the effectiveness of a missile defense system deployed to defend European populations during a February meeting with Gates. Gates rebutted the arguments, noting that missile defense contributes to deterrence.

    During the Dec. 1 hearing, meanwhile, U.S. Rep. Jim Langevin (D-R.I.), chairman of the strategic forces subcommittee, expressed frustration that the Pentagon has not informed Congress of the total funding and inventory requirements for the PAA. This information is being calculated in the Joint Capability Mix-3 study that is being conducted by the Joint Integrated Air and Missile Defense Organization, said Navy Rear Adm. Archer Macy, the organization’s director. The study is expected to be completed in March and will be delivered to Congress shortly thereafter, Macy said.

    The U.S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA) is on track to develop and procure the missile defense assets needed for all four phases of the PAA on time, said Army Lt. Gen. Patrick O’Reilly, the MDA’s director. The second phase of the plan, to be implemented by 2015, calls for the installation of 24 SM-3 Block 1B interceptors in Romania. Both the land- and sea-based missiles would be guided by a new fire-control system, Aegis 4.0.1, that would be deployed by that time. The Pentagon by 2015 expects to have an inventory of 292 SM-3 interceptors, both Block 1A and Block1B, according to Miller’s written testimony.

    The third PAA phase, targeted for completion by 2018, includes the placement of 24 next-generation SM-3 Block 2A interceptors in Poland managed by the Aegis 5.1 system. This phase would be the first to incorporate missile tracking data from a planned satellite constellation called the Precision Tracking Space System that the MDA is studying. This phase also would use data from unmanned aerial vehicles equipped with infrared sensors.

    The fourth phase, to be complete by 2020, would feature the Next Generation Aegis Missile, formerly known as SM-3 Block 2B. This would be the first interceptor deployed in the PAA capable of defeating ICBMs headed for the United States.

  • Justice Minister Ergin Arrives In Washington

    Justice Minister Ergin Arrives In Washington

    031210 ergin2Turkish Justice Minister Sadullah Ergin has arrived in U.S. capital of Washington on Thursday.

    Ergin was greeted at the Dulles International Airport by the Turkish Ambassador in Washington Namik Tan.

    Minister Ergin will meet with the U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder on Friday.

    Ergin and Holder will discuss the problems experienced in legal cases between the two countries.




    ARALIK- 2010

    Londra Hatirasi




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  • UK overruled on Lebanon spy flights from Cyprus, WikiLeaks cables reveal

    UK overruled on Lebanon spy flights from Cyprus, WikiLeaks cables reveal

    Americans dismissed ‘bureaucratic’ Foreign Office concern that Lebanese Hezbollah suspects might be tortured

    Richard Norton-Taylor and David Leigh

    The RAF Akrotiri base at Limassol
    RAF Akrotiri at Limassol, Cyprus. WikiLeaks cables claim the US brushed aside British objections about secret spy flights from the base Photograph: Matt Cardy/Getty Images

    American officials swept aside British protests about secret US spy flights taking place from the UK’s Cyprus airbase, the leaked diplomatic cables reveal.

    Labour ministers said they feared making the UK an unwitting accomplice to torture, and were upset about rendition flights going on behind their backs.

    The use of RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus for American U2 spy plane missions over Hezbollah locations in Lebanon – missions that have never been disclosed until now – prompted an acrimonious series of exchanges between British officials and the US embassy in London, according to the cables released by WikiLeaks. The then foreign secretary David Miliband is quoted as saying, unavailingly, “policymakers needed to get control of the military.

    Ministers demanded a full “audit trail” of covert operations, codenamed Cedar Sweep, amid growing public concern in the UK about unacknowledged CIA rendition flights and alleged UK complicity in torture. The planes gathered intelligence that was then allegedly passed to the Lebanese authorities to help them track down Hezbollah militants. In the past, such flights have also been carried out on Israel’s behalf by the Americans.

    As the 2008 row escalated, the US rejected the British concerns over torture in unequivocal terms, with one senior official at the embassy in London baldly stating in one cable: “We cannot take a risk-avoidance approach to CT [counter-terrorism] in which the fear of potentially violating human rights allows terrorism to proliferate in Lebanon.”

    The cables disclose that as well as the Lebanon missions, U2s from Akrotiri were gathering intelligence over Turkey and northern Iraq. The information was secretly supplied to the Turkish authorities in an operation codenamed Highland Warrior. The British protested that “in both cases, intelligence product is intended to be passed to third-party governments”.

    On 18 April 2008, Britain demanded the US embassy provide full details of all flights so ministers could tell whether they “put the UK at risk of being complicit in unlawful acts … This is a very important point for ministers”.

    US diplomat, Maura Connelly, cabled: “We understand that these additional precautionary measures stem from the February revelation that the US government transited renditioned persons through Diego Garcia without UK permission and HMG’s [her majesty’s government’s] resultant need to ensure it is not similarly blindsided in the future.”

    She complained to Washington that the demands were “burdensome” and “an unnecessary layer of bureaucracy”.

    Will Jessett, then director of counter-terrorism at the ministry of defence, had sent a letter warning that “the use of UK bases for covert or potentially controversial missions” on behalf of Lebanon or Turkey meant it was “important for us to be satisfied that HMG is not indirectly aiding the commission of unlawful acts by those governments”.

    The letter warned that other states, particularly Cyprus, might well object should they find out. Ministers therefore wanted the US to submit each time “an assessment of any legal or human rights implications”.

    On 24 April, the embassy sent a cable to Washington entitled: “Houston, we have a problem”. It stated: “HMG ministers are adamant.”

    The embassy “pushed back hard” on demands for a full “audit trail” of spy flights. But in what appears to have been a heated dispute, the British responded by detailing other US “oversights”.

    “Contacts cited instances in which operations Highland Warrior and Cedar Sweep had been conducted from the UK sovereign base areas of Akrotiri without the proper ministerial approvals … In addition, Highland Warrior had raised tensions with the Cypriots, jeopardising the UK’s hold on Akrotiri.

    There were “other lapses that proved embarrassing to HMG (ie renditions through Diego Garcia and improperly documented shipments of weaponry through Prestwick airport)”.

    The US used Prestwick in 2006 as a staging post to ship laser-guided bombs to Israel, causing British protests. The Israelis wanted the munitions to attack Hezbollah bunkers in Lebanon.

    The US embassy concluded: “A new element of distrust has crept into the US-UK mil-mil relationship.

    “The renditions revelation proved highly embarrassing for the Brown government. The British proposal … may be disproportionate but is almost certainly an indication of the Brown government’s sensitivity … at a time Brown is facing increasing domestic political woes.”

    A month later Britain was still, according to the US, “piling on concerns and conditions” about human rights, saying that although junior minister Kim Howells was making the decisions, Miliband was being kept informed.

    British officials warned that ministerial concerns “could jeopardise future use of British territory”.

    US patience finally snapped when a Foreign Office official, John Hillman, passed on the message that “even the [US] state department’s own human rights report had documented cases of torture and arbitrary arrest by the Lebanese armed forces”.

    Hillman urged the US to ensure the welfare of prisoners in Lebanon “if there were any risk that detainees captured with the help of Cedar Sweep intel could be tortured”.

    At this point Richard LeBaron, charges d’affaires at the London embassy, cabled Washington that human rights concerns could not be allowed to get in the way of counter-terrorism operations. Britain’s demands were “not only burdensome but unrealistic”, he said, proposing “high-level approaches” to call the British to heel.

    “Excessive conditions such as described above will hinder, if not obstruct, our co-operative counter-terrorism efforts,” he said.

    Senior Bush administration official John Rood stepped in and the Foreign Office’s director general for defence and intelligence, Mariot Leslie, hastened to placate him.

    The clash was “unnecessarily confrontational”, she told him. “Leslie expressed annoyance at the additional conditions conveyed by the FCO working level,” the cable states. “She had not been aware beforehand that such a message would be conveyed. In fact she regretted the tenor of the discussions had turned prickly, and underscored HMG appreciation for US-UK military and intelligence co-operation.”

    She reassured him that US was not actually expected to check on detained terrorists.

    “Ministers had merely wanted to impress upon the US government that they take the human rights considerations seriously.

    “She noted that HMG ‘desperately needs’ [Cyprus] for its own intelligence gathering and operations and was committed to keeping them available to the US (and France).

    “However, the Cypriots are hypersensitive about the British presence there, she said, and could ‘turn off the utilities at any time’. That, combined with the ‘toxic mix’ of the rendition flights through Diego Garcia, has resulted in tremendous parliamentary, public and media pressure on HMG.”

    Leslie stuck to her guns on one point, saying the US embassy would still have to put in full written applications for future spy missions because “Miliband believed that ‘policymakers needed to get control of the military’.” The cable stated: “Leslie … was very frank that HMG did object to some of what the US government does (eg renditions).”

    British ministers loyally kept these objections about the US to themselves, however, despite coming uinder repeated attack from the UK media for alleged complicity in the dispatch of Islamist prisoners to places where they would be tortured.

    US use of Cyprus has always been controversial. Relations between London and Washington were strained at the time of the attacks on Israel during the 1973 Yom Kippur war by Ted Heath’s decision to adopt a policy of strict neutrality. The then prime minister refused to allow the US to use Britain’s electronic intercept and air bases on Cyprus ., 2 December 2010

  • US asked Turkey to thwart arms transfer from Iran to Venezuela

    US asked Turkey to thwart arms transfer from Iran to Venezuela

    ANKARA – Hürriyet Daily News

    Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. AFP photo
    Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. AFP photo

    The United States warned Ankara last year that Iran would attempt to transport unmanned aerial vehicles to Venezuela via Turkey in violation of international sanctions, a new diplomatic cable released by the website WikiLeaks has revealed.

    Washington sent the cable to its embassy in Ankara in March 2009, warning that the shipment was expected to arrive in Turkey within two months and would be loaded onto a maritime vessel for continued transport to Venezuela.

    In the State Department cable, the United States asked its embassy to tell the Turkish government to investigate the activity and ensure that Iran did not make use of Turkish territory to transfer items “proscribed by U.N. Security Council resolutions.”

    The document additionally asked that “if the cargo is found to be in violation of UNSCR [U.N. Security Council Resolution] 1747 that the GOT [government of Turkey] use all available means to prevent the transshipment of this cargo and detain it.”

    The Turkish Foreign Ministry declined to comment Thursday on the leaked cable.

    Fears of Iranian nuclear proliferation led the Security Council to adopt Resolution 1747 in 2007 to tighten sanctions against Iran. The council approved a new round of sanctions in June, over the opposition of nonpermanent members Turkey and Brazil.

    “As of early March, Venezuelan officials believed that the equipment would be repackaged and labeled as electronic equipment,” the cable dated March 2009 said. Washington underscored that the United States believed the shipment constituted arms and related material, which Iran is prohibited from transferring under Resolution 1747, paragraph 5.

    The cable also revealed another incident in which Turkish officials intervened to block a similar transfer after receiving a warning from the United States.

    “This case appears to be similar to one from January 2009 where Iran attempted to ship drums of nitrate and sulphite chemicals and dismantled laboratory instruments, which could possibly be used for making bombs to Venezuela, via Turkey,” the document said.

    “In response to U.S. concerns that the shipment may have been a violation of UNSCR 1747, Turkish officials inspected the cargo and made a decision to return it to Iran,” the cable added.

    Washington told its Ankara embassy to thank the Turkish government “for its willingness to interdict and take positive action with regards to a similar shipment in January.”

  • Amy Goodman: WikiLeaks and the End of U.S. ‘Diplomacy’

    Amy Goodman: WikiLeaks and the End of U.S. ‘Diplomacy’

    By Amy Goodman

    WikiLeaks is again publishing a trove of documents, in this case classified U.S. State Department diplomatic cables. The whistle-blower website will gradually be releasing more than 250,000 of these documents in the coming months so that they can be analyzed and gain the attention they deserve. The cables are internal, written communications among U.S. embassies around the world and also to the U.S. State Department. WikiLeaks described the leak as “the largest set of confidential documents ever to be released into the public domain [giving] an unprecedented insight into U.S. government foreign activities.”

    Critics argue, as they did with earlier leaks of secret documents regarding Iraq and Afghanistan, that lives will be lost as a result. Rather, lives might actually be saved, since the way that the U.S. conducts diplomacy is now getting more exposure than ever—as is the apparent ease with which the U.S. government lives up (or down) to the adage used by pioneering journalist I.F. Stone: “Governments lie.”

    Take the case of Khaled El-Masri. El-Masri was snatched in Macedonia as part of the CIA’s secret extraordinary rendition program, in which people are taken by the U.S. government and sent to other countries, where they can be subjected to torture. He was held and tortured in a secret prison in Afghanistan for months before being dropped by the CIA on an isolated road in Albania, even though the CIA had long established that it had grabbed the wrong man. El-Masri, a German citizen, sought justice through German courts, and it looked like 13 CIA agents might be charged. Then the U.S. Embassy in Berlin stepped in, threatening, according to one cable, that “issuance of international arrest warrants would have a negative impact on our bilateral relationship.” No charges were ever filed in Germany, suggesting the diplomatic threat worked. The 13 agents are, however, still facing charges in Spain, where prosecutors enjoy some freedom from political pressures.

    Or so we thought. In fact, Spain figures prominently in the leaked documents as well. Among the cables is one from May 14, 2007, authored by Eduardo Aguirre, a conservative Cuban-American banker appointed U.S. ambassador to Spain by George W. Bush. Aguirre wrote: “For our side, it will be important to continue to raise the Couso case, in which three U.S. servicemen face charges related to the 2003 death of Spanish cameraman Jose Couso during the battle for Baghdad.”

    Couso was a young cameraman with the Spanish TV network Telecinco. He was filming from the balcony of the Palestine Hotel in Baghdad on April 8, 2003, when a U.S. Army tank fired on the hotel packed with journalists, killing Couso and a Reuters cameraman. Ambassador Aguirre was trying to quash the lawsuit brought by the Couso family in Spain.


    The U.S. ambassador was also pressuring the Spanish government to drop a precedent-setting case against former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and other Bush administration officials. In that same memo, Aguirre writes, “The Deputy Justice Minister also said the GOS [government of Spain] strongly opposes a case brought against former Secretary Rumsfeld and will work to get it dismissed. The judge involved in that case has told us he has already started the process of dismissing the case.”

    These revelations are rocking the Spanish government, as the cables clearly show U.S. attempts to disrupt the Spanish justice system.

    Ambassador Aguirre told Spain’s El Pais newspaper several years ago, “I am George Bush’s plumber, I will solve all the problems George gives me.”

    In another series of cables, the U.S. State Department instructs its staff around the world and at the U.N. to spy on people, and, remarkably, to collect biometric information on diplomats. The cable reads, “Data should include e-mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers, fingerprints, facial images, DNA and iris scans.”

    WikiLeaks is continuing its partnership with a global group of media outlets: Britain’s The Guardian, El Pais, The New York Times, German magazine Der Spiegel and France’s Le Monde. David Leigh, investigations editor of The Guardian, told me, “We haven’t seen anything yet,” with literally almost a quarter-million cables still not publicly revealed.

    A renowned political analyst and linguist, MIT professor Noam Chomsky helped Daniel Ellsberg, America’s premier whistle-blower, release the Pentagon Papers 40 years ago. I asked Chomsky about the latest cables released by WikiLeaks. “What this reveals,” he reflected, “is the profound hatred for democracy on the part of our political leadership.”

    Denis Moynihan contributed research to this column.

    Amy Goodman is the host of “Democracy Now!,” a daily international TV/radio news hour airing on more than 800 stations in North America. She is the author of “Breaking the Sound Barrier,” recently released in paperback and now a New York Times best-seller.

    © 2010 Amy Goodman

    Distributed by King Features Syndicate

    via Amy Goodman: WikiLeaks and the End of U.S. ‘Diplomacy’ – Truthdig.