Category: Middle East & Africa

  • The Daily Worry: How I Learned to Live with Bombs in Turkey and Israel

    The Daily Worry: How I Learned to Live with Bombs in Turkey and Israel

    URIEL SINAI / GETTY IMAGESEmergency services work the scene of an explosion on a bus in Tel Aviv on Nov. 21, 2012

    It is unsettling the first time the doors of a shopping mall glide open to reveal a magnetometer, an x-ray machine, and a person wearing a holster. Less so the second time, and the point quickly arrives when it’s no more remarkable than finding a maze of chrome posts and retractable belts standing between an airport’s ticket counters and the boarding gates.  Put your phone, keys and coins in the tray and get on with it.

    I first acclimated to the diffuse background threat of urban bombing in the summer of 2002, when I moved to Istanbul, where small explosives had become the weapon of choice for assorted separatists and radicals in the 1990s.  Turkey was a fine preparatory course for life in Israel, which on Tuesday celebrated 65 years of existence, not one passed in peace. Security is a way of life here — most famously at the airport, where the solemn questioning and extraordinary inspections are almost a feature of a tourist visit, one that visitors often relate afterward with the specificity of a lion sighting after a  drive through a game park.  But the preoccupation is scarcely less present in Israel’s cities, where a decade ago, storefronts would from time to time disintegrate in the same burst of ignition and billowing dust that rose over Boylston Street on Monday afternoon.

    There are different ways to go afterward.  The British “Keep Calm and Carry On,” as the sign says, the London subway bombings of July 2005 stiffening the upper lip that remained in place from the Blitz of World War II through the IRA attacks of a quarter century ago. London barely missed a beat. Jewish Israelis take some pride in cultivating the same attitude.  During the Second Intifadeh, which at its height in March 2002 meant something exploding somewhere inside Israel almost every day,  then-prime minister Ariel Sharon asked the social psychologist Reuven Gal to measure how the Israeli public was bearing up under the stress.  Politicians love anecdotes, but Gal went about it methodically, gathering metrics via objective indicators, such as movie attendance.  What he found was a striking resilience.  After an attack, attendance dipped, but always came back.

    Still, the memory of explosions changes things.  A shadow appears, like a penumbra, around a café that someone mentions in passing was once hit by a suicide bomber; photos of the carnage are available online for those who did not see them at the time. City buses hove into view bearing a specific menace, the entirely reasonable apprehension that accumulates watching untold hours of news footage panning the blackened skeleton belonging to the Egged or Dan lines. A No. 142 bus went up in Tel Aviv, in November, the first in years. The bomb was small, had been left under a seat, and no one was killed. But shock waves really are invisible, and can carry far. On an intercity bus approaching the city the day of that attack, cell phones rang with the news, and a woman, not saying a word but only hearing, burst into tears. Glenn Beck was in Jerusalem a year earlier, doing his shtick as featured guest at a Knesset committee. Beck said the first time he came to Israel it was after a long talk with his wife about risk.  The assumption, he said, was that he’d be “roasting my dinner over the flames of a burning bus.” Nobody laughed.  I saw one tight smile.

    The fact is it’s quite safe here, and feels so.  Part of it is the visible precautions, the magnetometers at the malls (here too, of course), the doormen with side arms.  At some point Jerusalem required restaurants to post a security guard at the front entrance; they’re still there, though at some of the glossier addresses they now wear short black skirts.  It doesn’t matter terribly because of the other, larger part of security in Israel, the part that’s less visible and quite possibly not suitable for export.

    That would be “internal security,” or “Shin Bet,” also known as “Shabak,” the Hebrew acronym for Israel Security Agency.  The agency’s thousands of secret police keep watch on the Jewish State, monitoring suspicious behavior, monitoring cell phones and coercing Palestinians. The work carries moral risks mulled absorbingly in the documentary The Gatekeepers, made up entirely of interviews with men who used to run the organization; it was nominated for an Academy Award.  But Shin Bet’s work is made infinitely easier by the fact that the agency is protecting something discreet. The Jewish State may have no shortage of enemies, but in a fight at bottom over land and ethnic identity,  the process of  screening  who to watch for trouble starts with an almost binary equation: Us and Them.  In a nation of immigrants, say, the United States, divisions will never be so clear, leaving aside the crucial question of civil liberties.

    Which leaves what in Turkey at least we called “hard security.”  Inside the mall, beyond the x-ray machine and the man in blue, was a food court, a huge one. But no rubbish bins.  Men and women with carts circulated among the tables, busing trash and collecting trays. It may have been an employment scheme, but it also obviated the need for a place where a bomb could be deposited and walked away from without raising any suspicion.

    Outside, when I finally did find a place to drop trash, it was a plastic bag hanging from an iron ring – clear, so you could see what was in there. Looking askance at a trash can turns out to be like flinching at the approach of a city bus: Odd, and not a little insidious. But here we all are.


    Karl Vick @karl_vick

    Karl Vick has been TIME’s Jerusalem bureau chief since 2010, covering Israel,the Palestine territories and nearby sovereignties. He worked 16 years at the Washington Post in Nairobi, Istanbul, Baghdad, Los Angeles and Rockville, MD.

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  • Al-Khatib against calls for “Islamic state”

    Al-Khatib against calls for “Islamic state”

    Syria is a country where moderate Islam dominates, said Khatib, President of Syrian National Coalition.

    resimISTANBUL — President of the Syrian National Coalition for Opposition and Revolutionary Forces, Ahmad Moaz al-Khatib said that Syria was a country where moderate Islam dominated.

    A conference on “Islam and Just Transition in Syria” began in Istanbul so the Syrian Muslim scholars could put forward their approaches to the transitional process in Syria.

    A high number of Syrian Muslim scholars and important names of the Syrian opposition attended the conference.

    Speaking at the inauguration of the conference, al-Khatib underlined that in order for Islam’s real message to be understood, a revolution must take place in human’s understanding of religion.

    Due to wrong methods, small problems occupy more time than greater problems, al-Khatib noted.

    The aim of the revolution was to free humans, al-Khatib stated.

    “Everyone should receive just treatment. Otherwise, anarchy would prevail and humans, based on certain reasons, would cause the spill of blood of others. There is tyranny in our country (Syria) as never seen before. A serious danger awaits us in the future. There is need for serious works so humans do not violate each other’s rights,” al-Khatib underlined.

    Criticizing Al-Qaeda’s call to establish an Islamic state in Syria, al-Khatib advised those fighting in Syria not to listen to thoughts coming from outside.

    ” Syria was a country where moderate Islam dominated.Syria is the center of enlightenment. Syria has a large number of scholars. Scholars of Syria can help each other,” al-Khatib said.

    “Revolution to continue until victory arrives”

    Chairman of the Syrian National Council (SNC), George Sabra underlined that the Syrian regime persecuted its own people and the world acted as if they were blind.

    “Revolution will continue until victory arrived. Justice will come with victory. Unless there is just punishment, justice can not be established. There will be a just constitution in new Syria and there will not be discrimination against any person or group. We will not treat those guilty with revenge. There will be just trials. Upcoming days would be nice,” Sabra stated.

    ”Syria will belong to all Syrians”

    Prime Minister of the Syrian interim government, Ghassan Hitto emphasized the importance of Islam’s message while moving to a state of law with justice and equality from a regime which placed pressure on people.

    A consensus will take place in Syria on a strong societal structure, Hitto said.

    “Syria will belong to all Syrians. Damages incurred by Syrian people would be compensated. The Justice Ministry would be restructured and just trials will take place,” Hitto noted.

    The conference will end on Tuesday.

    Islamic NGOs reject al-Qaeda announcement for “Islamic State in Iraq and Damascus”

    Syrian Islamic non-governmental organizations (NGOs) rejected announcement made by “Iraqi Islamic State” organization, the Iraqi wing of al-Qaeda, on the establishment of an “Islamic State in Iraq and Damascus”.

    In a joint statement made, the Union of Syrian Muslim Scholars, Union of Damascus Scholars, Union of Syrian Revolutionary Ulema and Inviters, and Syrian Islamic Forum underlined that al-Qaeda organization did not represent the people of Syria.

    “It is unacceptable to see a group, without a government or a certain territory, to announce the establishment of a state by not consulting with the relevant people and the scholars of the region and forcing the people to obey them. Our people have the strength to establish their own state with their own power and means,” the statement said.

    Referring to the Nusra Front in Syria and comments made by leader of the Nusra Front Abu Muhammad al-Golani that they were attached to al-Qaeda, the statement said “your struggle along with other armed groups in Syria is known and your support to the struggle is well appreciated. The people’s calling themselves ‘We are all Nusra Front’ on a Friday is an indication of the appreciation”.

    “Nusra Front’s declaration of attachment to al-Qaeda strengthens the hands of the Assad regime, presents the justification foreign powers need to intervene in Syria, and gives the excuse to the Syrian government to react against those ‘terrorists’ fighting in Syria. We call on our brethren at the Nusra Front to end obeying al-Qaeda and consult with those warriors on the field and scholars,” the statement underlined.

    “There is no bigger terror than that applied by the Syrian regime”

    “Our people will consider it a conspiracy against itself if an intervention takes place targeting the groups fighting in Syria or if the Syrian people were placed under a blockade with an excuse of ‘struggling against terrorists’. There is no bigger terror than that applied by the Syrian regime. We reject the intervention of all forms of organizations to determine the future of the Syrian state as well as any imposition from the international community to us to sit down with the Syrian regime at the table. The future of Syria will be determined by those who love Syria,” the statement also said.

    Al-Qaeda’s Iraqi wing, “Iraqi Islamic State” organization on April 9 had announced that they united with the Nusra Front.

    Nusra Front leader Abu Muhammad al-Golani had said that they had not taken a joint decision with the “Iraqi Islamic State” organization but that they were attached to al-Qaeda.

    16 April 2013

    Anadolu Agency

  • Jackson Diehl: Iraqi Kurdistan in bloom

    Jackson Diehl: Iraqi Kurdistan in bloom

    In Iraq, an Kurdish renaissance

    By Jackson Diehl, Published: April 15

    By now it’s obvious that “spring” is the wrong description of the political turmoil and civil war that have followed the Arab revolutions of 2011. But for one nation in the Middle East, it’s beginning to look like freedom and prosperity just might be blooming. “People are beginning to talk about the Kurdish Spring, not the Arab Spring,” says a grinning Fuad Hussein, a senior official in the government of Iraqi Kurdistan.

    Hussein and a delegation from the Kurdistan Region Government, which controls a strip of northern Iraq slightly larger than Maryland, were in Washington last week to talk about where their country stands a decade after the U.S. invasion. From Irbil, Kurdistan’s capital, the war looks like an extraordinary success.

    Jackson Diehl

    The Post’s deputy editorial page editor, Diehl also writes a biweekly foreign affairs column and contributes to the PostPartisan blog.

    Kurdistan is a democracy, though an imperfect one; the territory is peaceful and the economy is booming at the rate of 11 percent a year. Foreign investors are pouring though gleaming new airports to invest, especially in Kurdish-controlled oil fields. Exxon, Chevron, Gazprom and Total are among the multinationals to sign deals with the regional government. A new pipeline from Kurdistan to Turkey could allow exports to soar to 1 million barrels a day within a couple of years.

    There was one university for the region’s 5.2 million people a decade ago; now there are 30. “Our people,” says Hussein, the chief of staff to President Massoud Barzani, “did quite good.”

    The bigger story is that Kurds, a non-Arab nation of some 30 million deprived of a state and divided among Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Syria, are on the verge of transcending their long, benighted history as the region’s perpetual victims and pawns. Twenty-five years ago, Kurds were being slaughtered with chemical weapons by Saddam Hussein and persecuted by Turkey, where nearly half live. A vicious guerrilla war raged between Kurdish insurgents and the Turkish army.

    Now Turkey is emerging as the Kurds’ closest ally and the potential enabler of a string of adjacent, self-governing Kurdish communities stretching from Syria to the Iraq-Iran border. Having built close ties with the Iraqi Kurdish government, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is now negotiating a peace deal with the insurgent Kurdish Worker’s Party (PKK) — a pact that could mean new language and cultural rights, as well as elected local governments, for the Kurdish-populated areas of southeastern Turkey.

    Meanwhile, Barzani and the Iraqi Kurds have been trying to foster a Kurdish self-government for northern Syria, where some 2.5 million Kurds live. Syrian government forces withdrew from the area last year, giving the Kurds the chance to set up their own administration. Until recently, the principal Syrian Kurdish party, the Democratic Union Party (PYD), was supporting the PKK’s fight against Turkey and leaning toward the regime of Bashar al-Assad. Now, thanks to the nascent peace deal, it may be switching sides: Earlier this month its fighters joined with Syrian rebels to drive government forces out of a Kurdish-populated district of Aleppo.

    Middle Eastern geo-politics, which for so long worked against the Kurds, is now working for them. The sectarian fragmentation of Syria and Iraq has created new space for a nation that is mostly Sunni Muslim, but moderate and secular. Suddenly the Kurds are being courted by all sides. Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki this month sent a delegation to Irbil to propose that the Kurds return the parliament deputies and ministers they withdrew from the national government last year. Barzani’s government declined but agreed to send a delegation to Baghdad for negotiations.

    As Hussein portrays it, the talks may be a last chance to avert a breakup of Iraq into separate Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish areas — a split he blames on Maliki’s attempt to concentrate Shiite power. “Either we are going to have a real partnership, or we are going to go back to our own people,” he said, adding that the result could be a referendum on Kurdistan’s future.

    It would make sense for the United States to join Turkey in backing this Kurdish renaissance; the Kurds are a moderate and pro-Western force in an increasingly volatile region. Yet the Obama administration has consistently been at odds with the Iraqi Kurdish government. It has lobbied Turkey not to allow the new oil pipeline that would give Kurdistan economic independence from Baghdad, and, in the Kurds’ view, repeatedly backed Maliki’s attempts to impose his authority on the region.

    “The administration sees us not as a stabilizing force, but as an irritant, as an alien presence in the region that complicates matters, another Israel,” one of the visiting Kurds told me. That, like so much of the administration’s policy in the Middle East these days, is wrongheaded.

    via Jackson Diehl: Iraqi Kurdistan in bloom – The Washington Post.

  • Kerry’s Request of Turkey May Boost Role as Mediator – Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

    Kerry’s Request of Turkey May Boost Role as Mediator – Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

    U.S. Secretary of State Kerry  and Turkey's Foreign Minister Davutoglu leave after a joint news conference at Ciragan Palace in Istanbul

    US Secretary of State John Kerry (L) and Turkey’s Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu leave after a joint news conference at Ciragan Palace in Istanbul, April 7, 2013. (photo by REUTERS/Murad Sezer )

    By: Mensur Akgun Translated from Haberturk (Turkey).

    US Secretary of State John Kerry, during his weekend visit to Istanbul, asked his counterparts to persuade Hamas to opt for peace, according to an April 8 headline in the daily Milliyet.


    Summary :

    Turkey can play a critical role on Israeli-Palestinian issues through its good relations with Hamas, but Mensur Akgun wonders whether it should do so.

    Publisher: Haberturk (Turkey)

    Original Title:

    To Be Made a Mediator is Not a Favor

    Author: Mensur Akgun

    First Published: April 9, 2013

    Posted on: April 15 2013

    Translated by: Timur Goksel

    Categories : Turkey   Israel   Palestinian Authority

    If this really was the focus of the visit (that is, if Milliyet’s editors did not run this item on the front page just because it would appear exciting), then the report written by Asli Aydintasbas is important. It could mean that the US will be placing a greater priority on the Palestinian issue than on Syria. This could mean that Washington will move to resolve the Palestine issue in the shadow of the Syrian crisis and put its weight on diplomacy involving Palestine instead of intervening in Syria.

    It is not easy to predict what implications this would have for the region and Turkey. Obviously, the US wants Turkey’s support in solving the Palestine issue by using its influence in the region, especially with Hamas.

    If Turkey wants to, it can really use its influence. Since the 2009 Davos affair there has been a tremendous sympathy for Turkey in Gaza. The Mavi Marmara flotilla incident and the way Turkey handled reconciliation with Israel has only added to this sympathy.

    When necessary, Turkey can convert this sympathy shown in Gaza to political clout and use it toward unification of the two Palestines. The recent victory of Khaled Meshaal over Ismail Haniyeh for the Hamas leadership further strengthened hopes for reconciliation and unification.  Also, the US decision to work toward resolving the Palestinian issue after 10 years of no meaningful action will empower Turkey and other regional actors who seek a solution. This also will provide them with further tools of persuasion.

    It is now understood that long-dormant Arab peace efforts will be reactivated by the second Obama administration and by the winds of the change in the Arab world.

    The US seems to be sincere in wanting to solve the problem and to prevent further destabilization of the region. But is Netanyahu prepared to put an end to the expansion of Jewish settlements and halt new ones?  Or will he act as he did Nov. 14 by putting Hamas leaders amenable to a solution on Israel’s target list and shoot them to pieces with its unmanned aerial vehicles?

    Will Israel do to Khaled Meshaal what it did to Ahmed Jabari by killing him with missiles in his car? If you ask me, there is no reason for Turkey to become a mediator without getting  answers to these questions.

    The US has to prove to the region and to the world that it can persuade Israel, that it will not surrender to Israel and that it will not stand idly by when [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu comes to Washington and makes statements embarrassing [President Barack] Obama.

    Of course Turkey and Israel should reconcile and normalize their relations. Ambassadors should be appointed, trade ties should increase and there should be more community contacts. A two-state solution should be backed; Hamas and Fatah should be assisted in reconciling with help from Qatar and Egypt.

    But, without getting meaningful US guarantees and making sure that such guarantees are robust, Turkey should not agree to be a mediator, to be a facilitator to bring the two sides together for peace, to be a front-runner, and use up its credibility in the Arab world when it is not convinced of Israel’s sincerity.

    As much as we need that credibility, so does the region and Israel. That is why we have to be careful in using up that credit. Turkey should not disappoint Hamas and, more important, the Arab world.

    Turkey doesn’t need the label of a mediator or a facilitator as some tend to think. What is important for Turkey is the stability of the region and its own political standing. It was not easy to achieve this standing. It should not be squandered.

    Moreover, we can’t tolerate another period of tension like December 2008 when relations with Israel hit rock bottom. We cannot bear another crisis.

    The cost of Israeli opportunism will be too high for everyone at a time when the Arab world is experiencing strong tremors. None of us would like to pay that cost, including the US.

    via Kerry’s Request of Turkey May Boost Role as Mediator – Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East.

  • ‘Turkey first state with ambassador to Palestine’

    ‘Turkey first state with ambassador to Palestine’


    Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan. Photo: REUTERS/Stringer

    Turkey’s consul general to the Palestinian Authority has presented his credentials to PA President Mahmoud Abbas and will become the first ambassador recognized by Palestine, Turkish daily Hurriyet reported on Monday.

    The move comes after the Palestinian upgrade to non-member observer state at the UN General Assembly in November.

    Turkey was one of a large majority of states which recognized the PA’s status upgrade at the United Nations.

    Şakir Torunlar, who has served as the consul general in Jerusalem, which provides consular services for Turkish citizens in the West Bank and Gaza, will be the new Turkish Ambassador to Palestine, according to the report.

    The move came weeks after Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s apology to Turkey for operational errors committed that may have led to a loss of life on the Mavi Marmara in May 2010. Nine Turks were killed when Israel Navy commandos, trying to keep the ship from breaking the blockade of the Gaza Strip, were attacked by those on board.

    Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan plans to visit the Gaza Strip for the first time at the end of May, Hurriyet reported on Monday.

    Herb Keinon contributed to this report.

    via ‘Turkey first state with ambassador to Palestine’ | JPost | Israel News.

  • Nigeria: Selling Turkey As a Tourist Destination

    Nigeria: Selling Turkey As a Tourist Destination

    Turkey and Nigeria have over the past few years consciously made efforts to forge stronger bilateral ties. This is evident in the numerous trade expos organized by the Turkish Ministry of Economy, the Nigerian Ministry of Trade and Investment and other bodies. One of such events was held late last month at the Convention Centre of the Eko Hotel and Suites.

    One of the outfits selling a service was VEFA Tourism and Travels. They were offering tours of Turkey. What is the selling point? A touch of holiness and history at the same time in the Turkish cities of Istanbul, Ephesus, Antakya, Capadocia and Tarsus.

    Istanbul is the most famous of these cities and it’s increasingly becoming a favourite destination for tourists. Seven million tourists visited in 2010 when it was named the European Capital of Culture, making the city the 10th most popular destination in the world. Istanbul’s biggest merit remains its historic centre. The city itself is divided into European and Asian parts and is partially listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

    Ephesus too has a claim to fame. It was the city where the Christian evangelist Saint Paul wrote his famous Epistles. The city is also home to the House of the Virgin Mary and the relics of Roman Library of Celsus.

    Tarsus is sold as the focal point of many civilizations including the Roman Empire, when Tarsus was the capital of the province of Cilicia, the scene of the first meeting between Mark Antony and Cleopatra, and the birthplace of Paul the Apostle.

    The other cities too had unique reasons why they are tourist attractions and the way these cities were being sold by the Turks at the Lagos Expo made it seem like the only place to go for those who have a thing for “holiness and history”.

    via Nigeria: Selling Turkey As a Tourist Destination.