Category: Palestinian N.A.

Palestinian National Authority

  • How Does Hamas Acquire Its Weapons? – YouTube

    How Does Hamas Acquire Its Weapons? – YouTube

    İsrail propagandası yapan video için Danışma Kurulu üyemiz Sn. Rafael Sadi’ye gönderilen enteresan bir yorum :


    Armagan YilmazRafael abi bunları neden paylaşıyorsun ki ne anlamı var. Hamas benim için bir teröristtir ama Filistin’de seçim kazanarak iktidara gelmiştir. dolayısıyla seçim yapan bir yerin yani bir ülkenin silahı olmasından daha doğal bir şey yoktur. Artık birşeye karar verin bence. Ya filistinin bir devlet olduğunu kabul edip iki devlet arasındaki savaştan bahsedin. Ya fa kabul etmiyorsanız size atılan roketlere kızmayın. Zira terör örgütlerinin amacı budur zaten. Nasıl PKK’yı Türkiye’nin derin devleti yarattıysa haması da İsrail’in derin devleti yaratmıştır. Düşmanın olacak ki halkını uyutabilesin.

    One of the main ways that Hamas acquires weapons is via an extensive network of tunnels under the Gaza-Egypt border. Since Hamas seized power in the Gaza Strip in 2007, the terrorist group’s smuggling efforts have increased. With funding from Iran, Hamas has improved its stockpile of weapons.

    via How Does Hamas Acquire Its Weapons? – YouTube.

  • IHH Calls People Around the World for Help for Palestinians

    IHH Calls People Around the World for Help for Palestinians

    It is time for the world to stand up for what is right.

    Gaza murders protest

    gaza protest350

    People from all walks of life protesting Israel’s war crimes against Palestine in Downtown Chicago. 11/15/12 Protests took place in front of Obama’s headquarters and the Israeli Consulate. Photo by Exposing The Truth team member Dana S Hamed

    (Istanbul, TR) – Gaza is under Israeli attack since last Wednesday. As death toll rises hour by hour the humanitarian crisis is also increasing in Gaza Strip.

    The Istanbul-based Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief (İHH) makes a call for people around the world to urgently take action against Israeli attacks targeting civilians and to supply humanitarian aid for Gazan people.

    Israeli Occupation Forces has escalated military attacks on the Gaza since Wednesday evening, 14 November 2012.

    They first extra-judicially executed the leader of the Izziddin alQassam Brigades (the armed wing of Hamas) and his bodyguard. This attack was followed by a series of aerial, ground and sea attacks on civilian and paramilitary targets throughout the Gaza Strip.

    As a result of these attacks, so far 39 Palestinians including 9 children have been killed and more than 345 injured. Beside, a number of houses and schools have been extensively damaged and the rest of the schools closed for days.

    Gazan people are now living without electricity and deprived of right to communication.

    The people of Gaza who have already been facing tremendous hardship now need more help. With the increasing number of wounded, hospitals which already have inadequate resources are in drastic need of emergency medical supplies including antibiotics, anesthetics and disposable sterile supplies such as tubing, surgical gloves, needles and syringes.

    IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation which has been carrying out relief efforts for Palestinians for 20 years caring more than ten thousands Palestinian orphans primarily sends a team to Gaza with relief items which include mainly drastic need of emergency medical supplies and food (1 million Turkish Lira in value).

    IHH calls upon people around the world urgently to take action to prevent Israeli attacks targeting civilians and to supply humanitarian aid for Gazan people.

    via IHH Calls People Around the World for Help for Palestinians – Salem-News.Com.

  • Al-Quds is indispensible for the Palestinians

    Al-Quds is indispensible for the Palestinians

    Jerusalem 1






    Gulnara Inandzh, Director of Information and Analytical Center Etnoglobus (, editor of Russian section of Turkishnews American-Turkish Resource website  , [email protected]



    The saint city Guds (Jerusalem ) stay in the epicenter of conflict between Israel and Palestine. Embassy of the State of Palestine in Azerbaijan Nasser Abdel Kareem commented Palestinian position regarding The Guds and status of city solution in  Israel-Palestine conflict within international law.



    -What does Guds mean for Palestinian?


    -Jerusalem(Al-Quds), through history has been the hub and the nerve center of the Palestinian religious, cultural, social, economic and political life. The indigenous Palestinian people have been residing in the city since millennia. So as you could imagine, Al-Quds is indispensible for the Palestinians.


    -What official status does Ramallah accept for Guds?


    – The Palestinian people by all their persuasions alongside the Palestinian leadership consider East-Jerusalem (Al-Quds) as their rightly eternal Capital, in accordance with international law and UN resolutions.


    -Is  factor regarding status of Guds intended in independence issue of Palestine by UN?


    – All UN resolutions regard East-Jerusalem as an occupied Palestinian territory, occupied byIsraelin1967 with the rest of the Palestinian territories (West Bank andGaza). Al-Quds is an integral part ofPalestine’s organic fabric; hence there can be no real independence ofPalestinewithout it, just like you can’t have a functioning body without its head.





    -The Guds subject and celebration of the `Quds Day` is used by Islamic countries for politically tool.


    – We welcome any activity that highlights the importance of Al-Quds whether for the 1.5 billion Muslims and the followers of all the monotheistic religions, but above all the challenges the indigenous Palestinian inhabitants of the city have to endure facing the capriciously unlawful measures thrown at them constantly by the Israeli occupation authorities, and to encourage providing support to the Palestinian civil foundations and industry as means of propping the steadfastness of our people in the holy city. As well as underlining the importance of its deliverance from this occupation for peace in our region and world peace.

    Do Azerbaijan and Palestine support each-other in their own conflicts?


    -PalestineandAzerbaijansupport each other calls for the resolution of their own conflicts by peaceful means through the implementation of the pertinent UN resolutions and international law, and by applying the provisions of these resolutions fairly and transparently, devoid of any prejudice and double standards. The World body has to stop dissecting and reassembling UN resolutions case by case,   there has to be one law and one standard that fit all.

     Baku Post

  • Quds, Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh

    Quds, Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh







    Gulnara Inandzh, Director of Information and Analytical Center Etnoglobus (, editor of Russian section of Turkishnews American-Turkish Resource website  , [email protected]

    Since 1982 every last Friday of Ramadan, in the initiative of the leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran Imam Khomeini, “Quds Day” has been marked in a tribute to the solidarity with the Palestinian people.  This year it was marked on the 17th of August.


    According to wills of Imam Khomeini, spread of Islamic values is noted as one of the leading lines of the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran. “Quds Day”, as one of the wings of the spread of this policy, is of particular importance.

    Over the past 30 years, the collapse of the Soviet Union and political change in the Arab world have expanded the geography of the “Quds Day” as a branch of the policy of exporting the Islamic revolution and its ideology.

    The purpose of marking the “Quds Day” is to attract world attention to the occupied territories, includingPalestine. Loss of 20% of Azerbaijani territory, including Nagorno-Karabakh as a result of the war withArmeniaandAzerbaijan, also joined the list of states whose territories are under occupation.

    In recent years, the reason of activity of “Quds Day” is connected with the coming to power of Islamist forces in some Arab countries.

    OfficialTehran, using the favorable situation created by the so-called “Arab spring” to expand its influence in the region, expanded the range of “Quds Day”.Iranimprovises  the liberation of Muslims from tyrannical regimes, by expanding geographic scope of their mission as a protector of the Muslims and thereby trying to regain the Muslim world.

    “Arab Spring” changed the views regarding Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in the West as well as in the East. Statement by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia Prince Khalid bin Saud bin Khalid, “the need in this stage to increase pressure of the international community on Armenia in order to resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict,” confirms this position.

    Latest statement by supreme spiritual leader of Islamic Republic of Iran Ali Khamenei also draws attention in this regard: “Karabakh is Islamic land …. The Iranian parliament will support the fact that Karabakh belongs to Islam,Azerbaijan.

    With the elections in Nagorno Karabakh there are attempts to neglect the facts that these lands’ belong to Azerbaijan and Islam. No matter how much time has passed the reality that Karabakh is Islamic land will not be forgotten. Karabakh will be released by the Muslim Azerbaijanis.”

    Increase of reputation of Azerbaijanin the Middle East created good condition for leading Arabic countries andIran, along withIsrael, to take advantage of the situation.

    In order to attract the interest, Azerbaijanfirst of all needs to advance effective suggestions and support.

    Iranplan, within the framework of the “Qods Day”, to bring to the agenda the issue with respect to the liberation of occupied Azerbaijani territories byArmenia, including the Nagorno-Karabakh and to bring this conflict to the attention of the world Muslim community. The above statement by Ali Khamenei in connection with the Nagorno-Karabakh should also be seen on this plane.

    Official Baku recognizes independence of Palestineand supports the idea of partition of Palestine Qodsi on the western and eastern parts. Azerbaijanshall take advantage of imposition of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict on account of the Islamic world along with the status of Gods.

    The processes in the Arab world, a tough fight of the regional states and world powers for the division of spheres of influence and control on the Middle East, creates condition for causing the conflict out of control in the Caucasus, including conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Violation of the last months of ceasefire by the Armenian side and the loss of our soldiers endangers the resumption of hostilities frontal zone, with difficulty repressed for 20 years. Taking into account the impacts of the Armenian communities of the Arab countries by the Armenian lobby in the policies of these countries, in the event of renewed hostilities on the Armenian-Azerbaijani front, position of the Islamic world towards the Nagorno-Karabakh issue will be of great importance forAzerbaijan.

    Under such circumstances,Azerbaijanis interested in delivering the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict through the Islamic world to the attention of world public opinion.




  • Hamas: We’ll continue fighting Israel in political arena

    Hamas: We’ll continue fighting Israel in political arena

    During visit to Turkey, Mashaal calls on Palestinians to leave differences aside for sake of national unity, claims recent rocket fire was act of self defense


    Published: 03.18.12, 18:30 / Israel News

    Hamas politburo chief Khaled Mashaal said Sunday during a visit to Turkey, “We will naturally continue our fight against Israel in political, diplomatic and media fields. We will try to get the greatest support possible from the world.”

    He said that the recent missile attacks on Israel were in self-defense, asserting that Palestinian missiles are fired only after Israeli attacks. He also accused Israel of using Gaza as a “guinea pig” when testing its missile capabilities as tensions between Israel and Iran increase.

    Related stories:

    Mashaal: Israeli aggression unjustified

    Turkey calls for Palestinian unity

    IDF: 1.7 million left defenseless

    Turkish newspaper Zaman Today reported that the Hamas leader dismissed claims that the new Arab regimes would be less willing to support the Palestinian cause.

    “We think the Arab Spring is a milestone in our community’s history, and in our opinion, this is the rebirth of a community,” he said.

    “The Arab Spring is the way nations voice their own wills and make their own decisions, and it will bring economic growth and development and political and cultural development,” he said.

    Mashaal’s meetings in Ankara revolved mainly around Palestinian reconciliation efforts. “We want to open a new page, and we think that we have created a domestic peace atmosphere. Peace is obligatory, and Palestinians should be unified. The Palestine issue is our cause, and our stance on occupation is the same,” he said.

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    תקיפה ברצועה. “ישראל ירתה קודם” (צילום: EPA)

    Israeli strike on Gaza (Photo: EPA)

    “I would like to send a message to all Palestinian people living in and out of Palestine: Let’s exert efforts seriously and sincerely to make an internal compromise agreement. … We should sacrifice our personal and political views for the sake of the Palestine cause.”

    As part of his visit to Turkey, Mashaal met with Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and President Abdullah Gul. On Sunday, he thanked Turkey for its part in the reconciliation efforts conveying Hamas’ appreciation for Ankara.

    via Hamas: We’ll continue fighting Israel in political arena – Israel News, Ynetnews.

  • Israeli Checkpoint On-Camera with no shame

    Israeli Checkpoint On-Camera with no shame


    If this goes on ON-CAMERA, just imagine what goes on OFF-CAMERA. Obama calls these people his ‘eternal allies‘.

    Screen Shot“Animals. Animals. Like the Discovery Channel. All of Ramallah is a jungle. There are monkeys, dogs, gorillas. The problem is that the animals are locked they can’t come out. We’re humans. They’re animals. They aren’t humans we are.”
    – Israeli border police (you can find at 5:03 of this video)

    “We let them suffer, in the sun, in the rain, that’s it. That’s what I wanted to say. Let the whole world know.”
    – Israeli border police

    “When the Palestinians come…we put on our show.”
    – Israeli border police

    “Nobody knows about us here. Nobody in the world.”
    – Palestinian businessman

    “Look at what they do to us, do to our children. Look!”
    – Mother with two children

    “Food for my wife, Christmas tomorrow. Meal for my family! I’ll be back in the morning!”
    – Elderly Palestinian man

    * Antoine Raffoul is a Palestinian architect living and practising in London. He was born in Nazareth and was expelled with his family from Haifa in April 1948. He is the Founder and Co-ordinator of 1948: Lest.We.Forget. a campaign group for truth about Palestine. He can be reached at [email protected], 05.01.2012