Category: Middle East

  • Turkey ‘gives Israel deadline’ for drone delivery

    Turkey ‘gives Israel deadline’ for drone delivery

    ANKARA — Turkey has given Israeli contractors 50 days to fulfil a long-delayed deal for the delivery of 10 drone aircraft for the Turkish army, Defence Minister Vecdi Gonul was quoted as saying Saturday.

    HeronThe delays in the project, launched in 2005, have come against a backdrop of tensions between the two regional allies over Israel’s devastating war on the Gaza Strip at the turn of the year.

    The two contractors — Israel Aerospace Industries and Elbit — have been sent a letter to fulfil the terms of the deal within 50 days, the CNN Turk news channel quoted Gonul as saying.

    “If this letter does not bear fruit either, the tender may be cancelled. But there is no cancellation at the moment,” Gonul told CNN Turk, according to the report.

    Negotiations between the two sides are continuing, he added.

    Israeli officials have rejected suggestions that the delay had political links, saying the project was snagged by technical problems as Turkish-manufactured equipment proved too heavy for the aircraft.

    Turkish media reported this week that Turkey had returned the only two planes to have been delivered on grounds they failed to meet the required technical norms concerning flying altitude and time.

    Turkey awarded the contract in April 2005, saying that it involved the manufacture of three unmanned aerial vehicle systems, including 10 aircraft, surveillance equipment and ground control stations.

    The contract was part of a 183-million-dollar project in which Turkish firms were to provide sub-systems and services amounting to 30 percent of the project.

    Officials had said at the time the Israeli side was expected to complete their part in 24 to 30 months.

    Israel’s ties with Turkey, its main regional ally since 1998 when the two signed a military cooperation accord, took a downturn in January when the Islamist-rooted government in Ankara launched an unprecedented barrage of criticism of the Jewish state over its deadly offensive on Gaza.

    Last month Turkey excluded Israel from joint military drills and said ties would continue to suffer unless Israel ends “the humanitarian tragedy” in Gaza and revives peace talks with the Palestinians.


  • Who is Axel Springer?

    Who is Axel Springer?

    Reconciliation between Jews and Germans

    Bound together in friendship: Commitment to the reconciliation between Jews and Germans

    Axel Springer, who founded his company in 1946, had a very close friendship with the State of Israel and the Israeli people. The reconciliation between Jews and Germans and standing up for the vital rights of the Israeli people were fundamental convictions for him, which governed his actions and which became manifest in the Essentials of his publishing house .

    The company and its employees remain true to these principles even today and continue the traditional friendship with multifarious commitment.

    Thus in 2003 for example, the “Ernst-Cramer-Fellowship” was established, which grants young German journalists a working stay in Israel and young Israeli journalists a working stay in Germany. More Information on the Ernst Cramer Fellowship can be found at the website of the International Journalists’ Programmes .

    Moreover Axel Springer supports institutions and projects to cultivate Jewish life in Germany and to intensify contacts between Germany and Israel.

    The website illustrates how even young Axel Springer employees live the commitment to Israel as a matter of course: For this tribute was paid to young trainee journalists from the Axel Springer Academy in May 2008 for the web project which they had initiated and designed themselves. The independent jury of experts in the Internet category of the Axel Springer Prize for young journalists valued their project as an “outstanding service”, because the website brings the user closer to Jewish life in Germany in a particular appealing and entertaining way at the same time making an important contribution to the reconciliation between Germans and Jews.


  • Soldiers of Fortune

    Soldiers of Fortune

    How the Israeli Army became the most prolific innovation engine on earth.

    Johnathan Torgovnik for Newsweek
    Soldier/Civilian: Israeli innovation benefits from the mix.
    By Dan Senor and Saul Singer | NEWSWEEK
    Published Nov 14, 2009
    From the magazine issue dated Nov 23, 2009
    How does Israel—with fewer people than the state of New Jersey, no natural resources, and hostile nations all around—produce more tech companies listed on the NASDAQ than all of Europe, Japan, South Korea, India, and China combined? How does Israel attract, per person, 30 times as much venture capital as Europe and more than twice the flow to American companies? How does it produce, for its size, the most cutting-edge technology startups in the world?
    There are many components to the answer, but one of the most central and surprising is the Israeli military’s role in breaking down hierarchies and—serendipitously—becoming a boot camp for new tech entrepreneurs.
    While students in other countries are preoccupied with deciding which college to attend, Israeli high-school seniors are readying themselves for military service—three years for men, two for women—and jockeying to be chosen by elite units in the Israeli military, known as the Israel Defense Forces, or IDF.
    As selective as the top Israeli universities are, certain commando, intelligence, Air Force, and high-tech IDF units are even more so. The prestige of these units makes them the national equivalent of Harvard, Stanford, and MIT for the Israeli tech world. Even outside the elite units, the military experience of Israeli job applicants tells prospective employers what kind of selection process they navigated, and what skills and relevant experience they may already possess.
    For Americans, the idea that military service can be great training for business is surprising. “Innovation” is hardly the first word most people associate with the military. “Improvisation” is even less likely to come to mind. And “flat”—as in anti-hierarchical and informal—would be completely counterintuitive. Yet these are exactly the attributes that employers have come to expect from young people emerging from their stint in the IDF.
    Talk to an Israeli Air Force pilot and you will see why. “If most air forces are designed like a Formula One race car, the Israeli Air Force is a beat-up jeep with a lot of tools in it,” one pilot told us. A U.S. Air Force “strike package” often consists of four waves of specialized aircraft: a combat air patrol to clear a corridor of enemy aircraft; a second wave to suppress enemy antiaircraft systems; a third wave of electronic-warfare aircraft, refueling tankers, and radar aircraft; and, finally, the strikers themselves—planes with bombs. In the Israeli system, almost every aircraft is a jack-of-all-trades. “You do it yourself,” one pilot noted. “It’s not as effective, but it’s a hell of a lot more flexible.”
    The Israeli business culture’s emphasis on multidisciplinary skills—on everyone being able to operate in many sectors—rather than an intense and narrow focus in one area flows directly from the military culture. It also produces mashups: the combination of radically different technologies and disciplines.
    Given Imaging, for example, is the Israeli startup behind the PillCam. The company’s founders took the miniaturized sensing systems from the nose cones of fighter jets to create a swallowable camera. The PillCam weighs 4 grams, and can beam a movie from inside a patient’s intestine out to a doctor’s monitor in the same room or across the globe. This is making some highly invasive and painful diagnostic surgeries all but obsolete. Given Imaging, listed on the NASDAQ, was the first company to go public after September 11, 2001.
    The three founders of biotech mashup Compugen—president Eli Mintz, chief technology officer Simchon Faigler, and software chief Amir Natan—met in the IDF. Twenty-five of the 60 mathematicians in the company joined through the founders’ network of Army contacts. While still in the Army, Mintz created algorithms for sifting through reams of intelligence data to find the nuggets that have been so critical to Israel’s successes in hunting terrorist networks. When his wife, a geneticist, described the problems they had in analyzing enormous collections of genetic data, Mintz and his partners sought to revolutionize the process of genetic sequencing.
    The American corporate giant Merck bought Compugen’s first sequencer in 1994, a year after the startup was founded and long before the human genome had been successfully mapped.
    The IDF also offers recruits another valuable experience: a unique space within Israeli society where young men and women work closely and intensely with peers from different cultural, socioeconomic, and religious backgrounds. A young Jew from Ethiopia, the son of an Iranian immigrant, a native-born Israeli from a swanky Tel Aviv suburb, and a kibbutznik from a farming family might all meet in the same unit. They’ll spend two to three years serving together full time, and then spend another 20-plus years of annual service in the reserves.
    Not surprisingly, many business connections are made during the long hours of operations, guard duty, and training. This gives young Israelis a tight-knit network with global reach. Two out of three Israelis are immigrants or the children of immigrants. The military is much better than college for inculcating young leaders with a sense of social range.
    But the military can also do something much more counterintuitive: it breaks down hierarchies. Normally, when one thinks of military culture, what comes to mind is unwavering obedience to superiors. But the IDF doesn’t fit that description. One way that the IDF exhibits a flat, non-hierarchical culture—more like a startup than a large corporation—is that it works to drill responsibility down to lower levels. “The IDF is deliberately understaffed at senior levels. It means that there are fewer senior officers to issue commands,” says Edward Luttwak, a military historian. “Fewer senior officials means more individual initiative at the lower ranks.”
    In the reserves, which are the backbone of the Israeli military in time of war, this flatness and dispersion of responsibility is most pronounced. Hierarchy is naturally diminished when taxi drivers can command millionaires and 23-year-olds can train their uncles. This helps to reinforce that chaotic, anti-hierarchical ethos that can be found in Israeli society, from war room to classroom to boardroom.
    It creates an openness to challenging, debating, and probing—even of one’s superiors—that permeates the Israeli startup scene; it helps produce unconventional solutions to tough business problems. Nati Ron is a lawyer in his civilian life and a lieutenant colonel who commands an Army unit in the reserves. “Rank is almost meaningless in the reserves,” he says. “A private will tell a general in an exercise, ‘You are doing this wrong; you should do it this way.’ “
    This is not to say that soldiers aren’t expected to obey orders. But, as Amos Goren, a venture-capital investor with Apax Partners in Tel Aviv and a veteran Israeli commando, says, “Israeli soldiers are not defined by rank; they are defined by what they are good at.”
    Innovation often depends on having a different perspective. Perspective comes from experience. Real experience also typically comes with age or maturity. But in Israel, you get experience, perspective, and maturity at a younger age, because the society jams in so many transformative experiences when its citizens are 18 to 21 years old. By the time they get to college, their heads are in a different place than those of their American counterparts.
    According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 45 percent of Israelis are university-educated, which is among the highest percentages in the world. But is it really the university, or is it the fact that Israel is the only country where most university students have also had a crucible leadership experience before they even begin their post-secondary education? Or perhaps it’s that Israel’s university students get so much more out of the college classroom because—unlike American students—by the time they go to campus they are far more mature and grounded. By their early 20s, they know the true meaning of “life and death,” and—as one Israeli general told us—the “value of five minutes” when having to make high-stakes decisions in the fog of ambiguity. That’s a skill that’s just as valuable on the corporate battlefield as on a real one.

    Adapted from the book Start-Up Nation by Dan Senor and Saul Singer. Copyright © 2009 by Dan Senor and Saul Singer. Reprinted by permission of Twelve, a Division of Hachette Book Group, New York, N.Y. All rights reserved.




  • Rapprochement between Ankara, Teheran worries Brussels

    Rapprochement between Ankara, Teheran worries Brussels

    Published: Tuesday 17 November 2009   

    Policymakers and influential media warned that Turkey’s developing ties with Iran could be counterproductive to the EU’s efforts to convince Teheran that it should abandon its nuclear weapons programme.

    “Policymakers in the West are getting worried that Turkey’s growing ties with Iran – by lessening that country’s sense of isolation – may frustrate diplomatic efforts to prevent Tehran from building a nuclear bomb,” writes Katinka Barysch of the Centre of European Reform (CER) in a paper published on 4 November.

    Relationships between Turkey and Iran are on the upturn. On 27-28 October, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan embarked on a two-day visit to Iran. There he met President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The visit was also an occasion to discuss gas transit, trade and energy agreements.

    “The Erdogan government values its relationship with Iran as part of its ‘zero problem’ neighbourhood policy. Having been more or less isolated in the region only 20 years ago, Turkey now has flourishing political and trade links with most of its immediate neighbours,” Barysch writes.

    This trip was anticipated in an interview with the Guardian newspaper, which saw the Turkish prime minister state that Iran was Turkey’s friend. “As a friend so far we have had very good relations and have no difficulty at all.” During his stay, Erdogan also stressed that the Iranian nuclear project is “an energy project that is peaceful and humanitarian”. This assertion contradicts the Commission’s 2009 progress report, which states that “Turkey supports the EU position on Iran’s nuclear programme”.

    The Iran-Turkey relationship is also motivated by economic interests. “Trade between Turkey and Iran has been growing fast in recent years, to reach an estimated $6 billion in 2008. Politicians from both sides say they want to see that figure double or even triple over the next 5-10 years,” Barysch notes.

    European opinion is divided. “Some European countries say Turkey’s improved ties with Iran could help EU policy in the Middle East and boost world powers’ efforts to stop Iran developing a nuclear bomb. Others fear Ankara could be turning its back on Europe and its policy could hinder talks on Iran’s nuclear enrichment programme by reducing Tehran’s isolation,” writes Timothy Heritage of Reuters.

    Stronger scepticism towards Ankara’s position can be found in Germany, where German Chancellor Angela Merkel is said to have raised concerns about the rapprochement between Turkey and Iran. Officials have also pointed to the increasing difficulties emerging within NATO over friction between Turkey and Israel.

    Turkey’s foreign policy ambitions are facing a dilemma. “As a long-standing NATO member and a country negotiating for EU membership, Turkey is expected to align itself with the US and Europe. As a regional power, Turkey will want to act independently and avoid antagonising its neighbours. It is not clear how long Ankara will be able to avoid tough choices,” Barysch concludes.

    Recently, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu told journalists in Brussels that his country was in fact helping the West during ongoing tensions over Iran’s nuclear programme. He said his country was pursuing a policy of “zero problems” with its neighbours, with all of which he said relations were “very good” (EurActiv 05/10/09). 

  • Iran drops Russia for Turkey

    Iran drops Russia for Turkey

    Tuesday, 17 November 2009

    Meir Javedanfar: As Ayatollah Khamenei sidles up to Recep Tayyip Erdogan, he could learn from Turkey’s leader about balancing his alliances

    Ayatollah Khamenei

    The famous Chinese strategist, Sun Tzu, wrote in his book, The Art of War: “If an enemy has alliances, the problem is grave and the enemy’s position strong; if he has no alliances, the problem is minor and the enemy’s position weak.”

    Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, is currently witnessing how the US, which he sees as the enemy for his nuclear ambitions, is working hard on building alliances, including with Russia. Khamenei is not happy.

    So much so that Iran recently cancelled a deal with Russia to launch its communication satellite, and turned to Italy instead. This is in addition to recent complaints from Tehran regarding delays from Russia in the delivery of the S-300 anti-aircraft system. Until recently, Tehran kept its complaints away from the cameras and behind closed doors. But now that Khamenei sees the Russians as disloyal, his regime is not shy about airing its criticism publicly.

    The Iranian government has decided to take the initiative and to look for a new partner to replace the Russians. Judging by the recent flurry of visits between Tehran and Ankara, it seems that Khamenei has found a willing partner in Turkey.

    Unlike Russia, Turkey does not have a veto in the UN security council. However, its stock in the Middle East and the Islamic world is certainly rising. Its prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is being seen more and more as a credible defender of Islamic and Arab issues. Many people on the Arab street respect his leadership, as he was elected in a genuinely democratic elections. The same can not be said about Egypt’s president, Hosni Mubarak, or King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, who received their posts undemocratically.

    Erdogan’s relations with the US and the EU also count in his favour. Although he has recently been getting closer to his Muslim and Arab regional neighbours, he has not severed his ties with the west, but is masterfully playing both sides. His relations with the US are also not based on Turkey’s weaknesses. On one occasion, he resisted US pressure and even walked away from a promise of $6bn in grants and $20bn loan guarantees, because he did not find the agreement suitable. And his verbal attacks on Israel after the recent Gaza war have certainly helped his image in the region.

    Now that Khamenei has turned down Barack Obama’s nuclear offer, he feels that the prospect of sanctions is greater. Therefore, he needs a change of strategy to deal with the expected difficult time ahead. One strategy is to turn his struggle against Obama into a new west v Islam confrontation. Judging by the recent international TV debate in Qatar, where Iran’s nuclear programme was discussed in front of a select audience from the Middle East, there certainly is sympathy for his position. As far as many people in the region are concerned, Iran’s nuclear programme is the only way to counter Israel’s superior balance of power. Therefore this is a viable strategy. And Erdogan’s rising popularity in the region, and Tehran’s improving relations with his administration, will be a feasible way for Khamenei to improve his own position during the difficult times ahead. The absence of progress in the Israeli-Palestinian peace track will also help him.

    However, the Iranian supreme leader should be careful about how he approaches his relations with Turkey and the price he is willing to pay for it, both at home and abroad. According to the Iranian news website Khabar online, the Ahmadinejad government concluded a secret gas agreement with Turkey in late October, without informing parliament. After the news was recently leaked to the press, parliament launched a full investigation. There are now discussions about cancelling the whole deal if, as the members of parliament say, it is found to be against the country’s interests. Many people suspect that Khamenei offered the deal in unfavourably good conditions to Ankara, as a means of buying its loyalty. Judging by its results it seems to have worked. However, the domestic backlash could damage the legitimacy of his regime even further.

    There is also the issue of the Bushehr nuclear power plant. Turkey can not complete it. Only Russia can. Khamenei turning his back on Moscow could be even more detrimental to this important and expensive project. Perhaps Khamenei could learn from the Turks, and instead of constantly changing one ally for another learn to balance his alliances.


  • Turkey warm to storing Iranian uranium

    Turkey warm to storing Iranian uranium

    Turkish Energy Minister Taner Yildiz said on Friday that if asked, his country would be willing to temporarily store Iran’s enriched uranium to help defuse a standoff over Western suspicions that Teheran is trying to build an atomic bomb.

    Yildiz stated that storing low-level enriched uranium in Turkey would not pose a problem, adding that although such a request had not been made, the issue was still being discussed.

    If asked, he concluded, “we would not say no.”

    The idea that Turkey could play a role in the crisis was raised in an American television interview by IAEA head Mohamed ElBaradei, who noted that Turkey, a Muslim country and a NATO member, has good relations with both neighboring Iran and the US.


    Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad after a press conference in Istanbul, Monday.
    Photo: AP

    Iranian Chief of Staff Hassan Firouzabadi spoke later on Friday in support of the proposals to ship most of Teheran’s low-enriched uranium stockpile abroad for further processing, AFP reported, quoting the Mehr news agency.

    The initiative will prove that the country’s “peaceful nuclear activities” are “bona fide,” Firouzabadi was quoted as saying.

    Iran’s chief of staff also urged Russia to ship the S-300 surface-air missile system to Teheran in accordance with a contract signed between the two countries months ago, PressTV reported.

    According to the report, Firouzabadi expressed confusion over Moscow’s six-month delay. “Don’t Russian strategists realize Iran’s geopolitical importance to their security?” the general was quoted as saying.

    The system would significantly boost Iran’s defense capabilities, especially against aircraft.