Category: Iran

  • Turkey urges more trade ties with Iran despite foreign pressures

    Turkey urges more trade ties with Iran despite foreign pressures

    Turkish Minister of Development Cevdet Yilmaz has called for the expansion of economic ties with neighboring Islamic Republic despite foreign pressures.
    Turkish Minister of Development Cevdet Yilmaz
    Turkish Minister of Development Cevdet Yilmaz

    Turkey has legitimate trade ties with Iran and foreign factors should not inhibit the development of relations, Yilmaz told IRNA on Thursday ahead of his three-day visit to Iran at the head of an economic delegation.

    Pointing to the unilateral Western sanctions imposed on Iran over its nuclear energy program, the Turkish minister said that Turkey abides only by the UN Security Council ratifications.

    Iran is a neighbor of Turkey and Ankara follows legitimate trade ties with Iran, which is by no means in violation of the international law, he stressed.

    The United States, Israel and some of their allies have repeatedly accused Iran of pursuing non-civilian objectives in its nuclear energy program. Over the false allegation, Washington and the European Union have imposed a series of illegal unilateral sanctions against the Islamic Republic. The bans come on top of four rounds of US-instigated UN Security Council sanctions against Iran under the same pretext.

    Iran refutes the allegation over its nuclear energy program and argues that as a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency, it is entitled to develop nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.

    Yilmaz went on to say that Iran and Turkey hold favorable ties and seek to increase the volume of trade transactions to USD 35 billion from the current level of USD 22 billion.

    He described investments as an instrumental factor in the consolidation of economic ties between the two countries and added that Ankara welcomes investments made by Iranian companies in Turkey.

    The Turkish minister said his country supports the expansion of cooperation with Iran in all areas, in particular in the energy sector and holds a positive view toward the transfer of Iran’s gas to Europe via Turkey.

    Turkey is in dire need of energy and also located on a strategic corridor for the transfer of energy, Yilmaz stressed.


  • Turkey Denies Talking with Israel About Iran Strike

    Turkey Denies Talking with Israel About Iran Strike

    Turkey dismisses report suggesting that an Israeli delegation would hold talks about using a Turkish airbase to train for a attack in Iran.

     By Elad Benari
    F-15 Fighter Jet
    Flash 90

    Turkey dismissed on Sunday evening a news report suggesting that an Israeli delegation set to arrive in Ankara on Monday would hold talksabout Israel using a Turkish airbaseto train for a possible attack on Iranian nuclear facilities.

    The report, which appeared in theSunday Times, said that NationalSecurity Council chairman Yaakov Amidror would offer missiles and advanced technology to Turkey in exchange for Ankara’s allowing the Israeli Air Force to use a base located approximately  1,000 miles from the border with Iran.

    However, a Turkish official denied the report, telling the Turkish daily Hurriyet, “The report seems to have explained a hypothesis.”

    “We have already said that the normalization of our relations will be step by step. Talking about the prospects of a military cooperation at this stage would be irrelevant. We are not there yet. We haven’t even yet appointed a new ambassador to Israel,” said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity.

    Amidror will head an Israeli delegation to Ankara that will begin discussions over compensation to families of those who died in clashes during the 2010 Mavi Marmara incident.

    The Sunday Times report alleged that in addition to the Marmara talks, Amidror was also assigned to try to resuscitate a 1996 agreement between Jerusalem and Ankara which allowed the Israeli Air Forces to train in Turkish airspace and use the Akıncı airbase.

    Turkey recently delayed the beginning of talks with Israel over compensation for the Marmara flotilla.

    The talks were delayed until Monday because Turkey’s Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc had to accompany Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on a trip to Kazakhstan on the originally scheduled date.

    Arinc, who will lead the negotiating on behalf of Turkey, told the Hebrew-languageNRG news site last week that “Turkey anticipates full restoration of relations with Israel. I will lead the Turkish delegation for negotiations with Israel next week on restitution for the nine Mavi Marmara victims.”

    Tags: Turkey ,Mavi Marmara ,Iran Strike ,Iran Nuclear threat ,Turkey-Israel relations
  • Iran security head visits Syria, “friends of Syria” meet in Turkey

    Iran security head visits Syria, “friends of Syria” meet in Turkey

    Iran security head visits Syria, “friends of Syria” meet in Turkey   2013-04-21 11:07:05

    DAMASCUS, April 20 (Xinhua) — Iranian national security head visited Syria on Saturday as the country’s opposition called for a no-fly zone over Syria and “surgical” bombing against Syrian army’s ballistic missile launchers.

    Alaeddin Boroujerdi, head of Iran’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, is expected to meet President Bashar al-Assad and Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem, among others, during his three-day visit, local officials said.

    Iran has emerged as a main regional ally of the Syrian government, whose officials have repeatedly stressed support for a political solution to the Syrian crisis.

    Meanwhile, in the “Friends of Syria” meeting in Turkey’s Istanbul on Saturday, the oppositional National Coalition said they want a no-fly zone over Syria to protect the northern and southern borders to secure the safe return of Syrian refugees.

    They also wanted the UN Security Council to condemn the use of rockets by the government troops “against civilians” and adopt measures to stop the Syrian from using such weapons.

    The group also demanded “capable countries” undertake immediate measures to disable the government troops’ ability to use “chemical weapons and ballistic rockets” through carrying out “surgical airstrikes” by drones.

    However, their Western backers appear reluctant to do so. Among them, U.S. President Barack Obama said repeatedly that he has no plans to send weapons or render lethal aid to the rebels in Syria.

    The United States, however, was reportedly preparing a new package of aid to the Syrian rebels of up to 130 million U.S. dollars in non-lethal aid that would include body armor, night vision binoculars, armored vehicles and advanced communication devices.

    Britain and France have been supporting efforts to lift an arm embargo on Syrian rebels to tilt the balance of the conflict in their favor.

    A military leader of the Syrian rebels, Salem Idris, told reporters on the sidelines of the “Friend of Syria” meeting that “only power would end the conflict” in Syria.

    He brushed off any possibility to embark on negotiations with the administration.

    Al-Assad said Wednesday that what is happening in Syria is a “war” in all sense of the word but there is still chance for dialogue with the opposition.

    “we want all parties to participate…to make dialogue a success,” the president said.

    “All doors for dialogue are open,” he said. “Anything is negotiable… There are no red lines but in two things: Syria’s independence, which means no foreign interference in any internal affairs… and supporting terrorists.”

    Editor: An

    via Iran security head visits Syria, “friends of Syria” meet in Turkey – Xinhua |

  • Iran, Turkey Discuss Enhancement of Cultural Ties

    Iran, Turkey Discuss Enhancement of Cultural Ties

    Millet İran’a Yaptırımlara başlıyor, Türkiye ticaretini arttırma görüşmelerinde. Yaptırımlar bize 30 milyara maloldu’nun altyapısını hazırlıyorlar anlaşılan!

    Iran, Turkey Discuss Enhancement of Cultural Ties

    TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Cultural Attaché in Ankara Abulhassan Khalaj Monfared and Turkish Deputy Culture and Tourism Minister Abdelrahman Ariji in a meeting in Ankara discussed expansion of bilateral ties, specially in cultural fields.


    During the meeting in the Turkish capital on Friday, Monfared and Ariji underlined the necessity for bolstering and reinvigorating cultural ties between Iran and Turkey.

    The two sides also called for holding the second meeting of the joint cultural relations committee in the near future.

    The Turkish side said that it will inform the Iranian side of the appropriate date for holding the meeting in future.

    Last month, Tehran’s Envoy to Ankara Alireza Bigdeli lauded the close ties between Iran and Turkey, and stressed that the relations between the two neighboring countries are moving in the right direction.

    Bigdeli said that he will do his utmost to develop and deepen mutual ties between the two countries.

    He further stressed that “he hopes to be able to accelerate the move to increase trade exchange volume” between the two countries.

    Iran and Turkey have recently expanded their bilateral relations, especially in trade and energy fields. Trade between Turkey and Iran has risen sharply over the past decade.

    Also, Turkey was Iran’s fifth-largest oil customer in 2011, buying around 200,000 barrels per day, 30 percent of its total imports and more than 7 percent of Iran’s oil exports.

    The two countries officials stressed the necessity for stronger relations and pursuing the planned increase of mutual trade to $30bln by 2015.

  • Atefeh Rajabi Sahaaleh

    Atefeh Rajabi Sahaaleh

    English version below

    15251_459244600826100_1389589131_nATEFAH SAHAALEY KİM Mİ ? OKUYUN

    İslamiyet öylesine özgürlüklerin yaşandıgı bir din ki (!)

    Atefah daha 13 yasindayken bir erkekle tek basina ayni arabada görüldügü icin hapis cezasina carptiriliyor, suçu iffetsizlik. Hapisten cikar cikmaz 51 yasindaki evli ve cocuk sahibi bir taksi şöförü tarafindan tecavüze ugruyor (Hüseyin Üzmez geliyor akla).

    Sonra mı ?

    İmzasiz bir sikayet üzerine yeniden tutuklaniyor Atefah iskence ile sorgulaniyor, sorgulayici, hakim ve savci ayni kisi bu arada, tamamen İslami usül sorgu sirasinda tecavüze ugradigini “itiraf” ediyor. Bunun uzerine, 16 yasinda, idama mahkum ediliyor .Atefah. 2 gün icinde yüksek mahkemeden izin aliniyor ve halka ibret olmasi icin kendi sehrinin, tanidigi insanlarin oldugu sehrin meydaninda idam edilmesine karar veriliyor.

    Ailesini son kez görmesine bile izin verilmiyor, acelesi var cünkü müslümanların. Acilen öldürülmesi gerek bu iffetsiz kizin ve öldürüyorlar da, 40 dakika boyunca asiyorlar Atefah’yi, müslüman tanidiklarinin alkislari ile birlikte.

    Bir sehrin daha iffeti kurtuluyor.

    Sonra 22 yasinda oldugu iddia edilen Atefah’nin 16 yasinda oldugu anlasiliyor,cesedi caliniyor ertesi gün, mezarindan, büyük ihtimalle ahlakli müslümanlar (!) tarafindan…

    Tecavüzcüler ise serbest, kirbaçla atlatiyorlar , tam da islam’a yakisir sekilde, iffetlice.

    Türkiye’de de iffetli müslümanlarımız kara carsafla Nisantasi’nda yürüyememekten dem vuruyorlar.

    Kafalarini dünyaya kapadiklari basörtusüyle, amaci insanin kafasini acmak olan Üniversitelere girememeyi elestiriyorlar,amaçları imam yetistirmek olan imam hatiplerden mezun olup, amaci bilim insanı üretmek olan Üniversitelere girememeyi anlamsiz buluyorlar.

    Müslümanca yaşanacak bir ülke özlemi içinde olanlar, bilin ki karsinizda her zaman sizden daha fazla sayida, sizin pisliklerinize karsi koyacak bir kitle olacak, kendi pisliginiz icinde bogulmaniz dilegiyle…



  • Visit of E.Mammadyarov to Tel-Aviv is very important for Azerbaijan

    Visit of E.Mammadyarov to Tel-Aviv is very important for Azerbaijan

    Азерб ИсраэльGulnara Inanch, director of Information and Analytical Center Etnoglobus (, editor of Russian section of Turkishnews American-Turkish Resource website

    Since the declaration of Azerbaijan as an independent country, the visit of an influential political-diplomatic head of state body to Israel on April 21 can not be estimated as a simple event. Usually, the President of Azerbaijan and minister of foreign affairs meet with their colleagues in the international ceremonies. But as we stepped to new stage in geopolitics, the terms of game have been changed. In this regard the visit of Elmar Mammadyarov, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, to Israel should be explained from different standpoints.


    First of all, some months ago, during the US President Barrack Obama’s visit to Tel-Aviv it was achieved to warm the Turkey-Israel relations. Tel-Aviv had initially refused to apologize and to compensate the events that occurred during the attack of “Blue Marmara” (Mavi Marmara) ship that carried humanitarian aid to Gazza district which is under block. But, the reason of persuading Israel by B.Obama to change its views to the very issues is not just related with that Turkey is strategic country. I think that, the main purpose is to warm the relations between Turkey and Israel, another powerful country in the area, and bring to position of strategic cooperation as it was some years ago.


    The main purpose in this project is improvement and propaganda of importance and authority of each country, jointly and separately, in their place of location.


    It should be mentioned that until deterioration of relations between Israel and Turkey there was Turkey-Azerbaijan-Israel strategic trio. These three countries maintain their specific geopolitical code in their area. Following collapse of Soviet Union, blocking and two-pole world factor have been weakened for some period. But, all processes that have occurred within recent years lead to blocking and grouping of countries again. While B.Obama was solving the problem in regard to Ankara-Tel Aviv relations discussion of terms of Azerbaijan’s place in Turkey-Israel strategic duet are said to have been discussed.


    The second issue is the first visit of Azerbaijani official to Palestine. Though official Baku established close and development-inclined relations with Israel, Azerbaijan maintains positive image in Arabian world thanks to recognition of the independency of Palestine and supporting division of Quds in two – eastern and western parts.


    At the end of last year, Khaled bin Saud bin Khaled, the Prince, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia, confirmed that it is necessary that international community should increase the pressure over Yerevan in order to solve Nagorno Karabakh conflict.


    Israel officials have repeatedly confirmed their interest in increasing the authority of Azerbaijan in Middle East adding that they do their best for this purpose. One of the reasons is the need of availability of any other alternative country to Turkey in the area. As a result of this, imperial claims of Turkey are back, Azerbaijan is a small country and it does not have any imperial ambitions. By the way, in Northern Caucasus policy Russia bases on this factor referring to Azerbaijan. That’s why, in some regional issues official Baku can be a mediator.



    Official Baku tries to draw Islamic world’s attention to Karabakh conflict in parallel with Quds problem. In this case, Ramallah meetings would be an important step in order to draw Islamic world’s attention to Nagorno Karabakh conflict.



    I would like to draw your attention to another interesting issue. Nowadays, John Kerry, the Secretary of State of USA, stated that Nagorno Karabakh conflict is being discussed with Turkish officials which I can say that, is thanks to US’s Jewish lobby.



    Decisions made for the benefit of Azerbaijan by the US Department of State include two key issues – good attitude to the Jewish in Azerbaijan and relations between Azerbaijan – Israel.  Azerbaijan managed to prevent the recognition of “Armenian genocide” only thanks to the support of Jewish lobby representing Israel’s interests. Despite Armenian lobby’s attempts to raise the “Armenian genocide” issue in Knesset, officials of Israel declared that they would never give an opportunity for it as they highly appreciate relations with Azerbaijan.



    Basing on analysis, we can say that Azerbaijan is working with diligence in respect to release the occupied regions within Nagorno Karabakh conflict according to offer of stage-by-stage solution to Nagorno Karabakh conflict. Some years ago military-political platform was created for its realization.



    It seems that this issue is again in the focus of attention. Azerbaijan is not indebted to Israel for the strategic relations. Azerbaijan protected the arm industry of Israel from being collapse by purchasing arms in large parts from this country. Because military industry of Israel is deprived of its potential buyers in West as a result of economic crisis in Europe.



    Oil fields of Israel in Mediterranean Sea have already been discovered and Israel involved Azerbaijan to the exploitation of abovementioned fields, and requests to build gas line from Turkey.



    In general, it should be noted that, Jewish lobby played leading role in realization of projects such as “Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan”, “Baku-Tbilisi-Gars” and at present TANAP.


    No doubt that another important issue that will be discussed in Tel-Aviv is Iran. Besides, Azerbaijan will officially declare that it will not let using its territory for attack against Iran. Thus, it will draw Islamic world’s attention. By the way, I have to say that, visit of E.Mammadyarov to Tel-Aviv is very important for Azerbaijan at present. Because everything that will be stated in Israel and Palestine that focused the attention of the world will be delivered to international society as well as Islamic world and Jewish lobby by world’s media. It should be noted that, this visit occurs in the period when ideological fight is intense of in Azerbaijan-Iran relations.


    It should be noted that Israel does not need any territory in Azerbaijan in order to attack Iran. For the first, it is known that Baku will not agree with it as it may cause consequences for Azerbaijan. For the second, Israel considers the territory of Azerbaijan suitable for intelligence activity against Iran. It helps to pass on technical equipment installed within the scope of projects which are realized by Israel in the territory of country to neighboring countries from the nearest areas to Iran. In addition, Israel and Jewish organizations are trying to raise the issue of South Azerbaijan in the territory of Azerbaijan to have relations with the Jewish people living in Iran, to contact with representatives of organizations representing nations living in Iran and Azerbaijan and political-religious communities in Azerbaijan.


    I must say that Azerbaijan’s answer to objections of Iran to the visit of Shimon Peres, the president of Israel, to Baku was that it will not let the dictation of directions of foreign politics. In addition to abovementioned, Azerbaijan may act as mediator between Iran-Israel relations. This thought has also been expressed by different officials of Israel many times. I think that, new role of Azerbaijan and new progress of Turkey-Iran relations will be determined in Tel-Aviv. I remember, some years ago, when Bashar Asad visited Baku, presence of Azerbaijan in Syria-Israel relations as a mediator was considered possible.