Category: Europe



    Thomas Friedmanin’nin NY Times daki makalesini entersan buldum, benim daha evvel bu mevzuda gonderdigim bir analizle paralleligi var. Atilla Bektore [[email protected]]


    August 20, 2008


    What Did We Expect?


    If the conflict in Georgia were an Olympic event, the gold medal for brutish stupidity would go to the Russian prime minister, Vladimir Putin. The silver medal for bone-headed recklessness would go to Georgia’s president, Mikheil Saakashvili, and the bronze medal for rank short-sightedness would go to the Clinton and Bush foreign policy teams.

    Let’s start with us. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, I was among the group — led by George Kennan, the father of “containment” theory, Senator Sam Nunn and the foreign policy expert Michael Mandelbaum — that argued against expanding NATO, at that time.

    It seemed to us that since we had finally brought down Soviet communism and seen the birth of democracy in Russia the most important thing to do was to help Russian democracy take root and integrate Russia into Europe. Wasn’t that why we fought the cold war — to give young Russians the same chance at freedom and integration with the West as young Czechs, Georgians and Poles? Wasn’t consolidating a democratic Russia more important than bringing the Czech Navy into NATO?

    All of this was especially true because, we argued, there was no big problem on the world stage that we could effectively address without Russia — particularly Iran or Iraq. Russia wasn’t about to reinvade Europe. And the Eastern Europeans would be integrated into the West via membership in the European Union.

    No, said the Clinton foreign policy team, we’re going to cram NATO expansion down the Russians’ throats, because Moscow is weak and, by the way, they’ll get used to it. Message to Russians: We expect you to behave like Western democrats, but we’re going to treat you like you’re still the Soviet Union. The cold war is over for you, but not for us.

    “The Clinton and Bush foreign policy teams acted on the basis of two false premises,” said Mandelbaum. “One was that Russia is innately aggressive and that the end of the cold war could not possibly change this, so we had to expand our military alliance up to its borders. Despite all the pious blather about using NATO to promote democracy, the belief in Russia’s eternal aggressiveness is the only basis on which NATO expansion ever made sense — especially when you consider that the Russians were told they could not join. The other premise was that Russia would always be too weak to endanger any new NATO members, so we would never have to commit troops to defend them. It would cost us nothing. They were wrong on both counts.”

    The humiliation that NATO expansion bred in Russia was critical in fueling Putin’s rise after Boris Yeltsin moved on. And America’s addiction to oil helped push up energy prices to a level that gave Putin the power to act on that humiliation. This is crucial backdrop.

    Nevertheless, today we must support all diplomatic efforts to roll back the Russian invasion of Georgia. Georgia is a nascent free-market democracy, and we can’t just watch it get crushed. But we also can’t refrain from noting that Saakashvili’s decision to push his troops into Tskhinvali, the heart of Georgia’s semiautonomous pro-Russian enclave of South Ossetia, gave Putin an easy excuse to exercise his iron fist.

    As The Washington Post’s longtime Russia watcher Michael Dobbs noted: “On the night of Aug. 7 …, Saakashvili ordered an artillery barrage against Tskhinvali and sent an armored column to occupy the town. He apparently hoped that Western support would protect Georgia from major Russian retaliation, even though Russian ‘peacekeepers’ were almost certainly killed or wounded in the Georgian assault. It was a huge miscalculation.”

    And as The Economist magazine also wrote, “Saakashvili is an impetuous nationalist.” His thrust into South Ossetia “was foolish and possibly criminal. But unlike Putin, he has led his country in a broadly democratic direction, curbed corruption and presided over rapid economic growth that has not relied, as Russia’s mostly does, on high oil and gas prices.”

    That is why the gold medal for brutishness goes to Putin. Yes, NATO expansion was foolish. Putin exploited it to choke Russian democracy. But now, petro-power-grabbing has gone to his head — whether it’s invading Georgia, bullying Western financiers and oil companies working in Russia, or using Russia’s gas supplies to intimidate its neighbors.

    If it persists, this behavior will push every Russian neighbor to seek protection from Moscow and will push the Europeans to redouble their efforts to find alternatives to Russian oil and gas. This won’t happen overnight, but in time it will stretch Russia’s defenses and lead it to become more isolated, more insecure and less wealthy.

    For all these reasons, Russia would be wise to reconsider Putin’s Georgia gambit. If it does, we would be wise to reconsider where our NATO/Russia policy is taking us — and whether we really want to spend the 21st century containing Russia the same way we spent much of the 20th containing the Soviet Union.






    the article by George Friedman regarding the Russo-Georgian conflict.


    The points indicated  in the the article “The Russo-Georgian War and the Balance of Power” regarding 

    the latest Russo–Georgian conflict are well taken.


    And here  is somewhat shortened view on the conflict from  my perspective:


    North Atlantic Treaty  was signed in Washington,_D.C. on 4 April 19949. It included  Netherlands, Luxembourg, France,  

    United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Portugal, Italy, Norway, Denmark and Iceland. And  the treaty stated that:


    The Parties of NATO agreed that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all.

    Consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defense will assist the Party or Parties being attacked, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.

    Whom were they afraid of? Certainly not Germany or Japan who were already totally defeated in 1945. The new threat was the Soviet Union (a member of the Alliance defeating   Hitler) which at the occupied almost all the Eastern Europe including Eastern Germany. It was feared that her influence would tilt the post-war governments to be formed in parts of the  the Western Europe  towards socialism.  In April of 1949 with the help of CIA Italy barely escaped from  the clutches of the Communist Party of Italy. The so called “Cold War” was beginning and the so called “containment” of the Soviet Union was being  put into effect. The direct application of it was realized when in 1952 Greece and Turkey became members of NATO ( the Democratic Party government under premiership of Adnan Menderes was in power at the time). What has  Turkey had to do with North Atlantic? Black Sea or Mediterranean Alliances maybe, but certainly not North Atlantic. It did not really matter. The Soviet Union had to be contained, and Turkey could be instrumental in blocking its path to warm waters of the Mediterranean. American military aid poured into Turkey. But that was not all. American bases with nuclear tipped missiles were established in  Eastern Turkey aimed at the  Soviet Union (those missiles were later  removed from Turkey by a  secrete agreement between by J.F. Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev in Oct. of 1962,  following the Cuban Missile crisis, in exchange for removal of the Soviet missiles from Cuba, but American bases stayed).

    Soviet Union disintegrated in 1991, by its own weight. As a nuclear power in competition with the United State, the military budgets of the country  at times approached 80% of the total at the expense of civilian needs. Long lines for the ordinary items did not really  disappear  from the old days, when  I was  growing up as a kid in  the Soviet Union. USSR (Union  of the Soviet Socialist Republics) dissolved and transformed itself into the Commonwealth of the Independent Republics (Georgia, Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan) the largest of them Russian Federation became today’s Russia. Michail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin were instrumental in this transformation. 

    What precipitated   Russia’s latest anger towards Saakashvili resulting in military action in breakaway South Ossetia area of Georgia was not primarily his treatment of South Ossetians, but  his application for the Membership of NATO – supported by the US – and urging Ukraine to do so, and  his recent declaration that Georgia will leave the Commonwealth of the Independent Republics.  

    NATO is a defensive military alliance supported by military-industrial enterprises. Defense against whom one might ask? Its original formation was based against the threat of the Soviet Union against Western Europe. It is no more, but  Russians think it is still aimed  against them. That is why they cannot tolerate Georgia at their southern  border between  Caspian and Black seas armed with NATO’s weapons. It is that simple. US  by invoking  The Monroe Doctrine – which, on December 2, 1823, proclaimed that European powers were no longer to colonize or interfere with the affairs of the newly independent nations of the Americas– brought the successful removal of Soviet missiles from Cuba in 1962, but US to this day  ostracizes Cuba  by maintaining an economic embargo on the island located only 90 miles from the US. Could we call it a double standard? The world needs respite from the military alliances, and the tensions and economic hardships it creates. Enough already.



    Atilla Bektore

  • Wrestler Sahin wins gold for Turkey in close bout

    Wrestler Sahin wins gold for Turkey in close bout

    Turkey's Ramazan Sahin prays after his victory over Ukraine's Andriy Stadnik during their wrestling men's 66kg freestyle gold medal contest in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games at the China Agricultural University Gymnasium in Beijing on August 20, 2008. Sahin won the gold medal. (Agencies)
    Updated: 2008-08-20 20:30

    BEIJING — Ramazan Sahin of Turkey won the men’s freestyle 66kg wrestling title to earn Turkey their first gold medal here on Wednesday evening at the Beijing Olympic Games.

    The reigning world champion lost the first period to Ukrainian Andriy Stadnik but took the next two for a 2-1 (2-2, 2-1, 2-2) victory. The first period was decided on the last point given to Stadnik, while the third period went to Sahin because he had one 2-point technique to his opponent’s two 1-point techniques.

    “The final was the most difficult round,” said Sahin. “I lost to him the last time we fought, but I felt quite relaxed and confident this time.”

    “The gold is for the Turkish people. I would like to give my appreciation to my coach and all the people who support me.” added Sahin.

    Turkey's Ramazan Sahin carries national flags to celebrate his victory over Ukraine's Andriy Stadnik (not in photo) in their men's 66kg freestyle gold medal wrestling match at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games on August 20, 2008. (Agencies)
    Stadnik was happy to win the silver because he thought he did better than his wife, bronze medalist Mariya Stadnik of Azerbaijan in women’s freestyle 48kg wrestling.

    “It’s nice to realise that you compete against your own wife and you are the winner,” said Stadnik.

    “Reaching the final is already a good result. I have been ready to win. I have competed against Sahin three times, and I only won once.”

    The bronze medal was shared by Otar Tushishvili of Georgia, a semifinal loser to Sahin, and Sushil Kumar of India.

    Tushishvili won the medal by points over Cuba’s Geandry Garzon, scoring the last of two takedowns of the second period after dominating the first one.

    Kumar broke free from a defensive position in an extra time to beat Leonid Spiridonov of Kazakhstan for the bronze medal.

    Source:, 20.08.2008

  • Conference Announcement Turkey & the Balkans

    Conference Announcement Turkey & the Balkans

    An International Conference (28-30 August 2008) on Balkans will be held at
    Yeditepe University in Istanbul. Participants will be discussing the following
    topics both in English and Turkish:
    - Balkans and the Turks
    - Legal Status of the People in the Balkans under Ottoman Empire
    - Ottoman Administration in the Balkans
    - Turkish Culture in the Balkans
    - Turkish Foundations in the Balkans
    - Turkish Foundations (Waqfs) in the Balkans and their Condition Today
    - Independance of the Balkan States and the Turkish Immigration
    - Turkey’s Political Relations with the Balkan States
    - Turkey’s Economic and Trade Relations with the Balkan States
    For further information and the coference program, please email Prof. Dr.
    Mehmet Saray [email protected]
    Vehbi Baysan
    Yeditepe University
    History Department
    Yeditepe Üniversitesi 28-29-30 Ağustos 2008 tarihlerinde yapacağı
    GELİŞTİRME KONFERANSI”na ilgilileri davet eder.
    Türkiye, Yunanistan, Bulgaristan, Romanya, Bosna-Hersek, Makedonya, Sırbistan
    ve Arnavutluktan Bakanların, Diplomatların, Akademisyenlerin ve
    İşadamlarının konuşmacı olarak katılacağı bu konferansta
    tartışılacak konular şu başlıklar altında olacaktır:
    -       Balkanlar ve Türkler
    -       Osmanlı Döneminde Balkan Halklarının Hukuki Durumu
    -       Balkanlarda Osmanlı İdaresi
    -       Balkanlarda Türk Kültürü
    -       Balkanlarda Türk Vakıfları
    -       Vakıfların Bugünkü Durumu
    -       Balkan Ülkelerin Bağımsızlıklarına Kavuşmaları ve Türk
    -       Türkiye’nin Balkan Ülkeleriyle Siyasi İlişkileri
    -       Türkiye’nin Balkan Ülkeleriyle Ekonomik ve Ticari İlişkileri
    Tebliğler Türkçe ve İngilizce olarak sunulacaktır.
  • Azerbaijan: Public Angry at Russian Offensive

    Azerbaijan: Public Angry at Russian Offensive

    Ordinary Azeris outraged by Moscow’s intervention in Georgia – but officials largely silent.

    By Tamara Grigoryeva in Baku (CRS No. 455, 19-Aug-08)

    “Our home looks like a dormitory now, because so many relatives have arrived,” said 23-year-old Azerbaijani Parvana Mamedova who has helped take care of a stream of relatives from Georgia’s Marneuli region, which has an Azerbaijani minority. “We don’t have enough space in our three rooms, but it’s our duty to receive them.”

    After August 8, when Russian planes bombed the military base in Marneuli, two families of relatives decided to move to Baku, until the situation settles down. Only her uncle, Asif, stayed in Georgia and joined a unit of Azerbaijani volunteers to support the Georgian army.

    Azerbaijan has strong ties to both Georgia and Russia. The private reaction in Azerbaijan, Georgia’s partner in the GUAM organisation and in several energy projects, has been stronger than the public one.

    Azerbaijani foreign ministry spokesman Khazar Ibrahim has been virtually the only official to comment. “Azerbaijan recognises Georgia’s territorial integrity and believes that the conflict must be settled within [the] framework…of international law,” he said.

    President Ilham Aliev has remained at the Olympic Games for the duration of the crisis and made no public comment.

    Opposition politicians and commentators have criticised him for doing this at a time of conflict in the Caucasus and suggested that the president is too beholden to Russia, with which he signed a cooperation agreement last month.

    “Our president preferred to stay and watch the Olympics and keep silent while the presidents of several other friendly countries personally arrived in Tbilisi and expressed their support for President Saakashvili,” said analyst Ilgar Mamedov.

    “I think that this position can be explained by the president of Azerbaijan’s commitment to good relations with the leadership of Russia, and his wish to preserve stability in the country on the eve of the forthcoming presidential elections.”

    Only last month, Aliev and Russian president Dmitry Medvedev signed a new cooperation treaty.

    Political analyst Hikmet Hajizade said the reaction was understandable. “Azerbaijan fears for of its own security,” he said. “It’s obvious that Russia shouldn’t be driven crazy, because we have seen the consequences.”

    The Azerbaijani public and media were much sharper in their reactions. There have been several statements accusing Russia of supporting separatists and urging it to withdraw. Six protest rallies have been held outside the Russian embassy in Baku.

    In response, the Russian ambassador to Azerbaijan Valery Istratov has held two press conferences. At the first, only four journalists, mainly representing Russian media accredited in Baku, were invited, a decision the Azerbaijani news internet site described as “the ambassador’s desire to evade tricky questions from Azerbaijani journalists”.

    Inevitably, Azerbaijanis have also drawn parallels between the war over South Ossetia and their own unresolved conflict with Armenia over Nagorny Karabakh. “The parallels between these conflicts are obvious,” said Hajizade. “The conflict between Georgia and Ossetia will definitely have an impact on the Karabakh conflict. If the conflict ends with Russia’s full control over Georgia, it will be very bad for Azerbaijan. Georgia is our only route for our energy and transport projects to reach the outside world.”

    Hajizade also believes that “many of those in Azerbaijan, who have called for a military solution to the Nagorny Karabakh conflict have learned what lies in store for a country which defies Russia but has no real allies. On the other hand, Hajizade sees one advantage in the current crisis, “The forgotten Caucasian conflicts have become a focus of attention of the world.”

    As the situation deteriorated, Georgia announced it was quitting the Commonwealth of Independent States and urged other countries to follow suit. But Azerbaijan was cautious on this. “The decision to leave the CIS is Georgia’s internal affair. Each country has the right to take decisions independently,” said Azerbaijani deputy foreign minister Hafiz Pashayev.

    The conflict over South Ossetia is hurting Azerbaijan economically. The country’s main oil export route, the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline, was shut down anyway on August 5 after an explosion in eastern Turkey claimed by the PKK Kurdish rebels. The conflict ensured the closure of the other pipeline via Georgia, Baku-Supsa. Azerbaijan was forced to rely only on the alternative, Baku-Novorossisk via Russia. According to the Caspian Alliance Group, every day that the pipelines do not operate Azerbaijan loses more than 70 million dollars.

    Energy experts and officials say this is a temporary disruption and that the pipelines via Georgia will soon be operating again.

    Political analyst Rasim Musabekov called Russia’s actions in Georgia “deliberate energy blackmail towards Europe and Azerbaijan”.

    “As soon as we started oil deliveries via the Baku-Novorossiysk pipeline, Russia started experiencing some problems,” he said. “This once again shows that the Baku-Novorossisk pipeline cannot be used as the main route to export Azerbaijani resources to Europe. Our main routes pass through Georgia. In the future we must pay more attention to their security.”

    Tamara Grigoryeva is an AFP correspondent in Baku.

  • America Must Choose Between Georgia and Russia

    America Must Choose Between Georgia and Russia

    August 20, 2008

    In some Western nations an utterly one-sided picture has been painted of the recent crisis in the Georgia-South Ossetia conflict. The statements of American officials would lead one to conclude that the crisis began when Russia sent in its troops to support its peacekeepers there.

    Meticulously avoided in those statements: The decision of Tbilisi to use crude military force against South Ossetia in the early hours of Aug. 8. The Georgian army used multiple rocket launchers, artillery and air force to attack the sleeping city of Tskhinvali.

    Some honest independent observers acknowledge that a surprised Russia didn’t respond immediately. We started moving our troops in support of peacekeepers only on the second day of Georgia’s ruthless military assault. Yes, our military struck sites outside of South Ossetia. When the positions of your peacekeepers and the civilian population they have been mandated to protect are shelled, the sources of such attacks are legitimate targets.

    Our military acted efficiently and professionally. It was an able ground operation that quickly achieved its very clear and legitimate objectives. It was very different, for example, from the U.S./NATO operation against Serbia over Kosovo in 1999, when an air bombardment campaign ran out of military targets and degenerated into attacks on bridges, TV towers, passenger trains and other civilian sites, even hitting an embassy.

    In this instance, Russia used force in full conformity with international law, its right of self-defense, and its obligations under the agreements with regard to this particular conflict. Russia could not allow its peacekeepers to watch acts of genocide committed in front of their eyes, as happened in the Bosnian city of Srebrenica in 1995.

    But what of the U.S.’s role leading up to this conflict? U.S. involvement with the Tbilisi regime—past and future—must be addressed to fully understand the conflict. When the mantra of the “Georgian democratic government” is repeated time and time again, does it mean that by U.S. standards, a democratic government is allowed to act in brutal fashion against a civilian population it claims to be its own, simply because it is “democratic”?

    Another real issue is U.S. military involvement with the government of Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili. Did Washington purposely encourage an irresponsible and unpredictable regime in this misadventure? If the U.S. couldn’t control Tbilisi’s behavior before, why do some in the U.S. seek to rush to rearm the Georgian military now?

    Russia, by contrast, remains committed to a peaceful resolution in the Caucasus.

    We’ll continue to seek to deprive the present Georgian regime of the potential and resources to do more mischief. An embargo on arms supplies to the current Tbilisi regime would be a start.

    We will make sure that the Medvedev-Sarkozy plan endorsed in Moscow on Aug. 12 is implemented, provided the parties to the conflict cooperate in good faith. So far we are not sure at all that Tbilisi is ready. President Saakashvili keeps trying to persuade the world that the South Ossetian capital of Tskhinvali was destroyed not by the Georgian attack but by the Russian forces who, according to Mr. Saakashvili, bombed the city after they entered it.

    Russia is committed to the ongoing positive development of relations with the U.S. That kind of agenda is set forth in the Foreign Policy Concept—the framework document that sets out the basic directions of Russia’s foreign policy—recently approved by President Dmitry Medvedev.

    However, it must be remembered that, as between any other major world powers, our bilateral relationship can only advance upon the basis of reciprocity. And that is exactly what has been missing over the past 16 years. I meant precisely that when I said that the U.S. will have to choose between its virtual Georgia project and its much broader partnership with Russia.

    The signs are ominous. Several joint military exercises have been cancelled by the Americans. Now Washington suggests our Navy ships are no longer welcome to take part in the Active Endeavour counterterrorism and counterproliferation operation in the Mediterranean. Washington also threatens to freeze our bilateral strategic stability dialogue.

    Of course, that strategic dialogue has not led us too far since last fall, including on the issue of U.S. missile defense sites in Eastern Europe and the future of the strategic arms reduction regime. But the threat itself to drop these issues from our bilateral agenda is very indicative of the cost of the choice being made in Washington in favor of the discredited regime in Tbilisi. The U.S. seems to be eager to punish Russia to save the face of a failed “democratic” leader at the expense of solving the problems that are much more important to the entire world.

    It is up to the American side to decide whether it wants a relationship with Russia that our two peoples deserve. The geopolitical reality we’ll have to deal with at the end of the day will inevitably force us to cooperate.

    To begin down the road of cooperation, it would not be a bad idea to do a very simple thing: Just admit for a moment that the course of history must not depend entirely on what the Georgian president is saying. Just admit that a democratically elected leader can lie. Just admit that you have other sources of information—and other objectives—that shape your foreign policy.

    Mr. Lavrov is the foreign minister of the Russian Federation.

  • NATO’s ‘Caucasus Council’

    NATO’s ‘Caucasus Council’

    19/08/2008 22:01 MOSCOW. (RIA Novosti political observer Andrei Fedyashin) – The emergency NATO Council session held in Brussels on August 19 at America’s request to give Russia its “comeuppance” did not go smoothly. It took the ministers several hours to hammer out the final communique.

    In the end it turned out to be utterly predictable: the bloc’s 26 members decided that they would, after all, live with Russia, but they should talk to it in a tactful, but tough way. They heard the Georgian Foreign Minister Eka Tkeshelashvili (who, addressing the bloc’s headquarters, pressed for all thinkable punishments, including Russia’s expulsion from many international organizations), but refused to give a hearing to our Ambassador, Dmitry Rogozin.

    The latter had sought a meeting with NATO ministers and ambassadors every day since August 8 to explain the Russian position and actions. Rogozin threatened to spoil the party so much that he was barred from the meeting and was not even allowed to hold a press conference on the heels of the emergency meeting. Still, NATO officials have never tried to conceal the fact that their task was to protect the interests of the bloc and its members rather than to provide information and political objectivity.

    Speaking of the outcome of the meeting, Russia knew all along what NATO’s political response would be.

    At U.S. insistence, the bloc agreed to form a NATO-Georgia Commission (similar to the one it already has with Ukraine) to coordinate the strengthening of military ties with Tbilisi, and confirmed it was ready to admit Georgia to NATO at an unspecified future date. But NATO failed to back George Bush and curtail military cooperation and high-level meetings with Russia.

    The U.S. was counting on much more. U.S. Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, upon arrival in Brussels confirmed Greater Europe’s fears that the Americans had fallen prey to another bout of “diplomatic frenzy” which happens each time after major setbacks. Europe is not happy when America behaves like this because it is prone to get carried away and opens all the cards. The Old World prefers the slowly-slowly, softly-softly approach. Rice, however, declared that NATO would not allow Moscow to win a “strategic victory”. “We have to deny Russian strategic objectives, which are clearly to undermine Georgia’s democracy… We are not going to allow Russia to draw a new line at those states that are not yet integrated into the Transatlantic structures.”

    If one strips away the usual “democratic litany” what Condie said was that the U.S. and NATO must not allow Russia to prevent a new enlargement of the bloc by taking in Ukraine and Georgia. This is Washington’s long-term strategic objective: to close the NATO ring in the region where Russia is most vulnerable.

    “Russia’s strategic victory” was meant to come as a horrible revelation to European ears. True, Russia has never concealed that not allowing Georgia and Ukraine, especially under their present regimes, to join NATO was its “strategic objective.” The Europeans do not mind admitting them, but not all of them are quite sure that it is necessary and worthwhile to quarrel with and break relations with Moscow over Yushchenko’s Ukraine and Saakashvili’s Georgia. What is the point? NATO has moved up to Russia’s borders already.

    The European ministers in Brussels were faced with a classic conundrum: “punish or pardon.” Some NATO members formed “interest groups” even before the meeting on this issue. For example, Old Europe (Germany, France and Italy) was loath to continue rocking the “Transatlantic foundations.” But it was being pressed to go further than it wanted.

    The Europeans had, in fact, wondered for some time whether Bush would depart calmly or try to make his mark in history by springing yet another surprise. Much to Greater Europe’s chagrin, “friend George” is not someone who goes quietly. He had to bring Saakashvili’s Georgia into NATO through the slaughter of civilians in Tskhinvali. Now that it has turned into an indisputable disaster for Saakashvili, Washington is trying to bring pressure to bear on NATO allies and prevail over the Kremlin which refused to have another puppet government controlled by NATO, or rather Washington, on its doorstep. Washington is genuinely surprised as to why Moscow disagrees with such an elementary thing…

    NATO’s political response, as expected, boiled down to mere symbolism because NATO’s European old-timers were not ready to curtail links with Russia. Against this background, one finds some of NATO’s actions perplexing. According to our General Staff information unveiled during the meeting, U.S., Polish and Canadian naval ships would enter the Black Sea by the end of August. An encounter between Russian and NATO ships in times of crisis is not conducive to an early settlement of the “Caucasus conflict.”

    However, despite some disagreements between the Europeans and Washington, no one should have the slightest doubt that America, be it the America of George Bush or Barak Obama, will cease to be the Old World’s main ally. Illusions about a Transatlantic rift are no more than illusions. Russia should not kid itself about “Europe’s growing dependence” on its gas, oil, timber and other commodities. That will never be a prize “for good behavior”.

    There is nothing wrong with somebody in Europe, the European Union, NATO, the UN, the OSCE and so on giving Moscow bad marks for behavior. Instead of feeling outrage, we should long have done the same. We can even give marks on the European scale, although clearly, we have not yet adapted it to our way of thinking.