Category: Non-EU Countries

  • SCANDAL: Duchess of York accepts bribe from undercover reporter

    SCANDAL: Duchess of York accepts bribe from undercover reporter

    Background: The Duchess of York and her daughter had entered Turkish orphanages in disguise to promote anti-Turkish agenda, secretly filming the children without authorization, in criminal violation of privacy laws of both the UK and Turkey which has been under investigation for possible prosecution in coordination with Scotland Yard. -Turkish Forum

    Desperate Sarah Ferguson promises access to Prince Andrew for £500,000

    Anti TurkDuchessOfYorkFergusonKatie Daubs, Staff Reporter, 24 May 2010

    The Queen will not be amused.

    Just when it seemed her former daughter-in-law had overcome her toe-sucking indiscretions of the early 90s, the cash-strapped Duchess of York has delivered another royal scandal.

    On Tuesday, Sarah Ferguson was videotaped accepting a $40,000 U.S. advance from an undercover British reporter posing as a businessman. As she smoked cigarettes in a luxury apartment suite, she promised the man that a £500,000 payment would guarantee access to her ex-husband Prince Andrew, the international British trade ambassador.

    “£500,000 to me, when you can, open doors” she can be seen saying on the video, smacking her lips midway through the sentence.

    The undercover News of the World reporter asks if that means Prince Andrew, and she responds “yeah” before shaking his hand to confirm the deal.

    Prince Andrew, the second son of Queen Elizabeth and fourth in line to the throne “categorically” denied any knowledge of the meeting that took place between the Duchess of York and the News of the World, Buckingham Palace said in a statement.

    In a statement on Sunday, Ferguson admitted she had financial woes, but “that is no excuse for a serious lapse in judgment and I am very sorry that this has happened.”

    “I very deeply regret the situation and the embarrassment caused,” she said.

    The scandal could mean the icy relationship between the Queen and Ferguson will return. In August 2008, Ferguson was briefly back in the family’s good books after Queen Elizabeth invited her for a weekend at the Royal Family’s summer retreat.

    The News of the World said it infiltrated the Duchess’ inner circle after hearing rumours that she was peddling her ex-husband’s influence as a way to rid herself of debt. Ferguson married Andrew in 1986 and they had two children, princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, before divorcing in 1996.

    Although she was caught with her toes in another man’s mouth before the divorce was finalized, Ferguson remains on good terms with her ex-husband, and reportedly agreed to a yearly £15,000 divorce payment to ensure a good relationship with the royals.

    But the settlement has failed to pay her debts or finance her lifestyle. According to British media, Ferguson is facing legal action in Britain for £200,000 in unpaid bills. Meanwhile, the company she founded to manage her own career in the United States collapsed last year with debts of around $1 million (U.S.) According to The New of the World Ferguson said she didn’t have “a pot to p**s in.”

    “As long as Sarah thinks you are rich she will be all over you like a rash. She will say she can arrange meetings with Andrew even though he has no idea what is going on. It’s incredible,” the News of the World quoted an unnamed source saying.

    The sting was the latest scoop for Mazher Mahmood, nicknamed the “Fake Sheik” after his signature ruse of pretending to be a rich Gulf businessman to dupe celebrities, politicians and suspected criminals. In the video, his voice has been altered and his face is blurred.

    During dinner negotiations with the man, the Duchess asked him to sign a confidentiality agreement, but pushed ahead with the deal when he refused. As the lamb and vegetables arrived, Fergie asked him if he was a reporter, but didn’t look into the man’s credentials. After all, he picked up the £273.25 dinner, a rare move for someone in journalism.

    She accompanied the man in a limousine to his apartment, where she ogled the $40,000 advance fee and got back to the subject of more money.

    The reporter said he would send a wire transfer of £500,000, and Fergie replied that the channels of communication would be opened to her ex-husband.

    “As Andrew said, ‘Listen, if he’s going to be kind enough to want to play, the Andrew will play,’” she said.

    In the video, Ferguson is seen leaving the apartment carrying the black computer bag filled with cash. She is concerned that the man might want to keep his computer bag, but he assures her it is old.

    With files from the Star’s wire services


    Fergie’s dirty deal

    Sarah Ferguson shamelessly plots to sell access to Prince Andrew for £500,000


    Türkiye’de çocuk bakımevlerinde gizli çekim yaparak yayınlayan İngiltere York Düşesi Sarah Ferguson 40 bin dolar rüşvet alırken gizlice görüntülendi.

    Zengin işadamı gibi davranan ‘News of the World’ muhabirinden eski eşi Birleşik Krallık’ın uluslararası ticaret ve yatırım Temsilcisi York Dükü Prens Andrew’a ulaşması karşılığında 500 bin sterline anlaşan Ferguson, 40 bin dolar avans aldı.

    New York’taki otel odasında zengin işadamı gibi davranan News of the World muhabiriyle buluşan York Düşesi Sarah Ferguson, eski eşi Birleşik Krallık’ın uluslararası ticaret ve yatırım Temsilcisi York Dükü Prens Andrew’a ulaşması karşılığında 500 bin sterlin rüşvet karşılığında anlaştı.

    Ferguson, gizli çekilen görüntülerde zengin işadamı gibi davranan muhabire, “Andrew beni sağlama almak zorunda olduğunu biliyor çünkü benim hiç param yok. Eğer onunla buluşmak istiyorsan ‘bana bak’ ve Andrew’da “Sana bakar. 10 katını geri alırsın” diye vaatte bulunuyor. 40 bin dolar rüşvet aldıktan sonra kendinden oldukça emin konuşan Ferguson, “İstediğin bütün kapıları açabilirim. Ve senin için bunu yapacağım” diye böbürleniyor.

    Ferguson, News of the World muhabirine yaptığını açıklamada, Kraliyet ailesinden 5 parasız ayrıldığını ve Prenses Diana’nın ise 20 milyon aldığını söyledi. Kraliyet bağlantılarından dolayı yapılacak her anlaşmadan yüzde 1 komisyon alması gerektiğini savunan Ferguson, rüşvetin kalanının ise HSBC Bank’taki özel hesabına yatırılmasını istiyor.

    York Düşesi Ferguson’un rüşvet görüntülerini izleyen İngiltere Kraliçesi 2’nci Elizabeth’in, Ferguson’un şaşkınlık yaratan talepleri karşısında ‘şok’ olduğu belirtiliyor.

  • Fears of new ‘Great Depression’

    Fears of new ‘Great Depression’

    Leading City experts have started raising the prospect of “Great Depression II” amid worries that the European economic crisis could trigger a deeper bout of chaos.

    Leading City experts have started raising the prospect of “Great Depression II” amid worries that the European economic crisis could trigger a deeper bout of chaos.

    Markets on both sides of the Atlantic dipped to fresh lows as fears surrounding the fate of the euro project transmuted into worries about the wider global economic system.

    Bill Gross of bond fund Pimco said that hedge funds were starting to liquidate their positions in a bid to preserve their capital a worrying “mini relapse” towards 2008 territory.

    Andrew Roberts, head of European rates strategy at RBS (LSE:RBS.L – news) , said “Great Depression II” could now be approaching, adding: “It now has potential to speed toward its conclusion; a European $1trn package which does little and political panic tells you we are about to reach the end of the road. The world should be discussing deflation, not inflation.”

    The FTSE 100 flirted briefly with the 5,000 point mark, eventually finishing the day down 84.95, or 1.7pc, at 5073.13, while the French CAC 40 index was 2.3pc lower and Germany’s Dax (Xetra: news) dropped 2pc. The S&P 500 and the Dow Jones (news) index both suffered their sharpest one-day falls in more than a year. The S&P fell 3.9pc to 1071.59, while the Dow closed 3.6pc lower at 10,068.01.

    The falls in share prices coincided with increases in the price of government bonds in Germany, the US and much of the developed world as investors sought a safe haven. German 10-year bund yields consequently hit a record low, while in the UK gilt yields dropped to the lowest level since early last December.

    Although the rush to safety stems originally from the euro’s difficulties this week and German efforts to ban short-selling on its banks , fears that the episode may evolve into a deeper economic crisis were bolstered by fresh data. The European Commission produced “flash” data showing consumer confidence falling from a 23-month high of -15 in April to a seven-month low of -17.5 in May. Howard Archer, of INS Global Insight, said: “This is clear evidence that the deepening and spreading eurozone debt crisis… is now weighing down appreciably on consumer confidence. This is a very worrying if hardly surprising development.”

    In the US there was a surprise 25,000 increase in jobless claims to 471,000 in the week ending May 15. The deterioration in the employment picture, coming hard on the heels of Wednesday’s drop in inflation, underlined worries that the US is exposed to a possible global double-dip recession.

    Mr Gross said investors were now being frightened off by worldwide “fiscal tightening momentum”, adding that markets were facing “a mini-relapse of a flight to liquidity as hedge funds and other leveraged positions are liquidated to preserve capital”.

    One worry is that European leaders are not sufficiently behind the $1 trillion bail-out fund they announced, in collaboration with the International Monetary Fund, last week. A second fear is that other indebted countries could soon be exposed.

    One rumour abounding on Thursday was that a major rating agency will soon have to downgrade Japan’s credit score, potentially bringing the world’s second-biggest economy into the spotlight.

    The Telegraph

  • July 7 inquests to probe alleged ‘failings’ of Police and Security Services

    July 7 inquests to probe alleged ‘failings’ of Police and Security Services

    The inquests into the deaths of 52 people in the July 7 bombings will scrutinise alleged failings by police and the security services.

    Coroner Lady Justice Hallett said it is “not too remote” to investigate what was known in the years before the atrocities took place.

    She told the Royal Courts of Justice that inquests into the deaths of the four suicide bombers will be held separately and she will sit without a jury.

    Announcing that she will resume the inquests later this year, Lady Hallett said: “The scope of the inquest into the 52 deaths will include the alleged intelligence failings and the immediate aftermath of the bombings.

    “I am sure however that the survivors, despite not being granted interested persons status, will play an important part in the process. I will do all I can to make sure their interests are properly taken into account.”


  • London policeman on child sex charge

    London policeman on child sex charge

    A Metropolitan Police (Met) officer has been charged with sexually abusing a 14-year-old girl.

    Pc Robert Nicholson, 27, who is based at Limehouse police station in east London faces one charge of sexual activity with a child.

    An inquiry began in December 2009 after police found the girl had spent time with the officer during a period that she was reported missing by her family.

    He was bailed to appear on 2 June at City of Westminster Magistrates’ Court.

    An investigation, which began in December 2009, led to the arrest of Pc Nicholson on 18 December.

    The matter was then referred to the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC), by the Met’s directorate of professional standards.

    The officer, who was charged under the Sexual Offences Act 2003, has been suspended from duty.


  • Plans for Turkish Cultural Centre

    Plans for Turkish Cultural Centre

    Turkish Cultural centre

    News Release           19th May 2010

    Turkish NGOs joined to discuss plans for Turkish Cultural Centre

    Turkish NGO’s attended a meeting which was held in London’s Pasha Hotel on Sunday 9th May 2010 to discuss the plans for Turkish Cultural Centre. Many Turkish NGOs attended the meeting which was organised by Filiz Kirim to brainstorm a plan for Turkish Cultural Centre where Turkish arts, music and culture can be performed and promoted.

    The organiser of the meeting Filiz Kirim, highlighted that their intentions are non political and solely to unite Turkish NGOs to conceptualize a plan for pulchritudinous Turkish Cultural Centre, located centrally in London, a centre that Turkish Community really deserves.

    The meeting developed into general discussion points on the mission and the structure of The Turkish Cultural Centre. The Representatives of the Turkish NGOs highlighted that they have organised a Turkish Day which many British people attended to discover Turkish Culture.  The Turkish NGOs declared that they will do all they can, including sharing their past experiences so that past failures do not occur in the future.

    At the meeting it was unanimously agreed that the proposed Turkish Cultural Centre should be named as “Turkish World Arts and Cultural Centre” so that this could enable artists from all around the Turkish World to participate, perform and promote their art, pictures, music, cinema, and theatre. It was also agreed that the organisation should be a Non-Profit organisation. Furthermore at the meeting it was agreed by participants that The Yunus Emre Charity and Goethe Institute organisations examples should be looked into detail and used as an example case for the proposal.

    Londra Türk sivil toplum örgütleri temsilcileri Türk Kültür Merkezi hazırlık çalışmaları amacı ile toplandı

    Londra sivil toplum örgütleri, İngilteredeki yabancılara Türk sanatını, müziğini ve kültürünü tanıtacak, bir Türk Kültür Merkezi kurmak amacı ile 16 Mayıs 2010 Pasha Hotelde toplandı. Toplatıya birçok Türk sivil toplum örgütleri temsilcisi katıldı.

    Toplantıda, daveti düzenleyen Filiz Kırım, amaçlarının siyasi olmadığını, tek amaçlarının İngilterede bireylerimizi ve sivil toplum kuruluşlarımızı bir araya toplayarak, Türkiye’nin adına yaraşacak, Londra’nın merkezinde ve güzel bir binada bir Türk Kültür Merkezi  kurmak olduğunu ifade etti.

    Toplantının ana temasını, kurulacak Kültür Merkezi için öncelikle misyonunun ne olacağı ve bununla birlikte nasıl bir yapılanma içerisinde olacağı oldu.

    Toplantıda söz alan sivil toplum örgütleri temsilcileri, yakın geçmişte Türk günü  düzenlendiğinin, bunun İngiliz toplumunda büyük bir ilgi uyandırdığını ifade ettiler. Sivil toplum örgütleri ayrıca bu konuda, senelere dayanan tecrübelerini paylaşacaklarını ifade edip, “böylece geçmişte yaşanan aksilikler yaşanmaz” diyerek görüşlerini bildirdiler.

    Toplantıda kurulması düşünülen,Türk Kültür merkezinin, tüm Türk Dünyasına hitap etmesi açısından, isminin Turkish World Arts and Cultural Centre olmasına oy birliği ile karar verildi.  Beş kıtaya yayılmış Türk dünyasıdan gelen sanatçıların, resim, fotoğraf sergilerinin, müzik, sinema ve tiyatro yapılacağı Kültür merkezinin,  ileride, kar gütmeyen Non-Profit bir kurum olarak kurumsallaşmasına karar verildi. Sonuç itibari ile Yunus Emre Vakfının ve Goethe Institute gibi kültür merkezlerinin örnek olarak incelenmesine, gerekli gördüğü takdirde örnek alınmasına karar verildi.


    Notes to editors

    If you want more information on Turkish Cultural Centre please contact Filiz Kirim.

    Contact : Ms. Filiz Kırım T:+44 (0) 7986851828                                        E:[email protected]

  • plans for Turkish Cultural Centre

    plans for Turkish Cultural Centre

    Turkish NGO’s joined to discuss plans for Turkish Cultural Centre

    Turkish NGO’s attended a meeting which was held in London’s Pasha Hotel on Sunday 9th May 2010 to discuss the plans for Turkish Cultural Centre. Many Turkish NGO’ s attended the meeting which was organised by Filiz Kirim to brainstorm a plan for Turkish Cultural Centre where Turkish arts, music and culture can be performed and promoted.

    The organiser of the meeting Filiz Kirim, highlighted that their intentions are non political and solely to unite Turkish NGO’s to conceptualize a plan for pulchritudinous Turkish Centre that is located centrally in London which Turkey really deserves.

    The meeting developed into general discussion points on the mission and the structure of The Turkish Cultural Centre. The Representatives of the Turkish NGO’s highlighted that they have organised a Turkish Day which many British people attended to discover Turkish Culture. The Turkish NGO’s declared that they will do all they can, including sharing their past experiences so that past failures do not occur in the future.

    At the meeting it was unanimously agreed that the proposed Turkish Cultural Centre should be named Turkish World Arts and Cultural Centre so that this could enable artists from all around the Turkish world can participate, perform and promote their art, pictures, music, cinema, and theatre. It was also agreed that the organisation should be a Non-Profit organisation. At the meeting it was all agreed by participants that Yunus Emre Charity and Goethe Institute organisations examples should be looked into detail and use as an example case for the proposal.
