Category: Poland

  • Poland on its Way to Greece

    Poland on its Way to Greece

    polish flagA stimulated GDP

    The Polish GDP is strongly influenced by a stream of financial transfers from the European
    Union, in 2010 the net income from the EU budget was about 8 billion euro.
    Were it not for the transfers from the Union, the change of the Polish GDP in relation to
    2009 would have been lower by at least 6 percentage points and we would be facing the
    drop of the GDP. The Polish annual GDP is about 350 billion euro and thus the amount of
    net income of 8 billion euro from the Union’s budget is directly equivalent to 2.3 % of the
    GDP. However, in a short-term life cycle assessment, it can be estimated that expenses
    resulting from a subsidy that Poland receives have a multiplier effect of 3-4 times.
    Companies and employees completing projects financed by the Union spend monies
    earned on other goods and services so that other producers also purchase others goods etc.
    Already in a short period concerns the projects implementation it is possible to consider
    that the amount of 8 billion euro of annual income from the Union increases the Polish
    GDP by at least 20 billion euro or by about 6 percentage points.

    A High Budget Deficit

    The Polish government explains to its citizens that the high deficit of public finances stems
    from financial transfers from the Union and is a result of a need to provide own
    contribution when implementing projects co-financed with assistance programs.
    This justification is good for the public and within the framework of a political campaign,
    however is it not well grounded in facts. If we assume that investment financed by Union
    money are spent in a purposeful and justified manner, one also needs to assume that
    without these subsidies the Polish government would also complete some of these projects
    on its own: for example repairs of roads, bridges, highway construction, sewage treatment
    plants, water processing intakes, sewage systems, water laterals etc. Other projects such as
    renovations of historic buildings, construction of urban fountains or piers would be most
    probably cancelled or postponed.
    Some of the projects built with assistance do not require co-financing at all, in particular
    projects regarding social security, however, investments require about 25% of own
    contribution. And so, if the Union co-financing of an investment amounts to 6 billion euro
    a year, then Poland’s own contribution is 2 billion euro, which results in 8 billion euro of
    the value of the investment. And thus, were it not for the assistance from the Union which
    results in the investment of the value of 8 billion euro, the Polish government, self-
    governing entities and companies would reduce the scale of projects being implemented
    with the assumption that out of the projects currently co-financed by the Union, some of
    these projects would be executed, for example, by spending 3-4 billion euro on some of the
    most essential investments.
    In conclusion, were it not for the assistance from the Union the scale of the budget deficit
    would have been much larger.


    The Aborted Reform of Public Finances
    The transfers from the Union made it possible for the Polish government to minimize
    effects of the crisis of 2008-2010. They also caused a complete lack of any public finance
    reforms in Poland. The increase in the Polish debt in the last 3 years from 529 billion
    Polish zloty in the end of 2007 to 778 billion zloty (195 billion euro) in the end of 2010 is
    a reflection of policy crash of the Polish government.
    The Polish deficit was one of the highest in Europe in 2010, it was higher than in Iceland
    and just a bit lower than the deficit of Greece. Apart from it, Poland is one of the EU
    member states with the highest budget deficits (higher than 6 percent in 2010), which
    increased their deficit between 2009 and 2010. While in 2010 Greece decreased its deficit
    from more than 15 percent in 2009 to about 8 percent of GDP, Poland increased its deficit
    from 7.1 percent to almost 8 percent of GDP (forecasts of the ministry of finance predicted
    a drop of deficit to 6.9 percent of GDP.)
    The obligations of the Polish budget practically do not capture the reserve pertaining to
    demographic changes for earned benefits for future retirees. The reserve created for this
    purpose is a fraction of the state’s obligations of the benefits owed to the future retirees. If
    a reserve resulting from demographic changes were considered in its real amount, it would
    transcend the relation of 60 percent of public debt to GDP by tens of percentage points.
    The Catastrophic State of the Social Security
    Poland is one of the European countries that spend the least on the social security of its
    citizens. For example only 4.4 percent of the GDP is destined for health care while the
    Union’s average is 7.5 of the GDP, additionally the average GDP per capita in the Union is
    much higher than in Poland. As a result, the health care is in a structural crisis, patients
    wait for months for a visit with a specialist, it is similar with planned surgeries and
    procedures, and the access to new methods of treatment is also limited by the budget of the
    health care fund. Because of this, many people die while waiting for their medical services.
    This situation affects not just the elderly but also people of productive age, people with a
    suspicion of a neoplasm wait for months for a visit and to start their therapy. In the Polish
    press and TV media there are ongoing appeals for help in financing treatments, also in case
    of children who, by law, are entitled to free health care.
    Medical prevention policy, including the most serious of conditions is conducted in a
    minimal way, due to policy of saving on medical costs. In this situation the speech of the
    Polish minister of finance that he is striving to limit the budget deficit to zero in 2015 (for
    obvious reasons the forecast must be fairly distant – longer than the minister’s term) is not
    only not serious but it is also deceiving.
    The situation of lack of access to medical care leads to increasing social tensions and may
    lead to the eruption of public dissatisfaction. The state of expenses on health care is
    a litmus test of the Polish budget’s situation. Any government would try to secure the right
    to healthcare for its citizens if in this case the situation is so dramatic and what kind of
    comment can be made about other matters financed from the budget?


    Union Money Spoils the Country
    Much of the resources transferred within the framework of assistance programs are wasted
    in Poland. A country of a high level of corruption is unfortunately quite different than
    France, Germany or Denmark. As an example, money for the training of the unemployed
    directed to employment offices seem like a very sensible idea. However, how is this
    program executed in Poland? More than one local official, upon seeing the pools of money
    that will pass through his/her office is motivated to contact an owner of a training
    company or call on a company of a friend which will be training the unemployed from the
    Union means. The tender for the service for the office has high chances of being fixed by
    the arbitrators who evaluate it. The higher the level and with larger projects, one can
    expect corruption.
    The Polish people have a different experience with the functioning of the state from the
    majority of developed European democracies. More than 100 years of partitions and the
    recent 50 years of dependency on the Soviet Union does not serve well the level of trust of
    the citizens towards the state. A public opinion poll conducted a few years ago indicated
    that more than 90 percent of the Poles consider tax fraud as something normal and not
    deserving condemnation. It is surely a different way of relating to the state than what is
    found in case of citizens of Denmark, Germany or Sweden. Therefore, many programs
    executed successfully in the countries of the earlier Union will not necessarily work in Poland.
    Another example of the waste of Union money in Poland is the financing of controversial
    projects. For example, in Plock city, of which I am a resident, the construction of a pier
    with a restaurant – pictures link – was funded from Union monies. The media make fun of
    this investment that it is probably the only pier in Europe built along a river with the
    restaurant from public monies. The Poles know very well that the Union is not too stupid
    and before it opens its eyes, one should take as much of what is given…
    This manna from heaven caused a situation in which officials at all levels are busy going
    through as much of the Union funding as possible, nevertheless the real problems remain
    When it is all accounted for it may turn out that it was not only the Union who lost money
    on the assistance programs but also Poland may turn out to be a losing party, where the
    distribution of Union funding only increased the scale of corruption and first of all the
    reform of public finance has been neglected.
    Margin Analysis in Economy
    The Union’s expenditures for Poland in the amount of 2.3 percent of the Polish GDP
    influence the growth of the GDP by at least 6 percentage points. It is one of the symptoms
    of the multiplier effect of one event on another. However, the influence of the economic
    stimulus may be more diversified.
    Let’s return to the example of the pier on the bank of the Vistula River, the construction of
    it caused the increase of the GDP to a degree higher than expenses for this purpose (life
    cycle analysis). However, if it turns out in the future that the construction requires more


    investment i.e. maintenance or demolition after a wave of an ice float that destroys
    the pier, more expenses will appear, this time probably without any grants from the Union
    but if there are expenses, then there is an increase in the GDP. The added value of this
    episode with the construction and the demolition from the point of view of an observer is
    zero or negative, but from the point of view of GDP in both cases, the increases of GDP will
    have been demonstrated. Thus from the point of view of GDP, not the purpose of the
    expenditures is what makes sense but just any business activity makes sense. However, if
    this entity is useful or profitable, its value is visible in a long-term development. Projects
    may be more or less reasonable but the record of expenses carried has just one appearance
    – they remain in the form of a public debt. It is good then, when the benefits of the project
    (including the satisfaction of social needs) is higher than the expenses, including debt costs.
    Therefore if the increase of assistance from the Union had a multiplier effect on the growth
    of the GDP in Poland, there is probably also a reverse dependency. The fact that one is a
    net payer by Germany or France limits their GDP much more significantly than it appears
    from the amounts transferred. In case of Germany who pays the most into the Union
    budget, the net spending of 12 billion euro annually means that, already with the view of the
    perspective of next year, this expense lessens the GDP of Germany by about 40 billion euro.
    Since it is the life cycle of analysis, then the lack of means translates in a multiplier effect
    into subsequent years, etc. The final effect means that the long-term contribution of
    Germany may turn out to be an excessive burden that is visible only in 10-15 years.
    The amounts that the Germans are giving away to the Union budget now plus the
    multiplier effect in long-term may bring about the fact that the Germans will pay for the
    Union several hundred billion euro (near one trillion) expressed in current euro – this is
    the power of the multiplier effect in a long period of time.
    Also, the assistance for Greece, in which Germany participated the most, may be felt by the
    German retirees in several years’ time. From the German point of view the Euro zone with
    different specifics and mentality such as Greece or southern Italy (though Italy is still one
    country, of course) was a big strategic mistake. What is good for the Union bureaucrats and
    looks good in officials’ plans will not necessarily serve wealthy societies well, especially
    those ones who have a high level of savings, and the idea of a currency union in a place
    with a very different model for life such as Greece may turn out to be a hellish idea.
    The Germans are probably starting to understand that they have been set up and that they
    should watch the value of their currency and besides the reality of a world economic crisis
    which includes their country just the same as any other, they have to struggle with
    problems which are not theirs. The wealth of Germany may evaporate very quickly in this
    way because they are in a very different situation than the United States. From a point of
    view that emphasizes the well being of Germany, their anti-crisis policy should be opposite
    to the one conducted by Ben Bernanke – more on this subject under

    Between Monetary Policies. Where are markets heading to?



    The Polish Government Sweeps under the Carpet
    In order to evaluate what awaits Poland, a few facts should be compared. Poland can speak
    about the increase in its GDP in recent years only thanks to the transfer of funds from the
    Union. Were it not for the payments from the Union, Poland would have had a chronic
    drop in the GDP, thus reflecting the way Poland has been governed in the last years.
    Despite the transfers from the Union Poland has one of the highest budget deficits, and an
    increase of public debt from 530 billion to 780 billion PLN in three years should turn on
    alarm lights that something very bad is going on. It is obvious that budget expenditures
    influence the GDP, however it is a short-term dependency, in the long term the results are
    just the opposite, the means that have been spent by the state would have been much better
    allocated by the market, although they would not translate so fast in the demand effect.
    For the ineffective increase in the GDP in the last three years, Poland will pay with the debt
    that increased by 250 billion PLN. Despite such significant budget expenses financed by
    deficit and transfers from the Union, the satisfying of social needs such as health care is at
    a dramatically low level. In addition, the budget does not cover the necessary reserve for
    future retirement benefits and which results from the changing demographic structure.
    Moreover, the finance minister announces that this year he intends to use some funds from
    this reserve and workers’ organizations and also employers’ unanimously call this step
    an absurd and clear theft from future retirees.
    Know things not by words, but by deeds. It is the budget deficit that reflects the condition
    of finances of a state, especially when other countries decrease theirs and Poland increases
    her own deficit. A deficit and its dynamics are a better indicators of therapy used than
    a level of public debt. Clearly, no country in the world will be able to change the latter from
    day to day. Unfortunately in Poland the funds are disappearing and despite the high
    budget deficit and transfers from the Union in recent years, faulty budget items, there is no
    money to satisfy the elementary social needs.
    It is not the way it is but the way the people think it is
    The Polish government keeps to one principle, what counts are only public relations, both
    the kind directed at its own citizens and the kind directed towards the financial markets.
    The government realized that one of the highest budget deficits in Europe will not be
    tolerated for long. In an anticipated response the government announces the forecasts for
    deficit reduction and even forecasts a balanced budget for the year 2015. However, the
    attempts to limit the deficit in 2011 have already caused a decline in the GDP growth,
    however, the macroeconomic results will be felt more fully at the end of 2011 and in 2012.
    In order for the government to show the growth of the GDP, the Polish economy needs
    permanent transfers, both the external ones originating with the Union, and those
    resulting from the growth of the public debt. In short term the growth of the GDP achieved
    by means of a steroid IV-drip could be presented as a success. But everything has its end,
    the markets started to loudly demand a reduction of budget deficit. The government had
    no choice and must meet the market expectations, it would like to contain the most in the
    long-term declarations and forecasts…


    In Polish reality the high budget deficit was a type of a treatment of symptoms, which
    masked the real condition of the patient. The reduction of deficit, although it is necessary,
    is not a sufficient solution. The Polish economy requires structural changes which have
    been aborted and which will be mentioned in the conclusion.
    The attempt to fight the deficit showed that the blanket is getting shorter and shorter, the
    rate of shortening of the blanket must be troubling to the government, it is clear that the
    Polish economy is not able to meet the markets’ demands on one hand, and the roused
    hopes of the Poles which the government constantly increased in the name of a permanent
    election campaign, on the other. Both realities have to collide with each other. All of the
    energy of the government is directed towards survival until the elections. In Poland the
    parliament, but even self-governing entities are a partisan booty and the time horizon
    reaches the elections period.
    Unfortunately, the western, more developed democracies did not foresee some things, their
    assistance programs very often serve to support social pathologies, ineffective budgets and
    they lead to the bankruptcy of economies that they assist.
    Polish public debt revaluation
    Poland’s public debt, but also the citizens’ has been growing like an avalanche in the most
    recent period. Poles’ debt increased to 500 billion zloty, but the most important is the
    dynamics of the increase of the debt. Due to mortgage credits the private debt of the Poles
    grew from 34.5 billion PLN in March 2005 to the amount of 286 billion PLN in May 2011,
    so within 6 years, the mortgage debt of the Poles grew by 728%. It is the dynamics of debt
    increase translates into the dynamics of disposalble income of households.
    For many years Poland will feel a great increase of obligations due to the increase of
    mortgage debt of its citizens. Every crisis and even a period of poorer market lookout will
    remind the Poles of the credit boom of the past 6 years. Even in the United States or Spain
    there has not been a similar percentage of increase of debt of the citizens resulting from
    mortgage credits.
    The situation is even more dramatic in Poland because more than half of the value of
    mortgage credits is denominated in Swiss franc. The borrowers, apart from the purchase of
    the house, they have taken speculative positions in foreign exchange market. However,
    mortgage credit for a house or an apartment is not the best instrument to invest in the
    Forex market. The incompetent supervision of finances in Poland is to be mostly blamed
    for this pathology. As to why this happened can be answered indirectly, because it was
    easier for banks to sell more credits in this way and the regulations were such as to be
    advantageous to the lenders. Therefore we were dealing with either lack of common sense
    or with corruption of the employees of financial supervisory sector.
    To a large extent, a responsibility for the huge growth of mortgage debt among Poles is to
    be placed with the government who stimulated these decisions of its citizens with the
    demonstrated economic growth, which was stimulated in turn by the growth of debt and
    also by the transfers of Union money.

  • Anders Behring Breivik And Osama Bin Laden Two Sides Of Same Coin – OpEd

    Anders Behring Breivik And Osama Bin Laden Two Sides Of Same Coin – OpEd

    Steve Bell Norways 911Friday’s horrendous attacks in Norway raise the inevitable question: Is the man who has admitted them, Anders Behring Breivik, a one-off psychopath or is he the start of something frighteningly new in Europe?

    That there are those in Europe who, like Breivik, are fanatically opposed to immigration, detest multiculturalism and have a particular hatred of Islam is known. These are the hallmarks of the far right across Europe (not to mention the US, Russia and elsewhere). But is the far right in such places now prepared to kill, as he has killed, in furtherance of these bigoted, twisted ideas?

    That he acted alone in planning and carrying out his murderous rampage seems to be the case although he admits to contacts with similarly-minded fanatics in the UK and there is a possible link with the far right in Poland. But he also says are 80 sleepers in Europe, prepared to murder thousands of people in pursuit of eradicating Islam in Europe and to make it a monocultural continent — something it has never been. These claims cannot simply be dismissed as the ravings of a fanatic. They have to be thoroughly investigated.

    In his 1,500-page online manifesto, uploaded just before Friday’s killings, he makes it clear that his aim is not only to “cleanse” Europe of Muslims but also to eliminate all who promoted or supported multiculturalism there and opened the door to Muslim immigrants — its politicians, journalists, lawyers and others. His potential targets included the UK’s Prince Charles, its former Prime Ministers Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel and members of all its political parties, European Commission President José Manuel Barroso (popularly known as Durão Barroso in Portugal), former Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland and politicians in Belgium, France, the Netherlands. It was not only Europe’s political establishments he hoped to destroy. Targets also included oil refineries and nuclear power plants. His plan was to attack the very core of Western society which he sees as corrupted by liberalism and socialism. This is fanaticism on a scale of insanity not seen since the demise of the Adolf Hitler.

    That he calls himself a modern-day Knight Templar, a successor to those commandoes of the medieval Crusades, proclaims him a fantasist. This is the stuff of a Dan Brown novel. But while he is not the first person to imagine himself a Templar, he is the first to cross the divide between fantasy and reality. His is a fantasy soaked in the blood of almost a hundred people, a fantasy made real by a frightening dedication to his hatreds.

    Here is Europe’s Al-Qaeda. Anders Behring Breivik and Osama Bin Laden are two sides of the same coin: a fanatical belief that their cultures must be purified, that the political establishments which have overseen their degeneration must be destroyed and that anything “alien” rigorously excluded.

    Just as there have been those in the Muslim world who followed Bin Laden, copied his methods or sympathized with his objectives, it is entirely possible that there will be those in the West who will regard Breivik as a hero to be emulated. The language he uses is chillingly reminiscent of Al-Qaeda. He refers to the supposed 80 sleepers across Europe as “martyrs”. Are there going to be other bomb attacks, other killings? We hope that Breivik is a one-off. But we dare not assume so.

    Eurasian Review, 26 July 2011
  • Netanyahu’s rightist policies impede Israel’s integration into new regional order

    Netanyahu’s rightist policies impede Israel’s integration into new regional order

    Netanyahu is ostensibly willing to talk with the Palestinians, but he offers them nothing beyond the future recognition – laden with preconditions – of a Palestinian state.

    Haaretz Editorial

    Benjamin Netanyahu has responded to the political turmoil in Arab states with renewed entrenchment in his right-wing views. In his address to the Knesset last week the prime minister warned that the regional instability could last for years, patted himself on the back for opposing the 2005 withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and spoke in favor of a continued Israeli presence in the Jordan Valley as part of a future agreement with the Palestinians, to keep Iran from “walking into” the West Bank.

    Netanyahu described himself as being disappointed by the refusal of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to negotiate. Netanyahu is ostensibly willing to talk with the Palestinians, but he offers them nothing beyond the future recognition – laden with preconditions – of a Palestinian state. He is not open to a change in the territorial status quo, and insists on going ahead with the expansion of the settlements, which undermines the chances for compromise.

    Benjamin Netanyahu speaking to American Jewish leaders in Jerusalem on Feb. 16, 2011. / Photo by: Emil Salman

    In such circumstances it is understandable that the international community views Netanyahu’s talk of peace as empty words meant to buy time in order to perpetuate the right’s control of the government and to bolster the settlement enterprise. The U.S. veto prevented the harsh condemnation of the settlements by the UN Security Council, but the voting underlined Israel’s growing isolation.

    Netanyahu’s position causes even friendly leaders, such as German Chancellor Angela Merkel, to turn her back to him. “You did nothing to advance peace,” Merkel told the prime minister when he called her to complain about Germany’s support for the Security Council resolution, according to a report by Barak Ravid in Friday’s Haaretz. Netanyahu promised Merkel that he will soon issue a new peace proposal, but the German chancellor was not inclined to believe him.

    It is precisely during times of regional instability and uncertainty that Israel needs the support of the international community. But the Netanyahu government prefers to turn its back to the world and to barricade itself within Hebron and Beit El, Ofra and Yitzhar. Its policy is causing serious harm to Israel’s national interests and will only impede Israel’s integration into the new regional order that is taking shape. Netanyahu must heed the warnings of friendly leaders and put forth a practical peace plan – and not another attempt to use high-flown rhetoric to get the world off his back., 27.02.11

    Merkel rebukes Israeli PM Netanyahu for failing to advance peace

    Israeli paper reports that PM was told in fractious phone call: ‘You haven’t made a single step’

    Harriet Sherwood in Jerusalem

    Israels Prime Minister Netanyahu
    Binyamin Netanyahu was rebuked after expressing disappointment that Germany voted for a UN resolution condemning Israeli settlements. Photograph: Reuters

    The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, has sternly rebuked the Israeli prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, in an unusually fractious telephone call, according to media reports.

    Netanyahu had done nothing to advance the peace process, Merkel said in a conversation this week, reported in the Israeli daily Haaretz.

    The Israeli prime minister telephoned Merkel on Monday to say he was disappointed that Germany had voted for a UN security council resolution condemning settlements that was vetoed by the US.

    According to a German official quoted by Haaretz, Merkel was furious. “How dare you?” she said. “You are the one who has disappointed us. You haven’t made a single step to advance peace.”

    A spokesman for the Israeli prime minister said he could not confirm the report.

    The quoted comments reflect growing impatience in Europe with the impasse in the Israeli-Palestinian talks and a belief that Israel is stalling or impeding progress. With the exception of the US last Friday’s resolution was backed by all the security council members including Britain, Germany and France.

    Despite the resolution being carefully worded to reflect American policy on settlement building in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, the US wielded its veto for the first time under Barack Obama’s presidency.

    Reaction among Palestinians has been angry. Demonstrations have been held across the West Bank, in Ramallah, Nablus and Bethlehem.

    Netanyahu told Merkel that he was planning a new initiative to be disclosed in the next few weeks. “I intend to make a new speech about the peace process in the next two to three weeks,” he was quoted as saying.

    An Israeli government official confirmed that a fresh statement by Netanyahu on negotiations was in preparation but declined to say when it might be delivered.

    During a visit to Israel this month the German chancellor warned that “the stalemate in negotiation is dangerous. There is no room for excuses.

    She dismissed the notion that Europe was becoming more hostile to Israel. “Europe will not turn its back on Israel and neither will the United States. We feel uncomfortable because things are not progressing. In an honest and straightforward manner I will tell you that you are missing an opportunity. History will not give you many more.

    At a joint press conference on Thursday with the Polish prime minister, Donald Tusk, Netanyahu said he expected Poland to be robust in defending Israel when it took over the presidency of the European Union on 1 July.

    “We have two expectations: upgrading Israel’s standing in the EU and upgrading the truth,” he said. “Israel is fighting for its right to exist, to live in security and exist at all, against ceaseless waves of attacks.”, 25 February 2011

  • Poland to help Turkey in visa obstacle

    Poland to help Turkey in visa obstacle

    poland to help turkey in visa obstacle 2010 12 09 l

    Turkey and Poland have the potential to be the tigers of the global economy, according to Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, who gave a speech at the Turkey-Poland Business Forum in Istanbul on Thursday.

    The Polish prime minister said: “However the EU’s attitude is, in Poland’s foreign strategy, Turkey’s entrance to the EU was a fixed item.” He added that he was not saying this just out of courtesy, but because they thought Turkey’s participation in the union would be for the best interest of all the members. He also said he hoped during Poland’s presidency term in the future the negotiations for membership would accelerate.

    The business forum was organized by the Foreign Economic Relations Board, or DEİK.

    Tusk said the friendship between the two countries had deep roots and sound foundations, calling it an exemplary case in terms of international affairs.

    He said a great many giant economies’ prestige had been severely wounded during the economic recession, whereas Turkey and Poland both came out fo the period clean, which he found particularly noteworthy.

    Tusk said Poland was set to continue its growth trend and is planning significant investment expenditures in the coming term.

    “The investment opportunities in Poland will definitely attract entrepreneurs,” he said.

    Tusk concluded his speech by mentioning the Turkey-EU visa issue. He promised that Poland would do all they could to remove visa obstacle and would put pressure on the EU about this. He said Poland had already agreed with the idea that the union should ease the visa regime with its neighbors and was a leading figure in working to make that happen.

  • Suspected Mossad agent lands in Israel after released in Germany

    Suspected Mossad agent lands in Israel after released in Germany

    By Roman Frister

    WARSAW – The Israeli suspected of forging a German passport allegedly used in the January assassination of a Hamas operative landed in Israel last night. The arrival of the man, identified as Uri Brodsky, came after a German court released him on bail following his extradition from Poland to Germany on Thursday.

    A court in the German city of Koln subsequently said Brodsky will be allowed to leave the country while proceedings against him continue. He will be represented by his attorneys in court.

    Mossad Agent in Germany
    The man identified as Uri Brodsky being escorted by police to a courtroom in Warsaw in early August 2010. Photo by: Reuters

    Brodsky, who is expected to face charges of forgery, faces a maximum penalty of three years. The Polish court that authorized his extradition limited the ability of German authorities to charge him with more serious crimes, noting the only available evidence related to the illegal procurement of a German passport.

    According to Polish sources, even before his extradition was approved, a secret deal had been reached by which Brodsky would be allowed to return to Israel, with guarantees that if he is sentenced to jail time he will be sent back to Germany. German legal experts believe the court will only fine Brodsky and not ask for jail time.

    Brodsky, an Israeli citizen, was arrested in Poland in early June, and is charged with helping procure a German passport through forgery. The German media reported that he used the name Alexander Verin when he assisted another alleged Mossad agent, who represented himself as Michael Bodenheimer, the son of a German Jew named Hans Bodenheimer, in acquiring a German passport.

    Responding to the news that Brodsky was released on bail, the United Arab Emirates says it is seeking clarification from Germany on why it released an alleged Israeli spy wanted in connection with the slaying of a Hamas operative in Dubai. Emirati Foreign Ministry official Abdul Rahim al-Awadi said yesterday that the UAE has asked Berlin for an explanation of why Brodsky was released while the case is ongoing.

    Brodsky is accused of illegally helping to procure a German passport used in connection with the January 19 assassination of Hamas operative Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in Dubai, allegedly by a Mossad hit squad.

    The UAE authorities maintain that more than 30 suspects were involved in the hit, and that they used passports from Britain, Ireland, France, Australia and Germany. The use of apparently fake passports from other countries led to diplomatic friction between Israel and those countries, including the expulsion of Israeli diplomats in some cases., 15.08.10

  • President of Poland Killed in Plane Crash in Russia

    President of Poland Killed in Plane Crash in Russia

    • Video: Polish President Killed in Plane Crash
    A plane carrying the Polish president, Lech Kaczynski, and many of the country’s leaders crashed as it landed in a heavy fog.
    • Times Topics: Poland
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    • Kaczynski Often a Source of Tension Within E.U. 51 minutes ago
    • World Leaders, Especially Merkel, Express Sadness 20 minutes ago
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    Czarek Sokolowski/Associated Press
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    A plane carrying the Polish president, Lech Kaczynski, crashed in a heavy fog in western Russia.
    • Video: Polish President Killed in Plane Crash