Category: Germany

With an estimated number of at least 2.1 million Turks in Germany, they form the largest ethnic minority. The vast majority are found in what used to be West Germany. Berlin, Frankfurt,Hamburg, Rhine-Ruhr (Cologne, Duisburg and Dortmund) have large Turkish communities. The state with the largest Turkish population is North Rhine-Westphalia.

  • German-Turkish Week 2009

    German-Turkish Week 2009

    Amerika Haus Berlin: June 8th – 13th, 2009

    0044German-Turkish Week 2009 aims to raise awareness amongst the German public of the history and development of the German-Turkish Community and its contributions to German society, while celebrating the richness of German-Turkish culture.

    German-Turkish Week 2009 will consist of informative components such as panel discussions, speeches, and interviews, which provide insights and perspectives.

    Artistic presentations including live literary readings, films, music and dance performances, artistic exhibitions, in addition to local Turkish cuisine, will showcase elements of German-Turkish culture and ensure a fun, celebratory atmosphere.

    The series will be targeted at the general public in Berlin, and will be documented online through photography, written reviews, and videos, which will allow the wider international community access to the program and provide up-to-date information on recent events.

  • EC Against Racism and Intolerance Report on Germany

    EC Against Racism and Intolerance Report on Germany

    The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) Report on Germany :

    EC Against Racism and Intolerance Report on Germany

  • Merkel and Sarkozy Call for Privileged Partnership Angers Turkey

    Merkel and Sarkozy Call for Privileged Partnership Angers Turkey

    Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor Volume: 6 Issue: 92
    May 13, 2009
    By: Saban Kardas

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicholas Sarkozy reignited the debate on Turkey’s place within Europe by questioning the wisdom of Turkey seeking full membership of the European Union. Attending a meeting in Berlin, the two leaders emphasized their objection to the EU’s enlargement to include Turkey, arguing that any misguided expansion might endanger its operational effectiveness, and that it should stop making empty promises to Turkey. They instead reiterated their support for “privileged partnership” as an alternative framework to regulate Turkish-EU relations (Deutsche Presse-Agentur, May 10).

    Sarkozy is known for his frequent objections to Turkey’s membership. Before his election in 2007, he spoke against the country’s accession and instead proposed an alternative partnership through his Mediterranean Union project. Due to objections from Turkey and other EU member states most notably the UK, Sarkozy dropped the idea, which enabled the creation of the Mediterranean Union as a separate organization -which Turkey also joined (EDM, July 15, 2008).

    Although he has since softened his rhetoric and avoided blocking Turkish-EU accession negotiations during the French presidency of the European Union, Sarkozy has remained Turkey’s most vocal opponent. For instance, when President Obama tried to promote Turkish-EU accession talks during his recent European trip, Sarkozy immediately dismissed these comments as an unwarranted intervention in European affairs, and led other likeminded states to mobilize resistance against Turkey (Hurriyet, April 7).

    Merkel shares similar views on Turkish-EU relations. Nonetheless, her policies have been tempered by the coalition partnership with the Social Democrats, who hold more positive views on the issue. However, Merkel uses electoral considerations and her conservative grassroots’ discomfort with Turkey to justify her objections. Referring to the upcoming European elections in June, Merkel said: “It is right that we say to people [during the campaign]… our common position is: a privileged partnership for Turkey, but no full membership” (Hurriyet Daily News, May 11).

    Sarkozy does not hide the role electoral politics play in shaping his position on Turkey. Indeed, he has accelerated his objections to Turkish accession ahead of the European election campaign. He is advocating that the EU considers the creation of a common platform with Turkey, perhaps including Russia, to regulate economic and security relations (Hurriyet Daily News, May 6).

    Inside the EU, the Franco-German position is countered by the member states more sympathetic to Turkey and the representatives of the EU institutions. Portugal’s President Anibal Cavaco Silva, while currently visiting Turkey reiterated his country’s support for Turkish accession, noting the many benefits it would bring to the EU (Anadolu Ajansi, May 12). Last week, Finland’s Foreign Minister Alexander Stubb, also ruled out a privileged partnership, and reaffirmed Helsinki’s commitment to bring Turkey into the EU as a full member (Cihan Haber Ajansi, May 8). A statement from the office of the EU Commissioner for Enlargement Olli Rehn, responded swiftly to the statements by Sarkozy and Merkel, saying that the decisive factor from the commission’s perspective was Turkey’s fulfilment of the membership criteria (ANKA, May 11).

    Although Merkel and Sarkozy’s views on Turkey were well known, their recent statements surprised many within Turkish domestic politics. Some Turkish dailies labeled this development, particularly Merkel’s remarks, as “shocking” (Milliyet, May 11). Deniz Baykal, the leader of the main opposition party, called their statements “rude, harsh and negative” and argued that since they were made during the ongoing membership talks, they should be taken as a sign of disrespect toward Turkey. Baykal also criticized the government’s failure to take action to protest more forcefully against this development (Anadolu Ajansi, May 12).

    In reacting to calls to downgrade the Turkish-EU relationship, officials in Ankara have highlighted three points. They have restated Turkey’s position that privileged partnership is unacceptable, and maintain that since the EU has initiated membership talks, it must honor this commitment. Shortly after assuming his post last week, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu stressed this argument. Noting that he would revitalize the stalled membership process, Davutoglu expressed his discomfort over speculation on privileged partnership. Offering Turkey other alternatives short of full membership would betray Turkey and also undermine the EU’s own values, Davutoglu contended (Yeni Safak, May 9). In his reaction to the Merkel-Sarkozy statement, President Abdullah Gul also echoed Davutoglu, arguing that European leaders had agreed on membership negotiations with a unanimous decision, which still legally binds all member states (, May 12).

    Turkish officials maintain that European politicians are using the debate about its future membership as a tool calculated to achieve domestic political gains. Gul suggested that the Merkel-Sarkozy remarks reflected “short-term thinking,” caused by a lack of strategic vision on the part of some European leaders (Cihan Haber Ajansi, May 12).

    Turkish leaders emphasize their commitment to the membership process, and say they will do more to conclude the negotiations successfully. Following a cabinet meeting, the state minister and government spokesman Cemil Cicek, told reporters that the government will take further steps to implement domestic reforms. This will involve preparing a new constitutional amendment package in consultation with the opposition. Cicek added that the government will shortly forward a draft law to parliament, which will reorganize the under-secretariat for the European Union in order to streamline reforms (, May 12).

    The Turkish government seeks to counteract objections to membership by reminding the EU of its commitments to the accession process, and by downplaying those objections -attributing them to short-term calculations. The government implicitly believes that if the discussions on Turkey are conducted on the basis of the contractual framework of the accession process, it may de-legitimize European objections to Turkey. However, it fails to appreciate that its track record on domestic reforms is far from satisfactory. Despite promises to revitalize the membership process in 2009, little has been accomplished (EDM, January 12, 20). Although it might be justified in calling on its EU partners to fulfil their promises, the Turkish government must acknowledge that it is time to deliver on domestic reforms.

  • Crises Prevention and Peacebuilding Efforts

    Crises Prevention and Peacebuilding Efforts

    We would like to invite you to an upcoming conference on “Turkey and Germany’s Contributions to Crises Prevention and Peacebuilding Efforts,” which will be held on Thursday, May 21st, 2009. The conference will be held at the Sabanci Center, 4th Levent. The building is metro accessable (4th Levent Stop).

    Program Overview: The conference is a part of Germany Meets Turkey, which is an interdisciplinary networking program. In addition to a week-long study tour the program includes local events and leadership initiatives that are led by network members. Germany Meets Turkey is a joint program of the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy and the Robert Bosch Stiftung. The program’s Turkey partner is the Istanbul Policy Center at Sabanci University.

    Session I will focus on Turkey’s recent contributions as a third party mediator in the region’s most protracted conflicts namely Israel-Syria, Iran-U.S. and Israel-Palestine. For the past decade, the Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency has played a significant role in development co-operation thus contributing to crises prevention and conflict management.

    Session II will concentrate on Germany’s comprehensive approach to crises prevention and peacebuilding. Germany has greatly contributed to the way in which multi-lateral institutions such as the EU, UN, NATO and the OSCE approach the subject.

    Session III will focus on the possible contributions of Germany and Turkey to crises prevention and peacebuilding in the future. What challenges will Germany and Turkey possibly face? What are the possible benefits and outcomes?

    RSVP: Ms. Christina Bache Fidan, Istanbul Policy Center, [email protected]

    Conference Agenda

  • The Gülen Movement

    The Gülen Movement

    fetullah1Muslims between Tradition and Modernity

    The University of Potsdam’s Institute of Religion and FID BERLIN e.V.
    (Forum for Intercultural Dialogue Berlin) in cooperation with the German
    Orient-Insitute, the Abraham Geiger College at the University of
    Potsdam and the Protestant Academy Berlin are organizing an international
    conference entitled “Muslims between Tradition and Modernity – The Gülen Movement as a Bridge Between Cultures.”

    The aim of the conference is to examine the activities of the Gulen
    Movement objectively and rigorously. Therefore, national and international
    scholars will present their opinions on various aspects of the movement during conference sessions.

    Schedule of the conference:



  • Germany meets Turkey – A Forum for Young Leaders

    Germany meets Turkey – A Forum for Young Leaders

    gmt 08The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD), the Robert Bosch Foundation, and the Istanbul Policy Center are pleased to announce that they are now taking applications for this year’s round of the Germany Meets Turkey – A Forum for Young Leaders (GMT) program. Six Turkish and six German participants will be selected and together with an already established group of twelve young leaders, they will take part in a week-long exchange to Germany in the beginning of September 2009. In 2010 the twelve new participants will return for a one-week exchange to Turkey and in doing so they will join another newly selected group of twelve young leaders.

    We welcome applications from young leaders between the ages of 28 and 38 from all fields, including business, politics, science, education, culture and media, and who are interested in building a sustainable interdisciplinary network as the basis for a solid, long-term relationship between the two countries.
    Participation in the program is free of charge. Accepted participants, however, will be responsible for travel expenses and travel organization to and from the study tour. Despite this, ICD, IPC, and Robert Bosch Foundation are proud to be able to have a “need-blind” admissions policy, meaning that all applications will be judged equally, independent from the financial situation of the applicant. Upon acceptance to the program, applicants may request financial assistance on an individual basis.

    Applications must be submitted no later than May 31, 2009.

    To retrieve the necessary application documents please visit :