Category: Cyprus

“The king departed with the entire armada from Tripoli in Libya, and went toward Cyprus, sacking the Turkish coast and setting it red with blood and flames, and they loaded all the ships with the many riches they had taken.” The White Knight: Tirant To Blanc – written and copyrighted by Robert S. Rudder

  • Turkey blocks membership of Israel and Cyprus in International Agency for Renewable Energy

    Turkey blocks membership of Israel and Cyprus in International Agency for Renewable Energy

    Azerbaijan, Baku, Jan. 15 / Trend, A. Taghiyeva /


    Turkey blocked Cyprus and Israel’s affiliation with the International Agency for Renewable Energies (IRENA), Turkey’s Energy and Natural Resources Minister Taner Yildiz said, Anadolu agency reported on Tuesday.

    The Minister said that voting on admission of new members to the IRENA was held in the UAE’s capital Abu Dhabi. Given that Turkey is a member of the agency, the country was able to oppose the adoption of Cyprus and Israel to membership in IRENA.

    The International Agency for Renewable Energies (IRENA) was established in January 2009 at its founding conference in Bonn. The event was attended by over 120 countries.

    IRENA is the first organization on the intergovernmental level with the power to stimulate the development of renewable energy sources. The Agency aims to take its rightful place in the global energy sector, along with the IAEA and IEA.

    The organization’s charter is signed by 141 States (47 African, 37 European, 33 Asian, 15 representing the American continents, 9 – Australia and Oceania), and the European Union. The charter was ratified by 75 states and the EU by June 2, 2011.

    The main activities of the agency include the provision of consulting services, the creation of framework conditions for the use of renewable energy sources, as well as financing and provision of appropriate technology for their application.

    via Turkey blocks membership of Israel and Cyprus in International Agency for Renewable Energy – Trend.Az.

  • REMINDER / HATIRLATMA: David Burrowes MP/ Milletvekili

    REMINDER / HATIRLATMA: David Burrowes MP/ Milletvekili

    David Burrowes MP who is known as the Fanatic Greek Cypriot Supporter
    David Burrowes MP who is known as the Fanatic Greek Cypriot Supporter

    > English
    > Throughout the years, many British MPs have taken a one-sided view
    > against Turkish Cypriots regarding the Cyprus issue.  David
    > Burrowes, the MP for Enfield-Southgate, is a perfect example of this
    > conduct.  He is the Chairperson of the All party Parliamentary Group

    > for Cyprus (APPG), an influential body in the UK’s Cyprus affairs, but
    > we feel that his representation of Cypriot affairs to the House of
    > Commons is far from balanced.  He conveniently chooses to ignore the
    > facts and his false accusations and incorrect statements are
    > misleading.  As head of the APPG he claims to represent both
    > communities whilst openly adopting the views and positions of Greek
    > Cypriot lobbyists; the fact that not a single speaker has appeared at
    > an APPG event to explain the concerns and views of Turkish Cypriots
    > speaks volumes.
    > As Chairperson of the APPG, David Burrowes is in a strong position to
    > influence other MPs in order to take a pro Greek Cypriot stance.  This
    > renders his position untenable as he continues to ignore the
    > legitimate concerns of the UK’s Turkish Cypriots.  He is not
    > interested in our views and we therefore request that the Minister for
    > Europe and APPG members for Cyprus ask David Burrowes to resign from
    > his position with immediate effect, and a new Chairperson who
    > is willing to take on board and represent the views of Turkish
    > Cypriots which have been ignored for far too long.
    >    We all wish to see constructive and decisive action by midday on
    >  Wednesday 28th November 2012 and in anticipation we have taken this
    >  opportunity to show unity by way of a collective letter addressed to
    >  the Minister for Europe, David Liddington and to all members of the
    >                Cyprus All Party Parliamentary Group.
    > The British Turkish Cypriot Association (BTCA) would like to formally
    >    invite you/your organisation to join us in this JOINT action.
    >  with your full personal name and title and the name of the NGO you
    >                              represent
    >    The closing date to notify us of your wish to be included as a
    >      signatory is midday (GMT) on Wednesday 28th November 2012.
    >  ***Many thanks to all those people who have already indicated that
    >  they wish to have their names included as joint signatories and who
    >        have also helped in the preparation of this statement***


    > Yıllar boyunca birçok Britanyalı Parlamenter, Kıbrıs konusunda
    > Kıbrıslı Türklerin görüşlerine karşı tek yanlı davranmışlardır. Bu
    > konuda Enfield-Southgate Milletvekili olan David Burrowes çok iyi
    > bir örnektir. Kendisi, Birleşik Kraliyet’nin Kıbrıs siyasetinde sözü
    > geçen Karma Parlamenterler Kıbrıs Grup Başkanıdır (All Party
    > Parliamentary Group for Cyprus – APPG). Biz bu şahısın Kıbrıs konusunu
    > parlamentoya dengeli bir şekilde yansıtmaktan çok uzak olduğuna
    > inanıyoruz. Kıbrıs’taki mevcut gerçekleri gözardı ederek, sahte ve
    > yanlış demeçler vermektedir. Karma Parlamenterler Kıbrıs Grubu (KPKG)
    > Başkanı olarak, her iki Kıbrıslı toplumu temsil ettiğini iddia
    > etmesine rağmen, açıkca sadece Kıbrıs Rum lobicilerinin görüşlerini
    > kabul etmektedir. Hatta  KıbrıslıTürklerin görüşlerini de almak üzere
    > tek bir kişinin KPKG’ye davet edilmemesi çok manidardır.
    > KPKG Başkanı olarak, David Burrowes diğer Milletvekillerinin de Kıbrıs
    > Rum yanlısı bir tavır almaları için etkin bir pozisyona sahiptir.
    > Birleşik Kraliyetinde yaşayan Kıbrıslı Türklerin meşru endişelerini
    > gözardı ederek sözkonusu Grup Başkanlık müdafaasını imkansız
    > kılmaktadır. Kendisi bizim görüşlerimizle ilgilenmediği için Avrupa
    > Bakanı ve KPKG üyelerinden David Burrowes’ın sözkonusu Başkanlıktan
    > derhal istifasını talep etmeleri ve onun yerine, çoktan beri dikkate
    > alınmayan Kıbrıslı Türklerinin görşlerine de saygı duyan yeni bir
    > Başkanın seçilmesi için çağrıda bulunuyoruz. Bu konuda Çarşamba 28
    > Kasım 2012 öğle vaktine kadar yapıcı ve kesin kararların alınmasını
    > bekliyoruz. Bu yönde birlik ve beraberliğimizi göstermek amacıyla
    > hepimiz adına başta Avrupa Bakanı ve Milletvekili David Liddington
    > olmak üzere, tüm KPKG üyelerine bir mektup yazmış bulunuyoruz.
    > Britanyalı Kıbrıslı Türk Birliği olarak sizleri ve örgütünüzü bizimle
    >                  ortak hareket etmeye davet ediyoruz.
    >    Eğer bu mektuba desteğinizi vermek istiyorsanız [email protected]
    >  e-mail adresine, isim, soy isminizi, ünvanınızı ve temsil ettiğiniz
    >            sivil toplum örgütünün ismini verebilirsiniz.
    >    Sözkonusu mektubun altına sizin de isminizin kaydedilmesini arzu
    > ederseniz, Çarşamba 28 Kasım 2012 öğle vaktine kadar bize bildirmeniz
    >                              gerekiyor.
    > ***Şimdiye kadar bize isimlerini göndererek ve mektubun hazırlanışında
    >      destek veren tüm şahıslara ve örgütlere teşekkür ederiz.***


  • British Soldier Stabbed To Death In South Cyprus

    British Soldier Stabbed To Death In South Cyprus

    A British soldier has been stabbed to death during a fight with UK tourists in a Cyprus nightclub, police have said.

    Cypriot police said four off-duty soldiers stationed on the island got involved in an altercation with three tourists in the early hours of Sunday morning.

    One of the tourists then allegedly drew a switch blade knife and stabbed the teenage soldier, according to police spokesman Georgios Economou.

    He said: “Today at around 3.30am while a group of British soldiers from Dhekelia garrison were enjoying themselves at a club in Ayia Napa they had a confrontation with three of their compatriots.

    “During the confrontation one of the three drew what is believed to be a knife injuring the soldier in the chest.”

    He was pronounced dead on arrival at Famagusta General Hospital in nearby Paralimni.

    Connie Pierce, a British military spokeswoman, said the incident took place in a part of Ayia Napa that is off limits to British soldiers because of past trouble there.

    The Ministry of Defence confirmed a British soldier was killed following a fight on the island. The dead soldier has not been identified.

    Britain retains two military bases on the island after the former colony gained independence in 1960, with around 9,000 troops stationed there.

    Ayia Napa is a popular resort destination for young holidaymakers, especially British tourists attracted by the nightlife.




    Sky News

  • Turkey’s EU Bid Is ‘Stalled,’ Cyprus to Blame, Van Rompuy Says

    Turkey’s EU Bid Is ‘Stalled,’ Cyprus to Blame, Van Rompuy Says

    Turkey’s bid to join the European Union is “stalled” and Cyprus is to blame, EU President Herman Van Rompuy said.

    Cyprus, its northern part occupied by the Turkish army, has used its veto power as an EU member to freeze Turkey’s entry talks since mid-2010. The Cypriot government now holds the EU’s six-month rotating presidency, making progress before 2013 unlikely.

    “Were it not for some challenges from one of the members of the European Union, Cyprus, we would have made more progress when it comes to Turkey,” Van Rompuy told a Brussels conference today. “I acknowledge that negotiations on enlargement are stalled for the time being because one of the members of the club has problems with the process.”

    Since opening the entry negotiations in 2005, Turkey has completed talks in only one of 35 EU policy areas. Its failure to advance contrasts with Croatia, which started the process at the same time and is scheduled to join the bloc in July 2013.

    “Intensive discussions are ongoing and I hope to visit Turkey to get that message across,” Van Rompuy said.

    via Turkey’s EU Bid Is ‘Stalled,’ Cyprus to Blame, Van Rompuy Says – Businessweek.

  • Turkey ‘not serious’ about match invite

    Turkey ‘not serious’ about match invite

    By Jacqueline Agathocleous Published on September 4, 2012

    AEL Limassol Europa League match, Cyprus, Fenerbahce, football, government, government spokesman Stefanos Stefanou, President Demetris Christofias, Turkish EU negotiator Egemen Bagis

    THE GOVERNMENT yesterday dismissed as ‘cynical and lacking seriousness,’ an informal invitation to President Demetris Christofias from Turkey’s EU negotiator Egemen Bagis to watch AEL Limassol’s Europa League match with Turkish team Fenerbahce together.

    Bagis, was quoted in a Turkish daily yesterday saying that Christofias was “looking for a reason to come to Istanbul”.

    So he said Christofias should talk to Turkish Cypriot leader Dervis Eroglu about the possibility of visiting the country together to watch the November 8 match. But under one condition, he added: “I will be happy to be the host provided that they will come together and sit at the same table.”

    But the government was not impressed.

    “Mr Bagis is attempting to impress by sarcastically sending out a non-serious invitation for a football match,” government spokesman Stefanos Stefanou said yesterday. “This is not serious behaviour from a minister and if the Turkish politicians adopt it, then they too lack seriousness.”

    “Mr Eroglu, if he so desires, can watch the AEL-Fenerbahce game which will be played in Cyprus,” said Stefanou. “The President of the Republic and Mr Eroglu can watch it together in their country, as citizens of the Republic of Cyprus.”

    Fenerbahce is scheduled to arrive in Cyprus on October 25.

    In his interview yesterday, Bagis also raised the possibility of protests against the Turkish club in Cyprus. “When Galatasaray went there, they had major troubles,” Bagis said.

    Last year, during a game between Apollon Limassol’s and Galatasaray’s women’s volleyball teams, local fans threw debris onto the court. Similar troubles occurred during a basketball match between APOEL Nicosia and Pinar Karsiyaka.

    Bagis gave assurances that the Greek Cypriot team would not face such trouble in Istanbul.

    “They should not be worried, they will be hosted in Istanbul in the best way possible,” Bagis said. “I personally guarantee that there will not be any problem.”

    via Turkey ‘not serious’ about match invite – Cyprus Mail.

  • Turkey’s EU minister invites Christofias to football game

    Turkey’s EU minister invites Christofias to football game

    Turkish EU Minister Egemen Bağış has invited Greek Cypriot President Demetris Christofias to a football game in Istanbul with a message he posted on his personal Twitter account today.

    n 29192 4“[President Christofias] was looking for a reason to come to Istanbul. He should come with [Turkish Cypriot President Derviş] Eroğlu for Fenerbahçe’s match with Limassol,” Bağış tweeted today, inviting Christofias to the Europa League encounter between Fenerbahçe and Greek Cypriot AEL Limassol in Istanbul on Nov. 8. Bağış added that he would buy a round of coffee for the two leaders after the game ends.

    Bağış also said Greek Cypriots should seek help from Turkish Cyprus if they were not sure whether they could ensure the safety of the players of Fenerbahçe for the two teams’ other Europa League clash, an Oct. 25 tilt that will be played in Greek Cyprus.

    “Greek Cypriots have a poor record in protecting Turkish teams. They should seek help from Turkish Rep. of Northern Cyprus 4 Fenerbahce game,” Bağış tweeted.


    via TURKEY – Turkey’s EU minister invites Christofias to football game.