Category: Belgium

  • Belgium asks Turkey to watch for Belgians crossing into Syria

    Belgium asks Turkey to watch for Belgians crossing into Syria

    “We are in close cooperation with Turkey on this issue and we have asked them for additional monitoring [of border crossings],” Joelle Milquet, Belgium’s deputy prime minister and interior minister, said during a radio interview on Saturday.

    Belgium has asked Turkey to help in its efforts to prevent Belgian nationals from illegally crossing into Syria to fight alongside opposition forces trying to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad’s regime.

    “We are in close cooperation with Turkey on this issue and we have asked them for additional monitoring [of border crossings],” Joelle Milquet, Belgium’s deputy prime minister and interior minister, said during a radio interview on Saturday. She said she was planning to travel to Turkey for further talks on the matter.

    Milquet’s remarks come amid growing media attention on Belgian youth secretly traveling to Syria to join anti-regime fighters there, upsetting their families in most cases. The Belgian government has taken some measures to prevent such travels, introducing restrictions on traveling to Turkey for teenagers younger than 16. Particularly those youth living in neighborhoods populated by Moroccan immigrants are reported to be under increased police scrutiny.

    Turkey has received hundreds of thousands of Syrians who have fled the civil war in their country and is a major supporter of the opposition forces trying to topple the Assad regime. Assad accuses Turkey of allowing foreign fighters and arms to cross into Syria, a charge Turkey denies.

    via Belgium asks Turkey to watch for Belgians crossing into Syria | Europe | World Bulletin.

  • Belgium or Iran, Where’s The Nuclear Threat? Europe’s Five “Undeclared Nuclear Weapons States”

    Belgium or Iran, Where’s The Nuclear Threat? Europe’s Five “Undeclared Nuclear Weapons States”

    Are Turkey, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands and Italy Nuclear Powers?

    By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
    Region: Europe
    Theme: Militarization and WMD, US NATO War Agenda
    In-depth Report: Nuclear War
    [This article was originally published by Global Research  in February 2010 under the title: Europe’s Five “Undeclared Nuclear Weapons States” ]

    According to a recent report, former NATO Secretary-General George Robertson confirmed that Turkey possesses 40-90 “Made in America” nuclear weapons at the Incirlik military base.(

    Does this mean that Turkey is a nuclear power?

    “Far from making Europe safer, and far from producing a less nuclear dependent Europe, [the policy] may well end up bringing more nuclear weapons into the European continent, and frustrating some of the attempts that are being made to get multilateral nuclear disarmament,”
     (Former NATO Secretary-General George Robertson quoted in Global Security, February 10, 2010)

    “‘Is Italy capable of delivering a thermonuclear strike?…

    Could the Belgians and the Dutch drop hydrogen bombs on enemy targets?…

    Germany’s air force couldn’t possibly be training to deliver bombs 13 times more powerful than the one that destroyed Hiroshima, could it?…

    Nuclear bombs are stored on air-force bases in Italy, Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands — and planes from each of those countries are capable of delivering them.” (“What to Do About Europe’s Secret Nukes.”Time Magazine, December 2, 2009)

    The “Official” Nuclear Weapons States

    Five countries, the US, UK, France, China and Russia are considered to be “nuclear weapons states” (NWS), “an internationally recognized status conferred by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)”. Three other “Non NPT countries” (i.e. non-signatory states of the NPT) including India, Pakistan and North Korea, have recognized possessing nuclear weapons.

    Israel: “Undeclared Nuclear State”

    Israel is identified as an “undeclared nuclear state”. It produces and deploys nuclear warheads directed against military and civilian targets in the Middle East including Tehran.


    There has been much hype, supported by scanty evidence, that Iran might at some future date become a nuclear weapons state. And, therefore, a pre-emptive defensive nuclear attack on Iran to annihilate its non-existent nuclear weapons program should be seriously contemplated “to make the World a safer place”. The mainstream media abounds with makeshift opinion on the Iran nuclear threat.

    But what about the five European “undeclared nuclear states” including Belgium, Germany, Turkey, the Netherlands and Italy. Do they constitute a threat?

    Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands, Italy and Turkey: ”Undeclared Nuclear Weapons States”

    While Iran’s nuclear weapons capabilities are unconfirmed, the nuclear weapons capabilities of these five countries including delivery procedures are formally acknowledged.

    The US has supplied some 480 B61 thermonuclear bombs to five so-called “non-nuclear states”, including Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Turkey. Casually disregarded by the Vienna based UN Nuclear Watchdog (IAEA), the US has actively contributed to the proliferation of nuclear weapons in Western Europe.

    As part of this European stockpiling, Turkey, which is a partner of the US-led coalition against Iran along with Israel, possesses some 90 thermonuclear B61 bunker buster bombs at the Incirlik nuclear air base. (National Resources Defense Council, Nuclear Weapons in Europe , February 2005)

    By the recognised definition, these five countries are “undeclared nuclear weapons states”.

    The stockpiling and deployment of tactical B61 in these five “non-nuclear states” are intended for targets in the Middle East. Moreover, in accordance with  “NATO strike plans”, these thermonuclear B61 bunker buster bombs (stockpiled by the “non-nuclear States”) could be launched  “against targets in Russia or countries in the Middle East such as Syria and Iran” ( quoted in National Resources Defense Council, Nuclear Weapons in Europe , February 2005)

    Does this mean that Iran or Russia, which are potential targets of a nuclear attack originating from one or other of these five so-called non-nuclear states should contemplate defensive preemptive nuclear attacks against Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and Turkey? The answer is no, by any stretch  of the imagination.

    While these “undeclared nuclear states” casually accuse Tehran of developing nuclear weapons, without documentary evidence, they themselves have capabilities of delivering nuclear warheads, which are targeted at Iran.  To say that this is a clear case of “double standards” by the IAEA and the “international community” is a understatement.


    Those estimates were based on private and public statements by a number of government sources and assumptions about the weapon storage capacity at each base

    The stockpiled weapons are B61 thermonuclear bombs.  All the weapons are gravity bombs of the B61-3, -4, and -10 types.2 .

    .(National Resources Defense Council, Nuclear Weapons in Europe , February 2005)

    Germany: Nuclear Weapons Producer

    Among the five “undeclared nuclear states”, “Germany remains the most heavily nuclearized country with three nuclear bases (two of which are fully operational) and may store as many as 150 [B61 bunker buster ] bombs” (Ibid). In accordance with “NATO strike plans” (mentioned above) these tactical nuclear weapons are also targeted at the Middle East.

    While Germany is not categorized officially as a nuclear power, it produces nuclear warheads for the French Navy. It stockpiles nuclear warheads (made in America) and it has the capabilities of delivering nuclear weapons. Moreover,  The European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company – EADS , a Franco-German-Spanish  joint venture, controlled by Deutsche Aerospace and the powerful Daimler Group is Europe’s second largest military producer, supplying .France’s M51 nuclear missile.

    Germany imports and deploys nuclear weapons from the US. It also produces nuclear warheads which are exported to France. Yet it is classified as a non-nuclear state.

  • ITCCS : Why the Pope retired For Real

    ITCCS : Why the Pope retired For Real

    ITCCS : Why the Pope retired For Real : Kevin Annett : European Governance issued an arrest warrant : and Closure and seizure of Vatican assetts : Here are all the notices and dates :

    Historic, Breaking News: Wednesday, February 12/13, 2013

    Pope Benedict resigned to avoid arrest, seizure of church wealth by Easter –

    Diplomatic Note was issued to Vatican just prior to his resignation

    New Pope and Catholic clergy face indictment and arrest as “Easter Reclamation” plan continues

    A Global Media Release and Statement from The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)


    The historically unprecedented resignation of Joseph Ratzinger as Pope this week was compelled by an upcoming action by a European government to issue an arrest warrant against Ratzinger and a public lien against Vatican property and assets by Easter.

    The ITCCS Central Office in Brussels is compelled by Pope Benedict’s sudden abdication to disclose the following details:

    1. On Friday, February 1, 2013, on the basis of evidence supplied by our affiliated Common Law Court of Justice (, our Office concluded an agreement with representatives of a European nation and its courts to secure an arrest warrant against Joseph Ratzinger, aka Pope Benedict, for crimes against humanity and ordering a criminal conspiracy.

    2. This arrest warrant was to be delivered to the office of the “Holy See” in Rome on Friday, February 15, 2013. It allowed the nation in question to detain Ratzinger as a suspect in a crime if he entered its sovereign territory.

    3. A diplomatic note was issued by the said nation’s government to the Vatican’s Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, on Monday, February 4, 2013, informing Bertone of the impending arrest warrant and inviting his office to comply. No reply to this note was received from Cardinal Bertone or his office; but six days later, Pope Benedict resigned.

    4. The agreement between our Tribunal and the said nation included a second provision to issue a commercial lien through that nation’s courts against the property and wealth of the Roman Catholic churchcommencing on Easter Sunday, March 31, 2013. This lien was to be accompanied by a public and global “Easter Reclamation Campaign” whereby Catholic church property was to be occupied and claimed by citizens as public assets forfeited under international law and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

    5. It is the decision of our Tribunal and the said nation’s government to proceed with the arrest of Joseph Ratzinger upon his vacating the office of the Roman Pontiff on a charge of crimes against humanity and criminal conspiracy.

    6. It is our further decision to proceed as well with the indictment and arrest of Joseph Ratzinger’s successor as Pope on the same charges; and to enforce the commercial lien and “Easter Reclamation Campaign” against the Roman Catholic church, as planned.

    In closing, our Tribunal acknowledges that Pope Benedict’s complicity in criminal activities of the Vatican Bank (IOR) was compelling his eventual dismissal by the highest officials of the Vatican. But according to our sources, Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone forced Joseph Ratzinger’s resignation immediately, and in direct response to the diplomatic note concerning the arrest warrant that was issued to him by the said nation’s government on February 4, 2013.

    We call upon all citizens and governments to assist our efforts to legally and directly disestablish the Vatican, Inc. and arrest its chief officers and clergy who are complicit in crimes against humanity and the ongoing criminal conspiracy to aid and protect child torture and trafficking.

    full_40dbb340-09b1-4f60-800a-cc7356fe1a95Further bulletins on the events of the Easter Reclamation Campaign will be issued by our Office this week.

    Issued 13 February, 2013

    12:00 am GMT

    by the Brussels Central Office,

    The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State

    via ITCCS : Why the Pope retired For Real : Kevin Annett : European Governance issued an arrest warrant : and Closure and seizure of Vatican assetts : Here are all the notices and dates : « lightworkersxm.

  • Belgian Deputy Mahinur Özdemir: I started campaigning while I was a cashier at my dad’s market

    Belgian Deputy Mahinur Özdemir: I started campaigning while I was a cashier at my dad’s market

    Wearing a headscarf and flashing a bright smile, Mahinur Özdemir is a deputy of Turkish background who was sworn in at the parliament of the Brussels-Capital Region on June 23, 2009. This new member of parliament attracted a significant amount of attention from Turkey and the West for winning a seat as the youngest deputy in parliament and as a visible Muslim at a time when Islamophobia was on the rise throughout the continent.

    mahinur ozdemir

    Mahinur Özdemir

    Özdemir has stressed that she wishes not to be recognized or mentioned for her headscarf but for her political achievements. The road to parliament was not the easiest for this 28-year-old Catholic school graduate, who went on her first political campaign in 2006. Her journey began while she worked at her father’s market, after which she became a member of her city’s municipal council.

    During the election campaign, Özdemir’s party used a photograph of her that was displayed in such a way as to conceal her headscarf. This led to debates, with her party denying that it tried to hide her headscarf, saying the image was prepared by outside sources. However, despite the hurdles, Özdemir won a seat in the Brussels regional parliament. Today’s Zaman caught up with the young deputy to discuss growing up in Belgium, her family, Belgium’s immigrant population and the experience of being sworn into parliament.

    In 2009, at the age of 26, Mahinur Özdemir won a seat in the Belgian parliament as a member from the cdH. She was not the first Turk to become a deputy, but because she wore a headscarf, cameras both in Belgium and around the world were on her. Özdemir explains how she managed to win a seat in parliament at a time when Islamophobia was on the rise throughout Europe

    Asked how her family came to Belgium, Özdemir said her maternal grandfather, Hasan Malak, was the first person from her family to come to Belgium. Five months later, he brought his wife and their five children. This was the year 1969. “They had three more children. Like many Turks in Belgium, we are from Emirdağ. My grandfather settled in a town near Luxembourg, which had no Turks in it. He worked on a farm. They were very nice to him. He still keeps in touch with the families there,” she noted.

    Özdemir comes from a big family, and being the oldest of 33 grandchildren has given her a great support system. “My parents wed in 1981. They started living in Schaerbeek. My father graduated from İstanbul University’s department of history. And I am the oldest of 33 grandchildren. My father played a big role in my educational and social life. I have four siblings: one sister and three brothers. In total we are five children. My younger brother is continuing his doctorate. He has the potential to become an academic. My sister works in the private sector and is very successful. My other two brothers are still in school. One goes to high school and the other goes to primary school. Schaerbeek is a historic municipality with a population of 130,000 and has a cute Turkish neighborhood as well. It is the sixth biggest municipality in Belgium. I have been a member of the Schaerbeek Municipal Council since 2006,” she said.

    A musical ear

    Özdemir’s love of music comes from her family. From Turkish folk music to classical piano, Özdemir has tried it all. “I have an ear for music, just like my mother. I learned how to play the piano by myself at a very young age. Then I took professional piano and solfège lessons for three years at the Music Academy. I also liked Turkish folk songs, and I quickly learned how to play the saz. I still love to play the saz and piano, but I don’t have as much time to play them as I used to. I also do professional photography, and I plan on opening my first personal photograph exhibition in the near future. I like to read. I have a good knowledge of French literature in particular. The one topic I keep a very close track of in Turkey is Beşiktaş. I have an interest in sports because I played volleyball in school for quite a long time. Ever since I was a kid people have said I would become either a lawyer or a politician, but I never thought of politics. I think some of the choices I made in the race of life brought me to where I am today,” she said.

    Özdemir explained that going to a Catholic school in a multicultural country was not all that unusual for her and that her original goal was to study law. “I started kindergarten when I was two-and-a-half years old. Kindergarten in Belgium lasts three years and education is compulsory until the age of 18. I went to a Catholic school because it offered a good education. I know the Bible very well. I learned about my own religion from my family and the Belgian branch of the Religious Affairs Directorate Foundation. I went to the foundation every weekend and to the Catholic school on weekdays. I was a high-achieving student. I never felt discriminated against because I am Muslim. I joined the school choir when I was in elementary school. I know every Christmas carol and the hymns, too. I studied in the department of Latin chemistry-math for six years in high school. I speak Turkish, English, French and Dutch. I am also familiar with Spanish, Italian and German. After such an intense high school education, everyone, including my teachers, expected me to study pharmacy or medicine. My primary choice was law. But when I discovered that I would not be able to work as a lawyer with my headscarf, I was devastated, and so I decided to study another field, but perhaps it was that choice that brought me to where I am today.”

    A successful young Turkish immigrant population is forming’

    Özdemir double-majored in economics and political science and did her master’s in public administration. She was one of 15 Turks in a class of 500. “A successful young Turkish immigrant population was developing, but no one knew each other,” she explained, adding that “a couple of my friends and I decided to set up a Turkish students association at the university called La Turquoise. At first there weren’t many Turkish students in universities in Belgium, maybe 40 or 50 and 100 at best. Our association set an example for students in other universities.”

    Özdemir must have had leadership qualities from day one as she was elected to the student council. “As a member of the student council, I kept close track of all problems that were brought up in decision-making mechanisms. After all, I am a Turkish Belgian. I don’t have any issues with my identity. I am both Belgian and Turkish. I am also a Muslim, a women and a young adult. Many European immigrant youths have this thing where they don’t feel like they are a part of ‘here’ or ‘there.’ They feel like they are stuck in the middle, in limbo. I refused to think like that. I did not want to be another example of an unhappy Turk. The key is being able to live with these different identities. As citizens of immigrant origin we are part of Belgian society. While a member of the student council at the university I realized how important it is to be involved in decision-making mechanisms. If you don’t explain or express yourself, other people will characterize you and sometimes in an incorrect way, and then you will inevitably end up representing the image contrived by someone else.”

    Explaining her relationship with the Humanist Democratic Center (cdH), Özdemir said she acted with civic awareness and voted for a party that supported her ideas in 2004 and then immediately afterwards became a member. “Why did I choose this party?” she asked. “Because it was a humanist party and gave priority to education and human values in its party bylaws. Belgium is a country that has a very high divorce rate. It ranks among the top 10 countries. This is a serious problem for immigrant families as well. The party’s unifying feature stood out to me. I started getting involved in the party’s meetings. At first they were very surprised because young people don’t show much interest in politics in Europe. There have been reports that I am a deputy from a Christian Democrat party, but the word ‘Christian’ is not mentioned in the party’s name. The cdH is obviously a former Christian party, but it changed its name nine years ago and developed a more inclusive identity.”

    ‘I stood out because of my ideas’

    Özdemir wasn’t all that sure how well accepted she would be when she first entered politics. “I stood out in the party because of my ideas. I would study the content of the program before meetings and always be prepared,” she said.

    However, soon thereafter, in 2005, the party’s group deputy chairman suggested she run for a seat on the municipal council in local elections, which were scheduled for the following year. “After considering the offer for two months, I accepted it. After consultation, I was 18th on the candidate list. I was low on the list but because of the preferential votes I received, I became third on the list and won a seat on the municipal council in 2006. There are around 10 politicians of Turkish origin from various parties in the 47-seat municipal council,” she explained.

    Özdemir noted that conducting her election campaign while working as a cashier at her father’s grocery market, which was close to 800 square meters in size, in the Turkish neighborhood they lived in was very advantageous. “I was able to promote myself directly to people and hand out my business card. You communicate directly with the people who come to the market and have an opportunity to listen to their views and understand the issues that the community is sensitive about. In a sense, you become a social advisor, especially when you’re one of the few young people in the neighborhood that has gone to university,” Özdemir said.

    While noting that focusing on the problems of Turks alone during her election campaign was not the route she took, Özdemir said she spoke with people at markets, went door-to-door, ringing doorbells. “I tried to access everyone. The party had only two seats in the municipal council in 2006, and I went up from 18th to third on the list. I received more votes than many high-level politicians. The number of seats the party occupied in the municipal council went up to five. Our chairwoman is a visionary woman. As someone who managed to move up from so far behind, she wanted to get to know me. The party first gave me the duty of teaching about conscientious citizenship. My work was appreciated, and I was assigned different responsibilities. I worked as an executive assistant and most recently as the party’s political advisor. I became a candidate for regional elections in 2009. No party had a candidate who wore a headscarf, but with the support of our chairwoman, I was made 21st on the candidate list. My party had 10 seats in parliament and, with the preferential votes I received, the party was able to send 11 deputies to parliament. I continue to hold a seat in the municipal council, parliament and the cdH’s Central Executive Board,” Özdemir said.

    First time parliament was so crowded in 21 years

    One day Özdemir will not be able to forget is the day she was sworn into parliament. “The one thing I can’t forget about the swearing in ceremony was my parents sitting in the balcony. The whole place was jam-packed. The parliament building is 21 years old, but it had never been so crowded before that. I was excited. I wondered what lay ahead of me. Some people had petitioned the Constitutional Court to have my swearing-in ceremony cancelled. My party supported me all the way. The dress code in the Belgian parliament is normal. They don’t overdo it with the suits. We live like ordinary people. Everyone dresses the way they want to. They find the way I match my scarves very interesting. They asked me how many scarves I own,” she said.

    So what would Özdemir be doing if her attempt to be active in politics had failed? Well, something to do with food, she says. “Had I not been able to win in the 2009 elections, I was thinking of opening a restaurant that served organic food. I am very good in the kitchen, and I love to make foods and present dishes in nice ways. But I was involved in a car accident last year. Parliament opened after the swearing-in ceremony, and a week later a car crashed into mine as I was leaving parliament. I was in the hospital for a week. I have three platinum plates in my right arm now, but they will be surgically removed.”

    ‘My husband is my support system’

    Özdemir said her husband has been great support all along and was behind her in all her endeavors. “He has a good command of the political lexicon. He is a good lawyer. He sometimes has a different perspective on different incidents. I can say that he makes my life and job easier.”

  • ‘Colonialism had effect on Rwanda’

    ‘Colonialism had effect on Rwanda’

    İpek Yezdani – [email protected]

    ISTANBUL – Hürriyet Daily News

    European colonial history was a major contributor to what eventually became genocide in Rwanda, according to the chief prosecutor of the International Rwanda Criminal Court.

    rwanda rfgees tznia 1994

    “The Rwandan genocide that took place in 1994 clearly it has its roots in the colonial history,” Hassan Bubacar Jallow, who was in Istanbul to give a conference at Istanbul Bilgi University yesterday, said in an interview following the event.

    “During the European colonization of the country, which [turned] this difference between Tutsis and Hutus into so-called positions of superiority and inferiority in the country, eventually led to the genocide,” Jallow said, adding both Belgium and France were “colonial powers of one type or another” in Rwanda.

    When the genocide started in 1994, the world had the opportunity and the means to stop the killings but did not, Jallow said.

    “Over a hundred days, thousands of people were killed every day until 1 million people were killed. It took the intervention of then-Rwandan rebels to bring the genocide to an end. The inability or reluctance of the world in intervening when the genocide was on was very unfortunate,” Jallow said.

    Jallow said they were hoping to finish their work at the level of the International Criminal Court established by the United Nations by the end of 2014.

    “By that time we won’t be prosecuting everybody because it is impossible to do that. Our focus has been prosecuting the leaders who were involved in the planning and the implementation of the genocide. By the end of 2014, we hope that we will be finishing the prosecution of the top 100 people,” Jallow said.

    via ‘Colonialism had effect on Rwanda’ – Hurriyet Daily News.

  • Thirty hurt in Belgium vs Turkey clashes

    Thirty hurt in Belgium vs Turkey clashes

    Romania’s supporters cheer for their team during their Euro 2012 Group D qualifying soccer match against Bosnia at Giulesti stadium in Bucharest June 3, 2011.

    20110604.191947 euroqualifier

    BRUSSELS – THIRTY people including three police officers suffered light injuries after fans clashed while watching the Belgium and Turkey Euro 2012 qualifier on a big screen, city officials in Ghent announced on Saturday.

    One police officer was struck in the head with a bottle thrown from the crowd, while around 30 other people were reported to have been treated for light injuries at hospitals around the city.

    The clashes occurred during and after the transmission of the game on a big screen in the centre of Ghent, where up to 7,000 Belgian and Turkish supporters had gathered.

    Some fans clashed after the end of the match, which finished in a 1-1 draw, with police reporting sporadic acts of vandalism.

    City officials said only one arrest was made. — AFP

    via Thirty hurt in Belgium vs Turkey clashes.