Category: East Asia & Pacific

  • Chinese culture shines in Istanbul

    Chinese culture shines in Istanbul

    A Chinese Culture Week themed “The Modern Silk Road” opened here on Saturday, serving attendants a feast for the eyes and appetite.

    The week-long event, as part of 2012 China Culture Year, features documentaries, Mongolian art shows and Chinese cuisine, presenting China’s traditional culture and the lifestyle of its ethnic minorities.

    At the opening ceremony, artists from north China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region performed a series of Mongolian songs and dances, and gave the guests Hada, a piece of silk used as greeting gift.

    “This is my first time receiving Chinese culture, and I hope someday I can go there and learn more,” Fatimah, a college student in Istanbul, told Xinhua, adding she was impressed by the performance.

    “An Eternal Lamb,” a selected film in The Montreal World Film Festival last year, depicted the lifestyle of Chinese Kazakh people with a local presence, which drew wide applause among the audience.

    Two Chinese Huaiyang Cuisine chefs, Xiong Shiwei and Zhang Baojian, were also invited to prepare dishes.

    via Chinese culture shines in Istanbul –

  • China holds exhibition to ease Turkish concerns over treatment of ethnic Uygurs

    China holds exhibition to ease Turkish concerns over treatment of ethnic Uygurs

    Chinese Muslims, all 23 million of them, say it can be hard practicing their faith in China. Particularly for ethnic Uyguys, there is long-running discrimination that many Uygurs say endangers their cultural existence.

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    China’s government is hoping to soothe Turks’ concerns about the ill treatment of that country’s 23 million Muslims — which include a fairly substantial population of Turkic Uygurs.

    The Chinese have funded an exhibition in Istanbul that amplifies the positives with Chinese Muslims’ relationship with the central government. Muslims in China make up less than 2 percent of the population.

    Zhang Jian from the Chinese state religious body, says the Istanbul exhibition is meant to inform international audiences about the richness of Islamic culture in China.

    “To know more about how Chinese Muslims live their lives in China and how they live their religious life,” Jian said.

    See more photos from the Chinese exhibit, visit

    There’s a lot of rumors he says, that the Chinese government prevents Muslim men from wearing beards for example, or that it stops women from covering their heads.

    It’s not true, he says. Muslims live freely in China and the exhibits are proof of this reality.

    “The reasons we hold such kind of activities, is to know what really happens in China,” he said.

    The exhibition features traditional songs and dances by two Muslim performing groups. The Uygur dancers are dressed in intensely colorful costumes as they perform tightly choreographed songs and dances. But unlike the music, and the rosy picture painted by the government official, life for Uygurs in China isn’t especially joyful.

    “I don’t want to speak Chinese,” said a Uygur émigré at the performance. She didn’t want to reveal her name, fearing reprisals against her family in Xinjiang.

    She says the Chinese government is trying to wipe out the Uygur language.

    “I’m afraid for the future. I fear for the Uygur language that everyone will forget it. Everywhere it’s only Chinese,” she said.

    The woman says the Chinese government is trying to assimilate Uygurs by force, eliminating Uygur-language education and giving economic opportunities only to the majority ethnic Han Chinese.

    Human Rights Watch concurs. A recent report said, “under the guise of counterterrorism and anti-separatism efforts, the government maintains a pervasive system of ethnic discrimination against Uyghurs and other ethnic minorities.”

    Perhaps more than anywhere else in the world, in Turkey, the people and government are sensitive to Uygur pleas. Hugh Pope, a Turkey analyst and author of “Sons of the Conquerors: The Rise of the Turkic World,” said Turkish school children are taught that China’s Uyguys are their brothers.

    “Eight million people who are under Chinese sovereignty in Xinjiang, or as it used to be known East Turkestan, because it’s the eastern bit of where Turks still live in Central Asia,” he said, “(are) still in the Turkish consciousness as being a Turkic people, blood brothers according to the state ideology of the Turkish Republic.”

    China hopes that cultural exchanges like this one will help ease Turks’ reservations about Muslims in China. But Pope says public relations are probably not even needed. China’s economic power will always move Turkey more than the human rights of their Uygur brothers.

    “Most people are interested in buying Chinese products, Turkish companies are building things in Chinese cities just like everyone else in the world,” Pope said. “We are seeing the beginning of a military relationship. Turkish leaders do go and visit Xinjian and wear Uygur dress. And China is happy with that because it shows that everything is all right.”

    Turkey is a rising regional power but it’s still a medium-sized, developing country. Its not in Turkey’s interest to have trouble with China, Pope said.

    What’s more, most of the Uygurs’ ancient cities have already been razed, to make way for new cities likely to be dominated by majority ethnic Han Chinese.

    via China holds exhibition to ease Turkish concerns over treatment of ethnic Uygurs | PRI.ORG.

  • Chinese Islamic cultural pageant kicks off in Turkey

    Chinese Islamic cultural pageant kicks off in Turkey


    Chinese dancers perform a Muslim dance during the opening ceremony of “2012 China-Turkey Islamic Cultural Exhibition and Performances” in Istanbul, Turkey, on Aug. 31, 2012. (Xinhua/Ma Yan)

    ISTANBUL, Aug. 31 (Xinhua) — Over 500 Chinese and Turkish government officials and Muslim representatives on Friday attended here the opening ceremony of the Chinese Islamic cultural pageant, which will last eight days.

    The event, part of the celebrations to mark the China-Turkey Cultural Year, is held to introduce China’s Islamic history and unique Muslim culture to Turkey.

    Wang Zuoan, Director of Chinese State Administration of Religious Affairs, said at the opening ceremony that the exposition, the first of its kind between the two countries, will help deepen mutual understanding and enhance the cooperation between Chinese and Turkish Muslims.

    Nowadays, Wang said, Islam is getting more and more popular in China as Muslims’ religion belief and custom are fully respected. The Islam also plays an active role in promoting economy and culture, he said.

    For his part, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdag said that it is a very important opportunity for the two countries to enhance cooperation and introduce Chinese Muslims’ life, culture and belief to the Turkish people.

    “The relations between Turkey and China showed many positive developments throughout history,” he said.

    “On one hand, we wish to convey the Islamic civilization in China to our public and, on the other hand, we wish to jointly work for the religious education and religious affairs of Muslims in China. When you look at the bilateral relations from a cultural perspective, you can see that there is high hope to develop our relations,” Bozdag said, adding that Turkey will carry out a series of Islamic cultural programs in China next year to enhance its relations with China.

    During the exposition, Chinese Muslims will exhibit Chinese Islamic culture, Quran chanting, a symposium on China-Turkey Islamic exchanges, as well as Islamic singing and dancing shows.

    via Chinese Islamic cultural pageant kicks off in Turkey – People’s Daily Online.

  • Chinese Muslims to shine in Turkey expo

    Chinese Muslims to shine in Turkey expo

    Chinese Muslims will bring their unique culture to Turkey in an Islamic cultural pageant to be held in Istanbul, Turkey’s largest city, on August 31, according to the Islamic Association of China (IAC).


    The China-Turkey Islamic Cultural Expo and Performances 2012, jointly organized by China’s State Administration for Religious Affairs and Turkey’s Presidency of Religious Affairs to mark the China-Turkey Cultural Year, will include an exhibition of Chinese Islamic culture, Quran chanting, a symposium on China-Turkey Islamic exchanges, and Islamic singing and dancing shows, according to Zhang Guanglin, deputy secretary-general of IAC.

    According to Zhang, the highlight of the show will be Chinese variants of Islamic culture, including a combination of Chinese calligraphy with Arabic and Uyghur handwriting, ancient Chinese Muslims’ articles of religious and daily use which date back to the 14th century, artistic shows presented by Chinese Muslims, and most importantly Chinese transcripts of the Quran.

    This will be the first time that foreign countries will host Chinese ancient transcripts of the Quran, some of which are valuable cultural relics with a history of around 300 years. The event will also showcase Quran copies made by modern Chinese Muslims, including a 208-meter-long paper-cut Quran, and copies engraved in jade and printed on silk.

    Quran transcripts have played an important role in China’s Islamic history, according to Zhang. Quran transcripts in Chinese language allowed Islamic preaching to reach the masses in China 300 years ago and facilitated the development of the then repressed religion. Today, China encourages the development of Islamism. Zhang said China has translated and published the Quran in languages including Chinese, Uyghur, Kazak and Kirgiz, and such translations will also be showcased in Istanbul.

    “Our Quran transcripts will give the world a glimpse of China’s Islamic history and Chinese Muslims’ devotion to Quran teachings,” said Zhang.

    During the symposium on China-Turkey Islamic exchanges, Chinese speakers will introduce Islamic history in China, the reality of Islamism in China today, the unique culture of Chinese Muslims, as well as the life of modern Chinese Muslims.

    “We will show the world the unique and splendid culture of Chinese Muslims,” said Zhang, adding that the event is also a move to boost religious exchanges between China and Turkey.

    “It will be a good opportunity to display the splendid Islamic cultures of the two countries, promote the Islamic spirits of peace, tolerance, moderation and cooperation, enhance friendly relations between the two countries, and promote the diversity of human culture,” according to the IAC deputy secretary-general.

    Zhang also mentioned that discussion is under way between China and Turkey covering cooperation in areas such as Quran printing and student exchange programs, as part of efforts to implement the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the two countries in 2011.

    China has 23 million Muslims, living mainly in its northwestern Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, Gansu Province, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, and Qinghai Province.

    via Chinese Muslims to shine in Turkey expo –

  • It Can not happen to Me Chapter 18

    It Can not happen to Me Chapter 18


    Chapter 18


    While everyone seems to ignore the casino atmosphere of the securities markets worldwide, there is a time bomb about to explode.

    The volatility of the silver futures market is like bungee jumper without a rope.

    It seems a complex game, but when you break it down, we all going to pay the devil. We all know it is wrong, but few speak up.

    For starters , The Federal Reserve Board of the United States and other central bankers around the world are keeping their funds which they transact business with other member banks artificially low.   This was done during the banking crisis, but they have failed investigate the abuses.

    One glaring abuse is a major bank can “borrow” a million dollars and with high frequency trades [i]and short the  silver contracts on the COMEX .[ii] They are selling contracts that they do not own. Another scheme is to place factious orders to sell to scare the buyers away. This drops the bids temporarily low. In an nano second the computers cancels the sells and instead buy at the depressed prices. These trades place an artificial cap on the price. Now the computers , some instances are trading among themselves with no human benefit.

    AS is the case of silver, the industrial demand far outstrips the world’s supply. The total amount used is 755.7 million ounces. Here is the breakdown for industrial uses. One can quickly observe that over half is for industrial use.

    Silver has unlimited applications in science, industry and art plus investments. Total demand in 2010 was 487.4 million ounces for industrial use only. 167 million ounces were used  for jewelry and 101.3 million ounces  were used in medals and coins which were probably increased in 2012 because of the Olympics. Silver is used 1000 ounce bars for industrial use. There is about 1.25 billion ounces of silver in the entire world in 1000 bars. These bars are not just floating to be plucked out of thin air. They are often broken down for use in computers and solar panels and mirrors just to name a few.

    J P Morgan Chase was reported to be short 95 million ounces as of August 18, 2012. The 8 largest silver traders are short 40.9% of the entire COMEX future trading on a net basis. These contracts are in 1000 ounce bars. This will take over 100 trading days for them to cover(buy back) their shorts sales. This could be the straw that broke the camel’s back as far as inflation is concerned.

    When industrial users discover they might have a delivery problem they more than likely double order. This in itself will put added pressure on the shorts and send silver on a par with gold. There is three times more gold around than silver. If silver ever reached the price of gold, forget the Euro and everything else. Heaven Forbid!!!

    What one can do. Own silver  for cash only. NOW

    What the authorities must do  worldwide.

    Raise Interest rates NOW.

    Abolish margin rates NOW.

    Bring back the uptick rule NOW.

    Reinstate the usury laws NOW.

    Hire outside Law firms  that will sue or try violators ona contingency basis. There only fee will be a fee based upon a predetimined percentage of the judgement. If they loose – no fee.  This will give would be violators second thoughts of breaking laws.  

    Finally go back to chapter one and review every chapter that I have written so far

    Cheerio !!!


    COMEX(Commodity and metal exchange) offers gold, silver, copper and aluminum contracts as well as FTSE Eurotop 100 and 300 stock indices.


    [ii] High frequency trades (HFT) are done by computing an allogrintem into a computer program that will trade silver contracts in nano seconds. This can also be done by posting factious offerings to scare away would be buyers causing the security to drop in value quickly. Then in a nano second it will buy back  the security. The difference in sale price and buy price is the profit. Using a million dollars on margin;  fractional change in price can be a tidy sum. It is estimated that 80 to 90% of all trades are  now HFT’s.

  • It Can Happen to Me. Guess what? It Will ! Chapter 17 Breaking Up the Banks

    It Can Happen to Me. Guess what? It Will ! Chapter 17 Breaking Up the Banks

    Chapter 17   Breaking Up the Banks.

    “A GREEDY MAN BRINGS TROUBLE TO HIS FAMILY, BUT HE WHO HATES BRIBES WILL LIVE.” PROVERBS 15:27       When an industry is at the top or number one it has no place to go but down. This has been my observation for over 55 years. In the US Army it is called OJT (On the Job Training).  WE as citizens going into our local bank should be warned   WATCH OUT- THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS FREE LUNCH.

    Albert Einstein said man’s greatest invention is compound interest. Banks love it when they can put it to  use to an unsuspecting public.  Any funds one gets to work down the principal will find that it has expanded.  At some point one will not be able to pay that principal or off.

    A funny thing happen on the way to the bank. They did it to themselves. Easy credit will kill the goose every time. You see in order to gain more wealth , banks had to issue more debt in order to lend more.  GREED – it is a killer. Once one starts making and spending money; one needs more. It is at the very top that one takes chances in order to gain more. Usually these chances are at the detriment of us the average citizen trying to provide for a family.

    The names of Corzine, LIBOR, JP Morgan-Chase; Dimon and Weill mean little to the average citizen-until  they want to pay off debt. This is when the “Rule of 72” comes into play. It is very simple. Just divide the interest rate you are paying into 72.  Your answer is how many years the bank is doubling its money on you. So if you are paying an 8% mortgage for 30 years divided by 72 is every 9 years. To me that seems fair because you are using the banks money.  Credit cards can work on a monthly basis and now one is “going where no man has gone before”-STAR TREK. Once a debt is in outer space it is up to the courts (and the courts have to follow the law) the debtor is a pawn to spineless attorneys who seek a quick reward for returning a pittance to the lender. This is legal larceny and a USURY law supported by all nations would halt this practice and create more jobs and distribute more wealth over a wider area.

    Once a bank has you in their indebtedness you lose your freedom. The more debt you take on; the deeper the hole you are in. If you are a lawmaker, one should open their safe deposit boxes. IN the days of yesteryear, politicians would accept tax free municipal bonds, but today they have to be registered. Now one finds cash that has been unreported?

    So Nothing big can happen until elections are held, because it is more likely that the legislators involved with any kind of finances are on the take. So our votes are very important. We must elect enough new members that a group can control any committee. This has to be done in a bipartisan spirit.

    So to break up the banks in a meaningful term we must have a majority turnover in world wide elections.  WE must enforce a strong Usury Law for the protection of us all.

    When JP Morgan has outrageous short positions in Gold and Silver futures on the COMEX and the CFTC is powerless to enforce them against this giant bank. The CFTC entire budget is around $200-$300 million while JP Morgan could spend $5 billion defending their illegal position. When a giant bank can out maneuver their government of laws – the bank should be broken up rather quickly.

    My next chapters will have to do with the brokerage and financial management part of the break up.