Category: East Asia & Pacific

  • Turkish Airlines plans Istanbul-Sydney non-stops

    The day before the Qantas-Emirates kicks off, Turkish Airlines gate crashes the party with non-stop intentions for Sydney-Istanbul flights

    Great Circle Mapper SYD-IST diagram

    Turkish Airlines CEO Temel Kotil intends to connect Europe and Australia with its first commercial non-stop air service next year by operating the Istanbul-Sydney route with either a 777-300ER or 7770200LR.

    The report in ATW is light on details, but clear about aims.

    Turkish Airlines doesn’t have any 777-200LRs in its large fleet of Airbus and Boeing airliners, which like the Airbus A345 is a jet with the range to fly the route non-stop both ways with a commercial payload, but it has been speculated that it could source some of the -200LRs within a year, and readily integrate them into its -300ER operations.

    The story should be taken seriously. Istanbul airport is growing faster than Dubai airport, and unlike the latter, can be greatly expanded.

    In the report, Kotil refers to both the non-stop ambitions and the possibility of connections through either Jakarta or Bangkok, which implies using either of those cities if the Sydney flights were operated with 777-300ERs which would need to refuel on the return leg.

    From an air treaty perspective Indonesia is considered a difficult state with which to negotiate new services, making Bangkok the favourite when it comes to the -300ER probabilities.

    The nominal great circle distance between Sydney and Istanbul is 14,956 kilometres, which is only 389 kilometres shorter than the 15,345 kilometres flown daily each way between Singapore and Newark (for New York City) by Singapore Airlines A340-500s, on what has been world’s longest scheduled passenger service since mid 2004.

    The same fleet operates the world’s current second longest commercial flights between Singapore and Los Angeles, a nominal distance of 14,114 kilometres, but both services will end later this year with the retirement of the A345s.

    The world’s third longest route but only one way is the Sydney-Dallas Fort Worth service flown by a Qantas 747-400ER  at a nominal 13,804 kilometres.

    Recently Turkish Airlines spoke cautiously about starting flights to Australia because of the Qantas-Emirates partnership over Dubai, which begins tomorrow.  Something has changed, but the airline has always been comfortable with being reported as the major competitor on a global scale to Emirates.

    Its current and rapidly growing network centred on Istanbul has the greatest potential for frequent connections to diverse European centres because the hub is within single-aisle jet range of those cities which are served by less frequent but larger Emirates wide-bodied airliners.

    via Turkish Airlines plans Istanbul-Sydney non-stops | Plane Talking.

  • Turkey to enhance diplomatic ties with Cambodia

    Turkey to enhance diplomatic ties with Cambodia

    PHNOM PENH, March 12 (Xinhua) — Turkey is willing to establish an embassy residence in Cambodia in order to promote bilateral relations and cooperation between the two countries, the newly- designated ambassador of Turkey to Cambodia, Osman Bulent Tulun said Tuesday.

    The Bangkok-based ambassador unveiled the plan during a meeting with President of Cambodia’s National Assembly Heng Samrin.

    The permanent residence in Phnom Penh will be easier for Turkey to strengthen and expand bilateral ties with Cambodia, especially in economics, trade, tourism and education, the ambassador said without specifying the exact date towards the embassy establishment.

    He also pledged to increase scholarship to Cambodian students to study in Turkey.

    Meanwhile, Heng Samrin spoke highly of good relationship and cooperation between Cambodia and Turkey, saying that the two countries should create closer ties in trade and tourism for mutual benefits.

    The two countries’ bilateral trade is relatively small. According to the record of Cambodia’s Commerce Ministry, the total trade volume was only 6 million U.S. dollars last year.

    On tourism side, some 3,400 Turkish visitors came to Cambodia last year, up 4 percent year-on-year, said a tourism report.

    via Turkey to enhance diplomatic ties with Cambodia — Shanghai Daily | 上海日报 — English Window to China New.

  • Former Guantanamo Bay Detainee Resettled to Turkey

    Former Guantanamo Bay Detainee Resettled to Turkey

    By JONATHAN KAMINSKY Associated Press

    February 27, 2013 (AP)


    One of six Chinese nationals held by the U.S. at its Guantanamo Bay prison and released to Palau in 2009 has resettled in Turkey, the tiny island republic’s former president confirmed Wednesday.

    Johnson Toribiong, reached by phone from the U.S., said Adel Noori left Palau shortly before Toribiong’s term ended late last year.

    A U.S. official familiar with the situation who asked not to be identified said Toribiong’s administration informed the U.S. that Noori, 43, had made arrangements on his own to leave the country.

    Noori and the five other men — all of them Uighurs, an ethnic minority that has clashed with China’s central government — were released to Palau after spending nearly eight years at Guantanamo Bay. They were captured in Afghanistan and Pakistan in 2001.

    The Pentagon determined in 2008 that they were not “enemy combatants” and they were released to Palau on what was billed as a temporary basis the following year.

    “I guess the term temporary is a term of ambiguity,” said Toribiong.

    Uighurs are from Xinjiang, an isolated region of China that borders Afghanistan, Pakistan and six Central Asian nations. They are Turkic-speaking Muslims who say they have long been repressed by the Chinese government.

    Noori and his compatriots have said they fear they would be arrested, tortured or executed if sent back to China.

    China has said that insurgents are leading an Islamic separatist movement in Xinjiang and wants the men returned.

    Ian Moss, a U.S. State Department spokesman, declined to confirm Noori’s location.

    “We are aware of Mr. Noori’s departure from Palau,” Moss said. “We are not going to comment on diplomatic discussions with another government or the whereabouts of a private individual.”

    A local newspaper, Tia Belau, reported earlier this month that Noori had made his way to Turkey to be with his wife and baby. The report also said Noori had transited through Japan, but Foreign Ministry officials in Tokyo said they had no information about that.

    Toribiong, who was voted out of office in November, said he feels “a little anxious about the fact that the next president (of Palau) has had to be responsible” for the remaining five Uighurs and their families. There are 14 or 15 of them now living on the island.

    “I assumed that I would be able to take care of them and by the end of my term find them a permanent place to go to,” he said.

    via Former Guantanamo Bay Detainee Resettled to Turkey – ABC News.

  • Turkey looking at EU alternative

    Turkey looking at EU alternative

    Editor’s Note: The following report is excerpted from Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin, the premium online newsletter published by the founder of WND. Subscriptions are $99 a year or, for monthly trials, just $9.95 per month for credit card users, and provide instant access for the complete reports.

    WASHINGTON – Turkey is no closer to membership in the European Union now than when it first applied in 1959 and instead it is looking eastward to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization out of total exasperation, according to a report in Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

    The SCO is comprised of Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

    Turkey, which is a long-standing member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO, still holds out faint hope of joining the E.U.

    The reality, however, is that fellow NATO members Germany, France and Greece have opposed Ankara’s membership, even though Turkey can ship its products duty-free to E.U. nations under a prior arrangement but people sending the products still need to file for a visa.

    Turkey hopes to allow its citizens to enter into E.U. countries under the Schengen Treaty, which allows E.U. members to travel among the E.U. member countries without a visa.

    “There is one issue that has been on top of our agenda still pending to be resolved,” said Egemen Bagis, Turkey’s Minister for E.U. relations, “the Schengen visa preventing the free travel of Turkish citizens.”

    “It is not fair,” he said. “Turkey is the only E.U. candidate country, whose citizens are still subject to visas. Turkey is the only country that had formed a Customs Union with the E.U. without becoming a member. The products of Turkish businessmen can freely flow into the Union, but the owners of those products cannot freely travel.”

    Bagis said that Turkey still seeks membership. However, the E. U. “actually wants to forget us. We are not the ones that are undecided – the European Union is. Whereas, if they would just reveal their true intentions to us, we would be at ease. We could just look after our own business and go our own way. The European Union needs to stop stalling us.”

    Turkey’s total exasperation recently was exhibited by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

    “I told Russian President (Vladimir) Putin, ‘You should include us in the Shanghai Five and we will say farewell to the European Union.’”

    Separately, Erdogen let his feelings be known that the SCO “is better and more powerful, and we have common values with them. We told them ‘if you say come, we will.’ Pakistan wants to join, as does India. They have also made requests. We could all join together. In terms of population and markets, the organization significantly surpasses the European Union in every way.”

    Some observers believe Erdogan is using the SCO as leverage to get into the E.U. Others aren’t so sure. They point to the fact that Erdogan has made such statements in the past.

    Given the E.U.’s economic problems, Erdogan may be looking to the developing markets such as China and India for future opportunities. Turkey’s membership would especially be an asset to China and Russia, which would have greater access to Western technology as a result of Turkey being a NATO member.

    For Turkey, this arrangement also would be of political benefit since it would be able to reassert its influence in a fast-expanding market of Central and East Asian countries, where Turkey under the Ottoman Empire asserted great influence.

    Keep in touch with the most important breaking news stories about critical developments around the globe with Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin, the premium, online intelligence news source edited and published by the founder of WND.

    For the complete report and full immediate access to Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin, subscribe now.

    via Turkey looking at EU alternative.

  • 2013



              I have been a Real Stockbroker for over 55 years now and I love it! One reason for my longevity is that I have learned to look at the whole picture. Not just the good looking lady in the center. Others tend to concentrate on their specialty and are often blindsided by an “unforeseen event”.

    The good news is that the economy is in a rebuilding process, despite the greedy players in the market place.

    Our main growth will come from natural gas and exporting it to Asian and European countries. Stem cell research will pay huge dividends in the health care area. I will write more about these situations later and the investment opportunities available to the patient investor.

    There is a pattern that is just developing and is very disturbing because of the implications. Gold bullion is being taken to their home countries because, I believe, that we are not trusted as much as we were. We have a weak dollar and have not passed a budget for years, and worse yet our debt ratio to GDP is over 90%. First it was Venezuela and then Iran wanted their gold bullion shipped to them. Then the Queen of England did a tour of the Bank of England’s vault with big smiles. Why would they drag the Queen down to their bank vaults  for the whole world to see?

    Is it because J P Morgan Chase bank is flouting the law  by illegally manipulating the price of gold and silver in the commodity market?

    Has Germany, with a very strong economic balance sheet, asked for their deposits back?  After WWII their gold was deposited in various countries as a safeguard. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

    What is it that the central bankers fear? Collapse of the dollar or devaluation? That is a distinct possibility if our Congress does not settle down to do it’s own business. ( The House creates a budget and the senate approves and then it is sent to the President- this is part of the checks and balances built into our system of government.)

    Are they worried that the President will confiscate their holdings to suit his needs? Charles Krauthammer on FOX TV once editorialized “that do not listen to him, but WATCH what he does”. Presidents since Ronald Reagan have had disillusioned second terms.

    Now that I have used up my disclaimers here are my predictions for 2013.

    OPEC cartel will come crumbling down. History has proven that cartels do not last, but this one has lasted a long time supported in a way by the United States. Why? There has not been an oil refinery built since 1974!

    Despite what our government can do, it is powerless in controlling the American entrepreneurship. The hydraulic fracking of shale oil has unleashed billions of metric cubic feet (Mcf) in natural gas fields. We are now the Saudi Arabia for natural gas. As we convert from oil to gas , the loss of OPEC’s biggest customer will raise havoc among cartel members and some will begin to cheat. As the price drops, some oil companies will find it tough sledding on the interest rate slopes. They will find it very tough to service their debt obligations at lower prices. These fields could last for centuries. There is a field that starts in Pennsylvania through New York State well into our borders in Canada.

    This will be boom for companies that are energy dependent for cheap fuel.

    A new industry has been kick started. Converting natural gas to Liquid natural gas. Right now there is one company that built a plant in the 1980’s to IMPORT natural gas. They reversed the process and are the only US company that has approval for exporting. They own 2 tankers that are running at full capacity. It takes time to build the ships and time to build the plants but eventually our balance of payments problem will reverse. With natural gas selling for under $3.50 mcf here and in Europe and Asia north to $7.00 plus; it will be a no brainer unless the government  muddies the waters  with inane provisos.

    Right now there are 6 companies awaiting the President’s approval to begin building the plants.

    The world as of today has copied or bastardized our ability to borrow or print money. The problem is that they do not have people power or natural resource capabilities to maintain the lifestyles they desire now.

    China, Japan, Russia AND Europe have declining populations. In Japan they sell more adult diapers than baby diapers. Only in Asia do they have expanding populations. That means growth. Kids need many items in order to survive. One should look to Asian countries that have governments for investment ideas.

    Pension plans face a disaster if they have been currently buying US Government bonds. There will come a day when interest rates will have to rise and that will cut their prices in half or more. The only way out of this heroin addicted low interest rates is devaluation. If the government devalues by 20% that means you will have 20% more dollars and prices of everything will drop by 20%. Except silver and gold. They should rise by 20% .

    It is reported, using government agencies figures, that JP Morgan Chase is short 45% of silver stored in COMEX warehouses worldwide. This equals 25% of the known world production.   (When one sells short they sell something that they do not own and hope to buy it back at a lower price. ) Thus the price of silver could explode above the price of gold in a short covering rally because there are no stockpiles of silver like there is for oil.

    There are four companies one can purchase to protect their hind quarters.

    Stems cells are going to be the real game changer. Don’t fret – they are not made from human embryos.

    These companies can work with vaccines which is far cheaper than drug research. For a few million dollars they can work on a vaccine and determine if it is doable in just six months. If the mass population is involved then they must seek FDA approval. But here the waiting period is short.

    An example of this is Nannovercides (NNVC $.50) which has developed a pill for the flu vaccine. It supposedly is more effective than the flu shot, but since it involves millions of people the FDA is cautious about approval.

    There are companies that can regenerate body organs, restore sight, monitor blood sugar and all kinds of sterile non harmful injections.

    Many of these companies are being financed by major drug companies so they have staying power. The problem is that it takes time for fruition, but it is there I believe.

    There is a major drug company that is researching over 200,000 different compounds but not a single vaccine.

    The bottom line here is that this industry will extend the average human life and the average age will be over 110. This means extending social security retirements to 80, then 85 and eventually 100. Governments are going to reform or go broke.

    The entitlement programs that are around today will become late night jokes on TV. This change will be both smooth and bumpy depending upon which social adjustment will be effective.

    INSURANCE COMPANIES WILL HAVE TO READJUST ALONG WITH ALL KINDS OF AGE RELATED INDUSTRIES.           Imagine taking an early retirement at 85 so you can visit the moon!

    My point is start thinking about star treckie stuff. Don’t get caught in the  “I remember when” trap.  Always look forward.

    Do not tie your funds in non-liquid investments. Do not speculate because no one can tell you when and where the hammer and axe will fall.

    Use common sense and always look around you and observe what is going on.

    Those of us seeking income better have an attitude change. Income securities are fine when you can truly find them, but eventually interest rates have to return to normal and that spells losses for bond holder and income stocks. Eventually this will happen so it is wise to invest in solid companies and to sell some shares when income is needed.

    As we grow older and mature more, and hopefully wiser, we must also change our preconceived ideas of wise management.

    An example of this is that one buys a home to live in and prosper in the community – not to make money.

    So today, January 2013, Precious metals, Natural gas stocks and associated businesses along with stem cell securities and CASH. Not money market funds – cash. Cash is King!

    We are entering an era that will be challenging and exciting and fortunes can be made, but when and where is still to be determined.

    Cheerio !~!!