Category: China

  • Obama: the US can no longer fight the world’s battles

    Obama: the US can no longer fight the world’s battles

    President plans to cut half a million troops and says US can’t afford to wage two wars at once
    obamaThe mighty American military machine that has for so long secured the country’s status as the world’s only superpower will have to be drastically reduced, Barack Obama warned yesterday as he set out a radical but more modest new set of priorities for the Pentagon over the next decade.

    obama graphic

    After the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that defined the first decade of the 21st century, Mr Obama’s blueprint for the military’s future acknowledged that America will no longer have the resources to conduct two such major operations simultaneously.

    Instead, the US military will lose up to half a million troops and will focus on countering terrorism and meeting the new challenges of an emergent Asia dominated by China. America, the President said, was “turning the page on a decade of war” and now faced “a moment of transition”. The country’s armed forces would in future be leaner but, Mr Obama pointedly warned both friends and foes, sufficient to preserve US military superiority over any rival – “agile, flexible and ready for the full range of contingencies and threats”.

    The wider significance of America’s landmark strategic change was underlined by British Defence Secretary Philip Hammond, who used a visit to Washington to warn that America must not delay the production of US warplanes bound for British aircraft carriers. The US strategy is expected to make a drawdown of some of the 80,000 troops based in Europe.

    “We have to look at the relationship with Americans in a slightly different light,” Mr Hammond told Channel 4 News. “Europeans have to respond to this change in American focus, not with a fit of pique but by pragmatic engagement, recognising that we have to work with Americans to get better value for money.”

    But there is little doubt that Europe will be a much-reduced priority under the new scheme. The blueprint’s status as the president’s own property, after a first three years in office dominated by wars he had inherited from his predecessor, was underlined by his rare personal appearance at the Pentagon flanked by Defence Secretary Leon Panetta and other top uniformed officials.

    Henceforth, Mr Obama underlined, the priorities would be maintaining a robust nuclear deterrent, confronting terrorism and protecting the US homeland, and deterring and defeating any potential adversary. To these ends, the US will also boost its cyberwarfare and missile defence capabilities.

    At the same time, iIf all goes to plan, the centre of gravity of the US defence effort will shift eastwards, away from Europe and the Middle East. The focus will be on Asia and – both he and Mr Panetta made abundantly clear without specifically saying so – in particular on an increasingly assertive China, already an economic superpower and well on the way to becoming a military one as well.

    The specifics of the new proposals, set out in a document entitled “Sustaining US Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century Defense”, have yet to be fleshed out. But they are likely to entail a reduction of up to 490,000 in a total military personnel now standing at some 1.6 million worldwide, as well as cuts in costly procurement programmes – some originally designed for a Cold War environment.

    The “Obama Doctrine” reflects three basic realities. First, the long post-9/11 wars are finally drawing to a close. The last US troops have already left Iraq, while American combat forces are due to be out of Afghanistan by the end of 2014 (though a limited number may stay on as trainers and advisers).

    Second, and as the President stressed in a major speech during his recent visit to Australia, America’s national interest is increasingly bound up with Asia, the world’s economic powerhouse, and where many countries are keen for a greater US commitment as a counterweight to China.

    Third, and most important, are the domestic financial facts of life, at a moment when government spending on every front is under pressure. For years the Pentagon has been exempt – but no longer, as efforts multiply to rein in soaring federal budget deficits.

    At $662bn, Pentagon spending for fiscal 2013 will exceed the next 10 largest national defence budgets on the planet combined. Even so, that sum is $27bn less than what President Obama wanted, and $43bn less than the 2012 budget., 06 JANUARY 2012

  • 12,000-Year-Old Rock Paintings Found in Xinjiang, China

    Look at this… ancient colored rock paintings dating back 12,000 years have been found in a cave in the Altai area of China’s Xinjiang region.

    The paintings found are mainly handprints, spot images and figures. All of them are colored, mostly painted with red ocher.

    The cave belongs to the Duogate rock-painting area. The paintings have been designated as a cultural relic site under county-level protection.

    Seven large-scale rock painting groups have been found in the area.

    Most of these rock paintings feature cows, horse, sheep, camels and male and female dancers, which are closely related to nomads’ life in ancient times.

  • Turkey-China Relations

    Turkey-China Relations

    Global Insider: Turkey-China Relations

    By The Editors | 12 Dec 2011

    Turkey and China signed a deal last month for the construction of an underground natural gas storage facility at Lake Tuz in Turkey. In an email interview, Selcuk Colakoglu, an associate professor at the International Strategic Research Institution (USAK) in Ankara, Turkey, discussed relations between Turkey and China.

    WPR: What is the nature of trade relations between Turkey and China, including the main sectors of trade and direct investment?

    Selcuk Colakoglu: One of the main motivations of Ankara’s rapprochement with Beijing in the late-1990s was to gain economic benefits for Turkish businessmen in China. However, the increasing trade volume with China caused huge trade imbalances for Turkey. According to 2010 figures, China has maintained a huge trade surplus — in the amount of $15 billion — with Turkey, largely stemming from consumer goods. Turkey wants to compensate for the trade imbalance through an increase in Chinese investment in Turkey, inbound tourism from China, joint ventures in third countries and a greater opening of the Chinese market to Turkish products. During Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao’s visit to Turkey in October 2010, Ankara and Beijing declared their intention to raise the volume of trade to $50 billion by 2015 and to $100 billion by 2020 under a new “strategic partnership.”

    WPR: How big a role does energy cooperation play in bilateral relations, and is deeper cooperation likely?

    Colakoglu: There is competition rather than cooperation in the energy sector between Turkey and China. Both are rapidly developing countries that are hungry for the energy resources of the Caspian Basin and the Middle East. Turkey also wants to be an energy terminal between Caspian and Middle Eastern oil and gas producers on one hand and European consumers on the other. The only opportunity for cooperation in the energy sector is through Turkish-Chinese joint ventures.

    WPR: What are the main areas of cooperation between Turkey and China outside of trade, and what are the obstacles to closer ties?

    Colakoglu: Turkey has a very weak presence in East Asia. In this respect, China has arisen as a potential strategic partner in East Asia by supporting Turkey’s efforts to gain entry to the region. China would provide an economic and strategic gateway to China itself as well as East Asia and contribute foreign direct investment to Turkey. In addition, Turkish-Chinese firms would engage in joint ventures in third countries. For China, Turkey’s direct links to West Asia, Africa and Europe make it the only potential dealer for Chinese goods on the “contemporary Silk Road.” If the Eurasian transportation link comes into existence, the Turkish-Chinese partnership would gain a more strategic form in the near future.

    However, there are two potential threats to much deeper Turkish-Chinese cooperation. The first is that the continuing trade imbalances make it difficult to sustain bilateral trade in the long term. The second is the Uighur issue. Although China’s current policy of integrating the Uighurs, a Turkic-Muslim ethnic group, into the political and economic system is a priority for Beijing, the problem is in no way settled yet. Any kind of ethnic violence in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region, such as a repeat of the Urumqi riots in 2009, could strain relations between Turkey and China.

    via Trend Lines | Global Insider: Turkey-China Relations.

  • Yahoo Apologizes for Accidentally Blocking Emails Containing Links to

    Yahoo Apologizes for Accidentally Blocking Emails Containing Links to

    YahooYahoo email users hoping to spread the word of the Occupy Wall Street protests ran into an unforseen obstacle on Tuesday when their messages containing links to the website were blocked from being sent because an online filter deemed them “suspicious activity.”

    Although several Yahoo users and media outlets jumped to the conclusion that Yahoo was deliberately censoring the emails due on the basis of the anti-establishment content, the company quickly responded via Twitter, saying that “It was not intentional & caught by our spam filters. It is resolved, but may be a residual delay.”

    The company also thanked the blog Think Progress for bringing the matter to their attention via a post on the subject.

    The anti-corporate protests organized by progressive magazine Adbusters and endorsed and heavily promoted by the hacktivist collective Anonymous have been raging in New York’s financial district since Saturday. So far, seven protesters have been arrested, five of them for wearing masks, a violation of an antique anti-mask law on the city’s books.

    But supporters of the demonstration, who have relied on social media to get their messages across and rally others to their cause, hardly expected that their email service would fail them at such a critical time.

    At the same time, Yahoo has raised the ire of free speech advocates before for its cooperation with the Chinese government in censoring search results on the Chinese mainland. Yahoo has also blocked links to file-sharing search engines such as FilesTube through its Yahoo Messenger service.

    See the errant filter in action in the YouTube video below, as demonstrated by a Yahoo user.

    Late update: Yahoo responds to Idea Lab via email, asserting that the problem was actually first observed and reported yesterday and has since been corrected. “Unfortunately, the domain ‘’ was being caught by one of our spam filters when some users tried to send messages containing it. This was a false positive which we corrected yesterday. However, there may still be residual delay (up to 24 hours) for users trying to send emails with that phrase. Thank you to the Yahoo! Mail users who notified us about this.”, September 20, 201

  • great firewall of China

    great firewall of China


    China flag internet censorship


    The Chinese government has announced the creation of a new body that will help it to supervise the Internet more efficiently, which could result in more effective censorship controls.

    The ‘great firewall of China’ has just got a bit greater with the government’s introduction of a new office that will, according to a statement posted Wednesday on its official website, “manage Internet information.”

    Up to now, Internet regulation in the country has been conducted by various offices within the government. The creation of the new body, called the State Internet Information Office, brings those offices together to form a single, more effective, agency. Besides improving censorship methods, the office will also oversee the expansion of outside companies into China‘s rapidly growing Internet market.

    It will be run by officials from other agencies that already regulate various parts of the Internet. These agencies include the State Council Information Office (responsible for content), the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (regulator of technology and telecommunications areas), and the Ministry of Public Security (responsible for law enforcement). The new State Internet Information Office will be headed by Wang Chen, China’s Information Minister.

    Among its many responsibilities, the new body will “direct, coordinate and supervise online content management and handle administrative approval of businesses related to online news reporting.” It will also “direct the development of online gaming, online video and audio businesses and online publication industries.”

    In a country where the government already tries hard to control the flow of information in cyberspace, the State Internet Information Office will likely serve to enhance censorship of the Web. The announcement of the new office comes at a time when the Chinese government is concerned about pro-democracy protests happening off the back of those in the Middle East in recent months. Beijing officials will be hoping that effective regulation will ensure better monitoring of any politically sensitive Web traffic, thereby helping to prevent any serious unrest within the country.

    In an ominous note to Chinese Web users who are thinking of challenging the system, the statement also says that the new body will “investigate and punish websites violating laws and regulations.”

    In Case You Missed It:

    • China shutters 130,000 Internet cafes
    • Chinese will take over the Internet in 5 years
    • Iran plans to unplug the Internet, create its own
    • New fiber optic cable will pour data into Internet-starved Cuba, MAY 4, 2011

  • Is Syria Next?

    Is Syria Next?

    by Stephen Lendman

    syriaAmerica’s business isn’t just war and grand theft. It’s also regime change by whatever means.

    A previous article mentioned General Wesley Clark, from his book, “Winning Modern Wars,” saying that Pentagon sources told him two months after 9/11 that war plans were being prepared against Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Somalia, Sudan and Libya. Months earlier, they were finalized against Afghanistan.

    Clark added:

    And what about the real sources of terrorists – US allies in the region like Egypt, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia? Wasn’t it repressive policies of the first, and the corruption and poverty of the second, that were generating many of the angry young men who became terrorists? And what of the radical ideology and direct funding spewing from Saudi Arabia?”

    “It seemed that we were being taken into a strategy more likely to make us the enemy – encouraging what could look like a ‘clash of civilizations’ – not a good strategy for winning the war on terror.”

    On September 5, Nil Nikandrov’s Global article asked if “After Libya: Is Venezuela Next?” saying:

    NATO insurgents attack on Venezuela’s Tripoli embassy and compound narrowly missed claiming casualties as “ambassador Afif Tajeldine and the embassy staff moved to a safer location at the last moment and left Libya shortly thereafter.”

    Nikandrov added that Venezuela’s embassy was the only one looted, suggesting perhaps a message threatening Chavez as America’s next target.

    He certainly was in April 2002 for two days by a Washington instigated coup, aborted by mass street protests and support from many in Venezuela’s military, especially from its middle-ranking officer corp.

    Later in December 2002 and early 2003, he was again by a general strike and oil management lockout, causing severe economic disruption, and by an August 2004 national recall referendum he won handily with 59% of the vote.

    Chavez knows Washington targets him for removal, yet he remains Venezuela’s democratically elected president since first taking office on February 2, 1999, and still popular.

    Nonetheless, last June, the Republican controlled House Foreign Relations Committee wanted the Obama administration to aggressively “contain (his) dangerous influence (and) his relations with Iran,” according to Rep. Connie Mack (R. FL), chairman of the Subcommittee on Foreign Affairs for the Western Hemisphere.

    He and Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R. FL), another right-wing extremist, got the White House to impose sanctions on Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), its state oil company even though America relies on imported oil it supplies.

    They and others also want Venezuela designated a supporter of state terrorism with greater consequences if they succeed, unfriendly to US business interests very much opposed.

    As a result, whether other actions follow bears close watching. Moreover, Venezuela’s late 2012 presidential election is important, especially with Chavez recovering from cancer, so perhaps is more vulnerable than earlier.

    Ahead of the precise date to be announced, Washington is funding his opposition as done previously, meddling in the internal affairs of a sovereign country, what’s illegal in US elections.

    Since 2002, in fact, America’s State Department-funded National Endowment for Democracy (NED) directed over $100 million to anti-Chavez groups, candidates, and media campaigns.

    Despite America’s debt and budget problems, it continues perhaps in amounts greater than known, and may increase substantially next year as part of a greater regime change campaign.

    Are more aggressive actions planned? Only the fullness of time will tell, but given the Obama’s penchant for regime change, events ahead bear close watching.

    In Syria also since externally generated uprisings began last March, then intensified, suggesting regime change there as in Libya. Both countries were targeted with violence, so far, however, without NATO intervening against the Assad government or able to get a Security Council resolution passed to facilitate it.

    However, according to National Security Council director of strategic communications Ben Rhodes, the Libya model is a template for future US/NATO interventions, but “(h)ow much we translate to Syria remains to be seen. The Syrian opposition doesn’t want foreign military forces but do want more countries to cut of trade with the regime and break with it politically.”

    By opposition perhaps he means Washington, NATO allies, and supportive regional regimes, not Syrians or its business leaders, harmed most by sanctions and other tactics.

    On August 31, Corbett Report editor James Corbett told Russia Today that manipulated video footage is being used to falsify events on the ground, saying:

    “There’s even been the implication that some of the images being shown have been digitally manipulated,” online reports discussing it. One instance cited video footage from Bahrain. Claimed to be from Hama, various stations airing it used different digitally “dropped in backgrounds.”

    “So there are some very strange things going on, and unfortunately we live in an age when media manipulation is so easy.”

    It’s thus harder to distinguish between reality and fiction. It was true in Tripoli when alleged rebel-supportive euphoric celebrations were, in fact, produced at a Doha, Qatar Green Square Hollywood-style sound stage mockup. In other words, they were staged and untrue. Apparently, the same deception is now repeated in Syria.

    A September 3 Corbett Report video with Michel Chossudovsky focused on destabilizing Syria, suggesting a greater global war could result, involving Russia and China.

    “Whatever the nature of the Syrian government,” he said, falsely intervening based on “the doctrine of the responsibility to protect is a derogation of the sovereign rights of a country,” according to fundamental international law prohibiting it.

    In fact, Western media suppress reports of well armed insurgents, brought in from the outside, stoking violence since last March. At the same time, Assad’s forces were blamed for responding.

    In all anti-government demonstrations, disruptive “Islamists, snipers, and armed gangs are involved in acts of arson directed against government buildings,” including a “court house and the agricultural bank in Hama.”

    At the same time, nonviolent civilians, legitimately protesting grievances, are trapped between waring sides, resulting in deaths and other casualties.

    At issue, however, is “an armed insurrection, spreading from one city to another. We now have very firm evidence that both Turkey and Israel are” supporting militia groups (financially and with weapons), some of them, in fact, used as death squads.

    At the same time, “they’re using this a pretext to demonize the Syrian regime, and demand the resignation of Bashar al-Assad,” perhaps heading toward NATO intervention and greater war.

    On September 2, Chossudovsky’s Global article headlined, “The Al Qaeda Insurgency in Syria: Recruiting Jihadists to Wage NATO’s ‘Humanitarian Wars,’ Part III,” saying:

    Despite its authoritarian nature, Assad’s government is “the only (remaining) independent secular state in the Arab world. Its populist, anti-Imperialist and secular base is inherited from the dominant Baath party,” supportive of Occupied Palestinians as is Iran and Lebanon’s Hezbollah.

    At issue is the US/NATO plan to “displace and destroy the Syrian secular State, displace or co-opt the national economic elites and eventually replace the” current government “with an Arab sheikdom, a pro-US Islamic republic” or US-style democracy meaning one in name only.

    As always, America’s pack journalism produces one-sided falsified report, supporting US imperial wars and disruptive insurgencies preceding them.

    As a result, accounts and commentaries suppress information about efforts to recruit thousands of jihadist “freedom fighters” like earlier in Afghanistan against Soviet Russia, and currently a de facto NATO invasion force in Libya, massacring anyone thought to be pro-Gaddafi.

    Already battling an outside instigated insurrection, is Syria’s turn next, a topic MK Bhadrakumar addressed in his August 30 article, saying:

    If earlier events in Iraq and current ones in Libya are “any indication, the future of (Syria’s) sovereignty might be hanging by a thread.” In fact, as he and others believe, regime change in one form or other is core regional US policy for strategic gains against rivals Russia and China.

    Images from Syria now are all too familiar, including falsified reports hyping them, as well as claims about people yearning for Western liberators to free them.

    As a result, expect Libya to replicate post-Iraq and Afghanistan occupations, highlighted by protracted conflict and violence, including insurgent forces warring amonst themselves, innocent civilians harmed most as a result.

    Moreover, British Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg ominously said:

    “I want to make it absolutely clear: the UK will not turn its back on the millions of Arab states looking to open up their societies, looking for a better life?”

    After destroying and preparing to loot Libya, did he mean Syria is next? Surely not Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, other Gulf States, Yemen, or other loyal regional allies, according to Bhadrakumar and other analysts.

    Although accomplishing regime change in Syria may be harder than in Libya, never underestimate the ability of Western plotters to find a way. Perhaps what’s now ongoing mere prelude to greater planned disruption politically, financially or by direct military intervention.

    “Sustained efforts are afoot to bring about a unified Syrian opposition.” A Turkey-held meeting, “third in a row, finally elected a ‘council’ ostensibly representing the voice of the Syrian people.”

    In fact, it represents predominantly Western interests as well as Turkey’s and Israel’s. “The fig-leaf of Arab League support is also available,” pro-West autocratic regimes now “in the forefront” for regime change in Syria.

    Key ahead is getting another Security Council mandate for intervention. “The heart of the matter is that regime change in Syria is imperative for the advancement of” America’s Middle East strategy.

    It includes delinking Syria from Iran, then Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza, isolating the Islamic Republic, while at the same time, strengthening Israel’s position, and weakening that of Russia and China.

    Portraying both countries as being on the “wrong side of history,” Bhadrakumar calls the strategy a “clever ideological twist to the hugely successful Cold-War era blueprint that pitted communism against Islam.”

    Western body language and supportive media rhetoric suggest “no conceivable way the US would let go the opportunity (for regime change) in Syria.”

    Whether it’s coming, only time will tell. In the meantime, regional violence continues subverting Arab spring aspirations everywhere from blooming.

    ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at [email protected]. Also visit his blog and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening. He is also the author of “How Wall Street Fleeces America“, September 7th, 2011