Category: Turkmenistan

  • U.S. Religious Freedom report… compiled by Armenia…

    U.S. Religious Freedom report… compiled by Armenia…

    By Azer HASRET

    “The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) is an independent, bipartisan federal government entity established by the U.S. Congress to monitor, analyze, and report on religious freedom abroad.”

    This is stated by the mentioned Commission on its “Annual Report of The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom”. This means that the Commission is independent of any outside influence.

    Is it?

    We’ll see…

    Recently The Commission has announced its 2023 report where Azerbaijan among other several Turkic and Muslim countries is accused of “suppressing the religious freedoms”. All Turkic countries – Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Türkiye and Turkmenistan – except Kyrgyzstan are those which is seen by this very Commission as “a perpetrator of religious freedoms”.

    According to this report’s Azerbaijan chapter (just 2 pages) this country is in a very disturbing position and must be included “on the State Department’s Special Watch List” for violating religious freedoms…


    Now let’s see some citations from the Report:

    1. “This report provides an update on religious freedom conditions in Azerbaijan in 2023. It describes the legislative framework that facilitates the official regulation of religious practice, concerns for religious sites in Nagorno-Karabakh, the ongoing repression of Shi’a Muslim religious activists, and the impact of the government’s refusal to allow conscientious objection.”

    “Concerns for religious sites in Nagorno-Karabakh”. One must think that the Report is overseeing the destruction of more than 60 Mosques in Karabakh during its occupation by Armenia. Yes, even all Mosques in Karabakh and other occupied lands of Azerbaijan were wiped off by Armenia. But no single word about this in the Report!

    Plus, we must add that there is no territorial entity within Azerbaijan called “Nagorno-Karabakh”. Seems the compliers of the Report are using occupant Armenia’s terminology while talking about Azerbaijan…

    While talking about “the ongoing repression of Shi’a Muslim religious activists” The Commission forgets about the realities of our region. Those so-called “repressed Shi’a Muslims”, who are defended by the US Government are mostly the followers of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani. This General was eliminated on Jan 3, 2020, by the US drones in Baghdad, Iraq as a terrorist. And those so-called Shi’a Muslims “repressed by Azerbaijan” are mostly the supporters and followers of this very terrorist! So, the U.S. must decide and rethink if this very country has killed Qasem Soleimani by mistake…

    2. “The law also prohibits non-Azerbaijani citizens from engaging in “religious propaganda” or missionary activity without explicit state permission.”

    What is strange here? Why Azerbaijan must be accused of preventing its citizens from the religious propaganda? People, even foreigners are free to practice their religion. But religious propaganda by foreigners is and must be prevented!

    3. “In May 2023, the chairman of the SCWRA Mubariz Gurbanli explicitly called for Armenian priests to abandon the Dadivank Monastery in the Kalbajar region as he falsely claimed that they had no connection to the site. While a United Nations mission to Nagorno-Karabakh completed in October 2023 reported that it “saw no damage…to cultural or religious structures”, human rights organizations continued to urge the government to ensure protections for religious and cultural sites and rights.”

    I would say that No Comment! But The Commission needs a bit explanation and enlightenment. The Monastery which they claim to be called as “Dadivank” is Khudaveng Monastery and has nothing to do with Armenians. It was built by Albanian Christians and is under state protection of Azerbaijan. But as other religious sites it was occupied by Armenia and then renovated a bit to prove that it is “an ancient Armenian Monastery”. Even the UN mission also stated that no damage “to cultural and religious structures”.

    4. “The government has particularly targeted the unregistered Muslim Unity Movement (Müsəlman Birliyi Hərəkatı) or MUM, a group that has criticized the government’s repressive policies toward religion and whose persecution many human rights defenders believe to be politically motivated.”

    This so-called Muslim Movement is that very organization which supports Qasem Soleimani and Iran’s clerical regime. These people hate the U.S. and other major Western democracies and want to overthrow the government in Azerbaijan… in order to establish a new one which would support such terrorist organizations like HAMAS, Hezbollah…

    5. “The United States should pressure Azerbaijan to address its severe violations of religious freedom and place the country on the State Department’s Special Watch List until the Azerbaijani government amends its 2009 law “On Freedom of Religious Beliefs” in line with international human rights standards and ceases other policies and practices that routinely infringe upon its citizens’ freedom of religion or belief.”

    I’d ask, are you serious? Do you really think that Azerbaijan must be included in this List just only for preventing the country and its people from the so-called religious interference of the terror-sponsor state – Iran? What is the connection between Iran and The U.S. Commission which compiles such reports?

    Maybe there is someone in The Commission who has the ties with Iran or its close allies?

    Yes, there is someone called Danielle Saroyan Ashbahian, who is a Chief of Public Affairs at The Commission. If review her social media accounts, one easily can see that she is an active member of Armenian propaganda against Turks – Azerbaijan and Türkiye! But she must be neutral person, isn’t it?

    This very Danielle worked for the Armenian Assembly of America before joining The Commission dealing with the religious issues throughout the world…

    “Danielle Saroyan Ashbahian is the Chief of Public Affairs at the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, overseeing the Communications and Congressional Relations. Before joining USCIRF, she was the Director of Communications at the Armenian Assembly of America. Prior to that, she was the Layout Editor at the Public Diplomacy Magazine and worked at the Los Angeles Consular Corps. She has had previous experience at the office of former U.S. Congresswoman Janice Hahn, the United Nations Department of Public Information in Armenia, the Lebanese Consulate in Los Angeles, and the San Francisco Ethics Commission” reads The Commission’s web site…

    One more important point: The Commission is trying to support its claims against Azerbaijan siting so-called “Caucasus Heritage Watch”, a pro-Armenian entity launched in 2020 by Armenians, supported by Armenian organizations…

    Just again, No Comment!

    BTW, there is no report on Armenia at all! We’ll remind The Commission that for example the Jewish Synagogue was set to fire in Yerevan in 2023. Or all Muslims are religiously cleansed from Armenia! And Armenia is one of the very few countries of the world denying multiculturalism and having even 98 percent of population of Armenian ethnic background…

  • “10,000,000 dollars is not enough”

    “10,000,000 dollars is not enough”

    10,000,000 dollars is not enough

    A new recording of a phone call between Prime Minister Tayyip Erdoğan and his son Bilal has been leaked last night.

    In the alleged recording, Erdoğan and his son are discussing the amount of the bribe to be taken from a businessman named Sıtkı Ayan. Erdoğan finds the offered 10 million dollars insufficient, and instructs his son not to accept unless Ayan provides the amount he promised.

    Sıtkı Ayan is the owner of SOM Petrol, a London-based corporation that owns oil and gas wells in various countries and turns over billions of dollars every year. Turang Transit Transportation, also owned by Mr. Ayan, was awarded the government contract to build a $11.5 billion pipeline to transport natural gas from Iran and Turkmenistan to Europe. The investment was subsidised by the government, and the corporation was held exempt from VAT and various other taxes and duties.

    According to the whistleblowers who leaked the call, Mr. Ayan pays regular bribes to Prime Minister Erdoğan, just like the “other businessmen”.


    Bilal Erdoğan: Mr. Sıtkı came yesterday, saying he couldn’t do the transfer properly, that he currently has about 10 or so (million dollars), that he can give it whenever we want…
    Tayyip Erdoğan: No no, don’t you take it.
    Bilal Erdoğan: No I won’t, but I don’t know what we’ll do now.
    Tayyip Erdoğan: No, don’t take it. If he’s going to bring what he promised, then let him bring it. If not, then no need. Others can bring it, so why can’t he, huh? What do they think is? But they are falling now, they’ll fall on our laps, don’t you worry.
    Bilal Erdoğan: OK, daddy.

    Click here to listen to the recording (in Turkish):

    Alternative link: watch?v=4GZBw369nEM

  • Once again on the issue of construction of Rogun Hydroelectric Power Plant

    Once again on the issue of construction of Rogun Hydroelectric Power Plant

    Рогунская ГЭС





    Over the past few years the attention of wide circles of international community, respected environmental organizations, experts of research centers in many countries engaged in studies of water management construction, riveted to the persistent efforts of Tajikistan on reanimation of the project on construction in the headwaters of Amu Darya of the complex of structures of Rogun Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP) with the capacity of 3600 MW.

    Previously it has been repeatedly noted that the construction project of Rogun HPP carries significant and massive technological, social, environmental and socio-economic risks and dangers, which is why its implementation induces justified opposition and objection of respected International Organizations and eminent experts, as well as countries in downstream ofAmu Darya.

    It is primarily due to the following main factors. First of all, these include the technical project solutions for construction of Rogun HPP that do not meet current requirements and has been developed during the Soviet era, 35-40 years ago, with the distinctive feature of the period of pursuing gigantomania, and based on outdated standards, construction norms and rules that fall short of current requirements of ensuring the construction of hydraulic structures that are safe in all respects. This was repeatedly stated by the eminent professionals and experts.

    Large-scale problems and accidents encountered by the builders of large HPPs built in the last few decades (“Three Gorges” in China, “Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP” and “Boguchanskaya HPP” in Russian Federation, large HPPs in South America, etc.) led to a reasonable conclusion that the standards and requirements that apply at present to such hydro facilities have dramatically changed and this caused in many cases the revision, suspension or even rejection of projects on their construction.

    Besides, already during the engineering of Rogun HPP project Soviet specialist could not find adequate technical solutions for a number of major issues that remained unresolved. These include, in particular, measures to offset the inevitable effects of filtration and impact of a huge mass of water on a strong (more than100 metersthick) layer salt that lies at the base of the dam, as well as the high mobility of rock masses in the area of construction. Since then problems only worsened, as evidenced by the crash and complete destruction of a temporary bridged Rogun dam in 1993, as well as several other subsequent accidents.

    Secondly, the project incorporates the construction of the dam with unprecedented in the world practice height of335 metersin the rock mass with repeatedly confirmed seismicity of 9-10 points on the Richter scale.

    The construction site of Rogun HPP is situated in relatively newly formed mountain ranges of Vakhsh tectonic fault, an integral part of the chain of regional Southern Tian-Shan and Hissar-Kokshaalsk faults. The seismicity of these zones is the highest inCentral Asia, with the repeated cycles in the form of regular earthquakes up to 10 points. Such earthquakes, that occurred inTajikistanin the first half of last century, claimed in total the life of more than 100,000 people. It is suffice to recall the earthquake in 1911 of more than 9 points, which led to the formation of Usoy natural landslide dam andLakeSarezwith the capacity of 20 billion cubic meters of water.

    This region is entering the stage of high seismic activity. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, there are up to eight earthquakes recorded weekly in the Pamir-Hindi Kush mountain range, which includes the Rogun HPP construction cite. A strong earthquake occurs inTajikistanevery four year and devastating one – every 10-15 years. Based on data analysis, some experts predict that over the next ten years one should expect strong destructive earthquakes in this mountain range. This is also confirmed in research studies by seismologists, including Tajik scientists.

    In addition, construction of such a huge dam would require moving and disposing of 80 million cubic meters of soil, which, along with the 14 billion tons of water reservoir, will create additional pressure on the mountain. This will increase seismic vulnerability of the region, and one can surely predict that construction of the Rogun HPP will  increase frequency and intensity of earthquakes in this area.

    Центральная Азия





    What would be the consequences of destruction of such a HPP caused by earthquake or human factor? Scientists and engineers estimate that dynamic pressure of 14 cubic kilometers of water trapped in the reservoir is capable to create giant waves – the so-called man-made tsunami – with more than100 metersin height, rushing down to theVakhshRiverat a speed as high as 500 km/per hour. It can completely destroy the Nurek dam, all other HPPs and hydro sites along the Vakhsh cascade and can flood the towns of Nurek, Sarban, Kurgantyube and Rumy. Moreover, while continuing its destructive movement, the flood wave would demolish dozens of towns and villages inTajikistan,UzbekistanandTurkmenistan, causing to incalculable consequences and death of many hundreds of thousands of lives.

    Thirdly, the Rogun HPP Project poses a long-term and irreversible threat to environment of the region as well as in the socio-economic sphere.

    Construction of a gigantic HPP would break delicate ecological balance in the region, having a devastating impact on water resource management and environmental situation. The formation of a water reservoir of 14 cubic kilometers will require a significant limitation of theVakhshRiverflow for at least 8-10 years, which will disrupt long-term water flow regulation in the region and increase water deficit up to a disastrously high level.

    The construction of the HPP would completely disrupt the structure of natural water flows by decreasing the water flow sharply during the growing season and increasing water feed in the autumn-winter period, which will result in severe water scarcity, drought in summer time, as well as disastrous winter floods for downstream state of theAmu Darya.

    A hydrological regime change of the Amu Darya River will also increase channel losses, which makes up to 15% in low-water period, accelerate the drying of downstream lakes and wetlands, emergence of new salt marshes and saline takyr surfaces, which would become major sources of salt transposition to adjacent farmlands, reducing soil fertility and crop yields on the ground. As a result, this will worsen environmental disaster of theAral Sea, which has a global impact.

    It will also completely destroy economic basis of production and the prevailing modus vivendi way of more than 10 million people living in the Amu Darya downstream oasis inUzbekistanandTurkmenistan, who will be doomed to drought, hunger, and eventual displacement.

    It is estimated that direct economic loss of the downstream countries, including Uzbekistan, resulting from the construction of Rogun HPP, make up more than $ 20 billion with no state willing to compensate. Additional economic and social problems will emerge as a result of forced displacement of people suffering from water shortage, causing sharp social instability to increase in the region.

    As a result, total economic damage from this project is unquantifiable, and how, in what currency and what numbers the suffer and misery of millions of people could be estimated?

    It is obvious that the construction of such dam contradicts not only to technical standards, economic logic, but also to the common sense, in general.

    Precisely these threats from construction of Rogun HPP station are causing legitimate concerns of the international community and wide range of international organizations, such as United Nations, International Commission on Large Dams, World Water Council, International Union for Protection of Nature, as well as members of the European Parliament, Parliaments of the United States, Belgium and other countries, scientific and research centers of Japan, USA, the Netherlands, South Korea and other states.

    As result of broad discussion of the problems associated with this project at various levels in the United Nations bodies, international scientific-practical forums and conferences, implemented over past few years, brought an understanding and clear formulation of principal position of the international community on necessity of carrying out of in-depth objective independent international expertise of this project.

    It should be noted that opinion of independent experts goes inline with the norms of the international law in the field of transboundary water resources management. A number of UN conventions, such as The United Nations Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes of September 18, 1992; The 1997 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Uses of International Watercourses,  adopted by the UN General Assembly on May 21, 1997, are clearly defining the requirements for compulsory consideration of interests of all parties, located in zone of influence of transboundary water facilities, before taking decisions on elaboration of the projects associated with a transboundary effect.

    Moreover, The Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context, which entered into force in 1997, envisages a full accounting of environmental consequences from construction of such facilities, and implementing of in-depth assessment of their impact with attraction of all interested parties.

    Taking into account the opinion of international organizations and structures, and on the basis of international law, the World Bank decided in 2010 to conduct an independent international expertise of the project of construction of Rogun hydro-power station and provided USD 20,0 million for its implementation. A number of European firms from France, Switzerland and other countries are involved in this studies and its completion is expected at the first quarter of 2013.

    In its turn, the government of Tajikistan took commitments in 2010 not to carry out construction works on Rogun hydro-power station’ site until the completion of independent technical, economic, social and environmental impact assessment from. At the same time Tajikistan pledged to the International Monetary Fund to stop campaign on forcible fund-raising from the population to finance the project of construction of Rogun hydro-power station.

    However, unfortunately, at the present time it must be noted that, regardless of its commitments to the World Bank and IMF, the Tajik side is continuing to implement its “idee fixe”, unilaterally grossly violating the achieved agreements to prevent construction works at Rogun hydro-power station.

    Numerous facts indicate that Tajikistan, in hidden from the international community, is carrying out behind closed doors a wide range of works on construction cite, which was started in the 1970s. At the present time massive construction works are being carried out on the site of Rogun HPP, its constructional drainage tunnels, turbine hall, quarries and other facilities of the station.

    Both, the Tajik authorities have been actively attracting foreign contractors (fromRussia,Ukraineand other countries) to carry out works on designing the Rogun HPP facilities.

    At the same time the Tajik side has been making contracts for supplies of equipment, components and materials needed for launching the first phase of the plant. Particularly, so far the equipment for launching the first power unit has been procured, produced and delivered. Shortly production of equipment for the second unit is to be finished and preparation for delivery is underway.

    Along with allocation of significant budget funds for the last several years (more than USD 200 million annually), Tajikistan in violation of its obligations before the IMF has lately enhanced the compulsory sale of Rogun shares to the population despite harsh financial conditions of majority of people in the country.

    All these actions are taken under enormous pressure of the Tajik leadership who recently claimed “that who against Rogun project is the enemy of the Tajik nation”.

    Natural question arises – what is final objective of the construction or Rogun HPP, why despite numerous objections and violating all norm of international law,Tajikistanhas been trying to complete in accelerated paces the first stage of the plant?

    The answer is clear – their final objective is to complete the  first stage of the plant and put the World Bank and the entire international community in front of the fait accompli and thus legalize that which is actively opposed by the expert community and international structures.

    Distorting the real situation, misleading and hiding the real works from the world community, the Tajik side has been trying to win time and finish the started works, to cross the line of no return when international experts will have to put up with the fait accompli of completed Rogun HPP.

    At the same time the Tajik side through the controlled media and experts on payroll has been irresponsibly speculating, completely distorting facts and arguments of international experts, manipulating figures with a view to convince the people of Tajikistan that there is no alternative to the construction of Rogun HPP.

    Thereby they have been trying to distort the real state of affairs and use all possible and impossible means to accomplish their goal which is construction of the Rogun HPP while ignoring all catastrophic risks and dangers which this project may entail.

    One should stress that many of international experts and neighboring countries of Tajikistan located in the lower reach of the Amudarya river have been proposing a reasonable alternative which might address the problem of  a reliable power supply to Tajikistan at a significantly less cost and time not creating a large-scale man-made, ecologic, social and economic threats for both Tajikistan and its neighbors. That alternative is the construction of a number of small scale hydropower plants. Considering this alternative has been one of the most important directions of the World Bank activities.

    Following conclusions can be made from the aforesaid:

    First. It is not normal when the Tajik side has been continuing the construction of the Rogun HPP ignoring numerous warnings and recommendations of international experts and specialists gravely violating its commitments on suspending all civil works until the completion of the World Bank expert examination.

    Second. The policy adopted and pursued by the Tajik and which is based on covert continuation of the construction of the Rogun HPP may entail the gravest and unpredictable consequences impossible to mitigate. It cannot be ignored.


    Pravda Vostoka, July 12, 2012

  • South Azerbaijanis as a new bargaining chip in resolving the Iranian problem

    South Azerbaijanis as a new bargaining chip in resolving the Iranian problem

    Iran Azerbaycan

    Gulnara Inanch, director Online International Information and Analytical center, related info, [email protected]

    On 12 and 13 April Ankara (Turkey) hold a forum of South Azerbaijanis. Public Forum was organized by the Organization of the Azerbaijanis in Turkey.
    Director of the Center for Strategic Studies of Caucasian (Kafkassam) Dr. Hasan Oktay in an exclusive interview with AMI “News-Azerbaijan,” commented on the question of what was the purpose of this forum, and whyTurkey, afterIsrael, started paying attention to the issue ofSouth Azerbaijan.
    What are the goals of establishing in Turkey World Azerbaijani Congress (WAC)?
    – World Azerbaijanis Congress has been active within recent years. Along with this, there are a number of similar structures. The Republic of Azerbaijan, developing close ties with the diasporas, through them, tries to promote the interests of the state. The successes of the Armenian and Jewish diasporas, which were taken as an example for Azerbaijan, has not yet borne fruit. It led to the occurrence of new organizations seeking funding proportions allocated for Azerbaijan, among them there is just a competition. This is the reason for creation of different organizations under the name of the World Azerbaijanis Congress (WAC). One can see that these different organizations, working with Jewish organizations in exchange for financial support create good relations between Jewish Organizations and southern Azerbaijanis.
    Analogical efforts are short-term efforts. Here the main goal is money.
    In order to get financing, WAC is divided into four parts. Israel also believes that through these organizations, establishes relationships with Iranian Azerbaijanis.
    – The new Congress is established in Turkey, and what do you think, does it mean that Ankara, tries to take control of the organization of Iranian Azeris, like most of the world Azerbaijanism?
    – We try to present the problem of Azerbaijan and southern Azerbaijanis to world community, in neutral and scientific manner. There are 35 million South Azerbaijanis in Iran and 9 million people live in the Republic of Azerbaijan. If we also add here the diasporas, then the number of Azeri Turks will be around 50 million people. Kafkassam, speaking more than a party, take into account the factor of this large ethnic group in the Caucasus, is trying to promote its activation and efficiency. Azerbaijan is trying to unite the world Azerbaijanis. At the same time carrying out activities in this direction not in Azerbaijan but in Turkey indicates the intention to rely on the strength of this country.
    Therefore, the union of the forces ofAzerbaijan andTurkey in the diaspora, politics will be more effective. IfTurkey does not support this initiative ofAzerbaijan,Azerbaijan can expect disappointment. This is nothing more than an initiative. Such initiatives should be involved only non-governmental organizations.
    Jewish organizations and individuals representing Israel expanded the campaign to protect the rights of South Azerbaijanis. Do the Turkish non-governmental organizations coordinate the activities of Jewish organizations in this matter?
    – The Iran-Israel tension covers a wide geographic region. This conflict will affect non-Persian ethnic as the elements of living in Iran.
    Southern Azerbaijanis, as the most important element, coming to the first plan.
    The main factor of the war is the exclusion of war opponents and forcing it into the peace on their own terms. It can be either by force or by using other methods, including outreach to compel the enemy to the peace negotiations.
    Therefore, it is natural for Israel to use all non-military ways of forcing Iran to the peace. Southern Azerbaijanis and therefore go on the agenda.
    Unfortunately, carrying on the agenda of the Iranian Azerbaijanis, are not considered internal conditions and other factors of Iran.
    Azerbaijanis do not have to turn to the elements, such as the Kurds of Iraq, inviting Americans to the occupation of their homeland.
    As a result, the future of the Kurds in Iraq is in doubt.
    In its contacts with the Iranian Azeris we remind them of the Kurds, in what situation they were in the invasion of Americans in Iran.
    They are warned to be more attentive to the issue of military operations in Iran.
    Affirmation of Azerbaijanis as a significant element of Iranian democracy, it is very important from the perspective of the region’s future.
    – Meanwhile, an Israeli social activist Avigdor Eskin is carrying out campaign with a group of Russian experts, including ethnic Jews for the rights of Iranian Azerbaijanis. It is believed that by this way, Israel and Jewish organizations, by protecting the rights of Iran’s Azeri nationalists, are trying to manipulate them. How can you comment on this campaign?
    – We are closely watching activity of Avigdor Eskin. This is passing interest. Some Azeris are trying to capitalize on this partnership. They have no place in the South Azerbaijani politics. Azeri Turks of Iran will not get into the situation of the Kurds of Iraq. Israel should not turn into an instrument of Azeri Turks in a war with Iran. But it is a psychological operation. Israel, being in confrontation with Iran will use all non-military tools. The easiest of which are the Azerbaijani Turks.
    Can Iran be drawn into a civil war in South Azerbaijan? This is the most important point on which most anti-Iranian forces sharpened. Unfortunately, many Iranian Azerbaijanis were forced to leave the country under pressure from the authorities, not finding shelter, are drawn into these games. It comes from the frustration of South Azerbaijanis. But such attempts have no chance to share Iran.
    Southern Azerbaijanis, fighting for their basic rights and freedoms in Iran, can achieve the rule of democracy in the region. The biggest problem of Iran is the lack of democracy. Democratic Iran is a favorable country for South Azerbaijanis living here. Iran is the birthplace of South Azerbaijanis. Before the 1924 Iranian Turks were in power in Iran. Problems of Iranian Turks can be solved in a democracy.
    Iran must take this into account. IfTehran continues to use unequal policy against Azerbaijanis, then later on the agenda may withdraw part ofIran. Iran, instead of the disturbances should be made available to Azerbaijanis for their rights.
    For a long time there are discussion on the possibility of abolishing the Committee on Diaspora in Azerbaijan and the creation of the department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in charge of the Diaspora. Because world organizations of Azerbaijan, in contrast to diaspora organizations of other nations, equal in Baku, between the creation of the World Azerbaijanis Congress and the rumors of the Committee on the Elimination of the Diaspora can be traced some connection …
    – Azerbaijan Diaspora issues created considering Armenian activity. If Azerbaijan is going to really control the diaspora in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it is quite normal. Because Armenia under the name of Diaspora Ministry manages the Armenian Diaspora. Individual Azerbaijanis in many places, act as opponents to the Azerbaijani authorities that concerned the official Baku.
    Therefore, the intention of diaspora activities in the government structures is natural. But if we consider the terms of the diaspora and its benefits to the Azerbaijani authorities, it does not lead to a very healthy results. Providing diaspora freedom and support their activities will be more useful to Azerbaijani state.
    How are Iranian issues seen from Turkey?
    – Iran is a large and specific country. Iran has invisible influence over Azerbaijan: no matter what angle Azerbaijan is interested in the South Azerbaijanis, Iran through the southern Azeris can create problems for Baku. Iran, by supporting Armenia in the Garabagh conflict may close the path of Azerbaijan interest in his Iranian compatriots. In the Iranian-Azerbaijani relations there are a lot of unresolved issues. Iran has every opportunity to use them in their favor.
    Settlement of status of the Caspian Sea is also in the hands ofIran andAzerbaijan can not use the pool to the fullest. InTurkey, where it is easy to operate non-governmental organizations, it is easier to carry out the activities of the South Azerbaijanis.
    Will the World Azerbaijanis Congress be engaged in protecting the rights of South Azerbaijanis?
    – Keep in mind the sensitivity of Iran in this regard. Turkey initially experienced difficulty with the name “Friends of Syria” which has not yet dissipated.
    Excessive activity of WAC on the South-Azerbaijani issue, considering the sensitivity of Azerbaijan in the region, could prompt Iran to the use of leverage. We have to consider these issues and power of damage.
    Of course, it is necessary to maintain the democratic rights of South Azerbaijanis, but that interest should not be a tool to invade Iran.
    During a meeting with Iran on any platform, social, political and social demands of the southern Azeris should be tabled. Azerbaijan does not need to pass the constitutional framework. Features pressure Iran on Azerbaijan is based on probabilities. Do not ignore this reality, as it may become unhappy adventure.

    – From what prism does Turkey consider the rights of Iranian Azerbaijanis and how does Turkey plan to use these plans?
    – First, Turkey, in principle, rejects the interference in the internal affairs of its neighbors. Along with this, Turkey considers the rights of South Azerbaijanis in the framework of democracy and the Iranian laws, on all platforms met with Iranian officials. Thousands of Iranian Turks emigrated to Turkey, whose fate is closely interested in the Turkish authorities. South Azerbaijanis came to Turkey with some hope which facilitate the work of Turkey, and at the same time made it more difficult. It is easy, because Turkey has control over the subject, and in a lawful manner to protect the rights of Iranian Azerbaijanis, who emigrated to the country. Difficulties in the fact that Iran is afraid that Turkey by the help of Iranian Turks will try to interfere in their internal affairs. This creates a problem for Turkey.
    Turkey defends the legal rights of their fellow residents in this location, without interfering in the internal affairs of its neighbors. And this protection will continue.
    The requirement of the South Azerbaijanis allowing them to live in human conditions is a fair request. Iran can no longer delay in granting them this right. Otherwise, it will give his enemies a big trump card and this card will forever be used.

  • Turkey-Turkmenistan Ties Flourish in Economic Realm

    Turkey-Turkmenistan Ties Flourish in Economic Realm

    Turkey-Turkmenistan Ties Flourish in Economic Realm

    Turkey-Turkmenistan Ties Flourish in Economic Realm

    Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor Volume: 9 Issue: 50
    March 12, 2012
    By: Saban Kardas
    Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhammedov’s visit to Turkey on February 28-March 1, highlighted the evolving nature of the two countries’ bilateral relations, built around flourishing economic ties. Berdimuhammedov’s first foreign trip since his reelection on February 12 also provided an opportunity to mark the 20th anniversary of the establishment of Turkish-Turkmen diplomatic ties since Turkmenistan’s gaining independence. With many cabinet members, officials and businessmen in his entourage, the visit also provided an opportunity to deepen the relations.

    Ankara’s official relations with Ashgabat have been largely carried out by President Abdullah Gul, who has paid four visits to Turkmenistan so far. His last official trip was in May 2011, during which he discussed ways to improve cooperation in energy, construction, transportation and communication. Berdimuhammedov also expressed his satisfaction with the accelerating pace of the bilateral ties and underscored that his country viewed Turkey as a strategic partner. For his part, Gul has been particularly interested in improving energy cooperation between the two countries (Anadolu Ajansi, May 31, 2011).

    During Berdimuhammedov’s visit, Gul showed the highest level of hospitality, underscoring the importance attached to developing bilateral ties. He decorated Berdimuhammedov with a state medal of honor, which crowned many agreements penned to bolster cooperation in trade, tourism, the fight against terrorism, training of diplomats, etc., in addition to various other business deals. Berdimuhammedov again reiterated that Ashgabat views its relationship with Ankara as strategically important, and Turkmenistan would welcome even a larger involvement of Turkish companies as his country works to rebuild its cities through numerous infrastructure investments. The Turkish-Turkmen Business Forum attended, by both leaders in Istanbul, allowed the parties to discuss specific projects (Anadolu Ajansi, February 29, March 1).

    Reflecting the high premium placed by Ankara on mutual economic relations, Turkey’s Economy Minister Zafer Caglayan has also frequented Ashgabat lately. Caglayan’s last visit was in January where he also attended the bilateral business forum and was received by Berdimuhammedov. During that visit, a protocol was signed within the context of the Turkish-Turkmen Intergovernmental Economic Committee, and the parties agreed to instruct their Central Banks to make necessary arrangements so that they could use their national currencies in bilateral commercial deals. Caglayan especially expressed his satisfaction with Turkmen officials’ welcoming attitude toward Turkish construction companies, adding that the latter won up to 90 percent of government construction tenders in Turkmenistan (, January 30, 2012).

    Nonetheless, although Turkey became a major trading partner for Turkmenistan, relations have yet to live up to the ambitious rhetoric. Turkey’s trade with Turkmenistan and Turkish-speaking countries, despite a two-fold increase in the last five years, still makes up only a small fraction of its overall trade. While the trade volume between these countries was $8.6 billion in 2011, it only accounted for three percent of Turkey’s overall trade volume. Turkmenistan ranked third after Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan in Turkey’s overall trade with Turkic-speaking countries. While Turkey’s imports from Turkmenistan were worth $392.7 million, its exports totaled $1.5 billion (Anadolu Ajansi February 6).

    Turkey’s main economic activity with Turkmenistan and partly other Turkic-speaking countries has been in construction projects. Many of these countries have been working to rebuild, using the wealth generated by their energy riches. Turkmenistan has stood atop that list in recent years. For instance, in a development that marked the growing importance of Turkmenistan for Turkish contractors’ international operations, in 2010, Turkmenistan ranked number one on the list of tenders assumed by Turkish companies in around 50 countries. Of the total $20.3 billion in projects that Turkish firms undertook globally in 2010, they contracted on tenders worth $4.3 billion in Turkmenistan, followed by Libya, Iraq and Russia. To date, the total volume of projects undertaken by Turkish companies in Turkmenistan exceeded $23 billion, corresponding to about 10 percent of the Turkish firms’ operations worldwide (Anadolu Ajansi, March 19, 2011; July 25, 2011).

    With these statistics, Ankara has been Ashgabat’s chief trade partner, while Turkmenistan emerged as the main destination of Turkish investments in Central Asia. Most Turkish economic activity in Turkmenistan is carried out by small or medium scale enterprises. Established there by Turkish investors following Turkmenistan’s independence, some of these companies acted rather in an adventurous manner and took risks. While many of them lost their investments in the 1990s, the first comer’s advantage worked in favor of many others who later became important business actors.

    Granted, Turkish investors still encounter problems. One particular issue has been the difficulties in receiving payment for the projects they complete in Turkmenistan. In addition to inviting new investments to take advantage of attractive business opportunities in his country, Berdimuhammedov also promised to solve the payment problems. Representatives from some Turkish business associations raised questions about his sincerity, as similar promises in the past have not ended the controversy – current pending payments for completed projects are worth $1.3 billion (Hurriyet Daily News, March 2). However, other Turkish firms doing business in the country had been presenting a different picture about the causes of the dispute. A large group undertaking major infrastructure work to build 180 bridges in the country maintained that those that complete their project on time face no such problems (Cihan, February 14).

    Such high level contacts and flourishing economic ties highlighted the seamless political relations between Ankara and Ashgabad. Turkey was the first country to recognize Turkmenistan’s declaration of independence and also supported its decision to pursue neutrality in 1995. Following the euphoria of the early 1990s, the Turkish-Turkmen relationship was severely restricted during the later period of Saparmurat Niyazov’s (Turkmenbashi) reign (1991-2006). While his isolationist policy of neutrality was partly responsible for the deteriorating state of affairs, the negative experiences of some Turkish businessmen who went to the country early on also led to the cooling off of the relationship. With Berdimuhammedov’s policy of opening up, which also corresponded to a proactive foreign policy course pursued by the current Turkish government, there has been a visible increase in bilateral exchanges. With the latest trip, Berdimuhammedov has been to Turkey for a fifth time, and especially in the economic realm the progress has been remarkable. For its part, Turkey has been hoping to bolster ties with this energy-rich country, which provides a major avenue for Turkish business operations abroad, especially while the turmoil in the Middle East raises questions about the prospects of these markets.
  • Turkey, Turkmenistan agree to trade in national currencies

    Turkey, Turkmenistan agree to trade in national currencies

    TurkmenistanManat + TurkeyLiraTurkey and Turkmenistan have agreed to use their national currencies in their bilateral commercial deals, Turkey’s economy minister said Monday.

    Speaking in a meeting of the Turkish-Turkmen Inter-governments Joint Economic Committee, Zafer Caglayan said the use of national currencies would begin once central banks of the two countries made necessary arrangements.

    Caglayan said Turkey was pleased with Turkmen government’s attitude towards Turkish construction companies which he said had won 90 per cent of government tenders in construction projects.

    Caglayan said Turkish contractors had carried out construction projects worth of 3.2bn dollars in Turkmenistan, adding that Turkey was also willing to help Turkmenistan transport its vast natural resources to Europe.

    Anatolia news agency, 30 Jan 12