Category: World

  • Would Turkey involve in the WW2 If Ataturk had not died?

    Would Turkey involve in the WW2 If Ataturk had not died?

    If Turkey’s war hero and President Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, having defeated ANZAC and Greek-British armies, had not died in 1938, a year before WW2 broke out, would Turkey have entered the war supporting Hitler and would it have changed the outcome of the WW2?

    • “The current state of the world does not look bright at all. Every country strives to raise its youth with a different ideology. Italy clings to its fascist ideology. Mussolini, the dictator of this country, keeps shouting that he lives on the bayonets of eight million fascist youth. By dressing its youth in blackshirts, Mussolini is trying to instill in these conditioned youth to re-establish the Roman Empire, which has already sunk into history.

    The Nazism that Hitler is creating in Germany is another great and dangerous analog of fascism. Hitler is a racist. Please note, I am not saying ‘nationalist’, but ‘racist’. He is a madman who sees the Germans as the supreme race. While trying to drag all German youth after him, he instilled this ideal in them… Let me just add that neither fascism nor Nazism has an end. Maybe I won’t live to see this… But the end of fascism is war, it has to lose at the front. And I see no possibility for either fascism or Nazism to survive at the end of this war.”

    (Sabiha Gökçen, Atatürk’ün İzinde Bir Ömür Böyle Geçti, 1937 Memories, p.155)

    • “Unless a nation’s life faces peril, war is murder.”

    (Adana Çifçileriyle Konuşma, March 16, 1923)

    • “Atatürk had come to Istanbul for the treatment of his teeth; he would rest during the treatment at Dolmabahçe Palace and would not accept any visit. However, on the morning of December 3, after lunch, he left the palace and took the way to Taksim to watch the movie All Quiet on the Western Front, prepared for him by Beyoğlu Cinema.

    At the end of the movie, the leading soldier is killed by a stray bullet, but the incident is recorded in the daily report as ‘All quiet on the western front’. Just at this moment, my father (Cemal Işıksel) pressed the shutter button when he saw that Atatürk’s eyes brimmed with tears and his face became as if he was reliving the horrors of war.

    Ataturk watched All Quiet on the Western Front

    When the film was over, Atatürk turned to Şükrü Kaya, the Director of Internal Affairs, and stated that the film was the most realistic document about the war and that it can be ‘inconvenient for the Turkish people who had just come out of the bloody war’.”

    (Deniz Işıksel, Atatürk’ü Yaşayanlar, 1930 Memories, p.85)

    Atatürk had already predicted that World War II would break out and that fascism would have to lose at the front. He was also conscious enough to even consider the psychology of the people who had been fighting for many years and was determined to spend Anatolia’s resources on reforms and industrialization. Therefore, if he had been alive in World War II, he would have taken political steps against a leader he called a “fascist madman”, but he would probably not have been involved in the war.

    His life was spent at the front, witnessing the real brutality of war with his own eyes, not with video games. and that’s why he said:

    Peace at home, peace in the world!

  • The World’s MostImportant Election in 2023Will Be in Turkey

    The World’s Most
    Important Election in 2023
    Will Be in Turkey

    Among the many general elections of international consequence to watch this year, Nigeria’s, scheduled for February will be by far the largest; Pakistan’s, due by October, will probably be the loudest. But the most important will unquestionably take place on June 18, when President Recep Tayyip Erdogan seeks to stretch his rule over Turkey into a third decade.

    The outcome will shape geopolitical and economic calculations in Washington and Moscow, as well as capitals across Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia and Africa. “What happens in Turkey doesn’t just stay in Turkey,” says Ziya Meral, a senior associate fellow at the Royal United Services Institute for
    Defence and Security Studies. “Turkey may be a middle power, but the great powers have a stake in its election.”


    betula nelson

  • UN 2023 Water Conference

    UN 2023 Water Conference

    [Entry Note: LMGlobal.Org is a “Specially Accredited” NGO to the #UN2023WaterConference during the 1st Round of the Applications in August 2022  – Bircan Ünver]


    un water conference

    As the UN 2023 Water Conference approaches here are some key updates for how you can be part of this milestone event:

    • Registration is now open for accredited non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, academic institutions, the scientific community, the private sector and philanthropic organizations – Register
    • Open call for Side Events has been extended, the new deadline is 20 January 2023 – Apply
    • Thematic webinars to help stakeholders participate in the conference and contribute to the Water Action Agenda will be held on 17 and 18  January 2023 – Register.

    Register your delegation to participate in the UN 2023 Water Conference –  Registration is open from 9 January – 10 February 2023

    Registration for non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, academic institutions, the scientific community, the private sector and philanthropic organizations and other actors will be open from 9 January to 10 February, each accredited organization will be able to request registration up to 10 representatives.

    • ECOSOC Accredited Organizations: Register here
    • Specially Accredited Organizations: Register here

    The results of the second round of Special Accreditation has been published here.

    Open Call for Side Events extended – Deadline: 20 January 2023

    Side events can be organized in connection with the UN 2023 Water Conference, either in-person or virtually, by Member States, the UN system, Intergovernmental Organizations and accredited non-governmental stakeholders. Priority will be given to events organized by Member States and those organized in partnership by several organizations. Side event organizers are encouraged to contribute to the Water Action Agenda by announcing or showcasing their own voluntary commitments. For additional details and guidance on how to submit a side event proposal, including Guidelines, please visit the website:


    • To apply for an in-person side event inside the UN Headquarters:  
    • To apply for an in-person side event outside the UN Headquarters:  
    • To apply for a virtual side event: 

    Multi-Stakeholder Thematic Webinars | 17 – 18 January, 9:00 – 11:00 AM EST

    Register now: 

    The UN 2023 Water Conference will be held in New York, from 22 to 24 March 2023. The Conference will be co-hosted by the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Republic of Tajikistan.

    The Multi-Stakeholder Thematic Webinars will be held virtually on 17 and 18 January 2023 from 9:00 – 11:00 AM (EDT) as an additional opportunity for stakeholders to prepare for the UN 2023 Water Conference, including to encourage their contributions to the Water Action Agenda (WAA).  

    • Interested stakeholders should register online by 16 January 2023 using this form:

    The webinars aim to inform participants on the opportunities for engagement in the UN 2023 Water Conference and the WAA by sharing perspectives and expectations on the voluntary commitments and encouraging and inspiring stakeholders to register transformative gamechangers and voluntary commitments to the WAA. 

    For more information about the webinar, please visit: 

    Any questions?

    Visit the UN 2023 Water Conference website  or email us: [email protected]

  • Look yourselves in a mirror

    Look yourselves in a mirror

    Dear Westerner;

    Please stop teaching the world ethics, before that, look in the mirror and learn your history. And deal with your own history. Your real history, not the whitewashed one. Accept it. Learn from it, learn what you did wrong, and stop doing that.

    european colonization
    Europe colonized all other people with inferior technology so they could enslave their people, steal their resources so they would feel richer and bossier over us.

    Western civilization merely a lifetime ago, has pulled regular people like you and me from the streets regardless of who they are, they could be the brightest minds on earth, earthshaking ground breaking scientists, it didn’t matter to them, still put them into gas chambers to kill them, for the sole crime of belonging to an ethnic group.

    And accuse us the same crime? To dilute the horrible crime your democratically elected leaders actually really did?

    The ones your ancestors have tried to kill have escaped to our countries with the help of our diplomats! Why did they do that if Turkish people is the psychotic murderers you like to paint us?

    But we got over it, we are not that people, we learned from our mistakes you say…

    african slaves cutting their childrens hands
    These “culturally and morally superior” White folk, who define non-white people as “savages” even cut of their children’s hands when the slave fathers couldn’t meet the quotas.

    No! You still haven’t learned. Today Western world is just as brutal and just as imperialistic.

    West still steals, still kills people in millions on the guise of bringing democracy.

    West have caused a civil war in Libya just to get cheap oil.

    USA killed 3 million civilians in Iraq.

    Racism is still a BIG issue. It is almost impossible to hold a position of power even in a company in Canada. You still encounter racism daily if you are a “Schwarz Kopf” in Germany. People still get killed by police because of the color of their skins in USA.

    Kill your TV. Kill your Social Media. They all lie to you. You are not the white knights. You are the baddies.

    Seriously leave us “non-white”, “non-western”, “unfree”, “undemocratic” folk alone. We don’t need neither your gratification nor your contempt. Just turn to yourselves, look yourselves in a mirror.

    united states of america genocide
    entire civilization is built upon colonialismslavery, and genocides, whose ancestors have either wiped off an entire continent of people and occupied their land.

    Excerpt from the article of Hikmet C.

  • Greeks, Turks and Armenians

    Greeks, Turks and Armenians

    How do Greeks, Turks and Armenians feel about each other’s countries?

    I feel sad. Deeply sad.

    We could be a great! A united superpower, if we had stood together and haven’t killed each other in hundreds of thousands.

    Yes Ottomans mistreated Armenians, mistreated Greeks but they certainly mistreated Turks too.

    In the end it was Turkish Kemalists who pulled the rug under the Ottoman Sultanate, It was us who destroyed the caliphate. We finished the work which we all Greeks, Armenians and Turks started together in the first place. I am talking about the Young Turk movement.

    young turks armenians greeks turks constitution

    Yes we forced the first constitution together. Here Turkish, Greek and Armenian leaders signing.

    young turk movement armenians greeks turks constitution

    Our great endeavor was hijacked and sabotaged. Minorities sought their own independent small and weak countries. Organizations got corrupted, people sought personal glory. We were led to slaughter each other by the imperialistic powers.

    Even after such brutality, all of us Greek, Armenian and Turk we still miss our collective songs, cuisine, our neighborhood. When outside in a mixed nationality Turks and Greeks always find each other. Its always the Greek guy who laughs when the other stare confused by the lame ass naughty joke the Turk makes.

    Greeks were the great intellectuals and traders, Armenians were the great craftsman and artisans, Turks were the farmers, herders, great soldiers.

    Divide and Conquer was at its best.

    Today we would have none of the worries, State would be much more secular with strong and healthy non-Muslim population. We would have no conflict in the Mediterranean. Caucasian region would be secure. None of the tragedies would have happened.

    Here is a song which the lyrics are adopted by Bülent Ecevit. Here the songs goes like

    Sıla derdine düşünce anlarsın (When you get home sick you understand)
    Yunanlıyla kardeş olduğunu (You are brothers with the Greek)
    Bir rum şarkısı duyunca gör (When you hear a Greek song, You will see )
    Gurbet elde İstanbul çocuğunu (A fellow child of Istanbul, alone in a foreign land)

    Türkçenin ferah gönlünce küfretmişiz (We swore in open hearted Turkish)
    Olmuşuz kanlı bıçaklı (We feuded)
    Yine de bir sevgidir içimizde (But its love that is in our hearts)
    Böyle barış günlerinde saklı (It surfaces in times of peace)

    Bir soyun kanı olmasın varsın (Let a clan not be about blood)
    Damarlarımızda akan kan (The blood that is running through our veins)
    İçimizde şu deli rüzgâr (The crazy wind blows inside)
    Bir havadan (İs of the same air)

    Bu yağmurla cömert (Generous is the rain)
    Bu güneşle sıcak (Warm is the sun)
    Gönlümüzden bahar dolusu kopan (Our hearts full of springs)
    İyilikler kucak kucak (Goodness is aplenty)

    Bu sudan bu tattandır ikimizde de günah (From this water, from this taste is the sin for both of us)
    Bütün içkiler gibi zararı kadar leziz (Tasty as sin, as all the harms of drinks)
    Bir iklimin meyvasından sızdırılmış (Distilled from the same fruit of this climate),
    Bir içkidir kötülüklerimiz (Our evils are one drinks)

    Aramızda bir mavi büyü (A blue magic between us)
    Bir sıcak deniz (A warm and gentle sea)
    Kıyılarında birbirinden güzel (With coasts as beautiful as any)
    İki milletiz (We are two peoples)

    Bizimle dirilecek bir gün (One day together we will resurrect)
    Ege’nin altın çağı (The golden age of the Aegean)
    Yanıp yarının ateşinden (Tomorrow the new fire will burn)
    Eskinin ocağı (The old oven)

    Önce bir kahkaha çalınır kulağına (First you will hear a familiar laughter)
    Sonra rum şiveli türkçeler (They you will hear Turkish in Greek accent)
    O Boğaz’dan söz eder (He or She speaks about the Bosphorus)
    Sen rakıyı hatırlarsın (And you remember the Rakı)

    Yunanlıyla kardeş olduğunu (You remember you are Brothers with the Greek)
    Sıla derdine düşünce anlarsın (When you get homesick)

  • Celebrate Human Rights Day

    Celebrate Human Rights Day

    Today: Celebrate Human Rights Day with Ms.Hawa Diallo, Chief, UNDGC_CSU & 30 Children December 10

    human rights day

    Greetings to you ALL:

    You are invited to celebrate the 74th anniversary of 30 (Thirty) Articles of the UNDH which will be presented by ETAC Children’s Club on the observance of the United Nations’ Human Rights Day, December 10.

    The UDHR consists of a preamble and 30 articles that set out a broad range of fundamental human rights and freedoms to which all of us, everywhere around the world, are entitled. It guarantees our rights without distinction of nationality, place of residence, gender, national or ethnic origin, religion, language, or any other status.

    The 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights will be celebrated on 10 December 2023. Ahead of this milestone celebration, starting on this year’s Human Rights Day on 10 December 2022, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UN-OHCHR) will launch a year-long campaign to showcase the UDHR by focusing on its legacy, relevance, and activism.

    StandUp4HumanRights #UDHR74 #HumanRightsDay #10December #UNWithCivilSociety #ETACUSA #LMGlobalOrg #lightmillennium

    Please join us today to celebrate Human Rights Day with our keynote speaker Ms.HAWA TAYLOR-KAMALA DIALLO, Chief, UNDGC_CSU; and 30 Children at 10:00 a.m. PT; 1:00 p.m. ET; and 9:00 p.m. TR on Saturday, December 10th.

    Key Details

    Date: Saturday, December 10 @ 10 AM (PST)

    Location: Online

    Please send any questions and comments to: [email protected]

    Best wishes,