Category: Sci/Tech

  • First F-16 produced in Turkey delivered to THK

    First F-16 produced in Turkey delivered to THK

    Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) has delivered the first Falcon (F-16) fighter jet produced in Turkey to the Turkish Air Forces (THK).


    According to the information Today’s Zaman received from Ministry of Defense sources, TAI recently delivered one of the 50 planned F-16 fighter jets to the THK. The US Congress on Oct. 15, 2006, approved the program to assemble new planes to be carried out at the TAI facility, while the engines of the fighter jet will be produced at the TUSAŞ Engine Industries (TEI) factory in the province of Eskişehir. While the first F-16 fully produced in Turkey was recently delivered, the source said the other 49 F-16s will be completed by the end of 2012.

    Turkey chose the F-16 to use in its air force in the early 1980s and TAI was established soon after the decision. Between 1987 and 1995, TAI assembled 152 planes in the first phase of the F-16 project. The second phase took place between 1995 and 1999, during which 80 planes were assembled. Turkey received its first overseas order for F-16 planes from the Egyptian Air Force in 1993 and assembled 46 planes for them. TAI recently upgraded the first of 17 planes for Jordan’s air force in the context of a modernization program.

    F-16 fighter jets can reach a top speed of 2,124 kilometers per hour, twice the speed of sound. They have a high level of maneuverability even at low speeds and can accelerate or decelerate in a very short time. The planes can fly 860 kilometers with a full fuel tank when fully armed. The F-16 can detect even planes flying at very low altitudes with its powerful radar system.

    Meanwhile, THK has also recently agreed to buy 30 advanced F-16 Block 50 fighter jets from the US company Lockheed Martin Aeronautics. These new F-16s are an upgraded version of the older ones. The fuel tanks, which were outside the body of the old F-16s, are now inside the body of the Block 50 type jets. It has also newer guns and electronic systems, the source said, adding that value of the agreement on buying Block 50 fighter jets from the US is estimated at around $1.7 billion.

    via zaman

  • Turkcell Technology Becomes one of the Decision Makers in Europe’s R&D Arena

    Turkcell Technology Becomes one of the Decision Makers in Europe’s R&D Arena

    ISTANBUL, May 17, 2011 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ — Turkcell (NYSE: TKC, ISE: TCELL), the leading communications and technology company in Turkey is delighted to announce that its fully-owned subsidiary, and one of Turkey’s technology centers, Turkcell Technology, has been elected into the Board of Directors of a Cooperation Platform, namely ITEA 2. ITEA 2 was established in the interests of sustaining the competitive capacity of R&D in Europe, and is capable of shaping the future of the continent. In addition to Turkcell Technology, global technology giants such as Nokia, Telefonica, Philips, Daimler, Siemens and Bosch also have seats on the Board.

    Turkcell Technology CEO Semih Incedayi commented: “We believe that being unanimously elected to ITEA 2’s Board of Directors, thanks to Turkcell Technology’s track record of success and efficient participation in previous projects, and its technology knowhow is invaluable for both our Company and the country. It is essential for Turkcell Technology to play a decision-making role together with Europe’s leading companies in the R&D arena. Turkcell Technology considers ITEA 2 Board membership to be a significant role undertaken on behalf of Turkey itself. This membership provides us with a fresh channel for new experiences enabling us to expand our country’s frontiers; while enabling us to carry out Turkey’s strategic priorities at this focused platform. We will thoroughly support the promising projects of Turkish companies.”

    ITEA 2 supports pre-competition R&D projects in order for Europe to maintain its leadership in the area of software-intense service and systems. ITEA 2 is positioned under the umbrella of EUREKA, which is a platform where market-oriented and easily commercialized products and processes are supported in the European Union. ITEA 2 is a cooperation platform, on which leading technology companies from different sectors come together to transfer budgets and determine new strategies, aiming to create the most competitive technologies in Europe in response to Asia and North America. ITEA 2 offers fiscal support for a certain percentage of the budget of projects approved by the board of directors. The intellectual property of studies realized within the scope of the project goes to the shareholders. Meanwhile, established technology infrastructures are given to participating companies. Turkcell Technology already has eight ITEA 2 labeled projects and executes the EU and Turkey consortium leadership of certain projects.

    About Turkcell Technology:

    Turkcell Technology is among Turkey’s leading R&D and innovation companies. It was set up to develop competitive information and communication technology (ICT) services and products. The seeds of the company were sown with the establishment of Europe’s second-largest GSM operator, Turkcell. In 2007, the decision was taken to build a technology park company to provide an optimum R&D and innovation environment for Turkcell technical staff specialized in ICT. In the same year, Turkcell Technology Research & Development was founded in the TUBITAK-MAM Technology Free Zone (TEKSEB).

    Turkcell Technology has been developing services and products in the fields of network services and providers, SIM cards and terminal solutions, mobile Internet, mobile marketing, multimedia applications, business intelligence solutions and business support systems.

    Turkcell Technology successfully conducts its technology export activities to the Commonwealth of Independent States, Russia, the Middle East, Africa and Europe. It aims to become a world brand in its field.

    About Turkcell

    Turkcell is the leading communications and technology company in Turkey with 33.1 million subscribers and a market share of approximately 54% as of March 31, 2011 (Source: Our estimations, operators’ and Authority’s announcements). Turkcell is a leading regional player, with market leadership in five of the nine countries in which it operates with its approximately 60.4 million subscribers as of March 31, 2011. Turkcell reported a TRY2.1 billion (US$1.3 billion) net revenue with total assets of TRY15.2 billion (US$9.8 billion) as of March 31, 2011. Turkcell covers approximately 83% of the Turkish population through its 3G and 99.07% through its 2G technology supported network. It has become one of the first among the global operators to have implemented HSDPA+ and achieved a 42.2 Mbps speed using the HSPA multi carrier solution. Turkcell has been listed on the NYSE and the ISE since July 2000, and is the only NYSE-listed company in Turkey. 51.00% of Turkcell’s share capital is held by Turkcell Holding, 0.05% by Cukurova Holding, 13.07% by Sonera Holding and 1.19% by others, while the remaining 34.69% is free float.


    For further information please contact Turkcell

    Nihat Narin, Investor and International Media Relations

    Tel: +90-212-313-1244

    Email: [email protected]

    [email protected]

    via Turkcell Technology Becomes one of the Decision Makers in Europe’s R&D Arena — ISTANBUL, May 17, 2011 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ –.



    BRUSSELS – After the protests in Turkey on last Sunday, today the European Commission reiterated its “concern over the frequent bans on websites, excessive regarding their goal and length”, which are implemented in the EU accession candidate.

    The statement was made today in Brussels by Natasha Butler, the spokeswoman for EU Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fule, responding to questions from journalists. In particular, Turkish Internet law “restricts the right of citizens to gain access to information”, specified the spokeswoman.

    As for a new law expected to introduce several limitations for Internet use in Turkey, “we are closely following the situation”, explained Butler, “and we are stressing that blocking web contents should be targeted and proportionate, and should be the result of a judicial procedure”. (ANSAmed).


  • Satellite Image Reveals Spread of a Megacity | Megacities, Urban Sprawl & Population Explosion

    Satellite Image Reveals Spread of a Megacity | Megacities, Urban Sprawl & Population Explosion

    A German satellite image provides a detailed view of Istanbul from more than 300 miles (500 kilometers) up. There is dense housing where yellow is predominates. In the city itself, only a few areas remain undeveloped and are thus shown in green. CREDIT: DLR
    A German satellite image provides a detailed view of Istanbul from more than 300 miles (500 kilometers) up. There is dense housing where yellow is predominates. In the city itself, only a few areas remain undeveloped and are thus shown in green. CREDIT: DLR

    A German satellite image provides a detailed view of Istanbul from more than 300 miles (500 kilometers) up. There is dense housing where yellow is predominates. In the city itself, only a few areas remain undeveloped and are thus shown in green.

    A newly released satellite image reveals Istanbul, the largest city in Turkey at 15 million inhabitants, is quickly becoming a “megacity” covering almost 700 square miles (1,800 square kilometers).

    “Megacities let us take a look into our future, when we have to expect that cities that today have ‘only’ two to five million inhabitants will grow at an explosive rate,” Hannes Taubenböck, of DLR’s German Remote Sensing Data Center, said in a statement.

    In this image, acquired by the German Aerospace Agency’s TerraSAR-X radar satellite, the populated urban areas are colored yellow because the city’s buildings reflect the satellite’s signals, giving an accurate view of its immensity. [Amazing Science Images]

    The city’s airport is clearly visible in the bottom left corner of the image — the darker blue color indicates where there are few buildings around the runways. Even the boats are visible dotting the city’s surrounding seas.

    Over time, the population and urban sprawl of Istanbul has expanded immensely. The top image shows the population spread in 1975, the middle in 1990 and the bottom image is from 2010.

    Over time, the population and urban sprawl of Istanbul has expanded immensely. The top image shows the population spread in 1975, the middle in 1990 and the bottom image is from 2010.

    The Bosphorus Suspension Bridge and the Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge, built in 1973 and 1988, respectively, have enabled its population to expand across the Bosphorus Strait, the stretch of water extending from the Black Sea at the top to the Sea of Marmara at the bottom.

    “These connections to the city center on the European side have generated enormous growth on the Asian side,” Taubenböck said. “Over the last 35 years, the area of Istanbul has tripled.”

    Radar satellites like TerraSAR-X, which was launched in 2007, are useful because they can “see” through clouds and darkness, while typical remote-sensing instruments rely on visible light.

    You can follow LiveScience staff writer Jennifer Welsh on Twitter @microbelover. Follow LiveScience for the latest in science news and discoveries on Twitter @livescience and on Facebook.

    via Satellite Image Reveals Spread of a Megacity | Megacities, Urban Sprawl & Population Explosion | LiveScience.

  • Turkish University to Offer Armenian Language Course

    Turkish University to Offer Armenian Language Course


    Turkish university to offer Armenian language course

    Using a $23,500 grant from the German Marshall Fund’s Black Sea Trust, Kadir Has University in Istanbul plans to begin offering Armenian language lessons this month.

    Serdar Dinler, director of the university’s Center for Lifelong Learning, said by telephone that the course would be taught by a doctoral candidate from Armenia as part of a cultural exchange between countries whose ties have been fraught for a century.

    “Turkey is becoming an energy-transit corridor and a center for diplomacy in the region,” Mr. Dinler said. “Also the Turkish government has a new ‘zero problems’ policy with its neighbors, so we believe that the new generation in Turkey needs to have more dialogue with neighboring countries, including Armenia, Russia, Iran, Greece, etc. Knowing the language can only help.”

    Kadir Has is a private university established along the Golden Horn in 1997 and named after its founder, a Turkish automotive magnate.


    via Turkish University to Offer Armenian Language Course –

  • Muslim creationists tour France denouncing Darwin

    Muslim creationists tour France denouncing Darwin

    By Tom Heneghan, Religion Editor

    AUBERVILLIERS, France | Mon May 16, 2011 9:54am EDT

    AUBERVILLIERS, France (Reuters) – Four years after they first frightened France, Muslim creationists are back touring the country preaching against evolution and claiming the Koran predicted many modern scientific discoveries.

    oktarFollowers of Harun Yahya, a well-financed Turkish publisher of popular Islamic books, held four conferences at Muslim centers in the Paris area at the weekend with more scheduled in six other cities.

    At a Muslim junior high school in this north Paris suburb, about 100 pupils — boys seated on the right, girls on the left — listened as two Turks from Harun Yahya’s headquarters in Istanbul denounced evolution as a theory Muslims should shun.

    “We didn’t descend from the apes,” lecturer Ali Sadun told the giggling youngsters. Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, he said, was “the scientific basis to defend atheism.”

    Harun Yahya, one of the most prolific publishers in the Muslim world, gave proudly secularist France a scare in January 2007 by mass-mailing thousands of free copies of his “Atlas of Creation” to schools and libraries across the country.

    The Education Ministry quickly ordered headmasters to seize and hide copies of the large format book that, over 768 pages of glossy photographs and easy-to-read text, argues that all living things were created by God exactly as they are formed today.

    It followed up with a special seminar to train teachers how to counter a small but growing group of pupils who challenge evolution with creationist theories.

    In October 2007, with strong French support, the Council of Europe denounced the creationist views laid out in the “Atlas of Creation” as a religious assault on science and human rights.


    Christian and Muslim creationists believe God created the world as described in the Bible and the Koran. Both books say God made the universe and all living things in six days. The Bible presents that as the exact time needed for creation but the Koran says “days” actually means long periods of time.

    Christian creationism enjoys popular support in some parts of the United States but courts have ruled it is a religious view that cannot be taught in state-run schools.

    Koran-based creationist views are traditional in the Muslim world. Advised by U.S. creationists, Harun Yahya has developed a series of books that have helped spread this view in recent years beyond the Middle East, including to France, whose five million Muslims make up Europe’s largest Islamic minority.

    “People who defend evolution can’t accept the existence of a Creator,” Sadun said at La Reussite (“Success”), one of the few Muslim-run private schools in France.

    “Life is not the result of chance, it’s the creation of a higher power, which of course is Allah,” he said in fluent French, adding that the confiscation of the “Atlas of Creation” was similar to book-burnings staged by the Nazis in the 1930s.

    Sadun’s lecture depended heavily on slides purporting to show ancient fossils of a fish, cricket, lizard and frog looking exactly like photographs of their modern day descendants. He claimed no fossils proving evolutionary transitions existed.

    Scientists in Turkey, Europe and North America argue the Atlas is riddled with errors, but this seems neither to bother Harun Yahya’s followers nor to crimp his books’ sales.


    Harun Yahya is the pseudonym of Adnan Oktar, 55, a preacher who keeps secret the sources of the ample funds that allow him and a group of followers to produce hundreds of thousands of slick and simple books on Islam under his pen name.

    He told Reuters in 2008 that he was preparing the return of Jesus Christ, who he said would come back to Earth in about 25 years as a Muslim to help the Mahdi — Islam’s savior figure — to defeat evil and establish Islam around the world.

    After Sedun’s anti-evolution talk, a colleague from Istanbul spoke about “scientific miracles in the Koran,” another small but well-financed field of self-styled experts claiming the Muslim holy book predicted many modern scientific discoveries.

    Avni Karahisar cited Koran verses he said indicated hidden proof of phenomena such as the Big Bang, planetary orbits and the expansion of the universe. Pupils avidly took notes on scrap paper distributed by teachers before the talk.

    “Technology now shows these truths announced in the Koran 1,400 years ago,” Karahisar said. “This shows in a miraculous way that the Koran is the word of Allah the All Powerful.”


    Nidhal Guessoum, an Algerian astrophysicist at the American University in Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates, dismisses these so-called miracles as “fanciful interpretations.”

    They have “exploded and expanded to quickly occupy large parts of the cultural landscape of the Islamic world (particularly the Arab part) over the last few decades,” he wrote in his new book “Islam’s Quantum Question.”

    Because the conferences are held on private premises, the Education Ministry has no authority over them and has not commented on what one Harun Yahya follower called their “second wave” of campaigning in France after the 2007 controversy.

    This “second wave” began with conferences in January in Paris, Marseille, Lyon and other cities. The group plans similar conferences this month in Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands.

    While these conferences may not attract much interest outside Muslim communities in Europe now, the organisers clearly hope the creationist ideas they spread will have an impact.

    A teacher at the La Reussite meeting said French educators called him an Islamic fundamentalist for his creationist views, but he thought they were actually secularist fundamentalists.

    “As a Muslim school, we’re lucky to have people who give us tools for this debate,” he said, nodding toward the lecturers.

    “This is very important for you and for your pride,” he told the pupils.

    (Editing by Elizabeth Fullerton)