Category: Sci/Tech

  • Do you want to be part of Turkey’s future?

    Do you want to be part of Turkey’s future?

    November 14, 2012

    This post is also available in: Turkish

    Chevening Scholars1

    Did you know that 41,000 brilliant students from around the world have studied in the UK since 1983 under a terrific scholarship programme run by the UK Government? And it’s available in Turkey.

    The Chevening programme in Turkey is designed to create lasting positive relationships with future leaders and decision makers. It’s aimed at young professionals who have already displayed outstanding leadership talents, to study in the UK typically for a one-year post-graduate Masters degree.

    After completing their courses, students return to their home countries where many assume positions of leadership and influence while maintaining links in the UK.

    I’ve met Chevening scholars in many countries round the world and they are some of the most outstanding high achievers in society. They include politicians, academics, economists and journalists.

    If this sounds like you, you can apply on-line now for 2013/14 Chevening Scholarships. Applications are open until 2 January 2013. If you want to be part of Turkey and Britain’s future, don’t delay.

    via Do you want to be part of Turkey’s future? – Leigh Turner.

  • Da Vinci’s Bridge to Be Built in Istanbul

    Da Vinci’s Bridge to Be Built in Istanbul

    A bridge project reportedly developed by Leonardo Da Vinci for Istanbul’s Golden Horn will be constructed by an international volunteer group as a present to Istanbul, the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality has announced.

    Leonardo Bridge

    Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said Oct. 21 during a ceremony to celebrate the arrival of water pumped from the Bosphorus into the Golden Horn that a pedestrian bridge designed by Da Vinci in the 16th century but never realized would be built without any cost to the municipality.

    According to a written statement from the municipality, the first sketches of the bridge, based on an improved version of Da Vinci’s bridge with respect to the latest technology, have been submitted to the Cultural Wealth Protection Committee.

    The statement said the project was the result of collaboration between a group of volunteers from different countries, such as Norwegian sculptor and painter Vebjorn Sand, U.S.-based Turkish physics professor Bülent Ataman, Indian opera writer Daniel Nazareth and international affairs specialist Melinda Iverson. The volunteer group has been working on the project over the last three years.

    Funded by local and international sponsors, the bridge will be 220 meters long, 10 meters wide and 25 meters at its highest point above the sea.

    via Da Vinci’s Bridge to Be Built in Istanbul, 23 October 2012 Tuesday 12:29.

  • Anonymous deface UK Police forum and Dating Portal

    Anonymous deface UK Police forum and Dating Portal

    uk police1Yesterday Anonymous deface the UK Police Online web forum () and stole the private emails addresses of various members. The Metropolitan Police’s e-Crime unit is investigating the hack and said that no computer system run by the police force had been hacked.

    The Hack was originally announced by an Anonymous Twitter account – Operation Jubilee (OpJubilee), they post a mirror url of defaced page. This hack was one of the part of OpJubilee.

    ANONYMOUS OPERATION JUBILEE: Under this there will be Rally of Millions people To Parliament, London on 5th of November 2012. As planned this will be a peaceful gathering at the Parliament Building in London to declare the true jubilee.
    Hackers send out emails to the former officers whose details were obtained during hack, with a subject line: “A message to the police and armed forces”.

    Message body: “Hello members of our UK police and armed forces” and called for recipients to “stand with us, not against us. Under your uniform you are one of us and we are you. United we stand and can make this world a better place for all of us. We are not against you, only against the evil system that you defend, and we appeal to your consciences to stop protecting the traitors and banksters, and protect us from them instead.”

    The hacktivists have previously been linked with compromised security on police websites in the US and other countries. They end the mail with, “Brothers in arms, join us and end wars and poverty. United we stand.”

    This online forum actually include, a discussion board on homepage, Police Dating site, Gallery, Downloads and a police equipment estore.

    MET police said, “It would appear that a third party forum has been compromised and personal email details retrieved,”. Before under Operation Jubilee, Hackers deface some other UK police forums also.

    The Hackers News

  • Turkcell Superonline Bridges Europe, Asia and Middle East to Turn Istanbul Into an Internet Hub

    Turkcell Superonline Bridges Europe, Asia and Middle East to Turn Istanbul Into an Internet Hub

    By Turkcell Superonline

    Published: Thursday, Sep. 27, 2012 – 1:09 am

    ISTANBUL, September 27, 2012 — /PRNewswire/ —

    Turkcell Superonline, the 100% subsidiary company of Turkcell (NYSE: TKC, ISE: TCELL), the leading communications and technology company in Turkey, announces that it has turned Istanbul into an internet hub, lifting the boundaries between countries and initiating the “internet without a visa” era through direct access agreements.

    Turkcell Superonline has nine international gateways, which enable fast and seamless internet access via connections with Europe’s most important internet traffic exchange points in Sofia, London, and Amsterdam, as well as through the Frankfurt POP in Germany.

    Collaborating with Tier-1 telecom operators such as Tata Communications, Deutsche Telekom, Inteliquent, Turkcell Superonline enables access to globally renowned networks directly from Istanbul, adding value not only for its business and partners, but also for the Turkish economy.

    Turkcell Superonline plays a major role in delivering transit data traffic and telecommunications services between Europe, CIS, Asia and the Middle East. As a critical operator, it provides the internet access needs of Iran, Iraq, Georgia, and Northern Cyprus, positioning Istanbul as the intersection point of the global communications network.

    Murat Erkan, General Manager of Turkcell Superonline, says, “Four years ago Turkcell Superonline’s aim had been to transform the Silk Road into the Fiber Road. Today, this is a reality via our fiber network.”


    Turkey’s innovative telecom operator, Turkcell Superonline, continues its fiber optic infrastructure investments without any let up in speed. Turkcell Superonline is the one and only telecom operator to offer households internet connection at speeds of up to 1,000 Mbps. It offers its corporate, residential and wholesale customers voice, data, and value added services.


    Turkcell is the leading communications and technology company in Turkey, with 34.5 million subscribers and a market share of approximately 53% based on March 31, 2012 results (Source: operators’ announcements). Turkcell is a leading regional player, with market leadership in five of the nine countries in which it operates with its approximately 65.3 million subscribers as of March 31, 2012. The company covers approximately 88% of the Turkish population through its 3G and 99.13% through its 2G technology supported network.

    For further information please contact:

    Nihat Narin Division Head of Investor and International Media Relations Tel: + 90-212-313-1244 Email: [email protected]

    Banu Uzgur International Media Relations Manager Tel: + 90-212-313-1506 Email: [email protected] [email protected]

    SOURCE Turkcell Superonline

    via Turkcell Superonline Bridges Europe, Asia and Middle East to Turn Istanbul Into an Internet Hub – PR Newswire – The Sacramento Bee.

  • Turkey to block access to the Hate Film which brought chaos to the world

    Turkey to block access to the Hate Film which brought chaos to the world



    ANKARA, Turkey — A Turkish court issued an order on Wednesday allowing authorities in the country to block Internet access to the anti-Islam movie that has sparked violent protests across the Muslim world, an official said.

    Binali Yildirim, the minister in charge of transportation and communications, told state-run TRT television that the injunction allows government telecommunications and information technology authorities to prevent access from Turkey to URL links to the film.

    The move came a day after another government minister said Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who heads an AK Party* party, ordered officials to find ways of preventing access to videos of “Innocence of Muslims” movie.

    Dozens of people, including the U.S. ambassador to Libya, have been killed in violence linked to protests over the film.

    “Henceforth, it will not be shown in our country,” said Yildirim, calling the film “disgusting.”

    “To insult what is sacred, to incite indignation is unacceptable for all religions. It is a hate crime and no crime should go unpunished,” Yildirim said. His office said Tuesday that the ministry has also asked Google Inc. and YouTube to remove the videos.

    Erdogan has criticized Western nations for not taking steps to prevent insults to Islamic values but also has criticized violent protests against the film saying they harm Islam.

    Yildirim said the court order is limited to links to the film and that access to websites that carry the links would not be blocked. Turkey banned access to the video sharing site YouTube from 2008 and 2010 because of videos deemed insulting to the country’s founder, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.

    Thousands of other websites, most of them pornographic, have also been banned in the country. The government says it is fighting child pornography, illegal gambling and other cybercrimes.







  • Bakanlıktan Youtube için özel talimat

    Bakanlıktan Youtube için özel talimat

    youtubeUlaştırma, Denizcilik ve Haberleşme Bakanlığı, Müslümanların Masumiyeti adlı filmin video içeriğinin bulunduğu URL adreslerine erişimin engellenmesi için yasal süreç başlattı.


    Ulaştırma, Denizcilik ve Haberleşme Bakanlığı Basın ve Halkla İlişkiler Müşavirliği’nden yapılan yazılı açıklamada, ”Müslümanların masumiyeti” adlı dini değerlere ve inançlara hakaret eden, nefret söylemi içeren filmin bir kısmı veya tamamı başta Youtube adlı video paylaşım sitesi olmak üzere birçok internet sitesinde yayınlandığı belirtildi.


    İslam’a ve Müslümanlara hakaret içeren, provokatif unsurlar barındıran söz konusu filmin tüm dünyada ve Türkiye’de meydana getirdiği rahatsızlık nedeniyle Ulaştırma Denizcilik ve Haberleşme Bakanı Binali Yıldırım’ın talimatlarıyla tespit edilen URL adreslerinde bulunan video içeriğinin çıkartılması için yasal prosedürün işletilmeye başlandığının ifade edildiği açıklamada, şunlar kaydedildi:”Ayrıca tüm internet servis sağlayıcılarıyla irtibat kurularak, video paylaşım sitelerinin tamamına erişim engelleme uygulanmadan, yalnızca söz konusu videoların bulunduğu URL adreslerine erişimi engelleme hususunda yapılacak çalışma konusunda da bilgi verilmiştir. Söz konusu videolara erişim, internet sağlayıcılar vasıtasıyla büyük ölçüde engellenmiştir. Uyar-kaldır yöntemi işletilerek, söz konusu URL adreslerinden video içeriğinin çıkarılması için Youtube & Google Inc. adlı şirketin Türkiye’de bulunan avukatlık bürosuna, konunun hassasiyeti izah edilerek yazılı ve sözlü bildirimde bulunulmuştur. Buna karşın Innocence of Muslims isimli filmi yayınlamaya devam eden sitelerde, video içeriğinin bulunduğu URL adreslerine mahkeme kararıyla erişimin engellenmesi için yasal süreç başlatılmıştır.”





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