
  • F-16, F-22, F-35, and Eurofighter Typhoon?

    F-16, F-22, F-35, and Eurofighter Typhoon?

    What are the main differences between the F-16, F-22, F-35, and Eurofighter Typhoon? F-16 : the lightest of the bunch. Single engine multi-role fighter in several […]



    Joe tells about his shocking journey to Turkey Turkey is often misrepresented in western media and I want to share with you my experience of […]

  • We invite you to be PEACEFUL, not HATEFUL

    We invite you to be PEACEFUL, not HATEFUL

    We condemn the Producers of the movie Smyrna and their supporters and organizations “War is murder unless unless it is based on legitimate grounds.”M. Kemal […]

  • Stray animals of Turkey

    Stray animals of Turkey

    Today Istanbul holds an unusually large population of stray cats. They are often well taken care of by the city’s population. How old is this […]

  • We condemn the movie ‘’Smyrna’’

    We condemn the movie ‘’Smyrna’’

    We condemn the movie ‘’Smyrna’’ which is full of black propaganda. The Turkish War of Independence was conducted between 1919 and 1922, against those who coveted Anatolia, our homeland. Led by the Great Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, it resulted in a rightful victory of independence and freedom as well as paved the way for the proclamation of…

  • Celebrate Human Rights Day

    Celebrate Human Rights Day

    Today: Celebrate Human Rights Day with Ms.Hawa Diallo, Chief, UNDGC_CSU & 30 Children December 10 Greetings to you ALL: You are invited to celebrate the […]