
  • Turkish Kirpis head to front

    Turkish Kirpis head to front

    Turkish armored vehicles head to front in the Donbass | Military Mind | TVP World BMC Kirpi (Turkish for “Hedgehog”) is a Turkish made Mine-Resistant […]

  • Balkans


    Why did the Ottoman Turks call all European lands that they conquered as “Balkans”? The Ottoman “Rumi” Turks did no such thing. Although the word […]

  • Look yourselves in a mirror

    Look yourselves in a mirror

    Dear Westerner; Please stop teaching the world ethics, before that, look in the mirror and learn your history. And deal with your own history. Your […]

  • Is it a Genocide?

    Is it a Genocide?

    Here is the definition of genocide; Article II In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or […]

  • Greeks, Turks and Armenians

    Greeks, Turks and Armenians

    How do Greeks, Turks and Armenians feel about each other’s countries? I feel sad. Deeply sad. We could be a great! A united superpower, if […]

  • Season’s greetings from ITU

    Season’s greetings from ITU

    Season’s greetings from Istanbul Technical University Dear Colleagues, As we are approaching a new year, we are in great excitement. I am proud to announce […]