Category: News

  • Ban Ki-moon voices concern over Turkish air attacks against Iraq

    Ban Ki-moon voices concern over Turkish air attacks against Iraq

    United Nations

    17 December 2007 – Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has expressed concern over yesterdays ^Turkish air strikes into northern Iraq and reports of possible civilian casualties, as well as continued attacks by the armed group^ PKK.

    In response to a question about the air attacks, United Nations spokesperson Marie Okabe told reporters that the Secretary-General is concerned that ^Turkey has launched air strikes into northern Iraq yesterday, and that there have been reports of possible civilian casualties, while also noting that thus far, there is no independent confirmation of developments on the ground.

    At the same time she said that Mr. Ban was concerned at the continued intrusion of^ PKK elements carrying out terrorist attacks in ^Turkey from northern Iraq. He appeals to the Governments of Iraq and Turkey to work together to prevent these kinds of attacks from continuing, she added.

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  • Next Coke CEO is a son of privilege

    Next Coke CEO is a son of privilege

    The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
    Published on: 06/22/08

    Next Coke CEO is a son of privilege with a feel for average consumers.

    Muhtar Kent will take the reins of Coke on July 1

    ISTANBUL — He is a son of privilege, educated at elite private schools in Turkey and universities in England. He is named after his great uncle, Turkey’s first ambassador to Washington. His father was also an ambassador who never appeared in public without a necktie, carried a walking stick and collected Greek antiquities. Read the full story…

  • Amazing technology from Japan . . .

    Amazing technology from Japan . . .

    Look closely and guess what they could be…


    Are they pens with cameras?


    Any wild guesses? No clue yet?


    Ladies and gentlemen… congratulations!
    You’ve just looked into the future… yep that’s right!

    You’ve just seen something that will replace your PC in the near future.

    Here is how it works:


    In the revolution of miniature computers, scientists have made great developments with bluetooth technology…

    This is the forthcoming computers you can carry within your pockets .

    This “pen sort of instrument” produces both the monitor as well as the keyboard on any flat surfaces from where you can carry out functions you would normally do on your desktop computer.


    Can anyone say, “Good-bye laptops!”

    Looks like our computers are out of date… again!!!

  • Noam Chomsky / West Point Akademisi konusmasi (1 saat)

    Noam Chomsky / West Point Akademisi konusmasi (1 saat)

    Diger bir gruptan alintidir. Izlenmesini elzem gordugum icin paylasmak istedim.

    Kureselcilik tanimi ile suslendirilmis emperyal somuru duzenini, 14. YYdan bu yana surduren control freakler, gunumuzdeki feodal yapilanmalarini devam ettirebilmek icin toplumlari kucuk parcalara bolerek birbirlerine dusurmekte ve bu kargasa arasinda somuru, “baris ve kardeslik” adina gucunu arttirmakta, hegemonyasini devam ettirmekte. Milli degerlerine sahip cikanlari, somuruye bas kaldiranlari da milliyetci olmak ile suclamaktadirlar. Ozbenligini yitirmis, milliyetsizligi tercih eden kuresel enternasyonalistlerce, milliyetciligin neden tehlike olarak goruldugunu idrak etmek guc olmasa gerek.

    Rasyonal dusunebilmekten korkmayanlarin izlemesi dilegi ile…
    Gusan Yedic


    “srirama1113” <eds1113@… wrote:

     Chomsky’nin Turkiye ve Turk Devletinin Kurtleri nasıl inim inim inlettigi konusundaki yazılarını/soylemlerini de yayınlasak biraz
     daha objektif oluruz sanirim.
     Bu arada radikal liberal nasil olunuyor? Bu bir retorikal oxymoron mu yoksa ben mi cahil kaldım konuya?
     Sevgili Chomsky’cigim Turklerin Ermenilere soykirimi yaptigini da her yerlerde soyler, eklemeden edemedim…Hatta Pilosinin bu konuda buyuk destekcilerindendir…

    From: OYA BAIN

    Sevgili Dilek, cok haklisiniz. PKK’nin ve Ermeni militanlarin buyuk dostudur bu adam


    Sevgili Oya Hanimcim,

    Chomsky’nin PKK destegi, marksist tabani nedeniyledir. Hani bizim 68 kusaginin Zimbabveciligi gibi bir yaklasimdir yani…

    Bahsi gecen kusagin, Fransiz ihtilalinin Jack De Moley’in intikami alan farmasonlarin, katolik kiliseye ve aristokrasiye karsi zaferi.. Bolsevik ihtilalinin de Ortodoks kiliseye ve aristokrasiye karsi siyonist Rus subaylarinin gerceklestirmis oldugu bir ihtilal oldugunu kabul edememesinden dogan bir rahatsizligidir. Chomsky’nin Ermeni konusundaki destegi de, hemen hemen ayni nedenlere dayanir. 1915 olaylarini Ermeni devrimi olarak kabul ederken, basta Ing. ve ABD olmak uzere emperyal guclerin Rusya ile Osmanli topraklarini bolusmede Ermeniler’i arac gibi kullanmis olduklarini kabul edemez. Dune kadar bizim salon sosyalistlerimiz de Ermeni konusunda agizlarini acmazlardi, unuttunuz mu?.. Hele halklarin kardesliginden bahseden dunku burjuva kesimi ise bugun ayri bir makara… 

    Chomsky yasindaki kisilerin kendi tabularini yikmalarinin cok zor oldugunu siz bilirsiniz. Bu yuzden, Chomsky’i tabu olarak degil, dogrulari ve saplantilari ile kabul etmek zorundayizdir. Agzindan her cikani kabul etmek sarti diye bir sart da yoktur. Ancak tribunlerin fanatik taraftarlari bu tur saplantilardan kurtulamazlar. Bir de taraftarligindan dolayi cikar edinenler. Bunlari da sizin bilmeniz lazim…

    Sizin Chomsky karsiti olmaniz ise, PKK ve Ermeni baglantili olmaktan ziyade, anti emperyalist (gunumuz entel agzi ile kureselci) olmasindan kaynaklanmaktadir. Arti olarak da, Israil’in Filistin konusundaki tutumunu elestirmesinden kaynaklanmaktadir. Uluslar arasi bankacilari ve cok uluslu sirketleri desifre etmesi, parlak ambalaji ve fiyonklu kurdelesi icinde paketlenmis kuresellesmenin, aslinda, 14. YYin feodal yapilanmasina donusun, gunumuz versiyonu olusunu ispatlamasindan sevmezsiniz sizler Chomsky’i…

    Diger taraftan, Turkiye’nin PKK ve Ermeni konusundan daha buyuk korkulu ruyasi olan KK (Kukla Kurdistan) konusunun mimarlari Daniel Pipes, Douglas Feith ve Steve Perle (nam-i diger Karanliklar Prensi) gibi neoconlarin arz etmis oldugu tehlikeden daha buyuk bir tehlike degildir Chomsky, Turkiye icin. Bu bahsi gecen kisileri ise cok yakinen tanirsiniz. Amaclarini da bilirsiniz. Keza senelerce Turkiye’yi bu adamlarin kurmus oldugu Livingston’a baglayanlari da yakinen tanirsiniz. Chomsky’nin Turkiye’ye kac kurus zarari oldugunu soyleyemezsiniz ama Livingston’un en son gerceklestirmis oldugu Tayyip Erdogan, George Bush gorusmesi icin harcanan 61 milyon dolarin kimlerin cebinden ciktigini, nedense konu etmezsiniz.

    Kisacasi, sizin Chomsky karsitliginizin PKK ve Ermeni konusu endeksli olmaktan ziyade, Chomsky’nin anti emperyalist yapisindan ve Israil’e yonelik elestirilerinden kaynaklandigini saniyorum. Sanilarimda yanilmadigimi da siz cok iyi bilirsiniz.

    Eger yok illa bana ne, bana ne iste Chomsky Ermeni yanlisi diye tutturacaksaniz, Orham Pamuk’u kac kere onursal konuk olarak agirladiginizi bizlere aktarmak icin hafizalarinizi yoklayin derim. PKK’nin hazirladigi filimlerin maddi sponsorlari hakkinda ne dusunuyorsunuz diye sormaya ise gerek gormuyorum. Cunku cevabi biliyorum…

    Dilek Hanim,

    Radikal Liberal tanimlamasi bana aittir. Amiyane bir tabirle, toplumsal cikarlari savunmak adina dik durus gosteremeyen omurgasizlar demek istemedigim icin o tanimlamayi kullanirim. Hani su, Ata’nin Yurtta Sulh Cihanda Sulh lafini agizlarina pelesenk edip de, silah ticaretinden edinecekleri komisyon ugruna helva da halva da diyebilen kisiler icin kullanirim. Tarikatciliga karsi olup da, siyon tarikatina bagli masonik kuruluslara girmek icin derby maclarinda siranin basinda olabilmek icin geceden stadyum onunde yatan tipler gibi, localardan onay bekleyenler de bu kategoriye girer, benim lugatimda…

    Gusan Yedic

  • The world’s leading funds series comes to Turkey

    The world’s leading funds series comes to Turkey

    The world’s leading funds series comes to Turkey – Access one of the fastest growing economies in the world

    Funds World Turkey 2008 – your gateway to the Turkish funds management industry! This is the perfect meeting place that will address the key strategic issues for Turkish institutional investors and highlight the opportunities for international funds to access this market.

    • Exclusive insights from major global and local institutional investors
    • Learn and network with the region’s largest fund managers
    • Optimise investment returns – how you can profit from the economic boom in Turkey?

    Book before 4 August and save US$639!

    Dünyanın lider fon serisi Türkiye’ye geliyor

    Funds World Türkiye 2008 – Türk Fon Yönetimi Sektörüne Açılan Kapı! Funds World Türkiye 2008, Türkiye’deki kurumsal yatırımcılara önemli stratejik konularda hitap ediyor ve uluslararası fonların Türk pazarına girebilme fırsatlarını vurgulayan mükemmel bir toplantı ortamı sunuyor.

    • Türk piyasalarına girmiş global ve yerel büyük kurumsal yatırımcıların izlenimlerini paylaşma fırsatı
    • Bölgenin en büyük fon yönetimi şirketlerini tanıma ve finans sektörünü  ileriye taşıma süreçlerinde bu şirketlerle iletişim kurma imkanı
    • Hızla gelişmekte olan Türkiye ekonomisinden faydalanma yollarını keşfederek yatırım getirilerini optimize edebilme fırsatı

    The Conference

    Over the course of 4 content packed days, Funds World Turkey 2008 will bring together institutional investors, pension funds, hedge funds, mutual funds, private equity funds, real estate funds and other market participants to explore how Turkey will realise its potential as a significant capital markets player in the region.

    With an unprecedented speaker faculty including H.E. Kemal Unakitan, Turkish Minister of Finance; H.E. Mehmet Simsek, Turkish Minister for Economic Affairs and Turan Erol, Chairman of the Capital Markets Board of Turkey, with 50+ confirmed speakers, no other event can as comprehensively evaluate the opportunities in the burgeoning Turkish funds management market.

    Get your questions answered by experts

    » Download conference brochure

    Funds World Türkiye 2008, bölgede önemli bir sermaye piyasaları oyuncusu olan Türkiye’nin potansiyelini nasıl gerçekleştireceğini keşfetmek üzere, kurumsal yatırımcıları, emeklilik fonlarını, hedge fonlarını, menkul kıymet yatırım fonlarını, özel sermaye fonlarını, gayrimenkul yatırım fonlarını ve finans piyasasındaki diğer katılımcıları, yoğun içerikli 4 gün boyunca bir araya getirecek.

    Maliye Bakanı Sayın Kemal Unakıtan, Devlet Bakanı Sayın Mehmet Şimşek ve Sermaye Piyasası Kurulu Başkanı Sayın Turan Erol’un da aralarında bulunduğu 50’nin üzerindeki eşsiz konuşmacı kadrosu ile Funds World Türkiye 2008, hızla gelişmekte olan Türk fon yönetim sektöründeki fırsatları en kapsamlı şekilde değerlendirecek bir konferans olacak.

    Interactive panel discussions

    » Download conference brochure

    5 Reasons why you need to attend:

    1.       Listen to H.E. Mehmet Simsek, the Turkish State Minister of Economic Affairs, as he delivers the opening keynote address on “Moving forward to support Turkey’s financial integration into broader regional and global economy.”
    2.       Hear a special keynote address from H.E. Kemal Unakitan, Turkish State Minister of Finance, as he reports on the overall financial stability of Turkey.
    3.       Capitalise on the country’s soaring equity market as Huseyin Erkan, Chairman and CEO of Istanbul Stock Exchange, delivers a keynote address which examines Turkey’s equity market over the last 10 years.
    4.       Find out from Turan Erol, Chairman, Capital Markets Board of Turkey, important updates on the regulatory issues within the Turkish funds industry.
    5.       Learn about the strategy employed by a major international pension fund highlighted by Jonathan Hausman, Portfolio Manager of Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan.

    Bu konferansa katılarak;

    1.       Ekonomi’den sorumlu Devlet Bakanı Sayın Mehmet Şimşek’in “Türkiye’nin daha geniş bir bölgesel ve küresel ekonomiye finansal entegrasyonunu desteklemek için yol haritası” konulu açılış konuşmasını dinleyebilme,
    2.       Maliye Bakanı Sayın Kemal Unakıtan’ın Türkiye’nin finansal istikrarı konusu ile ilgili aktaracağı düşüncelerini öğrenebilme,
    3.       İstanbul Menkul Kıymetler Borsası Başkanı Sayın Hüseyin Erkan’ın “Son 10 Yılda Türkiye Hisse Senedi Piyasasına Bakış” konulu konuşmasını dinlerken Türkiye’nin gelişmekte olan hisse senedi piyasası hakkında detaylı bilgi edinebilme,
    4.       Türkiye Sermaye Piyasası Kurulu Başkanı Sayın Turan Erol’dan Türkiye Yatırım Fonları Piyasasındaki en önemli güncel düzenlemeleri öğrenebilme ve
    5.       Ontario Öğretmen Emeklilik Planı Portföy Yöneticisi Jonathan Hausman’dan büyük bir uluslararası emeklilik fonunun Türkiye’deki yatırım stratejilerini dinleyebilme fırsatlarına sahip olabilirsiniz.

  • The Kosovo Syndrome

    The Kosovo Syndrome

    The Kosovo Syndrome and the Search for a Settlement in Cyprus
    by Sema Sezer

    From the early 1990’s to today, we have seen the formation of 9 new independent states in the south and east of Europe emerge from the break up of Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia alone. On 1 January 1993, Czechoslovakia was divided into the “Czech Republic” and “Slovakia” through what was termed as a “velvet separation” as a result of a joint decision taken by the Czech and Slovakian Parliaments. On 1 May 2004, the two new states joined the European Union (EU). Disintegration in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia started in 1992 with the separation of four states – Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Macedonia. Finally, a total of seven independent states were born out of the former Yugoslavia with the separations of Montenegro from Serbia following a referendum on 21 May 2006, and then Kosovo, which was an autonomous region, after it declared its independence on 17 February 2008 from Serbia. Slovenia joined the EU with the 1 May 2004 enlargement process, while Croatia is in continued EU accession talks since October 2005, and Macedonia declared as a candidate country in December 2005. The winds of dissolution/separation were not limited to the east and south of Europe. In past years, debates on the issue of separation have arisen even in Belgium, despite its capital, Brussels, being central to the EU and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). Debates have increasingly intensified as to whether the separation of Montenegro in 2006 and Kosovo’s declaration of independence from Serbia could constitute an example for problematic regions in other parts of the world. Cyprus became the main focal point of these debates in Turkey.

    The reasons for mentioning the above events is to point out that every new-born state has been recognised by the international community, especially the EU states, and have taken their place in the international system within a short period of time despite the methods, and political and legal aspects of separation and independence processes all being different as in the examples of Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia.

    Kosovo and Cyprus: Differences and Similarities

    Essentially, the Kosovo and Cyprus cases are both politically and legally different. However, some parallels can be drawn on the grounds of human rights violations, which were experienced by Kosovar Albanians and which are still being experienced by Turkish Cypriots today, behavioural similarities between Serbians and Greek Cypriots and military interventions in both regions . Comparisons between these two nations can even be made based on both having lived under Ottoman rule for centuries. For instance, the majority of the 7.5 million population of Serbia is Serb and Orthodox. In Kosovo, the population of 2 million consists of 95% Muslim, 90% being Albanian. In Cyprus, approximately 260 thousand Turkish Cypriots live in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), whereas 750 thousand Greek Cypriots live in the Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus (GASC). The majority of Albanians and Turkish Cypriots are Muslim, whereas Serbs and Greek Cypriots are Orthodox Christian. A dominating sense of distrust between both the Serb and Albanian people in Serbia and Kosovo and the Turkish and Greek Cypriot population in Cyprus has led to a loss of will to live together.

    The de facto situation in both Kosovo and Cyprus started with the destruction of the existing constitutional system by the Serb and Greek Cypriot majority respectively. In this process, both Albanians and Turkish Cypriots experienced ethnic cleansing, human rights violations and forceful migration. The Serb and Greek Cypriot attacks only stopped following military interventions. The United Nations peace force that was sent to the island in 1964 failed to make any significant impact in preventing Greek Cypriot attacks from 1963-1974. The bloodshed on the island eventually stopped through Turkey’s military intervention in 1974 by using its rights from the 1960 Guarantee Agreement. The existence of a Turkish military presence on the island is the biggest guarantee preventing a return to 1974. The military intervention in Kosovo came in 1999 from the Kosovo Force (KFOR), or in other words NATO forces.

    Human rights violations and massacres orchestrated by the now deceased Serb leader Milosevic in Serbia and Papadopoulos in Cyprus, who was later to become the President of GASC during 2003-2008, presents another great similarity. The only difference being, while Milosevic was tried in front of the international community, Papadopoulos, who is known as the architect behind the ‘Akritas Plan’, the plan for the annihilation of Turkish Cypriots, was rewarded with Presidency. Furthermore, the disclosure of documents showing Papadopoulos as the person who was conducting money laundering for Milosevic in the GASC also shows another similarity between them.

    In the south of Cyprus, the United Kingdom has two military bases (Akrotiri and Dhekelia), which were retained in accordance with the international agreements of 1960 and were not registered as EU territory; it is also used by the United States. In Kosovo, the US has the biggest military base in the Balkans and Europe – “Camp Bondsteel”.

    After the military interventions of NATO in Kosovo and the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) in Cyprus, Serbs and Greek Cypriots lost control of territories where Albanians and Cypriot Turks lived. However, according to the UN Security Council’s (UNSC) decisions, Kosovo continued to be considered as “Serbian territory” (Resolution 1244, 1999), and the Greek Cypriot Administration as the “Legitimate Government of the Republic of Cyprus” (Resolution 186, 1964).
    Kosovo-Cyprus Precedent Debates and Double Standards of the International Community.

    The different approaches taken by the international community to the Kosovo and Cyprus issues demonstrates the double standards applied from the beginning. The different approaches to the issues demonstrated by the proposed resolutions, the UN’s “Annan Plan” for Cyprus and the “Ahtisaari Plan” for Kosovo, are total opposites. While one of them encourages the “reunification” of the island, the other encourages “separation” of Kosovo from Serbia. This attitude still applies after the independence of Kosovo. Another example was when, within a short period following the declaration of independence by the TRNC, the UNSC decided to define this declaration as “null and void”, taking a decision that “calls for non-recognition” (15 November 1983/541, 13 May 1984/550). However, the same UNSC did not take any such decision against Kosovo’s declaration of independence.

    The USA, the EU and NATO countries reached a consensus, with a few exceptions, on the recognition of the Republic of Kosovo, which declared its independence on 17 February 2008. While the USA was among the first states that recognised Kosovo, the EU declared that it has officially noted Kosovo’s independence on 18 February and left the decision of recognition to individual member states. Greece, GASC, Romania, Spain and Slovakia declared that they would not recognise the declaration of independence . The point of departure for these decisions is that independence can set a precedent for minorities in Romania, Slovakia and the Basque and Catalonia regions of Spain. The main concern of Greece and GASC is that this situation can pave the way for the recognition of TRNC’s independence. Moreover, Greece is concerned about Albanians and Macedonians. However, what almost all the states agree upon is that regardless of recognition, “Kosovo is not a precedent for Cyprus”.

    The most striking comment in the precedent debate came from the former President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, towards the end of his 8-year term, making an accusative statement of “the EU for its double standards in Kosovo and Cyprus” on 15 February 2008. Putin’s statement of “Northern Cyprus has been independent for 40 years. Why don’t you recognise it? Europeans aren’t you ashamed of your double standards?” is actually not in support nor an expression of the necessity for the recognition of TRNC’s independence. However, criticism of the double standards displayed by EU members echoed in many circles . Moreover, the statement is significant since this is the first time that the President of a permanent member of the UNSC has mentioned it. Essentially, expecting a change in policy towards Kosovo and Cyprus from Russia, which is known for its established support of Serbian and GASC policies, would not be realistic. Especially when one considers the role played by Russia in the crisis, which gave rise to a potential armed conflict, by selling an S-300 long-range SAM system to GASC and prevented a discussion of the UN Secretary-General’s Cyprus Report following the referendum of 24 April 2004 at the UNSC.

    Consequently, what was the main aim of Putin’s statement? The following part of the statement has the answer. While Putin stated that they support a unified state in Cyprus and that the recognition of Kosovo is immoral and illegal, he also declared that Kosovo is not different from Abkhazia and South Ossetia, whereby they were forced to change their policies in these regions. Consequently, Putin might be signalling to Europe via the case of the TRNC that four frozen conflict zones can be separated – Abkhazia and South Ossetia from Georgia, Trans-Dniester from Moldova, Nagorno-Karabakh from Azerbaijan – and that their declaration of independence can be recognised. However, while evaluating Putin’s statement, the possibility of Kosovo setting a precedent for the federal republics and provinces in the Russian Federation like Chechnya, Tatarstan, Sakha (Yakutia) and Kaliningrad should not be overlooked.
    At first glance, Kosovo cannot be taken as a precedent for the TRNC neither in terms of its declaration of independence nor the model applied following the declaration of independence. This is because the TRNC already declared its independence on 15 November 1983, 25 years before Kosovo. Although the TRNC is not recognised, except by Turkey, it has all the necessary institutions for a functioning state, and has a more improved sense of democracy than most Western states. Moreover, although many states recognised Kosovo, is it truly independent? Are we going to experience a new model for independence, independent from Serbia but dependent on the international community?

    Consequently, the issue of Kosovo being a precedent for others can only be examined to criticise the international community’s attitude based on the existence of contradictory policies. Because, as mentioned by Putin, the international community is constantly making efforts to unite Cyprus, which has been divided for 40 years, but supported the separation of 7 states from Yugoslavia, Kosovo being the latest example.
    Turkey’s guarantor status and the presence of TAF on the island seem to be the main influence behind the different international approaches to Kosovo and Cyprus. But when you examine this closely, the absence of a system like the Guarantee and Alliance Agreement of Cyprus and the continuation of KFOR for the security of Kosovo, allows the EU, UN and NATO to maintain greater influence over Kosovo. But in reality, according to article 3 of the 1960 Guarantee Agreement, in the case of a breach of any article of the Agreement, the guarantor countries, multilaterally, unilaterally or in cooperation, have the right to re-establish the state of affairs described by the Agreement. Turkey, whose Armed Forces are the second largest army in NATO as well as the most powerful and operationally capable in the region, intervened on the island based on its right to do so on 20 July 1974. In addition to this, provisional article 10 of the TRNC constitution grants its national defence and security to TAF. All of these factors not only provide a military deterrent but also a political one.

    Reflections of Kosovo’s Independence to the Cyprus Issue

    On 17 February 2008, while the first round of Presidency elections were held in GASC, Kosovo became the 49th state of Europe by declaring its independence. Kosovo’s independence has two effects on the Cyprus issue: the first and foremost being the rising discourse directed against Papadopoulos, initiated by the international community and his election rivals claiming that under his Presidency “the island will remain divided”. The EU and US kept this discourse on the agenda based on the idea that Papadopoulos’s rigid policies were restricting any area for movement and created an expectation that if Papadopoulos lost, then “a new period for resolution will start”. Putin’s accusing statement toward European states of “double standards regarding Kosovo and Cyprus” and Kosovo’s declaration of independence on the same day of the first round of elections reinforced Greek Cypriot voters’ fear of the international recognition of the TRNC and negatively affected votes for Papadopoulos. From this perspective, the international community had reached its aim after the first round of elections and was indifferent towards the remaining two candidates, Kasoulides and Christofias, in the second round. Both candidates based their campaign on “supporting a solution and negotiation with Turkish Cypriots”. Consequently, the uncompromising Greek Cypriot attitude in the referendum of 24 April 2004 was blamed on the losing party rather than the Greek Cypriot people. The electoral victory of Communist AKEL leader Christofias in the second round on 24 February enabled the restoration of GASC’s image in the international community as the side “who wants a solution”. Therefore, it was Papadopoulos himself that failed in the elections, not his policies.

    The second effect is that rather than push for the international recognition of the TRNC, as was the case with Kosovo, efforts at unification for the island were intensified by the international community. In other words, Kosovo’s independence created an opposite effect in Cyprus. Following the Christofias – Talat meeting on 21 March 2008, study groups and technical committees were established for a three month period in preparation for comprehensive negotiations. The reports, which will be presented to the respective Presidents at the end of June, will determine the initiation of comprehensive negotiations.

    When analysing the current political situation in Southern Cyprus, AKEL’s policies and the influence of the Greek Cypriot Orthodox Church, it appears very doubtful that the Christofias administration have enough will for a solution with possible negotiations. The most significant reason for this is that the Greek Cypriot National Council, which is composed of all the Greek Cypriot political party leaders, decides policies on the Cyprus issue. The signing of all Council decisions by the leader of AKEL, i.e. Christofias, during Papadopoulos’s presidency can be taken as a sign that the Greek Cypriot policy of 2003-2008 will continue. During Papadopoulos’ presidency an agreement had been reached where part of these negotiations were to continue with a coalition government model with policies towards the Cyprus issue and to never put the Annan Plan on the agenda. In fact, we can now see that after his election, Christofias seems to be sticking to this agreement.

    Christofias talks about a two region – two nation federal solution. However, he employs a “unitary” state discourse with statements calling for “one state, one sovereignty and one citizenship”. He proposes the annulment of the 1960 Guarantee Agreement, withdrawal of Turkish soldiers from the island, the return of Turkish migrants to Turkey and Greek Cypriots to their estates in northern Cyprus as preliminary conditions. Like Papadopoulos, AKEL defends the use of Turkey’s EU accession process in the Cyprus issue. All of the above show that when Christofias and Papadopoulos are compared, the expected change is not evident and only that the “terminology” and “methodology” has changed rather than the core principles. Moreover, by using the phrase “Cypriot Solution”, and stating that the solution can only be found by the Turkish and Greek Cypriots we can see that he is trying to move away from the UN framework and push out the guarantor states from the process.

    However, the election of a Greek Cypriot candidate, who favours a solution, be it sincere or not, means an increase of pressure on the Turkish side. With a “Now” solution prone administration in office in the GASC, there will be increased demands for some facilitative action from Turkey. These demands will focus upon Cyprus’s obligations in accession talks, Turkey’s guarantor status and TAF’s presence on the island. Actually, Greek Cypriot and Greek officials state that “there is no need for the 1960 Guarantor Agreement, the guarantee of the EU will be sufficient.” They do not pay attention to the fact that the agreement, which was signed by Turkey, Greece and the United Kingdom, cannot be annulled without the mutual agreement of all signatory states. Naturally, nobody asks how the EU can provide a guarantee for Turkish Cypriots, while Greece and GASC are members of the EU and Turkey is not.
    The goal of the Greek Cypriots is possibly to gain time by employing diversionary tactics rather than reaching a solution. In December 2006, the EU suspended accession talks in eight chapters with Turkey, deciding to monitor Turkey’s Cyprus obligations until 2009. If Turkey does not meet these demands, a crisis may arise between the EU and Turkey toward the end of 2009. If Turkey meets the demands for the “normalisation of relations with the Republic of Cyprus, opening of ports and airports and application of supplementary protocol” without reaching a lasting-comprehensive settlement in Cyprus, this would mean “the end of the Cyprus issue” for the Greek Cypriot side. It is possible that the Greek Cypriot Administration is trying to buy time with diversion tactics until the Kosovo issue dies down from the international agenda. This is because, suitable conditions for the TRNC to demand recognition have arisen following Kosovo’s declaration of independence on 17 February 2008, just as it had after the 24 April Referendum. However, the international community, which promised the “removal of isolations” after the referendum, is trying to prevent the rising voices of Turkish demands with statements of “finding a solution in Cyprus” while at the same time recognising Kosovo’s independence.


    Even if comprehensive negotiations are initiated on the island, reaching a settlement seems unlikely because both sides have a different understanding of a “settlement” and “expectations” from the process. Despite administrations and leaders from different political spectrums coming to office throughout the years on both sides, a settlement could not be reached. Although former President Denktas has been accused of being uncompromising, no settlement has been reached during Talat’s presidency either. If GASC continues with the same attitude, the infertility of this process will be realised. Consequently, this new initiative on the island, which started after Kosovo’s declaration of independence and the presidential elections in GASC, would be the “last initiative” for the resolution of the Cyprus issue. However, the EU membership of GASC, the proposed Cyprus obligations in the Turkey-EU accession talks and the isolation of the TRNC will decrease the possibility of GASC accepting a solution under the auspices of the UN.
    For now, the significant issues are, what would be the parameters of a possible solution in Cyprus and in case of the failure of efforts for a resolution, what kind of alternatives can arise for the TRNC in light of Kosovo setting a precedent? Since “independence” was never mentioned in the Ahtisaari Report, the independence model for Kosovo means being independent from Serbia but dependent on the international community. In fact, after Kosovo’s declaration of independence, the UN passed its control to the EU and the EU’s representative in Kosovo declared it will continue to work under the name of “International Civilian Representative”. To further demonstrate this point, approximately a total of 2000 police and judges from EU member states are operating in Kosovo. Regardless of how many states recognise Kosovo, its UN membership is impossible in the near future while GASC, Greece, Spain, Romania and Slovakia continue to oppose it; similarly Kosovo’s membership to the EU and NATO also cannot happen. Unfortunately, the story does not end there; Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence is expected to create new political and legal problems even if Kosovo is recognised by various states.

    Every regional conflict has its own specific conditions and these conditions should be considered for any settlement. Consequently, in the case where the Greek Cypriot side takes preventative actions against a resolution, instead of a “contrivable unification”, other alternatives may arise. The most rational way for a lasting solution on the island is the initiation of the negotiation process to reach an understanding for the “agreed separation” of the “TRNC” and the “GASC” in line with the de facto status created by the events of 1963. The initiation of such a process, which will test the international community’s sincerity, will have a positive impact on peace and security in the Eastern Mediterranean, in addition to preparing a proper basis for the settlement of Turko-Greek disputes. The preliminary condition is that the international community should face both politically and legally the reality of the state that they recognised in Cyprus, GASC, is not the “1960 Republic of Cyprus”, which was crafted in the Agreements of 1959-1960.

    1 for a deeper anaylsis see, Sema Sezer “Kosova Sorunu ve Kıbrıs Meselesi Üzerine Bir Karşılaştırma”, Stratejik Analiz, No: 91,November2007,pp.40-48.
    2 “Kosova’yı Tanıyan Ülke Sayısı 23 Oldu”,26February2008,
    3 Putin: Europe has double standards against N. Cypres, 15 February 2008