Category: News

  • 1 person out of 11 goes hungry in N.J.

    1 person out of 11 goes hungry in N.J.



    U.S. figures include more than 764,000 here
    Thursday, November 20, 2008
    Star-Ledger Staff
    Even in one of the wealthiest states in America, one of every 11 New
    Jerseyans goes to bed without enough to eat, according to a report
    released yesterday by the Food Research and Action Center in
    Washington, D.C.

    Nationwide, the number of Americans struggling against hunger rose to
    36.2 million in 2007, up by more than 3 million since 2000, according
    to the center’s State of the States report on poverty and food
    insecurity issues. The number of people in the worst-off category —
    the hungriest — rose by 40 percent since 2000, to nearly 12 million

    “The nation’s economic crisis brings with it rising rates of hunger.
    However, we also have an excellent opportunity to resolutely address
    the hunger problem with a new president and a new Congress,” said Jim
    Weill, president of the FRAC, a national nonprofit policy

    The report, based on United States Department of Agriculture figures,
    analyzed poverty, hunger and access to federal nutrition programs by
    state. Among its findings:

    * The 36.2 million hungry people in the U.S. include 23.8 million
    adults and 12.4 million children.

    * Black (22.2 percent) and Hispanic (20.1 percent) households
    experienced hunger at far higher rates than the national average.

    * The five states with the highest rates of hunger were Mississippi,
    New Mexico, Texas, Arkansas and Maine.

    New Jersey has one of the lowest poverty rates in the nation, and the
    hunger rate here is 8.8. percent, nearly half that of Mississippi.
    Yet even here, more than 764,000 people go hungry, and New Jersey has
    one of the lowest participation rates in both free school breakfast
    and food stamp programs of any state, the report said.

    The state ranked in the bottom 10 for food stamp participation, with
    less than 60 percent of those eligible actually receiving assistance.
    It ranked in the bottom six with a 65 percent participation rate for
    free and reduced-price school breakfasts.

    Discouraging as the figures are, they were based on 2007 federal
    statistics. Hunger experts in New Jersey, and across the country,
    predict that 2008 will be even more dismal.

    “Emergency pantries are reporting a 30 percent increase in the
    numbers of people seeking food assistance (this year), compared with
    2007 numbers,” said Meara Nigro at Community FoodBank in Hillside,
    the state’s largest food bank. “Clearly the level of hunger resulting
    from this economic crisis is bigger than charities alone can handle.”

  • Azerbaijan to join 1st Conference of Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic-speaking countries

    Azerbaijan to join 1st Conference of Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic-speaking countries

    Baku. Elnur Mammadli–APA. Delegation of Azerbaijani Parliament will leave for Turkey on Thursday to participate at the 1st Conference of the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic-speaking countries. The Azerbaijani delegation will be headed by Speaker Ogtay Asadov, Spokesman for the Parliament Akif Nasirov told journalists, APA reports. The conference will take place on November 20-22. Delegations of Azerbaijani, Turkish, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan parliaments will sign agreement to found Parliamentary Assembly of the Turkic-speaking countries.

  • 8000 years in 48 hours..1 mad weekend in Istanbul

    8000 years in 48 hours..1 mad weekend in Istanbul

    “Welcome, my friends, welcome to Istanbul!”

    These were the first words that I heard as I lugged my overstuffed holdall through Sabiha Gokcen airport (taking full advantage of Easy Jet´s “no weight limit on hand luggage” policy) and was loaded into the waiting minibus that would take us to Istanbul. The third largest city in the world, Istanbul is spread over two continents and as we clung onto our safety belt free seats we gazed out on a thoroughly modern looking Asia (the airport itself is named after the first female combat pilot in the world, and Turkeys first female aviator – a sure sign of a nation looking firmly forward).

    Crossing the massive expansion bridge that links Asia to Europe across the mighty Bosphorous River we watched in awe as the streets became smaller and more maze like, the crowds denser and the buildings that clung precariously to the sloping cobbled roads older and more colourful.

    American Chronicle | 8000 years in 48 hours..1 mad weekend in Istanbul.

  • Turkey’s diplomatic offensive: no time for second thoughts

    Turkey’s diplomatic offensive: no time for second thoughts

    By The Daily Star

    Iran’s expression of open-mindedness to Turkish mediation between itself and the United States is the latest evidence of Ankara’s increasing indispensability, at least for those who prefer negotiated solutions over imposed remedies for the Middle East’s many quandaries. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been especially active in recent months, parlaying improvements in Turkey’s relations with Syria to broker contacts between that country and Israel, for instance, and working behind the scenes to help defuse tensions in Lebanon this past May. These endeavors have been acutely helpful given the poor state of ties between the West and Syria, which until the past few years had positioned itself a bridge between Iran and France. With Damascus only now emerging from isolation imposed since 2005, Turkey’s role has been essential, and Erdogan has not limited it to the Middle East: He has also sought to make Turkey a fulcrum for the development of cooperation in the Caucasus.

    The strategy is not without risks: Every project Ankara adopts stretches its diplomatic resources and creates expectations. The potential payoffs, however, are enormous: Apart from the general shared benefits to be derived from greater stability in its neighborhood, Turkey also stands to reap considerable revenues from pipelines crossing its territory from areas previously seen as untouchables because of their instability and/or poor relationships with other partners. This is not to mention all the goodwill that the Turks stand to generate by helping to end conflicts among its neighbors or between some of them and outside powers.

    Turkey’s conspicuous raising of its public profile means that its prestige is invested, and Erdogan has taken something of a personal gamble by doing what many hope US President-elect Barack Obama will do when he takes office in January: He has de-emphasized interactions with some of Turkey’s traditional partners and turned away from some of the policy priorities pursued by successive governments before his. His own reputation is therefore in play, and by extension that of his party – which has not been without determined enemies at home.

    Given all of the foregoing, this is no time for second thoughts. Turkey needs to undertake even more of the active diplomacy that Erdogan has overseen if it is to meet the expectations it has created at home and abroad. Overall, no country is better-equipped to serve as a moderator in a “dialogue of civilizations” that is more necessary than ever. And if Obama fulfills even part of his promise as an agent for change, Erdogan might even have an enthusiastic colleague in the White House.


  • Turkish-American relations under a new U.S. president

    Turkish-American relations under a new U.S. president

    Committed to Change, or Changing Commitments?

    by Soli Ozel*

    Those who rejoiced in the presidential victory of Barack Obama expect him to hold Turkey to higher standards on human rights, democracy, and rule of law.”

    ISTANBUL — Two weeks prior to the U.S. presidential election, the October survey of Metropoll found that nearly 39 percent of Turks wanted Barack Obama to be the next U.S. president and only 14.1 percent wanted John McCain. Of those surveyed, 45 percent were either not interested or thought it did not matter who was elected the next U.S. president.

    On the eve of election night, as talk shows on the U.S. elections proliferated across television channels in Turkey, it transpired that many members of the punditry had a high discomfort level with an Obama presidency. Particularly, former diplomatic corps representatives openly displayed their displeasure with such a choice in fear that such a move could jeopardize bilateral relations.

    As Amberin Zaman explained in “Turkey and the United States Under Barack Obama: Yes They Can,” indeed the only reason for such animosity was the president-elect’s open support for a genocide resolution. U.S. Senator and now Vice President-Elect Joe Biden’s record on Cyprus and the Armenian genocide resolution, as well as hisKurdophile views (his partiality for a highly autonomous if not independent Kurdistan in Iraq) was also duly noted.

    Such a degree of insularity or self-centeredness cannot be very healthy for a country that wishes to play and will be asked to play an important role in regional affairs during the Obama presidency. On the one hand, Turkey and Turks from all walks of life desire to be taken seriously, take pride in their country’s recent performance as a mediator in regional conflicts, and support a more activist foreign policy. On the other hand, there is very little tolerance for acts or policies on the part of Turkey’s allies and friends that may not entirely satisfy Turks’ expectations. This intolerance is particularly accentuated on the issue of the Armenian genocide resolution and the fight against the separatist Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) when it comes to the United States.

    Many Turks shared the world’s enthusiasm for the election results but this did not stop others from questioning either the authenticity of the president-elect’s image and views, or to doubt that he would make a difference. Some welcomed the change that the Obama administration promised to bring in both the domestic and foreign policies of the United States. They welcomed the possibility of a more cooperative approach to world politics on the part of the new U.S. administration. They also believed that the symbolism of the election for American democracy would help re-kindle the drive for democracy throughout the world that had been discredited under the Bush administration. In short, their logic was that a development that would be good for the world could not be bad for Turkey.

    Those who rejoiced in the presidential victory of Barack Obama expect him to hold Turkey to higher standards on human rights, democracy, and rule of law. Precisely for this same reason, others are uncomfortable and would have preferred a Republican administration that would just pay lip service to such issues and shape its relations with Turkey on the basis of strategic and security concerns. Such a U.S. administration would have little to say about the ongoing hardening of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) government’s policy vis-a-vis the Kurds, and its blatant disregard for freedom of expression and of the press. It would not raise the flag on rising police brutality and torture, and would not put undue pressure on the government to revitalize the moribund EU accession process.

    No matter which way the Obama administration goes, there is no doubt that a new page will be turned in Turkish-American relations. These relations went through a turbulent period under U.S. President George W. Bush and have only begun to recuperate following the November 5, 2007 meeting between President Bush and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. The U.S. president’s decision to provide the Turkish Armed Forces with actionable intelligence about the PKK went a long way in both improving the American image in the country and in re-establishing trust between institutions.

    I argued in an earlier analysis piece that both the government and the armed forces were ready and willing to improve relations. On the American side there is recognition that Turkey’s cooperation will be necessary for almost all the thorny issues that the new U.S. administration will tackle, from Iraq to Afghanistan to the Caucasus. The two sides have a clear common interest in coordinating efforts  for energy security and for stabilizing the Caucasus.

    With such a loaded agenda, the United States and Turkey will need to understand one another’s motives, concerns, and perspectives clearly. Redefining the common interests of Turkey and the United States—a task that was due immediately after the end of the Cold War but was not undertaken—is a necessary step. In the wake of the Iraq war and the many failures of the Bush administration in its policies toward the Middle East, Turkey cannot be expected to put America’s global interests over its own regional interests.

    Over the course of the past decade, Turkey’s policy toward the region has taken a new direction in reflecting political imagination for the region. Favoring diplomatic engagement, egalitarian relations, and regional initiatives, this latest political approach began to take shape at the end of the 1990s but found its full manifestation under the AKP government.

    Turkey’s much-appreciated mediation between Syria and Israel, the opening to Armenia, and the desire to play a constructive role between Iran and the United States all stem from this approach.
    Based on the president-elect’s preferences for diplomacy over confrontation, there should be plenty of room for the two allies to cooperate. Indeed, in Iraq when troop withdrawal begins, Turkey will be asked to be of assistance.

    In Afghanistan, if a negotiated truce is reached that will include the Taliban, Turkey’s historical ties with that country and with Pakistan for that matter might come in handy for the arduous process of nation-building that is the only guarantor of peace and stability in the long-run.

    However, it is also imperative that in this new period the mechanics of the relationship change as well. Rather than asking Turkey to cooperate with the United States on policies singularly decided upon in Washington, an effort should be made to devise policies in a more collaborative fashion. Turkey’s myriad connections in Russia and Iran ought to be taken into consideration before Ankara is asked to participate in policies that might harm its vital interests.

    Turkish officials and the public in general will look for American support for fair resolution of the Cyprus conflict and for more committed American assistance in fighting the PKK in northern Iraq. Begrudgingly but steadily, Turkey has taken steps to recognize the political reality of the Kurdistan regional government. The chances are high that relations between Ankara and Erbil, the Kurdish regional capital, will not have to go through Baghdad in the near future. However, there are two preconditions for such a development. The first is the isolation, weakening, and elimination of the PKK in northern Iraq. The second is the continuation of the special status of Kirkuk, keeping that city out of sole Kurdish control.

    Geopolitical realities seem to have once more elevated Turkey’s importance in American foreign policy decisions. In the past, Turkey’s strategic importance and America’s reliance on it had an inverse relation to the deepening of Turkish democracy. In other words, during the Cold War Turkey’s democratic deficits were not of much concern for Washington. Today, the stability of Turkey necessitates that the country maintain its democratic orientation and that all its political actors (the military, the judiciary, and all its political parties) commit themselves to this goal. One of the major tests of the Obama administration in its relations with Turkey may very well be whether it will treat Turkish democracy as a fundamental good or an expendable one.

    If Washington continues to rigorously support Turkey’s EU accession process and insists forcefully that Ankara show the same enthusiasm as it did between 2002 and 2004, it will have passed the test.


    Soli Ozel, Lecturer, Bilgi University; Columnist, Sabah Soli Ozel teaches at Istanbul Bilgi University’s Department of International Relations and Political Science. He is a columnist for the national daily Sabah and is senior advisor to the chairman of the Turkish Industrialists’ and Businessmen’s Association. Additionally, he is the editor of TUSIAD’s magazine Private View.

    The views expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF).

    About GMF The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) is a nonpartisan American public policy and grantmaking institution dedicated to promoting greater cooperation and understanding between North America and Europe. GMF does this by supporting individuals and institutions working on transatlantic issues, by convening leaders to discuss the most pressing transatlantic themes, and by examining ways in which transatlantic cooperation can address a variety of global policy challenges. In addition, GMF supports a number of initiatives to strengthen democracies. Founded in 1972 through a gift from Germany, on the 25th anniversary of the Marshall Plan, as a permanent memorial to Marshall Plan assistance, GMF maintains a strong presence on both sides of the Atlantic. In addition to its headquarters in Washington, DC, GMF has seven offices in Europe: Berlin, Bratislava, Paris, Brussels, Belgrade, Ankara, and Bucharest.

  • Germany’s Green Party Elects First Ethnic Turk as Leader

    Germany’s Green Party Elects First Ethnic Turk as Leader

    November 17, 2008

    BERLIN — The Green Party, one of Germany’s main political parties, has elected the son of Turkish immigrants to its top political post, the first time any party here has chosen a leader with an ethnic Turkish background.

    The election of Cem Ozdemir, 42, on Saturday represents a major turning point not only for the opposition Greens, but also for the country as a whole. He was born in southern Germany of parents who came from Turkey to work as gastarbeiter, or guest workers, during the 1960s.

    Even though more than 2.6 million Turks live in Germany, accounting for 3 percent of the population, few have managed to make it to the higher ranks of many professions, including politics and the civil service.

    But with a conservative party’s choice of Angela Merkel to run as chancellor in 2005 — a successful gambit — and now an ethnic Turk at the helm of an influential party, it appears that German society is slowly breaking with the past, when women were inconspicuous and immigrants’ voices were seldom heard.

    Mr. Ozdemir, a social scientist who went to college in Reutlingen in the state of Baden-Württemberg, was elected as a Greens legislator to the lower house of the Bundestag, the German Parliament, in 1994. It was the first time anyone with a Turkish background had won such a mandate. He moved to the European Parliament in 2004 after he was forced to give up his parliamentary seat for using his publicly paid airline miles for private use.

    With his comeback to domestic politics over the weekend, Mr. Ozdemir, who is married, has one child and speaks German with a slight southwestern accent, joins a handful of ethnic Turks in the Greens, the Social Democrats and the new populist Left Party who want to make the parties more representative of the ethnic composition of the German population.

    “I want a society where everyone has an equal chance, regardless of where they come from,” Mr. Ozdemir said in his acceptance speech at the Greens’ congress in the central city of Erfurt. He won 79.2 percent of the votes and joined Claudia Roth as the co-leader of the Greens.

    It is estimated that 660,000 Turks have taken up German citizenship since 1972, giving them a significant voice. According to the main political parties, more than half a million Turks were eligible to vote in the 2005 election; 75 percent voted for the Social Democrats, 9.2 percent for the Greens and less than 5 percent for the Christian Democrats.

    With new leaders in place, the Green Party is now turning its attention to federal elections next September. Some analysts are asking whether the Greens, along with the pro-business Free Democrats, might win enough votes to become junior partners for Mrs. Merkel’s conservative bloc.

    Such an idea was treated with ridicule until recently. But in February, the Christian Democrats chose to share power with the Greens in Hamburg. So far, the coalition, the first of its kind on the state level, has been working effectively, serving as a litmus test for other states.

    Traditionally, the Greens have been allies of the Social Democrats. The party was the junior partner in the coalition led by ChancellorGerhard Schröder, a Social Democrat, from 1998 to 2005.

    That coalition was defeated by Mrs. Merkel’s conservative bloc, which was forced to band together with the Social Democrats because neither of the big parties was strong enough to establish a coalition with its preferred smaller partners.