Category: Business

  • Fears of new ‘Great Depression’

    Fears of new ‘Great Depression’

    Leading City experts have started raising the prospect of “Great Depression II” amid worries that the European economic crisis could trigger a deeper bout of chaos.

    Leading City experts have started raising the prospect of “Great Depression II” amid worries that the European economic crisis could trigger a deeper bout of chaos.

    Markets on both sides of the Atlantic dipped to fresh lows as fears surrounding the fate of the euro project transmuted into worries about the wider global economic system.

    Bill Gross of bond fund Pimco said that hedge funds were starting to liquidate their positions in a bid to preserve their capital a worrying “mini relapse” towards 2008 territory.

    Andrew Roberts, head of European rates strategy at RBS (LSE:RBS.L – news) , said “Great Depression II” could now be approaching, adding: “It now has potential to speed toward its conclusion; a European $1trn package which does little and political panic tells you we are about to reach the end of the road. The world should be discussing deflation, not inflation.”

    The FTSE 100 flirted briefly with the 5,000 point mark, eventually finishing the day down 84.95, or 1.7pc, at 5073.13, while the French CAC 40 index was 2.3pc lower and Germany’s Dax (Xetra: news) dropped 2pc. The S&P 500 and the Dow Jones (news) index both suffered their sharpest one-day falls in more than a year. The S&P fell 3.9pc to 1071.59, while the Dow closed 3.6pc lower at 10,068.01.

    The falls in share prices coincided with increases in the price of government bonds in Germany, the US and much of the developed world as investors sought a safe haven. German 10-year bund yields consequently hit a record low, while in the UK gilt yields dropped to the lowest level since early last December.

    Although the rush to safety stems originally from the euro’s difficulties this week and German efforts to ban short-selling on its banks , fears that the episode may evolve into a deeper economic crisis were bolstered by fresh data. The European Commission produced “flash” data showing consumer confidence falling from a 23-month high of -15 in April to a seven-month low of -17.5 in May. Howard Archer, of INS Global Insight, said: “This is clear evidence that the deepening and spreading eurozone debt crisis… is now weighing down appreciably on consumer confidence. This is a very worrying if hardly surprising development.”

    In the US there was a surprise 25,000 increase in jobless claims to 471,000 in the week ending May 15. The deterioration in the employment picture, coming hard on the heels of Wednesday’s drop in inflation, underlined worries that the US is exposed to a possible global double-dip recession.

    Mr Gross said investors were now being frightened off by worldwide “fiscal tightening momentum”, adding that markets were facing “a mini-relapse of a flight to liquidity as hedge funds and other leveraged positions are liquidated to preserve capital”.

    One worry is that European leaders are not sufficiently behind the $1 trillion bail-out fund they announced, in collaboration with the International Monetary Fund, last week. A second fear is that other indebted countries could soon be exposed.

    One rumour abounding on Thursday was that a major rating agency will soon have to downgrade Japan’s credit score, potentially bringing the world’s second-biggest economy into the spotlight.

    The Telegraph



    Between engineering and biology, Hydrogenase is one of the first projects of bio-mimicry which draws its inspiration from the beauty and the shapes of the nature, but also and especially from the qualities of its materials and its self-manufacturing processes. The new green revolution is really in progress and enables us to design the air mobility of the foil after shock, 100% self-sufficient in energy and zero carbon emission! This inhabitated vertical aircraft inaugures a clean and ethic mobility to meet the needs of the population en distress touched by the natural and sanitary catastrophes, and all that without any runway! Its architecture is subversive and fundamentally critic towards the ways of living of our contemporary society that we have to reinvent totally! Let’s take off thanks to biofuels and let’s propel to the eco-responsible transport of the future!

    2015: Biofuels of the 3rd generation, the challenge of a sustainable mobility ! :

    The price of the fuel has just reached a new historical record by passing 75 dollars the barrel in 2010. Within 10 years, we could reach the famous “Hubbert Peak”, the precise moment from which the worldwide fuel production will begin to decrease because of shortages. In such a context, the massive resort to renewable energies and nanotechnologies, that do not emit gaswith greenhouse effect, is becoming an absolute economical, technological and political priority! From Queensland’s university to the Karlsruhe’s one, going through Berkeley in California, the « third generation » biofuels are in gestation and will revolutionize our future sustainable land or air mobility. Their main strengths: they do not compete either with the food cultures nor with the forest spaces and can be developed naturally everywhere in the world even in arid territories, the whole tending to a targeted bio-remediation of the industrial CO2 !

    According to biologists, the output obtained by a farm with micro-seaweeds would be superior to those made currently with farming means to produce biodiesel or bioethanol. This could be estimated at 1000 litres of hydrogen for 330 grams of chlorophyll per day whereas for example colza produces roughly only 1000 litres of oil per hectare. According to industrials a hectare of seaweeds could thus produce organically 120 times more biofuels than a hectare of colza, soya or sunflower.

    Moreover, a farm with seaweeds is a true miniature biochemical power station able to absorb CO2 as main nutrient by photosynthesis accelerated by producing hydrogen in vitro or in bioreactors. This natural process, nourishing itself with our waste enables thus to recycle under the effect of the sun, in seaweeds or sea water baths, up to 80% of carbonic gas and NOx (nitrogen oxides also very impacting on the greenhouse effect). The global organic cycle enables therefore to revaluate our carboned rejections such as for example those are coming from filters with particles of our cars, reactors of our airplanes or also our rockets coming from thermal power stations with coal or gas.

    2020: Towards an aerial revolution and agree generation of airships ? :

    The builders of airplanes get involved at maxima until 2020 according to an international agreement to be less polluting (reduction by 80% of their rejection in nitrogen oxides), to be thriftier in fuel (reduction of 20% of the fuel quantity by carried passenger) and finally to be more silent (reduction of 10 decibels, i.e. twice less noise). But what will happen when there will be no more fuel? The end of air freight in 2030 ? According to forecasts, every year from 2010, 200 billion of Chinese people will fly to spend holidays abroad. After the last born A380 of Airbus and the 777-200LR of Boeing, the airplanes of the future will not have such as their previous energy-consumers to be designed without taking into account the notions of sustainable development and the respect of the environment. A theme totally ignored fifteen years ago in this sector! This transport must be eco-designed from renewable energies and present a statement of carbon emission equal to zero!

    No airplane, no helicopter, no aircraft, the project « Hydrogenase » marks a new generation of state-of-the-art hybrid airships. It is dedicated to humanitarian missions, rescue operations, installation of platforms for scientific studies, and of course to air freight. Then, complementary activities could be entertainment, eco-tourism, hotel, human transports, air media coverage and territorial waters surveillance.

    This mode of transport is certainly less interesting than the piggyback or sea freight and slower than airplane; however it needs less infrastructure and multimodal platforms (runway, freeways, ship/truck alternation…). It consumes thus less territory and will progressively enable to heal our landscapes slashed by the transport network leading to a massive deforestation. Therefore, it costs 10 times less for the carriage of heavy loads as well as traveller transport, and everything without damaging the planet! For the specialists of logistical transport facing the long lasting absence of appropriated road or airport infrastructures in many parts of the world (desert and oceans), this new generation is also very expected to link production sites and using sites. Moreover, flying free health care centres or even country hospitals could also interfere during natural catastrophes, where lives could be in danger. It could also explore and help underprivileged territories of the third world by carrying the raw materials of our globalised alimentation to those who are hungry in remote places!

    This mode of transport is certainly less interesting than the piggyback or sea freight and slower than airplane; however it needs less infrastructure and multimodal platforms (runway, freeways, ship/truck alternation…). It consumes thus less territory and will progressively enable to heal our landscapes slashed by the transport network leading to a massive deforestation. Therefore, it costs 10 times less for the carriage of heavy loads as well as traveller transport, and everything without damaging the planet! For the specialists of logistical transport facing the long lasting absence of appropriated road or airport infrastructures in many parts of the world (desert and oceans), this new generation is also very expected to link production sites and using sites. Moreover, flying free health care centres or even country hospitals could also interfere during natural catastrophes, where lives could be in danger. It could also explore and help underprivileged territories of the third world by carrying the raw materials of our globalised alimentation to those who are hungry in remote places!

    2030: Hydrogenase, the 100% self-sufficient organic airship of the future

    The project Hydrogenase brings to question the « always faster » of our frenetic society and thinks differently to the mobility and services. With bionic look, this inhabited vertical airship sets in the heart of a floating farm of seaweeds that reload it directly with bio-hydrogen. These two interdependent entities are both nomad and organic, the first one flies in the sky and the second one on the seas and oceans.

    The proactive ship flourishing in the air :

    The semi-rigid not pressurised airship stretches vertically around an arborescent spine that air-dynamically twists on more than 400 meters high and 180 meters of diameter. Forming a big flower ready to open, the spaces divide in cross under the shape of petals that welcome respectively the main sectors of activities: housing, offices, scientific laboratories and entertainment. The stem around the one these functional petals structure themselves, welcome the vertical circulations, the technical premises and the goods warehouses for the freight.

    These 4 inhabited spaces are included between 4 great bubbles inflated with bio-hydrogen, a renewable energy. These bubbles are made with a rigid hull in light alloy shaped with twisted longitudinal beams linked together by wide sinusoidal rings. Every end is finished by a cone, and the one at the bottom, the most sharpened one carries the stabilizers and the rudders of deepness and of direction. This framework is covered by a double layer of waterproof, fireproof, glazed canvas to reduce the resistance to advancement. The in-between is divided into slices in which there are small balloons full of helium. The helium mattress in periphery enables to protect the balloons of bio-hydrogen and helium, the remaining 30% are provided by the aerodynamic of the airship twisted fuselage with the speed, as for an airplane.

    This type of airship is of course heavier than a flexible aerostat of same cubing because of the weight of the structure, but it can reach higher speeds, thanks to the solidity of its hull in titan, and carry more tons thanks to the ability to build always bigger layers (10000 m3 in 1900, 70 000 m3 in 1924 and 200 000m3 in 1938, 250 000 m3 in 2010). What distinguishes also such a machine from classical aircrafts from the past is that this one is heavier than the air and flies thanks to the Archimedes’ thrust (that does every balloon or aircraft), to helixes or at its subtle twisted aerodynamic that enables to reduce the oscillations of the limited layer. The fact that it is heavier than the air enables actually descents faster without having especially to eject gas. Moreover, the sustentation is based on the compression and the decompression of the biogas. Hydrogenase can thus be lighter or heavier according to the wished needs and the height.

    In order to build a proactive airship with positive energy, we also have integrated all the renewable energies. Actually, whereas the inflatable bubbles are glue-backed with flexible photovoltaic cells the four wings of the vessel are each of them inlayed with turbo-propellers with recuperation of energy. These 20 wind propellers are articulated around orbital rings which enable them to go from the horizontal position at the take-off to the vertical position assuring the vessel a navigation speed of 175km/h. The inhabited spaces integrate by steps vegetable gardens photopurifyng the used waters, the biomasses damaging the organic waters and loaded fuel cells. Nothing is lost, everything is recycled and transformed !

    On top of absorbing the solar energy, this flying castle draws its inspiration from the biomimicry technologies and is built in lighter and more resistant composite materials (fibreglass and carbon fibre) in order to reduce the weight of its structure at the maximum. The fitting is thus self cleaning, in nanostructured glass inspired from the lotus leave that does not get wet. The vessel is thus made of « intelligent layers » avoiding for example the accumulation of ice or snow and « self-separable ceramics » offering a bigger resistance to the split and that fill the cracks. This bionic coating draws also its inspiration from shark skin that enables without being toxic to avoid the adhesion of bacteria whereas the four wings present irregularities of surface, as the finely beaded whale fins do, in order to reduce the turbulences. The green industry meets thus through this bionic prototype the expectations of the consumption, the always more demanding antipollution regulation and the rarefaction of resources.

    The floating organic farm on seas and oceans :

    The floating farm is a true organic purifying station composed of 4 carbon wells in which the green seaweeds recycle our carbonated waste brought by ships. This is directly dedicated to feed organically in biohydrogen the proactive airship. It replaces thus the petrol station as the runway for traditional airplanes and looks like a weaving of fine amphibian laces!

    Actually, it sets up as much underneath as on top of the sea surface and respects the quadripartite sharing out in petals of the whole Hydrogenase project. Continuing the 4 wings of the pneumatic tower, 4 great arches structure this circular platform and distribute vertically all the levels of the central ring inhabited by the scientists. At the surface, these arches are covered by thermal and photovoltaic solar shields whereas under the water they are set with 32 hydro-turbines transforming the tidal energy of the sea streams into electricity.

    Energically self-sufficient, this farm organises on a radiant plan, the seaweed bioreactors exposed to the zenith sun under the lenticular accelerators for a better photochemical output. The whole set forms four gardens dedicated to the accelerated photosynthesis where we access through marinas setting the exchanges between this true new floating city and the surrounding coasts. On top of producing clean energy, this floating purifying station is also an incredible observatory of the sea fauna and flora that fight for the protection of ecosystems and for the revitalization of the beds of corals and of endangered species. It is a true cleaner of seas and oceans by skimming and damaging as main nutrient the floating waste banks of our energy-consuming civilisation.

    Hydrogenase is thus a project of environmental resiliency that will enable to invent a clean mobility according to a « cradle to cradle » cycle respecting our planet by assuring also the technological evolution of the human adventure ! As biotechnological prototype, it aims at being the symbiosis of men actions and their positive impacts on the nature. By imitating the processes of natural ecosystems, it deals with reinventing the industrial, town-planning and architectural processes to produce clean solutions and create an industry where everything is reused, either back to the ground under the shape of not toxic « organic nutrients », or back to the industry under the shape of “technical nutrients” able to be indefinitely recycled.

    Vincent Callebaut Architectures

  • Roubini: Greece should have taken Turkey as example for crisis

    Roubini: Greece should have taken Turkey as example for crisis

    BURSA – Daily News with wires
    Istanbul-born economist Nouriel Roubini says the current turmoil in Greece would not have occurred if the European-Union member had looked east to Turkey and took copied its reform effort after the 2001 crisis. Speaking to businesspeople in Bursa, Roubini says Turkey’s membership in the EU will only strengthen the union and predicts a revival in membership talks

    If Greece had followed Turkey’s lead in making financial reforms in 2000-2001, it would not be in such dire straits today, one of the world’s most prominent economists told Turkish business leaders Wednesday in Bursa.

    Nouriel Roubini spoke at an event organized by the Automotive Industry Exporters Unions. The renowned economist, dubbed “Dr. Doom” because of his early prediction of the global financial crisis, addressed nearly 400 people, most of whom paid 350 euros to listen to him.

    Evaluating the worst global recession since the 1930s, Roubini said when the United States economy sneezed, the world would generally catch a cold, in the latest crisis, however, it had come down with “pneumonia.”

    “But the recent news is good,” Doğan news agency quoted him as saying. “The recovery has started. The debate is whether it will be a V-shaped, fast recovery, a U-shaped slow recovery or a W-shaped, double-dip recovery. My opinion is it will be a U-shaped process. This recovery will not be stable and steady.”

    Touching on positive economic data coming from the U.S., Europe and Japan, Roubini said newly developing economies will recover faster than Turkey and economies in Asia. He predicted a gross domestic product growth of 3 percent for the U.S., 2 percent in the eurozone, 5 to 6 percent in Turkey and 9 percent in China this year.

    “In the second half of the year, the growth rate might slow down in the U.S., dragging average annual growth down to around 2 percent,” he said.

    Turkey and other developing markets derived the correct lessons from the 2001 crisis and engaged in structural reforms, Roubini said. “Meanwhile, developed economies [in the West] started to have problems.”

    Reflecting on the importance of the U.S. economy in exiting the global crisis, Roubini said the stimulus policies implemented by governments worldwide are of crucial importance, as there will be trouble if they are implemented for too long or if they are curtailed too soon.

    Drama in Greece

    The reason the Greek drama engulfed eurozone economies is because “it did not implement structural reforms in time” and because of high budget deficits, the economist said.

    “The crisis in Greece will create huge problems,” he said. “Some countries might leave the euro. A possible intervention by the International Monetary Fund would only postpone the problem, not solve it. This crisis is a crucial test for the eurozone. If Greece had followed Turkey’s post-2001 reforms, it would not be in this situation today.”

    Turkey’s importance in the global economy will increase further, according to Roubini. “But Turkey should diversify in the trade sense,” he said. “It should orient toward new markets. Besides Europe, it should develop trade relations with the Middle East and Asia. These regions will post [remarkable] growth in the following period.”

    Turkey is “moving on its path” by taking the necessary lessons from the past, Roubini said. “It is open to foreign investment. Its labor costs are relatively low. It could be a center for financial inflows from Europe to the Middle East. It may be a trade center between the east and the west. You have a strong workforce, but it needs training.”

    Erdoğan’s suggestion ‘might not work’

    Reflecting on Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s suggestion that every member company of the Turkish Union of Chambers and Commodities Exchanges employ one extra worker to overcome unemployment, Roubini said this “might not work.” What the government has to do instead is engage in “structural, fiscal and financial reforms,” he said, according to the daily Hürriyet.


  • Authorities raid Deutsche Bank and 50 other firms

    Authorities raid Deutsche Bank and 50 other firms





    The chief public prosecutor’s office searched more than 230 business premises across Germany – including those of international giant Deutsche Bank – as well as the homes of accused individuals.

    More than 1,000 officials from the tax fraud investigation office, theFederal Criminal Police Office (BKA) and different police authorities took part in the raids.

    Searches also took place simultaneously in other EU member states.

    Around 150 people are under suspicion of VAT evasion over the trading of greenhouse gas emission permits.

    Wednesday morning at 8.20am in Frankfurt: A large contingent of police and other officials arrived at Deutsche Bank. They pulled out their ID at the entrance and entered the building on Theodor Heuss Allee.

    Shortly afterwards, a convoy of vehicles with investigators and specialists from the BKA turned up and pulled into the underground car park with blue lights flashing.

    In response to an enquiry from, a spokesman from the bank said: “We can confirm that we are one of the 230 entities which were searched. We are co-operating with the public prosecutor’s office.”

    A spokesman for another major institution, Commerzbank, said it had not been involved in the raids.


    The trick is called VAT carousel or missing trader fraud, and according to BILD’s information the current suspected cases add up to a lost revenue of around €1 billion for the German government.


    Dealers in different EU countries buy and sell permits which allow industrial enterprises to release a certain amount of greenhouse gases.

    On the sale from dealer A to dealer B across a state border, no VAT is due. Upon the resale of the permits by dealer B to dealer C within the same country (i.e. Germany), VAT does become owed which dealer C can then claim back from the tax office.

    Dealer B owes the authorities 19 per cent in VAT – it doesn’t pay, but pockets the 19 per cent and disappears off the market.

    The permit is passed along from dealer to dealer until it arrives back at dealer A, which starts a new chain or carousel.

    The Bild

  • Using fuel cells with underground coal gasification

    Using fuel cells with underground coal gasification

    Fuel Cells, Apr  23  2010 (The Hydrogen Journal)

    Sir David King, a former chief scientific advisor to the British government and now director of the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment at the University of Oxford, says he sees an important application for alkaline fuel cells with underground coal gasification, making previously uneconomic coal mines economic, and keeping the carbon dioxide underground.

    The idea is that coal is gasified underground to form hydrogen and carbon monoxide, by blowing oxygen and hot steam through it. The hydrogen can be directly used to make electricity in a fuel cell, and the carbon monoxide reacted again with water to form carbon dioxide, and put back underground.

    “I think the alkaline fuel cell is virtually there and there’s an immediate niche which is coal gasification,” Sir David said during a recent visit to AFC Energy, a UK manufacturer of alkaline fuel cells.

    “In North Wales and Leicestershire there are coal mines that are have been closed down that are inefficient for coal mining but all that coal is still there to be gasified.”

    “The biggest single challenge we’re faced with globally is to move from a fossil fuel-based economy to fossil fuel less-society,” Sir David said during his visit. “To me, this challenge is the most wonderful technology, innovation, wealth creation possibility. What I’ve just seen at AFC is an exciting example of this. The alkaline fuel cell has the possibility to create power stations with megawatts of electricity.”

    The UK could access an estimated 17 billion additional tons of coal using this process.

    AFC Energy has an agreement with Linc Energy of Australia, to use the technology in Linc’s global UCG projects.

    Following the visit, Sir David invited AFC Energy to join leading global figures from the policy, business and academic communities at the 2010 World Forum on Enterprise and the Environment, run jointly with The Times newspaper.

    AFC Energy


  • Iceland’s disruptive volcano – The Big Picture

    Iceland’s disruptive volcano – The Big Picture

    • • Earthquake in Yushu, China – 04.16
    • • Iceland’s disruptive volcano – 04.15
    • • Journeys to the International Space Station – 04.14

    the Big Picture

    Iceland’s disruptive volcano

    Today, British civil aviation authorities ordered the country’s airspace closed as of noon, due to a cloud of ash drifting from the erupting Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland. The volcano has erupted for the second time in less than a month, melting ice, shooting smoke and steam into the air and forcing hundreds of people to flee rising floodwaters. The volcanic ash has forced the cancellation of many flights and disrupted air traffic across northern Europe, stranding thousands of passengers. Collected here are photos of the most recent eruption, and of last month’s eruptions, which were from the same volcano, just several miles further east. (18 photos total)
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    Smoke billows from an erupting volcano which seems to be close to the top of the Eyjafjalla glacier on April 14, 2010 near Reykjavik. All London flights, including those from Heathrow, will be suspended from noon (1100 GMT) today due to volcanic ash from Iceland that has already caused almost 300 cancellations here, officials said. (AFP/Getty Images)
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    An aerial handout photo from the Icelandic Coast Guard shows flood caused by a volcanic eruption at Eyjafjalla Glacier in southern Iceland April 14, 2010. The volcanic eruption on Wednesday partially melted a glacier, setting off a major flood that threatened to damage roads and bridges and forcing hundreds to evacuate from a thinly populated area. Picture taken April 14, 2010. (REUTERS/Icelandic Coast Guard/Arni Saeberg) #

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    Melting ice caused by a volcanic eruption at Eyjafjalla Glacier in southern Iceland April 14, 2010. (REUTERS/Icelandic Coast Guard/Arni Saeberg) #

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    Photo taken on April 14, 2010 the Markarfljot glacial river, west of the Eyjafjalla glacier. Iceland’s second volcano eruption in less than a month melted part of a glacier and caused heavy flooding on April 14, forcing up to 800 people to evacuate and grounding some flights over Norway. (HALLDOR KOLBEINS/AFP/Getty Images) #

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    Flooding caused by a volcanic eruption at Eyjafjalla Glacier in southern Iceland April 14, 2010. (REUTERS/Icelandic Coast Guard/Arni Saeberg) #

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    A man takes a picture of a road that has been washed away by flood water following the melting of the Eyjafjalla glacier due to the eruption of a volcano on April 14, 2010 near Reykjavik. (HALLDOR KOLBEINS/AFP/Getty Images) #

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    In this Wednesday April 14, 2010 photograph, smoke and steam are seen rising from the volcano under the Eyjafjalla glacier in Iceland, which erupted for the second time in less than a month, melting ice, shooting smoke and steam into the air and forcing hundreds of people to flee rising floodwaters. (AP Photo/Icelandic Coastguard) #

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    A natural-color satellite image shows lava fountains, lava flows, a volcanic plume, and steam from vaporized snow. The image was acquired on March 24, 2010, by the Advanced Land Imager (ALI) aboard NASA’s Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) satellite. The lava fountains are orange-red, barely visible at the 10-meter (33-foot) resolution of the satellite. The scoria cones surrounding the fissure are black, as is the lava flow extending to the northeast. White volcanic gases escape from the vent and erupting lava, while a steam plume rises where the hot lava meets snow. (The bright green color along the edge of the lava flow is an artifact of the sensor.) (NASA’s Earth Observatory/Robert Simmon)#

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    This picture taken on March 27, 2010 shows lava spurting out of the site of a volcanic eruption at the Eyjafjallajökull volcano some 125 km east of Reykjavik. With lava still gushing, a small Icelandic volcano that initially sent hundreds fleeing from their homes is turning into a boon for the island nation’s tourism industry, as visitors flock to catch a glimpse of the eruption. (HALLDOR KOLBEINS/AFP/Getty Images) #

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    Tourists gather to watch lava spurt out of the site of a volcanic eruption at the Eyjafjallajökull volcano on March 27, 2010. Up to 800 people were evacuated in Iceland early on April 14, 2010 due to a volcano eruption under the Eyjafjallajokull glacier in the south of the island, police and geophysicists said. (HALLDOR KOLBEINS/AFP/Getty Images) #

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    People gather to watch lava flow at the site of a volcanic eruption at the Eyjafjallajökull volcano near the Eyjafjalla glacier on March 27, 2010. (HALLDOR KOLBEINS/AFP/Getty Images) #

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    Heat shimmers above lava flowing from the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland on March 28th, 2010. Original here. (Bruce McAdam / CC BY-SA) #

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    Lava spews out of a mountain on March 21, 2010 in the region of the Eyjafjalla glacier in Iceland. (RAGNAR AXELSSON/AFP/Getty Images) #

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    Lava spurts out of the site of a volcanic eruption at the Eyjafjallajökull volcano near the Eyjafjalla glacier in Iceland on March 27, 2010. (HALLDOR KOLBEINS/AFP/Getty Images) #

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    Smoke and steam hang over the volcano under the Eyjafjalla glacier in Iceland, early Thursday April 15, 2010. (AP Photo/Brynjar Gaudi) #

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    Lava spews out of a mountain on March 21, 2010 in Hvolsvöllur in the region of the Eyjafjalla glacier in Iceland. (Fior Kjartansson/AFP/Getty Images) #

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    Steam and hot gases rise above lava flowing from the Eyjafjallajökull volcano on April 3rd, 2010. Original here. (Ulrich Latzenhofer / CC BY-SA) #

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    This image made available by NEODASS/University of Dundee shows the volcanic ash plume from Iceland, top left, to the north of Britain at received by NASA’s Terra Satellite at 11.39 GMT Thursday April 15, 2010. (AP Photo/NEODAAS/University of Dundee) #

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    Displaying only the last 100 comments. You can read all 657 comments over here.

    Once again, Nature gives us mere mortals a two-fingered salute!! And we dare to think we can control it . . . .
    Posted by Jason Flex April 19, 10 06:31 AM
    One word : WOW
    Posted by Wouter van Haaften April 19, 10 06:32 AM
    I was stationed in keflavic iceland years ago and we had 100 earthquakes while I was there. 1966 I believe. What was sertsie(sp) a new volcanic island then. Was wondering if this is part of that island volcano?
    Posted by Richard Chapman April 19, 10 06:32 AM
    So what!! I am stuck at home instead of starting my 6 month travel to London, Spain,and U.S.A. but I am still in the comfort of my own home and not like some unfortunates with no where to sleep but in Airports and many do not have funds to help them as they have spent their money during their holiday,and cannot now get home and back to their jobs.
    Posted by Phil Savinson April 19, 10 06:42 AM
    Posted by Santosh April 19, 10 06:42 AM
    May god bless you all. Wish everything comes back to normal soon.
    Posted by Deepak April 19, 10 06:45 AM
    Absolutely gorgeous snaps! I got stranded at Tegel in Berlin for a day and half and there was nothing but frustration. I finally reached my destination but it wasn't without hassles. Thanks to Aeroflot for displacing my bag in the utter chaos. I agree with #461, how irrelevant and small we human beings really are. We think of ourselves as the masters of planet earth and demi-Gods but nature will wipe you out if and when it pleases and we can do nothing but run for cover. This whole prospect of ruling the planet and being the colossal figure in the world is nothing but mere gimmick or "figment of imagination".
    Posted by Jyoti Ballabh April 19, 10 06:45 AM
    Those pictures are stunning and amazing i wish i was there to see
    Posted by Joseph April 19, 10 06:47 AM
    Excellent pictures!
    Posted by Kobayashi, K April 19, 10 07:06 AM
    O homem nao tem nada haver com o vulcao da Island, é um fenomeno natural
    Posted by Subuana wilson April 19, 10 07:08 AM
    From New Mexico a Volcanic spot also>Could this event change our global climate? Jim Ruidoso NM
    Posted by Jim Marion April 19, 10 07:10 AM
    NEVERr take anything for granted.!! (*v*) once more a reminder of our HELPLESNESS against the power of your LIFE TO THE FULLEST before choking in a possible ash cloud..)) try to find something NEW in the taste of your coffee everytime you drink it..[.himm tastes awesome c(**) ] even if it is done exactly same way every single time.. life is BEAUTIFUL ...and so are all the things that are given to us.. enjoy it, cherish it and PAMPER yourself and the people around you.. that's what we deserve... dont forget to look after MOTHERNATURE in the meantime ... VIVA LA VIDA..c(***)
    Posted by BIRSEN April 19, 10 07:15 AM
    awesome. i got no words to describe them.
    Posted by ajoy b April 19, 10 07:18 AM
    Posted by Deepaknr April 19, 10 07:19 AM
    What an amazing illustration of God's work through nature!
    Posted by Anonymous April 19, 10 07:26 AM
    QUOTE: "Does anyone knows if Iceland also signed Kyoto Co2 Agreement...cause if YES, they will get Fined as Hell for such an amount of C02 expelled off into our air...;)))))))" On the contrary, the cancelled air traffic means a heavy reduce in emitted Co2 each day the air planes stay grounded, far more than is emitted by the volcano itself. Watch this diagram:
    Posted by Gloofer April 19, 10 07:37 AM
    Why should we worry about out Carbon Footprints now ? Does anyone know how big the Icelandic Volcano's footprint is now or will be in the near future !!!.
    Posted by Leri Trivett April 19, 10 07:41 AM
    beautiful pictures but cant imagine the plight of people staying there and witnessing the horror. Jst shows the grandeur of nature and mankind as mere liliputs in front of the mighty controlling power.
    Posted by Anonymous April 19, 10 08:02 AM
    it so sad to note that theres a lot of people we're been affected by this volcanic eruption..hoping that this will not happend again.
    Posted by Anonymous April 19, 10 08:12 AM
    wow! this makes me feel that i want to learn more
    Posted by cupid April 19, 10 08:13 AM
    post 461 has got it in one - the chaos surrounding this event is just a foretaste of what awaits us when we do not have enough energy to sustain the worlds infrastructure systems in less than 10 years time. Time for governments to start taking seriously energysecurity and diversification, also growth in worlds population which is not sustainable which is going to lead to a great deal of pain in the next half century and ongoing.
    Posted by Jim April 19, 10 08:16 AM
    La naturalesa es la que s'acaba imposant. Malgrat tota la nostra tecnologia. Fotos que ens donen una idea de la magnitud del fenomen ! Fotos que ens han de fer reflexionar sobre els canvis que estem vivint. Gràcies per compartir-les!
    Posted by isabelle April 19, 10 08:18 AM
    These are great pics, but I can't really enjoy them because my mom is stuck in the Netherlands and has no way home to Texas as of now. Because of the many delays on air travel (it seems at least until Friday), she is now looking at alternative ways to get home quicker, i.e. a boat or going to another continent for a flight. I just miss my mom.......and prayer seems to be the only option now.
    Posted by Alyssa April 19, 10 08:18 AM
    I remember the Mt,Pinatubo eruption in Phils.when i saw this picture!!!
    Posted by bebe April 19, 10 08:23 AM
    A Islândia, o País exemplo de uma economia de sucesso, depois de estar à beira da banca rota e consequente falência económica, vem agora a natureza mostrar o seu descontentamento manifestando-se de uma forma impiadosa, afectando não somente a própria Islândia com outras economias Europeias directamente e outras economias indirectamente. Será isto mais uma revolta do Planeta Terra face à ganancia, excesso e má gestão de poder e consequente falta de respeito pelo Paneta ?????? Belas Fotos.......
    Posted by Angélica Vaz April 19, 10 08:23 AM
    Todo Lo Que SUCEDE Ultimamente indica Que Como dice en la Biblia, ESTAMOS Cerca del fin de Este Sistema de Cosas tan malvado. No va sin service destruído El Planeta, Dios Vivir Impactante lo CREO párr Servicios y habitado en Paz, Sino Que Sera destruída TODA la maldad de Este Mundo .... Al ver ESTAS fotos, solo me hace Pensar En El Inmenso Poder de Impactante párr Acabar Con la maldad y rehacer Una Nueva Sociedad de Personajes Que ansien La Paz. Si volcan ESE es Poderoso y Majestuoso, Como Toda la creacion, ¿Como Se Puede Dudar Que estemos aqui Por Obra de un Diseñador Inteligente Como Dios es? Un consejo pregunteles Que no hace mal sin Andie: estudien la Biblia, busquen a Los Testigos de Impactante y Por Qué ESTAS Cosas suceden ...
    Posted by noemí April 19, 10 08:24 AM
    its amazing!i think that its awsom to go near something realy realy hot plus you know that its dangerous thing to do. i appriciate it. breathtaking photos but i would say that its scary.
    Posted by Miss Hina hanif April 19, 10 08:26 AM
    wow i hope that it wont come here coz if it does am gone to china boie
    Posted by dilan April 19, 10 08:30 AM
    this could truly change the world as we know it
    Posted by Anonymous April 19, 10 08:43 AM
    Incredible !
    Posted by Cherian Mani April 19, 10 08:50 AM
    É fabulástica a mãe Natureza ! Os danos colaterais é que são enormes para as sociedades, com a respectivas repercuções económicas/financeiras, tirando isso, há que retirar o que de belo nos é dado a ver e sentir.
    Posted by Norberto Sousa April 19, 10 08:57 AM
    God Save Earth..!!
    Posted by Krishna April 19, 10 09:01 AM
    It's impressionant...
    Posted by Catalonia April 19, 10 09:02 AM
    Great pictures. I know airlines are crying over their X million dollar loss each day. A NATURES LESSON FOR THEM THEY HAVE BEEN CHARGING FOR LUGGAGE, FOOD DRINK ETC ON FLIGHT NAD MADE "BILLIONS IN PROFIT". TIT FOR TAT. curse from your customers. travelling is no longer fun.
    Posted by chandana April 19, 10 09:03 AM
    un splandide tableau de dieux tout puissant, Gods' splandide picture(board) any powerful......
    Posted by chouchou April 19, 10 09:07 AM
    Your picures are amazing. I have seen nothing like this before. i am from Ontario,Canada.Our prayers from all canadians are with you. God bless.
    Posted by Jenny Buchanan April 19, 10 09:09 AM
    Airlines take note: if you continue to annoy the flying public with carry-on fees, cattle-car crowding and mostly useless "security theater", the prospect of future volcanic disruptions and growing Web-conferencing capability will drive a critical mass of us to use the Web or travel by other means. Meanwhile, my heart goes out to the passenger strandees left to their own devices (and going broke) - are there Good Samaritans near airports who can take them in until they can rebook?
    Posted by rowlandw April 19, 10 09:13 AM
    wow! nature sure is beautiful!!! & dangerous 2!!! let's not ever 4 get the power she has!!!
    Posted by John a Berkey April 19, 10 09:16 AM
    Çok korkunç ve dehşetengiz fotoğraflar.Adeta yer kükrüyor.
    Posted by Ertan Kolday April 19, 10 09:24 AM
    Wow - suddenly you realise just how insignificant human beings are! Awesome fearsome beauty and of course needless being cancelled are most certainly an insignificant part of the whole happening - probably sent as a reminder by the powers-that-be..........
    Posted by RANI KAPUR April 19, 10 09:25 AM
    La Madre Tierra esta a punto de colapsar y nosotros que hacemos para evitarlo nada el hombre sigue contaminando el ambiente, destruyendo la ecologia de los mares, etc. Esta es una forma de anunciarnos el principio del fin del hombre en esta era; cuantos volcanes mas faltara hacer erupción en toda la orbe?, cuantos desastres naturales estaran por venir?. Empecemos por nosotros mismos desde casa no contaminar mas nuestro planeta azul.
    Posted by Flor de Maria Santillán April 19, 10 09:29 AM
    É fabulástica a mãe Natureza ! Os danos colaterais é que são enormes para as sociedades, com a respectivas repercuções económicas/financeiras, tirando isso, há que retirar o que de belo nos é dado a ver e sentir.
    Posted by Norberto Sousa April 19, 10 09:33 AM
    National Geographic television channel similar to the damage of the ash cloud several times I've watched. I think that the people that might one day come to their own, they do not. Elderly of our planet will prepare us for what other surprises we'll see over time.
    Posted by A.Yalcin Kapsiz / From Turkiye April 19, 10 09:45 AM
    Wow amazing photos! The big power.
    Posted by Hugo Llanes April 19, 10 09:54 AM
    Posted by bentleyscott April 19, 10 09:54 AM
    although is spectacular, its also a scary site....
    Posted by Karissa - trinidad and Tobago April 19, 10 10:04 AM
    Someone above said they respected people who risked their lives to go there...I myself think they are crazy!!!! There's no need to get that close to's visible from a great distance and a lot safer!!! Anyway, the pics are fantastic. have a great day!! BEM...Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada
    Posted by Anonymous April 19, 10 10:10 AM
    Thank you for these amazing pics, simply awesome. To Those who took these shots - Thank you for showing us how it is. You folks are so daring phew..!
    Posted by Barbara April 19, 10 10:40 AM
    I have heard or read that some are blaming this on global warming with the theory that warming has melted some of the ice above the volcano allowing the magma to break through. It is my view that, if a volcano was about to erupt, such a barrier as a glacier would offer little resistance. It is my view that some of the more vehement environmentalists would and will use any device, however inaccurate, to promote their agenda.
    Posted by Donald W. Bales, Kingsport, Tn. April 19, 10 10:47 AM
    Certainly sparked some debate. Very entertaining. pictures and comments.I assume most people are more concerned about humanity and their immediate friends and family than the planet. Let's face it, if we are all gone then who cares what happens to the planet. The flora and fauna certainly don't care. Therefore let's just do our best to maintain this beautiful planet for our sakes, and science alone gives us a clue as to what to do. Not religion, not politics, not philosophy.
    Posted by roger & Sharon Keen April 19, 10 10:58 AM
    great pics !!!!!!
    Posted by Charlie Timpson, Carbury,IRELAND April 19, 10 11:01 AM
    It marvels me to think beneath our feet there traps a colossal amout of geothermal energy which Mother Earth releases every now and then to relieve herself. Just think it is not just the volcanic ash, but also the lava, the fire she breathes out. If not, she simple shakes the Earth with the tremendous force of an earthquake that causes mountains to tremble, thousands of buildings to collapse, and heave up billions of tons of ocean waters and send them out as giant waves travelling thousands of km across oceans to destroy everthing in its wake which we call tsunami. She has been doing this for millions of years with all the might and energy tra
    Posted by Dr J B Lim April 19, 10 11:03 AM
    Posted by RAMDAS, HYDERABAD , INDIA April 19, 10 11:13 AM
    picture 11 shows how stupid people are to put themselves in danger for no other reason because they can. Mother Nature and Volcanoes are unpredictable yet they stand on the edge of it.
    Posted by Harry Finkelstein April 19, 10 11:18 AM
    poor icelanders.... 🙁
    Posted by randi April 19, 10 11:18 AM
    The human race is arrogant, conceited and thinks that it knows it all.Nature, in a split second, demonstartes how powerless we are despite all the windows we open, with the multiplicity of tools we have, to understand God's creation Excellent collection of photos; well done!
    Posted by Dr. Nizar J> Verjee April 19, 10 11:20 AM
    iceland is in a disaster
    Posted by Anonymous April 19, 10 11:21 AM
    ping pong!!! u can not fool around with mother nature! about time If God is not alive ! Mother nature act as she promise she is Godess !action and reaction! It is not too late to get a lesson and be respectful with mother of all natural thing in earth and even universe! think ! be kind and help eachother and beg u not be greedy and selfish and cruel!! just love everything without expectation!! may great force be with u!thank u and u
    Posted by Firooz hooshmandi April 19, 10 11:22 AM
    Povera razza umana,,ancora non capiscono che questo e` solo il principio della fine del nostro bellissimo pianeta e uno di questi giorni saremo come quelle palle di fuoco che si son viste la settimana scorsa nel cielo.Addio a tutta la stupida razza umana che sta` accelerando la fine del nostro mondo.
    Posted by Frank Frazzini April 19, 10 11:26 AM
    Amazing pictures . And amazing too as mother Earth shows her power. What are we in our great think ?? For 5 days now it is all silence here in the air and no sun blocking lines al over the skies. Trouble for a lot of us who sticked on the airports all over Europe. A cost of Euro a day for KLM only. Remeber we humbled as mother Earth show us what she can. Regards Martin from Leeuwarden The Netherlands
    Posted by Martin April 19, 10 11:29 AM
    Well, I learned something. I had always wondered at the precision of these estimates(?) like 344,109 tons. I mean how can they be so certain? Even 344,000 would be close enough. But then I notice in examining the data that this 344,109 is a division of a larger figure that had been rounded to the nearest million or billion or whatever. This gives an impression of exactitude to a number that was once a wild estimate. Very clever. But they musn't go too far. The actual division may have come to 344,109.6789932.
    Posted by Patrick MacKinnon April 19, 10 11:34 AM
    Only thing I can say, let us all hope that Volcano calm down, get cooled and return to sleep forever without further desrupting the life there on the İsland and elswhere in the World. 19 April 2010, Turkey İstanbul
    Posted by Necdet Senergun April 19, 10 11:38 AM
    Ref #520, Sheila: "Mother Nature" is just another name for GOD! But then some peoplelike you are stubborn and just don't want to believe. May God have mercy on you.
    Posted by DKA April 19, 10 11:38 AM
    INSANE PICS!!!!!!
    Posted by ANONYMOUS April 19, 10 11:41 AM
    Mi Dios y la Naturaleza!,la educación es convivir y no atropellar la naturaleza,lo que ha hecho el hombre en toda su existencia!.
    Posted by Fernán Giraldo M. April 19, 10 11:44 AM
    Ao olhar as fotos não basta dizer: oh a mãe Natureza! Importa acrescentar oh o Pai da mãe natureza! Uns dias de fumarada e cinzas, quase pararam o mundo e nenhum pai deste mundo ousou dizer uma palavra que valesse muito a pena. Imaginem que em vez de um vulcão havia uma dezena ou duas a deitar cinzas em várias partes da "mãe" natureza ao mesmo tempo? Como o homem é pequeno! Será que a mãe natureza aceita ser entronizada como deusa para substituir o Deus Criador de tudo, como alguns estão a promovê-la? Aires Gameiro
    Posted by Aires Gameiro April 19, 10 11:47 AM
    The Nature is Unpredictable!
    Posted by Gloria Matola April 19, 10 11:58 AM
    Beautiful and Frightening. Our wonderful World is fighting back and telling us : "ITS TIME TO STOP AND THINK AND, PRESERVE WHAT WE STILL HAVE"; We must ALL fight for a better environment and make our Governments wake up and REALLY do something about it.
    Posted by Alice Garcia April 19, 10 12:03 PM
    Просмотр этих снимков , еще раз убеждает что разговоры о близком конце света это првда .жизнь людей и всего живого в опасности.и потому выход один. ЛЮДИ ВЗЬМИТЕСЬ ЗА РУКИ. ХВАТИТ УБИВАТЬ ДРУГ ДРУГА.ЭТО СДЕЛАЕТ ПРИРОДА.
    Posted by МИХАИЛ April 19, 10 12:07 PM
    How much CO2 do you suppose went into the air with these eruptions? I bet the whole emissions problem in the USA for one year doesn't even compare with what nature can do? Umm? There is only one person that I know that has control over the wind, the waves and volcanoes!!! He said that He will be back...Hope it is soon!
    Posted by Vicki Naugle April 19, 10 12:11 PM
    Talvez os desígnios de Deus sejam, por intermédio da mãe natureza, o de fazer com que a humanidade reflita sobre a verdadeira razão de ter vindo a este planeta: viver em harmonia com o todo de que faz parte (o universo e seu criador), cuja primeira condição é viver em paz com seu semelhante.
    Posted by paulino flores April 19, 10 12:11 PM
    Iceland's a beautiful, rugged, Island and the people are just super friendly, helpful,so happy to have tourists. On our tour of Iceland in 2008, we stopped and took pictures and marvelled at the size of that glacier. Now, I wonder what it will look like if/when this 'act of God' plays itself out.
    Posted by Aggie Graves April 19, 10 12:19 PM
    Posted by ZyGGi April 19, 10 12:25 PM
    hi earth
    Posted by holla April 19, 10 12:29 PM
    Black cloud heading for Canada-now over Nfld. Many airflights cancellled. there and in Europe.Hopefully it will dispurse soon.
    Posted by M. Ellis, Simcoe Ont. Canada April 19, 10 12:40 PM
    omg that looks really big and bad the pics are great
    Posted by alyssa R Anglin April 19, 10 12:42 PM
    Very scary and uncertain times are upon us. Let us hope that we will be given a reprieve. None of what has been happening all over the world can be good. It truly is a sign and we better be paying attention .
    Posted by Jody April 19, 10 12:54 PM
    How awestruck the pictures were. Must has been a sight I would have liked to see from a distance. The ash is a mess and dangerous and infiltrates everything. Our prayers are with all and hope this ash is soon gone. Carol from Florida.
    Posted by Carol Pennington April 19, 10 12:56 PM
    fantastic pics my students r going to love the
    Posted by sangita bajpai April 19, 10 01:01 PM
    Mother Earth is Brilliant! All the ways we can respect and love her. Thank you for all the lessons you give us and have us pause to reflect what is important. I wonder if we would ever volunteer to not fly for a week on our own to stop pollution. She just spit out all the pollution back at us! Everything we do effects the earth.
    Posted by Eva April 19, 10 01:11 PM
    Hi Friends, These photos go on to show that, in front of mother earth, we mere earthlings are nothing. There is no force in the world that can control the natural forces and over the past few years it has been continuously been demonstrated that our wanton way of life is taking a serious toll on the resources and all these happening were just but waiting to happen. One need not be surprised about these.
    Posted by Rajan April 19, 10 01:12 PM
    Cuidamemos la naturaleza, lo poco que nmos queda hagamos conciencia.. great pictures!!!!!!... May God bless and protect people
    Posted by Geovanna April 19, 10 01:15 PM
    Posted by JACK MEHOFF April 19, 10 01:15 PM
    Hermoso, pero da miedo.....
    Posted by Anonymous April 19, 10 01:17 PM
    I wonder if the earth quakes are symptoms of tectonic activities that result in volcanic eruptions? I wonder is enough lava is drained, will this speed up movement of continental plates?
    Posted by Anonymous April 19, 10 01:22 PM
    I believe like some who have left previous comments saying that all these natural disasters lately are Biblical signs of the near return of Jesus, as are all the wars and the horrible idea of numbering people with a microchip. This eruption must have produced an unbelievable amount of volcanic ash to disrupt air service as it has. I am sure all except the very youngest of us will remember the Mount St. Helens eruption some years ago. I was living at a farm in southern Alberta then, and when I got up the next morning everything was covered in volcanic ash-the ground, cars, buildings, everything. But I don't remember anything mentioned on the news about airlines cancelling their flights. This eruption must have made Mount St. Helens pale by comparison! I salute the courage of those who got close enough to the volcano to take those awesome photos. For years I have been fascinated with Iceland ever since I read an article about its having one of the lowest crime rates in the world. While the country is getting so much media attention, I hope we take the opportunity to learn why the Icelandic people get along so well, and make use of that knowledge in our own society.
    Posted by Stan Anderson April 19, 10 01:32 PM
    May GOD bless and protect all living creatures. This picture also gives us idea that we are totally helpless against the wish of ALMIGHTY
    Posted by Surendra Popat April 19, 10 01:35 PM
    there is no mother nature.
    Posted by Ed Farough April 19, 10 01:39 PM
    these natural catostrophic events that have happend just this year earthquakes,sunamis,volcanos are all signs that we have been told about for hundres of years its happening people the earth is about to clense its self of all the contaniments us included. so kiss your loved ones and grab a seat with a good view
    Posted by matt April 19, 10 01:43 PM
    Alles goed en wel , leuke plaatjes. Maar nu weer aan het werk. Over tot de orde van de dag. Vliegen bedoel ik, en vanavond gaat 't gebeuren. ( maandagavond 19-4 gaat het eerste vliegtuig van Schiphol Amsterdam met passagiers de spits afbijten.
    Posted by Jack Joustra April 19, 10 01:44 PM
    Simplesmente espectacular mas....... que Deus proteja este planeta e as suas gentes.
    Posted by Alberto Lopes Rodrigues April 19, 10 01:50 PM
    The end is happenening. I believe the event is over a period of time. After all 1 day is like a 1000 years to our Creator. When the climax arrives, all one can do is bury your head where the sun don't shine and kiss your butt goodbye.
    Posted by Dennis B. April 19, 10 01:53 PM
    Posted by BONEQUISHA April 19, 10 01:57 PM
    wow . just becasue a volcant erupted does not mean its the end of the work . chill irish person in a skirt . but the photos are great !
    Posted by your friend the american April 19, 10 01:58 PM
    When the wretched of the earth in Africa, Asia and Latin America are witnessing the dying of children from starvation, foreign-sponsored wars, malnutrition and preventable diseases the Americans and Europeans are busy gawking at melting rocks as if that is what matters most in this goddamned world. SHAME
    Posted by brian April 19, 10 02:00 PM
    Quina meravella! Es espectacular veure com la naturalesa ens demostra la seva força. Les fotos són fantàstiques, no em cansaria de mirar-les. Gaudim de l´espectacle.
    Posted by Fina April 19, 10 02:18 PM
    All our science won't protect us from the consequences of our arrogance and false pride. This is the time of the seventh generation spoken of by Chief Crazy Horse and the Great Purification of and by Mother Earth is just beginning. The opportunity to listen and heed the wisdom of the original people of this land is long gone by, and we will now reap what we have been sowing for the last 500+ years. We can only take so much from the Earth before we must give back. Learning to live simply, learning to share, these are the lessons of why, when, and where.
    Posted by Red Eagle Sun April 19, 10 02:28 PM
    I feel quite sure the volcanic events in Iceland along with all the other unprecedented natural disasters being experienced (including strange shifts in temperatures across the U.S.) must be a product of dramatic environmental changes. This is really getting scary. We must stop destroying our planet.
    Posted by Carla M April 19, 10 02:32 PM
    Posted by S. A. OF BROOKLYN NEW YORK April 19, 10 02:34 PM
    Well, we have a spectacular natural event, which none of us have any control over, some people are inconvenienced, and airline CEOs are crying hard times and want governments (us) to ante up bail out money (ours) to save them. Hey guys that is one of the risks in the business so do like we do when tough times hit -- LIVE WITH IT. You now have another excuse to jack up all ready unreasonable fares and add on costs when you get back flying. One consolation though, you now have a first, an unprecedented and valid excuse for a delay or cancellation.
    Posted by EGC, Onatrio, Canada April 19, 10 02:38 PM
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