Category: Business

  • Turkey closer to Korean nuclear deal

    Turkey closer to Korean nuclear deal

    The South Korean government has signed a preliminary agreement with Turkey to build two nuclear power plants on the country’s Black Sea coast.

    If the two countries reach a commercial agreement by the end of next year, as they hope, Turkey would become the second export market for South Korean nuclear reactors after the UAE.

    800px Flag of South KoreaYesterday’s announcement, made during a visit to Seoul by Abdullah Gul, the Turkish president, revived hopes of a South Korean win in the country after a first round of nuclear contracts was awarded to Russian companies last month. “The memorandum of understanding marks the first government-level understanding of the will to co-operate on it,” Yoon Sang-jik, the senior secretary for knowledge economy at the office of the South Korean president, told the state news agency Yonhap.

    “It means the first concrete step towards a deal.”

    Two senior sources in South Korea’s nuclear industry said the deal was preliminary and a number of important questions still had to be addressed.

    “The media are talking about it a lot but it’s still under discussion between both countries,” one source said.

    Officials at Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO), the state-owned power company that leads the country’s overseas nuclear programme, had mentioned Turkey as a key potential market along with Jordan, China, Romania, the US and Finland.

    That was after winning the US$20 billion (Dh73.45bn) contract at the end of last year to build four reactors in Abu Dhabi by 2020.

    A KEPCO official said in April that the Korean industry aimed to supply 20 per cent of the world’s nuclear market by 2030, equal to about 80 reactors.

    But the company’s officials have been cautious about deals in which KEPCO would help to finance a reactor in a foreign country and make its return on the long-term sale of electricity. In its agreement to build four reactors on Turkey’s southern coast last month, Russia said it would fully cover the upfront, multibillion-dollar cost of each of the plants and eventually sell 51 per cent back to Turkish state power companies.

    Choi Kyung-hwan, the South Korean minister of knowledge economy, told local press on Thursday that providing financing for reactors in Turkey could prove to be a hurdle for Korean companies.

    “We can’t build plants by wholly establishing funds by ourselves like Russia proposed to Turkey,” Mr Choi was quoted as saying. “Turkey has to be the main player in financing the project, while Korea will partly participate.”

    Turkey has barely any reserves of oil or natural gas and has planned the construction of civilian nuclear reactors for years to reduce its reliance on gas imported from Russia and Iran.

    It initially planned to award construction contracts for nuclear power plants in 1997 but delayed the decision several times and ultimately abandoned the proposal.

    In March 2008, the government invited a new round of commercial bids but received only one, from Russia’s AtomStroyExport.

    The deal was cancelled last year but revived by last month’s political agreement for Russian companies to build four power plants with capacity of 1,200 megawatts.

    The first plant will be in operation in as little as eight years, depending on how long it takes government regulators to approve a construction licence.

    The Turkish government has secured the crucial support of the US government, with which it finalised a civilian nuclear co-operation agreement in May 2008.

    The agreement gives Turkey access to US nuclear parts and expertise that are the basis of many reactor designs in use around the world.

    Chris Stanton
    Last Updated: June 15. 2010 8:03PM UAE / June 15. 2010 4:03PM GMT




    KKTC Tanıtma Derneği, 80 bin imza toplamak hedefiyle “Tanınmak İstiyoruz” isimli imza kampanyası başlatıyor. Kıbrıs Barış Harekatı’nın yıldönümü 20 Temmuz’da başlayacak ve 80 gün sürecek olan kampanyada toplanacak imzalar ve tanınma talep eden mektup, “en az yüz kişilik bir kafileyle” New York’a gidilerek Birleşmiş Milletler (BM) Genel Sekreterliği önünde yapılacak basın açıklamasının ardından Genel Sekreter’e sunulacak.
    KKTC Tanıtma Derneği, 80 bin imza toplamak hedefiyle “Tanınmak İstiyoruz” isimli imza kampanyası başlatıyor.
    Kıbrıs Barış Harekatı’nın yıldönümü 20 Temmuz’da başlayacak ve 80 gün sürecek olan kampanyada toplanacak imzalar ve tanınma talep eden mektup, “en az yüz kişilik bir kafileyle” New York’a gidilerek Birleşmiş Milletler (BM) Genel Sekreterliği önünde yapılacak basın açıklamasının ardından Genel Sekreter’e sunulacak.
    Derneğin, bu konuda daha fazla ses getirmek için BM’ye sunulacak imzalarla mektubun eş zamanlı olarak KKTC’nin temsilcilikleri bulunan ülkelerde de dışişleri bakanlarına sunulmasını planlandığı belirtildi.
    KKTC Tanıtma Derneği Genel Başkanı Efgan Bilgi, kampanyayla ilgili bugün düzenlediği basın toplantısında, “KKTC’nin tanınması sadece Kıbrıs Türkü için gerekli değil, tüm Türk ulusunun başındaki dertlerin tamamının çözümüne en büyük vesile olacaktır” dedi.
    Bilgi, 80 gün sürecek kampanya çerçevesinde tüm köyleri gezeceklerini ve kampanyayı anlatarak imza toplayacaklarını belirtti.
    15 Kasım’da imzaların toplanmasının ve hazır olmasının hedeflendiğini söyleyen Bilgi, imzaları derneğin kuruluş yıldönümünde sergileyeceklerini söyledi.
    Derneğin konseyleşme çalışmalarına da değinen Bilgi, bu yöndeki çalışmaların büyük ilgi gördüğünü ve derneğe bunun için bağışlar yapılmakta olduğunu anlattı.
    Bilgi, derneğin 17 Temmuz’da genel kurula gideceğini ve yönetim kurulu için üyelik aranmayacağını da belirtti.
    Derneğin; halkın devlete olan güvenini yükseltmek, adaletli ve demokratik yapıyı korumak, milli gün ve anıları yaşatmak, çağdaş Kıbrıs Türk gencinin dünya ile yarışabilecek bilgi beceride olduğunu göstermek ve tüm tanınma faaliyetlerini bir düzen intizama almak maksadıyla 6 komite kuracağını ifade eden Bilgi, bu komitelerin; “Devlet Alacakları Takip Komitesi”, “Vatandaş Şikayetleri Komitesi”, “Milli Günler ve Organizasyon Komitesi”, “Dış İlişkiler Komitesi”, “Turizm ve Tanıtma Bütçeleri Takip Komitesi” ve “80 Günde 80 Bin İmza ve New York Komitesi” olduğunu dile getirdi.
    Bilgi, bütün gayretlerinin; halkın devletine sahip çıktığını ve tanınma istediğini tüm dünyaya duyurmak olduğuna vurgu yaparak, herkese kampanyaya katılma çağrısında bulundu.
  • Google accused of criminal intent

    Google accused of criminal intent

    Wednesday, 9 June 2010 18:36 UK

    Google is “almost certain” to face prosecution for collecting data from unsecured wi-fi networks, according to Privacy International (PI).

    Google Street View camera

    The search giant has been under scrutiny for collecting wi-fi data as part of its StreetView project.

    Google has released an independent audit of the rogue code, which it has claimed was included in the StreetView software by mistake.

    But PI is convinced the audit proves “criminal intent”.

    “The independent audit of the Google system shows that the system used for the wi-fi collection intentionally separated out unencrypted content (payload data) of communications and systematically wrote this data to hard drives. This is equivalent to placing a hard tap and a digital recorder onto a phone wire without consent or authorisation,” said PI in a statement.

    This would put Google at odds with the interception laws of the 30 countries that the system was used in, it added.

    Scotland Yard

    “The Germans are almost certain to prosecute. Because there was intent, they have no choice but to prosecute,” said Simon Davies, head of PI.

    In the UK the ICO has said it is reviewing the audit but that for the time being it had no plans to pursue the matter.

    PI however does intend to take the case to the police.

    “I don’t see any alternative but for us to go to Scotland Yard,” said Mr Davies.

    The revelation that Google had collected such data led the German Information Commissioner to demand it handed over a hard-disk so it could examine exactly what it had collected.

    It has not yet received the data and has extended the original deadline for it to be handed over.

    The Australian police have also been ordered to investigate Google for possible breach of privacy.

    ‘Systematic failure’

    According to Google, the code which allowed data to be collected was part of an experimental wi-fi project undertaken by an unnamed engineer to improve location-based services and was never intended to be incorporated in the software for StreetView.

    “As we have said before, this was a mistake. The report today confirms that Google did indeed collect and store payload data from unencrypted wi-fi networks, but not from networks that were encrypted. We are continuing to work with the relevant authorities to respond to their questions and concerns,” said a Google spokesman.

    “This was a failure of communication between and within teams,” he added.

    But PI disputes this explanation.

    “The idea that this was a work of a lone engineer doesn’t add up. This is complex code and it must have been given a budget and been overseen. Google has asserted that all its projects are rigorously checked,” said Mr Davies.

    “It goes to the heart of a systematic failure of management and of duty of care,” he added.


  • Israel ‘to accept British plan to ease Gaza blockade’

    Israel ‘to accept British plan to ease Gaza blockade’

    Israel is poised to accept a British plan to ease its blockade of Gaza in exchange for international acceptance of a watered-down investigation into last week’s deadly raid on a Turkish aid ship, sources said on Tuesday.

    By Adrian Blomfield in Jerusalem and Alex Spillius in Washington
    Published: 10:00PM BST 08 Jun 2010

    Palestinians wait for Hamas police officers to check their passports as they wait to cross to Egypt, at Rafah border crossing, southern Gaza Strip, Tuesday June 8, 2010 Photo: AP

    Britain is understood to have taken a leading role in the negotiations and last week circulated a confidential document proposing ways of easing the blockade, according to Western officials familiar with a draft version of the report.

    Facing growing international criticism over the humanitarian situation in Gaza, Israeli officials said that would agree, in principle, to permit the passage of substantially more aid through Israel’s land crossings with the Hamas-controlled territory.

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    Since the Islamist group seized control in 2007, Israel has allowed only basic humanitarian supplies into Gaza, while forbidding the importation of most electronic and construction materials that it says could be used by Hamas for military purposes.

    While aid agencies will welcome a relaxation of the rules, others, particularly Turkey, will be concerned about the price exacted by Israel. They fear the trade-off will mean that Israel is never held to account for the nine deaths on board the Mavi Marmara, the lead ship in an international flotilla that tried to break the naval blockade of Gaza last week.

    Israeli officials denied there was any direct link between their willingness to cooperate over the blockade and the apparent ebbing of Western support for a UN-led international inquiry into to flotilla raid.

    But a Western source close to international discussions with Israel said: “A quid pro quo deal is in the offing”.

    William Hague, the Foreign Secretary, also hinted that pressure for a UN investigation was easing by declaring that “an inquiry with an international presence” might be acceptable.

    The Israeli government has proposed conducting its own judicial investigation, possibly in the presence of one or two American observers, but has ruled out questioning soldiers or officers involved in the raid.

    According to Western sources, many of the British proposals have been adopted by the Quartet on the Middle East peace, the negotiating body that comprises the UN, the United States, the European Union and Russia.

    They include calls for Israel to abandon its official list of 35 items whose entry into Gaza is allowed in favour of a list of specifically outlawed items.

    Israel has also been asked to ease access into Gaza at its land crossings, where there are frequent bottlenecks, and to allow the UN to transport construction materials and equipment needed to rebuild 60,000 homes destroyed or damaged during the Gaza war of December, 2008.

    The Israeli government is understood to have signalled its acceptance of most of these conditions.

    “Israel could be flexible about items reaching the civilian population,” an Israeli official said.

    He added that some construction materials like cement, which could be used to construct military bunkers, could be allowed in under “third-party” guarantees, meaning that the UN would be responsible for ensuring that such materials did not fall into the hands of Hamas.

    But one part of the British proposal – to ease Israel’s naval blockade of Gaza – is understood to have failed after encountering Israeli resistance.

    Britain had suggested forming an international maritime force that would have seen all ships searched by Israeli and foreign inspectors before being allowed to dock in Gaza.

    Israel is insisting that it must be allowed full control of Gaza’s waters.

    Whether a deal allowing Israel take charge of its own investigation in exchange for easing land restrictions on Gaza – but not its maritime blockade – will garner sufficient international support is unclear.

    Vladimir Putin, the Russian prime minister, on Tuesday threatened to push for an international investigation into the flotilla incident at the UN.

    There was also scepticism in the aid community that Israeli concessions on the blockade would substantially ease the suffering in Gaza.

    “Let’s judge the Israeli authorities by their actions rather than their words because there have been plenty of words in the past,” said Christopher Gunness, spokesman for the UN Relief and Works Agency.

    The British embassy in Tel Aviv declined to confirm or deny the existence of the British position paper.

    “We do not comment on leaked documents,” an embassy spokeswoman sa

  • Russia, Turkey and Iran Meet, Posing Test for U.S.

    Russia, Turkey and Iran Meet, Posing Test for U.S.

    Published: June 8, 2010

    ISTANBUL — Leaders of Russia, Turkey and Iran convened at a security summit meeting in Istanbul on Tuesday in a display of regional power that appeared to be calculated to test the United States just one day before a scheduled American-backed debate in the United Nations Security Council on imposing tighter sanctions over Iran’s nuclear program.
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    Osman Orsal/Reuters
    Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, left, with Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin of Russia on Tuesday in Istanbul.
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    Bulent Kilic/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
    President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran during the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) in Istanbul on Tuesday.
    In remarks at the gathering of regional leaders, the third of its kind dedicated to increasing cooperation and security in Asia, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran said a nuclear agreement brokered by Turkey and Brazil last month was a one-time opportunity and other countries had called to express their support for it. “We’ve seen a lot of support from the international arena,” he said, according to the Turkey’s official Anatolian News Agency. “This is the voice of everyone’s heart.” Mr. Ahmadinejad also maintained a defiant posture toward the United States. “If the U.S. and its allies think they could hold the stick of sanctions and then sit and negotiate with us, they are seriously mistaken,” he told a news conference, according to Iran’s state-run Press TV satellite broadcaster. European and American officials say the vote on sanctions could come as early as Wednesday. Mr. Ahmadinejad said Iran would not repeat its recent offer to send part of its stockpile out of Iran for enrichment. The accord, supported by Brazil and Turkey, was designed to break the deadlock over its nuclear program, according to Iran. “The Tehran declaration provided an opportunity for the United States government and its allies. We had hoped and we are still hopeful that they use the opportunity well,” Mr. Ahmadinejad said. “I must say opportunities like this will not be repeated again.” He added: “We were thinking that the United States President Barack Obama would make certain changes in the United States policies. We don’t say that we are hopeless. We hope that he can actually get over the present conditions in the time that remains. We are ready for dialogue within the frame of justice and respect.” The United States contends Iran is trying to develop nuclear weapons, while Iran argues its nuclear program is peaceful. The deal brokered by Turkey and Brazil last month was based on parts of a previous United Nations-backed offer for Tehran to give up 1,200 kilograms of low enriched uranium in exchange for special fuel for a medical research reactor. But the agreement infuriated the United States, which is trying to persuade other members of the Security Council, including China and Russia, to vote for tighter sanctions. Mr. Ahmadinejad was to meet separately on Tuesday with the Russian prime minister, Vladimir V. Putin, at the conference, a move that is likely to worry the United States, which won the support of both Russia and China for sanctions this month. Mr. Putin, speaking at the conference, said sanctions should not be “excessive” but gave no details on whether Russia would change its mind on the vote. He called Iran’s nuclear program peaceful, a characterization with which Washington disagrees. “I hold the opinion that this resolution should not be unnecessary, should not put Iran’s leadership or the Iranian people into difficulty,” Mr. Putin said. The conference reinforces the shifting alignments in this complicated area, where regional powers like Iran and Turkey, a NATO member, are emerging as bigger players. Turkey, whose relationship with its longtime ally Israel is fraying, has been mediating in the Balkans, the Caucasus and the Middle East in a new activist foreign policy that has sometimes placed it at odds with Washington, its closest diplomatic and military partner.
    Sebnem Arsu contributed reporting from Istanbul, and Alan Cowell from Paris.

  • Pound falls as Fitch warns on UK deficit

    Pound falls as Fitch warns on UK deficit

    (Reuters) – Sterling fell broadly on Tuesday after Fitch ratings agency said the fiscal challenges facing the UK were “formidable,” putting the issue of the UK’s substantial budget deficit back in the spotlight.

    Fitch said the UK needed to cut its deficit more quickly than the previous government set out in its April 2010 budget. It said Britain’s public debt ratios had risen since 2008 more quickly than those of any other AAA-rated sovereign.

    Analysts and traders said the comments reignited concerns about how the safety of the UK’s rating and the cost of insuring British government debt against default rose in response.

    However, Fitch acknowledged the new government, which took power last month, had acted quickly in calling for fiscal consolidation. Finance Minister George Osborne will present an emergency budget on June 22 as the government looks to cut a deficit running at around 11 percent of national output.

    “The comments brought sterling and its associated woes rushing back to the fore of our attentions once again,” said Richard Wiltshire, chief FX broker at ETX Capital.

    “The Fitch announcement certainly accentuated the move lower in sterling, taking it down through $1.4400 and triggering stops of some nervy longs.”

    Sterling hit a nine-day low against the dollar of $1.4374 after the Fitch report. By 12:10 p.m., it had recovered to $1.4433, though it was still down 0.2 percent on the day.

    The euro was up 0.4 percent at 82.66 pence, having hit a high for the day of 82.91 pence. Technical analysts said gains could be capped by resistance around 84.00 pence, the 2009 low.

    The falls pushed sterling’s trade-weighted index down 0.4 points from late trade on Monday to 80.4.

    Wiltshire said the reaction to the Fitch comments proved how fickle markets were in the current volatile trading environment.

    Sterling gained earlier in the day in a cautious welcome of the new coalition government’s determination to tackle the UK’s deficit, and on talk insurer Prudential still needed to buy back sterling following the collapse of its bid for AIG’s Asian arm.


    Prime Minister David Cameron told Britons on Monday the scale of the country’s budget problems was even worse than he had anticipated and cited crisis-hit Greece as an example of the risk of failing to act.

    Investors were wary, however, about the potential impact of large spending cuts on economic growth, while worries about euro zone debt problems left them minded to avoid buying riskier currencies, including sterling.

    “The market is for the moment giving the new coalition the benefit of the doubt that it will come up with a satisfactory fiscal consolidation plan,” said Lee Hardman, currency economist at BTMU.

    “But if the global recovery starts to lose momentum people will be more worried about the growth impact.”

    A British Retail Consortium survey showed like-for-like retail sales rose 0.8 percent last month, although consumers were still reluctant to make major purchases.

    A survey by recruitment company Manpower also showed the majority of UK employers expected to recruit more staff in the next three months, but the public sector’s outlook was the weakest since 1994.

    (Reporting by Jessica Mortimer)
