Category: News

  • The most influential media organizations

    The most influential media organizations

    The most influential media organizations in the world between March 2011-2021.

    Yalman Haceroglu 2

    Today, there is almost a consensus among most thinkers and political theorists around the world that:: The media in its various forms and patterns represents the most powerful strategic weapon possessed by major countries or even medium-developed countries..

    And when we say media, we mean:: written, audio, visual and electronic media.. And electronic media, as is known, is represented by various means of communication and social media such as Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, TikTok, Instagram and others.
    Since the emergence of the theories of: globalization and Americanization or the small village or the era of “infomedia… open media” and specifically since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, followed by the disintegration and fragmentation of the Soviet Union and the rest of the communist bloc in the world and with it the disintegration of the “Warsaw Pact” military in the years 1990 ~ 1991, we say after all that important theories and major studies have emerged about the role of the media:: in controlling the opinions, desires and inclinations of all the peoples of the earth from east to west;; and from north to south;; With new media philosophies and theories, the vast majority of which fall under what is called ((capitalism / liberalism)), the theories emerged: Samuel Hemington in (The Clash of Civilizations), Francis Fukuyama in (The End of History), Henry Kissinger in (The Last American Empire), Zbigniew Brzezinski in ((The Propaganda Depth of the Capitalist World)) and many others that there is no room here to discuss in detail. Media schools and philosophies have become more efficient, mature and capable of controlling the opinions and tendencies of all the peoples of the earth; and more capable even of controlling global markets and stock exchanges. And the entire media has become ((an advanced specialized industry called the modern media industry))

    ** On 17 ~ 5 ~ 2021, the International Media Organization published;; It is one of the important institutions associated with the United Nations. An important and detailed study on the five most important institutions and media outlets that had a significant impact on political, economic, financial, cultural and social events in the world as a whole over a full ten years, specifically for the period from March 2011 to March 2021. These five institutions are:

    1~ The British Broadcasting Corporation BBC.. It is a British institution headquartered in London / England.

    It was founded in 1923.

    It has three icons: BBC in English.. and BBC in Arabic.. as radio stations.. with a satellite station with the same name BBC.. Many consider it one of the most neutral, reliable and solid media outlets; and its various activities are followed by more than 2 billion people around the world from different races, nationalities and continents.

    2~ The American CNN channel; headquartered in Washington, USA. It was founded in New York City, USA, on 4/13/1979 by the famous billionaire “Robert Murdoch”, who is Jewish in religion and nationality; and many researchers and those interested in media and propaganda consider it one of the most important and dangerous satellite channels in the world; as some accuse it of having dangerous and secret relations with many Zionist and Masonic organizations around the world; and the latest reliable statistics about it indicate that there are approximately one and a half billion people around the world who follow its curricula and news around the clock.

    3~ Fox News is an American satellite channel; its headquarters are in the American capital, Washington; it was founded in 1995 by American businessman Robert Maxwell and other shareholders. Many consider it to represent the American Democratic Party; while others consider it to be the official spokesperson and close to all liberal movements around the world. It has two main sections; the first is English-speaking; and the second is French-speaking. The latest statistics and studies about it indicate that the number of its followers is close to one billion people around the planet, representing the five continents of the world.

    4~ The Chinese News Agency (Xinhua) is the official Chinese agency allowed to operate within Chinese geography; it was established in late June 1933 with a news/guidance orientation only; but after 1973 and after the Chinese Communist Party tightened its complete control over all parts of China under the leadership of “Mao Zedong”, the entire agency turned into the media and propaganda wing of the ruling Chinese Communist Party since that date until today; and it broadcasts its programs exclusively in the local Chinese language; and the number of its employees is approximately 3965 employees, technicians and consultants; and its headquarters is in the Chinese capital, Beijing itself; and the latest studies and research on it indicate that the number of its followers ranges between one billion and one and a half billion people. The vast majority of them are from the Chinese people themselves; and it has no clear influence outside the official international borders of China.

    5~ Al Jazeera Qatari Channel; It was initially established in the British capital London on 1~11~ 1996.. And after only four months of its work, it moved to the Qatari capital Doha; and huge sums of money were allocated to it, close to 2 billion dollars;; and Al Jazeera Qatari Channel broadcasts in three sections: the Arabic section, headquartered in Doha; the English section, headquartered in England; and the French section, headquartered in Paris.

    The number of its employees and experts is approximately 1955 employees and affiliates in its three sections.. Al Jazeera Channel adopts a very mature and efficient media philosophy that combines moderate political Islam with limited disciplined freedoms. The latest studies and solid research on it indicate that the number of its followers ranges between 570 and 600 million people in the entire world;; It is also accused of being the official spokesperson for the international organization of the Muslim Brotherhood movement.

    Thus, we have provided a brief description of the five most important media institutions around the world, with reference to the role of contemporary media in influencing the trends and opinions of most people in the world as a whole.

  • NOVEMBER 10, 1938

    NOVEMBER 10, 1938

    Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

    The only leader, rare in the world history, who accomplished Herculean tasks in such a short period of time.

    Ataturk was one of the greatest statesmen of the 20th century, transforming the remnants of a degenerate Empire that had existed as a corpse of itself for the last 100 years into a secular, progressive state that embraced liberal democratic ideals.

    As a Turkish commander in WW1, Ataturk was the only general to have never suffered a defeat. He fought bravely in the failed Gallipoli offensive that humiliated the Allies, and fought in both the European and Syrian theaters until the Ottoman defeat in 1918.

    Then, during the Turkish War of Independence, Ataturk rallied his people and liberated Turkey from the Treaty of Sevres. Not only did he defeat the French, the English, the Greeks, and the Armenians, he reversed the Ottoman territorial concessions that had been made after the Russo-Turkish War.

    Then, after emerging victorious and creating the Republic of Turkey, he went about to fix the new nascent state’s issues. He realized that the backwards ways of the old Ottoman Caliphate were irreconcilable with his vision for a new, secular Turkey. And in spite of virtually all of the challenges he faced, he prevailed.

    Some of his accomplishments include:

    Created a new alphabet to replace the old Arabic-based one and fully implemented it within 3–5 months

    Promoted education – particularly mathematics and the sciences – throughout his state to create a secular, scientific system. As a result of this, thousands of Turks were educated. Only 7% of the Turkish male population and 0.5% of the Turkish female population was literate. Today, Ataturk’s Turkey has a literacy rate of 95%.

    Abolished both the Islamic Caliphate and Ottoman Sultanate despite pressure to take the title of Caliph for himself. This in itself is a huge accomplishment. By doing this, he symbolically promised to make Turkey into a shining example of secularism.

    Secularized the nation, abolishing religious laws and giving all Turkish citizens equality before the law. He based his legal system off of that of the French, Swiss, and Italians.

    Established a Turkish homeland, where Turks could have sovereignty. The Ottoman Empire, especially after the 19th century, had become increasingly Europeanized and began neglecting most of its subjects, including its Turkish ones. By establishing a Turkish homeland in Anatolia, Ataturk was the founder of Turkish nationalism.

    Providing women’s rights. Ataturk wrote,“Everything we see in the world is the creative work of women,” and did the following to advance women’s rights:

    Gave women the right to vote, some 20 years before France

    Banned the hijab

    Gave women equal rights before the law

    Banned polygamy

    Universalized divorce and inheritance laws

    Supported women’s education and coeducation

    Translated the Quran into Turkish, giving Turks the ability to read a non-Arabic book of religion. This was an important step in Turkish nationalism.

    What made Ataturk a great leader was the fact that he completely changed a broken nation into the only stable Middle Eastern country of its time. His very title – Ataturk, or Father of the Turks – is symbolic of the tremendous contributions he’s made towards the Turkish nation. For this reason, he is one of the most respected people in history.

    Shakespeare wrote, Einstein thought, Ataturk built.”

    Azmi Guran



    APPRECIATION OF CONTRIBUTION to the Inaugural Event of the Compulsory Peace Education & ICTs vision.

    turkish forum



    Turkish Forum

    In recognition of contributing as a Member Organization of the New Coalition for: “Inaugural Event: Compulsory Peace Education & ICTs from Kindergarten to K-12, and Beyond” (CPE-ICTs-K-12) in support of the 2024 United Nations Summit of the Future #OurCommonFuture by Light Millennium Global, which was held on October 5, 2024.



  • Invitation To Inaugural Event

    Invitation To Inaugural Event

    peace education lmglobal turkish forum

    You are cordially invited to an Inaugural Event (virtual) with the Representatives of the Coalition and Speakers to present you the two married visions in a diverse spectrum toward making a long-term commitment to advocating the proposed vision, which is scheduled for:

    TIME: 11:00 a.m. EST. |
    6:00 PM TR | 8:30 PM IND.

  • IMBRICS Forum Russia unites speakers from Turkey, China and Brazil

    IMBRICS Forum Russia unites speakers from Turkey, China and Brazil

    brics forum

    On August 27–28, 2024, Moscow hosted the IMBRICS FORUM — the VI International Municipal Forum of the BRICS Countries.

    The event has become an important platform for exchanging experiences and ideas between representatives of regional and municipal governments from the BRICS countries. It also helped build effective business communications with entrepreneurs from Russia and other partner countries.

    The forum included a round table discussion on the role of extracurricular education and international cooperation in children’s and youth education. Experience of BRICS cities and municipalities, which was devoted to discussing issues of children’s and youth recreation in camps, as well as extracurricular education. The event was attended by representatives of legislative and executive bodies of state power in Russia, heads of Russian and foreign children’s camps and non-profit organizations. In particular, the event was attended by Boris Chernyshov, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Natalya Agre, Director of the Department of State Policy in the Sphere of Education, Supplementary Education and Children’s Recreation of the Ministry of Education of Russia, Sandra Goulart Urioste, Director of English Camp (Brazil), Fahrettin Gozet, President of the Canadian NGO International Camping Fellowship (ICF) Fahrettin Gozet (Turkey) and Nie Aijun, President of the Board of The Institute for Camp Education in China . The speakers delivered reports, shared their experience in organizing the area of ​​activity under consideration, and discussed existing initiatives to expand the activities of the camp movement and extracurricular education, including in the BRICS countries.

    The particular focus was on the Turkish speaker Fahrettin Gozet, who delivered a report on “Collaborative Initiatives Among BRICS Countries: Strengthening Youth Engagement”. In his report, he noted ICF as a key participant in strengthening cooperation between youth camps around the world, including the BRICS countries, whose mission is to strengthen youth engagement through joint initiatives. He explained how ICF programs and initiatives create opportunities for cooperation among BRICS countries in the field of youth engagement, using the strengths and resources of its international network. Fahrettin Gozet also gave examples of cooperation carried out with the assistance of ICF, such as a partnership between Russian and South African camps aimed at developing leadership skills and cultural exchange, promoting the involvement of youth across borders.

    As a result, the participants agreed on further interaction with each other, the implementation of joint projects aimed at developing extracurricular education.

  • Moscow to host the International Municipal Forum of the BRICS Countries

    Moscow to host the International Municipal Forum of the BRICS Countries

    5123630 1

    The two-day that is held on August, 27-28, is a unique platform for exchanging experience and ideas between representatives of regional and municipal governments from the BRICS countries, as well as for building effective business communications with entrepreneurs from Russia and other partner countries. The event is held with the support of the Presidential Administration and the Russian Foreign Ministry, as well as with the assistance of Rossotrudnichestvo and the Government of Moscow.

    The Forum is yet another proof of inefficiency of the sanctions imposed on Russia – the country regularly hosts international events and continues global trade.

    Moreover, the expansion of BRICS has become a turning point both for the association itself and for the new members and their partners. Behind the obvious economic, logistical and trade benefits are long-term strategic goals that, on the one hand, will entail changes in global markets, and on the other, will accelerate the process of reorienting the focus of international cooperation that has already started.

    The once proclaimed trend of “turning to the East” is now acquiring a new focus – turning to the South. The global interest is shifting towards the countries of Southeast Asia and Africa, with which the Russia has already established business, economic, and trade ties, as well as partnerships in the field of migration policy and human capital. Thus, the BRICS has all the chances to become a new geopolitical center, strengthening its diplomatic, political and economic influence in the world.

    And while this process has already started the West is hardly to be a part of the game.

    The BRICS IMF is a regular event. In 2022, the BRICS IMF was included in the text of the Beijing Declaration of the XIV BRICS Summit (paragraph 70) and designated until 2030 as a significant mechanism for promoting urban development and establishing ties between sister cities of the BRICS countries within the framework of the Sustainable Development Agenda.