Category: Main Issues

  • CYPRUS: Anastasiades will not return to the negotiations

    CYPRUS: Anastasiades will not return to the negotiations

    Greek Cypriot Leader Nicos Anastasiades said he would not be pressured into returning to reunification talks and negotiate under threat or intimidation only to have a forced solution dictated by military might.

    Addressing an official lunch in honour of  Archbishop of America Demetrios, Anastasiades said that despite Turkey having promised many times to powerful strategic partners that it would contribute positively to the effort for reunification of the island, a few days ahead of the next round of talks it chose to reconfirm its intransigence with military operations which violate the Republic’s rights at sea.

    Anastasiades has suspended Greek participation in the talks following Ankara’s decision to carry out seismic surveys in Cyprus exclusive economic zone.

    Anastasiades reiterated that the island’s natural resources belonged to the state and the benefits would be enjoyed by all its inhabitants after a settlement of the problem.
    Military threats and violations under the pretext of doing it on behalf of the Turkish Cypriots do not help in securing what is self evident, he said.

    On the contrary, he added they weaken the prospects of finding a solution and of taking advantage of the incentive offered by natural resources.

    Turkish Cypriot leader Dervis Eroglu urged the Greek Cypriot side to return to the talks without setting conditions.
    Eroglu suggested that the international community ought to put pressure on the Greek Cypriots towards that end.

    TRNC President  Dervis Eroglu
    Meanwhile, Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras will arrive on the island on November 7 ahead of a tripartite meeting between Cyprus, Greece, and Egypt the next day in Cairo.

    Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras

    The Greek PM’s visit will be preceded by that of his Foreign Minister Evangelos Venizelos, expected on Thursday.

    He will be taking part in a meeting between the three countries’ foreign ministers on Wednesday.

      Küfi Seydali



  • CYPRUS: Greece speaks for Cyprus at UN under Greek flag

    CYPRUS: Greece speaks for Cyprus at UN under Greek flag

    United Nations Day marked by continuous brutal violations of International Laws by Turkey in Cyprus – Greece

    Greek Vice President of the government and Minister of Foreign Affairs Evangelos Venizelos (standing on his side the Foreign Minister of South Cyprus Mr. Kasoulides)

    In what is normally a rather typical statement in regard to the celebration of the United Nations Day, the Greek government on Friday took the opportunity to pinpoint and denounce what it calls “systematic violations” of the UN’s basic principles in Cyprus by Turkey.

    Evangelos Venizelos, Vice-Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Greece said Ankara does not respect the sovereign rights of UN member countries, does not refrain from “offensive actions and threats in applying force”, is not “dedicated to the peaceful solution of differences”, and “does not respect international laws”.

    Venizelos referred to Cyprus as “unfortunately, an actual example” of what he previously referred to regarding Ankara’s behaviour.

    The Republic of Cyprus is recognized by all UN member states except Turkey, he said, and yet this country “40 years from the invasion and occupation of the northern part of the island, continues to violate brutally international law”.

    The Greek minister referred to “recent activities” of the Turkish exploration vessel Barbaros in sea waters which he says are internationally designated as belonging and being part of the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Cyprus Republic.

    “This is yet another violation,” he said, of the UN’s Law of the Sea Convention, in an area where Cyprus has the exclusive sovereign right to search for and exploit natural resources.

    Greek media have been quick to underline the fact that almost all statements made by the Greek government on UN Day are focused on what it calls “recent offensive actions” by Turkey in Cyprus’ EEZ. Some regard this as “a deliberately chosen reminder to the UN that such offensive actions and violations have been exercised by Turkey in Cyprus for 40 years now”.

    Political analysts have also noted that the Foreign Ministry’s statement could also be regarded as a reaction of sorts to what Athens saw as “a neutral encouragement” by the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon towards both sides in Cyprus to return to their bicommunal negotiations, “without previously condemning Turkey’s recent behaviour”.

      Küfi Seydali

    Comment by Küfi Seydali

    Very funny and interesting indeed that Mr. Venizelos seem to remember only the past 40 years after which the table has been turned in Cyprus, not particularly to his country’s favour. He forgot the Ethniki Eteria-EOKA within the activities of the “Megalo Idea” aiming at annexing Cyprus to Greece (1955). Who’s national was General Grivas who led the terror organisation EOKA? Who sent weapons and troops clandestinely to Cyprus? Who attempted to exterminate the Turkish Cypriot population (1963 – 1974)? Who toppled Makarios in 1974 and practically declared ENOSIS. Who did Makarios accuse of invasion in front of the Security Council of the UN in July 1974?

    Yes, Mr Venizelos spoke from the belly but I doubt that anyone even slightly informed on the Cyprus issue, would believe his mischief and nonsensical manifestations! It is a shame that the name “Venizelos” reminds one of a great statesman who was able of making peace with Kemal Atatürk with no regrets.

    The Greek side managed to convince the UN with the help of both America and Russia. Furthermore managed to con the EU through blackmail. However, the US as well as EU membership for the greek Cypriots did not contribute to finding a peaceful solution, if anything, made the problem insoluble – and that is where we stand Mr. Venizelos.

  • ARMENIA: 16.000 protest against poverty and bribery

    ARMENIA: 16.000 protest against poverty and bribery

    Poverty and Bribery

    In the Armenian capital Eriwan, about 16.000 opponents of President Serzh Sargsyan took to the streets. They accused the government of not doing enough to stop poverty and bribery, and demanded early general elections and Presidential elections.

    Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan


    Second Friday Demo of the opposition

    The opposition politician and former president Lewon Ter-Petrosjan of the Armenian National Congress party told the crowd at Freedom Square, currently is a “powerful movement for change of government” in the making. The Chairman of the Prosperous Armenia party, the millionaire and former wrestling world champion Gagik Zarukjan, called for “a new government with a new policy.”

    220px Levon ter petrosian

    Lewon Ter-Petrosjan

    The demonstration was also called by the third major opposition party called Heritage. On Friday last week, a similar protest by more than 10,000 people took place..

  • Sassounian: “Why the UN Rejected Turkey’s Bid for a Security Council Seat?”

    Sassounian: “Why the UN Rejected Turkey’s Bid for a Security Council Seat?”

    Open letter to Turkish Enemy No.1, Harut Sassounian:

    Mr. Sassounian,

    You seem to enjoy the failures of the current Turkish government and anything that could harm Turkey and its people (including some Armenians).

    There is nothing wrong wit not achieving enough votes, particularly so soon after the 2009/2010 membership period.

    You refer to “arrogance” by Davutoglu und Cavusoglu! You must be reading either right to left or upside down! Prime Minister Davutoglu said; “if” and that there is a “possibility”. Considering your own vocabulary and vulgarity, I must say rather modest and reasonable.

    Interesting that you mention some of the opponents, because that shows the historical enemy position of Armenia and Greece. I can understand the Arabs and Israel.

    You drew the wrong conclusion once again Mr. sassounian. what you should have said, is that, Erdogan, with his lack of international experience, managed to upset the Jews, Israel and the Arab dictators simultaneously. Given that Israel is the “barking dog” of America, again no surprise that Obama had to sing the Jewish tune. Nothing wrong with that; everybody is free in the choice of their friends, but America is prisoner of the various Diasporas (Jewish, Greek, Armenian, Kurdish).

    As far as the EU membership is concerned, I have already expressed my opinion in 1980, letter to The Economist (UK) that the EU is nothing more than a christian club of which the membership cards are issue by the Vatikan.

      Küfi Seydali


  • Cyprus / Turkey: The destabilisation of the Middle East gains momentum!

    Cyprus / Turkey: The destabilisation of the Middle East gains momentum!

    Following America’s destabilisation activities in the Middle East, Russia and Israel together with the Greek Cypriots are now contributing to a flaggarant escalation in the region.

    Source: Oda-tv (transl: Joint military exercises by 3 countries)

    The Eastern Mediterranean is boiling! After America (Joe Biden’s visit to Cyprus), the Russians are now performing naval exercises between Cyprus and Syria. The Israeli Air Force, on the other hand, is carrying out joint operations with the Greek Cypriots over Cyprus’ airspace.

    One of the reasons for all this is that the Greek Cypriots are claiming exclusive
    rights to all hydrocarbon deposits around Cyprus, ignoring Turkish interests
    completely. The Greeks have been carrying our seismic studies, drllings and
    even sold shares to many interesting parties such as Italy, Korea, etc.
    However, ss soon as the Turkish side announced the start of seismic studies
    in the Eastern Mediterranean, the Greeks withdraw from the peace negotiations, and almost begged Russia (Meeting of Anastasiades with Vladimir Putin) and Israel to carry out simultaneous military exercises in this same region.

     Seismological Studies Ship Barbaros

    It looks as if the trio (Russia, Israel and Southern Cyprus) are speculating that
    Turkey being busy with the Syrian (Kobane) crisis, will draw back and allow them to enjoy the energy sources of Cyprus which belong to both Greek and Turkish Cypriots.

    What they oversee, however, is that Turkey has a huge military presence in Northern Cyprus which is capable of dealing with adventures of any kind. Besides, the Turkish Air Force is 3 minutes away. Particularly the Russian fleet will be trapped in the Mediterrenian with no supplies as their passing through the Bosphorus depends on turkish permission. Israel is also making a terrible mistake joining forces with Russia and ignoring America’s NATO interests in Turkey.

      Küfi Seydali



  • Armenia: Multifaceted Links to Russia and Incentives from the West

    Armenia: Multifaceted Links to Russia and Incentives from the West

    350px Armenia 2002 CIA map

    Armenia (Pop: 3  Mio); Turkey (Pop: 76 Mio)


    It looks as if Armenia has her nickers in the twist. There are so many parallels between Armenia and Greece, it’s unbelievable! They both see themselves as historical enemies of the Turks. Both chose to remember the Turkish retaliations but not their own aggressions. And again both are economically ruined and desperately in need of help and cooperation.

    What are these similarities and parallels, one may ask? First of all, they both have a Turkish enemy as a result of which they become dependent on foreign powers for their defence and survival!

    Secondly, they both wish to have the warm support of the western world, but, at the same time have difficulties distancing themselves from Russia.

    In the case of Greece, the tie is of religious origin (Orthodoxy). Greece is also in the lucky position of being NATO and EU member. The position of South Cyprus (Greek part of Cyprus) is also comparable with that of Armenia. Greek Cyprus is EU member but not NATO member, however, like Armenia far away from the West and dangerously close to Turkey.

    Mr. Sassounian says; “Armenia has multifaceted links to Russia” without going into any detail, except the military connection. He goes on to list 3 essential questions which make her EEU (Eurasian Economic Union) membership imperative! 1). Her occupation of Karabagh and resulting Azerbajani attitude. 2). Russia being her main source of weapons, and 3). Russia being her biggest trading partner, and of course the Armenian migrants in Russia.

    The conclusion to be drawn in both the case of Armenia and Greece, is that choosing peaceful coexistence with the Turks would solve most of their problems, and reduce their dependence on foreign powers. Both the West and Russia have only one objective; to maintain their hegemony and sell their weapons in order to keep their industries going. Consequently, maintaining the status quo of the Turks being the historical enemy of both Armenia and Greece, serve only their own interests and not those of Armenians and Greeks!

    I doubt it very much, Mr. Sassounian, if the two of us shall live to see a paradigm change in this poisonous triangle. Just think about two things Mr. Sassounian; 1- Why did the White House discover that famous carpet now? and 2- Why is Russia suddenly so interested in the Cyprus conflict? Think, think, think.

      Küfi Seydali