Category: Main Issues

  • Israel Risks New Turkish Ire with Recognition of Armenian Genocide

    Israel Risks New Turkish Ire with Recognition of Armenian Genocide


    JERUSALEM — The Israeli Parliament on Monday held its first public debate on whether to commemorate the Turkish genocide of Armenians nearly a century ago, an emotionally resonant and politically fraught topic for Israel, founded on the ashes of the Holocaust and trying to salvage frayed ties with Turkey.

    The session resulted from a rare confluence of political forces — an effort under way for decades by some on the left to get Israel to take a leading role in bringing attention to mass murder, combined with those on the right angry at how Turkey has criticized Israel over its policies toward the Palestinians.

    Previous efforts to declare one day a year a memorial for “the massacre of the Armenian people” have failed, and hearings on the topic were restricted to closed sessions of the Parliament’s defense and foreign affairs committee because of concerns over Turkey’s reaction, especially at a time when relations were friendlier.

    But with Turkey having recalled its ambassador from Tel Aviv, the hearing was moved this year to the education committee, where sessions are open. The debate was on live television.

    “As a people and as a country we stand and face the whole world with the highest moral demand that Holocaust denial is something human history cannot accept,” Reuven Rivlin, the speaker of the Parliament, who has favored official recognition of the genocide, said in his testimony. “Therefore we cannot deny the tragedy of others.”

    More than 15 countries have officially labeled as genocide the slaughter of 1.5 million Armenians in the chaos connected to World War I and the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire. Its denial is a crime in Switzerland and Slovenia.

    Turkey acknowledges atrocities occurred, but not any specific death toll.

    At Monday’s hearing, some advocates of commemorating the massacre said their efforts had nothing to do with politics or with the Turkey of today. Rather, they said, the goal was to educate young Israelis about genocide and publicly assert the need to prevent such acts.

    But officials from the Foreign Ministry said relations with Turkey were fragile and that passing such a resolution could have bad strategic consequences.

    After Israel invaded Gaza three years ago to stop rocket fire by Palestinian militants, Turkey expressed anger. A year and a half ago, the Israeli navy stopped a Turkish-sponsored flotilla from going to Gaza, killing nine activists aboard. Turkey demanded an apology and compensation. When Israel refused, ties were downgraded.

    Otniel Schneller, a legislator from the opposition Kadima Party, spoke against the commemoration, saying the region was growing more hostile to Israel in the wake of the Arab Spring uprisings and that Israel had to be pragmatic.

    “This is the time when we must rehabilitate our relations with Turkey because this is an existential issue for us,” he said. “Sometimes our desire to be right and moral overcomes our desire to exist, which is in the interest of the entire country.”

    The committee took no action, agreeing to meet again., December 26, 2011

  • Turkey, Israel and the Armenian Genocide

    Turkey, Israel and the Armenian Genocide

    It goes without saying that had Turkey not spent the last few years doing everything it could to destroy its erstwhile alliance with Israel there would have been no debate in the Knesset yesterday about whether to commemorate the Turkish genocide of Armenians during World War I. But since the Turks have become the sponsors and perhaps even the financial backers of Hamas, the consensus within the Israel to stay away from anything touching the Armenian question has dissolved. Though there were some MKs who thought the commemoration should be shelved as part of a new effort to win back the affections of Turkey, most Israelis rightly understand the ship has sailed on good relations with its former ally.

    The discussion will, it should be admitted, do nothing to ameliorate the now tense relationship, let alone revive the now shattered alliance between the two nations. With the Turks, as Max noted yesterday, willing to engage in name calling and accusations with France over the genocide issue, there can be no doubt that the Knesset’s session will only widen the breech between Ankara and Jerusalem. But rather than a mystery, the Turks’ decision to make a nearly century-old controversy a diplomatic litmus test can be understood in light of their history. Their unwillingness to bend even a little bit on the Armenians must be understood as something that speaks to their national identity and is unlikely to be dropped anytime soon.

    Max is right that logically it makes no sense for the Turkish republic to be so uptight about criticism of the actions of the Ottoman Empire that it replaced. But the Turkish Army carried out the mass slaughter of Armenians. The army was the heart and soul of the Ataturk regime that succeeded the old empire. It was the same army, led by Ataturk, that defeated the Greeks in the aftermath of World War I and evicted the Greeks from Asia Minor.

    Though we may see no connection between the Young Turk government that conducted the genocide and what followed, Ataturk’s modern republic is based on the idea of creating a Turkish national identity in which minorities such as the Greeks, the Kurds and, yes, the Armenians could play no real role. While the exodus of the Greeks from Turkey was more a matter of a mass ethnic cleansing than genocide, the intent was not dissimilar. So, too, was the decades-long Turkish campaign to eradicate the language, culture and political identity of the Kurds within their borders.

    I agree that Turkish gestures toward the Armenians or just a decision to drop their perennial campaign to make other nations stop commemorating the genocide would objectively cost them nothing. But they can’t seem to do it because to admit that Turks were at fault with the Armenians might also mean they were at fault with the Greeks or the Kurds. Just as the political culture of the Palestinians is so obsessed with negating Zionism that it prevents them from doing the rational thing and making peace with Israel, so, too does Turkey’s history render them incapable of giving up the argument about the Armenians.

    The one upside to the decision of Turkey’s Islamic government to betray their alliance with Israel and embrace Hamas is that it is no longer obligated to keep quiet about the Armenian genocide. The same goes for American Jews who understandably chose to make nice with the Turks for the sake of their backing of Israel. No longer need Israelis listen to lectures about the treatment of the Palestinians from a government that denies the Armenian genocide while oppressing Kurds in our own time., 27.12.2011

  • Is the bill passed by the parliament a violation of the right to freedom of expression?

    Is the bill passed by the parliament a violation of the right to freedom of expression?

    ErmeniAccording to Mikael Danielyan, the chairman of the Helsinki Association, the bill banning the denial of genocides passed by the French parliament is a violation of the right to freedom of expression. He expressed such a notion during a conversation with M. Danielyan thinks that it should not be in a form of a bill and aim at holding people accountable, “It is human’s right to freedom of expression to admit or not admit something. I am against such bills and I think that if someone denies, it should not be a subject of criminal responsibility. Human’s right to freedom of expression remains higher.”

    Political scientist Stepan Grigoryan, the director of the Analytical Center on Globalization and Regional Cooperation, expressed an opposite idea during a conversation with us, “I don’t think that it can be perceived as a violation of the right to freedom of expression. Provided the Holocaust is recognized around the world, almost in every country the denial of the Holocaust is criminalized. It means that not recognizing or denying the Holocaust is punishable. It has nothing to do with restraining the human rights. It is obvious that people who deny that must be held accountable both internationally and in their own country. The fact of the Armenian Genocide is recognized by around 20 countries, also by EU, various international organizations, therefore that fact is well-known.”

    Let us mention that according to the Turkish Zaman newspaper, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan severely criticized the decision of the French Senate, “Unfortunately, all this was related to Sarkozy’s political ambitions. Now I ask is there a freedom of speech in France? And I answer no. They have destroyed the atmosphere of free debate.”

    He is convinced that the bill will be finally ratified, “President Sarkozy will not use the right to veto, and that bill passed by the Senate will be ratified and will finally become a law. If Nicolas Sarkozy had been against, the government of France would have actively worked with the members of the Senate in order that it wasn’t passed. It is obvious that there has been no pressure on the MPs imposed by the government, so we have no doubt that this law will be finally ratified.”

    In response to a question what impact would the passing of this bill have, S. Grigoryan said that Turkey’s first reaction would be painful, but eventually, that country would reconcile to the fact that France was a powerful country, a permanent member of the UN Security Council and messing with such a country would have serious repercussions. According to him, the political fuss may be big, by calling back the ambassador, the relations may transfer to the level of the ambassador’s deputy, but S. Grigoryan doesn’t think that France will suffer big losses in the field of economics. On the contrary, it is not ruled out that showing such an attitude, Turkey may face problems herself.

    Turkey has already stated about stopping military cooperation with France. As for imposing various sanctions by that country, the political scientist thinks that France doesn’t fear those steps, “Let us not forget that France is a powerful country herself. France is backed by EU. What is a sanction against France – e.g. if Turkey tries to impose some economic or commercial sanctions against France, she will automatically confront the European Union.”

    In response to our question whether the step of passing the bill by France was not conditioned by the fact that the country tried to attract the attention of the Armenian community during the upcoming election and thereby win votes, the political scientist noted that it was not the main factor, “There are roughly half a million Armenians in France, they have nearly 200 thousand votes. It is not such a big influence, so that to make France oppose Turkey.” According to the political scientist, France had a few reasons for passing that bill, one of which, according to him, was related to restoring historical justice and the main reason was, “Turkey has shown big ambitions in the Arab, Muslim world recently. Turkey tries to become a leader in the region in regard to the Arab Spring and revolutions, including the countries of North Africa. It is obvious that France doesn’t like it.” Our interlocutor thinks that passing the bill is not the last step taken by France against Turkey. In his words, the period of rivalry has just started, “Turkey is becoming more powerful and clashing with the interests of other countries, first of all France and Italy and there will be new steps taken by those countries in the short-run.”

    Lusine KHACHATRYAN, DECEMBER 22, 2011

  • Turkey to Revise its Diaspora Concept

    Turkey to Revise its Diaspora Concept

    Turkey renews its rhetoric that it applied within its action plan against Armenian initiatives on the incidents of 1915. Ankara constitutes its action plan on raising awareness in the international arena on overall incidents of the World War I-era in a way that includes what all Ottoman people suffered.

    Turkey would change its “concept of diaspora,” Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu said. Turkish officials would have face to face talks on joint history with anyone who migrated from Anatolia from whichever religion or sect they were, including Armenians, Greeks and Jews, he said. “They are our diasporas.” Turkey would tell how France and some colonialists had set “riot between us” in that era, he said.

    Turkey’s short-term action plan against Armenian resolutions and long-term plans for the upcoming 100th year of the alleged Armenian “genocide” will be an issue during the meetings of Turkish ambassadors, who gathered in Ankara to review Turkey’s foreign policy, a diplomatic source told Hürriyet Daily News Dec. 23. Ankara was also concerned with Armenian initiatives in

    the U.S. because of the upcoming presidential elections in that country. Ankara would raise its voice against the bill “all around the world,” Davutoğlu said, adding that Turkey would decide whether to “sharpen or ease” measures against France according to Paris’ attitude.

    Parliament scraps friendship group

    In a related development, Parliament Speaker Cemil Çiçek said yesterday that the adoption of the denial bill had made the France friendship group in Parliament redundant and announced that its 350-odd members had begun resigning. Çiçek said the stance of French Parliament was “biased, hostile and poisonous” for bilateral relations. “Maintaining friendly relations with such a country has become meaningless and unnecessary. There will be no France friendship group until they make up for their decision,” Çiçek said, stressing that the stance of the Senate, the next legislative stage for the bill, would be crucial. The overwhelming majority of the group’s members belonged to the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP).

    Saturday, 24 December 2011


  • Sarkozy: Turkey Cannot Teach France Any “Lessons”

    Sarkozy: Turkey Cannot Teach France Any “Lessons”

    Armenia Thanks France for Genocide Bill

    PARIS — France’s President Nicolas Sarkozy dismissed on Friday Turkey’s furious reaction to the passage of a French bill criminalizing the denial of the Armenian Genocide, saying that Ankara cannot teach his country any “lessons.”

    “I respect the views of our Turkish friends — it’s a great country, a great civilization — and they must respect ours,” the AFP news agency quoted Sarkozy as saying in Prague where he attended the funeral of late Czech President Vaclav Havel.

    “France is not giving lessons to anyone but does not want them either,” he said.

    “Under all circumstances, we must remain calm … France does not ask for permission, France has its convictions, human rights, and respect for memory,” added Sarkozy.

    In remarks aired by French television, Sarkozy also cited that in 2001 the French parliament had recognized the Armenian Genocide.

    “Ten years ago France adopted a law recognizing the Armenian genocide, the massacre of 1.5 million Armenians,” he said. “Now the question for the parliament was to know whether the recognition of this genocide should mean that those disputing it can be held accountable.

    “This is what was decided by the National Assembly. You see, France has principles.”

    Earlier on Friday, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused France of committing genocide in its former colony Algeria and launched a personal attack on Sarkozy. “In Algeria from 1945, an estimated 15 percent of the population was massacred by the French. This is a genocide,” Erdogan said on live television, according to Reuters.

    “If the French President Mr. Sarkozy doesn’t know about this genocide he should go and ask his father, Paul Sarkozy. His father served in the French Legion in Algeria in the 1940s. I am sure he would have lots to tell his son about the French massacres in Algeria,” the Turkish premier said.

    AFP reported that France’s Foreign Minister Alain Juppe called on Turkey not to “overreact” to a bill that he insisted was a parliamentary initiative, and not a project of Sarkozy’s government.

    “We have been accused of genocide! How could we not overreact?” the Turkish ambassador to France, Tahsin Burcuoglu, said before taking a flight home. “Turkey will never recognize this story of an Armenian genocide.”

    Armenia Thanks France

    Armenia on Friday again thanked France for the Genocide bill adopted by the parliament. In a letter to his French counterpart Nicolas Sarkozy, President Serzh Sarkisian said the French National Assembly demonstrated France’s devotion to “universal human values” when it approved a corresponding bill on Thursday.

    According to the presidential press office, Sarkisian said the vote also testifies to Sarkozy’s personal commitment to strengthening “Armenian-French friendship,” eliminating “division lines” and “reconciling peoples” in the region.

    Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian also thanked France in a statement issued immediately after the National Assembly in Paris voted to pass the bill criminalizing the denial of the Armenian and other genocides.

    via Sarkozy: Turkey Cannot Teach France Any “Lessons” | Massis Post Armenian News.

  • Turkey’s Leader Counters French Law With Accusations of Colonial-Era Genocide

    Turkey’s Leader Counters French Law With Accusations of Colonial-Era Genocide

    turkey articleLarge
    Daniel Etter for The New York Times

    Posters of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, whose role in advancing Turkey’s economy and society have won him wide admiration in the Arab world.


    ISTANBUL — In a deepening diplomatic rupture, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey accused France on Friday of genocide against Algerians in the period of French colonial rule, one day after France made it a crime to deny the Armenian genocide by the Ottoman Turks.

    “Approximately 15 percent of the population in Algeria have been subjected to a massacre by the French starting from 1945,” Mr. Erdogan said of the French dominion, which ended in 1962. “This is genocide.”

    Mr. Erdogan’s sharp remarks seemed to severely dent Turkey’s already fraught talks on joining the European Union. But more immediately, they underscored concerns both at home and abroad that Turkey’s expansive new sense of self-confidence — buttressed by its emerging role as a leader in the Middle East — might be tipping into arrogance, threatening to alienate allies and foes at a critical time.

    Turkey halted diplomatic consultations and military dealings with France on Thursday after the lower house of the French Parliament backed the bill, which would impose a fine of about $58,700 and a year in jail for those who deny the genocide of up to 1.5 million Armenians between 1915 and 1918. Turkish lawmakers also called on France to investigate its own atrocities in Algeria.

    Turkey faces a raft of foreign-policy challenges on its doorstep, any one of which could derail its long-term goal of obtaining regional power status. France, a powerful member of the European Union, has played a leading role in thwarting Turkey’s efforts to join the group, so the latest clash is likely to harden French attitudes even more.

    An increasingly outsize national ego, analysts say, had already helped to fray ties with Europe. With talks to join the union hopelessly stalled, many of Turkey’s 79 million people have greeted the euro crisis with barely concealed glee, saying Europe has rejected them because they are Muslim.

    Closer to home, three of the most volatile states in the world — Syria, Iraq and Iran — are lined up along Turkey’s southern and eastern borders. Syria is already in a state of civil war, and Iraq seems to be flirting once again with sectarian strife and dissolution. Throw in an alienated Kurdish minority combined with an Iran that erupted in 2009 and is now struggling with economic sanctions and inflation, and the possibilities of regional destabilization, mass refugee flows and even war do not seem terribly remote.

    Facing such threats, analysts and diplomats say, Turkey needs to resist the temptation to gloat and swagger. Soli Ozel, professor of international relations at Istanbul’s Kadir Has University, said that European and American economic decline, coupled with the Arab Spring, were magnifying Turkey’s sense of its own importance as it evolves into the model of democracy for the Arab world.

    “Turks are saying, ‘We are now on the rise, you are running out of steam and we don’t have to take any nonsense from Westerners,’ ” he said. But he added, “There is a fine line between self-confidence and hubris.”

    Turkey and its charismatic prime minister, Mr. Erdogan, could be forgiven for displaying some vanity. He has overhauled a country once haunted by military coups into a regional democratic powerhouse. He is so popular in the Arab world that there has been a surge in babies named Tayyip.

    While Turkey’s economy surges — growing by 8.2 percent in the third quarter, second only to China — Europe is sputtering and Greece, a longtime rival, has been flattened by the sovereign debt crisis. With its new clout as a leader in a region long dominated by the United States, Turkey has also been basking in its roles as the voice of regional indignation against Syria and the chief critic of Israel.

    Earlier this month a deputy prime minister boldly lectured Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. that it was Turkey, and not the struggling economies of the United States and Europe, that would win the 21st century.

    “The fast fish, not the big fish, eats the small fish,” said the official, Ali Babacan, who oversees the economy. Challenging his host’s boastful tone, Mr. Biden reminded the audience that in a sea of young sharks, the United States was still the whale.

    Six years ago, Burak Turna, a Turkish writer, was mocked here as a literary shock jock after he wrote a futuristic novel in which Turkish commandos besiege Berlin, lay waste to Europe and take control of the Continent. Now, he says, the same people who once dismissed him are celebrating him. “There is a new air being pumped into the Turkish consciousness,” he said. But, he warned, “We shouldn’t be too brave or overconfident.”

    Indeed, for all of Turkey’s recent achievements, its aim of having “zero problems” with its neighbors has shown few successes.

    Turkish officials tried in vain for months to persuade President Bashar al-Assad of Syria to halt his violent crackdown against civilians, before finally turning against him. Turkey has been unable to resolve conflicts with Cyprus and Armenia. Its recent decision to host a NATO radar installation has rankled Iran. Relations with Israel collapsed after Israeli troops killed nine people aboard a Turkish flotilla trying to break the blockade of Gaza.

    In September, the limits of Turkey’s appeal as a political model were laid bare when Mr. Erdogan told the Egyptian satellite channel Dream TV that secularism was not the enemy of religion and that Egypt should embrace a secular constitution. A spokesman for Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, which won first-round parliamentary elections there, told the Egyptian daily Al Ahram that Mr. Erdogan was interfering in Egyptian affairs. (Mr. Erdogan’s aides said the term secularism had been mistranslated as atheism.)

    Nor were many Kosovar Albanians amused in August when Turkey’s minister of education, Omer Dincer, asked his Kosovo counterpart to alter offending paragraphs from history textbooks, which he said insulted the Ottoman Turks. Local historians protested that Turkey was trying to whitewash centuries of Ottoman subjugation.

    The perils of standing in Turkey’s way became abundantly clear at the United Nations during the annual General Assembly meeting of world leaders this fall.

    Mr. Erdogan was on the fourth floor of the General Assembly hall when he learned that the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, whom he ardently supports, was making his address demanding full United Nations membership for Palestine. When Mr. Erdogan rushed to the nearest entrance to take Turkey’s seat on the main floor, a security guard refused to let him pass. When Mr. Erdogan pressed forward, a loud scuffle erupted that was audible four flours below.

    One Western diplomat noted that “the Turks were literally throwing their weight around.”

    Yet Turkey’s many defenders say the West cannot expect Turkey to play regional leader and then criticize it when it flexes its muscles. Moreover, they note, the country is entitled to defend its dignity.

    At the summit meeting of the Group of 20 major economies in Cannes, France, in November, cameras showed Mr. Erdogan suddenly kneeling down when he noticed a sticker of the Turkish flag on the floor to mark the position where he was supposed to stand for a group photo, near President Obama.

    He gently folded it and put it in his pocket.

    Sebnem Arsu contributed reporting.

    A version of this article appeared in print on December 24, 2011, on page A6 of the New York edition with the headline: Turkey’s Leader Counters French Law With Accusations of Colonial-Era Genocide.