Category: Main Issues

  • Türkiye determined to improve ties with Paris

    Türkiye determined to improve ties with Paris

    parisTurkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said his country was determined to improve bilateral relations with France.

    “We have deep-rooted and historical ties between Türkiye and France, and our both countries are committed to move relations forward in a visionary and positive spirit,” Davutoglu told a press conference in Paris after a bilateral meeting with his French counterpart Laurent Fabius on Thursday.

    Davutoglu said there would be more frequent high level talks between the two countries’ officials and their parliaments, adding that cooperation would be also be boosted in many regional issues.

    Davutoglu said France had become “more positive” over Türkiye’s European Union accession bid, adding that he had called for the removal of France’s blocking on five policy areas in Turkey’s membership negotiations and that France was likely to assume a more positive stance in that respect.

    The Turkish FM said Türkiye had lifted sanctions it started imposing on France after a row in January over a French legislation that made it illegal to deny Armenian allegations on the incidents of 1915 in Ottoman Turkey.

    The law was later annulled by France’s top constitutional authority.

    Davutoglu said Türkiye was set to open two consulates in Bordeaux and Nantes as well as a culture center in Paris.










    Turkish Press




    CHAPTER 15


    The following message is for every citizen of every country that has the right to choose their own elected officials.

    Come July 1, 2012 the world is in financial agony. A tsunami of easy credit has flooded our shores. The blame game has erupted with all its fury as nations pockmark each other with vicious language to placate their voters.

    The real culprit is us – the voter. We voted them into office. We are to blame. There have been and will be many important elections this year and WE THE PEOPLE must take control of our destinies. Elected officials fear us and have been buying us off with various entitlements for decades. If it did not work, then they just, made it larger. So today, as our bankers joyfully watch and estimate their future net worth, we are slowly falling into an abyss with a stench of sulfur.

    Considering these elections, one’s party affiliations do not matter, because it is the candidate’s beliefs that are of the utmost importance now.

    Which candidate favors reinstating the USURY LAW where the maximum interest rate should be limited to 8%. The Rule of 72 is what bankers live by. All one has to do is to take 72 and divide it by 8 the answer is how many years it will take the bank to double its investment in you. The Usury law was dropped in the mid 1970’s because interest rates were 14% and everyone was maxing out their credit cards (that is borrowing the most they could) and buying a US Government bond at 14%. Then they would pay of the credit card and net 6%. This is called disintermediation and not very healthy long term. So congress was forced to drop the law. But they also failed to reinstate it when the danger expired. It is my suspicion that some members on key committees received special favors.

    If you have a 30 year mortgage on your home and you are paying 8% to the bank; the bank will make 3.33 times on helping you on your mortgage by providing the necessary funds. This is where they provide an important function in your community. The higher rate you pay the quicker they double their money. This is why past legislators legalized as max rate – to protect you from unscrupulous bankers. Remember bankers have the moral obligation to protect our deposits for our advantage not theirs.  Dividends should come from earnings before bonuses are distributed.  Public trust comes before employees looting.

    Credit cards are a bastard. They are figured in months not years.  This is legalized extortion.  Pure and simple.

    Enacting or reinstating the USURY LAW will benefit the individual and corporations while reducing the bankers’ bonuses.

    A candidate must be willing to petition the Federal Reserve to raise margin rates across the board to 100% for 3 to 6 months worldwide. This will stop all the abuses going on in the market place and make it safe for honest investors. This will halt high frequency trades that are computer driven and benefit a few while harming millions. Hedge funds that use easy credit to skirt regulations will be halted. Best of all derivatives and collateralized debt instruments will go the way of the dinosaur.

    Stop Quantitative Easing (QE) dead in its tracks. Go for Quantitative Giving (QG). QE goes to the largest corporation and unions where the money trickles down through the officers and union leaders before long term good is completed.

    With QG the Fed must raise fed funds to the 1-2% range so banks restart increasing their savings account rates. This will encourage investors to increase their debt from short term to longer term because they have more confidence in the future.

    QG is giving a large stipend to everyUScitizen over the age of 21($50,000 -$100,000) to use as he or she sees fit. Pay down debts etc. with the proviso that at least 10% should be used to purchase a new product. This will getAmericagoing again create jobs and new businesses.  The public knows best- not bureaucrats inWashingtonD.C.


  • Why does Iran support Armenia about Karabakh issue?

    Why does Iran support Armenia about Karabakh issue?

    The balance in Caucasia that shifted with the collapse of the Soviet Union caused a big change in the foreign policy vision of the states in the region. While examining the problems that emerged between republics, which gained their sovereignty, it is possible to see the changes in foreign policy of neighboring countries. (more…)

  • Turkey makes peace with France in wait-and-see game

    Turkey makes peace with France in wait-and-see game

    PanARMENIAN.Net – Turkey has agreed to restore all ties with France, Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said following a breakdown in relations last year prompted by a dispute over a bill criminalizing Armenian Genocide denial in France.

    112879As he noted, Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan had ordered the sanctions imposed after France’s lower house of parliament voted overwhelmingly in favor of a draft law be lifted after a positive meeting with France’s new President Francois Hollande at a world summit in Brazil.

    “The prime minister gave the necessary instructions after meeting with Hollande. Because of this new attitude from France, these sanctions will be dropped,” Davutoglu said.

    Davutoglu said he would travel to Paris on July 5 for bilateral meetings where they would discuss taking additional “positive steps” in the future.

    Here’s a little glimpse of past events: on January 23, the French Senate passed the bill criminalizing the Armenian Genocide.

    The bill envisaged imposing a 45,000 euro fine and a year in prison for anyone in France who denies this crime against humanity committed by the Ottoman Empire.

    Turkey reacted furiously when the Senate approved the law. Ankara halted political and military cooperation with France and was threatening to cut off economic and cultural ties if the law took effect.

    Later, the French Constitutional Council ruled that a bill adopted by the French Senate making it a crime to deny the Armenian Genocide was unconstitutional.

    In a statement the Council said the bill adopted by parliament on January 23 represented an “unconstitutional breach of the practice of freedom of expression and communication.”

    Immediately after French Constitutional Council ruling, then President Nicolas Sarkozy pledged, if re-elected, to submit a new text of Genocide bill in June.

    However, this time, he failed to persuade the Armenian community, as a similar scenario was played out during his first election race, yet failed to yield results.

    Further, the presidential hopeful and current French leader Francois Hollande reiterated his pledge to adopt a bill criminalizing the Armenian Genocide denial in case he comes to power. Well, things are still where they started.

    One could only make a guess about additional “positive steps” between France and Turkey. Perhaps France persuaded Turkey that the issue of the draft bill will be frozen till next elections. Or, may be, Turkey hopes to have intimidated France with sanctions, and France decided against messing with it.

    The only thing left is to wait and see if Hollande will follow in the footsteps of his predecessor Sarkozy, making hollow promises, or will actually fulfill his pledge, just recalling the fact that it does not behove to a superpower like France to keep fooling its citizens.

    Marina Ananikyan / PanARMENIAN News

    via Genocide: Turkey makes peace with France in wait-and-see game – PanARMENIAN.Net.

  • US put pressure on Azerbaijan by «Armenian genocide»

    US put pressure on Azerbaijan by «Armenian genocide»



    армяно турецкие протоколы



    Gulnara Inanch,

    Director of Information and Analytical Center Etnoglobus (,

    editor of Russian section of  Turkishnews American-Turkish Resource website  ,

    [email protected]


    According to BBC, a group of former and present high ranking officials of the US Administration has called the presidential administration to put pressure over the sides for implementation of protocols signed betweenTurkeyandArmeniain 2009. FormerUSSecretary of State Madeleine Albright in her statement before the US Council on Foreign relations said that implementation of the mentioned protocols would serve for improvement of relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia.


    However, while speaking of the very issue in her visit toArmenia, US present Secretary of State Hillary Clinton insisted that initial unconditional dialog betweenTurkeyandArmeniawould not have any impact upon Nagorno-Karabakh issue.


    Contradiction between the statements of the present Secretary of  State Hillary Clinton and Madeleine Albright, who, despite, is not in power but preserved her reputation, is the reflection of US view with regards to the issue.



    As you see, White House tries to pull out “Armenian genocide” issue from connection with Azerbaijanby strengthening their attempts to make Turkeyrestore negotiations withArmenia. Because, in order to force Turkey to come to the negotiations without any precondition agreement of officialBakuis required.  Statement of  Hillary Clinton that Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict has no connection with Turkish-Armenian relations proves it.


    Therefore,Washingtontries to persuade Turkey that opening of  borders between Turkey and Armenia will cause Armenia to compromise in Nagorno-Karabakh issue. On the other hand, as recognition of “Armenian genocide” is a principal issue for Azerbaijan along with Turkey, it is used as pressure object to Baku and Ankara.


    The fact that “Armenian genocide” was the focus of attention again in Israel Knesset on June 12, it should be considered as pressure tool over Turkey and Azerbaijan. It is again proved by the report recently made by Madeline Albright together with former US president George Bush’s national security advisor Steven Hadley where this subject was the focus of attention as well. According to that report, establishment of good relations withIsrael by Turkey will lead to earning support of  US Jewish society which will support Turkey to avoid discussion of “Armenian genocide” as in previous years. Israel Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman, who seeks for strategic cooperation policy with official Baku, said that this issue wouldn’t be discussed for the sake of strategic cooperation with Azerbaijanwhen “Armenian genocide” was focus of attention in Israel Knesset. Israel media that are close to state and power bodies has been asked to be attentive in the sensible issues related to Azerbaijan. Being attentive we can see that Israel media pretext not to see that “Armenian genocide” is brought to focus of attention in Israel Knesset.


    Israel is Our Home (IOH) party head secretary Faina Kirschenbaum, Members of Knesset said that IOH – Kadima block would try to avoid discussions of “Armenian genocide” which is brought to focus of attention by the pressure of Israel Armenian church.


    But the point is that some Israel politicians and public figures think that the “Armenian genocide” is the issue between Armenia and Turkey and it has nothing with Azerbaijan, especially with Nagorno-Karabakh. Therefore, in order to satisfy society and Jewish lobby, “Armenian genocide” is brought to focus of attention in the Israel Knesset.


    Since “Armenian genocide” is the tool of political speculation, attempts by Israel officials to close the subject for the sake of cooperation with Azerbaijan will be temporary and it is expected to be used for the purpose of mollifying Turkey and Azerbaijan.


    As we remember, along with speculations around adoption of the law prohibiting denial of “Armenian genocide” in French Senate, “genocide” issue was also brought to the focus of attention in Israel Knesset.


    The fact that discussion of “genocide” issue in Knesset is due on June 18, on the eve of meeting between Azerbaijan and Armenian Foreign Ministers in France, is the another proof that this is the pressure method on Azerbaijan during negotiations.


    Source New Baku Post (

  • ROS-LEHTINEN: Time for Turkey to leave Cyprus in peace

    ROS-LEHTINEN: Time for Turkey to leave Cyprus in peace

    I. Los Lehtinen hanim Amerikan Kongresindeki Sozde Turk lobi Grubunun Temel direklerinden biri kabul edilmekde idi .. Simdi Yunan ve Israil tarafi oldu oy ve para icin.

    It reminds me of the old saying “Turk’un Turk’ten baska dostu yoktur”.

    A blatantly biased newspaper opinion piece by Republican Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen which doesn’t even mention the fact that in separate simultaneous referenda held on the Annan Peace Plan in Cyprus on 24 April 2004 the majority Greek Cypriot population voted down the UN Plan (75.38% against), whereas the minority Turkish Cypriot population (including the settlers from Turkey) voted for the Plan (64.91% in favor). Referenda in which 89.18% of the Greek Cypriots and 87% of the Turkish Cypriots voted.

    Someone should remind Ros-Lehtinen of the words of US State Department Spokesman Richard Boucher in 2004 after the Greek-Cypriot rejection:

    “We think that a Greek Cypriot vote against the settlement means that a unique and historic opportunity was lost. We believe the settlement was fair. It has been accepted by the Turkish Cypriot side. There will not be a better settlement. There is no other deal. There is no better deal available. And we hope that the Greek Cypriots will come to comprehend this in due time.”

    We would also do well to remember that Florida, and particularly the southern part of the state,has the second highest Jewish population in the U.S. (the first is in NewYork). Hence, the references by Ros-Lehtinen to Turkey ignoring various Cyprus related UN Resolutions and to Turkey’s position regarding the exploration agreement between Cyprus and Israel; this, despite the numerous UN resolutions Israel has ignored regarding returning to its pre-1967 borders.

    As the most senior Republican woman in the House of Representatives (since 1989) and as Chairwoman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Ros-Lehtinen has significant influence on bilateral relations between the U.S. and Turkey, and it is highly unlikely that supporting her Democrat rival in November is going to make any difference to her getting re-elected. However,my reaction as a Turkish-American would be to keep my money in my pocket instead of contributing to her future campaigns. Also, it would not hurt to e-mail her to express our disappointment and to point out that alienating Turkey by such unnecessary and one-sided statements might not only effect U.S. interests vis-à-vis Iran and Syria; but might even encourage the initiation of a referandum on the part of the Turkish Cypriots to join Turkey, thus resulting in the very annexation she is seeking to avoid:

    Enis PINAR



    Long-standing occupation amounts to annexation

    Since its invasion of Cyprus in 1974, Turkey has claimed that it was acting as a protector and guarantor of the island’s security. But a closer examination of its actions on Cyprus indicates motivations of a very different character. Turkey’s invasion resulted in hundreds of thousands of Greek Cypriot refugees, who have been unable to return to their homes for almost 40 years. The international community has repeatedly condemned the illegal military occupation of Cyprus by Turkish troops. The United Nations Security Council has passed 75 resolutions calling for Turkey to allow Greek Cypriots to return to their homes and to withdraw its troops from Cyprus. Yet Turkey continues its occupation.

    More than 40,000 heavily armed Turkish soldiers are occupying the northern part of the country, with one Turkish soldier for every two Turkish-Cypriots. The presence of this overwhelming force cannot be justified by the claims that they are needed to prevent any renewal of violence. In fact, since the 2003 opening of the border between the two communities, more than 17 million intercommunal visits have occurred without conflict.

    The result of this occupation by foreign troops is that many Cypriot neighborhoods in the occupied areas remain vacant or in a state of disrepair. One of the most tragic examples is the Varosha region of Famagusta. Once an important commercial and tourism center for the island, Varosha was fenced off following the invasion, and access has been prohibited for all except Turkish military forces. Over the years, this area has become a virtual ghost town.

    The desolation of Cypriot properties and cultural sites is not restricted to Varosha but is a reality in all the areas under Turkish military occupation. In fact, an estimated 520 Greek Orthodox churches and chapels, and 17 monasteries in the occupied areas have been pillaged, vandalized or destroyed. Often these religious sites have been converted into stables, bars, nightclubs, casinos or hotels, leaving more than 15,000 religious artifacts unaccounted for. This widespread destruction of Cypriot historic, religious and cultural identity certainly does not seem like the behavior of a “protective guardian.”

    Turkey also continues to interfere in the domestic affairs of Cyprus, especially the negotiations on reunification. The goal of these talks is a Cypriot-developed, mutually agreeable settlement based on a bizonal, bicommunal federation with political equality, including a single sovereignty, single citizenship and single international presence. But instead of allowing the representatives from the Turkish-Cypriot community to engage freely in the talks, the Turkish government has imposed its own criteria, which has made an agreement all but impossible.

    Turkey also has tried to limit Cyprus’ sovereign rights to develop its energy resources. Despite the island’s critical energy needs, Turkey declared last year that it had “nullified” the exploration agreement between Cyprus and Israel even though it has no right to do so. Turkey escalated the conflict by sending its own ships to the region and even threatened military action if Cyprus continued in its project with Israel. Although from the beginning, Republic of Cyprus President Demetris Christofias guaranteed that any energy resources discovered would be used for the benefit of all Cypriots, Turkish officials claimed their actions were to protect the rights of the Turkish-Cypriots.

    Reports by the Turkish-Cypriot media indicate that the Turkish government continues to promote illegal immigration by Turks to the northern occupied areas of Cyprus with the goal of changing the demographic composition of the island. According to people administering the occupied area, there are an estimated 160,000 settlers from Turkey, many of whom occupy the homes of the evicted Greek-Cypriots. However, reports in the Turkish-Cypriot press from Turkish-Cypriots who live among the Turkish settlers put this number between 500,000 and 800,000. A recent “census” in the north indicated that the total population in the north had increased to nearly 300,000 people. Just 88,900 of them were native Turkish-Cypriots, who are outnumbered by illegal Turkish immigrants by a ratio of almost 2-1.

    Ankara’s support for these illegal immigrants is not welcomed by the native Turkish-Cypriot community. In fact, Stella Altziman, who resides in that region of Cyprus, wrote in 2010: “Due to constant migration from Turkey, [the northern occupied area] is like a Turkish province” and the native Turkish-Cypriots have become a minority in their own land. Last year, many Turkish-Cypriots protested Turkey’s policies toward Cyprus, with some carrying banners that read, “Ankara, get your hands off our shores.” Yet Turkey continues to flood its areas of occupation with illegal Turkish immigrants. In his visit to Cyprus last year, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan mocked the Turkish-Cypriots, stating, “If you don’t want us to send people, you need to have more babies.”

    By its occupation, Turkey is “guaranteeing” nothing but a creeping annexation. It is time for Turkey to withdraw its military troops, end all support for illegal immigration to Cyprus and let the true inhabitants of the island determine their own future. Only then will the long-suffering Cypriot people finally enjoy the peace and security they have been trying so desperately to achieve for decades.

    Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Florida Republican, is chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.