Category: Main Issues



    ANCA Welcomes latest Obama-Biden Statement Calling for Strong U.S.-Armenia Relationship


    WASHINGTON, DC – With just days left to the crucial November 4th presidential elections, the Obama-Biden campaign reaffirmed its commitment to Armenian Genocide recognition and a strong U.S.-Armenia relationship, reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).

    A statement titled “Barack Obama: Supporting U.S.-Armenia Relations,” relayed to Armenians for Obama Chairman Areen Ibranossian earlier today as well as the ANCA, affirms that “The Armenian Genocide, carried out by the Ottoman Empire from 1915 to 1923, resulted in the deportation of nearly 2 million Armenians, and approximately 1.5 million of those deported were killed. Barack Obama believes we must recognize this tragic reality and strongly supports a U.S.-Armenian relationship that advances our common security and strengthens Armenian democracy.” The statement goes on to note “Barack Obama strongly supports passage of the Armenian Genocide Resolution (H.Res.106 and S.Res.106) and will recognize the Armenian Genocide.”

    “The ANCA welcomes further reaffirmation of Barack Obama’s strong commitment to issues of concern to the Armenian American community, including proper recognition of the Armenian Genocide and fostering a strong U.S.-Armenia relationship,” stated ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian. “ANCA chapters and activists across the U.S. will continue, in these last days, to work hard for the Obama-Biden ticket and the candidacies of the large number of Senators and Representatives who have supported Armenian American concerns.”

    The Obama-Biden statement comes amid a flurry of reports in the Turkish press regarding a meeting that supposedly took place over the last several days between a senior Turkish official, Ahmet Davutoðlu, and a representative of the Obama-Biden Campaign, after which Davutoglu called into question Obama’s commitment to this core human rights issue.

    Last week, the ANCA formalized its longstanding support for Barack Obama with an official endorsement of the Obama-Biden campaign for the Presidency of the United States. The ANCA had first endorsed Sen. Obama in January, 2008, leading up to the critical super-Tuesday primary elections.



    To: [email protected]
    Cc: [email protected]
    Subject: Article by Robert Fisk “You’re talking nonsense, Mr Ambassador”

    TISK-TISK, ROBERT FISK (Or shame on you Mr. know-it-all.)

    (An Editorial)

    Mahmut Esat Ozan
    Chairman -Editorial Board
    The Turkish Forum

    Mr. Fisk, there is nothing worse in this world than being labeled a “know-it-all”. A person by that title is one who pretends to know something about everything but really knows nothing about anything . Since the knowledge of things you try to write about does not seem so great, you shouldn’t mind my asking you if you were familiar with the colloquialism we use in this country’s jargon, ( Tisk-Tisk) , an expression composed of two words which when it is placed in front of the name of an unfortunate person such as yours, it connotes that the person in question had done a shameful deed. And speaking of shameful deeds, Mr. Fisk, you seem to be ahead of many we know. You appear to be a genuine expert in that field. I, for one, have been noticing your irrational, biased, and prejudiccial behavior through the years, vis-à-vis the venerable nation of Turks. Every article you write concerning the Turks is replete with offensive passages, undeserved accusations, at times innuendoes, at others out and out lies hurled against them, the Turks about whom you claim they initiated the very first alleged genocide of the Twentieth century and decimated the Ottoman Armenians. The very latest of one of those irresponsible recriminations appeared in your latest drivels involving the Pope’s visit to Syria. You’ve been complaining that in the past 15 years 15 million Christians have abandoned their homes in the largely Muslim world.

    What baffles me is the way you manipulate this piece of ordinary news and very cunningly relate it to your favorite subject “the alleged Armenian genocide by the Ottoman Turks.” You seem to be stuck on this one subject and sound like a broken record every time you bring it up. 

    The newest form of your idiosyncrasy, showing your obsession in defending the Armenian causes, is apparent in your following sentence: “Turkey’s genocide of its Armenian community in 1915 left the bones of one and a half million Christians across Anatolia and what is now northern Syria.” Really, Mr. Fisk what possible connection could you find between the visit of the head of world Catholicism and the alleged ‘genocidal events which may have taken place over eight decades ago. Allow me to read your twisted mind, Mr. Fisk. You are an incorrigible Turcophobe. You cannot help yourself. Chances are either you were born with that affliction or someone inculcated that prejudice into your feeble brain when you were most vulnerable to discrimination involving the Turks. In your last article you are quoting an obscure “Dr.Jarjour, whoever he may be, and whatever weight his words may carry. You tell us that this so-called Dr. instructs us, ‘-somewhat defensively- that the present-day Christian exodus is primarily economic.’

    Nevertheless, you quote from him, or you extract from this poor fellow’s words the following quotation:: “I wouldn’t say at all that there is a religious factor , except in some cases like Turkey where Christians have been a little pressured recently.” Honestly Dr. Jarjour, or whatever your name is, and you Mr. Fisk, what was that ‘little pressure’ Turks inflicted on the Christians in Turkey? Are you referring to the Turkish government’s recent expenditures in renovating the Greek Orthodox Patriarchy building in Fener, in Istanbul?, or are you referring to the acquittal of a Syrian Armenian Priest who was accused to have made statements that his ancestors were the victims of a Turkish genocide in 1919? You were not fair , nor were you specific when Dr.Jarjour was talking to you against Turks.

    You see, Mr. Fisk, I am proud to belong to that honorable nation of ‘Turks’, whose early ancestors brought civilization to the European continent, when its inhabitants were still wallowing in muddy huts and tribes decimated each other in fratricidal animalistic wars. Ottoman Turks, even then, knew how to vaccinate people against diseases caused by bacteriological factors. They were reaping the benefits of time-telling devices such as clocks etc. when the Europeans were about to discover the uses of ‘sundials’. A newly produced documentary film called, Empire of Faith narrated by the British actor, Ben Kingsley, of the ‘Ghandi’ fame was Extolling the superiority of the Muslim world. More than half of the presentation was consecrated to the achievements of the Turks in various fields, other than military, let alone their legendary tolerance and magnanimity in treating differing religions when Europe imposed on the Jews the cursed inquisitions and forced conversions.

    When no Christian country wanted to admit into their domain any Jew expelled from Spain and Portugal, it was the Turkish Sultan ‘Beyazit’ who welcomed them into his vast empire to come and settle there and flourish in freedom of religion, and the pursuit of their own language, culture and trade..

    Turks even sent sea-faring galleons to Spain to transport these unfortunate people, free of charge, to any and all points of their realm. Turks, for centuries, helped to enlighten your ancestors. Sometime it was a losing battle. Europeans learned from my ancestors, but they, in turn derided them at every chance they had.

    There were, however, intellects such as the renown British anthropologist and historian Edson L. Clark (1827-1913) who said in his “Nations of the World Series,1900,N.Y. (pp. 84-87.) that the Turks whose honor and the dignity you have been pummeling and mauling these many years, were, and I quote: “…far better men and far abler rulers than the wretched tyrants whom they suppressed….the Turks were in advance, not of their Christian subjects alone, but of the greater part of Christian Europe.”

    Mr. Fisk, I know that you British do not consider yourselves European.

    However, you must admit that you live on the European continent and are a British Commonwealth member state of the European Union. What I am driving at, Mr. Fisk, is the fact that your ancestors were then as you are now, an inferior exemplification in comparison to the Turks. Let me elucidate a bit more by adding that you belong to the illustrious school of ‘Political Science’ of the turn of the century British Prime Minister, one Lloyd George who, when he was getting ready to “annihilate” the last remnants of the dying Ottoman Empire, was gloating by saying to the whole world the following:

    “The Turks are a human cancer, a creeping agony in the flesh of the lands they misgovern, rotting every fiber of life. I am glad that the Turk is to be called to a final account (referring to the impending Greek invasion of Asia Minor ) for his long record of infamy against humanity.”

    The British PM, not being an adequately -educated British subject, reminded me of you, Mr. Fisk. He was unaware of the above-mentioned quotation from Edson L. Clark. Thus, a rancorous, vindictive and vengeful Lloyd George, not Unlike yourself , launched a campaign, ‘doomed from the beginning’ in the Ottoman Turkish lands in Gallipoli, against those he called “human cancers” the Turks.

    Even though aided by the French and the Anzak military forces and the world’s most formidable naval armada, the Allied forces were repulsed. Lloyd George not only lost his post as the Prime Minister of his disgruntled country, but he lost his honor and his shirt, too, in the process. In addition he carried down with him, to the abyss, his favorite, but incompetent advisor Winston Churchill, who was the First Lord of the Admiralty. The glorious victor of the Dardanelles, the military genius of the Gallipoli campaign, the great Mustafa Kemal had taught them a lesson they never forgot. Lloyd George died as a broken, destitute soul after having sheepishly underestimated and unjustly denigrated the noble Turk.

    Let us hope that you, dear Mr. Fisk, may be spared such a predicament of fate.

    Recently a Letter writer said the following to an English language publication. “I have been living in Turkey 8 months, and I intend to spend the rest of my life somewhere in your country. You have made me most welcome.

    I’ m glad I chose your Turkey rather than England or France or any other European country. This gentleman’s words were familiar to me. I had read a passage from a Swedish king once. Hurriedly I checked my files and found what I was looking for. Mr. Fisk, I’d like to share Swedish King Charles VII’s words with you. And again, knowing the stuff you are made of, I suspect you may not enjoy it as much as the Friends of the Turks. Here’s that full quotation he wrote to his sister Ulrique-Eleanor in 1772:

    “I was going to be a prisoner in Poltova, (Russian territory at that time) that would have been my death. I was saved on the shores of Bugh River. Then the danger became more imminent…I was saved. But today I am a prisoner of the Turks. What fire, steel, and floods were not able to do the Turks did. I don’t have chains on my feet. I am not in jail, either. I am free, free to do whatever I like . But I still am a prisoner- a prisoner of affection, of generosity, of nobility, of courtesy. The Turks have tied me with this diamond chain. Oh! if you knew how sweet it is to live as a free slave with people so affectionate, so noble, so gentle.” I hope you are listening Lloyd George, wherever you may be.

    I’ve been asking myself the following question over and over again concerning you and people like you: “What is their problem.?” I try to answer my very own questions. I find no answers. I am unable to decipher the origin of your arrogance and your disrespectful behavior when it comes to Turks.

    Your defense of the Armenian “riff-raffs who have made a profitable industry of accusing the Ottoman Turks of having perpetrated the most heinous of all crimes, the crime of genocide, and in the same breath denying that they have not even bloodied a single Turkish nose. When neutral, non-Turkish historians accept that for every Armenian who was killed in that civil war, within a World War in 1914-1918, four (4) Muslim Turks, Kurds, Sircassians, and Azerbaijanis lost their precious lives. But I guess you don’t pay too much attention to that because they were not Christian. Most observers can not tell us where this hatred for Turks is emerging. You are a part of that equation. The only source of frustration from which you are suffering may be the result of your government’s disability to prove that Turks were guilty of a premeditated so-called genocide. There was not an iota of evidence found in the infamous trials held on the island of Malta conducted by the British occupiers of the Ottoman capital, Istanbul, when they arrested and took with them a goodly portion of Ottoman government functionaries to the Island of Malta and imprisoned them for over a year, trying to extract from them juicy confessions, but at the end they totally failed. The final communiqué sent to Lord Curzon was very disappointing to the Armenians and their ‘bootlicker’ friend, such as you Mr. Fisk. The royal report had said at the time: 



    Nevertheless, Mr. Fisk , if you still are unconvinced, then please listen to what the U.S. government had to say. The American General James G. Harbord, of the U.S. government’s investigative commission, sent to Anatolia in the fall of 1919 by none other than President Woodrow Wilson, declared unequivocally the following in his official report. General James G. Harbord concluded : The Turks and the Armenians lived in peace, side by side for centuries; that the Turks suffered as much as the Armenians at the time of relocations, that at the start of World War I and before, Armenians never had anything approaching a majority of the population in the territories they call : Western Armenia”; they would not have a majority even if all the deported Armenians returned; and the claims that returning Armenians would be in danger were not justified.”

    Mr. Fisk, have you read the forged Adonian papers?, have you watched the often exhibited painting of the Armenian skulls piled up in a grotesque heap claiming that it was the Turks who had caused it to happen? Well, the photograph Armenians claim was taken in 1915, actually a stolen copy of a painting done in oil by a late Russian painter, named Vasily Vereschagin. The canvas is dated 1905 and it is still hanging in the Tretyakov Art Gallery in Moscow today. Now Mr. Fisk, I got a hunch you’ll deny this too, as you always do, instead you will invoke the infamous Hitler quotation as a last resort. Here is a rebuttal for it, also. Hitler may have been a monster as most claim, but nobody yet accused him for being a stupid individual.

    According to Prof. Dr. Turkkaya Ataov,Chairman, International Relations Division, Ankara,Turkey, and the Nuremberg, Germany NAZI War Crimes Trials, that invented quotation does not hold any water. Adolf Hitler never made such an idiotic statement in his life. Prof. Ataov says, however, that Hitler said a few choice words about the Armenians, and that is true. He made one reference to the Armenians in a talk delivered on December 12, 1942, in which he described them as unreliable, (Unzuferlassig) and dangerous,(Gefahrlich). It is rumored also that Hitler was furious about the Armenians when he used those adjectives. I’m afraid those two adjectives were also appropriate to describe you and your unfortunate task against Turks. So, let us say once more: Tisk-Tisk, Robert Fisk. (Shame on you.)


  • Avrupa Parlamentosunda yeni bir jenosid dosyası / INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AT THE EU PARLIAMENT on “GENOCIDE”

    Avrupa Parlamentosunda yeni bir jenosid dosyası / INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AT THE EU PARLIAMENT on “GENOCIDE”

    Pulat Tacar


    Feleknas Uca, MEP is organizing an International Conference, please see the announcement hereunder.


    First time we saw Feleknas Uca (German PKK Member at the EU Parliament“) was when BARZANI came to the EU Parliament in Brussels on 9th May 2007. She is also the one who was on the panel together with Urfan KERKuki (see attached pictures)

    At the Conference organized by Mr Jan BEGHIN, First Vice-President of the spa.-spirit group of the Brussels Parliament and the Kurdish Institute in Brussels on 2nd July 2007


    Feleknas Uca, MEP GUE/NGL

    invites you to following conference

    During the Dersim Genocide the Turkish government has massacred thousands of people, those who survived were banished, Dersim was depopulated. The cause of these merciless acts was being Kurdish, Alevi and Kizilbash. Although 70 years have passed, Turkey is not willing to acknowledge this Genocide like many other Kurdish Genocides. Those responsible for the deaths of thousands of people have never been tried nor have they been brought out into light. The broken families could never discover their past. Thousands of people still haven’t received news from their families and close friends. The whereabouts of the Kurdish children taken by the Turkish Government at the time are unknown. Many other world counties who have had a similar experiences and committed genocide against its people have acknowledged the injustice and sorrow they have caused and have apologised. However Turkey is continuing to resist and use “it does not exist” strategy with the Kurdish Genocide just as they have with the Armenian Genocide.

    Venue: European Parliament, Room ASP 1 G 03

    13 November 15h – 18.30h

  • Armenian Youth Federation Demonstrates Against Gala Honoring Ataturk

    Armenian Youth Federation Demonstrates Against Gala Honoring Ataturk

    From Asbarez Armenian Daily… no comments…


    LONG BEACH, CA–Over 50 members of the Armenian Youth Federation (AYF) converged around the perimeter of the Long Beach Hilton Hotel Saturday night to demonstrate in protest of an annual banquet honoring the establishment of the modern Turkish republic and its founding father, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.

    “Hosted by the Association of Turkish Americans of Southern California (ATASC), the Turkish Republic Day Ball differentiates itself from other benign cultural or social events due to its desire to celebrate the founding of the modern Turkish Republic,” said Vache Thomassian of the Armenian Youth Federation. “This event, which deifies Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and other Turkish “founding fathers”, seeks to commemorate the establishment of a Republic built on the ashes of 1.5 million victims of the Armenian Genocide; a feat we believe is not worthy of celebration.”

    For four hours demonstrators, lined outside the hotel, chanted slogans and read short statements highlighting Turkey’s past and present human rights violations, while a smaller group of AYF members inside the hotel silently demonstrated in the lobby, wearing t-shirts depicting a bloody Turkish flag and the words “republic of inhumanity.”

    “On October 29, 1923 Ataturk’s Republic of Turkey was formed and recognized as the successor state of the Ottoman Empire,” Arek Santikian screamed into a megaphone outside the hotel. “This Republic continued the oppressive and murderous policies employed by the Ottoman Empire, continuing to repress minorities, squash free speech and deny the Armenian Genocide.”

    Chants and statements read by AYF members outside the hotel echoed throughout the hotel lobby, reaching all the way to rooms on the hotel’s top floors, according to AYF members stationed inside the Hilton.

    Meanwhile, two members, inside the banquet, shouted “recognize the Armenian Genocide” repeatedly during a moment of silence held in memory of “Turkish victims” killed by Kurds, a repressed minority currently under siege in Turkey.

    The demonstration’s objective, according to the AYF, was to remind the event’s patrons of the historical truths surrounding the establishment of the Turkish Republic.

    “Undeniable human rights violations such as the denial of the Armenian Genocide, the occupation of Northern Cyprus, the massacre of Pontic Greeks, repression of minority populations and outright rejection of free speech are issues which must be brought to like during such a ‘celebration’,” said Thomassian. “Although we feel every ethnicity and nation has an indelible right to observe their respective cultural milestones, this instance is one which the AYF cannot remain quiet.”

    The demonstration was a success, according members posing as guests in the lobby. “Everyone inside the hotel lobby was talking about the demonstration and the Armenian Genocide,” Thomassian said, adding that even detectives on scene sympathized with our cause.


    Cok Degerli Kardesim Javid.
    alinti yazin beni bir hayli uzdu fakat ayni zamanda harekete gecirdi

    Turkiyede dis isleri diye politik bir guc olmadigini belli etmege calistim
    Turkiyenin dis islerini artik 4-5 yalakaci yazar idare ediyor
    Cumhurbaskani erivana onlar ile gidiyor
    ve buyuk bir jest yaptigini zannediyor
    bu hale paflagonya halki bile guler
    Turk Cumhurbaskani gelsinde
    Los Angeles’te verilen Cumhuriyet Balosunda Ermenileri yaptiklarini gorsun.

    Biz Ermenilere odun vere duralim Eloglu Turkiye haritasini degistirme gayretinde ilk adim Soykirim ikinci adim yer isteme

    Musoliniye “Cizmeyi ayagima giydirmesin” diyen Ataturk nerdesin?
    emanet ettigin genclik yok oldu simdi

    ve bu zevatin temisil ettigi iktidar Turkiyenin namusunu ve haysiyetini koruyor
    Rahmetli Inonu bile buna
    “HADI CANIM SENDE” derdi

    Vedat Aslay
    Guney Kalifornia

  • Adam Schiff: Turkish lobby won’t deter me from efforts to recognize Armenian Genocide

    Adam Schiff: Turkish lobby won’t deter me from efforts to recognize Armenian Genocide

    27.10.2008 15:39 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Turkish Lobby has targeted Glendale Congressman Adam B. Schiff in the November 4th election, raising over ten thousand dollars for his opponent, Charles Hahn, during the month of September alone. Rep. Schiff’s office told PanARMENIAN.Net.

    Washington based Turkish Coalition PAC contributed $2,300 of the total at an event in Orange County hosted by Ergun Kirlikovali, who runs a an Armenian Genocide Denial website entitled “History of”.

    Representative Schiff is the original sponsor of H.Res. 106, recognizing the Armenian Genocide, which passed the Foreign Affairs Committee this session despite intense lobbying by Turkey.

    “The Turkish lobby will not deter me from my efforts to recognize the Armenian Genocide. Over a million and a half Armenians perished in the first genocide of the last century, and no amount of spending by the forces of denial can rewrite history or discourage my pursuit of recognition.”

  • OBAMA – BİDERN LOVERS –  Here is the ANCA declaration.

    OBAMA – BİDERN LOVERS – Here is the ANCA declaration.

    From: SS Aya <[email protected]>

    Re: OBAMA – BİDERN LOVERS –  Here is the ANCA declaration.

    Question: “Is the Right Choice (for about 1 million) Armenian Americans” also “The Right Choice (for about 300 millions) non-Armenian Americans”?

    Short Turkish explanation: iki ucu boklu degnek! ( Stick with shit on both ends).


    “ANCA” <[email protected]> 25/10/2008 05:56

    Please respond to “ANCA” <[email protected]>


    Obama-Biden the Right Choice for Armenian Americans

    October 24, 2008

    Obama-Biden the Right Choice for Armenian Americans

    ANCA Reaffirms Earlier Primary Endorsement in January
    Expands on Nine Months of Nationwide Voter Mobilization to Secure Obama-Biden Win on November 4th

    The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) has formalized its longstanding support for Barack Obama with an official endorsement of the Obama-Biden campaign for the Presidency of the United States.

    “The Armenian National Committee of America is proud today to formally announce our support for Barack Obama – whom we endorsed this January in the Democratic Primary and have energetically backed with sustained, grassroots voter mobilization for the past nine months,” said ANCA Chairman Ken Hachikian. “Based on Senator Obama’s strong record in office, his bold statements as a candidate, and our judgment as to the types of policies he will pursue as President, we believe that an Obama-Biden Administration would be far better positioned than a McCain-Palin one to reflect the views and values of the Armenian American community.”

    Barack Obama: The Choice for Change

    In a powerful statement, issued on January 20th, Senator Obama voiced his strong support for passage of the Armenian Genocide Resolution and pledged that, as President, he would recognize the Armenian Genocide. The Presidential hopeful also reaffirmed his support for a strong “U.S.-Armenian relationship that advances our common security and strengthens Armenian democracy.” Unlike other Democratic candidates, he also pledged to “promote Armenian security by seeking an end to the Turkish and Azerbaijani blockades, and by working for a lasting and durable settlement of the Nagorno Karabagh conflict that is agreeable to all parties, and based upon America‘s founding commitment to the principles of democracy and self determination.”

    Additional Information

    Read Senator Obama’s pledge on Armenian American Issues

    Read a 2-page summary of Sen. Obama and Biden’s record of support for Armenian American issues

    Read a 2-page listing of Bush-Cheney’s opposition to Armenian American issues

    View/print an Obama/McCain comparison one-pager

    View Samantha Power’s YouTube video in support of Senator Obama

    Read “McCain’s Armenia Problem” in The Atlantic

    Read Sen. John McCain’s Letters to the Armenian Community

    Contact Armenians for Obama and learn more about how you can get involved.

    The key elements of the Obama record that led to the ANCA endorsement include the following:

    * Public criticism of the Bush Administration for firing former U.S. Ambassador to Armenia John Evans over his truthful remarks recognizing the Armenian Genocide. He has publicly asserted that, “An official policy that calls on diplomats to distort the historical facts is an untenable policy.”

    * Strong support for the passage of the Armenian Genocide Resolution currently before Congress, in his capacity as Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on European Affairs.

    * A written pledge to recognize the Armenian Genocide as President, clearly spelling out his “firmly held conviction that the Armenian Genocide is not an allegation, a personal opinion, or a point of view, but rather a widely documented fact supported by an overwhelming body of historical evidence. The facts are undeniable.”

    * A commitment to ending the cycle of genocide. He has said, on the record, that, “America deserves a leader who speaks truthfully about the Armenian Genocide and responds forcefully to all genocides. I intend to be that President.”

    * Letters to Pres. Bush urging him to properly recognize the Armenian Genocide and a record of defending that position, when challenged. While visiting Azerbaijan in August 2005, in response to media inquiries about why he signed these letters, Senator Obama publicly defended his decision by stating that the Armenian Genocide was a historical fact.

    * Commitment to promoting Armenia‘s security “by seeking an end to the Turkish and Azerbaijani blockades.”

    * Support for “a lasting and durable settlement of the Nagorno Karabagh conflict that is agreeable to all parties, and based upon America‘s founding commitment to the principles of democracy and self determination.”

    READ MORE. . . Sen. Biden’s Record | The McCain-Palin Record

    Urge Congressional Candidates in your area to submit an ANCA Questionnaire Send a Free ANCA WebMail

    Published by the Armenian National Committee of America
    1711 N Street NW,
    Washington, DC 20036
    Tel: (202) 775-1918, Fax: (202) 775-5648, E-mail: [email protected], Web: