Category: Main Issues

  • New Progress is Turkish-Azerbaijani Union

    New Progress is Turkish-Azerbaijani Union


    Turkey feels influence of cold relation’s results with Azerbaijan. Turkish people should act to prevent non-relationship status like immature relational position of Middle Asian countries. Some assertions about Armenian border problem were about silent events among Caucasus states. Importants of them;


    – Different actions of Azerbaijan which could be created by Russia,

    – Azerbaijan didn’t recognize North Cyprus Turkish Republic,

    – Will Turkey stipulate Karabakh, ASALA and Kars Treaty points in new seazon with Armenia?


    We know Ahmet Davutoğlu’s doctrinaire position about foreign policy of Turkish government. Now he is new Foreign Affairs Minister of Turkey. But in that time, old formulation of Turkish foreign policy which is formulated as minimum problem and maximum cooperation with neighbors, shares us a neccessity to create new dimensions as dominant policies. Otherwise our initiatives will die before they are born. Example, hanging on New Ottoman mind can not improve without knowing issues of near abroad. There is an obligation to understand which balances are standing on Tbilisi government. And if Turkey learned explanation of Meds Yeghern as last country in the world, there is a vision of small Turkey.


    New evolutions of Turkey can not be responsibilities of only Turkish academians and politicians. Turkish media should explore value of East. The world is not covering only London and Paris; Baku, Bishkek, Moscow and New Delhi are other important geographical points.


    On this way, Turkey should analise Mackinder’s Heartland theory (who commands Eurasia, he commands all the world) and Stratfor’s “Turkey-Azerbaijan Union” opinion.(It must depend on only Turkish directives) If Turkey don’t know sensitives of other regional states, it will depend on mercies of great powers.


    As Turkey we should skillfully play Caucasus chess now. It means that effective situation on Caucasus region of Turkey. Common interests of one nation-two states can create unification above common national and moral values. After the Cold War, Russia had an advantage to use old heritage of Tsarist and Soviet Russian period as to create hegemony on Caucasus and Middle Asia. But it is a rotten activity as a mind of saving post Soviet lines. This state uses imperialistic ideas to create buffer regions because of geostrategically Russia has a dangerous situation as territorial integrity. There are some vital importances of Turkey to create union with other Turkish states:


    – Some religious groups which are called as radical Islamic groups by Russia and the USA, should be defined by Turkey as normal social organisations. It is important the thought of Turkey because of strong religious heritage of this geography. Also Turkey should support cultural, educational and scientific activities of these groups.


    – There must be useful activations which are referenced by historical background.


    – There should be strong works how to create unifications like other international organisations. Example, we see possible circumstances to create Turkish union like Arap League in the table of Bruce Russett.


    – Turkish educational stations, universities, trade activities and investors should be supported and given new directions by Turkish state. If Turkey had supported 90. anniversary of Baku’s independence, there would have been friendly commands about Armenian border problem from Azerbaijan.


    – Related to Armenia which is a gangrene region, Turkey should compose commisions about near history to finish accusations by Armenia. Turkish academians should investigate Tashnak archives in California and create contr-propagandas in different languages all around the world.


    Turkish foreign affairs evolutions are gaining with seeing last results of other states’ activations. We have some duties to create brain storm for having a strong progress.


    Mehmet Fatih ÖZTARSU

    Baku Qafqaz University

    International Relations

  • Levon Ter-Petrossian’s – Mayday, Mayday

    Levon Ter-Petrossian’s – Mayday, Mayday

    ltp-at-matedaran1May Day is a pagan ritual which marks the end of the colder winter half of the year in the Northern hemisphere, and it has traditionally been an occasion for popular and often raucous celebrations – ‘regardless of the locally prevalent political establishment’. But not for Levon Ter-Petrossian, his Mayday was more akin to the Mayday associated with the emergency code word used internationally as a distress signal by ships and airplanes in radio communications; derived from the French venez m’aider, meaning ‘Come Help Me’; the Mayday used to signal a life-threatening emergency by groups such as police forces, pilots, fire-fighters, and transportation organizations – and LTP.

    Yesterday, LTP’s Armenian national Congress (ANC) liner was visibly in distress, suffering relentless buffeting from an Armenian regime which terrorized and killed itself into office; which runs a state-imposed lawless society, holds democratic opposition supporters in prisons, and bullies and beats correspondents who try to tell the story. LTP has finally been trumped by the ‘Flying Ace’ which Kocharian has for years kept tucked up his sleeve and which Sargsyan now flaunts with his international partners-in-crime; the ace of capitulation – on Karabakh and on Genocide.

    Nevertheless, the regime had prepared well for a potentially massive turnout, which might have been the case. But, according to Levon Zurabyan, vehicles bringing LTP supporters to the meeting from outlying regions were turned back in traditional regime style by security services at the city limits brandishing automatic weapons. In contrast, outgoing vehicles were encouraged to take their Mayday holidaymakers to tend their plots of land in the countryside.

    So LTP had fewer passengers than for previous voyages, with the business class notable in its absence. They are distancing themselves from LTP and jumping off his democracy liner, now looking for a Sargsyan lifeboat, in the hope that after regime cronies have finished pillaging the multi-billion dollar [economic rescue] Genocide /Karabakh ‘Sell-Out’ package, the leftovers will help to rescue their small and medium business enterprises. The three thousand or so economy class passengers left on board were seeking cover in whatever sheltered place they could find, realizing they were doomed to go down with the ship and its captain. Riot police were on display in abundance as usual, with bus loads of reserves waiting in the surrounding streets, to make sure nobody jumps ship.

    The Turkish press was eager to quote the international AFP, which rushed to report on how LTP announced to his 3,500 supporters that he and his Armenian National Congress are “in favor of the soonest settlement of Armenian-Turkish relations and is ready to support all positive steps.” On this occasion, the Armenian press came to rescue, with Onnik Krikorian, one of Armenia’s last ‘independent’ photo-journalists, using his Global Voice to report the truth of the matter and including the following:

    “In a damning indictment of Armenia’s rapprochement with Turkey, opposition leader Levon Ter-Petrosian accused President Serzh Sarkisian on Friday of scuttling U.S. recognition of the Armenian Genocide and gaining nothing in return …… We are left to conclude without the slightest exaggeration, that for the sake of prolonging his rule, Serzh Sarkisian has literally ‘Sold Out’ the Genocide. “His next step will undoubtedly be a ‘Sell-Out’ of Karabakh, after which he will become the first Armenian to win the Nobel Prize.”

    Unfortunately there is now little hope for an LTP rescue effort, a multi-billion dollar carrot, backed by the power of the international propaganda machine, has succeeded with its ‘Weed Revolution’ for Armenia.

    The international community has happily fallen for the Kocharian / Sargsyan ‘Flying Ace’, hailing marvellous Sargsyan achievements with Turkish and Azerbaijani relations. The European Union started the bidding and gambled the virtues of democracy, the rule of law and human rights. But realizing that Sargsyan was not fooled by the bluff, it instructed PACE to throw in the hand, and they joined Sargsyan as co-conspirators.

    America then upped the anti with a billion plus dollar cash WB/IMF bet, a calculated bid to draw the ‘Flying Ace’ and knowing it had a win-win situation. Upping the stakes would either call the Sargsyan bluff, with the US collecting the pot, or US losses would be recouped by Obama reneging on his promise to recognise the Armenian Genocide on the 24th April.

    Moscow put in its half billion dollar bid in typically shrewd Russian style, reminding the Armenian party that in the event of losses, they would be covered by previous Russian / Armenian agreements. Turkey and Azerbaijan stayed in the bidding with promissory notes, watching the major players jockey for position. Then the US threw in its billion dollar hand and Obama reneged on his Genocide promise as planned.

    The players have been at the table for months on end, each ready to back out in return for resolving its problems in the Caucasus. The EU and the US were happy to cut and run to leave the three former Soviet players to finish the game, each hoping that Turkey, which has been picking up strong cards along the way, will not come up with a hand to trump them all.

    Armenia still has a better-than-even chance of raking in the entire multi-billion dollar pot; all it has to do is to call the Turkish Azerbaijani bluffs and pick the right time to throw down its Karabakh card. The Republic will then be endowed with an internationally installed bandit regime, which for many generations to come will dictate life in Armenia – and all for the sake of a treacherous Armenian capitulation on Karabakh, which unfortunately included an even more shameful ‘Sell-Out’ of the Armenian Genocide.

    In typical style, whilst Diaspora Armenians have been lobbying overseas, Armenians in the Republic have been subserviently watching on as this process moves into its final stage. The fifty or so thousand Karabakhis are up in arms, determined to defend their rights in the light of this Kocharian / Sargsyan ‘Sell-Out’. But there is little hope that they will be able to stop the capitulation roller-coaster, when Armenia’s regime unilaterally withdraws its troops from five of the surrounding territories, egged on by Bryza and his Minsk associates and rubber stamped by the EU.

    The tale goes that when the Azerbaijani Defense Minister asked his President if he was prepared to take Karabakh by force, Aliyev answered – “Are you crazy, there are fifty thousand of them”. The Defense Minister answered but we are a country of eight million and our army is several times larger in number than the entire Karabakh population and we have spent billions of dollars on the latest military equipment. Aliyev replied: “But two Karabakhis took over Armenia single-handed and now they own the Republic. Imagine what fifty thousand of them will do to us!”

    After the Sargsyan ‘Sell-Out’, Turkey and the rest of the international community will be pleased that that anecdote is now the reality. Unfortunately, it is the reality with which Armenia now has to live – and Armenia, you can blame absolutely nobody for it – except yourselves.

  • Critical thinking – 1919>1923

    Critical thinking – 1919>1923

    ”Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action.”

    Ruhat Mengi
    Yazara ulaşmak için : [email protected]

    Ermeni tasarısına “1923” nasıl girdi?

    Türkiye’nin “Ermeni soykırım iddiası ve Ermeni sınır kapısı” ile ilgili olarak bir kumpasa getirilmesi hep beklendiği için millet de gergin ve şüpheli gözlerle izliyor olayları…

    Almanya’dan yazan Nermin Irmak isimli okurumuz ABD’de Türk lobisinin önemli bir parçası olan Turkish Forum’dan Hande Özdinler’in bir yazısına dikkat çekmiş.

    “Yazılmak istenen yeni tarih budur” başlıklı yazıda Özdinler “Amerikan Meclisi’ne sunulan sözde Ermeni soykırımı yasa tasarısının ilk maddesindeki ‘1915-1919 yılları arasında’denilen kısmın çıkarılıp yerine ‘1915-1923 yılları arasında’ibaresinin getirildiğini, bunun kağıt üzerinde küçük ama tarihsel olarak çok büyük bir değişikliktir olduğunu” anlatıyor. Ve bunu şöyle açıklıyor:

    “Ermenistan Cumhurbaşkanı Sarkisyan 24 Nisan’da ne demişti:

    ‘Türk halkını sorumlu tutmuyoruz. O dönem baştakiler sorumludur’, tarih 1919’dan 1923’e taşınınca baştakinin kim olduğunu söylemeye gerek var mı? Bu ‘olaylar Kurtuluş Savaşı zamanında oldu’ demektir, bu savaşın başkumandanı ise Atatürk’tür. Bu iki rakam değişikliğinden Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Başbakanı ile Cumhurbaşkanı’nın haberi yok mudur? Onların ister olsun, ister olmasın bizim hepimizin haberi olmak zorundadır, lütfen yeni dökümanı okuyun, inceleyin.”

    (Yeni düzenlenmiş dosyanın internet adresini de veriyor.

    Hande Özdinler “Türklerin tarihleriyle yüzleşmesi” istekleri Atatürk’te bitecek, hatta arkadan “Zamanında size yapılanı şimdi Kürtlere yapıyorlar suçlaması gelirse şaşırmayalım” diyor ve ekliyor: “Sarkisyan konuşmasında ‘Türkiye Ermeni soykırımını kabul ederse Türkiye’de laik sistem yıkılır’ dedi, bu cümle son derece güzel bir analizin damıtılmış öz sözüdür, suç Atatürk’ün üstüne yıkılırsa Atatürk 20. yüzyılın ilk azılı katili ilan edilecek ve Kurtuluş Savaşımızın, Cumhuriyet’in meşruluğu bile tartışmaya açılabilecektir.”

    Olaylar adım adım öyle güzel geliştiriliyor ki Türkiye’nin tartışılmaz önderi, kahramanı Atatürk’ün adını 1’inci ve 2’inci Ergenekon iddianamesi’ne bile koyma cüreti gösterilebildi. Zamanla “soykırım” iddiasının Atatürk’e yıkılarak, “Ermenilerin katili” gösterilerek kabul ettirilmesi de hiç imkansız görünmüyor. Türkiye’nin Başbakanı ve Dışişleri Bakanı Amerikan Meclisi’ne sunulan yasa tasarısında 1919 tarihinin nasıl 1923’e dönüştürüldüğünü hemen araştırmak ve itiraz etmek zorundadır. Onların ihmalinin faturasını kuşaklar boyu bu toplum ve ülke ödeyecek yoksa!

  • TRNC: ENGLAND – European Court judgement on property in North Cyprus – Sarah Ludford MEP

    TRNC: ENGLAND – European Court judgement on property in North Cyprus – Sarah Ludford MEP

    File:Sarah Ludford MEP at Bournemouth.jpg

    Sarah Ludford, Baroness Ludford MEP
    Member of the European Parliament
    for London
    Assumed office

    Sarah Ludford, she was very keen to share a platform with PKK sympathizers on the 14th of March at London’s Trafalgar Square !!!!

    She is from the same party (Liberal MEP) that Simon Hughes MP belongs to and spoke to Turkish audience at South London SCTA .. with not so full promises !!  Difficult to judge what Liberal Party is playing at ?!  HALUK SAVAS


    For immediate release: Thursday 30th April=2 02009

    Contact: Sarah Ludford +44 7711 553587 or Rachel Hamburger +44 (0)20 7288 2526 Mobile +44 (0) 7841534466

    European Court judgement on property in North Cyprus – Ludford

    The EU’s highest court, the European Court of Justice, has ruled in the Orams/Apostolides case, that British couple Linda and David Orams are open to UK court action to seize their assets here if they do not demolish the house they built in north Cyprus and pay compensation to Greek Cypriot owner Mr Apostolides as the Republic of Cyprus court ordered five years ago. The Orams claim to have bought the land near Kyrenia in good faith based on deeds issued=2 0by the Turkish Cypriot administration in the North. Hundreds of ot her British ‘owners’ of property in north Cyprus are potentially affected.

    London Liberal Democrat MEP Sarah Ludford said:

    “The technical legal correctness of this ruling may be unquestionable, based on EU measures providing for ‘mutual recognition’ of judgements between 2 EU countries, in this case the Republic of Cyprus and the UK. It is also understandable that Mr Apostolides and other Greek Cypriot owners will feel that it represents justice. We20must not forget however that there are many Turkish Cypriots who have been unable to reclaim property in the South.”

    “In any case it will strike many as strange that while EU law is suspended in north Cyprus due to the division of the island – so the judgement cannot be enforced there – the same EU law can be used for a backdoor enforcement of the claim in UK courts.”

    “The decision risks reinforcing the sense of=2 0bewilderment felt by Turkish Cypriots. They voted by 2 to 1 five years ago to accept the UN plan for reunification, a plan the Greek Cypriots rejected by 3 to 1, and they were then given an EU promise of an end to isolatio n. Little has been delivered to make that a reality, and the disappointment was alarmingly evident in recent election results which saw a victory for nationalists in the north.”

    “The decision makes it all the more vital that the EU finally weighs in to help push forward quickly a political settlement on the island. It has always been recognised that property restitution or compensation, for the rights of both Greek and Turkish Cypriots forced to leave their properties at the time of partition, will be one of the trickiest issues. It is an indict ment of politicians, Cypriot but also European, that this matter has been left to lawyers to sort out because negotiators have failed for so long.”
    Tel: 020 77017375



    Friday, 01 May 2009
    Founder of Michigan University Armenian Researchs Center and Caucasus expert Associate Professor Ronald Suni said that Karabkh conflict could be solved by giving a self governing status to Nagorno Karabakh while keeping it bounded to Azerbaijan.Giving an interview to Azerbaijani 1News news portal, American scholar said that the problem of Nagorno Karabakh could be solved only by the reconciliation between Azerbaijan and Armenia. He said, “Two basic principle must be applied. The solution should be based on territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and self determination of the people of Nagorno Karabakh. There should be an Armenian administration in Upper Karabakh where mostly populated by Armenians. Upper Karabakh should be given self governing status. But it should remain in the official borders of Azerbaijani state.”

    Caucasia expert claimed that opening of borders might decrease the tension in the region. Suni said, “Opening of the state border between Turkey and Armenia could be a step towards decreasing the tension in the region. Following that development Azerbaijan may remove the embargo to Armenia too. And Yerevan may return the occupied lands back to Azerbaijan. Those are important steps.”

    Armenian expert recognizes that Nagorno Karabakh is Azerbaijani land in his book. Experts writes in his book: “Armenians came to the region which is called as “Ancient Armenia” 2600 years ago. They settled this area after they found Urartu state there. Upper Karabakh is the land of Albanian people. Today grandchildrens of Albanian people is Azerbaijani Turks. Thus, Karabakh is Azerbaijani land.”

  • Bryza on Armenia, Turkey and Azerbaijan

    Bryza on Armenia, Turkey and Azerbaijan



    [ 02 May 2009 12:35 ]
    “We have a fair and balanced proposal on the table”

    Washington. Zaur Hasanov – APA. Adviser to US Secretary of State on European and Euarsian Affairs, OSCE Minsk Group US Co-Chair Matthew Bryza’s interview to APA.

    – In the first days of the next week, the MFA of Azerbaijan and Armenia will be in Washington. Is it coincidence or you are setting up a meeting with the ministers?

    – Of course, it is not a coincidence. Secretary of State Clinton as well as the President have both said they want to help bring about significant breakthrough in Naqorno-Karabakh peace process. So we have both foreign ministers here having separate meetings with our Secretary of State and we, the Co-Chairs are preparing for the meetings of the presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia on May 7 in Prague.

    – Many think thanks in Washington are raising a concern about the Turkish-Russian rapprochement. They think that Russia helps Turks to find a deal with Armenia but instead may ask Turks to halt any future energy pipeline projects which are planned to bypass Russia. Do you have the same concern?

    – The experts have a right to tell their opinions. As a person who is responsible for our foreign policy toward this region, I can say that Turkey is a key ally and one of our closest friends in the world and is reliable. Turkey should have decent, normal relations with Russia. And we all know that for years there have been very deep business relationships between Turkey and Russia. For example, projects like Blue Stream which aimed to strengthen Russia’s monopoly over gas transit to Europe. But Turkey has been a very active and reliable partner and helped Europe to diversify its energy supplies, both oil and gas, through pipelines linked primarily to Azerbaijan, but also, perhaps, eventually to Turkmenistan and Iraq. So whatever Russia’s ambitions may be, the U.S.-Turkey strategic partnership is strong and will stay strong. Finally, when it comes to Nagorno-Karabakh, all of the Minsk Group Co-Chair countries are one team and are working together to deliver a breakthrough. Russia will no be able to do it alone. In fact, none of the Co-Chair countries will be able to do it alone; we all have to work together.

    – Is there any remark about the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in the roadmap announced between Turkey and Armenia recently?

    – I am not going to comment on the content of the bilateral agreement between two countries. But what I can say is that there are two processes: Nagorno-Karabakh, or Azerbaijani-Armenian relations, and a separate one for Turkey-Armenian relations. They are two separate processes. In fact, we anticipate they both will move forward simultaneously but at different speeds. We may have more progress on one at one time, and it may slow down at another time. They are separate processes moving forward in parallel, but at different speeds. So I would anticipate that the roadmap focuses on Turkey-Armenian relations. But the last point I am making is that the diplomatic and psychological climate in the region will improve due to Turkey-Armenian normalization. And this will also improve the climate for the Nagorno-Karabakh process.

    – Are you confident that the border opening will change the climate and help foster the negotiations between Armenia and Azerbaijan?

    – In diplomacy there is no guarantee except on international legal issues when there are legal guarantees. What we have is a strong opinion by the U.S. in this case, if Turkey-Armenian normalization moves forward, by the way I am not talking about the opening of border, border opening will happen later in the normalization process, but as this normalization process between Turkey and Armenia begins and goes forward, we believe we will see that the prospect for a solution to Nagorny Karabakh conflict will improve. But you don’t have to trust me now. All we can ask is to give us Co-Chairs some times, several months, to work with the parties to achieve a breakthrough. And if we reach the breakthrough maybe next week in Prague or later on in Saint Petersburg, you will know that we are right. Then, every side will be able to move forward together in confidence. If we don’t achieve a breakthrough, if we are wrong, then we know that Azerbaijan will react. So, our job is to focus all our efforts on achieving the breakthrough so everything can move forward smoothly.

    – Do you have any document on table which presidents can sign and reach the breakthrough in Prague?

    – I don’t want to suggest that any document may be signed at that particular meeting. The breakthrough, I am hoping for, does not necessarily require the signing of any documents. We need presidents to agree on a few remaining concepts of our Basic Principals, which will constitute the breakthrough. I don’t think that there is any need to anticipate any document to be signed at this point. The breakthrough, when negotiating the peace agreement, can come in all kind of forms. You can’t get anything on paper unless you worked it out intellectually. The Madrid documents are the last version of the Basic Principals is proposed by the Co-Chairs and they reflect several years of negotiations. From our perspective, our suggestions, in the form of Madrid Documents, remain on the table. We have been working with the presidents and foreign ministers to improve that document and its recommendations, and bring sides closer together. The foundation of our work is the Madrid Document.

    – Ho do you charcaterize the US-Azerbaijan relations?

    – The relationship between Azerbaijan and the USA is a friendship and strategic partnership, and we want to deepen it. We’ve got a whole range of areas where we need to work. Our strategic partnership has been based on security, energy, (where Azerbaijan is one of the important countries anywhere in helping Europe to diversify it supplies of natural gas and oil. Of course, the expansion of the political and economic freedom within Azerbaijan is also important. All those issues are of great importance and are interrelated, and we need to see progress in all three areas at the same time. Right now we are making a major push at the highest level to help to Azerbaijan to address the most important problem, which is the settlement of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. We have a fair and balanced proposal on the table, which, when implemented will led to return of territories, to return of IDP’s and refugees, and which will bring a sense of security to Armenian and other residents of NK and surrounding territories, and will have a positive impact on stimulating economic growth and prosperity, and lay a foundation for long-term peace.